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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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15 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

Email subject line looks like this:


I get messages that look like they come from Ebay about my account, and they're bogus.  I can't even remember if I've ever opened one in the past, but I sure don't now.  And knowing that, I wouldn't open one with this subject line either.  If I want to know my order status, I'll go to the website and check it there.  (Plus my email program doesn't render graphics, so no pretty eggs for me.)



They tell you to take a survey and you will get a $50 prize/gift card, etc. You take the survey and then select your prize, which is "free" but you have to pay shipping. The shipping charge is usually some nominal amount and so people pay it. The catch? They then have your card info and begin charging your card every month for much larger amounts ($75 or so, according to a few sources) with some bogus claim that you are paying for maintenance or service of something.

Well here's the problem.  Do people really think they're going to get a $50 prize just for filling out an online survey?  They must have a very high opinion of what they think other people think of their opinion.  And even if they fall for that, they would be okay with paying shipping for something that was advertised as a "prize"?  And give a credit card number to a company that would do that? 

That's all totally obvious.  But even more, assuming the person has an order pending (PLEASE tell me that if they don't, they wouldn't immediately know it's a bogus email), it wouldn't seem odd that an email with a subject line about a delivery doesn't have any information about the delivery and instead has a link to a survey about something that hasn't been delivered yet?  Okay, maybe, just maybe, they could think the survey was about the ordering process, but even then, there are a ton of other red flags.

Plus the email has weird grammar--another red flag.

I hate scammers as much as the next guy, but come on, people.  If you give your credit card information to a company under these circumstances, you share in the blame.

  • Love 5

Yes, it's obvious once you open the email that this is not anything Amazon would send. But my guess would be the intended targets are going to be people who are fairly naive about online ordering and security.  It's not a new idea. When I was in my late teens, I got a phone call from people who said they were taking a survey of some sort about marketing, and so they gave a few taglines from commercials and asked if you could identify the product. The initial premise was that if you agreed to do the survey, they would send you a coupon book of some sort with coupons for discounts to various local/regional stores, restaurants, and so forth. I didn't really care about the coupon book but agreed to do the survey. And an hour after I did it, somebody showed up at my front door with the coupon book, which had been described as "free," but the delivery person said $20 was needed to pay for printing and delivery costs. Even then, I knew enough to laugh at the delivery person and tell him I had zero interest in the coupon book. But I'm sure there were people in the area who paid the $20, assuming that the coupons would save them more than $20. For all I know, the coupons could have been fake as well.

  • Love 1

My pet peeve of the week: it seems that high temperatures causes my desktop to shut down and restart (it's in a sunny area with no aircon). At least, I think so. Because I contacted two shops that didn't agree on the cause (they wanted me to change my HD). Then I talked to three other techs who all think that's the cause (one says I should change or clean the fan, which makes sense, but he won't be back from holidays for another two weeks, and the other shops want me to leave my HD with them for a week). So instead of working morning and afternoon, I now work afternoon and evening :( because that's when my desktop is in tip top shape ;)

I just hope those who think the cause is the heat are right.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, NutMeg said:

I just hope those who think the cause is the heat are right.

My laptop would do that on occasion.  I got one of those "cool mat" things with a fan to help airflow.  I also downloaded a free program, Core Temp, that monitors the temperature of your processors.  You can have it display in the system tray on your Windows task bar (assuming you have a Windows machine, not sure if there is an Apple version.)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, NutMeg said:

My pet peeve of the week: it seems that high temperatures causes my desktop to shut down and restart (it's in a sunny area with no aircon). At least, I think so. Because I contacted two shops that didn't agree on the cause (they wanted me to change my HD). Then I talked to three other techs who all think that's the cause (one says I should change or clean the fan, which makes sense, but he won't be back from holidays for another two weeks, and the other shops want me to leave my HD with them for a week). So instead of working morning and afternoon, I now work afternoon and evening :( because that's when my desktop is in tip top shape ;)

I just hope those who think the cause is the heat are right.

My somewhat (self-)educated advice, which you may have already gotten from the techs with whom you spoke, is that you'll hear either the fan or the hard drive, which should tell you what the issue is.

The fan sounds like...a fan (whirring), and you'll feel air coming from the laptop's vents. If it's running all the time, the laptop is running too hot and may need an internal cleaning as a first step. If the fan never runs and the laptop is very hot, then you need a new fan.

If the hard drive is starting to fail, you'll hear constant churning. It's a distinct sound and may have rhythmic clicks. It's normal for it to make the sound when you open programs, save files, download, install, do some kind of action besides just reading a screen. The constant churning is the danger zone and you need to back up everything to an external drive or cloud as soon as you can...then buy a new hard drive or computer.

Having a tech replace a hard drive may not be cost-effective versus getting a new computer. I don't know that I'd pay, say, $200 for a hard drive replacement (say the hard drive is $50 and included) when $400 would get me a new computer.

If that's the route you go, you can donate the existing laptop to Goodwill; they use them for training. Or sell it for parts on eBay, depending on how old it is, etc.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, emma675 said:

bilgistic, is management aware of the number of people and animals residing in that apartment? I know most apartments have a limit to the number of animals and visitors (and how long those visitors can stay) in lease agreements.

I'm pretty sure they don't know about the situation. I think the limits are two people and two pets residing in the one bedroom apartments, but I'd have to check my lease.

I'm torn about it because it's pretty obvious that none of them have much money since they are all staying there. I realize this is the pot calling the kettle black, but they keep weird hours and none of them seem to work more than maybe part-time. I don't think the wife works at all. Yet, they have money to spend on cigarettes and vaping and have four dogs. I know I sound like an asshole.

The wife was yelling at one of the big dogs earlier because it WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!ed when the FedEx guy came by. She shouted at the dog, "SHUT UP, JAKE, DAMMIT!" I think she said Jake. Like, damn, the dog's gonna bark at the FedEx guy because dog's gonna dog, but maybe if you spent some time interacting with the dogs outside, they wouldn't be so wound up all the time. And howling their heads off when you leave. Or maybe a freaking Husky and another dog the same size shouldn't live in a one-bedroom apartment with two other dogs and five full-grown humans and one tiny human.

I just really didn't understand her yelling at the dog the one time it makes sense that a dog would bark, yet they do nothing the rest of the time the dogs are going bananas. I can hear the dogs whining right now.

It's a bad situation for the dogs and I feel a lot worse for them than the humans, which probably makes me an asshole. The dogs didn't choose this situation.

I don't want to endanger myself or my property by reporting them and having them retaliate. I called animal control the one time early on, but no one came to the door or no one was home when they stopped by. Do I call them again? Again, I worry the neighbors will "know" it was me that called and lash out.

I've considered talking with my upstairs or next-door neighbor about it and we can go to management together, but I'm so nonconfrontational. Plus, I hate answering when someone comes to my door, so if I were her, I wouldn't open the door. Maybe a note slid under the door.... Ugh.

  • Love 4

I have a peeve that it is stupid but never not annoying to me: the hose on my sink's sprayer is constantly (and god knows how) getting caught around the valve thing underneath! So I go to pull it out and it won't come and I have to use my wet, soapy hands* to open the cabinet and untangle that thing! Why is it arranged that way?!

*I did not intend to make such a porny-sounding scenario there, haha!

  • Love 5

Pet peeve of the day - people who work from home without a private place to work. Away from the kids, away from the dogs. I spent 45 minutes trying to train someone on something that should have been easy, but the dog was barking so loud I had to keep repeating what I just said. According to my co-worker there is "nothing she can do about it" because if she put the dog in another room it would scratch the door and ruin it. Here's something you can do about it toots, go into your office where it's quiet!

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

e. I called animal control the one time early on, but no one came to the door or no one was home when they stopped by. Do I call them again?

No. There is really nothing they can do. Only management can enforce the pet limit and animal control can't really do anything about barking (noise) complaints. Sorry, if I thought Animal Control would be able to help you, I would let you know. Unless the dogs look like they are in poor condition, there is nothing AC can really do.

I know we've discussed this before, but I'm really peeved at people who can't respect checkout line boundaries. This 300lb, 6 ft tall jackass practically stood on top of me when I was checking out at the grocery store tonight. It was really unnerving and the cashier just stood there and stared at me like an idiot when she saw how visibly uncomfortable I was.  A "Sir, can you step back and give her some space" would have been helpful. It was so unnerving that I was too scared to get cash back which I needed. I can't stand men who use their size to intimidate others.

Also, fuck cold sores. Seriously, I have enough to deal with getting used to this Invisalign crap and now I have a big fat cold sore on the side of my lip to just add to the mouth pain. Also, I'm feeling all achy from a tetanus shot and I need to do some house cleaning, but I have no energy to do so. So annoying.

  • Love 8
48 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Pet peeve of the day - people who work from home without a private place to work. Away from the kids, away from the dogs. I spent 45 minutes trying to train someone on something that should have been easy, but the dog was barking so loud I had to keep repeating what I just said. According to my co-worker there is "nothing she can do about it" because if she put the dog in another room it would scratch the door and ruin it. Here's something you can do about it toots, go into your office where it's quiet!


I can, and do work from home on occasion. It's a huge PITA though because my cats don't understand that I have to work, they only understand that I am not petting them.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Pet peeve of the day - people who work from home without a private place to work. Away from the kids, away from the dogs.

It could have been worse:


One night, I was going around the dial, and I saw him on some news program.  I had no idea what they were talking about, but I stopped and watched his interview, just to see if the kids showed up again!

  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

It could have been worse:


One night, I was going around the dial, and I saw him on some news program.  I had no idea what they were talking about, but I stopped and watched his interview, just to see if the kids showed up again!

My favorite part of that was that I now know what James Menendez looks like, so when he anchors the BBC World Service Newshour, this is all I can think about.  Not that I couldn't have looked him up before.  This was just more fun.

  • Love 5

bilgistic,  I would start by talking with your other neighbors (didn't you say one of them had already been upset with the noise?). Management might take the issue more seriously if it's coming from multiple people.

I'm usually a stay-out-of-it type person, but when their behavior invades your home, all bets are off.

Edited by emma675d
  • Love 2

I'm peeved at myself. Logged in to pay my rent on the 1st, like I always do but I apparently forgot to hit submit. I only noticed it when the rent hadn't cleared the bank today, so I paid it today. Well yesterday was the last day to pay without a late fee so I've got an extra $160 coming on my next bill. Totally my fault but meh. I did email the leasing manager to see if he can waive it since I've always paid on the first and have never been late but I don't expect them to, obviously.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, emma675 said:

bilgistic,  I would start by talking with your other neighbors (didn't you say one of them had already been upset with the noise?). Management might take the issue more seriously if its coming from multiple people.

I'm usually a stay-out-of-it type person, but when their behavior invades your home, all bets are off.

Yeah, right after they moved in and the dogs were barking non-stop, I ran into my next-door neighbor in the hallway and she mentioned my new neighbors' dogs.

I went to the leasing office very early on about the dogs barking and howling, and they said there was nothing they could do, which is bullshit, but whatever. They are the laziest management I've ever known, but it's an extension of the ownership's attitude.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Merrilin said:

I second that.  Or the people who start putting their items on the belt before you've finished?

Really? I wait until their order is just about done and they’ve moved up to the area where they do their debit/credit card and then use one of those divider bars and begin to empty my cart. Should I be waiting until they are rolling their cart off to the exit door? Gee. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Really? I wait until their order is just about done and they’ve moved up to the area where they do their debit/credit card and then use one of those divider bars and begin to empty my cart. Should I be waiting until they are rolling their cart off to the exit door? Gee. 

I'm confused by this reply?  I was agreeing with you but you seem to have taken it the wrong way?  Or maybe I am reading you the wrong way?

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Merrilin said:

I'm confused by this reply?  I was agreeing with you but you seem to have taken it the wrong way?  Or maybe I am reading you the wrong way?

We could both be confused. I just saw that you wrote that it bugged you when people began to put stuff on the belt before you were finished. Finished getting your stuff up there? Paying? I just thought that I was doing something wrong at the grocery store that I was not aware of. That’s why I questioned your post. If I have said something that has bothered you, you have my sincere apologies. I am not argumentative  

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

We could both be confused. I just saw that you wrote that it bugged you when people began to put stuff on the belt before you were finished. Finished getting your stuff up there? Paying? I just thought that I was doing something wrong at the grocery store that I was not aware of. That’s why I questioned your post. If I have said something that has bothered you, you have my sincere apologies. I am not argumentative  

Omg, then let me clarify.  It bothers me when I am clearly still unloading my cart & someone is bum-rushing me by standing too close to my cart (the throwback to your post) & in some cases actually putting their stuff onto the belt while I still haven't completed my order.  I'll make sure not to quote you again.  A thousand apologies.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, Merrilin said:

I'll make sure not to quote you again.  A thousand apologies.

Please feel free to quote me anytime. You do not owe me an apology. We had a simple misunderstanding and now can move forward. No biggie. I just thought I was doing something that peeved others at the store. I wouldn’t want to anger anyone at the check out. Now that I see I’m not that bad, I’m over it. Please come here to vent any of your peeves and know that I’m not after you (or anyone anywhere). I’m sorry I inadvertently started something. 

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, Merrilin said:

Omg, then let me clarify.  It bothers me when I am clearly still unloading my cart & someone is bum-rushing me by standing too close to my cart (the throwback to your post) & in some cases actually putting their stuff onto the belt while I still haven't completed my order.  I'll make sure not to quote you again.  A thousand apologies.

Oh my god, do I hate this too, especially when their cart is touching me--like I try to inch up to get away and they do it too and keep touching me. I lost it once and turned around and physically pushed the cart back at the lady. Not my finest moment, admittedly, but holy god.

  • Love 9

@Merrilin You quoted me, not @mindthinkr and I totally agree with your peeve! Invading one's personal space will never cause people to move faster so I don't know what these folks are thinking. It's just pisses people off or scares them. I hate  almost all of my fellow humans ( you guys are cool, though!) . I hope in my next life I get to be a spoiled housecat so I can finally achieve my life's goal of sleeping all day and being waited on hand and foot (or in their case, paw & paw).

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 4

On the grocery store peeve, mine is people who are clearly done unloading their cart (as in the cart is clearly empty) yet the cart is behind them and they are doing nothing to pull it forward (or in front of them, where it should be so bags can be efficiently loaded) basically delaying my efforts to unload my cart so I can be ready when their transaction is complete.

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

On the grocery store peeve, mine is people who are clearly done unloading their cart (as in the cart is clearly empty) yet the cart is behind them and they are doing nothing to pull it forward (or in front of them, where it should be so bags can be efficiently loaded) basically delaying my efforts to unload my cart so I can be ready when their transaction is complete.

Another thing that peeves me is when a cashier opens a register and the first person in the new line puts their things on the end of the conveyor belt, not only preventing anyone else from loading up, but now the cashier has to waste all that empty space by moving your things forward. That also happened last night. And the guy in front of me stood in the middle instead of going up to the cashier, as if he was afraid to pay. Stop hogging up the whole belt, especially if you only have like 5 items like he did.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

On the grocery store peeve, mine is people who are clearly done unloading their cart (as in the cart is clearly empty) yet the cart is behind them and they are doing nothing to pull it forward (or in front of them, where it should be so bags can be efficiently loaded) basically delaying my efforts to unload my cart so I can be ready when their transaction is complete.

Hahahhahahaha, I contort myself so that once it's unloaded, it's moved to the outgoing end for faster bag collecting! Also, grocery stores supply me with endless peeves so it's rare that I am in there for a cart's worth of stuff.

  • Love 1
36 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

Another thing that peeves me is when a cashier opens a register and the first person in the new line puts their things on the end of the conveyor belt, not only preventing anyone else from loading up, but now the cashier has to waste all that empty space by moving your things forward. That also happened last night. And the guy in front of me stood in the middle instead of going up to the cashier, as if he was afraid to pay. Stop hogging up the whole belt, especially if you only have like 5 items like he did.

Don't your stores have conveyor belts?

4 minutes ago, Merrilin said:

Oh ok, since @mindthinkr responded like they did I got confused.  I don't know everyone yet.  I'm new here (obviously) lol.


My stores do have conveyor belts but I don't understand why people who are first in line would put their things at the end of the belt, making the cashier move the belt forward, instead of placing their things  towards the front of the line since they are going to be the first to pay anyway.

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 2
On ‎8‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 3:23 PM, BookWoman56 said:

Yes, it's obvious once you open the email that this is not anything Amazon would send. But my guess would be the intended targets are going to be people who are fairly naive about online ordering and security.  It's not a new idea. When I was in my late teens, I got a phone call from people who said they were taking a survey of some sort about marketing, and so they gave a few taglines from commercials and asked if you could identify the product. The initial premise was that if you agreed to do the survey, they would send you a coupon book of some sort with coupons for discounts to various local/regional stores, restaurants, and so forth. I didn't really care about the coupon book but agreed to do the survey. And an hour after I did it, somebody showed up at my front door with the coupon book, which had been described as "free," but the delivery person said $20 was needed to pay for printing and delivery costs. Even then, I knew enough to laugh at the delivery person and tell him I had zero interest in the coupon book. But I'm sure there were people in the area who paid the $20, assuming that the coupons would save them more than $20. For all I know, the coupons could have been fake as well.

Just last week, a guy came into my workplace.  Greeted me, said his company was giving out free giftbags of cosmetics, to introduce a new product line.  Sure, he said "FREE", I'll take FREE!  He handed me a gift bag, which had some samples.  While I was going through the bag, he asked me if I used bronzer, and wanted to show me the new bronzing product.  The gift bag was "FREE"  with the PURCHASE of the bronzer.    What?   You handed me the bag, said it was free, let me rifle through it, THEN tell me it's "free with purchase", which isn't really "free" at all, now is it?   Get out of my office, I'm trying to work! 

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, backformore said:

Just last week, a guy came into my workplace.  Greeted me, said his company was giving out free giftbags of cosmetics, to introduce a new product line.  Sure, he said "FREE", I'll take FREE!  He handed me a gift bag, which had some samples.  While I was going through the bag, he asked me if I used bronzer, and wanted to show me the new bronzing product.  The gift bag was "FREE"  with the PURCHASE of the bronzer.    What?   You handed me the bag, said it was free, let me rifle through it, THEN tell me it's "free with purchase", which isn't really "free" at all, now is it?   Get out of my office, I'm trying to work! 

Sounds like you're lucky he didn't let you open any product before telling you.

I once filled out something to win something.  I got a call the following week, saying I won. I was so excited because I'd never won anything before.  But, to collect my prize, I had to install a security system in my home.  I can't remember what the prize was, but it was not on par with installing a security system.  Plus, I rent.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, backformore said:

Just last week, a guy came into my workplace.  Greeted me, said his company was giving out free giftbags of cosmetics, to introduce a new product line.  Sure, he said "FREE", I'll take FREE!  He handed me a gift bag, which had some samples.  While I was going through the bag, he asked me if I used bronzer, and wanted to show me the new bronzing product.  The gift bag was "FREE"  with the PURCHASE of the bronzer.    What?   You handed me the bag, said it was free, let me rifle through it, THEN tell me it's "free with purchase", which isn't really "free" at all, now is it?   Get out of my office, I'm trying to work! 


I ran into an idiot like this in the Target cosmetic section. They blended in since Target has their 'concierge' service now, though they wear Target name tags. I reported them to management, hopefully before they were able to take advantage of anyone. 

  • Love 4

I'm peeved by my friends: We go out to dinner, food is served and BAM! friend whips out their cell phone and proceeds to spend 3 minutes taking pictures of their food.

I was taught to begin eating at the same time as everyone at the table. So...here I am looking at them like a freak for 3 minutes.

Nobody gives a shit about your steak/tacos/potatoes/soup/whatever.

LAST TIME... my plate looked more appetizing than theirs...so she reached over the table and started taking pictures of my food.


  • Love 15
14 minutes ago, Stenbeck said:

I'm peeved by my friends: We go out to dinner, food is served and BAM! friend whips out their cell phone and proceeds to spend 3 minutes taking pictures of their food.

I was taught to begin eating at the same time as everyone at the table. So...here I am looking at them like a freak for 3 minutes.

Nobody gives a shit about your steak/tacos/potatoes/soup/whatever.

LAST TIME... my plate looked more appetizing than theirs...so she reached over the table and started taking pictures of my food.


I would refuse to eat out with those people.

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Stenbeck said:

I'm peeved by my friends: We go out to dinner, food is served and BAM! friend whips out their cell phone and proceeds to spend 3 minutes taking pictures of their food.

I was taught to begin eating at the same time as everyone at the table. So...here I am looking at them like a freak for 3 minutes.

Nobody gives a shit about your steak/tacos/potatoes/soup/whatever.

LAST TIME... my plate looked more appetizing than theirs...so she reached over the table and started taking pictures of my food.

Unless someone is  at some ultra-expensive restaurant where the food is presented in a cool/unique way,  I really don't get this trend at all. Why would anyone care  what anyone else is eating? I don't understand why people even bother to "like" these posts. I've seen friends post run-of-the-mill chicken,rice & beans, and vegetable on a paper plate with a plastic fork and get over 20 likes for it. Why? 

Edited by AgentRXS
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Unless someone is some ultra-expensive restaurant where the food is presented in a cool/unique way,  I really don't get this trend at all. Why would anyone care  what anyone else is eating? I don't understand why people even bother to "like" these posts. I've seen friends post run-of-the-mill chicken,rice & beans, and vegetable on a paper plate with a plastic fork and get over 20 likes for it. Why? 

I've never really understood it either.  My sister always takes a picture of her Friendly's clams strips and posts it.  It's weird.  I have another friend who self-publishes baking books, so I understand when she takes pictures of her original creations.  And they always look yummy.  But, restaurant dishes that all you did was order?  No.  

  • Love 6

My pet peeve is folks who can't lay down the gizmos long enough to actually enjoy a complete meal for the bounty of good food and better company. I admit I have more tolerance for younger folks who can't remember a time when said gizmos didn't exist than folks my age or older who clearly can recall the pre-gizmo days.

  • Love 10
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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