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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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Brandi's care has NOTHING to do with caring for Kim! She just sat in glee about 'Kyle knowing' she's there for her or some shit she said in the car to Kim.

She kept inserting herself in their convo. Let them talk! You are making it more of a scene. Ugh. I wanted to deck her through the TV!

Kim is loving this crap too. She tells Brandi you can't do that she's my sister...about to leave her (Brandi). Then there is wonky editing where she's all hugging on Brandi. Both of them beyond annoying.

Edited by Llama
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Brandi's care has NOTHING to do with caring for Kim! She just sat in glee about 'Kyle knowing' she's there for her or some shit she said in the car to Kim.

She kept inserting herself in their convo. Let them talk! You are making it more of a scene. Ugh. I wanted to deck her through the TV!

Kim is loving this crap too. She tells Brandi you can't do that she's my sister...about to leave her (Brandi). Then there is wonky editing where she's all hugging on Brandi. Both of them beyond annoying.

When Kim asked Brandi why she didn't let Kyle talk to her, Brandi said that it was because Kyle did not know she was/is Kim's BFF. It had nothing to do with Brandi trying to protect Kim from Kyle, it was all about Brandi controlling access to Kim for Kyle. She was punishing Kyle for moving on with Lisa!

  • Love 9

Yes, Kim loves (craves?) attention.


I thought Brandi telling the story about calling Kyle for help was interesting.  I know Brandi and Kim really have been close off season, because of various social media stuff.  Yo says the same thing, Brandi is the only one who checked on her,  or visited off season.

Yolanda said that last season as proof that Lisa V was not a real friend but then this season Yolanda said that she does not talk to or visit with Brandi after filming ends/off season. Most likely, Brandi brought out 1 cup of coffee the entire off season that year, less than what Lisa did.

After watching this I like Lisa R and Eileen even more than I did before. They both seem much too sane for this show. Also loved Eileen telling Kim/Brandi (don't remember which one) to shut up.

She told Brandi to shut up! LOL I loved it!

  • Love 4

Now I see the eternal victim Kim is going to blame this whole fight on Lisa Rinna because of the limo ride antics. "What did you tell her?!" Yes, exactly. Nobody would know that you were out of your mind if it wasn't for Lisa. God Bless anyone who has to deal with this spoiled child woman. 


I can't wait for Lisa to throw that glass.

  • Love 18

If Kyle jumps in on Lisa R. I will pitch my own personal shit fit.


Kim, you were fucked up on drugs, and everyone who was there was very, VERY aware of said fact.  No one needed to 'tell' anyone anything.  It's as plain as the new nose on your face.  Go destroy your life somewhere else; I don't want to look at you anymore.  Bravo, please, for the love of god, get this woman off the show. 

  • Love 18

Yolanda said that last season as proof that Lisa V was not a real friend but then this season Yolanda said that she does not talk to or visit with Brandi after filming ends/off season. Most likely, Brandi brought out 1 cup of coffee the entire off season that year, less than what Lisa did.

She told Brandi to shut up! LOL I loved it!

You are being unfair Wire-Brandi called Yolanda for money when she was on Celebrity Apprentice.  :)

  • Love 2

Best moment of a HW show ever was Eileen's "Oh, shut up Brandi." I can't even remember what she was responding to, but I know I was saying it with her.


Brandi was like a textbook of toxic personality that you wouldn't want near your addict. Love her bragging about how she takes phone calls from Kim at 2AM about how hard her life is, and her explaining to Kim how she was incoherent because she's taking care of kids and her ex-husband and planning her wedding. Yes, it had nothing to do with her just popping some pills. Just like Kim calling at 2AM is all about how difficult her life is and not Kim being on a screwed up schedule because she stays up doing drugs and sleeps all day. How dare Kyle say that all this drama has been regular for Kim's entire life. How can she not see that it's only all the terrible stress she's under right now that's suddenly making her this way!

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 13

Thanks folks-it gives us west coasters something to look forward to.

If you are saying that Brandi has no hope.  You are the kindest most open minded poster on here.  Sounds like Brandi is toast.


Is Kim mad at Lisar?

Thanks Zoeysmom! My husband jokingly calls me "nc of a thousand chances "but yes Brandi has officially brought me to my breaking point.

  • Love 2

Co-sign to all that you've said above. Kim and Brandi are not going to end well.


So far, I'm a Lisa Rinna fan but did no one else get annoyed at her know-it-all chatter in the car with Kyle?  After all the noise and commotion at Eileen's, then the confrontation, I might've had to nicely ask Lisa to please shut her pie hole.  Just me?

  • Love 9

Brandi's evil. Why couldn't she let Kyle & Kim chat? If anyone's looking for a storyline it's her. Now she's Kim's savior? Ok, sure.

She's using Kim to make herself relevant which is pretty sick when you consider how emotionally unstable Kim is.

I felt bad for Kyle, Brandi's determined to make her look bad regardless of her reaction. Imagine if Kyle hadn't tried to talk to Kim after the comment, Brandi would've accused her of staying at the party with the cameras rather than ensuring Kim was safe. She'd go on and on about how she left and was the only one who cares about Kim.

Loved Eileen shutting her down. She & LisaR certainly appear to have her number. I'm glad, I just Kim would realize she's playing with a snake who's certainly going to bite her eventually.

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I love how Brandi told the story of calling Kyle at 2 AM, worried about Kim, and Kyle saying it's not her problem - thinking that this would make Kyle look bad. When in reality, I'm hearing the story, thinking that "Kim's not herself" is code for "high as a kite," and thinking - Kyle - be strong, it's not your problem.

Nice try, Brandi.

  • Love 13

Brandi's evil. Why couldn't she let Kyle & Kim chat? If anyone's looking for a storyline it's her. Now she's Kim's savior? Ok, sure.

She's using Kim to make herself relevant which is pretty sick when you consider how emotionally unstable Kim is.

I felt bad for Kyle, Brandi's determined to make her look bad regardless of her reaction. Imagine if Kyle hadn't tried to talk to Kim after the comment, Brandi would've accused her of staying at the party with the cameras rather than ensuring Kim was safe. She'd go on and on about how she left and was the only one who cares about Kim.

Loved Eileen shutting her down. She & LisaR certainly appear to have her number. I'm glad, I just Kim would realize she's playing with a snake who's certainly going to bite her eventually.

IMO, Kim is equally using Brandi to remain relevant on the show as well. 2 pit vipers that will turn on each other with their venom!


Okay, whose head was that, popping up at the garage window when Brandi was slurring her usual and tired Bring It Bitch nonsense? Vince?

Totally and thankfully took me out of the scene because I cackled gleefully thinking how that so would have been me.

Yes, LOL, that was Vince. I could imaging that he was getting the water hose ready to spray Brandi down if she got any more physical!

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eileen posted on Twitter that it was indeed Vince. He thought everyone had left and was getting leftover pizza out of the fridge in the garage.


omg that is hilarious. And, thank god for that, because the rest of this was insanely depressing. Kim is so fucked up and Brandi is pretty much the most disgusting human being I've had the ill fortune of watching in a long, long time.  


I feel bad for Kyle. I've been there and it sucks and the Brandis of the world are always right there to make everything even worse while getting whatever they can out of it for themselves and doing their best to alienate the addict from the people who actually love him/her. This is some textbook shit right here.


And, yes, Eileen's eye rolling and "shut up" was the best. 

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Eileen was so completely awesome out in her driveway, I now love her forever. Along with her poor husband peeking through the window of the garage.

What I got out of that first look? Kim seemed to have no clue that Kyle and Brandi were arguing over her. She didn't even have the functionality to remember the whole getting out of the door which happened about two minutes before. She was either high as a fucking kite, or she did know what was going on and loved it. I do know she loves being in the middle of this Brandi/Kyle nonsense, but she seriously seemed like she had forgotten leaving the house.

Brandi? If some drunk who I barely tolerate because I happen to be on a reality show with them calls me up with advice on how to deal with my messed up sister and her constant problems, I'd tell her to go fuck herself. If I was feeling especially polite, I'd sarcastically say that it's her sister's damn problem and you could deal with it. Stop it. You are not a good friend to Kim, you are an enabler. Those things are not synonyms.

  • Love 8

Okay, whose head was that, popping up at the garage window when Brandi was slurring her usual and tired Bring It Bitch nonsense? Vince?

Totally and thankfully took me out of the scene because I cackled gleefully thinking how that so would have been me.

It was absolutely Vince. I saw that part in a WWH preview and immediately fell in love.  


No shame at all about wanting to know what would happen, but smart enough to stay inside.  

  • Love 3

Eileen stays shading Brandy and I love it.

Kim is a hot ass mess.



I'm completely in love with Eileen after that first look. "How about some neosporin?" And walking away from the "I'm gonna kill her" bs.



After Brandi complained about Kyle hurting her, Eileen said something about Kyle needing stitches, but she'd be ok. I loved Eileen and Lisa R in this. Good Lord! I'm a Lisa Rinna fan! Didn't see that coming.

Eileen was all shades of awesome in the sneak preview.


Lisa R was really pushing the addict talk in the limo ride home.  Reminds me of when Faye would bring up topics so others didn't have to.  Be your own person Lisa R.


Kyle should befriend Scheana, Leanne and all the others.  See how Brandi feels about that.   Brandi is exhausting.  The flashback scene with Taylor and the arm flailing.  Go.  Just go.

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So the best day of Brandi's life was when an out of it Kim called her at 2 am.  The second best day of her life was when she called Kyle  and told her she was concerned about Kim and Kim suggested Kim handle it.    I guess we now know Kyle has boundaries.


Kim decided all on her own that she would take he ex in, care for him and share his drugs during his treatments for cancer.  For Brandi to keep harping on the fact that he is dying before Kim's eyes is absurd.  There is nothing Kim, Kyle or Brandi can do about Monty dying.  By the time Brandi was confronting Kyle - Kim's daughter was married.  I hate to say but I would wager Kathy Hilton made about three calls and threw the wedding together.  Maybe kudos to Kyle and Mauricio for cutting their luxury vacation short to rush home for the hurry up wedding.   


Who calls a friend or sister at 2 am confused to say they are overwhelmed?  I mean maybe you make one of those phone calls in a life time. If you find someone who will take them more power to you.  It was not Brandi's place to indulge Kim and then try and guilt Kyle into taking over the Brandi's indulgence.


Brandi beyond overstepped and Kim bouncing around and loving every minute of the attention was pitiful.  I will say between Brandi grabbing at Kyle and hanging on Kim she is one scary albatross.


I have to hand it to Kyle-better to say nothing than to say something you can't take back.  She did not confirm or deny.  I am certain Lisa is probably open to having a conversation with Kyle at a later date.  Maybe even a private one.


Love, love, love Eileen.  She was not buying Brandi's theory at all about mutual hatred between the sisters or Kyle's jealousy of Kim.

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