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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I had a boss who came to work with almost every illness and then bragged about how he had enough sick leave accumulated to add a year to his retirement.  After that we all hit him with go home when he'd show up sick.  We're using our sick leave bcause you brought something in here so you can get a fatter retirement check?  No way.

Speaking of gardeners - where is mine?  He should have been here an hour ago.  Yes, he's here on Saturday morning, but never before 9.  

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

I'm as pro-vaxx as the day is long, but my only complaint is that I wish the vaccines could somehow make covid like chicken pox; once you get it, you're permanently immune and can't get it again (

COVID, like the flu, mutates; so boosters are needed. The vaccine will never be a once and done like chicken pox or measles.

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1 hour ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

but my only complaint is that I wish the vaccines could somehow make covid like chicken pox; once you get it, you're permanently immune and can't get it again

Unfortunately, COVID is more like the flu, or, really, the common cold.  A hefty percentage of colds are caused by corona viruses (along with adenoviruses and rhinoviruses), so we'll likely need boosters annually, just like with the flu.

ETA: or what @chitowngirl said.  Must remember to read the entire thread before replying.

Edited by Browncoat
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2 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

As for my co-worker, I just wish he could have-bare minimum!- said something like, "I'm sick with a fever, I couldn't ask for the time off, please try to keep your distance from me, I'm really sorry". 

Yes, there are shameful percentage of employers who will retaliate against employees who use sick days, and employees who don't have paid sick leave and can't afford to take unpaid days.  So some people do not realistically have the option, and in those cases I'm not mad if they warn people and do their best to contain their germs.  It's the people who could stay home but don't, and anyone who doesn't care about the fact they're contagious, who make me angry.

Here, as in a lot of places, construction noise can begin at 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday (it's 8:00 on Saturdays, and prohibited on Sundays).  There was construction going on seven days a week a few houses down earlier this year, but someone must have turned them in as the Sundays stopped after a few weeks.  I am sympathetic to the heat factor, so if I'm having anything done when it's hot I'll let them start that early, but otherwise I won't let a contractor arrive before 8:00 and ask them to hold the noisiest work until after 9:00.  Of course, with so many people working from home, it's disruptive at any hour, but that's just part of the price we all pay for living in an urban or suburban environment -- hearing each other's noise sometimes.

My peeve: A friend who's recuperating from surgery asked me to bring her a few things from Trader Joe's, and I can't go into TJ's without picking up some of their habanero ghost pepper salsa.  I knew I didn't have any tortilla chips at home (and wasn't going to feel like making my own), so I picked up a bag of TJ's chips.  I just plopped down for a snack and I don't like them -- too thick.  I like "Mexican restaurant style" chips, but I can handle Tostito's or even Mission.  These things are not doing it for me. 

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41 minutes ago, Quof said:

So take them back - yet one of the ways in which Trader Joe's is awesome. 

I'm not going back to the one near her any time soon and the one near me is too far to walk.  If I'm in its vicinity for something else during a time you can actually find a parking spot in that forsaken tiny lot, I could do that, but I think I'll just ask my neighbors if they'd like them.  I can walk to my regular market tomorrow and get the chips I like if I'm still craving salsa, so no big deal, it was just a bummer to discover how much I disliked them; I knew they'd be different, but didn't anticipate not even wanting to eat them.

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I only get to shop at Joe's when I vacation in the US, and I have a list of favourite items to bring home.  I appreciate that I can also sample new things before I leave for home, then return any that I don't like or buy more if I do like it.  Because I'm in Joe's several times during my trip.  I used to just ask an employee if I could simply sample something in store, but I think they stopped offering that since the pandemic. 

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I know a lot of books and stories are getting published with spelling and grammatical errors but the short story I read today hit a new low - we are told the about to be murder victim is a "respected local school teacher" then two pages later when the body is found we are told he works in the bank - and that is how he's described from that point on.  Sigh.  I guess the writer sent in her first draft and no one actually got around to reading it...

  • Mind Blown 10
10 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

People who start their yardwork before 8 am on a Saturday. I don't care how busy your day is going to be nor that you are a landscaper playing catchup after 10 inches of rain fell here last week. Have some decency.

In the 1950s, my parents lived next door to my mother's sister and her husband.  My uncle would get up before work at seven in the morning to loudly cut his grass.  My mother told him to knock it off because it was waking up her kids and she didn't want her kids up that early (mainly because my brother was a handful).  My uncle said tough and he would continue to do it because he didn't have time after work to do his lawn (mainly because after work he was sitting on a barstool).  The next time he fired up the lawn mower and mowed between the two houses, my mother leaned out the upstairs window and dumped a big bucket of ice water on his head.  That was the end of that.

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15 hours ago, Absolom said:

Cruise ships are known as petri dishes for good reason.  

Thank you, but unfortunately I already know that and I guess maybe I needed to hear more in the way of sympathy. I'm sure most people on cruises don't catch things as easily as I do or they would definitely be wearing masks. My sister in law and her husband have been on 10 cruises and have never caught anything. Same for my husband, her brother, who never got sick on 3 cruises. He also never got Covid while I did, and I'm the person that wore a mask in public far longer than was required. Some people are more susceptible to catching things than others, and I have always been one of them. It's not going to make me stop going on cruises or being around other people, just more careful.

Offices can be almost as bad, too. Since I don't work in one I have gotten far fewer viruses than when I did.

Edited by Yeah No
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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Offices can be almost as bad, too. Since I don't work in one I have gotten far fewer viruses than when I did.

I was off last week, but I heard that our heath and safety person came to work with Covid and didn't wear a mask. She's the same person who has sent people home for coming into work with a stuffy nose or a slight cough. This isn't the first time she's come to work with Covid, either. We also have sick leave with pay, so no excuses there.

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8 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Offices can be almost as bad, too. Since I don't work in one I have gotten far fewer viruses than when I did.

Same with schools.  A good friend of mine started working in an elementary school library a few years ago and she seems to catch everything that is going the rounds including (ick - lice).  Makes me glad my original career goal of school librarianship didn't pan out!

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10 minutes ago, Dimity said:

Same with schools.  A good friend of mine started working in an elementary school library a few years ago and she seems to catch everything that is going the rounds including (ick - lice).  Makes me glad my original career goal of school librarianship didn't pan out!

My first job was as a front desk person in the admissions office of my alma mater meeting and greeting applicants and their families. I was sick more than I was well. After a couple of years I took a better paying job in the back office and got sick a lot less.

16 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I'm one of the catch it if it's in the vacinity people and you'll never catch me on a cruise ship.  We have a relative addicted to cruises and she drags her sick husband on them.  My sympathy runs thin admittedly.  

I learned my lesson on my first cruise and wore a KN95 mask religiously on the second one. I have no problem doing that and thankfully it didn't make my experience any less enjoyable. Masks work so I will continue to wear them on cruises. I spent my whole life getting seasick on boats and unable to take any of the medicines given for that. Since I found that the scopolamine patch works for me with no side effects I'm not going to avoid getting on boats even if it does mean wearing a mask all the time. Plus I want to visit Italy and Sicily where my mother's family is from and can't afford to tour the Mediterranean any other way than on a cruise. So I've made my peace with that.

No one should allow their spouse to drag them anywhere. I had no trouble saying "no" to cruising until I was ready to do it. My husband went without me with his sister and her husband on his first cruise because because I was still worried about feeling seasick. After I discovered the patch I was ready to try it.

I used to have a lot of built-in prejudices about cruising and the people that go on them that have recently been put to rest from doing it and meeting some pretty smart and terrific people. Many of them just don't catch things as easily as I do obviously, or I am SURE more of them would be wearing masks.

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2 hours ago, Dimity said:

Same with schools.  A good friend of mine started working in an elementary school library a few years ago and she seems to catch everything that is going the rounds including (ick - lice).  Makes me glad my original career goal of school librarianship didn't pan out!

Interesting that it worked differently for my daughter. She has worked in a school system for decades. I guess after you get used to the bugs du jour, you build up an immunity. She rarely gets sick. 

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Interesting that it worked differently for my daughter. She has worked in a school system for decades. I guess after you get used to the bugs du jour, you build up an immunity. She rarely gets sick. 

Unfortunately I never built up an immunity to anything. It's one reason I knew I had to stop working with the public. I envy people that can work with young people and children. 

My sister in law volunteers at a hospital. She started working there in 2022 and after mask mandates were over stopped wearing one. She never gets sick. My husband is similar but even he thinks she's crazy. Then again he's the one that drives for a living and never got Covid.

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5 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Interesting that it worked differently for my daughter. She has worked in a school system for decades. I guess after you get used to the bugs du jour, you build up an immunity. She rarely gets sick. 


5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Me either and I’ve been in healthcare over 40 years. Yikes, 40 years! 😱

The tradeoff though is when you get sick you really get sick. My years working as a pharmacy technician built up my immunity so the minor bugs never bothered me, but I would end up getting a bad cold that lingered or pink eye that took multiple rounds of antibiotic eye drops or get knocked on my ass by the flu in Ohio on January when I was in grad school and knew nobody.

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On 8/17/2024 at 6:18 AM, Dimity said:

Roofers around here seem to start their busy day at 7 am.  I know people are getting up and prepping for work at that time but 7 am??  That's awfully early for hammers and trucks and loud radios set on stations no one my age would listen to unless they were being tortured.  In which case I'd reveal everything I know!

Couple these incredibly early bird roofers with neighbors who decide to have their roof done and can't be bothered to put a note in the mailbox of the houses around so at least we all have a little notice before the hideous uproar starts!

The home two doors down from me decided to put a spa in their backyard which involved jack-hammering up some existing cement paving - I woke at 7:30 AM three days ago to my whole house shaking without any warning and the noise! My cats, who are entirely chill about July 4th fireworks, were NOT amused.

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On 8/17/2024 at 12:52 PM, Wiendish Fitch said:

I still mask up out of habit. Maybe it's silly, and I realize they're not magic or foolproof (I confess I did get covid late last year), but I still do it. A part of me really, really wants to stop, but I don't think we're 100% out of the woods yet. Coronavirus seems to reemerge in fits and starts, and I hate it. I'm as pro-vaxx as the day is long, but my only complaint is that I wish the vaccines could somehow make covid like chicken pox; once you get it, you're permanently immune and can't get it again (and I have once again outed myself as a science dum-dum).

As for my co-worker, I just wish he could have-bare minimum!- said something like, "I'm sick with a fever, I couldn't ask for the time off, please try to keep your distance from me, I'm really sorry". 

I still mask too and so does my mom (in certain places). We’re all vaccinated but I still don’t want it and until the new nasal vaccines come out thst prevent it entirely, I’m not stopping.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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On 8/18/2024 at 7:22 PM, isalicat said:

Couple these incredibly early bird roofers with neighbors who decide to have their roof done and can't be bothered to put a note in the mailbox of the houses around so at least we all have a little notice before the hideous uproar starts!

The home two doors down from me decided to put a spa in their backyard which involved jack-hammering up some existing cement paving - I woke at 7:30 AM three days ago to my whole house shaking without any warning and the noise! My cats, who are entirely chill about July 4th fireworks, were NOT amused.

I hereby apologize to my former neighbors for not warning them in advance that I was getting a new roof.  Frankly, it would never occur to me to do so.

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13 hours ago, Ancaster said:

I hereby apologize to my former neighbors for not warning them in advance that I was getting a new roof.  Frankly, it would never occur to me to do so.

My neighbors already know I will be getting a new roof in the near future, but that's only because they know that a big tree fell on it a while back. We live far enough apart that the noise won't be quite as annoying as it might be in some areas I'm sure. But knowing what my husband and I have been through with our roof I don't think they're going to mind suffering a little noise as it's fixed. I would feel the same if the situation were reversed. But we are lucky enough to have great neighbors.

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20 hours ago, Ancaster said:

I hereby apologize to my former neighbors for not warning them in advance that I was getting a new roof.  Frankly, it would never occur to me to do so.

Never in my life has a neighbor notified me of upcoming construction.  The only time I've done it was when I was going to be having my house sandblasted as that is particularly loud and the dust could carry in the wind -- I let immediate neighbors know they should keep their pets inside and the windows closed.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Never in my life has a neighbor notified me of upcoming construction.  The only time I've done it was when I was going to be having my house sandblasted as that is particularly loud and the dust could carry in the wind -- I let immediate neighbors know they should keep their pets inside and the windows closed.

My next door neighbor has done a lot of work on his house since he moved in about 5 years ago. The only time he informed us of pending work being done on his yard was when he was getting a quote for tree removal for a tree that is on our property line. And I think he only did this because last year he had another tree taken down and the crew was in my driveway for part of it. I believe he felt bad that the contractor just did their own thing with zero regard.

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On 8/22/2024 at 2:45 PM, Ancaster said:

I hereby apologize to my former neighbors for not warning them in advance that I was getting a new roof.  Frankly, it would never occur to me to do so.

I was actually getting a quote from a contractor for my new roof when at my neighbor's house across the street a big truck pulled up and 10 guys got out and literally removed their roof.  Nobody told me!  And I didn't tell anyone about mine.

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The fact that it’s so hard to buy professional clothes anymore. Everything in stores and most things online are just too casual for when I need to go to a job interview, even if they would be fine for going to Mass or a family gathering or something. And a lot of times, my interviews are scheduled with less than a week notice so that doesn’t give me time to choose something online, get it and try it on. I go to stores and everything it seems is like a dressed up t-shirt, a hippie-like blouse or a crop top. Plus right now everything is picked over because of a change of seasons. 

If I get a job I’m pursuing that’s in office where I’ll need professional clothes I have no idea what to do. A lot of the women’s shopping where I live is completely gone (thanks to things like Bon-Ton and New York and Company going bankrupt ages ago) or very limited. Kohl’s is often too casual. JCPenney is even hit or miss. Macy’s is too expensive. Drives me crazy. 

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1 hour ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

The fact that it’s so hard to buy professional clothes anymore. Everything in stores and most things online are just too casual for when I need to go to a job interview, even if they would be fine for going to Mass or a family gathering or something. And a lot of times, my interviews are scheduled with less than a week notice so that doesn’t give me time to choose something online, get it and try it on. I go to stores and everything it seems is like a dressed up t-shirt, a hippie-like blouse or a crop top. Plus right now everything is picked over because of a change of seasons. 

If I get a job I’m pursuing that’s in office where I’ll need professional clothes I have no idea what to do. A lot of the women’s shopping where I live is completely gone (thanks to things like Bon-Ton and New York and Company going bankrupt ages ago) or very limited. Kohl’s is often too casual. JCPenney is even hit or miss. Macy’s is too expensive. Drives me crazy. 

This is a major peeve of mine. I don't even work anymore but the lack of clothes to wear at anything but a backyard barbecue on laundry day is getting worse all the time. The brick and mortar stores aren't keeping up with the stock either anymore. They put very little stuff out in dribs and drabs and when it's gone, it's gone. In order to find it you either have to go online or keep going back to the store every week to see if they put out a few more things. I like to try stuff on before I buy it because I'm hard to fit so it's a nightmare for me. I find myself ordering things in several sizes just to find ONE that might fit me. I spend more of my time at the return desk than I would if I could just find it in the store.

I recently had to buy some semi-dressy clothing for my cruise dinners and even found that difficult. The trend to casual is so predominant that it's hard to find something nice to wear that isn't a T shirt or sweat pants.

It's even bad with casual clothes. When I was shopping for a pair of Bermuda shorts in late July I realized I got there too late if you can believe that. There were very few on the rack and only in either tiny or huge sizes so I had to order them online. I ordered something ridiculous like 8 pairs in different sizes, styles, brands and colors just to find two pairs that fit. And they didn't even fit that great either but I kept them because I got them cheap and I needed them for my vacation. When I got back I had to return the rest.

Where I live the in-person shopping was never that great but thanks to so many stores closing altogether or downsizing there's even less. And even stores like LOFT that used to carry more professional clothes don't anymore. People working from home and going to work in casual attire has changed that. 

Interestingly the Macy's near me, which is a very big and healthy one, recently started to carry more career appropriate clothing like suits and jackets and skirts and more formal blouses. I don't think it's as fashionable or appealing as it used to be but at least it's a step in the right direction because all during the pandemic they had nothing but yoga pants and T shirts. I know they can be expensive but they have a lower price point in some brands and departments and their clearance rack prices can be amazing especially with a coupon.

28 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've noticed that the clothes at Talbot's, JJill, Nordstrom's, Macy's, etc , are not as attractive as they used to be. I go through the stores or their catalogs and can't find *anything* that appeals to me.  

I know, I am feeling the same way too about a lot of what I see, especially at Talbots and JJill although I have felt that way at Macy's and Nordstrom too. I don't know who they're trying to appeal to anymore as their styles don't exactly resonate with people under a certain age. I look at some clothes out there and think that only a woman over the age of 90 in a senior facility might wear them. If me as a 66 year old thinks that, it has to be bad!

Edited by Yeah No
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3 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

The fact that it’s so hard to buy professional clothes anymore. Everything in stores and most things online are just too casual for when I need to go to a job interview, even if they would be fine for going to Mass or a family gathering or something. And a lot of times, my interviews are scheduled with less than a week notice so that doesn’t give me time to choose something online, get it and try it on. I go to stores and everything it seems is like a dressed up t-shirt, a hippie-like blouse or a crop top. Plus right now everything is picked over because of a change of seasons. 

If I get a job I’m pursuing that’s in office where I’ll need professional clothes I have no idea what to do. A lot of the women’s shopping where I live is completely gone (thanks to things like Bon-Ton and New York and Company going bankrupt ages ago) or very limited. Kohl’s is often too casual. JCPenney is even hit or miss. Macy’s is too expensive. Drives me crazy. 



I found this to be the case almost a decade ago. I went shopping for a business dress/suit for a job interview back in 2015(still at this job) and I went to Macy's thinking this would be an easy find. Everything was too casual and outright ugly. The dresses they did have looked cheap. Back in the day it was nothing to find a business skirt and blouse practically anywhere.  Now it seems they are rare.   I tend to find nice items at Marshall's TJ Maxx, etc. I like the Loft and Ann Taylor also but they can be a bit pricey.  I have no shame in going straight to the sales rack 

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3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I look at some clothes out there and think that only a woman over the age of 90 in a senior facility might wear them.

They're living in sweats and pjs.  😁 That's all I bought for Mom the last four years or so of her life.  They'd wear PJ pants and tee shirts at her facility so I was looking for cute print pants so they weren't so obviously PJ pants because I'm a bit fussy like that.  Oh and talking about clothes, I passed a teen on her way to the bus on my morning walk yesterday and she was in pink PJs with pink crocs.  I'm glad my daughter imposes at least minimal standards on what the grandkids can wear outside the house.  She makes them wear at least what we used to call street clothes.

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4 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

The fact that it’s so hard to buy professional clothes anymore. Everything in stores and most things online are just too casual for when I need to go to a job interview, even if they would be fine for going to Mass or a family gathering or something. And a lot of times, my interviews are scheduled with less than a week notice so that doesn’t give me time to choose something online, get it and try it on. I go to stores and everything it seems is like a dressed up t-shirt, a hippie-like blouse or a crop top. Plus right now everything is picked over because of a change of seasons. 

If I get a job I’m pursuing that’s in office where I’ll need professional clothes I have no idea what to do. A lot of the women’s shopping where I live is completely gone (thanks to things like Bon-Ton and New York and Company going bankrupt ages ago) or very limited. Kohl’s is often too casual. JCPenney is even hit or miss. Macy’s is too expensive. Drives me crazy. 

Blame the pandemic!  People have become such slobs.  I don't know what your budget is, but there's a Canadian brand (they ship to the US) that makes more traditional looking business clothes.  Many of the items are on sale right now at 30-50% off!


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1 hour ago, PRgal said:

Blame the pandemic!  People have become such slobs.  I don't know what your budget is, but there's a Canadian brand (they ship to the US) that makes more traditional looking business clothes.  Many of the items are on sale right now at 30-50% off!


These are the styles that Talbot's used to offer (the kind of clothes one can wear to work, parties, dress up or not, etc). The slacks at this site are great. Thanks for the link. 

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I never liked Talbot’s much.  they usually had only stiff synthetic blend fabrics for their suits. Then they got worse at our local NYC store and started selling only ugly sweaters and casual wear and were cramming too much into the store. I never bought anything there but I would check it as I passed by. Then about a month ago the store closed down. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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4 hours ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Today's pet peeve is a particular mindset that's popular on reddit that "affair babies" deserve to be shunned for life because "mom was a ____" (fill in the blank). This idea is so popular around certain places in the internet. 

Ok, first I had to google what an "affair baby" was - anyway I am not understanding exactly who is supposed to be doing the shunning.   

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11 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

I’ve had good luck with professional attire at consignment shops. Yes, if you find something you like and it doesn’t fit, there is no size up or down, but you can find good basics there. And finding one or two dresses can take you a long way. 

11 hours ago, Mrsmaul2021 said:

 I tend to find nice items at Marshall's TJ Maxx, etc. I like the Loft and Ann Taylor also but they can be a bit pricey.  I have no shame in going straight to the sales rack 

I have zero luck at both consignment/thrift shops and Marshall's/TJ Maxx because I am a petite and it's next to impossible to find things to fit me at those places. As far as LOFT/Ann Taylor go, the sales/clearance rack and their sudden one day sales are often excellent but you really have to stalk them weekly to get great deals on anything and it can be hit or miss. Both stores thankfully have good petite departments.

4 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

I never liked Talbot’s much.  they usually had only stiff synthetic blend fabrics for their suits. Then they got worse at our local NYC store and started selling only ugly sweaters and casual wear and were cramming too much into the store. I never bought anything there but I would check it as I passed by. Then about a month ago the store closed down. 

I never liked Talbots either. It's not a look that tends to appeal to New Yorkers. It's popular up here in New England and my local friend LOVES them. Her style and mine are much different, though.

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13 hours ago, Dimity said:

So these "affair babies" are supposed to have a scarlet A B tattooed on their foreheads?  Another reason why reddit is not for me.

Depending on which subreddit you are in, the moral purity is strong with the commenters. They also lack nuance mostly due to having like zero life experience. Of course, most of the posts talking about "affair babies" are made up bullshit. It's either someone trolling the sub because of the aforementioned moral purity or a writing exercise. 

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Depending on which subreddit you are in, the moral purity is strong with the commenters. They also lack nuance mostly due to having like zero life experience. Of course, most of the posts talking about "affair babies" are made up bullshit. It's either someone trolling the sub because of the aforementioned moral purity or a writing exercise. 

Posts are like this. "My mom had an affair when I was 9 and left my dad and family and had an affair baby. I've never forgiven my mom. The affair baby is now in her teens and contacted me saying she's my sister and wants to have a relationship. I blocked her immediately but not before telling her that she is an embarrassment to even be born and she has a lot of nerve even writing to me. AITA?"

And commenters would be like "NTA. Affair babies have no right to reach out to family members. They should have been thrown down the well when they were born but since they're alive, the least they can do is to never contact any family members. They should live with the shame that their parents were skanks and whores forever."

That will be the most upvoted comment.

  • Mind Blown 8
12 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

Posts are like this. "My mom had an affair when I was 9 and left my dad and family and had an affair baby. I've never forgiven my mom. The affair baby is now in her teens and contacted me saying she's my sister and wants to have a relationship. I blocked her immediately but not before telling her that she is an embarrassment to even be born and she has a lot of nerve even writing to me. AITA?"

And commenters would be like "NTA. Affair babies have no right to reach out to family members. They should have been thrown down the well when they were born but since they're alive, the least they can do is to never contact any family members. They should live with the shame that their parents were skanks and whores forever."

That will be the most upvoted comment.

That is exactly what I am talking about on some of the subreddits. I do suspect the original post to be some made up bullshit because it's hitting all the right notes to rile up the commentariat. Those posters hate cheating and love to preach the idea that you do not owe anything to anyone. There's a few other hot topics that get bandied around almost on a daily basis (weddings, veganism, and pet vs. child) that I just scroll right on by when I see the title. At least 90% of those are fake and the comments are always the same as last week. There are also some trolls who will take a hot post from the day before and change the genders to show how "misandrist" Redditors are. It's like clockwork at this point.

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22 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

That is exactly what I am talking about on some of the subreddits. I do suspect the original post to be some made up bullshit because it's hitting all the right notes to rile up the commentariat. Those posters hate cheating and love to preach the idea that you do not owe anything to anyone. There's a few other hot topics that get bandied around almost on a daily basis (weddings, veganism, and pet vs. child) that I just scroll right on by when I see the title. At least 90% of those are fake and the comments are always the same as last week. There are also some trolls who will take a hot post from the day before and change the genders to show how "misandrist" Redditors are. It's like clockwork at this point.

The affair baby stuff is also something I've never actually seen in the wild. Like most people will just say "my brother/sister" or "my half-brother/sister." Sometimes the siblings are close, sometimes they're not. But I've never heard of affair babies being like a permanent tattooed scarlet A except on certain subreddits.

Part peeve and part does anyone know why they do this:  in the last few months my FB feed has exploded with unsolicited posts, suggested groups, memes, etc and one thing I am seeing consistently are posts with some random movie star (well not so random, usually Keanu Reeves, Clint Eastwood or Sam Eliot)  holding up a T shirt with a slogan on it pushing some political message or another. 

I've seen Keanu holding up T shirts promoting totally opposite points of view on the same day.  So my peeve is this is obviously fake and annoying.   But my question is - why?  Why on earth would anyone do this?

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