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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Bathroom hand dryers blow fecal matter everywhere.

You're welcome.


Yeah, thanks for that. It's a well known fact, but stores insist on using them and claiming they are more sanitary and environmentally friendly than paper towel.  I wipe my hands on my pants.

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My latest issue of Entertainment Weekly is late AGAIN.  I know there may have been some shipping delays with the snow over the weekend but I am sick and tired of getting my television recommendations a week after the program airs.


When I lived in a tiny town, my Rolling Stone used to come late just often enough that I knew it was late - that is, I didn't get used to it being regularly late so that being late became the new on time.  Anyway, one day I walked in to buy stamps, and the mail clerk is reading a Rolling Stone.  I just know/knew it was mine but I didn't call him on it.

4. The local news station that keeps telling me they have my back--that's actually their slogan--and especially the uber-grim voice on their ads that says "Thanks for having our backs. We're proud to have yours" like we've taken a blood oath. Fuck you. The hell with my back, how about you just deliver the news without misspelling, mispronouncing, expressing moral outrage, or editorializing, and give the weather forecast in full every 15 minutes instead of spending 2 seconds on the current temperature and then promising the 7 day forecast "coming up" in the next 3 weather reports? Huh? How about that? Could we do that and leave each other's backs alone?


I know which station that is, and I could not agree more!

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Yeah, thanks for that. It's a well known fact, but stores insist on using them and claiming they are more sanitary and environmentally friendly than paper towel. I wipe my hands on my pants.

As do I.

And what architectural authority decided that public bathroom doors should be pushed open to enter the restroom, but pulled open to exit?? I do everything possible not to touch the bathroom door handle inside the bathroom.

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I do everything possible not to touch the bathroom door handle inside the bathroom.


Because some people don't wash their hands, despite having just touched their genitals?

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As do I.

And what architectural authority decided that public bathroom doors should be pushed open to enter the restroom, but pulled open to exit?? I do everything possible not to touch the bathroom door handle inside the bathroom.

Did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld when he goes to Popi's restaurant, meets Popi in the men's room and Popi leaves w/o washing his hands?  Every time I see that rerun I cringe (especially when they show Popi making a pizza crust 'specially for Jerry and they do a close up on his hands!).

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I have a co-worker who is OCD-ish about cleaning and germs. We all went out to lunch once, and on our way out the door, she grabbed a mint from the bowl of (wrapped) mints. Then, because I am mean, I explained the concept of urine mints.

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Did you ever see that episode of Seinfeld when he goes to Popi's restaurant, meets Popi in the men's room and Popi leaves w/o washing his hands? Every time I see that rerun I cringe (especially when they show Popi making a pizza crust 'specially for Jerry and they do a close up on his hands!).

I can't remember that one, but I do recall the one during which George takes a book inside the bookstore to the restroom for reading while he uses the restroom. The store makes him buy the book and neither he nor anyone else can return it because the bookstore "flagged" it.

I think about that when I read magazines in the bathroom, but in the tub only, of course.


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I used to work in an office where we had to go through the reception area to get to the washrooms.  Invariably, male employees would pick up the newspaper from the table in reception, take it to the washroom with them, then put it back.

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The whole bathroom discussion made me remember something from years ago.  One day a friend said hey you know Bill, the top exec? Sure, he was the top dog at the company.  Always wore some sort of white pants - eggshell, white, light khaki, winter white - every shade of white imaginable.  I was like what he has on white pants?  Nope.  He told me - uh I was in the men's room at the same time as him, all I can say is NEVER shake his hand.  Yeah Mr. White Pants never washed his hands.  


Backformore - I used to manage retail stores.  One store we got bonuses if the total sales amount per customer went over specific amounts - I think starting at $500.  That store was slow as molasses on Saturday evenings, why they kept it open I have no idea.  Strip mall is an old money suburb.  Those people were not shopping on a Saturday evening - out and about, doing something social.  Anyhow, this woman came in with basically a nice looking mumu on, the other person working with me was with someone else, and really didn't approach this woman.  I started chatting with her.  She had been ill, the medication basically caused her to gain weight/bloat, so none of her clothes fit.  Turns out she had big bucks.  She said she hadn't been able to get to NYC to go shopping nor did she have the energy to do so (this was before internet shopping or even tv shopping, yes I am that old - I was maybe 24 or 25). So I helped her find some things, offered some suggestions.  She walked out with close to $2,000 worth of merchandise.  We had notebooks to write down client's names, and you bet I wrote down her name.  She remembered me when she came back and I believe even asked when I worked.  And she said you know, I went into Macy's and no one waited on me, I know I look awful.  Honestly, she didn't have that bad of an appearance.  I made quite a few bonuses off of her purchases.  I even used it as a training device for the store - basically you can't judge a book by its cover.  Some who look to be dressed to the nine's may not have any money to spend.  


I still haven't complained to Ulta  - yet.  It can't be done at the store level, because I don't think anyone there really gives a rat's ass. There's another Ulta, almost same distance away, just not as convenient.  I went in there on 12/23, frantically getting something I had bought but couldn't find - on my way out of town.  It was just a bottle of Purity, which I also use, so I figure when I find that original one, I can use it.  The checkout line was enormous, but the manager started another line, apologized and went and opened a register herself to get people in and out.  That is the kind of service I expect - at least make an effort.  I guess I will try out that store in the future.

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I used to work in an office where we had to go through the reception area to get to the washrooms. Invariably, male employees would pick up the newspaper from the table in reception, take it to the washroom with them, then put it back.

I worked in an office where the restrooms were in an alcove behind my desk. The CFO's office was across the hall from the restrooms. Every day, he would walk to the bathroom with the Wall Street Journal tucked under his arm with absolutely no shame, and come back out the same way.
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I can't remember that one, but I do recall the one during which George takes a book inside the bookstore to the restroom for reading while he uses the restroom. 

My favorite Seinfeld germ joke was a throwaway moment in one episode.


Somebody walks into Jerry's apartment and finds him changing the laces on his sneakers. His reason: "It came untied in a public bathroom and touched the floor."



Edited by JTMacc99
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To blow or not to blow:



My single-issue-voter issue was related to the bathroom ceiling fans that are supposed to clear steam (or smell) from the room, but I have added public restroom hand dryers to my demands. VICTORY WILL BE OURS!


As for people not washing their damn hands, the worst excuse I ever heard was from a doctor's son (for gods's sake!) who said that the bathroom door handles are germy from other people who don't wash their hands anyway, so there's no point in washing his. Ay yi yi. But the worst display of germy ignorance I saw was last summer at a hospital where someone emerged from a stall and sailed right out of the bathroom without stopping to wash her hands, out into the hallway and god knows where else, spreading her grossness around. :(  So I'm *this close* to wearing gloves and a mask in public now.

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You really have to be aware while out and about. Yesterday I was at a pizza/buffet place for lunch.  After I got my salad and some pizza, I used Purell on my hands. Felt very smart doing this.  Last night for some reason I was thinking about lunch and realized that when I went up for seconds on the pizza, I used the spatula to get up a couple slices, came back and started eating it (mostly with a fork--I don't know why--but still!) without cleaning my hands.  I don't want to be seen constantly using the Purell...but what's a person who doesn't want to get sick to do?


Heh heh...I remember watching Giada on a trip to Venice, I think to Harry's Bar maybe.  The bartender made her their signature drink and handed it to her and his hand was up by the rim of the glass (don't you hate that?). Giada very smoothly turned the glass in her hand so when she drank out of it, she didn't have that area that he touched the glass anywhere near her mouth.

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what's a person who doesn't want to get sick to do?


Live a little.  If you douse yourself in Purell all the time, you're not giving your body an opportunity to build a resistance to germs.


Plus, not to make you more neurotic but I'll bet there are thousands of things you're touching all day long without thinking about what you're touching.  Elevator buttons, photocopiers, banisters... heck, how many people handled that bottle of Purell before you put it in your grocery cart?  As someone who never gets sick but sometimes gets to watch other people go through a buffet line as a part of a job, I think it's best if you just wash your hands frequently and let the rest go.



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Your posts always brighten my day Qoass!


And give me a considerable number of new things to worry about!


I'll add one - pumping your own gas and picking up all the germies and crud that the zillion other people carried on their hands.

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Live a little.  If you douse yourself in Purell all the time, you're not giving your body an opportunity to build a resistance to germs.


I don't think we're too far away from PSAs with that message needing to be issued.

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Live a little. If you douse yourself in Purell all the time, you're not giving your body an opportunity to build a resistance to germs.


I think there's way too much focus on "germs" these days but I'm one of the few people I've ever known who washes her hands before every meal, including at restaurants. Remnant from my childhood in the 50s, I guess: "Wash your hands and come to dinner." I don't even think the concern was bacteria then -- it was plain old dirt.

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Your posts always brighten my day Qoass!


And give me a considerable number of new things to worry about!


I'll add one - pumping your own gas and picking up all the germies and crud that the zillion other people carried on their hands.


No gas pumping for us, just another reason Jersey Rules!!!!!

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No gas pumping for us, just another reason Jersey Rules!!!!!


That is one of the best things about this state. That, and decent pizza and bagels.


I do use a lot of Purell, and am mindful of germs, but it's not so much for my sake as it is other people. My best friend and my mom are both immunocompromised, so I'm more careful on their behalf. Of course, I work in a Petri dish of a school, so it doesn't help much. 

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This has been building for a while and it's very possible I'm missing something basic, but men and their suit jackets are driving me crazy lately. If I as a woman am wearing a suit at work, I leave the jacket buttoned all day unless I'm hot and taking it off. I do not understand why men button their jackets when they stand and then unbutton them when they sit down. On talk shows, the host will do the button/unbutton ritual 5-6 times an hour. What the hell, guys? Are your jackets so tight when buttoned that you're unable to sit? Is it somehow discourteous to stand with your jacket open? Do men everywhere need to return to double-breasted?


I don't get it.

Edited by lordonia
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I'll add one - pumping your own gas and picking up all the germies and crud that the zillion other people carried on their hands.

I keep a canister of wipes in my car for wiping my hands after pumping gas. Gas pump handles are DISGUSTING. Edited by bilgistic
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I work with the public and I wash my hands with soap and water many times a day.  There are hand sanitizer stations available but I'd rather just wash my hands.  For one  thing as lordonia pointed out there's the just plain grit and dirt you want to wash off that Purell doesn't help with.

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Live a little.  If you douse yourself in Purell all the time, you're not giving your body an opportunity to build a resistance to germs.



Well, I'm not like Lady MacBeth!  My body certainly has its opportunity to build a resistance to germs but these days, with nasty respiratory infections circling round the fort, I ain't taking chances.  One thing I do is whenever I come home, I wash my hands. It just feels good.

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My son's preschool has started all the children washing their hands before and after they do everything. I think it's DHS rules. I appreciate the attention to cleanliness, but it's not like the kids aren't spreading germs all the time anyway, and all the hand washing is really drying out the skin on his hands. The skin on one hand is red and chapped and hurty. We put cream on it, and in the morning, it's good, but by the time he gets home, it's red again.


I'm not against them washing hands, particularly after going to the bathroom and before eating, but judging from his hands, the washing is constant. It was actually better when the weather was cold because they didn't go outside as much, so they didn't have to wash when they came inside.


Of course, if the sick people would wash their hands or use sanitizer (or just stay home), well people wouldn't need to as much. (I say this as someone who went to work this morning with a cold, which I shouldn't have done. I went because I had arranged to meet someone at noon to buy some used running shoes and I need to go to the store also. The rule is if you don't go to work, you can't go anywhere else unless it's the doctor or to buy medicine.)

Edited by auntlada
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This has been building for a while and it's very possible I'm missing something basic, but men and their suit jackets are driving me crazy lately. If I as a woman am wearing a suit at work, I leave the jacket buttoned all day unless I'm hot and taking it off. I do not understand why men button their jackets when they stand and then unbutton them when they sit down. On talk shows, the host will do the button/unbutton ritual 5-6 times an hour. What the hell, guys? Are your jackets so tight when buttoned that you're unable to sit? Is it somehow discourteous to stand with your jacket open? Do men everywhere need to return to double-breasted?


I don't get it.


I asked my husband, and he says it's because it looks better that way in both positions. I told him women don't do that, and he said, "Well, that's women," in a tone of voice that implied you can't ever tell what women are going to do.


I googled "suitcoat" and "button," though, and that appears to be the reason. Coats look better buttoned if you are standing, but if you are sitting, unbuttoning them "allows you to sit more comfortable and prevent wrinkles and button stress/popping," according to Business Insider. There appear to be lots of articles out there telling men the proper way to button their suit jackets. Who knew?

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Hate to break it to you, but for those who had been reading the comments on YouTube without watching the video (myself included), YouTube not only disabled the "all comments" link, but also has apparently disabled the "all_comments" workaround that replaced the "watch" in the video link. Now, you're not even allowed to read comments without having the video playing; if you try to replace "watch" with "all_comments," it just defaults right back to the video. That incredibly dismayed me, for reasons unknown.

Edited by bmasters9
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Some time back I had ranted about people who bring their entire families to the grocery store, clogging up the aisles with small children while having family discussions about which brand of cereal to buy. This week I've experienced a variation of that issue in a different venue. Earlier this week, my cat managed to get outside and I did not immediately realize it. She was hit by a car and her leg was broken, so a trip to the emergency animal hospital ensued. The surgery was successful and last night I went to the animal hospital to discuss post-op care with the vet and decide if the cat was ready to come home.


Understand, while this clinic does routine veterinary procedures such as vaccinations, spaying and neutering, etc., it is an emergency hospital. So yes, this is the place people bring their pets that have been hit by a car, injured in a fight with another animal, or bitten by a rattlesnake, etc. It is fairly common to see someone bringing in a bloody, injured animal or one that is clearly in some other kind of distress. Yet, every time I have been there, the lobby has been filled with people who for reasons I cannot in any way understand, have brought their entire families with them. One fairly typical family last night consisted of both parents plus four kids, ranging from an infant to maybe 9 or 10 years old. Because of the extraneous family members, no seats were available for most of the time I was in the lobby. (They had a lot of emergencies last night, so the wait was longer than normal.) A lobby in an animal hospital is not in any way kid-friendly, so there were no games or toys to distract them. Kids were running around, randomly pushing buttons on the pet treat vending machines. On top of that, as noted earlier, this is a trauma center, so periodically people were bringing in their injured pets through the lobby, in full view of the various kids.


As with the idea of taking kids to the grocery store, I can understand a single parent having no real choice but to take along a child to the store, doctor appointment, etc. But what is wrong with people, that they somehow think going to an emergency room (human or animal) should be a family excursion? Did it not occur to them that maybe the better solution would be for one parent to take the pet to the hospital, or go to pick up the pet, and have the kids stay at home with the other parent? Aside from using up all the available seats in the lobby and adding to the noise level, they were exposing their kids to some pretty gruesome sights. What the hell? At times, I feel like Ripley in Aliens: Did IQs just drop sharply?

Edited by BookWoman56
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Thank the kitty gods (heh, Bastet) that yours is OK, BookWoman56! Is she wearing a cast? Did other cats sign it?

Speaking from experience, the emergency vet is a circle of hell. It is most definitely NOT a place for children. Not only pets but people are in serious distress. In get that people are single parents, but two parents coming in with the whole brood is stupid and may I say possibly dangerous.

And as I am getting a pedicure for the first time in a long time because I've worked my ass off and had an exhausting week, the nail salon is also no place for children. There are two in strollers in here right now, and one is intermittently yelling its head off. I'm trying to relax, and it's not cute AT ALL.

Edited by bilgistic
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Glad the cat's okay, bilgistic.


 Here's a driving pet peeve I'd like to share: Why don't people understand that there's a REASON turn signals are easy to reach and attached to the steering wheel yet so many folks REFUSE to use them? WHY? Worst places of this disuse seems to be in multlayered parking garages  with dozens of possible directions to drive in where  they expect the folks behind them to instantly know that they are turn left to back into a parking space even though they use NO signal whatsoever to achieve this.  Come on!

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I'm so glad your cat is OK, BookerWoman!


The primary reason I go grocery shopping at 7 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday is to avoid people who see Stop & Shop as the ideal venue for a family outing.

Edited by ABay
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I'm a big proponent of the 3 am pop-in at Wal-Mart or other 24-hour stores. Sometimes I startle the clerks.


My biggest shopping peeve is grocery stores who package/bundle their produce instead of leaving it loose. Sometimes I just want one damned zucchini and one squash, not two pounds of the stuff! Same with the price gouging for cut fruit -- I may not need an entire pineapple, but buying a small container of fresh slices will cost me three times as much per ounce.


Bundling promotes food waste, if nothing else.

Edited by lordonia
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Thank the kitty gods (heh, Bastet) that yours is OK, BookWoman56! Is she wearing a cast? Did other cats sign it?


Okay, I'm laughing like a fool over this. (But I'm glad the kitty is okay!)


Someone upthread mentioned not pumping gas in NJ. I encountered this in British Columbia and my pet peeve about that experience was that they wouldn't take the payment. So you have to get out of your car to pay, then get back in your car while they pump the gas, which just made the whole process twice as long as it needed to be AND I had to get out of my car anyway. What the hell.

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Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes. The cat is fine. No cast, but a metal plate was inserted to stabilize the leg because it was broken in two places, and the incision is closed with staples that have to be removed in 10 days. However, the staff there were astonished because less than 12 hours after the surgery, she managed to start climbing the wall of her cage, like a monkey. She is chilled out on some serious pain meds, but alert when awake and the recovery seems to be going well so far.


Even after a good  night's sleep, I still cannot understand why anyone with sense would choose to bring the entire family to the emergency vet. As noted, you have injured and distressed pets, along with humans who are worried about their pets and in some cases, verging on hysteria. There were some pets with severe injuries brought in while I was there, and the parents seemed oblivious to the fact that their kids were seeing all of that. Of course, I think oblivious is the key word here.

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No cast, but a metal plate was inserted to stabilize the leg because it was broken in two places


Does she have a 'poodle leg'?  Anytime a cat in our family has to have a limb shaved for any purpose, we say that they have a 'poodle leg', because of the shaved area that is bordered by fluffy fur above and below.  (I sometimes call it 'shammy leg', because of the soft feel of the skin, which feels like a chamois cloth.)  I know, my family is weird.


Here is a peeve that I know has been mentioned before, but I feel obligated to mention it again.  Why on earth do people feel the need to be in constant contact with others by phone?  I was at the store yesterday and encountered the same woman at least three times.  Each time, she was talking on her phone and was kind of just absent-mindedly pushing her cart forward.  I had to work to get my cart out of her way each time.  (And her conversations were sooooo important:  'Does Bobby have football practice today?'  'Did Monica get her hair cut?"   (I don't have a smartphone yet, but I'm considering it.  I hope I don't turn out to be one of those 'phone people'.)

Edited by BooksRule
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Understand, while this clinic does routine veterinary procedures such as vaccinations, spaying and neutering, etc., it is an emergency hospital. So yes, this is the place people bring their pets that have been hit by a car, injured in a fight with another animal, or bitten by a rattlesnake, etc. It is fairly common to see someone bringing in a bloody, injured animal or one that is clearly in some other kind of distress. Yet, every time I have been there, the lobby has been filled with people who for reasons I cannot in any way understand, have brought their entire families with them. One fairly typical family last night consisted of both parents plus four kids, ranging from an infant to maybe 9 or 10 years old. Because of the extraneous family members, no seats were available for most of the time I was in the lobby. (They had a lot of emergencies last night, so the wait was longer than normal.) A lobby in an animal hospital is not in any way kid-friendly, so there were no games or toys to distract them. Kids were running around, randomly pushing buttons on the pet treat vending machines. On top of that, as noted earlier, this is a trauma center, so periodically people were bringing in their injured pets through the lobby, in full view of the various kids.


I would seriously address this (in writing) with the clinic.  They can request that it is not an appropriate setting for children and infants unless absolutely necessary because some of what they might see might be upsetting to the children plus, their focus has to be their primary patient (the injured pets) and their care takers.  An injured animal does not need the extra noise and energy that comes with most children.  And when it is your pet that is injured, you don't need that either.  The front office staff should vocalize the need for calm, quiet and seats for patients/caregivers to parents.


Until then, if the extraneous family members are taking up space/seats in the lobby, ask one of the adults if you can have a seat so you can try to soothe your injured pet while waiting.  And if the kids are running around and being noisy, ask them to please settle them down as it is adding additional stress to the injured pets.  They shouldn't have to be asked, but don't be shy about doing it.


This is from a person who has 2 kids. 


Thank the kitty gods (heh, Bastet) that yours is OK, BookWoman56! Is she wearing a cast? Did other cats sign it?


And as I am getting a pedicure for the first time in a long time because I've worked my ass off and had an exhausting week, the nail salon is also no place for children. There are two in strollers in here right now, and one is intermittently yelling its head off. I'm trying to relax, and it's not cute AT ALL.

First - Ha! 

Second - good for you for taking the time for a pedicure!  But, wtf?  Strollers in a nail salon?  Nothing like exposing your infant to a whole array of smelly stuff.

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Sadly, I have to admit this could have been me. When I began my "crisis of the day" caregiving duties, I frequently called my best friend (who lives 1500 miles away) while I was in the grocery store. It was the only time I had to myself. I did try not to get in people's way, though, and I ended my call before checking out my items.


That doesn't sound too bad, though.  You seemed to be able to 'multitask' (talk on the phone and steer at the same time).  This woman seemed to be just wandering around in a kind of daze--I guess she could only focus on one thing at a time.


Which I guess leads me to another (though minor) pet peeve.  I get impatient with people I work with who cannot multitask at all.  I totally understand that not everyone can do this well, but you would think that people can at least handle two tasks at once (double-tasking?).  I have a co-worker who is amazed that I can work on several projects at once.  'How do you do this?' she says in apparent awe.  She can only do one thing at a time.  If she has to stop working on that to do something else it stresses her out.  If I couldn't multitask, I wouldn't get anything done (at work or home).  Of course, I'm a compulsive list-maker, so that probably help me to organize my work.

Edited by BooksRule
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I have a co-worker who is amazed that I can work on several projects at once. 'How do you do this?' she says in apparent awe. She can only do one thing at a time. If she has to stop working on that to do something else it stresses her out. If I couldn't multitask, I wouldn't get anything done (at work or home).


I'm probably like your co-worker. I need to turn the car radio off if I'm trying to find an address, I could never study in noisy areas or with the TV on, wouldn't be able to talk on the phone and shop, etc. I found out in graduate school when we used ourselves as test subjects that I have an auditory processing disorder, which I'm sure contributes but who knows whether it's the cause or a symptom. I need to deal with it at work since I'm a damned department director, but my stomach does start to knot when I'm forced to juggle.

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I used to work with a woman whose job included reception duties, dictatyping, and bookkeeping.  She used to complain that she had three jobs.  No, you have one full time job, with a variety of responsibilities.  Isn't that nice? Then you won't get bored.

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I've had to speak on the phone while in the grocery store--to pay bills over the phone, and once to speak to a recruiter for a job I was considering--she happened to call when I was in Target, and I honestly didn't have any other time that day to call her back. But I respectfully pushed my cart into a corner and talked to her. 


I keep seeing the term 'oblivious' on this thread. I'm know this has been mentioned before, but I hate it when oblivious people block the hallways in church, at work, in the grocery store, etc. because they stop to have long conversations with other people. I understand that we all might occasionally forget that we're blocking other people's paths, but people keep saying 'Excuse Me' over and over while squeezing past you, shouldn't you take a hint and move????? I sooooo wanted to tell people that yesterday at church, but...it was church, and I was supposed to be acting nice. 

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About a month ago, we had a grammar discussion in here, during which I mentioned the Oxford comma.  Well, I was just reading this article about a woman who drew a diagram of everything on her mind and came across this gem:


There is also room in her head for losing weight, dirt under the fridge and breasts: at one point she writes that “My boobs won’t stay in my bra”.



If ever an Oxford comma was needed....  My first thought was, "Well, damn, woman, wash your breasts better!"  Then I finished the sentence.  I'm still chuckling.

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I used to work with a woman whose job included reception duties, dictatyping, and bookkeeping.  She used to complain that she had three jobs.  No, you have one full time job, with a variety of responsibilities.  Isn't that nice? Then you won't get bored.

I'd consider that 3 jobs--if you want each one done well.


Edited by annzeepark914
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Using that reasoning, I've had at least 10 jobs today.  


It's like parents (mothers) who argue that they are "full time" childcare workers, cleaners, cooks, taxi drivers, etc and should receive the same annual salary as each of those positions.  Um, no, there are only 24 hours in your day.  You might (might, cuz there are times when you are just sleeping) be engaged in any one of those tasks at every minute of the day, but you are not doing all of them at the same time.

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And yuck, you brought up a peeve of mine, those mothers that say they are CEO of the household. No, you are annoying is what you are.

Martyr mothers.  You can put down that cross now....

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My up-to-the-minute peeve: College students who can't STFU in the library. See also: no one has an inside voice anymore. I would love to have a slowly turning neon sign over the reference desk that says "Shut the fuck up!" Jesus. You need to scream your conversations, go to the fucking student center.

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It's especially annoying when it carries the implication that mothers who also hold jobs outside the home don't do all that stuff at home, too.

But they're only Part Time Mothers.   You know, in contrast to the Full Time Mothers.   Where are the Part Time vs Full Time Fathers?

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