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S07.E12: Beauties In The Fast Lane

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I thought production was playing with us about the timing with the Peter's bar opening, the day prior to the opening I heard Cynthia tell Kenya that she would see her in the morning and it was only a 3 hour drive to Charlotte...so how did that make them so late to the opening?  Also, it was daylight when they pulled in to the hotel and dark when they got to the bar.


For a sports bar I did not see a ton of TV's.  I did laugh when Cynthia said the food looked sexy, chicken fingers sexy? Really?


Kordell is business partner's with Peter, did we know that before this episode?




Sports One gets decent reviews on Yelp, and the website looks pretty nice...basic pub grub.  (http://sportsoneclt.com/)%C2'>

There is a sandwich on the menu called "The Cynthia Bailey", but no description of what it is....

Funny thing - other than a few photos of them, Peter and Kordell are not mentioned anywhere on the website. 

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I enjoy the lulls between epic battles so I don't mind quieter episode, however, Team Pretty don't have near the charisma, chemistry or organic fun that they think they have. In fact the whole show and cast suffers from this. I find the Nene, Phaedra, Kandi and Porsha even worse, which maybe why I am finding the season as a whole lacking. The whole dynamic of the girls feels off and forced. I still don't get how or why Nene and Phaedra are suddenly cool.  I also don't get the sense that Cynthia is all that enamored of her new friends.


Riley, as the sole heir to the Burress fortune, ain't trying to split her inheritance money.  Can't say I blame her. After 11 years of being the sole focus and point of love to both Kandi and her dragon of a grandmother, it would be hard to think about sharing the shine.  She could be nicer to her step sister, who looks younger than Riley does (WTF?? Riley is 11 years old?? Just damn!!) , however I am not gonna slam her for being withholding mostly because as a child I was accused of always being in my room too. I just enjoyed times of solitude. I loved reading, listening to music, browsing the web, talking to school friends on the phone I got as a reward for doing really well in school (yay me!!). However, I wasn't in my room all the time. I did have a brother 4 years younger than me that I enjoyed playing with, watching tv with, etc., but than again we grew up together. If I didn't have a sibling, I think it would have been hard to warm up to an insta-sibling, especially if I had all the resources and space that Riley did. Have you seen her room? Surprised she even comes out of it but I guess she has to eat (no shade, ok maybe a little LOL!).


I was wondering why the hell would Cynthia be packing clothes and concerned about what Claudia was gonna wear. Cynthia first clowning Claudia about her hair by taking her to a hairdresser and now clowning her about her clothes. LOL!!! Cost wise Claudia's wardrobe is probably on par with Kandi but because Claudia is taller and has a model figure she gets away with it. The only time I was like 'damn that shit looks cheap as hell' was when Claudia showed up to Kenya's photoshoot in some kind of mustard yellow mullet short with shorts. 


Cement ass aside, Kenya's body has been the bomb.com (tm Brooks of RHOOC) this season. She looked extra cute in her traveling outfit, although why someone would were 4 inch heels to sit in a car for 3-4 hours is beyond me.  I find Kenya exhausting though. She veers from whacky juvenile fun to eye roll ridiculous with no warning. The mooning was extra but I didn't mind it but for some reason having her song played in the car to her captive audience was the worst to me. Tardy for the party it ain't.


Nene should leave. Not because I don't like her or think she brings down the show but because she clearly is over it and doesn't want to be bothered anymore. Plus, I would be really interested to see how the show does without her. Lawd, I can't wait until Kenya and Claudia turn on each other. You know it is gonna happen. Now, that will be good.


The hypocrisy all around on this show is astounding. That Kenya can say that Nene creates division and groups (which she does) is astounding given that Kenya was the one to come up with the name "Team Pretty" (hence the title of this episode "Beauties in the Fast Lane") at the beginning of the season while calling the other girls, minus Swiss neutral Kandi, beasts. Both Kenya & Nene are divisive. Both try to rally people to their 'teams' albeit in different ways. Nene casts you out if you don't accept her words and feelings as truth. Kenya whispers into the ear of those on the cusp of Nene's disfavor and then picks up Nene's castoffs and holds them to her bosom once exiled from Neneland.


Kenya could at least be consistent. Last season she made inference that Porsha was a willing beard for Kordell. Now she wants to hook her alleged bestest girlfriend up with a dude she inferred was gay and in the closet just last season? Bitch Please!!!


Phaedra and Apollo's boys are beautiful. Being the unabashed voyeur and Bravo bitch that I am of course I appreciated the inclusion of this scene, however, my basic humanity kept piping in and insisting that it was exploitative to the boys.


I thought the same thing....why would she be trying to set one of her bff's up with a guy that she assumed/hinted is gay? 

Kenya is exhausting to me...I get tired just watching her.  And, her shriek-y voice and screaming laugh while at the bar opening was very hard on the ears!!! 


Phaedra's boys are adorable, but I agree with you about the scenes with Apollo being exploitative.

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Nene and Cynthia's fall out had nothing to do with Cynthia acting nice to Kenya, it was because Peter got his panties in a bunch over Nene saying/implying her was acting like a bitch.


I disagree, because I think by the time Nene called Peter the name, the friendship breakdown was well under way.  I think on Cynthia's side, it started when Nene said Noelle was a ho in training, but for Nene's side it started before that because if Cynthia was Nene's sister so much, Nene wouldn't have said that about her friend's child.  Especially since Nene's child has been in jail/court/rehab during 2014. 


I don't think Nene cared about Cynthia's feelings at the point of talking bad about Noelle/Cynthia's parenting, which leads me to believe Nene started breaking down on the friendship before that.  Calling Peter the name just brought everything to a head.


IMO, Nene didn't like Cynthia being cordial/friendly to Kenya and decided to back away from Cynthia and she backed away from Cynthia by lowkey insulting her/her family.


To be fair, Cynthia was passive aggressive, too.  If she said it was squashed, but then kept it going as the previous season aired, that was wrong.  If it's over, it's over.


The only way this situation between Nene & Cynthia will be resolved is if


  • Cynthia finally gets it through her head that Nene does not want to rock with her anymore and move on
  • Nene directly confronts KENYA because Kenya is at the root of the Nene/Cynthia fallout.  That's why she kept complaining about KENYA to Gregg in the car even though Kenya pretty much kept her mouth shut except when she was talking to Porsha.


But Nene doesn't like direct confrontation.  She'll turn up if somebody comes for her but she's not going to go to somebody and say "Hey I have this problem with you, let's talk it out."  And she's actually intimidated when somebody comes for her and demonstrates they are not afraid of her (Sheree, Marlo, Claudia).

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Sports One looked like a remodeled Burger King.

Yes – a line of televisions across from a wall of plate glass windows? 


It’s astonishing how much Dylan looks like Phaedra, while Aiden looks like Apollo.

Why would you open a business 3 hours from your home? How can a manager manage from that distance



Sometimes, the purpose of a business is not to make money.  Peter would be an excellent partner with whom to not make money.


When they talk about Riley being in her “room,” really they’re talking about Riley being in her “suite,” aren’t they?  Doesn’t she have a living room with an actual stage?

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Shit I nearly threw my hubby out because he was near our closest CFA (30 minutes away) & forgot to stop & get me my lemonade I asked for... It's been a month & still whenever he says he'll do something I remind him of the CFA Lemonade fuck up.


I really can't stand Cynthia this season.  She seems to have removed herself from Nene's asshole & had herself inserted into Kenya's asshole.  Guess what, Cynthia, you just traded one shitty spot for another.  Since all the relationships between the women come off as fake anyways Cynthia should try faking a backbone.


I really don't ever need to see Kordell's controlling ass ever again.  I have several things I'd like to say about Riley but I won't because she is just 11 & they weren't going to be very nice.


And because it can't be said enough... Phaedra's boys are adorable

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I was under the impression that Todd and Kandi were at the doctor's office a little too quick to find out why they were not pregnant yet, usually the doctors let you keep trying for a year at least, (or it was in my day).  How unprofessional of that fertility doctor, 3 different sized containers, talking about Mandingo style, just akward.  Did she even give any advice?

I was less than impreased as well with her cups comment and the way she sounded so condescending whern explaining the "simple" lube like Todd was stupid; now that I think about it, wouldn't using lube contaminate the semen sample?

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Shit I nearly threw my hubby out because he was near our closest CFA (30 minutes away) & forgot to stop & get me my lemonade I asked for... It's been a month & still whenever he says he'll do something I remind him of the CFA Lemonade fuck up.

GODDAMN that's good lemonade too!!!

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Like when Nene said Noelle was jumping aboard the Ho Train or when she called Cynthia's husband a name?


I'm trying to figure out how Cynthia is continuing to hurt Nene without a care in the world, when Nene is the one continuing to insult and dis Cynthia during filming and THs.


The breakdown between Nene and Cynthia happened in/around the time Nene announced that Noelle was a ho in training.  Cynthia was just too slow to see that.


And Cynthia is still slow to think she and Nene could still be BFFs or even cordial, after seeing how Nene has treated Sheree & Kim.  Keeping friendship contracts and burning them in the nice sink? I guess, but Nene told her several episodes ago that it would be several YEARS before she could trust her enough to be friends with her again, if ever.

Except....NeNe never said anything about Noelle "jumping aboard the Ho train" or a being "ho in training". I have watched every episode of RHofA (what..don't judge!) and there were a couple of times last season where Cynthia brought up Noelle dating. Before they went to Savannah, NeNe and Cynthia were grocery shopping and Cynthia brought up the fact that she was going to let Noelle's "boyfriend" come over to the house. NeNe told her then that she didn't believe in letting kids date that young and Brent would not be dating at the age of 13. So when they get to Savannah and Cynthia brings it up to the group at dinner, NeNe expressed the same sentiment. She said that she felt that Brent was too young and she sees all those young girls out at the mall twerking. Not once did she say anything about Noelle, nor was she judging Cynthia's choice to let Noelle "date". She just said it wasn't for her. Point blank, period. Cynthia was already aware of NeNe's position, so why she jumped up from the table crying, when NeNe once again expressed HER opinion on dating at thirteen, I don't understand. She already knew NeNe wasn't going to co-sign during that discussion at the table. 


As far as Peter...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck (tm Phaedra Parks).


Relative to this episode, I turned it off about thirty minutes in and I don't think I have ever done that before. I was so not interested in the Team Petty (oops I mean Team Pretty) road trip. If I have to hear Kenya cackle and say "YAASSSSSS" one more time, I am going to throw something at my teevee. 


Cynthia salivating with Peter and Mal over Claudia's "read"  (RME) of NeNe...and the burning of the friendship contract...girl bye! I am really beginning to think NeNe is right. What will the other ladies have to talk about if NeNe leaves the show? Practically every talking head from Kenya and Cynthia is about NeNe, while NeNe has very little to say about them.


I honestly don't see the big deal with Phaedra and NeNe becoming friends. I believe Phaedra mentioned that NeNe reached out to her and has been a big support to her through all of this Apollo mess. If they were able to put there past differences aside and become friendly then why not? Who says people have to be mortal enemies forever? It becomes exhausting after a while, I would think. Kim and NeNe worked things out and their battles were a lot more epic than what went down with Phaedra and NeNe.


First post. I have been lurking on this site since it opened and finally got up the nerve to join in.

Edited by imaflintstone
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Peter is an asshole! Spend your stupid lady's money.

He was really nasty when Cynthia showed up late at the bar.  And when she was holding his face to get his attention  . .  girl, just get out of there. 


Ayden was so cute when he called his brother a rascal. 

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Once again, the whole damn URL changes when the recaps are posted and I get an error message. Glad I saved my post this time.

YES! Why doesn't this platform have URL redirects?!?!?!?

I sent in a report to ask if anyone knows what the problem is that you're having. I'll get back to you if I find an answer.

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Also, CFA, my old nemesis. I try & not shop at places whose politics are so opposite of mine, but when it's Peach Milk Shake season, or Chix Tortilla Soup time, I fold like a weak hand of cards :(


I used to work with a girl who also worked at CFA (this was over a decade ago) and she would bring me their grilled chicken sandwich.  I was deep in love with that thing.  Then, A few years ago when one opened up near me, I got it and...eh.  Not so hot.  I'd like to claim that I'm standing up for my gay friends for not patronizing CFA, but it's not a real sacrifice.  Hobby Lobby, though? Damn, that one hurt.

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OK, so Kenya was only implying Cordell was gay to try to insult him. Sounds right coming from Kenya. Why Kenya cared if Porsha was married to a gay man who was not out, made no sense to me.

Porsha was wrong and so was Kenya.

This from the same woman, Kenya, that claimed Walter was gay because he would not have sex with her. She even got her Aunt and cousin to say it on camera as well!

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A few things:

Kandi talking about her many eggs and how their trouble conceiving must be due to some problem with Todd made me roll my eyes. It's not that simple. Women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have, so it's not like she's producing fresh eggs by the hundreds... they're eggs that have been sitting around for 38 years. She can certainly still potentially get pregnant, but it's likely going to be harder (as it seems to have been). That and the way she huffed and puffed after Riley said she was old to be having a baby makes me think she needs to get a little more educated on having a child at this stage in her life. It's like she doesn't realize 38 is, in fact, "older" childbearing-wise and it can effect how quickly and even whether or not it happens. Either way, I hope things work out for them. I have to agree with others, though... Todd doesn't seem as keen to the idea.

I can see why Kandi would joke about returning the car. I've gotten presents for my husband that I thought was the best gift ever and had him not jump for joy like I hoped. It's a little deflating lol. I won't get on her about that.

Re telling Riley to get in the car with Todd, I agree with PP that it seemed like it was to get them to spend time together. I thought it was nice that she'd ride with Todd's daughter (can't remember her name right now!). That was just my impression, though, who knows.

I thought it was super skeevy when Peter kept on about how cute Claudia was. So disrespectful to Cynthia, and I could tell Claudia was a little uncomfortable. I wouldn't be too happy if my husband was creeping on my friend like that.

Kenya seems like she could be fun, but also exhausting after a while. I wonder how much of it is for the cameras.

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I thought production was playing with us about the timing with the Peter's bar opening, the day prior to the opening I heard Cynthia tell Kenya that she would see her in the morning and it was only a 3 hour drive to Charlotte...so how did that make them so late to the opening?  Also, it was daylight when they pulled in to the hotel and dark when they got to the bar.


For a sports bar I did not see a ton of TV's.  I did laugh when Cynthia said the food looked sexy, chicken fingers sexy? Really?


Kordell is business partner's with Peter, did we know that before this episode?


Kordell and Peter became partners when Kordell was still married to Porsha.  I suspect that both Peter and Kordell are just financial partners.  Peter, thankfully, cannot run SportsOne from Atlanta.


I noticed the same thing when the panned to the bar.  For it to be a sports bar, the first thing I saw was a whole wall that had no TVs.  I was at a restaurant a week ago that added a sports bar.  And they had so many TVs in there (like all down the outer wall) that I didn't bother to count.  If you claim to be a sports bar, plenty of TVs is a prerequisite.  

And I had no idea Kordell was a partner.  However, I did giggle a bit when Peter was talking about Kordell's professional history because he has no ties to Charlotte.


Where was Cam Newton and the rest of the Panthers?  It seems to me that Kordell would have called his NFL buddies for the opening.  Maybe the opening was just for the RHOA taping.  It seems odd that no one from the NFL, or NBA, was in attendance.


Cynthia has been working as a fashion contributor to GMA.  This morning, GMA featured Nene as their SAG Awards fashion contributor.  I would say that the friendship has been buried and the headstone has been set in place.

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Cynthia was also the only one to check on Kenya when Porsha dragged her down to the ground.



If I remember correctly, Cynthia did not go back and comfort Kenya after the fight.  As they showed the others comforting Porsha, they panned in on Cynthia sitting alone on the couch.


The breakdown between Nene and Cynthia happened in/around the time Nene announced that Noelle was a ho in training.



I don't remember Nene saying any such thing about Noelle.  I did hear her say that 13 year old girls were twerking at the mall and that Cynthia shouldn't let Noelle date at the age of 13.  Nowhere in there did I hear her call Noelle a ho in training.  Cynthia got all upset and emotional because Nene didn't agree with her on that one point which I think a lot of other parents (me included) would agree with Nene on also.  (Oops!  Imaflintstone beat me to this and said it so much better.  :-))

Edited by swankie
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As far as Peter...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck (tm Phaedra Parks).

If Phaedra Parks managed to snag herself the trademark for that saying (which is older than all of us put together), she's a way better lawyer than she seems to be! (Hi, Imaflintstone!  I'm guessing you're either Wilma or Pebbles?)


Re Cynthia and the friend contract:  Coming next week, Cynthia retrieves the wet ashes of the contract from her sink drain and places them in an urn in a spot of honor on her mantel.  In upcoming weeks, Cynthia has the urn interred at Atlanta's most prestigious cemetery.  And then unveils the headstone.  And then plants a tree of life over the grave site.  And then . . .  It's funny that Cynthia took the time to draft a contract for a friendship and then filed it away with all her important papers (and why does her sister know where Cynthia keeps her documents?) but never bothered to draw up a prenup with her leech of a husband? Priorities . . .


Nene looked like she became physically ill at the thought of having her lips touch Gregg's for more than a millisecond.


Riley doesn't know what "rhyme" means.  I suspect she meant that a lot of first names go well with Burruss, not rhyme with it, although I'm not sure why she thinks that either.  But I do have an idea for the first boy in this new family.


Wait for it . . . . . .


Brother Tucker. 


(I'm only a little bit embarrassed.)



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This morning, GMA featured Nene as their SAG Awards fashion contributor.


How the HELL is Nene a fashion ANYthing?!

So did Cynthia not do anything fashion related for GMS re the Golden Globes or SAG. How the HELL is Nene a fashion ANYthing?!


She's a hustler. I'll give her that. Now if only she ACTED (and spoke) like she has the educaSHUN she talks about. 


2) WHY was Cynthia so interested in how Claudia dresses. I think Claudia knows how to get a man's attention thank you.

And I KNOW Cynthia didn't say "she knows how to get a man' -- Uh, Cynthia baby, look at the man you caught -- no one would want him..

Who the hell would brag about that. A man who talked about cheating on you when you were sick, showed you NO support during your illness, and needs YOUR money to invest in his had ideas. And YOU know how to catch a man? A bum is more like it.


3) I didn't appreciate Kenya mocking and making fun of church the way she did in the back of the car: clapping her hands and joking "it's a revival, it's a revival" and screaming like she was 'in the spirit."


4) Poor Cynthia. Sweetie, Sports One is NOT a sports bar. The lack of TVs and the layout ALONE -- showed me it wasn't a sports bar. And the fact that there were no athletes at an opening featured on a TV show, shows me neither Cynthia NOR Peter have ANY business sense, AT ALL. IF Cynthia did, she's be working a make up line, hair line, cosmetics accessories line, fashion line. How the HELL does NENE have a clothing line -- and Cynthia has a frigging modeling agency? Really, Cynthia, really? 


5) Claudia should have shut down Kenya pushing Cordell. She should have looked at her like she was crazy. And the way Cynthia didn't appreciate Peter ogling Claudia was interesting. (Yeah, Cynthia you know how to get a man) Peter said he didn't it to egg on Cordell, Suuure he did. I though Claudia played it off really well, joking about he bad feet.

Edited by selhars
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I didn't appreciate Kenya mocking and making fun of church the way she did in the back of the car: clapping her hands and joking "it's a revival, it's a revival" and screaming like she was 'in the spirit."



Amen!  Oops...hehe.  Anyway, I agree.  I don't think anything Kenya does is funny.  I agree with Cynthia that Noelle at 14 is more mature than Kenya.  It looks stupid to me when a 44 year old woman behaves the way she does.  I believe in having fun too but I don't revert to acting like a 12 year old to have it.  And it looked to me like both Claudia and Cynthia were getting tired of Kenya by the time the trip was over.  Both of them had not so favorable talking heads about her in this episode.

Edited by swankie
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Cynthia salivating with Peter and Mal over Claudia's "read"  (RME) of NeNe...and the burning of the friendship contract...girl bye! I am really beginning to think NeNe is right. What will the other ladies have to talk about if NeNe leaves the show? Practically every talking head from Kenya and Cynthia is about NeNe, while NeNe has very little to say about them.



I agree.  If Nene wasn't around, what would Kenya and Cynthia do?  Who would they talk about?  


Nene isn't educated, she was a stripper, she's ignorant, I get that.  To her, Greg was a step up.  


Nene may not be educated, but I think about what she's done in her life.  I've known women like Nene who have had multiple children by multiple men, sometimes they  might not even know who the father is.  


I look at Cynthia and I don't get it.  The woman was a model, she's traveled all over the world and Peter Thomas is the best she can do?  Seriously?  Something is seriously wrong there.


I look at Kenya; the woman was Miss USA.  Many former beauty queens manage to parlay careers in broadcasting, many of them get degrees.  One former Miss America (I think it's Debbie Turner) became a veterinarian and now she does commentary for CBS news.  I look at Kenya who actually had the title of Miss USA and I wonder what happened to her.


I look at Claudia; I think she was some type of spokes model or something?  She's a pretty women, and according to her, more educated than Nene; so why hasn't she blown up career wise.


They may make fun of Nene, but they're all right there on this reality show, so to me, they're no better than Nene.

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^^ Welcome!! which flintsone are ya?  :P



If Phaedra Parks managed to snag herself the trademark for that saying (which is older than all of us put together), she's a way better lawyer than she seems to be! (Hi, Imaflintstone!  I'm guessing you're either Wilma or Pebbles?)


Re Cynthia and the friend contract:  Coming next week, Cynthia retrieves the wet ashes of the contract from her sink drain and places them in an urn in a spot of honor on her mantel.  In upcoming weeks, Cynthia has the urn interred at Atlanta's most prestigious cemetery.  And then unveils the headstone.  And then plants a tree of life over the grave site.  And then . . .  It's funny that Cynthia took the time to draft a contract for a friendship and then filed it away with all her important papers (and why does her sister know where Cynthia keeps her documents?) but never bothered to draw up a prenup with her leech of a husband? Priorities . . .


Nene looked like she became physically ill at the thought of having her lips touch Gregg's for more than a millisecond.


Riley doesn't know what "rhyme" means.  I suspect she meant that a lot of first names go well with Burruss, not rhyme with it, although I'm not sure why she thinks that either.  But I do have an idea for the first boy in this new family.


Wait for it . . . . . .


Brother Tucker. 


(I'm only a little bit embarrassed.)


Hey there! Thanks so much for the welcome. If I had to choose, it would definitely be Pebbles, but actually my username comes from my home town of Flint, Michigan. Flintstones in da' house! :-)


Zaldamowilder....I just want to say that your posts have been giving me life! So funny and clever.


Love the bolded part especially Mondrianyone, but I disagree with yours (and quite a few others) assessment of the Leakes' marriage. Even though she was a stripper in her former life, NeNe has expressed on several occasions how uncomfortable she is talking about sex and expressing her sexuality. She is probably just as uncomfortable with PDA in front of the camera, which is what that scene in the car at the airport looked like to me. I think Greg and NeNe love each other and they have a relationship that works for them. I would much rather have someone like Greg that caters to me and can express how much he loves me (as cheesy and old school as he is) than someone like Peter. JMHO!

Edited by imaflintstone
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I agree.  If Nene wasn't around, what would Kenya and Cynthia do?  Who would they talk about?  


Nene isn't educated, she was a stripper, she's ignorant, I get that.  To her, Greg was a step up.  


Nene may not be educated, but I think about what she's done in her life.  I've known women like Nene who have had multiple children by multiple men, sometimes they  might not even know who the father is.  


I look at Cynthia and I don't get it.  The woman was a model, she's traveled all over the world and Peter Thomas is the best she can do?  Seriously?  Something is seriously wrong there.


I look at Kenya; the woman was Miss USA.  Many former beauty queens manage to parlay careers in broadcasting, many of them get degrees.  One former Miss America (I think it's Debbie Turner) became a veterinarian and now she does commentary for CBS news.  I look at Kenya who actually had the title of Miss USA and I wonder what happened to her.


I look at Claudia; I think she was some type of spokes model or something?  She's a pretty women, and according to her, more educated than Nene; so why hasn't she blown up career wise.


They may make fun of Nene, but they're all right there on this reality show, so to me, they're no better than Nene.

I guess I didn't realize being a stripper was synonymous with being ignorant or uneducated. NeNe did go to college and while some of her speech affectations may not reflect that, she is far from stupid or ignorant. I absolutely agree with the bold part of your post though. They are all showing their asses on a Bravo reality show for a Bravo check so, there's that.


The fact that NeNe has been able to parlay her RHoA stardom into several other lucrative opportunities, speaks to her hustle and her drive, IMHO. She is striking while the iron is hot and making her coins while she can. More power to her, I say.

Edited by imaflintstone
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Awwww Apollo, why did you have to go and F**k up your life and the life of your gorgeous boys? I could weep for those innocent kids.

Those boys are adorable, especially Ayden (so smart!) and it makes me so sad that Apollo fucked up their lives.

Weird to me that Claudia has made negative comments about dark-skinned men when she was just in the doc "Light Girls" (and is she light? She's darker than I am and I don't consider myself light) talking about how she defends dark-skinned women. (I don't think Kordell is attractive at all but that has nothing to do with his complexion.)

Riley looks older than 11 (this is mean of me but she really could stand to lose weight) but I don't blame Kayla for not wanting to hang out with an 11-year-old. What would they do together? The family go-karting was cute though.

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I think it's going to be incumbent upon Todd and Kandi as parents to arrange more family outings if they want the girls to hang out together. I think sometimes Kandi forgets her daughter is only 11, since she mouths off like her grandma MJ way too often.

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Having a college degree isn't necessarily an indication of anything other than that you could put in the time necessary and fulfill the class requirements.  It doesn't mean you're intelligent, well-read, have any common sense, can function as a productive member of society or will become successful.  That's not a defense of NeNe because she doesn't strike me as someone who's gone out of her way to educate herself or to become well-rounded, but her not being a college graduate isn't an indictment.  They've all walked different paths and wound up in the same place, so ... that would be my response if some of those harpies said something to me like, "Did you graduate?"  "Nope!  And yet somehow I made it here - just like you.  BLOOP!"

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I guess I didn't realize being a stripper was synonymous with being ignorant or uneducated. NeNe did go to college and while some of her speech affectations may not reflect that, she is far from stupid or ignorant. I absolutely agree with the bold part of your post though. They are all showing their asses on a Bravo reality show for a Bravo check so, there's that.



I'm afraid I wasn't clear.  I don't think that being a stripper means someone is uneducated or ignorant; my point was that Kenya and Claudia make fun of Nene for:  A) Being a stripper and B) Being uneducated, as Claudia said something nasty to her about college, and then to say "bridesmaids."  My point was that neither Kenya nor Claudia nor Cynthia is any better than Nene because they're all on a reality show; that it doesn't matter what Nene did in the past or how she pronounces words or anything.  All of them are on this show, so all of them are equal to me.  

Edited by Neurochick
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I wouldn't be going out of my way to "bring down" someone like NeNe if I thought she was trash.  What does that prove, other than that you're willing to wallow, too?  Oh, awesome.  You're in the gutter with someone you think of as a gutter snipe.  Good on you.


"You're not better than me!"  Okay, then.  So, y'all are equals.  Y'all are trash mouths together.  Wonderful.

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The problem is Nene doesn't see herself as equal to them. She thinks she's better than them and that's why she was called out! I used to be the biggest Nene fan, but she has turned into a egotistical horrible person at least on the show.


Exactly! Now I do think that Claudia can try and get a little more clever than "spell bridesmaid" but I did applaud her effort, she did come out with some good ones and boy oh boy she did have Nene flustered. The biggest accomplishment was that she stood her ground with Nene plain and simple. I would love to completely shut Nene up and there are in fact some things that could be said to her that would leave her completely dumbfounded and unable to respond. Alas, my appearance on the show doesn't seem to be in the cards. LOL!

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My point was that neither Kenya nor Claudia nor Cynthia is any better than Nene because they're all on a reality show; that it doesn't matter what Nene did in the past or how she pronounces words or anything.  All of them are on this show, so all of them are equal to me.



Everybody's equal, but to me it's a class thing.  NeNe puts on airs, flaunts her labels and appears to think she's sophisticated.  But wherever she goes... she's still going to be... NeNe.  Cynthia and Claudia, on the other hand, can go anywhere, because they actually ARE sophisticated enough to conduct themselves according to the crowd they're in.  We may see their crass sides, but I have no doubt that either one of them could be seated next to a VIP at anything from a picnic to the White House and be considered a very pleasant dinner companion.    I think Kenya COULD do it, but I also think she's enough of a wild card that some random aggravating factor could make her go haywire.  NeNe?  Nope.  Because she'd start talking about what a pretty table setting the hostess made, even though she prefers the Versace plates she has at home. 


So to me, Claudia was going off on NeNe's entirely unfounded condescension.   

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There was a country song years ago, it went "Oh Lord, it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way...." and that pretty much sums up NeNe and anyone on any of these shows when they go putting on airs. NeNe just happens to do it more than anyone else.

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Cement ass aside, Kenya's body has been the bomb.com (tm Brooks of RHOOC) this season.


I really can't stand Cynthia this season.  She seems to have removed herself from Nene's asshole & had herself inserted into Kenya's asshole.  Guess what, Cynthia, you just traded one shitty spot for another.


There is a sandwich on the menu called "The Cynthia Bailey", but no description of what it is....


It's got moose chitlins in cement aspic.


I don't think anything Kenya does is funny.  I agree with Cynthia that Noelle at 14 is more mature than Kenya.  It looks stupid to me when a 44 year old woman behaves the way she does.


Kenya worked my last nerve this episode.  I think she's grasping to be the fun wildcard.  It's like she's trying to laugh at her own antics loudly enough to keep the peach glued to her hand.


I actually couldn't bring myself to watch the scene with Apollo and his kids.  It was too sad.

Edited by erikdepressant
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The doctor Todd and Kandi visited was, of course, from another Bravo show, "Women of Medicine" (I think that's the name; it looked like a hot mess so I never watched it). Haven't you noticed by now that the RH ladies never consult any professional who isn't also cross-promoting the Bravo brand?

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Dr. Jackie's something of a different case, though. She's been a go to OB/GYN for a variety of famous Atlanta folk for over a decade at this point(She was Toni Braxton's OB back for her first kid).  I'm sure the cross-pollination of Bravo shows doesn't hurt, but I'm fairly sure Kandi was going to her anyway.


At least, she could have been referred to her, even without the cameras.

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Having a college degree isn't necessarily an indication of anything other than that you could put in the time necessary and fulfill the class requirements.  It doesn't mean you're intelligent, well-read, have any common sense, can function as a productive member of society or will become successful.  That's not a defense of NeNe because she doesn't strike me as someone who's gone out of her way to educate herself or to become well-rounded, but her not being a college graduate isn't an indictment.  They've all walked different paths and wound up in the same place, so ... that would be my response if some of those harpies said something to me like, "Did you graduate?"  "Nope!  And yet somehow I made it here - just like you.  BLOOP!"

The reality is that Cynthia, Kenya and Claudia fell downward until they landed on this show, Nene rose up until she got on this show. They may be on the same show but their career path trajectories were opposite in direction, 1 rose and 3 fell.  

The problem is Nene doesn't see herself as equal to them. She thinks she's better than them and that's why she was called out! I used to be the biggest Nene fan, but she has turned into a egotistical horrible person at least on the show.

Her ego is enormous but so are Kenya's and Claudia's. All 3 blow their horns too loud in public and far too often!


Everybody's equal, but to me it's a class thing.  NeNe puts on airs, flaunts her labels and appears to think she's sophisticated.  But wherever she goes... she's still going to be... NeNe.  Cynthia and Claudia, on the other hand, can go anywhere, because they actually ARE sophisticated enough to conduct themselves according to the crowd they're in.  We may see their crass sides, but I have no doubt that either one of them could be seated next to a VIP at anything from a picnic to the White House and be considered a very pleasant dinner companion.    I think Kenya COULD do it, but I also think she's enough of a wild card that some random aggravating factor could make her go haywire.  NeNe?  Nope.  Because she'd start talking about what a pretty table setting the hostess made, even though she prefers the Versace plates she has at home. 


So to me, Claudia was going off on NeNe's entirely unfounded condescension.   

Something tells me that Nene knows how to behave in public and/or in a real business meeting/setting because she keeps getting jobs/gigs acting and was offered her own clothing line on HSN, which is going strong selling out of many items. Now, the same can not be said of Kenya or Claudia because they were at or near the top and have fallen so far down that doing this show was necessary to pay the bills/live. For Cynthia, she is quiet by nature and IMO, she would just sit quietly, smile and nod her head without giving a real opinion about anything...ever..........unless Peter whispered the opinion/answer in her ear first.

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The reality is that Cynthia, Kenya and Claudia fell downward until they landed on this show, Nene rose up until she got on this show. They may be on the same show but their career path trajectories were opposite in direction, 1 rose and 3 fell.  

Her ego is enormous but so are Kenya's and Claudia's. All 3 blow their horns too loud in public and far too often!


Something tells me that Nene knows how to behave in public and/or in a real business meeting/setting because she keeps getting jobs/gigs acting and was offered her own clothing line on HSN, which is going strong selling out of many items. Now, the same can not be said of Kenya or Claudia because they were at or near the top and have fallen so far down that doing this show was necessary to pay the bills/live. For Cynthia, she is quiet by nature and IMO, she would just sit quietly, smile and nod her head without giving a real opinion about anything...ever..........unless Peter whispered the opinion/answer in her ear first.

This right here.....I keep reading that Nene isn't humble enough, she thinks she is better than the HW's, etc., etc, but she continues to get real acting jobs outside of the HW's venue. I have never heard or read anything from any of the castmates from her other shows that would make me think she is nothing but professional. As a matter of fact, I read somewhere that on the last night of her Cinderella run, she was in tears and was expressing nothing but gratitude for the experience. The same when she got voted off of DWTS. 


Claudia and Kenya in particular have done nothing but blow up their own spot, if only just to highlight how much "better" they are than NeNe. Even Cynthia, in the first episode of this season had to throw shade about NeNe being a stripper, ki ki'ing about it with her new BFF Kenya. I guess I don't understand how some think NeNe is supposed to act with these other ladies, especially after viewing talking head after talking head with the put downs and the shade thrown in her direction, season after season. Even when NeNe is barely in an episode, Kenya, Claudia and Cynthia are running off at the mouth about her. *shrugs*

Edited by imaflintstone
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Everybody's equal, but to me it's a class thing.  NeNe puts on airs, flaunts her labels and appears to think she's sophisticated.  But wherever she goes... she's still going to be... NeNe.  Cynthia and Claudia, on the other hand, can go anywhere, because they actually ARE sophisticated enough to conduct themselves according to the crowd they're in.



If Claudia, Cynthia and Kenya have so much class; why are they on this trashy show?  Why have neither of them really "made it" despite all of their advantages and privileges? (beauty and poise).  If Cynthia has so much class, why did she marry a loser like Peter?  


As for Nene not being humble enough.  How does one act humble?  What does humble look like without looking like you're trying to look humble?

Edited by Neurochick
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GODDAMN that's good lemonade too!!!

Now I'll have to try it!  We've had CFA here for about 10 years but it was in a mall about 25 min from me so I didn't bother.  Then about 3 months ago I went to one for the first time and now I am seriously addicted to their chicken nuggets. Thankfully there is now one about 15 min and in a shopping area that I frequent. 


The doctor Todd and Kandi visited was, of course, from another Bravo show, "Women of Medicine" (I think that's the name; it looked like a hot mess so I never watched it). Haven't you noticed by now that the RH ladies never consult any professional who isn't also cross-promoting the Bravo brand?

I thought I read that Kandi was the reason Women of Medicine actually became a show?? Or I had read that Kandi was tied to them somehow. 

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I'm afraid I wasn't clear.  I don't think that being a stripper means someone is uneducated or ignorant; my point was that Kenya and Claudia make fun of Nene for:  A) Being a stripper and B) Being uneducated, as Claudia said something nasty to her about college, and then to say "bridesmaids."  My point was that neither Kenya nor Claudia nor Cynthia is any better than Nene because they're all on a reality show; that it doesn't matter what Nene did in the past or how she pronounces words or anything.  All of them are on this show, so all of them are equal to me.  


Actually, Nene is the person who began this confrontation by objecting to Demetria directly addressing Phaedra's shade.   Then Claudia said grown women should be able to discuss an issue out in the open.  Then because Nene can't distinguish between an opinion that dissents from her own and being attacked, she dives right in.  Telling Claudia she wishes she had what Nene had.  That's sort of where we have to stop and acknowledge that Nene is driving the car that just took a turn.   I'm not justifying what either of them said to each other, but I do admit to enjoying the hell out of a woman with the mentality of a bully and the expectation of no response and no defense from whomever she's trying to intimidate, getting some back.  


her not being a college graduate isn't an indictment.


Couldn't agree with this more.  But if Nene thought so, she wouldtn've brought it up.  Didn't nobody pick on her about being college educated or not, she brought up school in response to how young she was at the time of her arrest.  Claudia's point was, most educated people, college or not, know and can pronounce plural words.  My thing is, if the argument you're making to silence and/or teach me a lesson is that I am envious of you, we are either about to explore the various ways in which that could be possible or how ridiculous you sound for saying so.  I'dve been okay if she was like I get why you're so fascinated with me, or beat about me, but jealous?  Lol, she used the wrong concept with the wrong person.  Nene said she was not only proud of being a stripper but she liked it.  Mazel.  She could've shut Claudia all the way down by saying: pole, set prop, tomato, tomahto, if you're gonna ding a chick for using her body to make money, look in the mirror girl.

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And she did - by calling Claudia a whore.  Which somehow managed to bite *Porsha* in the ass in an act of such ridiculous transference, I still have whiplash from it.  I don't disagree with your points here, I'm saying not being a graduate isn't an indictment because when NeNe defensively brought up that she's been to college, Claudia's response was "Did you graduate?"  I thought that was a weak rejoinder. 


Perhaps NeNe's remarks should've been along the lines of "Girl, yes, I was a stripper and great at it.  You'd probably be good, too, with them marsupial ass toes.  You'd get a really good grip!"

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And she did - by calling Claudia a whore.  Which somehow managed to bite *Porsha* in the ass in an act of such ridiculous transference, I still have whiplash from it.  I don't disagree with your points here, I'm saying not being a graduate isn't an indictment because when NeNe defensively brought up that she's been to college, Claudia's response was "Did you graduate?"  I thought that was a weak rejoinder.


In advance I apologize for the pedanticism.  Blessing and a curse.   She didn't say anything about having graduated (this is my fault I mention this as a potential snapback in the first looks thread), she said: college?  Then Nene said oh you didn't know bitch I'm very college educated.   Two things are wrong with that.  Somebody yelling at the top of their lungs about how educated they are (one of the things Claudia should be jealous of her for) probably should have a little more humility at not being able to properly pronounce the word bridesmaids and in order to make the claim that she is college educated, she was required to have completed a degree.  I have college experience or I'm educated, I'll allow either (™ Snarkkitty) lol but to use the term college educated, she'dve needed to go all the way through.  I wish this were true, it means I could tell the IRS that as to 2013, I'm filed.  And I'm making no claims, cooks said upthread that she went to a 2 year school, I should've clicked but is it bad that I don't care if she finished? lol!


Perhaps NeNe's remarks should've been along the lines of "Girl, yes, I was a stripper and great at it.  You'd probably be good, too, with them marsupial ass toes.  You'd get a really good grip!"


ROTFLMAO!!!!!   You're dead ass wrong and I love it!!

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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