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Hallmark Movies: Small Town Royalty Magically Celebrating Rekindled Love! - General Discussion

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I’m sure the hotel is doing well because of its Instagram factor- wow look,  I’m in a room made of ice! I can’t pee all night but it’s where two crappy Hallmark movies were filmed! How cool is that? Yeah, no thanks. Give me a warm hotel room with a bathroom any day.

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OK, wooden acting aside, Christopher Russell seems to find a reason to take his shirt off in almost every movie and that is a good thing.  Currently watching Midnight Masquerade, which is worse than terrible, but these small moments somehow make it all bearable. 

  • LOL 1

If anyone's interested, the Hallmark Channel USA Facebook page had a live discussion with Tyler Hynes and Lacey Chabert earlier this afternoon about their movie tomorrow night, and the recorded video is up now. It's about half an hour long. I'm watching it as they type, so I don't know if the hair issue is addressed. (Although several posters have mentioned it on various other posts.) As always, he's impossibly nice and charming throughout.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/hallmarkchannel/videos/1193831961134431/ 

18 hours ago, kirinan said:

so I don't know if the hair issue is addressed.

Well, it appears that the way he addresses it in the interview is to wear a toque.  Probably a good idea.  But I'm wondering if he forgot there was a camera on him, or he just thinks it's ok to suck on a toothpick while talking, taking it out of his mouth and waving it around then putting it back in his mouth?  Ugh.  I fast-forwarded through most of the interview but on one of the stops, I did hear Lacey Chabert say, '(character) is a bit neurotic.'  Great, can't wait!

The good news is that it appears we will see this movie tonight in Canada instead of the usual one week delay, so I guess we'll all meet back here tonight or tomorrow to discuss.

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I thought Sweet Carolina was okay.  I hated the Dad and how she was treated badly because she lived in New York for her career.  I hate that trope so much.  Moving away from home doesn’t make someone a terrible person.  I get family obligations so I am fine with her moving home to raise the kids.  I like that it was not city awful/small town good but simply her wanting to take care of the kids.  Also I think it’s totally unrealistic to make someone your kids guardian without discussing it with them first.  Yet that trope shows up in movies all the time. 

I thought it was awful that her mother called her in the middle a work day to give her the bad news.  When my Aunt died my mother didn’t inform me until I finished work that day because she knew I would be upset.  

Edited by Luckylyn
  • Love 6

Sweet Carolina

Perky, ultra organized career woman - rattles off 14 items, askes assistant if the "got that" is so focused that notices the color of the folder just before being lavishly praised by her coworkers. Check.

Sleazy boyfriend - "I will be working 24/7 and traveling all of the time but we can make it work".........."I long distance relationship doesn't work for me". Check.

Dead parent with children. Check.

Hunky old boyfriend still happily living in the small town.  Check.

Perky career woman attempts to work from small town whilst taking over for dead parents but fails on all sides including messing with the love life of the boy and leaving them sitting on a curb.  Business partners are askance that she leaves the meeting for somehting "more important".  Check.

Requisite misunderstanding within the last 15 minutes.  Check.

Decides family is more important, small town living beats the big city, hooks up with old boyfriend.  Check.

Nothing new here folks, Feel free to move on...

I must say that they all got over the tragedy rather handily.  Very little drama after the initial brief spate of tears.  Which were all pretty badly acted.

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Yup.  Nothing much to add, other than I don't remember ever seeing a Hallmark character as hateful as the father.  Imagine treating your daughter like a pariah because she moved away, then trying to send her away when she wanted to stay to help.  But hey, it's ok because he loves her and misses her.

The Tyler Hynes hair watch was on and wow, what a mess!  It had to be a wig, right?  A dirty wig.  Or dirty hair. The combo of being plastered to his head in the front, and sticking out like little wings at the back was pretty alarming.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

The Tyler Hynes hair watch was on and wow, what a mess!  It had to be a wig, right?  A dirty wig.  Or dirty hair. The combo of being plastered to his head in the front, and sticking out like little wings at the back was pretty alarming.

The more I looked at it, it seemed like it was shellacked into place with hairspray so it wouldn't flop around. His hair seems to be naturally stick-straight, which is notoriously hard to keep out of the eyes. I wonder if his hair is long for another role and that was their way of dealing with it? I would love to know more about how Hallmark chooses (or eenie-meenie-minie-moes) their hair stylists. 

Hair aside, he provided the majority of the appeal the movie had, IMO. He has so much charm and empathy as an actor, I just can't believe he won't go on to bigger and better things. Lacey Chabert played the usual Hallmark overachieving, uptight woman--the less said about that the better because it's a sore spot for me. And although I was happy to see that two of my favorite actors (Gregory Harrison, Teryl Rothery) were in it, neither were well served by the script. I liked the girl who played Delilah, though, and Ben grew on me through the movie. 

Last (I promise), while it wasn't awful, it was so oddly paced. I had no sense of how much time was passing, and as a result, it came across as tone deaf. For instance, it appeared they were laughing and joking at breakfast the day after the funeral. I'm not pearl-clutching here--my family never hesitates to pull out black humor to get us through sad/challenging times--but that sure didn't happen the day after my mom's funeral. Or the next day. Or for many days after that. As @Cetacean said, they really seemed to get over such a tragedy way too fast. I know they have less than two hours to show it, but movies do it successfully all the time. 

So I guess I wouldn't call this movie a win, but...Tyler. 

Edited by kirinan
  • Love 7

Well I watched another of Tyler Hynes' movies yesterday evening before this one - I never remember the names because they all sound the same, it was the one with Taylor Cole where he is roped into the bachelor bake-off - and I particularly noticed his hair which was 100% normal, parted at the side but some volume at the top so it didn't look plastered to his head.  So we know he has it in him.  

2 hours ago, kirinan said:

I wonder if his hair is long for another role and that was their way of dealing with it? I would love to know more about how Hallmark chooses (or eenie-meenie-minie-moes) their hair stylists. 

Perhaps you're right.  Either that, or the hairstylist is his ex-girlfriend who is still harbouring some hard feelings.

  • LOL 5
3 hours ago, kirinan said:

 I wonder if his hair is long for another role and that was their way of dealing with it?

There is nothing on IMDb about him working on another project. 

46 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

Either that, or the hairstylist is his ex-girlfriend who is still harbouring some hard feelings.

Going with that one....

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I hated Sweet Carolina.  And I like all the main leads, especially Teryl Rothery & Tyler Hines.  But damn, this one sucked so hard.  (Teryl looked beautiful throughout.. what a shit script she was given.) 

As mentioned above, there were no hints given to the time passed.  No one seemed to grieve all that much but especially the children other than Ben being a little emo when Lacey (name?  Josie was it?) showed up.  

That Josie(?) went and talked to the boys crush the way she did?  No.Way.  Not in any way, shape or form realistic.  

But the absolute worst thing about this movie was the dead animal sitting on top of Tyler's head.  What the actual hell in tarnation was anyone thinking?  Once they saw it on the feed, they should've fired whomever did that to the man.  

The other dead relative story that Lacey did, the Color of Rain, was a far superior story.  

Edited by Callietwo
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I watched both Baby, It's Cold Inside and Sweet Carolina this past weekend.  Zzzzzzzz

FIrst Cold:  Something about Ben's behavior towards Hannah was just very junior highish.  I don't know how else to describe it.  He was instantly smitten with her (as my mother would say). She smiled that toothy smile and that was that. It wasn't cute or romantic at all.

I'm not sure what I can add to the Sweet Carolina comments that haven't been said already.  HAIR, HAIR, HAIR.  The one thing that I did like was the way that it ended. There wasn't a big misunderstanding between her and Cooper that had to be resolved.She didn't stay because of him.  She was just in the next stage of her life.  Hopefully that next stage includes finding a new hairstylist for Cooper.

Edited by ShelleySue
To clarify about which movie I'm discussing.
  • LOL 3

The one thing I'll add about Sweet Carolina is that while I didn't mind it, I won't watch again and that's kind of a barometer for how much I enjoy HM movies.  Some I can happily watch over and over when they reappear; others, I see them once and then I'm done.  Sweet Carolina falls into the 2nd category.

I am glad that she's able to work remotely for her NY firm because it seemed like she really liked her job and was very good at it.  

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I see Michelle Vicary is leaving Hallmark. I know they're dumping Home & Family, and I also heard they're getting rid of the dumbest-named podcast ever, Bubbly Sesh (sets my teeth on edge just to look at that title). It seems there will be quite a shakeup at the Hallmark Channel. I'm not sure whether to be apprehensive, interested, excited, or what. 

Edited by kirinan
  • Useful 1

So far there haven't been a ton of tangible changes that I've seen on the actual network.  The movies are all pretty much the same as they were before, cliché plots and mostly dominated by white 30-somethings with middling acting skills.  This past year's Christmas movies did show some hints of diversity, with the gay adoption plot, so I'll give them that, but they still have a long way to go.  The scripted series are all pretty tired and played out but there's no indication of replacements for them.  Is When Hope Calls getting a second season?  Did it already have one?  I haven't been following it.

I don't know, for all the hints of major shakeups, it seems like it's still business as usual.  And I completely agree, "Bubbly Sesh" plus a cartoon champagne flute sounds like something you'd see on a pillow at Home Goods that was on sale for $2.99.

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4 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

So far there haven't been a ton of tangible changes that I've seen on the actual network.  The movies are all pretty much the same as they were before, cliché plots and mostly dominated by white 30-somethings with middling acting skills.

They talk change but they cannot upset their demographic of pearl clutching inflexible watchers that are their bread and butter.  But that group is rapidly fading away - how many Hallmark stores are still in business?  Their core shoppers are no longer making their weekly trips to stock up on cards to send by mail.

The radical changes needed to bring Hallmark into this century are just beyond the capability of their writers and casting directors.  For every 100 lily-white actors, if you're lucky you might see a rare glimpse of a POC or AAPI or indigenous actor somewhere in the background. 

The world is a big, diverse place.  Hallmark has dug itself into a safe ittle hole and no way they are coming out. I foresee the end to this network as the younger generation ignores its paltry, insipid offerings.

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Watching one of my all-time favorite Hallmark movies on Hallmark Drama at the moment: Love on the Air, with Alison Sweeney and Jonathan Scarfe. It's from 2015, which I guess is starting to look like part of the glory years for the Hallmark Channel before the fall. It's a well-written, well-acted movie about adults, and the two leads have amazing chemistry. If you have the chance to check it out, I don't think I'm the only one here who would highly recommend it!

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Just now, kirinan said:

I don't think I'm the only one here who would highly recommend it!

Nope.  It's terrific.  But in defense(?) of Hallmark, it was always seen as quite a cut above the rest of their normal movies even at that time, IIRC.  Not all of their movies at that time were even close to being that memorable and rewatchable.


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I was really looking forward to Sweet Carolina but was so disappointed. Agree with all that's already been said here, especially the VERY short grieving period.  I also didn't understand the living situation.  It looked like Josie moved right into the master bedroom but the parents were always there also, as well as the brother (Jeff), like they all lived together in the same house. And who in their right mind would name a legal guardian without talking to the person first?

The flour fight?  Sorry, not amused. And sorry, but I find it hard to believe that her boss would agree to a "satellite office" in a quick phone call. This was probably one of the worst Hallmark movies I have seen.  Disappointing.

The commercials! On ALL the Hallmark channels, they ram their upcoming movies and series down your throat.  With EVERY break, over and over!  It's why I DVR most movies and mute commercials when I don't.

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Speaking of Jonathan Scarfe--which we kind of were because Love on the Air--I learned something interesting about him today. I did not know that his mother is the Canadian actress Sara Botsford, who was in one of my favorite Canadian shows from the late 80s, E.N.G. (I live in the Detroit area, across the river from Windsor, ON, so I'm a long-time CBC watcher). I saw her not too long ago in an older Christmas movie, Christmas Incorporated, which I thought was a Hallmark movie but I'm not positive of that.

  • Useful 1

Oh, my goodness.  I looked up Sara Botsford and remember seeing her in Murder Incorporated as well as in one of my favorite Law & Order (the Mothership) episodes.  I find it interesting to find family connections (I'm not referring to Candance Cameron Bure's daughter in one of her films but of older combinations.) Susan Hogan and her son, Gabriel appeared together in Christmas List.  Bob Hogan, Susan's husband, appeared with her in The Christmas Secret.  

Hallmark Movies do promote familial connections.

Edited by Clawdette
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On 5/16/2021 at 9:54 AM, bankerchick said:

The Tyler Hynes hair watch was on and wow, what a mess!  It had to be a wig, right?  A dirty wig.  Or dirty hair. The combo of being plastered to his head in the front, and sticking out like little wings at the back was pretty alarming.

No, it's not a wig!

4 hours ago, luvthepros said:

IMHO He looks great in the tweet with the photo from Flip that Romance, but the Sweet Carolina hair was bad.  Very bad.  It needed to be cut in the back and combed back from his face in the front.

But I'm not a fan of long hair on guys. The beard is fine, but I like shorter hair.  It always looks messy and dirty to me when it's long.

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On 5/19/2021 at 12:57 PM, kirinan said:

the Canadian actress Sara Botsford,

I knew her from As the World Turns where she played a whacked out character... something to do with shrunken heads and whatnot.  I loved her in the role and whenever I see her it makes make happy.  Great actress, IMO.  

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7 hours ago, Cetacean said:

When your hair looks so bad that people think it's a wig, maybe it's time to reassess your choice.

Right.  It's not that it was long.  I have no problem with long hair on men if it doesn't look like it's glued to the head. I really can't analyze what was wrong because I took one look and thought, "He must be losing his hair and they slapped a horrible wig on him." I never really looked at it to pick it apart to determine exactly what was off.  Did his hair look dirty/greasy?  Was it just a bad cut? 

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I thought it looked solid, almost like a helmet put on some "Lego Knight" ...So I'd say the hair looked plastered down and shellacked to the inch of it's life.    Oh right.. it wasn't an animal alive or dead.  I am shocked! 

The length itself was a tiny bit long in the back, and looked like the beginnings of a mullet happening there.  

And  though I normally hate that "scruffy" style of facial hair, his looks great on him.  

The picture with his hair combed the way it was in the link above looked good. 

Edited by Callietwo
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OK, anything good on Hallmark tonight?  Looks like we in Canada are going to get the Australia movie with Cindy Busby.  Not looking forward to it based on comments here.

Is there a way to determine if a movie is Hallmark, or just a clone?  I watched a movie last night starring Jesse Hutch, who is in a lot of Hallmarks.  It was called Love, Bubbles and Crystal Cove and was every bit as awful as it sounds like it might be, but it was not on W Network which is where the Hallmarks usually are.  There was a bath bomb store that needed saving by the big-city ex-boyfriend who was sent home to develop the land after closing all the small businesses, but he ends up helping his ex-girlfriend store owner develop a new combo for a bath bomb that men will use.  Also, the boyfriend's Dad, the mogul, has a come-to-Jesus moment at the end so I assume the store stays open and we all live happily ever after, but I had zoned out by that point so can't be sure.

It can't just be me.  Maybe it's because it's spring, or because it is decidedly not Christmas anymore, but I am starting to get pretty bored by these movies.  In February, I would watch them 24/7, even movies I didn't particularly like, though there are still certain actors/actresses I will not watch (there was a Meghan Markle movie on this morning - no thanks.)  The fact there are few comments on here anymore leads me to believe I am not the only one.  Perhaps I'm growing.  God knows, nobody I know in real life thinks I am sane for watching these.

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25 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

Is there a way to determine if a movie is Hallmark, or just a clone?

It certainly sounds like the dreck that Hallmark keeps churning out ad nauseum.  They must have a template where they plug in variations of the same item (beloved small town store/farm/park, big city career woman/man, sleazy boyfriend/girlfriend) and then hire second rate actors to emote.

29 minutes ago, bankerchick said:

The fact there are few comments on here anymore leads me to believe I am not the only one. 

Hallmark has been spirally downward for some time.  It's gotten so obvious that I can't imagine too many people not finding fault with their dreadful offerings.

A whole store just selling bath bombs?  Puh-leaze.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, bankerchick said:

Is there a way to determine if a movie is Hallmark, or just a clone? 

The only thing I can think of is Google to see if it's associated with Hallmark.  But Hallmark isn't the only station that airs these types of movies in the States.  UPN is starting to run movies like this on Sundays.  I think independent production companies make them hoping that they'll get picked up by one of these stations.  There's UPN, Hallmark, BET for movies with leads of color, there's a religious channel.  I think there's even a Mormon-focused channel that will air movies like this. 

And if it's not picked up by a TV station, you can find them on Hulu, Amazon, Netflix....etc. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Cetacean said:

It certainly sounds like the dreck that Hallmark keeps churning out ad nauseum.  They must have a template where they plug in variations of the same item (beloved small town store/farm/park, big city career woman/man, sleazy boyfriend/girlfriend) and then hire second rate actors to emote.

Hallmark has been spirally downward for some time.  It's gotten so obvious that I can't imagine too many people not finding fault with their dreadful offerings.

A whole store just selling bath bombs?  Puh-leaze.

I know!  An entire movie about bath bombs sounds so bizarre that I would have to tune in just to see what they would do with that as a plot.  Bath Bombs! lol  

Maybe just me, but I would rather maybe watch something awful like that than a syrupy, treacly Saving Orphans, Overcoming Tragedy, playing-on-sympathy-heart strings type movie.  All with perfect hair.  Tyler Hynes the exception.😁  There are so few actors on Hallmark that actually connect with their co-stars, Tyler Hynes is one of them...but I just could not watch that movie with him.  The hair was that terrible and distracting.

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The bath bomb plot was exactly the same as every other plot.  Plucky young entrepreneur owns a little boutique where everyone in the town comes to buy bath bombs (or bath salts but I couldn't see that she sold anything else,) because our heroine knows everything about scent and creates her own product and can come up with the perfect bath bomb for every person and every need.  Somehow, this provides a living for her even though sales are so bad that the ex-boyfriend's mogul dad wants to shut down the store but the ex-boyfriend wants to be more in tune with the neighbourhood and the small businesses so he ends up learning the bath bomb trade and helps her create a scent.  Then I lost the will to follow, but I do know there is a misunderstanding between them which was rectified, the mogul dad realizes he has all the money in the world but neither of his sons will talk to him, and everyone was smiling at the end.  I assume there was also a kiss but I don't remember.

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On 4/18/2021 at 11:45 AM, MerBearHou said:

Right in Front of Me was enjoyable because of the lead guy IMO (Marco Grazzini).  He is wonderful in all ways and I hope we see him again.  The lead actress (Janel Parrish) was passable — I didn’t dislike her enough to change the channel as a few make me do — but I don’t need to seek her out in other projects.  Gorgeous food.  Matt was super bland, but he was supposed to be good-looking with no BS, I gather.

Just saw this movie last night and have to agree with everything.  I really, really liked the lead guy and found it hard to believe that Matt character was supposed to be a catch.  Not a fan of the female lead but have certainly seen worse.  The food was gorgeous (but why did she only take a picture of the appetizer and not the amazing banana-leaf wrapped main course if she was sending pics to the investor?) but I wouldn't have eaten any of it.  My tastes are more like Matt's I guess.

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I am now watching A Forever Match.  Maybe 20 minutes into it, and going to give it a pass.  I don't think it's just me, but the reason I watch these movies is to see pretty people act out lame stories.  Granted they're all better looking than I am, but there is not a telegenic person in this movie.  Maybe that's shallow, but there it is.  Perhaps if the story were in any way interesting I could get past it.

Edited by bankerchick

Hello hallmark friends!

Does anyone know how to find a detailed movie schedule?

Specifically I'm looking for "Forever in my heart" set in Ireland from a few years ago.


Looking so forward to fall harvest and Christmas in July this year!

Is  "home and family" really being cancelled?

Thanks, folks!🙂

Edited by seasons
  • Love 1
21 hours ago, seasons said:

Hello hallmark friends!

Does anyone know how to find a detailed movie schedule?

Specifically I'm looking for "Forever in my heart" set in Ireland from a few years ago.


Looking so forward to fall harvest and Christmas in July this year!

Is  "home and family" really being cancelled?

Thanks, folks!🙂

I think it is...and I wonder why.  Maybe the participants elected to leave (Cameron Mathison is going back to soaps, I think)...but surely there is a viewership that would watch a Home-Type show in the mornings or afternoons.  Whoever decided to rerun the sitcoms for hours each day (and hours and hours) would seem to have made a mistake.  Or is there a market for these reruns?  I don't mind them all night, starting at 10!!!  Until now maybe 4 or so in the afternoon? People can choose not to watch them; but I wonder if millions make this choice?

I am not saying the network should not air reruns of shows to offset the hours of movies.  I just wish they would find some different shows other than the ones they show at night.  Granted, Reba, Last Man Standing and another one that shows in the afternoons are perhaps newer than Golden Girls, Frasier (that one I would watch!), etc.  Borrow some mysteries from the other Hallmark channel.  Something.  Anything. It's like the network has decided what they air doesn't matter, that their audience will stay with them.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Does anyone under 70 watch Golden Girls, Murder She Wrote or any other of those moldy oldies? 

I can't imagine the demo for those shows is all that much different from the demo for the talk show.

But I do think people younger than 70 watch both shows.  In fact, Golden Girls is a bit of a classic in that it's not only still funny but it's rather modern considering it was made in the 80s.

  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

In fact, Golden Girls is a bit of a classic in that it's not only still funny but it's rather modern considering it was made in the 80s.

My daughter and her cousins are in their 20s and 30s now and have loved Golden Girls for years.  They'd be way more likely to watch that than a Hallmark movie!  I don't know if the movies I've seen are supposed to be aimed at a younger crowd - but if they are it's not working among the younger crowd I know!

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I have loved The Golden Girls forever; plus it brings back memories of my mom loving them. And every year I resent Hallmark starting their Christmas movies at Halloween, banishing GG for months. But at this point I do not see the need for starting them at 10pm, continuing for hours.  Then starting them back up in the morning.

I would think that Hallmark makes plenty of money from recycled writing in their movies, using the same locales, actors, etc.  I also don’t mind showing sitcoms during the day; I am tired of GG (love them, like that they are being aired...just not so much) and am not all that fond of some of the others. I wouldn’t mind some different shows being rerun. There must be other types of shows they could rerun during the day.  In a way it is insulting to the viewers to not even try to vary the programming. 

  • Love 2

I saw Christmas in July is for the entire month of July.  Didn't this used to be a one or two week event?  At least there is one new movie sprinkled in.   Since it's a month-long event, I hope they include older movies like Trading Christmas that got banished to the app this past holiday season. 

I really wish Hallmark would make a few Halloween or Thanksgiving movies instead of all Christmas from late October through New Year's. 

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