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S30: Will Sims II

Donny Ketchum
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Hi.  I'm a famewhore-y YouTube sensation who wants to play like Earl (though at least he went farther back in terms of references than any of the others), even though Earl had an actual job.


As a black person myself, I wanna root for the sole black person in the cast.  But I don't see him making it easy to do as such.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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He seems like a nice guy but I think he may be on the wrong tribe.  Hopefully he can do well in the challenges that may keep him around but if his tribe doesn't do well with challenges I can seem him being a pre- merge boot

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I really liked his response to the teasing from the White Collar tribe. When they asked if the No Collar people wanted one of them to come over and help them make a decision, he just smiled and said, "See, we're not uptight; we don't get offended." A nice way of signaling that if the White Collar people wanted to get under the skin of the No Collars, they were going to have to try harder.

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I'm so confused, so he's an actor and that supposedly candid video of him that went viral was actually staged? This whole thing, from him putting 'youtube sensation' as his job to finding out he's an actor is just weird to me lol.


I liked him in the premiere. Like Hera mentioned, I loved his response to White Collar's teasing. And I hope he really does make sandwiches just to stick it to Jeff.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Given that Shirin survived last week despite tanking in the challenge, this doesn't look like a cast that is keen on punishing or rewarding people off the back of a single challenge. Plus, Will brought up the fact that he did fine in the previous week's challenge (and that Vince also screwed up in this week's challenge), so that probably helped pre-empt any conversations about him being a liability in challenges. Finally, he wasn't a player in any of the dramas on the No Collar tribe. In fact, he was the only one not to be—even Joe got sucked into engaging with Vince.

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He seems to be naturally funny, not try-hard and unfunny like Bill Posley (S24). He's not going to win bc his strategical knowledge isn't good but I hope he makes the merge.

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Thinking about things, I'm honestly shocked that he didn't come up as a boot option.  He biffed the challenge but good for Nagarote.


He vaguely came up as a boot option, mainly from Vince, his supposed ally.  Vince (and Nina, to a lesser degree) claimed to be concerned about his health and that maybe they were better off without him for challenges going forward.  But then they seemed to realize that would put them down numbers and he wasn't really discussed again.  Besides, it's not like Vince didn't stall out getting out of the water.

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It seemed that Will was all about going after Jenn, until Nina mentioned that Vince was concerned about his health. Suddenly Will's mindset goes to "wait, maybe Vince is targeting me" and he immediately jumps ship, with no further consultation with anyone.


Seems a bit flighty, but he's secured his spot for probably at least one more TC.

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One thing I'll give Will: he puts up a fight to stick around.  I worry about his health, and believe that may be what finally does him in.  However, guys like Will that look like sure things to get booted next have made it deep into the game.  He won't be any sort of physical threat when the challenges turn individual, and may even enjoy watching the others go at each other for awhile to gain an advantage.  He seems to have a better social game than Nina, and Joe is probably right not to trust him.  Won't win, but could make it far unless NC loses the next challenge.  Then I don't know what will save him.  Since NC lost tonight, and had Vince still been around over Jenn like the plan was, I wonder if Vince would have taken him out for being weak.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Hm. If Vince over Jenn, interesting. I think Nina could have become the target at that point, surely Vince wouldn't be that dense to target Joe and leave himself with Will, Hali and Nina and be extremely disadvantaged in future ICs?


I'd bet Joe and Vince would have come to an arrangement to work together for a little bit, and Will has just enough more game-awareness than Nina, to ensure he was the preferred person to keep.

Edited by Tryangle
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Will's actually in a good spot.  Even if they lose next week, the merge is around the corner.  Physically he's no threat, and that may spare him.  Loyalty-wise, I would keep an eye on him.  If he sees a better opportunity or feels a double cross coming on, I'd be worried he'll flip.  Will doesn't strike me as the type that will jump to the land of beef with the boys at blue collar, so I'm hoping he stays with the ladies of red.  Hopefully Joe joins them at the merge, and they can bring the outsiders from the other tribe into their fold.  I enjoy him.

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Loyalty-wise, I would keep an eye on him.  If he sees a better opportunity or feels a double cross coming on, I'd be worried he'll flip.  Will doesn't strike me as the type that will jump to the land of beef with the boys at blue collar, so I'm hoping he stays with the ladies of red.  Hopefully Joe joins them at the merge, and they can bring the outsiders from the other tribe into their fold.  I enjoy him.

Why worry that he could flip?  Because of what he did to Vince?  That was the only time he's ever done that.  He stayed true to his tribe the other two teams he's been to Tribal Council, voting Nina and Max out with the majority.  I highly doubt he flips to the boys' club unless he gets a really huge incentive.

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Why worry that he could flip?  Because of what he did to Vince?  That was the only time he's ever done that.  He stayed true to his tribe the other two teams he's been to Tribal Council, voting Nina and Max out with the majority.  I highly doubt he flips to the boys' club unless he gets a really huge incentive.


Voting Nina out was a no-brainer for Will, and not really a choice.  Either Will or Nina was going home that vote so of course he voted for Nina.  It hardly proves he was loyal to his tribe, more that he was loyal to not being the one sent home.

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For some reason, this discussion about Will makes me think of the beginning of the poem "If":


 If you can keep your head when all about you  

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,  
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;  
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise


[anyone but me seeing the relevance here?]

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Guess LadyChatts called that one. Will jumped to a perceived position of better safety, but clearly is on the outside looking in, however you cut it. He's merely ballast for the remainder of the game. I suppose he can achieve goat status and be carried to the Finale.

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I knew Will would flip.  However, I didn't expect him to flip this early.  Unless that was some sort of strategy to make the blues think he was with them so they'd give him info, but I doubt it.  It seems like Rodney is still trying to be buddy buddy with him, but I wonder if anyone that knew he was voting for Hali will blow him in to her, Jenn, and Joe.  I don't know if they realized that he voted for her tonight.  I figured Will would go with whoever gives him the best chance of getting far in this game.  He was on the bottom of the NC alliance, but he'll be the bottom of any alliance he's in.  He isn't going to be a challenge threat, but being unpredictable this early in the merge might get him an early exit.  He might have been able to slide under the radar if he just stuck with his NC, then maybe sought greener pastures.  At some point, people are outnumbered, alliances are falling apart, so his vote would be needed.  The blues didn't need him.  And now his former alliance may not want or even need to take him back.  Who says Carolyn and Tyler won't split their votes or jump over to the other side?  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I think NC knows Wil flipped.  So long as they trust Shirin, which I believe they do, the vote count should tell them. 


A question.  Kelley was mathematically booted before Jeff announced all the votes.  In a case like that, does he tell how the players how the rest of the votes went? 

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I don't believe he does.  In past seasons, he used to say he was leaving the un-read vote(s) a mystery.  Jeff goes through them and puts them in an order for suspense purposes, but usually the last votes are typically for whoever got booted off.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Will . . . you totally suck.  Good job in securing yourself a place at the bottom of the No Collars if you jump back to them.  I can't believe I defended you a few weeks ago.  Now I see you really are one who can't be trusted.


Feel free to get voted out any time now.

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Will . . . you totally suck.  Good job in securing yourself a place at the bottom of the No Collars if you jump back to them.  I can't believe I defended you a few weeks ago.  Now I see you really are one who can't be trusted.


Feel free to get voted out any time now.


I felt the same way and was coming in to post that.  I like Will but that was just a dumb move to make.  Granted had Jenn not played the Idol that would have been a decent move but I still wish he would have stuck by the people that brought him to the dance.

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I wonder if Nina would have flipped so soon after the merge, it makes the decision to boot her instead of Will interesting.


Will is simply hoping to hang on at this point.  If he goes back to NC he'll have zero trust with anyone so his best option now is to stay with BC and hope they don't implode.

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Nina would have flipped before the merge.  She would have gone after her formers at the swap.  I know her argument was that she'd be more loyal than Will, but that was all she had going for her.  She would have totally turned on Joe/Jenn/Hali, and likely done it with a huge smirk on her face.  After the Vince vote, Joe said he didn't know if he could entirely trust Will since Will went off script and didn't force a tie vote like he was supposed to.  However, in watching extra vids and confessionals since, it seemed as if they were going to stay a tight group.  I can see Mike/Rodney doing damage control and telling Will that they only told him they were voting Hali to see if they could trust him.  So, congrats!  You screwed your old tribe over, but we can trust you and screw you over when we don't need you anymore.  Whether Will buys into their BS is another story, especially if Tyler/Carolyn plan to flip over to the NC group next week.  

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Donny Ketchum (can we @ people again?) stole what I was about to say, but what the hell, I'll say it anyway.  Will, you suck!  What the hell is wrong with you!  "I don't want to be one immunity challenge away from final three, I want to be eighth or whatever!"  I don't get it at all.  Safer, with five blue collars and two white collars?  Bananas.

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Yeah, but even if he had voted with Jenn, Joe, Hali, and Shirin, his alliance would have been in the minority. And it's not like Jenn told him about her idol. We know it was a bad move because of how the vote played out, but given the information available to Will at the time, I can see how he might have thought he was on a sinking ship and needed to jump.


Regardless, I think Will's pretty safe at the moment (though I'm prepared to eat crow if he's the one who goes home next week). He's not a challenge threat and he's not the head of an alliance, which means he's not going to be the top of anyone's elimination list. I also don't think anyone still standing from Nagarote (the original one or the reshuffled one) thought they were close to him, which minimizes feelings of betrayal that might turn him into a target.


He's very good at deflecting—his response to Probst's opening question at this last Tribal Council was both funny and revealed absolutely nothing. I don't think he'll win, but I think he's safe until about final five (give or take a vote), and might go even further. If he continues to be a follower in the game, he could be a goat for one of the stronger players, especially if it's a final two this year (I don't know if it is, just thinking out loud).

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Will is so not a target. He sucks at challenges and is not a player in any of the major alliances. Right now, No Collar has to find a way to take out BC/WC mega alliance. Will can be used to help with that. He is a number, not one you can trust but still a number.


No Collar is not in as bad a position as we think. Right now they are three plus Shirin. If they can bring in Will, pointing to the fact that they lied to him but not Carolyn and Tyler, they have five votes.


There are weaknesses in the Blue Color tribe that could be exploited, Sierra may very well choose to hang out with the other women and get away from Dan and Rodney and their misogyny.


Heck, they might even get Will to find a way to bring in Rodney to target Mike.

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Given some of the extra vids online, and what Joe said this week about being happy to have his former tribemates back because he could trust them, I don't believe they expected Will to flip.  Or at least flip this soon.  Going back to the aftermath of the Vince boot, I know Joe had said then that he was a little iffy on Will since Will did not force the tie vote for Nina as they had discussed.  I know Will doesn't realize he was being set up to vote for Hali, but seriously, if the argument Mike/Rodney gives him is that they wanted to know they could trust him, Will needs to flip that around.  Why don't they prove to him that they are good on their word?  Mike doesn't know Rodney promised a final 4 of himself, Will, Carolyn, and Kelly, but why does Will believe he's being honest about that?  Right now he's on at least the bottom of the BC alliance.  And if Rodney gets booted in the very near future, what does that mean to the final 4 deal he promised them?  Will was better off sticking with his old allies, seeing how it played out, and then decide to flip.  Unlike other people in the game who are on borrowed time, Will isn't going anywhere anytime soon.  Or at least he wasn't.  They obviously were going to target Joe/Jenn first.  Hali might have squeaked through since she wouldn't have had any allies at that point, except Shirin.

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Kelly's exit interview indicates that Will did not feel like he was apart of the No Collar crowd. She made it sound like he felt left out because of his age and was looking for some people who could hang out with and feel connected to.

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Will probably made the right choice for himself, joining the BC. Rodney promised him final 4. Plus it was a two step program, boot the NC, then boot Mike and co. Sounds like a good deal. Probably didn't feel much connected or involved in the decision making in the NC tribe. Can't blame him. I do wonder if his decision impacted Tyler's and Carolyn's?

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I wonder if Nina will get any sort of satisfaction that Will turned on the tribe, when that was one of her arguments for getting rid of him over her.  Granted, she would have likely done the same thing.  And no one on the NC apparently was aware of it out there, at least through the Hali boot.  I wonder if they'll figure it out.  I am curious what Will's game is.  Just be a goat until the final 4, and hope someone takes him to the final 3 since he'll seem beatable?  Or maybe his logic is that he and Rodney can force a tie against Tyler and Carolyn, and either draw rocks or have one of them flip.  I do think Will's safe for the time being.  Even without flipping on hist tribe, I believe he would have been safe.

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NC was never safe. If Will didn't flip, its 5 NC. They need one to tie, 2 for majority. Tyler and Carolyn are a secret couple, they'll vote together. You can't be sure they'll go with NC.

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I guess it's Will's turn to be Mr. Nasty.  I'm so over these people I wish they'd all just get into an all-out brawl and burst into oblivion or turn into one of those clouds we see on cartoons when cats and dogs are fighting and then go out into the jungle, never to be seen again.  I understood Will's anger tonight, I just wish he had handled it better.  But I get it.  He was nice to them, and they screwed him over by spreading a bunch of lies.  Doesn't Mike remember what that was like back during day #1 when his tribe accused him of holding out?  Anyway, this season can't get over soon enough for me.  I'm more into Ponderosa now that 3 of my favorites are there.


Truthfully, I'm surprised Will is still there.  He seems to be phoning it in at this point.  I have a feeling there was more to that outburst, especially if it got rubbed into him about the family letter.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I understood Will's anger tonight, I just wish he had handled it better.  But I get it.  He was nice to them, and they screwed him over by spreading a bunch of lies.  Doesn't Mike remember what that was like back during day #1 when his tribe accused him of holding out?

Yes, and then all of the backstabbers looking oh, so surprised that he called them out on it? Very ugly of them, but he's the horrible person? Who told him, anyway? I forget. I didn't like anybody tonight. 

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Will could be angry all he wanted, it's NEVER okay to verbally abuse ANYone. I'm liking that Shirin raised her hand and kept Will from receiving his letters...it was a little retribution but not enough - the ugly things he said to her will remain with her for the rest of her life.

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Yes, Will was nasty to Shirin and over the top in his attacks.  But Shirin had accused him (based on nothing whatsoever) of hoarding food.  Food that he had won fair and square, btw, and was under no obligation to share to begin with.  Neither of them looked good in this exchange.


But will saying he was "willing to give up his chance at immunity" in order to get the letter from home?  Most meaningless gesture ever.  Will had zero chance of winning immunity, he wasn't giving up anything at all.  In all the years I've watched Survivor (all of them) I've never seen an immunity challenge that Will has any chance of winning.  I'm fine with Shirin denying him his letter based on his fake sacrifice.

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I don't, and won't, follow Survivor players on twitter.  (Hell, I barely use twitter at all,) but I am curious; just when did Will start playing damage control?  Did he start before the episode?


'Cause I just know there is an, "Editing didn't show the whole story," tweet in that shitstorm somewhere.

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