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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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While you are schooling these women about pop culture, could you please ask the women to put their gifts of wine, champagne and spirits in a box or bag. It drives me nuts they roll up in a limo and thrust a bottle-it seems to be a bottle of rose champagne in the hostess hand. It is semi-okay for men to do it but these ladies should know better.

I was walking out of Penn Station today and a homeless fella had *his* bottle in a bag. To be fair, I don't think it was rose.

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You need to read her blog from the week when she got the dog. She kept her name Avery, she did not change it.


Good for her? No. I mentioned that because it was a little thing. But, it changes nothing. Lisa still sucks.

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No, I don't "know" that.  It seems that Bravo titles the blogs by using a line from the blogs, as they did here.


Here is the line they used for Kyle's.


I still think it's a preemptive strike, more than simply talking about what's already happened.


We shall see.

The reason editors fix headlines is in the olden days that had to make the words fit a certain space.  These days  Bravo can get it wrong but the idea is to pull something interesting.  Sometimes Bravo misses by a mile.

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Andy interviewed Kim separately when she got out of rehab, she missed the reunion, I think Kyle joined her toward the end of that interview. Andy asked Kim what she thought of herself now that she is sober when she views footage of the show, Kim replied that said she does not watch the show at all because she does not want to know what she did/said, that it would cause her pain. Kim causes as much drama as they all do.

You need to read her blog from the week when she got the dog. She kept her name Avery, she did not change it.


Well, here is how I remember it. When Lisa V. got the male Golden puppy --that was when she was gushing over and over on camera about wanting to have sex with him -- she immediately named him "Rumpy Pumpy" which is a British slang word for anal sex. Funny, she didn't even need a minute to think about it-- that was the very first name she thought of!  So, over time, his name gets shortened to Rumpy for seemingly practical reasons-- tough to have a dog with a first and last name which also happens to be a sex act.


Then, unfortunately for the VP/T family, Rumpy is a fun loving Golden who just isn't going to act like those carry- under- your- arm dogs they have who you can line up on a bench and they barely even move,  No, the Golden gallops around, probably digs up the garden, slobbers on her pink silk brocade chairs, and generally makes a commotion. And so off he goes to doggy rehab.  Ken "surprises" Lisa with another dog -- anyone here really think it was a surprise?-- and Lisa says "Can we call her Pumpy?" so that the anal sex name can be revived.  Cause, you know, when ever I have gotten a pet, the first thing I think of is anal sex.


Well, Lisa's gay club is called "Pump" so it all seems to hang together nicely (you should pardon the expression). I doubt that the new Golden is really called Avery, regardless of what she says in her blog. I mean, isn't Rumpy and Pumpy some great promotion for her club?


As to Max's journey, I think some  of what Lisa is giving us is true.  That being said, I am certain that the presentation of the story has been planned out, vetted and carefully scripted by Lisa V to get the very reaction she is getting-- all manner of warm fuzzies for Lisa V. It is not organic, like a kid's wedding, a trip to college,  or something of that nature. To me, Max's "journey"  is something Lisa created to pander to the audience.


I would rather than have authentic drama, with these ladies allowing us a peek into their authentic selves, good and bad, than see Lisa V. giving us valentines to herself.   It is the flip side of being a shit stirrer-- Lisa is contriving an experience--only this time, the purpose is to put some more Vaseline on the camera lens and more sparkle on her halo.    And as I said, I think some key parts of the story we are getting are not true.


You are very welcome, Lady Grump!

Edited by BluishGreen
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Well, here is how I remember it. When Lisa V. got the male Golden puppy --that was when she was gushing over and over on camera about wanting to have sex with him -- she immediately named him "Rumpy Pumpy" which is a British slang word for anal sex. Funny, she didn't even need a minute to think about it-- that was the very first name she thought of!  So, over time, his name gets shortened to Rumpy for seemingly practical reasons-- tough to have a dog with a first and last name which also happens to be a sex act.


Then, unfortunately for the VP/T family, Rumpy is a fun loving Golden who just isn't going to act like those carry- under- your- arm dogs they have who you can line up on a bench and they barely even move,  No, the Golden gallops around, probably digs up the garden, slobbers on her pink silk brocade chairs, and generally makes a commotion. And so off he goes to doggy rehab.  Ken "surprises" Lisa with another dog -- anyone here really think it was a surprise?-- and Lisa says "Can we call her Pumpy?" so that the anal sex name can be revived.  Cause, you know, when ever I have gotten a pet, the first thing I think of is anal sex.


Well, Lisa's gay club is called "Pump" so it all seems to hang together nicely (you should pardon the expression). I doubt that the new Golden is really called Avery, regardless of what she says in her blog. I mean, isn't Rumpy and Pumpy some great promotion for her club?


As to Max's journey, I think some  of what Lisa is giving us is true.  That being said, I am certain that the presentation of the story has been planned out, vetted and carefully scripted by Lisa V to get the very reaction she is getting-- all manner of warm fuzzies for Lisa V. It is not organic, like a kid's wedding, a trip to college,  or something of that nature. To me, Max's "journey"  is something Lisa created to pander to the audience.


I would rather than have authentic drama, with these ladies allowing us a peek into their authentic selves, good and bad, than see Lisa V. giving us valentines to herself.   It is the flip side of being a shit stirrer-- Lisa is contriving an experience--only this time, the purpose is to put some more Vaseline on the camera lens and more sparkle on her halo.    And as I said, I think some key parts of the story we are getting are not true.

In her blog that week, Lisa called the new dog by her name, Avery, not the name she said in the episode. Believe what you want, it is your choice.

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Here are the meds that Kim told Paul she was taking per an US Weekly article:


No when Kim went to rehab while season two was airing - late 2011/early 2012.

Thank you Quinn I hope those who know meds can provide some input.

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A warning for those faint of heart: 

There are graphic close-ups of Diane laying dead at the accident scene. None of the children - thank God.


Did everyone notice the biggest issue in this documentary?  Because it sticks out in my mind so much that I was actually shocked when she said it.  The entire documentary is based on Jay and Danny trying to prove that Diane was not an alcoholic.  They spend the entire documentary vehemently denying it and also vehemently denying that they wouldn't have known.  Jay was her best friend and Danny was her husband and they would have KNOWN if she were an alcoholic.


And they step out of the big high rise building after having a discussion with a top notch medical examiner who tells them in no uncertain terms that this woman was drunk.  Period.  End of story.  He even lowers the boom when Jay tries to excuse it with the abscess tooth explanation "That still would not explain why she was drunk."  

And Jay lights up a cigarette, looks dead into the camera, smiles gleefully and states that no one in her family knows she smokes.


I about fell out of my chair when she said it.  That alone should've been the a-ha! moment for her, it sure as hell was for me.  And it didn't even phase her.  If I was on the fence about believing the family, I came off it at that point.  Diane was drunk, she was irresponsible and she killed all of them because of it.  I have no problem with the shitty things said about her.  She deserves it.


I can only pray that Kim realizes the toxicity of her relationship with Brandi and backs away.  Brandi will end up like Diane if she's not careful.  She has turned into a drunk who cannot handle her liquor.  And that is very dangerous.


There is a theory that Diane committed murder/suicide.  Diane had pulled over to the side of the road when her niece called crying to her father.  Diane was given the message to stay put, and they were coming for her immediately.  Diane not only fled the scene, she appeared to have deliberately left her cell phone behind (family was asking the police to attempt to track the cellphone).  And for a woman so wasted that she drove, supposedly unknowingly, 1.7 miles in the wrong direction at 70mph, she was not weaving or veering off the road.  She drove perfectly straight, and honked and tailgated to get people out of her way.  Those reporting having seen her state that she looked determined, and even serene.

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In her blog that week, Lisa called the new dog by her name, Avery, not the name she said in the episode. Believe what you want, it is your choice.

It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog.  And it is exceedingly crude to name your pet after anal sex. IMO. If she named her puppy "Butt-F**ker" would that be amusing? I'm thinking the answer is no. So, maybe she realized that she, yet again, made a stupid, low-class remark under the guise of humor and is using her blog to undo it. Who knows?  Maybe that is some progress for Lisa!

Edited by BluishGreen
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It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog.  And,  it is hard to think of anything more crude than naming your pets after anal sex. IMO.

I could careless what she names her pets, how she treats them is more important than their names IMO. Maybe she is not offended at the idea of anal sex even if others are, I have no idea but her blog was up almost as soon as the show was over. Far to fast to have waited for viewer feedback.

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Andy interviewed Kim separately when she got out of rehab, she missed the reunion, I think Kyle joined her toward the end of that interview. Andy asked Kim what she thought of herself now that she is sober when she views footage of the show, Kim replied that said she does not watch the show at all because she does not want to know what she did/said, that it would cause her pain. Kim causes as much drama as they all do.

You need to read her blog from the week when she got the dog. She kept her name Avery, she did not change it.

I love Avery and I am sure Lisa has developed a fondness for "bitches" that was a household with all dogs (meaning males).

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Xanax has a short half life. It is a short acting  benzodiazepine. It is not intoxicating at therapeutic dosages unless you mix it, like Brandi has admitted to, with other substances. It is dangerous to withdrawal from long term, high dose use because it can cause seizure activity, like heavy alcohol abuse withdrawal. I suspect Kim takes considerably more than she is prescribed to get that loopy effect.


I was just about to post something similar.  The half life of xanax is not long at all.  It's approximately 11 hours, not 3 days as stated by another poster.  I took xanax for an extended period of time a few years ago, and I questioned my doctor extensively about it.  I also did my own research.  It's addictive, but it definitely can be beneficial and is safe if used properly.


I've never combined it with alcohol, and from time to time I still take it.  No one can tell when I've taken it and when I haven't, and I don't feel impaired in the slightest.  Just a bit calmer.  Of course I take small doses and I use it sparingly.  Unlike those who pop the pills as though they're M&M's, and then wash it down with champagne.  It's not the drug that's dangerous.  It's the people using it.

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Ok.  I didn't want to bring up changing the dog's name.  Unless the dog's name was one of a pet you once had that you loved or a name that makes you somehow emotional, why change the name?  Yes, Lisa and Ken love their pets but this I just don't get.  It's just weird to me.  And the name they picked?  Sigh..........

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Well, here is how I remember it. When Lisa V. got the male Golden puppy --that was when she was gushing over and over on camera about wanting to have sex with him -- she immediately named him "Rumpy Pumpy" which is a British slang word for anal sex. Funny, she didn't even need a minute to think about it-- that was the very first name she thought of!  So, over time, his name gets shortened to Rumpy for seemingly practical reasons-- tough to have a dog with a first and last name which also happens to be a sex act.


Then, unfortunately for the VP/T family, Rumpy is a fun loving Golden who just isn't going to act like those carry- under- your- arm dogs they have who you can line up on a bench and they barely even move,  No, the Golden gallops around, probably digs up the garden, slobbers on her pink silk brocade chairs, and generally makes a commotion. And so off he goes to doggy rehab.  Ken "surprises" Lisa with another dog -- anyone here really think it was a surprise?-- and Lisa says "Can we call her Pumpy?" so that the anal sex name can be revived.  Cause, you know, when ever I have gotten a pet, the first thing I think of is anal sex.


Well, Lisa's gay club is called "Pump" so it all seems to hang together nicely (you should pardon the expression). I doubt that the new Golden is really called Avery, regardless of what she says in her blog. I mean, isn't Rumpy and Pumpy some great promotion for her club?


As to Max's journey, I think some  of what Lisa is giving us is true.  That being said, I am certain that the presentation of the story has been planned out, vetted and carefully scripted by Lisa V to get the very reaction she is getting-- all manner of warm fuzzies for Lisa V. It is not organic, like a kid's wedding, a trip to college,  or something of that nature. To me, Max's "journey"  is something Lisa created to pander to the audience.


I would rather than have authentic drama, with these ladies allowing us a peek into their authentic selves, good and bad, than see Lisa V. giving us valentines to herself.   It is the flip side of being a shit stirrer-- Lisa is contriving an experience--only this time, the purpose is to put some more Vaseline on the camera lens and more sparkle on her halo.    And as I said, I think some key parts of the story we are getting are not true.


You are very welcome, Lady Grump!

Nice!  And finally on to Lisa Vanderpump, the woman I hate to love.    VPR and RHOBH are my main reality-TV fixes.  There's been a lot of talk on this board alluding to Lisa's production manipulation and tantrum throwing (so to speak).  I always figured she was a smart cookie, especially relative to her cohort, but are there any actual backstage events associated with her string-pulling, etc.?


 No surprise, I have always felt like Lisa plays this shit better than almost any housewife on TV.  And, growing disoriented by my own pile of pseudo-"giving a shit," I started to congratulate her for at least being savvy enough to sustain a spin-off (self-serving way to explain my crazy-VPR obsession, which is the sparkliest of waste-products you will ever know and love).


But I think, you're right, there's something about her work that is particular in its insidiousness.  She's a drama-container rather than a screaming, drunk lunatic.  And, yes, "a contriver of experience" rather than its breakdown.  


Also, I have zero knowledge of adoption process, adoptee experience, etc. I am going to have to agree that Ken is a piece of shit and his grotesque resentment is palpable.

It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog.  And it is exceedingly crude to name your pet after anal sex. IMO. If she named her puppy "Butt-F**ker" would that be amusing? I'm thinking the answer is no. So, maybe she realized that she, yet again, made a stupid, low-class remark under the guise of humor and is using her blog to undo it. Who knows?  Maybe that is some progress for Lisa!

Oh, please, Lisa, name the next one "Butt F-cker"! PLEASE!

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Ok.  I didn't want to bring up changing the dog's name.  Unless the dog's name was one of a pet you once had that you loved or a name that makes you somehow emotional, why change the name?  Yes, Lisa and Ken love their pets but this I just don't get.  It's just weird to me.  And the name they picked?  Sigh..........

They did not end up changing her name but kept it Avery instead.

Edited by WireWrap
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  In Brandi's case the need of self-diagnosis is not necessary.


Oh I simply meant in terms of recovery.  These women are all experts in diagnoses. It's a lively part of wealthy bored  and camera obsessed culture.  I'm sure, at some point,  someone will throw a diagnosis-themed party. 

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I agree, I know many people that have wine with dinner, kids or not. Brandi is the one claiming she does not drink when she has her kids and that is a lie based on the photos she has tweeted. LOL It is just 1 more lie, bs story she uses to show that she does not have a problem with alcohol. Maybe she does not combine her Xanax with wine when the boys are with her and that is the difference but she will never admit to that either.


I always thought it was ridiculous that she expected us to believe that she's a completely different person when she's with her kids.  I never bought that for a minute.  I'm sure she does drink to excess at home.   I'm sure she does screech "STFU" and worse.  And I'm sure her kids get an earful listening to her trash-talk their Dad, and who knows what else.  There's just no way that she's able to flip a switch and turn off all that we've seen her to be.  She has no filter and no self-awareness.


If confronted, she would defend all of it, I'm sure.  After all, her life is so hard.  She's a single mother, so of course everything she says and does is justified.


And of course, as you said, she lied about it.  And then stupidly provided the proof that she was lying.  If she wasn't raising two young boys, I would find it amusing.

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It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog.  And it is exceedingly crude to name your pet after anal sex. IMO. If she named her puppy "Butt-F**ker" would that be amusing? I'm thinking the answer is no. So, maybe she realized that she, yet again, made a stupid, low-class remark under the guise of humor and is using her blog to undo it. Who knows?  Maybe that is some progress for Lisa!


 My MIL was from England, and she told me years ago that Rumpy Pumpy means regular sex, but fast.  A quickie, basically.  I heard it referred to the same way when I visited London more recently.


I certainly wouldn't name my dog after anything having to do with anal sex.  Or with sex at all, probably.  But Rumpy Pumpy always sounded fairly harmless to me.

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I'm not a fan of the casual benzo eating, myself.  Although my shittier experience is with the long-acting variety, which I think have insidious effects on cognition, healthy anxiety, attention and memory.


That said, they aren't alcohol.  And the withdrawal is also individual, depending on cessation method - and that goes for all of them, opiates too.  I only say this because I think fear of withdrawal hell delays a step addicts maybe would take sooner if they were not terrified.  


I mean maybe Xanax is like alcohol are for some.  I don't know.  I think substance-of-choice is more complicated than addiction theory wants to engage.  I mean, I'm for abstinence because i know it's the safest bet but, because of other conditions, addicts with concurrent illnesses  take AA-disapproved meds on a regular basis without relapse.  


So you never know.  It's all very individual.


Although, and this I really have no idea, what were Kim's favoured pills? I mean, she doesn't strike me as picky.  I always figured her for an alcohol/oxy gal.  But I don't really have any reason I can recall. 



So the whole Kim med talk is really interesting. I’m going to babble for a “lukewarm” minute and be all TMI as I do, but I swear I have a point at the end!  lol 


I’ve tried a ton of Anti-depressants, Anticonvulsants, and Benzos at one point or another and I can tell you, that not only do reactions vary from person to person, they vary wildly from medication to medication within the same class, and I'm the kind of person who has a lot of reactions to medication.  Klonopin makes me so punch drunk silly, for instance, but Xanax just knocks me flat out.  I’ve been on Ativan for over a decade now and I take myself off to detox every once in awhile, but the cognitive effects can be real (memory loss, confusion, mood shifts, etc.) which suck, and the withdrawal blows (I become agitated and can’t sleep). Some ADs made me angry, which was weird, but yeah, irrational anger.


I had no idea that Kim was on Topamax (dubbed “Dopamax” or “Stupamax” for anyone who doesn’t know much about them. That should tell you something. lol) and now shit makes sense. 


I’m on Topamax and Neurontin (another anticonvulsant, dubbed "Morontin") and let me tell you, they can make you DUMB AS A STUMP.   I mean, you can lose word recall (particularly with proper nouns, IME), stumble over words, forget things, get confused easily, etc.  It can really interfere with things like work and everyday tasks.  I will call nouns “thing” or “thingy” when I forget what they’re called.  lol   They can also make people become unbalanced and clumsy. 


So, if Kim is on something like Topamax, along with an anti-depressant or an anti-psychotic, and a benzo or two (I can't click on the link to see what meds she was on, right now), then no wonder she seems out of it or just plain whacky, agitated or angry most of the time if she's someone who experiences a lot of side-effects.  This could explain much of her behavior, especially if she adds in alcohol and abuses the meds, but also if she's in the middle of switching meds or withdrawing..  Also, if she was taking Monty's meds, it could have been something she isn't used to taking or something that doesn't mix well with her other daily meds, which caused her to go off her rocker at the poker party. 



Oh, something else just popped into my head.  Topamax can cause damage to the liver (I believe it's uncommon though), so if she's already done damage to it with her drinking, it could make the situation worse. I think someone or multiple people mentioned upthread about Kim's hospitalization possibly having something to do with her liver, or maybe I just made that up!  lol    

Edited by SwordQueen
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It is indeed!  All I know is that what she said on the show, and I am taking her at her word. It wouldn't be the first time Lisa V. tried to do some "damage control" in her blog.

"Damage control". Exactly what I wanted to post !

I could be wrong, but I don't remember having seen or heard Lisa having a clear position for or against anything/anybody during the show... And I also remember her always clarifying AFTER an ep aired... And her blog is not the 1st up !

For instance, regarding the dog's name... In her last blog, she calls him Avery, but who knows if it's not only because of the comments we made the week before ? It's soooo easy to "play" this way, when you know what exactly happened when filming, you see the episode, read some comments and only comment AFTER all that.

It's quite like betting after having the results !

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I could careless what she names her pets, how she treats them is more important than their names IMO. Maybe she is not offended at the idea of anal sex even if others are, I have no idea but her blog was up almost as soon as the show was over. Far to fast to have waited for viewer feedback.


Well, I wasn't talking about how she treats her furry accessories.  IMO, naming your pet after a sex act is crude. Again, Lisa free to name her pet C**ksucker if she wants-- and probably will-- and I am free to think its ridiculous and a ploy to get attention. And it has nothing to do with being "offended" by sex, anal or otherwise! Please! No need to go there at all...

 My MIL was from England, and she told me years ago that Rumpy Pumpy means regular sex, but fast.  A quickie, basically.  I heard it referred to the same way when I visited London more recently.


I certainly wouldn't name my dog after anything having to do with anal sex.  Or with sex at all, probably.  But Rumpy Pumpy always sounded fairly harmless to me.



This is good.


Lisa is good.


I hope so, at least.  Because if this shit is premeditated, it's kind of a genius combo of crazy.

Nope.  She's gross.

The Great Pyrenees didn't seem moved.  I had to laugh when Lisa said she would have his puppies.  That is a dog lover. 


Nice!  And finally on to Lisa Vanderpump, the woman I hate to love.    VPR and RHOBH are my main reality-TV fixes.  There's been a lot of talk on this board alluding to Lisa's production manipulation and tantrum throwing (so to speak).  I always figured she was a smart cookie, especially relative to her cohort, but are there any actual backstage events associated with her string-pulling, etc.?


 No surprise, I have always felt like Lisa plays this shit better than almost any housewife on TV.  And, growing disoriented by my own pile of pseudo-"giving a shit," I started to congratulate her for at least being savvy enough to sustain a spin-off (self-serving way to explain my crazy-VPR obsession, which is the sparkliest of waste-products you will ever know and love).


But I think, you're right, there's something about her work that is particular in its insidiousness.  She's a drama-container rather than a screaming, drunk lunatic.  And, yes, "a contriver of experience" rather than its breakdown.  


Also, I have zero knowledge of adoption process, adoptee experience, etc. I am going to have to agree that Ken is a piece of shit and his grotesque resentment is palpable.

Oh, please, Lisa, name the next one "Butt F-cker"! PLEASE!

Hey, if it will get her 10 more seconds of camera time, I think Lisa would change KEN'S name to "Butt-F**cker"! You know why? 'Cause she is just soooo Klassy!

Edited by BluishGreen
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Well, I wasn't talking about how she treats her furry accessories.  IMO, naming your pet after a sex act is crude. Again, Lisa free to name her pet C**ksucker if she wants-- and probably will-- and I am free to think its ridiculous and a ploy to get attention. And it has nothing to do with being "offended" by sex, anal or otherwise! Please! No need to go there at all...



Nope.  She's gross.


Hey, if it will get her 10 more seconds of camera time, I think Lisa would change KEN'S name to "Butt-F**cker"! You know why? 'Cause she is just soooo Klassy!

ITA but at least she is talking about dogs and not "my gays!" ;)

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Well, I wasn't talking about how she treats her furry accessories.  IMO, naming your pet after a sex act is crude. Again, Lisa free to name her pet C**ksucker if she wants-- and probably will-- and I am free to think its ridiculous and a ploy to get attention. And it has nothing to do with being "offended" by sex, anal or otherwise! Please! No need to go there at all...



Nope.  She's gross.


Hey, if it will get her 10 more seconds of camera time, I think Lisa would change KEN'S name to "Butt-F**cker"! You know why? 'Cause she is just soooo Klassy!

I am hoping Lisa does something for camera time that involves the other ladies. I am pulling for Lisa to pull the next couple of episodes out of the nosedive that is Brandi/Kim.  I saw some of the Lisa I have enjoyed in her pre  unholy alliance with Brandi in the First Look. Lisa can be raunchy but so far this year her biggest crime seems to be not engaging with the other ladies.  Time to let the dogs out* and put hurt feelings aside, engage and enjoy. . . .


*send Ken looking for the dogs or as he will forever be etched in my brain B*&^%%$$fer.

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If she was that close to Diane, she had to know Diane was a drinker.  So I hope she's feeling some amount of remorse for what happened.


I do think that the family is denying some knowledge of her behavior but I also know that many functioning alcoholics can hide it really well to the surprise of people they're very close to. My mom is one and, while some of us know the deal, others (including a few of her siblings) would be completely baffled into disbelief. But, aside from that, I wonder if maybe the family is less surprised by Diane's drinking habits than they are that she let them obliterate all sense of propriety and reason; if they knew that she'd been a functioning alcoholic but had never actually seen her do something completely irresponsible (a gross understatement, in this case), that could be why they're digging and denying so hard. I hope that makes sense; it was hard to articulate. 

That said, I am not completely convinced by the dental issue and headaches, but I have read similar things to that effect and have not ruled it out as a valid possibility (haha, like it matters what I deem a "possibility").

Sorry, I am veering off topic. But before this thread, I never even thought of the similarities between Kim and Kyle, and Diane and her family. Maybe I'll get flak for it, but it kind of makes me feel for Kyle even more than I did before. I have a sister who is not a chemically dependent person, but who exhibits tons of similar characteristics that cause similar issues between us, and it can be draining even even without, like Kyle, having to wonder if/when she might OD and drown in a pool of her own vomit.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Hey, I've also expressed entirely too much fondness for a pair of shoes now and then, but I never said that I wanted to have sex with them.  In my whole adult life, I have never heard anyone talk about how they want to have sex with their animals. Never, ever.   It is no different to me than the "finger banging" remark or the other raunchy statements for which Brandi is so famous.  The only possible difference to me is Lisa KEEPS saying it, like a kid who learned a bad word and, every time he or she says it, the adults all laugh 'cause they think it's cute, so the kid keeps repeating it.  Lisa, you are a woman on the near side of sixty. Stop trying so hard. It makes you look desperate and foolish. 

And, BTW, if I was on the street with my pet, and some lady stopped me to say she wanted to have sex with my dog, I would be walking away very fast....

Edited by BluishGreen
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Lisa's 54. 


I think she's saying that in the way people say "This chocolate pie is so good I want to have sex with it." 


Obviously Lisa isn't going to have sex with a dog.  It doesn't bother me.


Also, many people rename pets they adopt.  There is a great shelter/adoption place that my niece helps with, and "likes" their posts on Facebook, so I often see them.  They recently did a cute thing, showed before/after adoption pictures of their rescue animals, and invited people to post photos of their rescues now.  Many people did, and it was nice to see the dogs and cats in their "forever homes" looking so happy.  I'd say 90% of them got new names.

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I renamed the cats I have now; their names did not suit them at all and they were only 12 weeks when I brought them home. My previous cats, though--adopted as adults--had names that did suit them so I kept those. But every pet I have ever had gets called by so many nicknames on top of their real names; for some reason, I like to call my two boys "baby goose." No idea why.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I renamed the cats I have now; their names did not suit them at all and they were only 12 weeks when I brought them home. My previous cats, though--adopted as adults--had names that did suit them so I kept those. But every pet I have ever had gets called by so many nicknames on top of their real names; for some reason, I like to call my two boys "baby goose." No idea why.

Baby goose is very cute.  Anal sex, not so much....

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And neither are my baby gooses' (grammatically incorrect, I know, but that's what we call them. Again, who knows why?) long-haired butts after a particularly aggressive litter-box session. Oy, they're only two now; hopefully their ass-management skills are still developing.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Rumpy Pumpy just means sex, not specificaly anal sex,  so says all of  my British Friends.


Well, I just checked UD, which says it is a term for anal sex and non-anal sex, both here and abroad.  But I am not going to claim to have done the extensive research on the provenance of the word that others have. With British Friends, no less.  And actually, it makes no difference at all. It would still be a ridiculous, attention-seeking thing to do. IMO.  Maybe Lisa should tattoo the word in her cleavage or something and promote her club that way...

Edited by BluishGreen
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Or it could be a cheeky thing that she thought was clever because it's 1) a play off her name and 2) a play off her new restaurant.


I agree, Watermelon.  She is a shameless self-promoter and vulgar to boot.  So, it makes perfect sense that she would. I just continue to be astounded by how low she will stoop to get attention, all the while acting like she is Queen of the May. 

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I agree, Watermelon.  She is a shameless self-promoter and vulgar to boot.  So, it makes perfect sense that she would. I just continue to be astounded by how low she will stoop to get attention, all the while acting like she is Queen of the May. 

I think we're all giving it more attention that it deserves, honestly.  And if Lisa  joking about a cheeky name for a dog is stooping low, she's miles ahead of most HoWives.

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Also, many people rename pets they adopt.  There is a great shelter/adoption place that my niece helps with, and "likes" their posts on Facebook, so I often see them.  They recently did a cute thing, showed before/after adoption pictures of their rescue animals, and invited people to post photos of their rescues now.  Many people did, and it was nice to see the dogs and cats in their "forever homes" looking so happy.  I'd say 90% of them got new names.


I volunteered at a horse rescue where an incoming animal's name being changed was SOP.  The idea behind it was new life, new name.  (Granted, in that situation most horses were coming from bad situations and/or in bad shape, so changing their name was a way to figuratively and perhaps actually put all the bad behind them.)  

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Didn't the whole Kim brings Brandi to the party just reek of production driven soap opera storyline? It seemed really fake.

I agree! I can see/hear Kim's producer telling her it would be a good idea to bring Brandi so that she and Kyle could make up and I see both Kyle's/Brandi's producers feeding them info to rile them up for added drama at the mixer. Kim knows Kyle well enough to realize it was a bad idea at best and went along with it none the less because she does love it all being about her! LOL

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Of course it was production.


Of course Kyle knew that.  She's been around the block with this show.  She just wanted to rage at Brandi and Kim, and then act all victimized.  It's what she does. 

I just wrote about this in another thread. This whole thing was producer driven.  Kyle showing up late to her own party with Eileen sarcastically greeting her, "Welcome to YOUR party!" just smacks of producer driven party.  They were all there except for Yolanda who hightailed it to Italy when she heard of the awful theme of the party.


I find it laughable that Kyle is protesting that she didn't know Brandi would be coming after criticizing Lisa V for saying the same thing about Faye coming to Lisa's party a few years ago.  I think Kyle was surprised that Kim was her escort tho!

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Or it could be a cheeky thing that she thought was clever because it's 1) a play off her name and 2) a play off her new restaurant.


If you look at the logo and signage for "PUMP" restaurant, the words "van der" are above PUMP, in smaller letters.

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I think we're all giving it more attention that it deserves, honestly.  And if Lisa  joking about a cheeky name for a dog is stooping low, she's miles ahead of most HoWives.


Well,  that's just it.  IMO, Lisa is not cheeky, she's vulgar, and her vulgar talk is no better than Brandi's. I recall that pages of comments were devoted to how crude Brandi's finger banging remark was (and I agree that it was)  but, yet again,  comments about Lisa's crude behavior are dismissed as not worthy of attention. Silly me.  Let's get back to talking about how awful everyone-but-Lisa is.

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Rumpy Pumpy just means sex, not specificaly anal sex,  so says all of  my British Friends.


Yes.  I posted the same thing last night, but somehow it was overlooked.


According to my British mother-in-law (and confirmed on my own trip to London), it means casual, fun, quick, "regular" sex.  A quickie, basically.


("Confirmed on my own trip to London" sounds as though I indulged in a bit of rumpy pumpy while there, but - sadly - I did not!)

Edited by DebbieM4
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Well,  that's just it.  IMO, Lisa is not cheeky, she's vulgar, and her vulgar talk is no better than Brandi's. I recall that pages of comments were devoted to how crude Brandi's finger banging remark was (and I agree that it was)  but, yet again,  comments about Lisa's crude behavior are dismissed as not worthy of attention. Silly me.  Let's get back to talking about how awful everyone-but-Lisa is.


Actually, IMO, her "vulgar" talk is much better than Brandi's, if only that it is clever, funny and punny, something Brandi's fried brain cells are incapable of producing

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