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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

My name has a diminutive that was put on me as a baby and I've always used it, but I don't care if people use the formal one.  Or a diminutive of the diminutive, which new acquaintances for some reason use. 

Now I am dying to know what your name is!

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I belong to a group of people who get together once a month to do X (not X-rated anything). All of us have busy lives, but we're in this group because we take X seriously, so it takes a while when we meet to iron out the next meeting date. Anyway, once date is set, unless someone gets sick or the apocalypse strikes...we show up. 

New member has, several times now, asked to reschedule on the day we're supposed to meet. Now, new member is never participating in X when she wants to reschedule, so it's just the rest of us who are counting on participating who bear the irritation and delayed gratification. New member is a far more 'fly by seat of pants' person and, if caught unprepared for X or isn't in the mood or, today's episode, the weather will likely be lousy for an hour or two during transit time...well, NM thinks nothing of emailing and saying, 'hey, how about we reschedule? I'm just having such a crazy week/bad day/hangnail/etc.'

Today, I am participating in X. I prepared for X and have been waiting with great anticipation (seriously, this isn't X-rated). Weather says we will likely get horrific t-storms at just the time we'd all be driving to meet. NM had emailed a week ago to confirm the date. Then, we get an email first thing today saying "oh, gosh....severe weather...let's keep an eye out...not saying to cancel, but let's definitely think about it..."

Me: "I'm in if we're talking t-storms. Hail or tornadoes....not so much."

Rest of the members: "OK, how about we check in around 5 when we're all likely to be driving? If Zeus isn't up there throwing down pestilence and smiting folks, let's do it."

NM; (an hour later): "Can we check in sooner than that?" 

Another member: "OK. How about 3?"

NM: "Would anyone be on board with cancelling and rescheduling for a less stressful day?" 

Me: "Would prefer not to, because rescheduling is hard, but if we have to, could we keep it to the same week? I'm only open Tuesday, but if that works, I'm game." 

NM: "Tuesday works for me!" 

Rest of members: *assorted yays/nays to Tuesday*

Me: "OK, let's check in at 5 and see what the weather looks like and who all can get there." 

NM: *crickets*

 Had NM emailed and said, "hey, sorry, I probably don't want to chance driving tonight, but I'll do what I can so that those participating in X will get my support." Wouldn't even be griping if NM had done that.

/begin whine

But nooooooooo, we're all supposed to consider rescheduling when I'm, honestly, thinking NM is just looking for an excuse to bail on tonight and I'm getting pissed off. NM is the only person who ever asks for the entire group to reschedule instead of just saying no and owning that decision, though NM has also done that. It just makes me think that NM doesn't really take our group seriously or doesn't understand that continually fucking up the schedule on a whim is just plain disrespectful. I feel badly for thinking this way and I don't think NM is a horrid person or anything, but by god, I cannot understand and barely tolerate a mentality that takes commitment only as seriously as it is convenient. I can't help how seriously NM takes the group, but I know it infuriates me when she does this, because I have missed group exactly twice: wedding and funeral, respectively. I don't want a gold star and I'm not about to start deciding who is missing group for the "wrong reasons," but crikey, own your decisions and if you can't participate, just say so. 

/end whine

I'm sorely tempted to write back, "oh, for fuck's sake, just don't watch 'Twister' today, buckle your seatbelt, and  drive in some goddamned hail and blinding rain.  It'll toughen you up, buttercup," but I'll just shake my cane at the universe and get back to screaming 'you kids don't know ANYTHING about responsibility...' 

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4 minutes ago, auntlada said:

"Too integrated"? What is that? Is that like "acting white"? (I'm not trying to be obnoxious here or anything. I really don't know for certain.)

The only places it doesn't bug me when holiday stuff is out early is in craft stores because people who are going to make holiday things have to start earlier. So if Hobby Lobby or Michael's or wherever has Christmas stuff out in July, I figure it's OK because if I were going to make Christmas stuff, I would have to start in July to finish it by December.

Well, "acting Anglo" would be more accurate, since Germans and Finns (for example) are ALSO white (yet they have distinct customs which are kept to this day).  It's more disturbing when the comments come from people outside of your culture, people trying to be politically correct.  They expect you to keep/honour your heritage to the tee, even though cultures are always evolving.  This might include people being surprised that you wore a white wedding gown when your culture sees white as a colour of mourning (heck, my MOM wore white and I'm pretty sure my grandmother did too).  I've also been shamed/criticized for trying to explain why some East Asian women of my generation are okay with baby showers when it's considered bad luck.  Then there's the food issue:  I'm fairly unfamiliar with many East Asian snacks (the packaged junk food kind, not pastries.  Frozen dumplings don't count) and find Chinese/East Asian supermarkets very overwhelming.  However, people expect me to know.  Junk food was rationed/nearly banned in my home growing up.  That's why I don't know much!  Add that to not being taught how to make "real" food (certain types of dumplings, especially) because my grandmother didn't feel it was "lady-like" to be in the kitchen (my mom wasn't taught to cook either)...it's very frustrating as a first generation Canadian.  There's SO MUCH expected when you're non-Anglo, not only from your own community, but from "outsiders" who believe in diversity/multiculturalism.

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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

New member is a far more 'fly by seat of pants' person

There you have it. I bet other members of this group are also irritated. Go on and do X. If NM shows up, great. If not, their loss. Does your group have attendance / flake guidelines?

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1 hour ago, potatoradio said:

But nooooooooo, we're all supposed to consider rescheduling when I'm, honestly, thinking NM is just looking for an excuse to bail on tonight and I'm getting pissed off. NM is the only person who ever asks for the entire group to reschedule instead of just saying no and owning that decision, though NM has also done that. It just makes me think that NM doesn't really take our group seriously or doesn't understand that continually fucking up the schedule on a whim is just plain disrespectful. I feel badly for thinking this way and I don't think NM is a horrid person or anything, but by god, I cannot understand and barely tolerate a mentality that takes commitment only as seriously as it is convenient. I can't help how seriously NM takes the group, but I know it infuriates me when she does this, because I have missed group exactly twice: wedding and funeral, respectively. I don't want a gold star and I'm not about to start deciding who is missing group for the "wrong reasons," but crikey, own your decisions and if you can't participate, just say so. 

Have you talked to anyone else in your group about this? Based on NM's actions, I agree with your analysis of the situation. I'm not sure if your group has a formal structure, such as a president, or if it's more informal and there's no official leader. However, in your case, I might talk to a few other members and see if they feel the same way you do. Then the next time NM expects the entire group to reschedule around his/her convenience, a few of you can respond with, "Sorry you won't be able to make it, but we've got this event/meeting already planned and don't want to change it at the last minute." Again, I don't know enough about your group to give much advice, but I'd think some members might have already adjusted their normal personal schedules based on the originally planned event, and IMO it's rude as fuck for NM to expect everyone else to adjust schedules yet again because of his/her personal preferences.  

And maybe I'm projecting things onto NM that aren't there, but another reason I think your group needs to nip this rescheduling thing in the bud is this: Almost every time I have encountered someone who exhibits similar behavior, it escalates into other aspects of the group's interactions. Right now NM is getting everybody else to bend over backwards to accommodate his/her schedule. Don't be surprised if NM starts suggesting other changes as well. Let's say your group does rock climbing, and your next event is scheduled for Location ABC. Unless NM learns he/she cannot manipulate the entire group, sooner or later it's going to turn into, "We need to reschedule, and BTW, let's do Location DEF instead of Location ABC." Look, if everyone in your group is fine with caving into NM's requests, there may not be much you can do about it. But my guess is that there are other members just as pissed off as you are, but nobody wants to be the bad guy and tell NM that he/she needs to either come to the meetings or bail if necessary, but to quit expecting the entire group to change their plans because of one person's issues. 

Edited by BookWoman56
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It's hard to get a complete feel for the situation, but I take it someone not showing up affects the group in some significant way, since when New Member - who you said isn't even participating in X, anyway - comes up with one of her many last-minute requests, the group response is to indeed reschedule rather than just say, "Sorry you can't make it; hope to see you next time"?  If so, is there any sort of policy about excess cancellations without adequate notice, so that she could be asked to leave the group if she keeps doing this? 

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I'm peeved at myself, for catching TV shows YEARS later.

I'm currently watching S3 of Hannibal and I have no one to discuss it with. Reading the old thread from 3+ years ago just.doesn't.cut.it!

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So the neighbor who had the overly bright light just poured about a gallon of Pine Sol out on his patio and went inside. The wind is blowing the smell over onto my patio, and its so strong that my eyes are burning.

He was sitting outside and I politely asked him if he could dilute the smell as it was unbearable.

He said "First it was my light, now its this. I pay rent here too". I said "So do I, but the difference is I do nothing to affect your quality of life". He said whatever, and went inside his house without diluting the smell at all.

I texted my landlord after another neighbor agreed that the smell was overbearing and haven't gotten a response so far.

I hate this. I shouldn't lose access to the front patio I am also "paying rent" for because this guy is a jerk. I can't understand why she keeps him on a lease and me month-to-month. I hate complaining to her about this stuff. I just want to live in peace.

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7 hours ago, Brookside said:

Not to pick on you, but one of my pet peeves is when Americans say bathroom when they mean toilet.

The floor plan of where I live has a little tiny room with just a toilet in it.  People call it "the potty room," and it just crawls all over me.  I call it "the toilet room." 

I should probably call it the WC but I just can't quite do that.


7 hours ago, Brookside said:

I once asked my British brother where the bathroom was; he asked me if I needed a towel.  I imagine if I'd asked for the restroom (how euphemistic can you get?) he'd have handed me a pillow.

When I was little, I saw "restroom" at gas stations and thought it was a room where travelers would go to rest.

I'd also see "post no bills" and pictured people pasting their utility bills on the wall and wondered why someone would want to do that.

And I thought "cafe" was pronounced as if it rhymed with "cape."

Family trips in the car were a confusing time for me. 

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When I was little, I saw "restroom" at gas stations and thought it was a room where travelers would go to rest.

I'd also see "post no bills" and pictured people pasting their utility bills on the wall and wondered why someone would want to do that.

And I thought "cafe" was pronounced as if it rhymed with "cape."

Family trips in the car were a confusing time for me. 


When I was little, I thought when people said "behave" was two words: "be have" (rhymes with gave). I screamed at my mean babysitter that I was "being have!"

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I always used the term "washroom" for bathroom/restroom/toilet/WC, et al.  That is, until I moved to "The States" and received one too many quizzical looks from people, eh ...  ;-)  So I guess my peeve is - why does it seem to matter so much what the fuck the room to do THAT particular business is called?   Because, quite honestly, everybody knows what the hell you're referring to, don't they?

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I always used the term "washroom" for bathroom/restroom/toilet/WC, et al.  That is, until I moved to "The States" and received one too many quizzical looks from people, eh ...  ;-)  So I guess my peeve is - why does it seem to matter so much what the fuck the room to do THAT particular business is called?   Because, quite honestly, everybody knows what the hell you're referring to, don't they?

I use bathroom and washroom interchangeably - maybe the former more often than the latter.  And I'm Canadian (maybe it's a Toronto thing?).  People not telling others what is in something they're serving is a pet peeve of mine too.  I find that more common with older generations/people who were not raised in Canada or the US than younger people/non-immigrants.  They seem to be offended when someone asks, not realizing that it could be a food sensitivity/allergy thing.  The vibe I get lies closer to "you stupid Canadian/American!  If I told you, you'd be grossed out and won't eat it."  

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16 hours ago, potatoradio said:

Now, new member is never participating in X when she wants to reschedule, so it's just the rest of us who are counting on participating who bear the irritation and delayed gratification

Since the group seems to have been going along just fine without a formal set of rules prior to NM, I suspect you are all similar minded in committing the time to participate as you schedule a month ahead of time.  Unless observer's presences makes some kind of difference, I'd suggest a guideline that only the scheduled participants can request a change to the plan.  Even then, there should be a simple vote on whether the change is made or if a substitute is brought in (if possible).

@AgentRXS - he sounds like a bitter, sour geezer but desperate for attention - any attention.  It is like the little kid who behaves badly, because any attention is better than being ignored.  I'd say he needs a pet for companionship, but he'd probably be horrible to a pet too.

49 minutes ago, PRgal said:

The vibe I get lies closer to "you stupid Canadian/American!  If I told you, you'd be grossed out and won't eat it."  

To be fair, Americans are not known to have the best poker face when it comes to stuff like that.

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I'm Canadian. I say "washroom" when looking for facilities in a public space.  It seems to confound people in the US.

In the house, it's "bathroom" because there is a bathtub in it.  

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23 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

My name has a diminutive that was put on me as a baby and I've always used it, but I don't care if people use the formal one.  Or a diminutive of the diminutive, which new acquaintances for some reason use.  Maybe it's because they can't remember if I like the formal or the diminutive, now that I think about it.

But sometimes people will ask, "Which name do you prefer?" and I've always said I don't care, because I honestly don't care at all.  But I realized recently that that doesn't really help them out, so I've been trying to interrupt myself before I say "I don't care" and make myself pick one, just to take the burden off them. 

I have the same issue, my given name is formal but I grew up being called by its shortened version. When I started this job 27 years ago I made the conscious decision to use my formal given name instead because it sounded more "adult". When people find out that out of the office I go by the shortened version they always ask "which do you prefer?" and I used to say either is fine, but you're right, it didn't help them, so now I say "You are welcome to call me *shortened version*, I don't mind." It is weird sometimes to hear my shortened name at the office! 

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15 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

I'm peeved at myself, for catching TV shows YEARS later.

I'm currently watching S3 of Hannibal and I have no one to discuss it with. Reading the old thread from 3+ years ago just.doesn't.cut.it!

I'm not watching Hannibal (nor have before), but I understand the frustration when discovering a show years later.  Sometimes people will still respond to a post on an old thread, so I'd make a comment or ask a question anyway.

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1 hour ago, forumfish said:

Petite women with first names that can be shortened to "cutesy" names have it rough sometimes. For argument's sake, let's say my name's Elizabeth. As a child, only a couple of people close to me ever called me Lizzie. As I grew up, I preferred to be called Liz by my close friends. As I entered the work force, business acquaintences (usually men) would ask, "do people call you Lizzie?"

My reply would be, "only a couple of people, and neither is still living."

It was kind of fun to see the reaction that statement got.

This is EXACTLY why I started going by the full version of my name and eventually legally changed it.  Sorry, but Cindy just doesn't cut it.

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I don't like the diminutive of my name to begin with--well, the one-syllable one is OK; it's the two-syllable one I can't stand, especially because my actual name is two syllables so what's even the point? Anyway, what makes it worse is when people use a K in those diminutives. My name has a C in it that makes the same sound as a K, so why are you fucking around like that that, MOM?! 

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On 8/27/2018 at 4:53 PM, DeLurker said:
On 8/27/2018 at 10:27 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

My name has a diminutive that was put on me as a baby and I've always used it, but I don't care if people use the formal one.  Or a diminutive of the diminutive, which new acquaintances for some reason use. 

Now I am dying to know what your name is!

Jonathan? Jonny, Jon...

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Here's one....people that use the handicapped bathroom when they are not handicapped!

Now, I can understand using the stall if no one else is in the bathroom but when you walk by me, seeing that I have a fucking cane then maybe you'd want to be considerate enough to use the normal stall.

I had to use my cane to rise from the toilet seat after finishing, as the seat is too damned low!  Arthritic knees are no joke people!

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Pet peeve of the day: When you call the service department (or other department) of some company during normal business hours, only to get the recording, "Our office is currently closed. Our normal business hours are 9 am through 5 pm, eastern time, Monday through Friday, and 9 am through 9 pm, Saturday. Please call back during normal business hours."  Yet it's only 3 pm eastern time, on a Wednesday. I'm going to assume that somebody messed up on the outgoing message, so that instead of getting the standard, "Your call is important to us. Please hold while we connect  you to the next available representative," the after-hours message was loaded instead. Or else someone decided to cut off all calls very early in the work day. If I call back tomorrow at 9:30 am eastern time and get the same recording, I'll be sending the company an email, or calling the main switchboard number and asking them WTF is going on. Don't switch me over to the service number if nobody there is going to pick up the damn phone.

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On 8/27/2018 at 8:45 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'd also see "post no bills" and pictured people pasting their utility bills on the wall and wondered why someone would want to do that.

Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I really have to add. I'm so happy someone else thought the same thing!

Oh, and I always thought any car that was in an accident, regardless of how minor would immediately explode. Thanks, CHiPS!

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I'm peeved by people abusing the "Millennial Generation" category. I hate these categories, but if you're going to use them, for Chrissake use it appropriately and within THE CORRECT TIMEFRAME THE CATEGORY APPLIES TO!!

A 16 year old IS NOT a millennial! A 13 year old IS NOT a millennial! 

Millennials were born between 1981-1996. 

Here's a breakdown of the generations. 

  • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
  • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
  • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
  • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) AKA iGeneration

I'm also peeved/ fed up with Millennials in the workplace; So, your boss is a millennial? bullshit articles. 

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You know what sometimes is a peeve (and maybe more than a peeve): realizing that in my profession, if I make a mistake, I look like I am terrible at my job. But if I fix a mistake, other people look great at theirs. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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17 minutes ago, Stenbeck said:

I'm peeved by people abusing the "Millennial Generation" category. I hate these categories, but if you're going to use them, for Chrissake use it appropriately and within THE CORRECT TIMEFRAME THE CATEGORY APPLIES

I also hate these categories but FFS, stop trying to move the 'millennial' title down to the 70s. I was born in 77, I am Gen X, hell, I'l even take Gen Y since we do have a tiny bit of overlap of technology in the household during our pre-teen years (if your parents were early adopters and had the money) but technology in school consisted of Apple 2e and computer lab once or twice a month. But I am not a fucking millennial! My boss is, and he's awesome!

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29 minutes ago, Stenbeck said:

Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) AKA iGeneration

I knew that "kids today" were too young to be Millenials, but didn't know what silly nickname had been adopted for their generation.  I think iGeneration is better than Post-Millenials (just like I think Millenials is better than Generation Y; I guess I just don't like branching off from the nickname for the prior generation rather than coming up with something new).  

But, ultimately, I hate the whole thing, because I think "Baby Boomers" is the only one that accurately and inoffensively describes something about that generation; rather than trying to assign a set of characteristics to a huge group of people, it simply refers to the fact there was an uptick in babies born in that period.  (Now, yes, there are all sorts of stereotypes heaped upon Baby Boomers just as there are with every one of these generational groups, and they're pretty much the first one it became A Thing to pontificate about in that way, but just the name, on its face, is innocuous.)

1 hour ago, Vixenstud said:

Now, I can understand using the stall if no one else is in the bathroom but when you walk by me, seeing that I have a fucking cane then maybe you'd want to be considerate enough to use the normal stall.

I agree (and I don't even really like the idea of someone using the stall when no one else is in there, because what if the next person who comes in needs the handicapped stall and now has to wait for it, when had the able-bodied person just used one of the regular empty stalls, both people could be doing their business at the same time), but there are disabilities that make one eligible to use the handicap-accessible stall yet aren't obvious to observers.  So, given how many inconsiderate people there are, this probably was some jerk (especially if they walked past you to score the stall), but, just in general, it's possible for there to be someone with a cane and someone without, where both people are entitled to use the stall, and it thus belongs to whomever is first in line.

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1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

I'm peeved by people abusing the "Millennial Generation" category. I hate these categories, but if you're going to use them, for Chrissake use it appropriately and within THE CORRECT TIMEFRAME THE CATEGORY APPLIES TO!!

A 16 year old IS NOT a millennial! A 13 year old IS NOT a millennial! 

Millennials were born between 1981-1996. 

Here's a breakdown of the generations. 

  • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
  • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
  • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
  • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) AKA iGeneration

I'm also peeved/ fed up with Millennials in the workplace; So, your boss is a millennial? bullshit articles. 

I was trying to figure out your username and ended up amusing myself instead. Never mind, I was thinking "Stendec" and was surprised you knew about something that long ago! Yes, I'm gonna make you all google it. If you want. :)

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Why'd I have to stumble into this topic....I blame all of you, lol.

Okay.  So I'm an Executive Assistant and I sit right...in...front of the boss.  Sir or Madam, please don't walk by my desk while I AM SITTING THERE, tentatively peer into her office then have the utter balls to come back to me and ask a question, like 'Is she available to talk?'

The bluedilly fuck?!

Hey asshole, GOOD MORNING!  HELLO!  Give a bitch some type of muhfuckin' greeting!  And don't get offended when I immediately correct you, because your ass was straight up rude and you need to be fucking called out on it.  

I can put up with a lot in this position but don't act like I'm the goddamned lackey.  I said all that to say that rudeness is up there on the top 10 Pet Peeves of mine.

*Puts on happy music before I have to machete a bastard*

Edited by Vixenstud
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16 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)

I think I speak for everyone born between 1980-1984 when I say that it is extremely annoying for us to be categorized in the Millennial group. Most of us went to high school with X'ers and grew up watching the same shows, listening to the same music, wearing the same fashion. Notice how the other generations span over a course of 20 years, but X ends after only 15 years, almost  purposely to keep us out . Yes, I HATE being called a Millennial as I don't feel like people born in the early '80s have similar experiences to anyone born in the '90s due to the increase in technology during that time. I mean, Google wasn't even a thing until I was a junior in high school. Anyone who had do research using the Dewey Decimal System deserves a little X'er cred, don't ya think?

Edited by AgentRXS
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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

I think I speak for everyone born between 1980-1984 when I say that it is extremely annoying for us to be categorized in the Millennial group. Most of us went to high school with X'ers and grew up watching the same shows, listening to the same music, wearing the same fashion. Notice how the other generations span over a course of 20 years, but X ends after only 15 years, almost  purposely to keep us out . Yes, I HATE being called a Millennial as I don't feel like people born in the early '80s have similar experiences to anyone born in the '90s due to the increase in technology during that time. I mean, Google wasn't even a thing until I was a junior in high school. Anyone who had do research using the Dewey Decimal System deserves a little X'er cred, don't ya think?

We're called Xennials, apparently (born in 1979 here).

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

I think I speak for everyone born between 1980-1984 when I say that it is extremely annoying for us to be categorized in the Millennial group. Most of us went to high school with X'ers and grew up watching the same shows, listening to the same music, wearing the same fashion. Notice how the other generations span over a course of 20 years, but X ends after only 15 years, almost  purposely to keep us out . Yes, I HATE being called a Millennial as I don't feel like people born in the early '80s have similar experiences to anyone born in the '90s due to the increase in technology during that time. I mean, Google wasn't even a thing until I was a junior in high school. Anyone who had do research using the Dewey Decimal System deserves a little X'er cred, don't ya think?

I feel the same as one born in 1964.  I have absolutely nothing in common with someone born in the 50s and I hate being lumped in with the baby boomers.  My sister, 8 years older, is a boomer, and we are so different.  She got virtually free college education and was able to buy a house for pennies, that sktyrocketed in value and equity.  I got student loan debt that took me 30 years to pay off and a huge mortgage for a tiny house that will take another couple decades to fully own.

  I always felt more like a Gen Xer, the forgotten generation, with none of the advantages of the boomers, and a bit slow on the tech uptake compared to Millenials.  Couldn't really get ahead in the job market because the boomers wouldn't retire, and now that they are retiring, they want to promote the younger up and coming Millenials.

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25 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I always felt more like a Gen Xer, the forgotten generation, with none of the advantages of the boomers, and a bit slow on the tech uptake compared to Millenials.  Couldn't really get ahead in the job market because the boomers wouldn't retire, and now that they are retiring, they want to promote the younger up and coming Millenials.

I'm 41 and and Xer. Your experience is very similar to mine in which people just a few years old were able to buy houses and get ahead in the job market. 


Therefore, I proclaim you an honorary Xer. Now go to Target and be super excited that 90s fashions are back (with a mix of 80s). I don't care if I'm 41, gimme all the flannels, ripped jeans and Docs this winter!

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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm 41 and and Xer. Your experience is very similar to mine in which people just a few years old were able to buy houses and get ahead in the job market. 


Therefore, I proclaim you an honorary Xer. Now go to Target and be super excited that 90s fashions are back (with a mix of 80s). I don't care if I'm 41, gimme all the flannels, ripped jeans and Docs this winter!

As a Gen-Xer, I will never give up clunky shoes.

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2 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

Why'd I have to stumble into this topic....I blame all of you, lol.

Okay.  So I'm an Executive Assistant and I sit right...in...front of the boss.  Sir or Madam, please don't walk by my desk while I AM SITTING THERE, tentatively peer into her office then have the utter balls to come back to me and ask a question, like 'Is she available to talk?'

The bluedilly fuck?!

Hey asshole, GOOD MORNING!  HELLO!  Give a bitch some type of muhfuckin' greeting!  And don't get offended when I immediately correct you, because your ass was straight up rude and you need to be fucking called out on it.  

I can put up with a lot in this position but don't act like I'm the goddamned lackey.  I said all that to say that rudeness is up there on the top 10 Pet Peeves of mine.

*Puts on happy music before I have to machete a bastard*

Well said! I have the same position and put up with the same crap. I've had people walk right by me, attempt to walk into my boss' office and when they see a room full of people they back up and turn to me to say "Oh, I didn't know she had a meeting!" I respond with "I did." It usually only happens a couple times before the newbie learns that I am the gatekeeper, I can help you or, if you're dismissive/condescending/arrogant, make it kind of difficult for you to get your face time, you choose.

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31 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm 41 and and Xer. Your experience is very similar to mine in which people just a few years old were able to buy houses and get ahead in the job market. 


Therefore, I proclaim you an honorary Xer. Now go to Target and be super excited that 90s fashions are back (with a mix of 80s). I don't care if I'm 41, gimme all the flannels, ripped jeans and Docs this winter!

Ripped jeans.  Yes.  The term is RIPPED, not "DISTRESSED" as they call them now. #justsayin 

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8 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

Well said! I have the same position and put up with the same crap. I've had people walk right by me, attempt to walk into my boss' office and when they see a room full of people they back up and turn to me to say "Oh, I didn't know she had a meeting!" I respond with "I did." It usually only happens a couple times before the newbie learns that I am the gatekeeper, I can help you or, if you're dismissive/condescending/arrogant, make it kind of difficult for you to get your face time, you choose.

Ooh, you're a right little minx....I like that attitude.

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32 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Ripped jeans.  Yes.  The term is RIPPED, not "DISTRESSED" as they call them now. #justsayin 

My rips were earned by lots of wear, thank you very much. As a kid I'm sure all those rips distressed my mother but those jeans were TORN!!!!!!!!!!

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33 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Ripped jeans.  Yes.  The term is RIPPED, not "DISTRESSED" as they call them now. #justsayin 

I feel like I'm doing it wrong, because all of my ripped jeans are ripped post-purchase.  Through wear and tear. 

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I’ve never understood why those born before we entered into the Millennium age, were labeled as such. Stupid me thought those born after 2000 would belong to that group.

But I’m not a fan of those labels. But to get on the spirit of the conversation- I’m an Xer too!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Serious pet peeve - people who don't spay or neuter their pets. Sure, there are some legitimate reasons to not spay or neuter but "it will have such cute kittens" or "I can make $$ from the puppies" are not those reasons. Every puppy or kitten born and given away is one less adopted from a shelter. When shelters no longer have a reason to exist then we can talk. Until then FIX YOUR PETS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also tired of people tagging me in sad rescue posts when I've said time and time again I cannot take on another pet and these posts are seriously upsetting to me. Animals going from loved to a crazy shelter living in a cage and will probably be euthanized just destroys me. My god, if I was bawling during JP: Fallen Kingdom how do you think I react to this IRL?

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21 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

Here's a breakdown of the generations. 

  • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
  • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
  • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
  • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
  • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) AKA iGeneration

My peeve is that I HATE the use of these horsepucky generational breakdowns, especially with this terminology (the Silent Generation?!?! - there's a howler.  Elvis, Aretha, JFK, the Beatles and the Beats.  Sheesh.)     And even more especially when people start taking it all seriously enough to DEBATE the categories.  It would make just as much sense to use Chinese astrology, which is also generational.   " I know that the calendar says I'm a Tiger- but I was born so close to the end of January that I'm sure that's why I act more like a Rabbit!"

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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5 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

" I know that the calendar says I'm a Tiger- but I was born so close to the end of January that I'm sure that's why I act more like a Rabbit!"

Do you get the urge to eat yourself?  Or talk yourself out of eating other animals and having a tasty clover instead?

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45 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Serious pet peeve - people who don't spay or neuter their pets. Sure, there are some legitimate reasons to not spay or neuter but "it will have such cute kittens" or "I can make $$ from the puppies" are not those reasons. Every puppy or kitten born and given away is one less adopted from a shelter. When shelters no longer have a reason to exist then we can talk. Until then FIX YOUR PETS!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also tired of people tagging me in sad rescue posts when I've said time and time again I cannot take on another pet and these posts are seriously upsetting to me. Animals going from loved to a crazy shelter living in a cage and will probably be euthanized just destroys me

1,000 times yes! I live near a college with a fairly large feral cat colony, volunteers regularly trap them for neutering/spaying and any medical issue they notice, but do you know how those kitties came to be feral? College kids who adopt cats for company and then dump them upon graduating. The college does as much as they can to deter the practice but to no avail. Angers me beyond sanity to think of these poor things being loved and cared for 4 years and then just "set free" once the kid is ready to move on. Pets are not disposable!!!!!!

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My complex has some ferals living there and I'm fairly certain there are some new kitties hanging around that were left. 

People think cats will figure it out. And sure, their hunting instincts will kick in but FFS, your cat LOVES YOU and you fucking leave it? People who do that need to go play in traffic then jump into shark infested waters. I hate them. I'm seething rage thinking about it.

In a similar rage filled rant, have you all read about Honey the Dolphin and the abandoned animals in an aquarium in Japan? A lone bottle nosed dolphin left with no stimulation in a dilapidated tank and penguins covered in dust from their crumbling enclosure. Rescues have tried to contact the owners to take the animals with no response. It's horrible! I think they should just go take the animals and give them a better home.

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41 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

My peeve is that I HATE the use of these horsepucky generational breakdowns, especially with this terminology (the Silent Generation?!?! - there's a howler.  Elvis, Aretha, JFK, the Beatles and the Beats.  Sheesh.)     And even more especially when people start taking it all seriously enough to DEBATE the categories.  It would make just as much sense to use Chinese astrology, which is also generational.   " I know that the calendar says I'm a Tiger- but I was born so close to the end of January that I'm sure that's why I act more like a Rabbit!"

You can say the same thing about western astrology.  Someone can say that they're "technically" a Virgo but acts more like a Leo (and it may or may not have to do with being born on the cusp (I'm not a cusper, birthday is September 1 - I'm just saying).


ANOTHER pet peeve: People who overdo scents.  There are those who're very sensitive and standing in the elevator, even for under a minute will make them sick.  And speaking of smells - a guy in my building walked in the elevator a few days ago smelling like he hadn't showered in days.  UGH 

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30 minutes ago, PRgal said:

You can say the same thing about western astrology.  Someone can say that they're "technically" a Virgo but acts more like a Leo (and it may or may not have to do with being born on the cusp (I'm not a cusper, birthday is September 1 - I'm just saying).

I'm a Scorpio (everyone act surprised), and therefore my ruling planet is Pluto. But whoever's in charge declared Pluto no longer a planet. So I'm now directionless? Actually, that sounds about right.

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3 hours ago, PRgal said:

You can say the same thing about western astrology.  Someone can say that they're "technically" a Virgo but acts more like a Leo (and it may or may not have to do with being born on the cusp (I'm not a cusper, birthday is September 1 - I'm just saying).

Oh, now you've done it.  Astrology drives me INSANE. 

I took an informal astronomy class many many years ago, taught by some astronomy teaching assistants at a major university.  The main thing I remember is that they said that because of the way things have shifted, the astrological signs we use today are basically a month off.  What!?!?  But it's true.


So no offense to anyone here, but every time I hear someone talk about how this or that is because of an astrological sign, I want to scream.

ETA:  And I'm curious--for those who believe in astrology, how do you reconcile the fact that the signs we use today are a month off? 

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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3 hours ago, PRgal said:

You can say the same thing about western astrology

Oh, absolutely. But  it has a different way of describing generational differences (which I'm deliberately not going into since I don't want to talk about Western astrology either;)).  Oh, OK......


1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

The main thing I remember is that they said that because of the way things have shifted, the astrological signs we use today are basically a month off.  What!?!?  But it's true.

Yes, and that was true centuries ago, and yet Sir Isaac Newton, for just one example,  believed in it, as he believed in alchemy and hermetic philosophy in general.   Why?  Because the sky being analyzed in astrology is not the external, visible , physical sky, but the internal, perfectly balanced Platonic ideal sky.  That is, the hermetic/Platonic idea that the physical world is an inevitably flawed version/emanation of the true, timeless non-physical world.  To make it perfectly clear, it's not a science as we would understand it, it's part of a religious/spiritual philosophy.

And it does have a long interesting history in literature, architecture, music, art.   Unlike Boomer/GenX/Y stuff. Peeve!

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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