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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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Do you, or anyone, know if Bravo streams the entire seasons on their site or would Netflix or YT have it? 


Season three kinda makes me nervous.  So much drama.  So much Brandi.  And then, there's Taylor.  lol





Thanks, zoeysmom. I'm going to watch it after this season ends, so I can extend my BH armchair-criticisms even further. 

Taylor was just sad didn't hate didn't like her.  I will say she was spot on about Kim and her drinking.   She had been pretty well aced out of Season 2 filming because of Russell and then the weekend before it airs he commits suicide.  Brandi was pretty horrid towards her at the Reunion and I think it was based more on the fact that Brandi wanted to get her story out there about Eddie dumping her than the reality and hell Taylor faced at Russell's hands.  The ultimate to me was when she said Russell wasn't there to defend himself against the allegations Taylor made in her book.  Zip ahead and when Brandi made horrid and terribly candid revelations about Eddie-his agent just released a statement http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00057904.html  So Brandi did not get the back and forth she so desperately wanted from Eddie.  Once he did speak of her she made a point of having it as part of her storyline.

  • Love 3

I didn't hate Taylor, either, but girl annoyed the hell out of me.  I can't imagine how draining she is to be around in real life.  That's probably why Brandi was like a dog with a bone to her -- Taylor was the OG Hot Mess of BH, and Brandi wanted to secure her spot as the new Hot Mess Housewife.   


Interesting, in the article you posted, that Eddie's main point was that while he believed Brandi's intentions were to hurt himself and Leanne with her book, in reality, it would only serve to harm their children.  Brandi, when defending herself, did not mention her children or any affect her books might have on them. 

  • Love 3

Do you, or anyone, know if Bravo streams the entire seasons on their site or would Netflix or YT have it? 


Season three kinda makes me nervous.  So much drama.  So much Brandi.  And then, there's Taylor.  lol





Thanks, zoeysmom. I'm going to watch it after this season ends, so I can extend my BH armchair-criticisms even further. 

I think Hulu/Hulu Plus has them.  That's where I'm watching back seasons of OC.  


Back in S3 I still liked Brandi.  Yes, yes, the outing was wrong, but I also thought Adrienne was a big bully and totally sucked. I thought, "Well, maybe Brandi thinks there's a lawsuit."  Awww...how young and naïve I was back then.  

  • Love 8

She had one the first season.  I think he/she died?


There is a ton of irresponsibility with regard to Kim and her current dog. Clearly, it is not the dog for her. I think that she does get judged too harshly on the fact that she had it to begin with, however. Her daughter (or was it her son?) adopted the dog, but then didn't want to take it with them when they moved. Kim had grown attached to the dog by that time and didn't want to give  him up. At that time I think she was trying to behave responsibly.  She felt like it was their dog and she wanted to raise it. The problem is that she doesn't have the temperament for such a breed. She is never going to be the strong leader that it needs, but clearly this is something she refuses to recognize, like so many other things in her life that she won't recognize.  I will imagine that of all the issues Kim and Kyle have had to face, that the deal with Kingsley will be the toughest. Kyle has always been resolute in the fact that she is worried about Kingsley, and then it went and attacked Alexis.  While Kim was no doubt sick about this, she did almost blame Alexis by saying that she knew she wasn't supposed to go into Kim's bedroom. If I were Kyle there would be no words for how livid I would be about this. Kim has no business having a dog that is so dangerous as to attack her niece simply for walking into her bedroom to give her a hug. The fact that she still refuses to get rid of it after all of this should be all the evidence anyone needs that Kim will not ever really take responsibility for anything. Ever. 

Kim refused to keep up with Kingsleys training and did not send him to any other trainer until after he bit the family friend and Alexia. She did in fact blame Alexia for getting bit, no two ways about it, she put total blame on the victim, she blamed both of his last 2 victims for getting bit.

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I'm not so sure he should be paid. I thought he handled the dog the totally wrong way from the first meeting. I think he made the dog more aggressive with those techniques.

I think the Trainer who was thinking of suing her is different.  I think he was brought in later, after Kingsley bit Alexis, kind of as a last resort.  Of course, to your point earlier, all of this is from ROL. 

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I'm not so sure he should be paid. I thought he handled the dog the totally wrong way from the first meeting. I think he made the dog more aggressive with those techniques.

The trainer we saw on TV was hired and paid for by the producers/Bravo, not Kim. The trainer Kim refused to pay is Kyle Schwab. Here are 2 different stories and both have links to his FB page, where he addresses Kim/Kingsley. 







  • Love 1

I didn't hate Taylor, either, but girl annoyed the hell out of me.  I can't imagine how draining she is to be around in real life.  That's probably why Brandi was like a dog with a bone to her -- Taylor was the OG Hot Mess of BH, and Brandi wanted to secure her spot as the new Hot Mess Housewife.   


Interesting, in the article you posted, that Eddie's main point was that while he believed Brandi's intentions were to hurt himself and Leanne with her book, in reality, it would only serve to harm their children.  Brandi, when defending herself, did not mention her children or any affect her books might have on them. 

Brandi after the surrogacy story blew over much later revealed that she did not realize the effect it would have on their children.  Kind of an oops my bad moment.

Brandi said after her first book came out she thought once the kids read it they would think of her as a rock star.  Lisa V. jokingly tweeted it was not too late for her to buy all the copies of the book.

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Brandi after the surrogacy story blew over much later revealed that she did not realize the effect it would have on their children.  Kind of an oops my bad moment.

Brandi said after her first book came out she thought once the kids read it they would think of her as a rock star.  Lisa V. jokingly tweeted it was not too late for her to buy all the copies of the book.


*heavy sigh*   You know, for as much as I dislike Brandi, I was sincerely hoping that, away from the cameras and all of the drama of the Hollywood "lifestyle", she was actually a decent mother to those boys.  I would never wish a crappy mother on any child.  But now I see that she really is narcissistic to the core.  She lives in her own world, population of 1, and the rest of the society only exits as serve her needs and wants.   


She reminds me of people I know -- they purport to "live in the moment" (opps my bad, bygones, truth cannon), but only because they can't/won't plan for the future (thinking about consequences, not repeating mistakes), while really just wallowing in the past (re-enacting past hurts, revenge, blaming, martyring). 

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I do find it interesting that she seems afraid of Eileen.  I think I like Eileen more because of that.  Eileen and I think to a degree Lisa R can't be baited into the drama which leaves them, in effect, the narrators.

I think it's only because Eileen is the only one that Brandi can't call 'failed'. What I mean by that is she can stick it to the others, regardless of their accomplishments now, by calling them nothing but a 'failed' actor (say Yolanda is living off her husbands etc.).  Eileen has been on tv screens  steady for almost 30yrs or so (if not more). Brandi has nothing yet that she can go after Eileen for, true or not. Does that make sense? 


I would bet money that Lisa R, and Eileen if she is there next season, will be just as involved in the drama like everyone else. They are not in it right now because there are not part of the history with the others...give them time and they will be just as involved as the rest :)

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Someone upthread said this was a "Bravo" party and not a "Kyle" party. What is the difference?

I think the big difference is that when it is a Bravo party, then the HWs know that all the HWs and various hanger-oners are going to show up and cause drama.  Nothing is sacrosanct at a Bravo party.  


 I think you are right that the HWs real parties probably start happening after the cameras stop shooting.

  • Love 6

I do find it interesting that she seems afraid of Eileen. I think I like Eileen more because of that. Eileen and I think to a degree Lisa R can't be baited into the drama which leaves them, in effect, the narrators.

If Lisa and Eileen don't want to return as HWs next season, I think the show should stick them on a balcony (I think Eileen's house has one) and let them comment/heckle on the episodes like a BH version of Statler and Waldorf from the muppet show.

Edited for clarity

Edited by EVS
  • Love 24

At the beginning of the episode, when the were going back and forth between Kim with Brandi and Kim with Kyle, Kim said in a talking-head that Kyle hadn't always been there when Kim wanted her to be. (I don't recall Kim's exact words but that was the gist of it.) I believe that Kyle has done more than she should have had to do to support her adult sister (both emotionally and financially), but Kim's perception will always be that Kyle didn't do enough; because nothing is never enough for a soul-sucking person like Kim.


Kyle has a husband and 4 daughters ranging in age from about mid-20's (Farrah) to 5 or 6 (Portia). I would bet there were times over the years when Kim wanted Kyle to help her through one crisis or another and Kyle couldn't or wouldn't be available for Kim, because Kyle put a higher priority on caring for her children and husband. IMO, that is how it should be. But Kim's perception will always be that Kyle wasn't there for her as much as she should have been.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 17

One thing that has been left out of the mix is that over the years Kim when drinking and using didn't have much use for her sisters.  Then after the limo scene she did not speak to Kyle all that much. on to Season 3, Kyle was still be punished by the now sober Kim.  So as far as someone being there for Kim it seems it is definitely on her terms.  Earlier this season Kyle pops in to Kim's house, at Kim's request to see the wedding dresses.  Kim has not told her sister the house is full of her sick adult children, on the eve of Kyle leaving for a European family vacation.  I just find Kim to be terribly inconsiderate. 

  • Love 10

One thing that has been left out of the mix is that over the years Kim when drinking and using didn't have much use for her sisters.  Then after the limo scene she did not speak to Kyle all that much. on to Season 3, Kyle was still be punished by the now sober Kim.  So as far as someone being there for Kim it seems it is definitely on her terms.  Earlier this season Kyle pops in to Kim's house, at Kim's request to see the wedding dresses.  Kim has not told her sister the house is full of her sick adult children, on the eve of Kyle leaving for a European family vacation.  I just find Kim to be terribly inconsiderate. 

Terribly inconsiderate.  You're being kind (insert a smiley). 


Kim still sees herself as the 'child star'.  And when the stardom ended, she started to use alcohol, drugs, whatever, to ease her pain.  A while back someone posted that when you become addicted, the maturing process stops (or words to that affect).  I have also heard this as well and so totally agree.  Kim is still an immature teenager.  So is Brandi.  With Brandi, I don't know the reasons why. 

  • Love 6

One thing that has been left out of the mix is that over the years Kim when drinking and using didn't have much use for her sisters.  Then after the limo scene she did not speak to Kyle all that much. on to Season 3, Kyle was still be punished by the now sober Kim.  So as far as someone being there for Kim it seems it is definitely on her terms.  Earlier this season Kyle pops in to Kim's house, at Kim's request to see the wedding dresses.  Kim has not told her sister the house is full of her sick adult children, on the eve of Kyle leaving for a European family vacation.  I just find Kim to be terribly inconsiderate. 

I don't believe that Kim didn't have much to do with Kyle over the years before joining the show. Kim's children seem pretty close to Kyle's older daughters and to Kyle herself. She may not have socialized with them but I think Kim counted on Kyle being there for her to pick up the pieces, help pay bills when she spent too much on drugs/booze, care for the kids when the nanny was off and clean up whatever mess she left behind. Kim treats Kyle more like her paid help in may respects and expects her to be at Kim's beck and call without ever questioning her or her actions because she is THE Kim Richards....washed up child star.


Her total disregard and glee at Kyle's concern of getting sick was a real look into the real Kim. Selfish to the core. JMO

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My random 2 cents on a myriad of topics since I've read a lot but not posted much:


1.  "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane"...watched it from whoever posted the link.  Denial is great amongst her family.  However, I don't think it proves that Diane was an addict.  She may have just gone off her rocker and made some very bad decisions that day.  They explained that the vodka bottle was packed for camping.  I may pack one, too, if I ever camp again.  At this point, I don't think I'm addicted to alcohol.  But I'll certainly drink on vacation.  She obviously made some very bad decisions and caused the accident...not trying to absolve her of guilt.  But that doesn't mean she was an addict.  I also say this because I worked with a very nice, kind man that was having family issues.  He ended up drinking one night and killing a person on a scooter while driving drunk.  I don't think he was an alcoholic...I think he made a very poor decision and got drunk one night and decided to drive.  He pleaded no contest and was sentenced to 12 years in prison.  Again, it was his fault and his responsibility.  But it doesn't make him an addict.


2.  All these women have their faults.  But we see what the producers want us to see.  The only person I feel like I can whole-heartedly judge is Brandi.  I had some sympathy for her when she first arrived on the scene but that has been completely wiped out.  The flaws in all the others do not compare with the obviousness of her basic mean-spirited behavior.  No amount of producer manipulation can cover up her true nature..IMO.  But, again, my opinion.  For all I know, she's a paragon of virtue in real life.


3.  OK, this will probably get me in trouble, but I can't believe how some people seem to actually think they "know" these people.  It's reality TV, people! We can conjecture, expound and dish on all of them.  But, in the end, we don't have a clue about the true lives of any of these people.  It is, however, fun to snark on!

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Interesting to read the reactions upthread to Taylor. I actually think she is one of the more fascinating personalities to participate in these shows; she was like something out of an Edith Wharton novel. I actually enjoyed her personality well enough in season three. She seemed like a relatively entertaining drunk with whom to socialize. And she seemed to have clocked Kim's less savory characteristics pretty fully during their season one tension . . . but there was always something sinister about her, in my opinion, as well as a rather unsettling dynamic to her friendship with Kyle. At the first reunion, it was so odd to me how she basically threatens Kyle vis-à-vis Kim ("should we talk about her state of mind that (dinner party from hell) night?"), and Kyle passively accepts it.


My interpretation of the second season was that Russell and Taylor had their sights set on potentially suing Lisa and then Camille for a pay day and, when the ensuing tension threatened her job security and the tide of grifting started to heighten, she realized there was a way to save herself by cutting the proverbial rope on Russell. Her narrative was likely embellished in some respects but true in others, in my opinion.


"I've fought too hard for this zip code to go home now" was a really odd and kind of callous tag line to deploy as a veiled reference to your estranged husband's suicide and the battery you suffered at his hands, but I thought it was pretty accurate. If nothing else, Taylor (and I say this with some degree of respect to her hustle) proved herself to be a scrapper.

Which is why, although I mostly agreed with Brandi during their second season reunion argument, I actually find Taylor less irritating than her. They both seem to play up their victimhood (remember Taylor even joining in with Brandi's histrionics during season three to try to paint Paul's anger over the surrogacy reveal as some sort of physical assault?), but Taylor has a perverse kind of strength.

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I actually think she is one of the more fascinating personalities to participate in these shows; she was like something out of an Edith Wharton novel.


And she gave us, "Tuna char char" which will never not be funny.  Remember Adrienne trying to put lip gloss on her?  If we have to see someone curled-up-in-a-suitcase drunk, we may as well get some comedy to go a long with it.  This crap with Kim isn't funny.

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I agree about Taylor’s “perverse” strength.  I think it comes from the fact that she’s like a chameleon or a shape-shifter.  In the two seasons I watched her, I feel like I still have no idea “who” she is – like she has no core self.  She just seemed empty except for whatever façade she was wearing that episode in order to fit in and be liked.  And it was almost like she was going through life backwards – pretending to have the life she wanted and to be the person she wanted to be, while hustling to make it all a reality before anyone noticed the difference.  A few times we saw her crack (didn’t she sit inside a suitcase once?) from the pressure cooker that was her life and her marriage with Russell (another grifter/hustler).   


Kim, and Brandi to a lesser extent - have shades of this too.  I don’t feel like I really have a hold on who they are, at their core, other than the fact that they shift personas (though I do like dissecting those).  It’s like watching a vaudeville act, with those three.  Which persona is real, which are the masks, or are none of them real?  Kim, in particular, feels like this to me.  Like during that Limo Ride From Hell with Lisa R.  What in the hell was that?  The drugs?  Kim “acting”?  All just part of her natural “kooky” personality?  It was like she was performing a deranged one-woman “Whose Line...” skit, with all of those character shifts and non-sequiturs.   


Love ‘em or hate ‘em, or love to hate ‘em, but people like Lisa and Kyle are who they are.  They have various personality traits (and flaws) but I feel that they do have a fixed core self instead being lost in an identity crisis.    


I wish they’d bring back Camille.  [in season one] she was deranged façade, too, but in an obvious, on-purpose for attention, not because she doesn’t know who she is, kinda way.  ...or something like that.  lol 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 4

I wish they’d bring back Camille.  [in season one] she was deranged façade, too, but in an obvious, on-purpose for attention, not because she doesn’t know who she is, kinda way.  ...or something like that.  lol 


I agree with your whole post except the part about Camille.  Don't want her back.  Imo, she's too much like Brandi and Kim for comfort.  I think underneath her killer clothes is a very unhappy, nasty person.  When I try to remember anything nice she did when she was on her Redemption Tour, I can't.  But her phoniness, terrible hostessing (although her dinner party was my favorite episode ever) and simpering stand out and made her worthy of The Most Hated Housewife title. 


Isn't it funny, though, how what she did to earn that title was tame compared to what Brandi does now? 

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Here is how Brandi really feels about the RHOBH.  They are women she would not normally socialize with.  Check-and I don't think ANY of them look forward to socializing with her.  She claims these women can be judgmental and intimidating.  Isn't repeatedly calling someone judgmental, passing judgment?


Lisa has had it right all along this year, Brandi begged and clawed her way into this group.  When she couldn't break their collective spirit through lies and humiliation she simply claims they aren't a good fit.  Brandi always seems like the Size 10 foot shoving into the Size 7 shoe.  Of course it is the shoemaker's fault.

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Here is how Brandi really feels about the RHOBH.  They are women she would not normally socialize with.  Check-and I don't think ANY of them look forward to socializing with her.  She claims these women can be judgmental and intimidating.  Isn't repeatedly calling someone judgmental, passing judgment?


Lisa has had it right all along this year, Brandi begged and clawed her way into this group.  When she couldn't break their collective spirit through lies and humiliation she simply claims they aren't a good fit.  Brandi always seems like the Size 10 foot shoving into the Size 7 shoe.  Of course it is the shoemaker's fault.

I think it's very likely that all of these women can be catty and judgmental snobs at times. HOWEVER. Once you've randomly thrown wine in the face of a woman you hardly know, called people stupid to their faces, and otherwise drunkenly abused hospitality, then you can just take a seat and sit quietly while they judge the shit out of your badass self.

  • Love 12


My MIL was from England, and she told me years ago that Rumpy Pumpy means regular sex, but fast.  A quickie, basically.  I heard it referred to the same way when I visited London more recently.

Brit here.  'Rumpy pumpy' means casual sex.  One night stand kind of sex. Can also mean quick sex.  But the point is that it's uncommitted sex.  Despite having 'rump' in there, there is no suggestion of specifically anal sex.



"I've fought too hard for this zip code to go home now" was a really odd and kind of callous tag line to deploy as a veiled reference to your estranged husband's suicide and the battery you suffered at his hands, but I thought it was pretty accurate. If nothing else, Taylor (and I say this with some degree of respect to her hustle) proved herself to be a scrapper.

Lord God I could not stand Taylor!  She made me sick to my stomach.  I once put a post on TWoP that ended with 'I can smell her from here' and I still feel that way.  When she's on the tv screen I want to take some Lysol and wipe her off it.

Edited by quaintirene
  • Love 2

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, or love to hate ‘em, but people like Lisa and Kyle are who they are.  They have various personality traits (and flaws) but I feel that they do have a fixed core self instead being lost in an identity crisis.    


 I agree. Maybe it's a lack of acting ability but I think they both reveal their true colors on screen. Sometimes they are evil bitches playing the mean girl game and other times they're really kind and family oriented. Honestly, I'd probably stop watching if either jumped ship only because I find their energy hilarious. The two of them having a mud fight in Ojai was more entertaining to me than any fight they've ever had.



I wish they’d bring back Camille.  [in season one] she was deranged façade, too, but in an obvious, on-purpose for attention, not because she doesn’t know who she is, kinda way.  ...or something like that.  lol


I couldn't stand Camille. There was something about her that was so calculated. Anytime someone asked her a question, she would pause, repeat it, and then give a totally non-answer. She was constantly trying to step outside of Kelsey's shadow but prefaced everything she did with "I want people to see me as more than Mrs. Grammer" which did nothing to dissuade the perception of her insecurity. I think she was so obsessed with not looking bad that she ended up looking awful. And her friend DD can suck it. She was worse than Dana, who at least threw some humour into the mix.


I can't even comment on Taylor. Everything with her and Russell makes me sick. The way Bravo exploited abuse and suicide for ratings gives me the creeps. But, I do miss the tone of the show's first season. It started out very satirical. Like when Taylor was planning 50K birthday parties for her toddler and the kid's off kicking rocks, completely disinterested or Dana's 25K sunglasses. I want to watch women spend obscene amounts of money and stare at Yolanda's fridge all day. I'm not interested in watching Brandi threaten to knock everyone's teeth out, unless she does it with platinum, diamond encrusted knuckles.

  • Love 4

I agree with your whole post except the part about Camille.  Don't want her back.  Imo, she's too much like Brandi and Kim for comfort.  I think underneath her killer clothes is a very unhappy, nasty person.  When I try to remember anything nice she did when she was on her Redemption Tour, I can't.  But her phoniness, terrible hostessing (although her dinner party was my favorite episode ever) and simpering stand out and made her worthy of The Most Hated Housewife title. 


Isn't it funny, though, how what she did to earn that title was tame compared to what Brandi does now? 


I of course have no idea how happy/unhappy Camille is.  However, I found her to be far more interesting to watch than either Kim or Brandi.  Her homes, her clothes, her personality, all of it.   I certainly liked her better post-damage control, but I thought she was pretty fascinating even pre damage-control.  And she never, IMO, was boring.  I am bored to tears with both Kim and Brandi, who I find to be very one-note and predictable.


I don't really see her being like Kim & Brandi at all, and I would LOVE to see her come back.

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I of course have no idea how happy/unhappy Camille is.  However, I found her to be far more interesting to watch than either Kim or Brandi.  Her homes, her clothes, her personality, all of it.   I certainly liked her better post-damage control, but I thought she was pretty fascinating even pre damage-control.  And she never, IMO, was boring.  I am bored to tears with both Kim and Brandi, who I find to be very one-note and predictable.


I don't really see her being like Kim & Brandi at all, and I would LOVE to see her come back.

I only base my opinion of her unhappiness on her terrible - terrible! - taste in men and what she's done to her face and body.  She certainly has better clothes and homes than B or K but personality I can't be sure because she has two.  The Camille from season one and the person she was in season two.  I'd have to say that Camille is probably more interesting but only for her house and clothes.  Take those away and what is she?  Hmm. I've never thought of that before.


Similarities between Camille and Brandi?  Lawdy, there are a few.  Besides the horrible taste in men I mentioned above, both love to surround themselves with stooge sycophants and pass them off as BFFs.  Both love to tease and play with the married men.  Both can be really cruel in the things they say and both are incredibly conniving and relatively unaccomplished - aside from divorcing men that had some money.  And then there's what they're doing to their faces....

  • Love 3

Brit here. 'Rumpy pumpy' means casual sex. One night stand kind of sex. Can also mean quick sex. But the point is that it's uncommitted sex. Despite having 'rump' in there, there is no suggestion of specifically anal sex.

Lord God I could not stand Taylor! She made me sick to my stomach. I once put a post on TWoP that ended with 'I can smell her from here' and I still feel that way. When she's on the tv screen I want to take some Lysol and wipe her off it.

Taking this over to the Taylor thread.

If Lisa and Eileen don't want to return as HWs next season, I think the show should stick them on a balcony (I think Eileen's house has one) and let them comment/heckle on the episodes like a BH version of Statler and Waldorf from the muppet show.

Edited for clarity


That is EXACTLY what I was thinking!!  They would be great at it!   :-)

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As a gay man, I laugh at Andy Cohen being 'offended' by the term 'my gay'.. but I bet he's used offensive terms toward straight women in secret (i.e. fag hag, breeders, etc).  Personally I think those terms are way more offensive then being referred to as 'my gay'.  Since it appears that these women favor their accessories more then their husbands and children.


And, as a longtime "hag," I have to say that Kyle did not seem very comfortable in her "gays"' presence ... in the flashback to the first talk of the party -- that looked so fake (she truly is a terrible actress). I feel no cameraderie between her and her gay supposed friends. I'm guessing Satan Andy uses Andy Eye Candy as product placement here and there.

Yes, it seemed like a rare nice father/son interaction. But it still had a whiff of the Todd/Vanderpump classism/elitism.

I'm no Ken fan, but I think he was going for a couple of ethnicities that would very obviously not be Max's parents, because of his fair complexion and Caucasian features. I look my nationality, Italian, and when someone innocently asks what my background is, I say Swedish or something similarly silly -- for a laugh.

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The thing that got me annoyed with Andy's diatribe is that this isn't the first time the term 'my gays' has been used by housewives.  I think the only reason he brought it up was that Lance Bass and he were discussing it before the show and Lance gave him an earful about it. 

Isn't this the same Lance Bass who pretended to be straight? To endear him to swooning young tweens? To make loads of money? Until prominent gay people are upfront and honest from the beginning, many young gay people will see it as something to hide, still. I think that does way more harm than a woman calling a friend "my gay."

  • Love 2

One of the things that consistently bothers me about the BH housewives is that they don't understand the expression, "a hot minute" or "it's been a minute." They always use it as if "minute" means a short amount of time, when it's the exact opposite. "I haven't seen you in a minute" means I haven't seen you in a while. I know I'm nitpicking but it happens all the time on this show.

But even time is relative. One minute on a snooze alarm is a helluva lot shorter than a minute on a Stairmaster :)

Two things-- first, you are making an assumption in your first paragraph that I think is false, and that is the notion that Lisa's discussion with Max was spontaneous and not pre-planned, vetted and rehearsed by all of the participants beforehand, and therefore she was surprised by the question.  


Second, my statement was in response to the very specific assertion that the reason Lisa refused to give Max his birth name was because she would be sued if she ever revealed it to him.  I questioned-- and still question---the idea that Lisa received information regarding Max's birth name but revealing it to Max would be a breach of confidentiality.  I would think (assuming we were talking about people who do not get paid to play out this private matter on TV) that the adoptive parent is free to tell the adoptive child any information the adoptive parent was legally given.  If Lisa chose not to say the adoptive parent's name on camera, to protect the adoptive parent, as I said, that is absolutely the right thing to do.  But I still do not believe that, if this were not being filmed for an audience, Lisa has any legal obligation to keep confidential and secret from her adult child the information she, as the adoptive parent,  legally received. That particular drama was created for the camera.


While the discussion could have been vetted, as you said, I felt the shock on Lisa's face and her whole demeanor said otherwise. Call me naive, but that's how I felt. Being an adoptive parent in a complicated situation, her reactions resonated with me. It is a big deal, no matter how you try to be prepared, no matter how forthright your intentions.


Your first question about Max's name, in your first paragraph was,  "But, still, why even hesitate to answer a direct question from a 22 year old man?"  I felt the reason she said, "I'm not going to tell you that," was because they were on camera. Again, I did feel this scene was spontaneous, and I felt it didn't mean she was going to continue to refuse to give him his name in private. However, I wasn't addressing that in my response.


Instead, my responses about the legality surrounding revealing Max's birth name were regarding your statement from your third paragraph, "Now, there seems to be some idea floating around that Lisa could get sued it the birth parents' name is revealed." During that paragraph, you didn't mention Max specifically at all, so I didn't realize you were referring to her revealing it specifically to him. Mea culpa -  and I can't think of any reason she couldn't reveal it to him.

Edited by renatae

The fundamental move, at least I have seen, with recovering addicts is that they abandon the whole apology structure and just fucking live.  I think this takes tremendous strength, yet any applause is a disservice to the process.  Tripping up is deeply unflattering and worsens with age, only because the feedback loops compound with time.  Kim strikes me as very, very broken.   But she also reminds me of how integral VANITY is to what is popularly read as a spiritual and existential leap.

Thank you, Runforcover. I recently heard Anthony Bourdaine say that VANITY was the real reason he got clean. Never underestimate the power of a mirror.

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