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Supergirl Family in Comics & Other Media: Keeping Up with the Kryptonians


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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Given that lead is poisonous to humans as well, I'm not sure where he'd even run into it.  Old pipes or old paint?  Some old fishing weights? Maybe he eats too much Tuna?  

Major BWAH-HA-HA on the Tuna line, @BkWurm1, but I'm betting on a bullet in the arm.

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6 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

So now that Mon-El is here, how many episodes do you give it before his little lead poisoning problem pops up? 

I'm surprised it hasn't come up already. If those glasses that Kara gave him are like hers, aren't they supposed to be lead-lined?

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10 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Given that lead is poisonous to humans as well, I'm not sure where he'd even run into it.  Old pipes or old paint?  Some old fishing weights? Maybe he eats too much Tuna?  

For some reason in the comics, the people of Daxam are even more susceptible to lead in the same way Kryptonite is harmful to Kryptonians. 

I'm not sure how many here are aware of it, but Supergirl has her own comics miniseries that just started, "Supergirl: Being Super".  Using old-school terminology, it's a Prestige Format Elseworlds* take on Kara, reading like a YA novel, where she came to Earth at age 8, her memories of Krypton are dreamlike so she doesn't know where she came from, and she was found by a kindly couple (the Danvers, natch) rather than her cousin (who, as of the first issue, is nowhere to be seen).  In the book, she's 16 and it's largely about her being in high school and having this secret.  Writing it out this way, it sounds a lot more like Smallville than it really is, but the bottom line is I enjoyed the hell out of Issue 1 and highly recommend it.

* - "Prestige Format" is 48-page squarebound, originally called Dark Knight format by fans.  Elseworlds means it's totally out of continuity.

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Folks, just so everyone is aware, this topic is for other appearances of the Supergirl characters in comics and other media; press coverage of the show itself can go in the Media thread, and if it's specifically about a particular cast member who has his or her own thread (e.g., Melissa Benoist) it can go there.  I've moved a recent post regarding Melissa's participation in the march in Washington to Melissa's own thread.

Thanks!  And don't forget, the show is back on this Monday night (in the USA, anyway).

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On 2/1/2017 at 4:01 PM, Trini said:

For those who may not watch The Flash; there was a mini-crossover in last night's episode (3.11): Cisco and another metahuman with dimension-crossing powers briefly appeared in Cat Grant's office, with Miss Tessmacher (who we haven't seen since episode #5?) as a witness.

And here's the clip (Starting at 1:54):

Edited by Trini
  • Love 4

I don't know much about this series, but Supergirl will appear in the Injustice comics:


Injustice 2 (2017-) #11

Supergirl finally enters the world of INJUSTICE! Witness her origin on Krypton, the planet's tragic fall, and learn just who will be her guide on Earth.




Edited by Trini

    Supergirl included in a new series based on the Gotham City Sirens statuettes:


Based on the DC Collectibles line of the same name, GOTHAM CITY GARAGE is a new Digital First series that follows a diverse group of rebels with one cause: freedom for all. Taking inspiration from the fan-favorite statues, the team of Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly (GRAYSON) craft the world of GOTHAM CITY GARAGE, flipping the script on some of the DC Universe’s most famous characters including Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Lex Luthor and more. The exhilarating new series debuts August 16. 

"Gotham City Garage is an anti-fascist anthem for the open road, starring reimagined takes on DC's great female characters through an outlaw lens,” says Kelly. “We’re bringing Big Barda, Steel, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Silver Banshee, Hawkgirl and the first Kryptonian this world has ever seen—the mysterious girl named Kara Gordon—into a world of bikes, outlaws and elaborate tattoos.” ...

More info and interview:

From the Wake Up (0307) episode thread:

On 11/21/2017 at 11:05 PM, ACW said:

I wasn't a big fan of that run, especially the later parts (and let's not even mention that abrupt last issue).  Still, it's the Legion, so wait a few years and their continuity will reboot again. ?

Ironic, considering that one of the major selling points of the Legion was that their continuity was uninterrupted from their first appearance in a 1958 Superboy story in Adventure Comics through Crisis on Infinite Earths in the mid-80's.  What upset the apple cart was the DC / John Byrne decision that Superman never had a career as Superboy and that Supergirl didn't exist, as the original inspiration for forming the superhero club was the stories of Superboy's career.

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1 hour ago, MarkHB said:

From the Wake Up (0307) episode thread:

Ironic, considering that one of the major selling points of the Legion was that their continuity was uninterrupted from their first appearance in a 1958 Superboy story in Adventure Comics through Crisis on Infinite Earths in the mid-80's.  What upset the apple cart was the DC / John Byrne decision that Superman never had a career as Superboy and that Supergirl didn't exist, as the original inspiration for forming the superhero club was the stories of Superboy's career.

And believe me, a lot of us never forgave John Byrne OR DC for those decisions.

  • Love 1

Full on geekgasm at the sighting of Interlac, and Saturn Girl.

Tempered slightly by Mon El not being stuck somewhere for a thousand years, and then snogging Saturn Girl!

It was bad enough when he was with Kara (she belongs with Brainiac 5, dammit, and he belongs with Shadow Lass) but having Saturn Girl with anyone other than Lightning Lad is a step too far, CW! They're the original LSH super couple.

  • Love 1

Last night, I was wondering if the XY chromosome existed beyond humans, and if that would definitely apply to J’onn. It reminded me of an old JLA story where Amos Fortune plagued the team by giving them bad luck. He theorized that he could drain their “luck glands” where they’d have misfortune all the time. Martian Manhunter turned the tide because — get ready — Martians don’t have luck glands. Of course.

I’m good with the Legion so far, even with a telekinetic Saturn Girl and a weirdly-colored Brainiac 5. If anybody else drops in, it’ll be a heavy hitter. I think the only one that’s for sure is off the board is XS, who may have visited Barry Allen (her grandfather in canon) before the Nazis dropped in. Different Earth, you see.

18 hours ago, Trini said:

Yes, that's why I put it in this thread.

I admit, I forgot which thread I was in when I read your previous post and had a mini freakout thinking that the show was done before I realized it was in reference to the comic. ?

Which isn't to say the comic ending doesn't suck, but at least there we know the character will still be around in other books and will probably get a new ongoing in a year or two.

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I believe Supergirl TV is coasting along on the momentum from season one's HUGE explosive impact on the scene.

As others have well said DC Comics never really knew what to do with the character. Season one (CBS 2015-2016) made the character 'real.' If there really were a super girl this is more than likely what she would be like. It gives a down-to-earth feel to what lore and myth have blown way out of proportion. For example, Brandon Routh's Superman hefting a small continent sized island of Kryptonite laced rock... PUH-LEEZ! Or Supergirl with her super stuffed toys come to life (horse, cat, monkey, duck etc.)

And the 1984 box office bomb. 'nuff said.

If it wasn't for hearing the news about the $70M price tag, I would have never given the show a try. But I did and was so blown away I became a fan for life. Even through the less-than-season-one successive seasons. My point is Supergirl TV would have a vastly greater number of fans if it was marketed more aggressively. Aggressively enough to get people past their indifference for the character from all the previous versions of Supergirl. 

Edited by johnar

The CW originally rejected Supergirl. And a year after CBS ran with it anyway, the show was dropped in the laps of the CW. This, IMHO, because whoever believed in her enough to go against the odds and to sink that kind of cash into the show just couldn't put the cancellation knife to her. I suspect Les Moonves, but that is only a guess. Unfortunately, since it was originally rejected (by Mark Pedowitz), there had to have been at least some resentment. I can hear the gripe now... "Told 'em it would be a money pit. Season one proved I was right. Now that shove it down my throat. The Cw doesn't have CBS's kind of money."  So what CBS did was like Prince Charming sending Cinderella back to the wicked step-mother's house, hoping for the best.

From a purely business POV CW president Pedowitz had to reinvent the show to get better ratings or to change the show enough to sandbag it and get it off his much smaller budget as quickly as possible. Either way it means doing away with the magic that was season one by tampering with it, forgetting the established taboos (like not casting the Superman role). Tyler Hoechlin did a marvelous job portraying the man of steel. But it was clear in season one that this is HER story and she did not want his help. Her inner circle of family and friends got pushed back into the background. To the point in season three that Kara said "I never had friends." to her new friends Lena and Sam (the world killer). Winn and James (in unison) "Gee, thanks a lot, Kara." Guess all that talk about needing their friendship meant nothing. It was just talk.

You say, whoa that's taking things a bit too literal. This is just a TV show. Yes. It is. But, these goof ups take away from the title role's character. Like the way she broke things off with James. Flighty, flaky at best... only wanting want another woman has at worst... he threw Lucy aside for her. And almost the moment she did... Kara "didn't know anymore." 

Our hero.

This brings up another point, in season one Supergirl was a hero for everyone. Guys cheered her on and were not threatened by her at all. Seasons two and three make the show out to be a girls only club. And Supergirl had to beat down Superman (the old mind set; put someone else down to feel superior or better). Why not the scenario we'll never know who is stronger? The need to put one over the other exposes a deep seeded resentment for the opposite gender. Why not everyone be equal? 

They brought in Mon-El and people hated it. They took him out and married him off and people hated it. They did a going home episode and the new, younger actors upstaged the older. Even when the episodes are good they alienate more and more fans. Little kids can't watch as freely as they once did. Mon-El and Eve Teschmacher in the supply room was way racier than Winn and Siobhan (same scene one season earlier). Major missteps... ratings continue to go down.  Lord knows I've tried to get the powers that be to consider rebooting to the season one format,


Edited by johnar
49 minutes ago, johnar said:

The CW originally rejected Supergirl. And a year after CBS ran with it anyway, the show was dropped in the laps of the CW. This, IMHO, because whoever believed in her enough to go against the odds and to sink that kind of cash into the show just couldn't put the cancellation knife to her. I suspect Les Moonves, but that is only a guess. Unfortunately, since it was originally rejected (by Mark Pedowitz), there had to have been at least some resentment. I can hear the gripe now... "Told 'em it would be a money pit. Season one proved I was right. Now that shove it down my throat. The Cw doesn't have CBS's kind of money."  So what CBS did was like Prince Charming sending Cinderella back to the wicked step-mother's house, hoping for the best.

From a purely business POV CW president Pedowitz had to reinvent the show to get better ratings or to change the show enough to sandbag it and get it off his much smaller budget as quickly as possible. Either way it means doing away with the magic that was season one by tampering with it, forgetting the established taboos (like not casting the Superman role). Tyler Hoechlin did a marvelous job portraying the man of steel. But it was clear in season one that this is HER story and she did not want his help. Her inner circle of family and friends got pushed back into the background. To the point in season three that Kara said "I never had friends." to her new friends Lena and Sam (the world killer). Winn and James (in unison) "Gee, thanks a lot, Kara." Guess all that talk about needing their friendship meant nothing. It was just talk.


If Supergirl Season one had such magic, then why did it lose over 50% of its viewers during its first season, from 12.9 to 6.1 million?  Not being combative, honest question.  Was the writing too poor or were audiences really looking for a Superman show and Supergirl wasn't a good enough substitute?  Supergirl seems to be steady in the 1.8 - 2.1 million viewership range, and this is deceptively low because of the people who only stream the show through CW (like myself).  I'll agree with you that when Supergirl was on CBS it was a better show, even removing Cat Grant and Maxwell Lord, though I can't put my finger on what the difference is.  If I had to guess, I would just say overall better writing and the show really misses Cat Grant in terms of the type of no-nonsense authority figure she provided.  I was hopeful that Snapper Carr would fill that hole but I guess not.

The show's take on gender politics is very clumsy and could do with a lot more nuance.  Making the blue star be a male killer instead of supercharging Kryptonians was a confusing move, as were Livewire's comments on men being the weaker sex, I don't remember her being so anti-male in her last appearance.  Kara punching the security guard that was only doing his job and then made the comment "Don't grab women sweetheart", is another example.  Alone, they're all small moments that don't mean anything but when they consistently happen, there seems to be a vibe of the show communicating to male viewers that not only is this show not for them (which is completely fine), but the show doesn't even want them watching it.  I wonder if Supergirl is trying to replace its male viewers with more female viewers for some reason?

I'll also say that this show is the best CW superhero show right now because it manages to hit genuine emotional beats almost every episode and it should be commended for that and I really like the way the Worldkiller plotline is going.  It also benefits from having the best performers of the CWverse imo.  Melissa Benoist is especially strong as the lead.  I'm scared for a resurgence of Karamel though.  I liked that Mon-El got married and Kara had moved on and now it seems like the writers may be moving back towards Karamel, especially because of the way it splits the fandom and if not handled correctly, the way Imra and Mon-El break up and Kara and him get together could wind up making all of them look really bad.    

  • Love 1

Here's the thing; mostly males watch super hero shows. And IMHO females tend to lose interest sooner.

If I recall, the 13M viewers to 6M was pretty much the fall off after the pilot. The curious wanted a peek. Interesting the pilot was the one that won me over.

Yes, I suspect the same thing about the Karamel ship.  The damage was already done and now to try to revert back will prove to be a disaster. He would certainly look like a yutz. Not that she didn't with James. {deep sigh}

Edited by johnar
21 minutes ago, lion10 said:

I'm scared for a resurgence of Karamel though.  I liked that Mon-El got married and Kara had moved on and now it seems like the writers may be moving back towards Karamel, especially because of the way it splits the fandom and if not handled correctly, the way Imra and Mon-El break up and Kara and him get together could wind up making all of them look really bad.  

Yes, I suspect the same thing about the Karamel ship.  The damage was already done and now to try to revert back will prove to be a disaster. He would certainly look like a yutz. Not that she didn't with James. {deep sigh}

24 minutes ago, lion10 said:

If Supergirl Season one had such magic, then why did it lose over 50% of its viewers during its first season, from 12.9 to 6.1 million? 

If I recall, the 13M viewers to 6M was pretty much the fall off after the pilot. The curious wanted a peek. Interesting the pilot was the one that won me over.

25 minutes ago, lion10 said:

I'll agree with you that when Supergirl was on CBS it was a better show, even removing Cat Grant and Maxwell Lord, though I can't put my finger on what the difference is.  If I had to guess, I would just say overall better writing and the show really misses Cat Grant in terms of the type of no-nonsense authority figure she provided.  I was hopeful that Snapper Carr would fill that hole but I guess not.

Tried to pitch the idea of a cameo Perry White episode starring, ahem, Harrison Ford. Could you imagine the clashing of swords between Perry and Cat?

28 minutes ago, lion10 said:

The show's take on gender politics is very clumsy and could do with a lot more nuance.  Making the blue star be a male killer instead of supercharging Kryptonians was a confusing move, as were Livewire's comments on men being the weaker sex, I don't remember her being so anti-male in her last appearance.  Kara punching the security guard that was only doing his job and then made the comment "Don't grab women sweetheart", is another example.  Alone, they're all small moments that don't mean anything but when they consistently happen, there seems to be a vibe of the show communicating to male viewers that not only is this show not for them (which is completely fine), but the show doesn't even want them watching it.  I wonder if Supergirl is trying to replace its male viewers with more female viewers for some reason

Agreed. Ill conceived.

The original idea for Super GIRL was just that; she was a super GIRL (a teenager).

The progression to who or whatever SuperWOMAN would be never truly got off the ground since

Supergirl was never really settled until CBS 2015. There she is melded into one. Which I think is a great

idea in one sense, and I agree with the sentiment on the other side of the issue that she should have been

SuperWOMAN. More than likely CBS simply went for what the public is most familiar with.  

On 8/6/2018 at 2:57 PM, Trini said:

Supergirl movie in development: https://deadline.com/2018/08/supergirl-movie-warner-bros-dc-comics-universe-oren-uziel-script-superman-1202440687/

So far, only a writer is attached. Good luck following Benoist, Whichever Younger Actress gets cast....

And hopefully it will be better than the dreck that was the 1984 Supergirl movie.  It doesn't have to be as dark as the Superman movies of this decade have been, but it should be at least as smart as Wonder Woman was.

11 hours ago, MarkHB said:

From the 04.02 episode thread:

I assume she resembles her n-times great granddaughter, Nura Nal, Dream Girl of the Legion.

I thought of Nura as well, especially given that Nia herself becomes a superheroine known as Dreamer, which makes me wonder whether she's a Naltorian who, like all of her race, has the ability to foresee the future.  Hence the name "Dreamer" for her, and "Dream Girl" for her possible 31st-Century descendant, who was also one of Brainy's main squeezes after he and Kara finally ended their relationship.

Edited by legaleagle53
On 2/25/2018 at 12:16 AM, johnar said:

Here's the thing; mostly males watch super hero shows. And IMHO females tend to lose interest sooner.


I'm very late to responding to this, but this is factually incorrect. Men do make up the majority of superhero comic book readers, but not necessarily of viewers - of comic book shows or films. Statements like this also focus on a pretty narrow definition of "superhero" shows.

Some comic book shows - including Flash and Arrow - do skew male, although it should be noted in context that Arrow also has a pretty heavy female viewership (and no, not just Olicity shippers.) Other comic book shows skew female. This includes shows specifically developed for girls - for instance, both the original and reboot The Powerpuff Girls, not surprisingly, has attracted more girls than boys. It also includes shows developed for more of a family audience, like Lois and Clark. 

In terms of women losing interest - this contradicts not just the history of Smallville (which saw a greater drop-off of male than female viewers) but also, the entire history of television, where shows primarily watched by women have enjoyed long shelf lives despite an advertiser-supported production model biased towards me (that is, the ratings system). Current shows in this category include Grey's Anatomy (with a strongly women-skewed audience), and, sigh, Dancing with the Stars (27 seasons now. How? How? Moving on). And, back in the day, Murder She Wrote, which ran for 12 seasons, Dallas, which ran for 14 seasons, Knots Landing, which ran for 14 seasons, and several more. 

In particular, your statement completely ignores an entire subgenre: daytime soaps, targeted towards and mostly watched by women. Guiding Light ran for 57 years; All My Children ran for 41 years. General Hospital has been on for 55 years and is still going; The Young and the Restless has been on for 45 years and is still going; The Bold and the Beautiful is about to hit 30 years.

Nothing in primetime scripted television - which, thanks to the advertiser-supported model, is usually aimed at men - has come even close to this level of longevity other than The Simpsons, and even The Simpsons has only hit 30 seasons. Even 60 Minutes hasn't beaten Guiding Light quite yet.

Meanwhile, in a shorter timeframe, the women-skewed This Is Us gained audience members - that is, interest - from its first to second seasons, and although the live numbers have dipped slightly this season, it's managed to hold on to most of its numbers.

  • Love 3

I urge anybody out there who watched tonight's episode to read the original story from Action Comics #775. I mean, this was a good take on a "Super" person dealing with menaces out to make justice work their way, and the straight-to-DVD animated movie was good as well, but the original story was so good. Joe Kelly is known for his humor (he did write the first Deadpool monthly comic), but he can really kick ass when he wants.

  • Love 1

A Supergirl/Superman book coming out from Abrams books, who also did the Supergirl books based on the TV show characters.



Like the headline says: My Flash “trilogy” has become a…six-ology? Entertainment Weekly has the deets, along with an excerpt.

The story continues with the new trilogy, Crossover Crisis! This time, it’s not just Team Flash trying to save the world. Now, you’ll also get to see Team Arrow, Supergirl and Superman, and the Legends of Tomorrow as they face a threat to all of reality!

Hey, it’s got Crisis in the title. It’s gotta be big.

The first book — Green Arrow’s Perfect Shot — comes out in August. Preorder links below!

Apparently, Batwoman and Supergirl - together - will be getting one of those 100-page Giant comics that are for mass market distribution; no details yet.



Includes new stories plus classic reprints!
ON SALE 12.04.19 | $4.99 US | FC | 96 PAGES | DC

No cover art yet, but Abrams books has the specs for the next Crossover book up: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/flash-crossover-crisis-novel-2_9781419737398/


The Flash: Crossover Crisis Novel 2
By Barry Lyga

Imprint: Amulet Books
Publication Date: March 17, 2020
Price: $13.99 ....

The can’t-miss crossover adventure continues as Supergirl and the Flash team up to save the multiverse!

While the Flash and Team Arrow closed the dimensional rift looming over Central City, they still have plenty of chaos to deal with: Cisco and Curtis are lost in time, thousands of speedster refugees are now stuck on their earth, and a mad bomber is at large. But when Anti-Matter Man arrives on Supergirl’s doorstep on her home of Earth-38, it’ll be all hands on deck for a team-up of epic proportions to stop him.

Picking right up from Green Arrow’s Perfect Shot, this action-packed follow-up promises to be one of the most exciting reads of the season as Supergirl and Superman join in on the crossover fun. The heroes from DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will feature in the forthcoming third book of this can’t-miss trilogy.

More info on the Batwoman/Supergirl Giant comics: https://www.newsarama.com/47661-batwoman-supergirl-giant-1-pairs-the-world-s-finest-heroines-in-three-new-tales.html


First up is "Sister Sister" by Margaret Stohl and Laura Braga. Here's the description: "When a powerful alien weapon falls into the wrong hands, it will take the combined might of Batwoman and Supergirl to save the city from the Religion of Crime!"

Then there's "Faceless" by Sanya Anwar and Chad Hardin. Here's the official plot description: "Batwoman must go undercover in a highly secretive beauty company in order to track down a missing journalist. But what Kate discovers is far more insidious than she ever imagined!"

And finally there's "Exit Interview" by Andrea Shea and Mike Norton. And here's the plot description: "Since arriving on Earth, Supergirl has always followed in her cousin's footsteps. But maybe it's time for Kara to forge her own path..."

The Batwoman/Supergirl 80-page giant will also include reprints of "Looking Glass" from Batwoman: Rebirth #1, "Brainiac Part One" from Supergirl: Rebirth #1, and "Escape From Dinosaur Island Part One" from Batwoman #0.

Batwoman/Supergirl: World's Finest Giant #1 is due out December 4.

  • Love 1

I have alluded to this in other threads, regarding the Event Leviathan comics series. For those who are interested, this is my interpretation of what the comics are feeding us leading into #6, the series finale:


The comics are strongly hinting that the entity that took over Leviathan and pretty much killed everyone at ARGUS, the DEO and a few other shadowy organizations in furtherance of an agenda to "fix" humanity much as Lena is trying to do on the show... is Martian Manhunter.

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