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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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"When someone insults Canada, it hurts my feelings.  So I go to the hospital to get them checked. For free".



But it took him 6 months to get an appointment so he took a medical tour to the US.


I didn't really know then why he jumped off the bridge. My parents told me he was embarrassed because he "danced" with another man.


I enjoyed the song but the movie was.... weird.  I'll never forget the line in the local TV guide (newspaper version) which described the plot thusly:


"You can base a film on a book, but you can't base it on a lyric."


After watching it once, it just made no sense and the ending was a little dumb.  In the song no one knew why Billy Joe jumped or what he or [the singer] had thrown from the bridge prior.  The screenwriters thought they'd give the answer as Billy Joe having had a homosexual affair and feeling torn up over it.  Then the girl, tells another person in town that she was leaving.  When asked why, she said the townsfolk would get suspicious that Billy Joe died and she left shortly thereafter - which would lead them to the false conclusion she was pregnant out of wedlock and had to save face (the movie was set in the 1950s).  Therefore she wanted them to think there was an offspring of Billy Joe somewhere and leave 'em with a bit of mystery.  Seemed stupid to me.

He threw Benjamin the doll over the bridge. I loved the movie, Bobbie Lee didn't want people's memories of Billie Joe to be that he was a homosexual, like you said, this was in the 50s, so she pretended she was pregnant, that way Billie Joe was a hero/legend in the town's mind . She loved him and that was her final gift to him.

I thought it was a great movie. One of my all time favorites.

Edited by Maharincess
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But it took him 6 months to get an appointment so he took a medical tour to the US

I've never waited more than 20 minutes to be seen by a doctor in an ER. Of course, I only go to ER for a true emergency.


Called my GPs office this morning, she swears my appointment was yesterday, I swear it was today. In any case, she fit me in this afternoon.  

Signed - A Satisfied Consumer of Socialized Medicine

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Quof, my mother says that is why we should take the little appointment cards. My grandmother had an appointment and went to the doctor, but they had her down for the next day. She had the card, though! It proved that she had the appointment on the day she went, and utxusursyrzjrfxfxfzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. <--Me, as my mother is telling me that story. And now I've retold it.

I tell the medical staff to not give me the cards because they are just more paper waste, and they just end up floating around the bottom of my bag for weeks until I get annoyed enough to clean them all out.

Edited by bilgistic
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Bastet:Ira Glass did a nice piece about how the show receives all kinds of complaints about the voices of its female reporters/producers, but none about their male counterparts, even though Glass himself has a vocal fry.

Thank you!  I like the content of This American Life but god do I hate the voice they all use - that flat lack of affect - and it's become so influential.


Uptick does not bother me and I think it is more of a female thing culturally.  The speaker is checking in with her audience to make sure they're actually understanding what she's already said, and still listening and interested - as opposed to just plowing ahead in complete sentences and paragraphs independent of whether your audience is listening or not (i.e., kind of the definition of a  crashing bore AKA one of William Burroughs'  Talking Assholes who just keeps spewing shit out no matter what.)

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Quof, my mother says that is why we should take the little appointment cards. My grandmother had an appointment and went to the doctor, but they had her down for the next day. She had the card, though! It proved that she had the appointment on the day she went, and utxusursyrzjrfxfxfzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. <--Me, as my mother is telling me that story. And now I've retold it.

I tell the medical staff to not give me the cards because they are just more paper waste, and they just end up floating around the bottom of my bag for weeks until I get annoyed enough to clean them all out.


It might keeel you to admit this to your mom, but from now on, I'm gonna take the card.

My  seasonal pet peeve  - 


First, I love cinnamon.  I mean the smell of cinnamon buns, cake, cinnamon stick simmering in apple cider -  yum. 


What i do NOT like is the "cinnamon"  crap that is pervasive in stores starting right about now.   It's more like the"Red Hots"  candy, a sharp, pungent stuff (clove, maybe?)  a synthetic cinnamon-like, spicy  smell that they spray on potpourri, pine cones, decoration items, cheap candles  Craft stores have it, all grocery stores - in the produce section.  It's starting now, and by christmas it's everywhere. It permeates the air in stores. It does NOT smell like "christmas"  to me. 


Apparently I am allergic to whatever this fake-ass stuff is My nose runs, my eyes water, and, if I have to stay in the store for any length of time, I get asthma. 

Last year, at a Trader Joe's, I mentioned it to a clerk.  They had some kind of fall decorative broom thing near the cash register. I said I needed to check out fast, because I was having an allergic reaction to the smell of the brooms.   He said "yeah, I'm going to have to quit working here because of it -   since they put those damn brooms in the store I can't breathe. "  So I know I'm not the only one. 

What is this stuff?   And WHY is it EVERYWHERE???

Edited by backformore

That fake cinnamon-y stuff can give me a sore throat, but the fake pine scent is even worse. I was once given a balsam scented candle at Xmas and made the mistake of lighting it. One candle burning for only five minutes, and the air in our place was unbreathable, like someone had thrown a stink bomb. Give me real cinnamon simmering on a stove or fresh pinecones any day.


And speaking of stinky Xmas stuff... I went to the grocery story two days ago and the floral department is full of Xmas decor. WE HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ENJOY HALLOWEEN YET. That really peeves me.


p.s. Zaldamo, I had an upset stomach last night (literally, not figuratively - haha) so had to substitute sips of tea for gulps of wine. Man, that was a long two hours... or was it three...

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backformore, Google cinnamaldehyde.  Yeah that sounds like a word I just made up and used as though it were normal, a practice I am quite fond of, but not this time.  I'm an asthmatic, the stuff that's in fake (and real) cinnamon and in "pine" cones and in vanillaish vanilla in large enough quantities will affect your bronchial system badly.  That cashier in Trader Joe's isn't exaggerating, if they put that shit on something or more than one something as large as a broom and a vulnerable respiratory system is near all day, he, literally (sorry glow lol) can't breathe.


glowlights, dammit! you had ONE job lol!  The Committee has voted and will make a one time only allowance for tea.  Man up, for the next debate we shall be switching to beer pong.  Listen, except the parts where Webb and them were talking, basically anybody but Bernie and Hil, I was watching paint dry.  <- Also terrible for your lungs. 


I'll see myself out.


And speaking of stinky Xmas stuff... I went to the grocery story two days ago and the floral department is full of Xmas decor. WE HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ENJOY HALLOWEEN YET. That really peeves me.


Seriously?  That's just wrong.  Why is Christmas poking its red and green nose into Halloween?  That's just wrong. 


Cinammaldehyde cinnamon is ok. It's the flowery scents that make me want to die.  My favorite aldehyde is benzaldehyde though - artificial cherry/almond depending on how big a whiff you get.  I have some black cherry Merlot soap from Bath and Body works that I am currently enjoying. 

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What has to stop, and I mean stop this very instant, is starting every sentence with the word, "So".  Talking heads on TV are doing it and reporters too.  I can't stand it.  Comedians set up a joke with the word "so".  That doesn't mean everyone else should.  Ugh.


That drives me crazy!  I love NPR and keep my car radio tuned to it all the time.  However, I find that almost every person that is interviewed uses that dreaded 'so' way too often.


What i do NOT like is the "cinnamon"  crap that is pervasive in stores starting right about now.


You would definitely not like it around my house right now.  I buy one bag of cinnamon-scented pine cones to keep around the house in holiday baskets from now (I bought a bag a week or so ago) until the scent goes away and then I discard. I divide up the small bag and put several cones in several parts of the house.  One bag is enough, and the scene is just enough to give the house a nice smell without overdoing it (but that's just me).  However, the scents that I really dislike are vanilla and also strawberry.  I like vanilla-flavored foods and love anything made with fresh strawberries, but I don't like the fake, artificial scents.  It shows how my tastes have changed, because I used to love strawberry incense (now, I think 'yuck!').


Ah, pillbugs, AKA roly-polies.  That's about the only bug that can crawl across my floor without me jumping to catch or kill.  I don't mind those at all.

And speaking of stinky Xmas stuff... I went to the grocery story two days ago and the floral department is full of Xmas decor. WE HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ENJOY HALLOWEEN YET. That really peeves me.


Is it ready-made stuff or things to buy to make things? I have fewer problems with crafty Christmas stuff being out so early because it's going to take me at least this long to make things. Actually, it's probably too late for me already.


The scent I can't stand is eucalyptus. I know, it's the food of cute little koalas, but I can't be on the same aisle in the store or I get an awful headache. Forget the cough drops with it -- blech.


Speaking of jr. high and cough drops -- our student store carried Luden's cough drops -- both the honey lemon and the wild cherry. We'd take turns buying a box at lunch and passing them around during afternoon classes. We were addicted. My church friends and I passed 'em around, too. I could eat half a box during the worship service.


Luden's cherry cough drops were the best -- except for the part where they did nothing for my cough. When we were in Estonia one time, we found candy that was essentially menthol and eucalyptus. I bought them to use as cough drops.


I hate floral scents. I want food scents -- vanilla or peppermint, for preference. I don't even like floral scented soaps. A co-worker has started using essential oils, and it is awful.

Edited by auntlada
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I'm pretty sure my ex-boss broke the bottle of perfume over her head in the morning before coming to work. Thankfully we had an old-timey office setup in which she had an actual office room and her stench was kept from me at the front of the office.

There aren't any offenders near me at work now, but there are lots of people in the building who never learned "spray, delay, and walk away". Riding in the elevator with them is nauseating.

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I guess I'm in the minority, I love any and all things scented. I have some scents that I like more than others but I love everything scented.

Forumfish, you would hate my house, I have a big eucalyptus tree right outside of my house. It shades my bedroom window. I love it. I break leaves off to bring in the house.

I must be in a really good mood. I can't think of anything that's pissing me off today.

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I'm pretty sure my ex-boss broke the bottle of perfume over her head in the morning before coming to work.

Several years ago there was a period of about two months where I was assigned to a supervisor who did this instead of engaging in any sort of personal hygiene. Almost all of my conversations with her ended up being via telephone.
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Several years ago there was a period of about two months where I was assigned to a supervisor who did this instead of engaging in any sort of personal hygiene. Almost all of my conversations with her ended up being via telephone.

When my son and his friends were teenagers, they called that COD: cologne on dirt.

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One candle burning for only five minutes, and the air in our place was unbreathable, like someone had thrown a stink bomb. 

I had a similar experience making a bowl of that Orville Redenbacher Zesty Pepper Butter popcorn. The stench of it as it was popping in the microwave permeated the house, and from henceforth, I didn't want any more of it (not to leave out that it didn't taste that great either). 

And speaking of stinky Xmas stuff... I went to the grocery story two days ago and the floral department is full of Xmas decor. WE HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO ENJOY HALLOWEEN YET. That really peeves me.


I hate that too.  There should be at least a day or so of breathing space between holidays.  I remember a trip to Wal-Mart a few years ago and noticing a group of people standing around watching something.  When I got closer, I realized that it was a Halloween display right across the aisle from the beginnings of the Christmas display.  There was an animatronic witch that was moving and cackling (or something) right across from a moving, 'ho-ho-ho'-ing mechanical Santa.  They looked like they were competing.  Everyone started to laugh before walking way (shaking heads).

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squash if you have a smartphone and download the dunkin app, those punches will show up on (in?) your account.   Lots more free offers too.


Mahara! {waves} hey girl.   Sorry I was late, ya'll starting peeving like two years ago, it took me a minute to catch up.   But anyplace where grievances may be heard? I'm in.  ;)


Now candles I love, but only scent of one brand.  It's Martha Stewart's Sandalwood and of course, they stopped making them the minute I found them.  So now everytime I go into a store where candles are sold and I come across a scent named Sandalwood, I'm like John Cusack in Serendipity, turning over every one I can get my hands on to see if it's "my" candle.   Pure nutbaggery.     That's probably the only scent category from a non authentic source that I can do.  Love the smell of apple pie and cookies and laundry but who has time to be Carol Brady all day.

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I'm like John Cusack in Serendipity, turning over every one I can get my hands on to see if it's "my" candle.   

Outstanding obscure reference. I only know it because I tend to stick with that movie for a few minutes every time it is on, not because it is a particularly good movie (such as Hot Tub Time Machine, to use another John Cusack movie as an example), but because I share his character's obsession with Kate Beckinsale in Serendipity. 

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Is it ready-made stuff or things to buy to make things? I have fewer problems with crafty Christmas stuff being out so early because it's going to take me at least this long to make things. Actually, it's probably too late for me already.


Vases, ornaments, gewgaws, garlands, dried stalks of whatever-that-shit-is to put in the vases. Some of it red, most of sprayed with white glitter. It's A Very Lady Ga-Ga Christmas, Charlie Brown.


Fake strawberry scent is pure evil.


There was an animatronic witch that was moving and cackling (or something) right across from a moving, 'ho-ho-ho'-ing mechanical Santa.  They looked like they were competing.  Everyone started to laugh before walking way (shaking heads).


<snipped> (Sorry, I get a little grumpy about my beloved Halloween being shunted aside. There is literally nothing more fun and festive than scaring the crap out of little kids with scary decor and costumes, then bribing them with delicious candy, thus setting them up for a lifetime of confusion and emotional issues.)


stewedsquash, I agree with your retail logic. But choose to be illogical and emotional.


ETA: just realized that one of my quips could be offensive to devout Christians therefore snipped; even though I'm a heathen I'm married to a Christian, so. <-- you guys have ruined me!!!!

Edited by glowlights
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I guess I'm in the minority, I love any and all things scented. I have some scents that I like more than others but I love everything scented.


I actually LIKE scents - most of them.  I have those little scented plug-ins - one is also a nightlight we have at the top of the stairs (and across from the boys' bedrooms)  I have one in my office that's vanilla-sandalwood that i love.    I light scented candles a lot of times in the evening because I don't like some lingering cooking smells after dinner is over.   I love scented lotions, I adore the LUSH store at the mall (though I can't afford to buy much).  It's just that certain scents, only a few, I have weird reactions to. 


I don't like strong musky perfumes - they make me nauseated. 


And that fake cinnamon thing, which I researched and it's cassia, a cheaper bark that mimics cinnamon.  What i don't like is the burning in my sinuses, the watery eyes, and my throat and lungs closing up.  There is a huge difference between that smell and the smell of cinnamon muffins in the oven.  They're both called cinnamon, but one is warm and comforting, and the other is sharp and burning. (to me) 


When I was a kid going to catholic school and church, the seasons with all the incense - that stuff gave me headaches. 


Oh - and people talked about the fake vanilla.    I bake a lot, and one year when REAL vanilla was expensive, I used "vanillin"  which is the artificial stuff.   Maybe it was just the brand I used, but the cookies tasted soapy to me.   not to anyone else, just me.  

Edited by backformore
I was just in the hog slat store yesterday


The what now?


Yes, inquiring minds want to know.


Another pet peeve is one that I 'got over' for a while, but it's returned for some reason.  I remember a while back when television stations began putting their logo at the bottom of the screen.   Then, they started putting that 'rating' at the top (V, MA, etc.).  Then, they started showing little graphics/clips of upcoming shows, not to mention how they would cut off credits or tags by starting the next show.  I found it really annoying, but I got used to it.  Now, I'm finding it annoying again.  I don't know why.  Maybe I'm just getting more impatient in my old age (ha ha).

  • Love 6

There is literally nothing more fun and festive than scaring the crap out of little kids with scary decor and costumes, then bribing them with delicious candy, thus setting them up for a lifetime of confusion and emotional issues.

Finally, someone gives me a reason to like Halloween. I'm pretty sure we can confuse them more by giving them "healthy" candy substitutes which they wouldn't want to eat.

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Hey! I happen to like raisins. Always have. They also come in a convenient little red box.


I was thinking more along the lines of giving out small apples, which the parents would then throw away because of paranoia* over potential tampering, thereby causing years of resentment. Or maybe toothbrushes, just to cause some massive disgust and disappointment..

*Fun factoid: In almost every documented case of Halloween treat tampering, one or both of the kids parents are the guilty party.

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Stewedsquash, how in the hell did I not know that you have a turkey farm?! Do you need a crippled farm hand? My dream is to live on a farm.

I miss having trick or treaters. Being way up here nobody has trick or treated here since I moved in. That's about the only thing I miss about living in town.

Edited by Maharincess

We hand out a variety of chocolates, chips and candy, so the kids can hopefully find something that they like and/or won't kill them. Or I should say we used to - the complex where we live now is dead on Halloween. There's a party for the kids at the clubhouse and then they all go to private parties in the neighborhood. Snooty helicopter parents. That's okay - MORE JUNK FOR ME!!!


But getting a few non-food items is not a bad idea. Although I ain't displayin' no teal pumpkins.


Sandman, I like the cut of your jib. Put the toothbrushes in a Halloween dish under a bunch of empty candy wrappers. And maybe have blood-soaked toothbrushes hanging out of your ears and hair, too. That way the kids will grow up having issues with food and dental hygiene. :)


RodLu, Noisy eaters are the WORST. Only one notch down from violent theocracies, imo.

Edited by glowlights
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I spend Halloween out in my "cantina" -- a game room attached to my garage (which is detached from my house), so that no trick-or-treaters darken my doorstep. 


As a kid, I liked the big carnival day we had at school for Halloween when we all came in costume and played games from booth to booth, but I think I only went trick-or-treating once before deciding it was not for me.  Although one year my friend and I decided to dress up (like escaped convicts, because we were cool like that) at age 14 or so and trick or treat in her neighborhood.  I can't believe our parents let us do that (they did object, but ultimately let us decide) -- the only thing more obnoxious than a little kid going trick-or-treating is a grown kid doing it.

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stewedsquash, I'd have had a triple pet peeve with that wench -- everyone knows the only roast beast worth buying is rare.  What's wrong with her??!!?


And honestly, I didn't know people still coupon.  Around here, the mania has calmed down a bit; stores don't double and triple coupons any more, and I rarely coupon organizers in other shoppers' carts. On the one hand, I thought coupons had gone electronic, but I don't see the people ahead of me at the checkout waving around their phones.


I'm not partial to  kids either, but not so much on Halloween.  I usually make the hub answer the door - his bigger hands = more candy for the kids, and I'm just not kid-friendly in the first place -- but when I've had to pinch hit everyone concerned has survived.  We live on a neighborhoody street, so the big H is a pretty social thing, with parents and some grandparents going around with the kids.  We also tend to overbuy, so are happy to see older kids come by -- they need candy, too!.  

Edited by harrie

Glolights, we used to give out chips too. I always had different bowls on Halloween. One had candy bars, one had gum and suckers and one had the little bags of chips. We always ran out of the chips first. The kids would get so excited over those chips every year. I'd often hear them telling other kids coming up the driveway "this lady has chips!!". Lol.

This is the only time of year that I wish I lived in a traditional neighborhood.

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I live on the end of a court. No one comes trick or treating. On the one hand it's sad because I used to like handing out the treats, but on the other, it's a pain in the ass having to keep getting up to answer the door.  I still buy the candy though, so that I can eat it when no one comes Hah. 


We went trick or treating through high school, but by the end of high school it was because we took the neighbor kids around, and essentially got paid in candy.  Mischief night was also a big one, although I never participated in the debauchery.

Kids around here trick or treat through high school. I don't have a problem with it, teenagers need to act like children once in a while. We get a lot of trick or treaters most years, as many as 100 kids. So I buy suckers and other cheap candy. If I buy chocolate I'll end up eating it. I could easily eat a full bag of reeses peanut butter cups, and I really don't need the calories.

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I never minded older kids trick or treating either. It's innocent fun, as long as they were respectful, I didn't mind a bit. I hated people who tried to embarrass the older kids by saying they're too old.

Let them have their fun. They'll be adults with responsibilities soon enough, I say let them be kids as long as they can.

  • Love 4

I never minded older kids trick or treating either. It's innocent fun, as long as they were respectful, I didn't mind a bit. I hated people who tried to embarrass the older kids by saying they're too old.

Let them have their fun. They'll be adults with responsibilities soon enough, I say let them be kids as long as they can.

Amen to that!! I was a taller kid who often got mistaken for being a few years older than I was; the very last time I went trick-or-treating, I was 12, since I was almost in tears after hearing one too many wisecracks of, "Oh you're a big one, aren't you?", "Aren't you a bit too old to still be trick-or-treating?", and my favorite, "Ah, I see you didn't get invited to any Halloween parties this year, huh?"

Adults, just be nice to the "bigger" kids and save the wisecracks and snarky comments for another holiday---trick-or-treating is such a fleeting night of harmless fun for so many kids in this country.

On the flipside, the last time I gave out treats I was shocked at the lack of social/trick-or-treating skills displayed by some of our visitors---I did tell them that I wouldn't give treats to anyone who couldn't at least outright say "trick or treat" instead of just standing there staring at me silently like some zombie.

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Sometimes I get lots of trick or treaters, sometimes few.  Either way I turn the porch light off at 8pm and while I'll still give them candy, anyone over the age of 13 who shows up with a sports jersey and a pillowcase isn't trick or treating:  they're panhandling door to door.


I have a trying commute and get through it by punching among five different radio stations.  Two of them are having pledge weeks right now.  I love public radio but I hate pledge drives only in part because they make me feel guilty for not giving them money.  Yes, I'm a freeloader but if I gave them money, I would then feel guilty for not giving that money to cancer research or prevention of cruelty to animals.

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It is common around here to just put out a bowl of treats for Halloween so that is what I normally do.  Surprisingly, everytime I have done that there are still treats at the end of the night although so trick-or-treaters have clearly picked through to grab favorites.  I normally sit outside for a while to see the kids come by.  My favorites are the older girls who feel a bit self conscious about still going out but do it anyway.  I remember feeling that way.


I hate when I buy a loaf of french bread from the bakery and it is in one of those paper sleeves.  The paper sleeve is long enough to cover the end of the bread, but not long enough to fold over it.  I don't care if it is picturesque - we live where there are a variety of bugs that will gladly land on exposed food.

Edited by DeLurker
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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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