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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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@Katy M, I call that "martyr syndrome", when someone complains constantly about how hard it is but when offered help they throw a hissy fit and refuse the offer. This woman has gotten to be insufferable, but she loves the attention all her "chaos" brings her so she'll make even the simplest of tasks seem like it was planning a rocket launch. Need a meeting set up? She'll huff and puff about how she can't find the time on her boss' calendar, tell everyone within earshot that she can't make it a 25 hour day ya' know! Finally, the meeting will get scheduled and she'll tell you how hard it was but lucky for you she was able to "shift things around to make it work." Thank god it's Friday and I won't have to hear it for the next 2 days.

  • Love 5

So I hired a landscaping company to install sprinklers, replace a couple of plants, lay down sod, hydro seed part of the lawn, mulch, do a general cleanup, and repoint my front stairs. They were here today. Everything is mulched, some sod was put down, not sure about the hydro seeding, there are no sprinklers, and the stairs are not done. Did anyone bother to tell me they were done for the day, or whether someone is coming tomorrow? Nope! No clue if anyone is coming back, or when. 

Also, I got my brows waxed today. She either burned my skin just below my brow bone, or bruised it removing the strips. Either way, it’s pretty noticeable since it’s red/purple. I’m not happy (and it hurts a little).

47 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Tell me about threading...is it precise, and how often does it need to be done?  TIA

Threading is precise, but, like waxing depends on the experience/expertise of the person doing it.

It pulls the hair out (like waxing) - so how often you want to get it done, differs from person to person (personal preference).

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

@Katy M, I call that "martyr syndrome", when someone complains constantly about how hard it is but when offered help they throw a hissy fit and refuse the offer. This woman has gotten to be insufferable, but she loves the attention all her "chaos" brings her so she'll make even the simplest of tasks seem like it was planning a rocket launch. Need a meeting set up? She'll huff and puff about how she can't find the time on her boss' calendar, tell everyone within earshot that she can't make it a 25 hour day ya' know! Finally, the meeting will get scheduled and she'll tell you how hard it was but lucky for you she was able to "shift things around to make it work." Thank god it's Friday and I won't have to hear it for the next 2 days.

Ugh. I have someone ;like that at work. She constantly complains about her late lunch every day, but finds a million reasons to refuse help. Argh!

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

So I hired a landscaping company to install sprinklers, replace a couple of plants, lay down sod, hydro seed part of the lawn, mulch, do a general cleanup, and repoint my front stairs. They were here today. Everything is mulched, some sod was put down, not sure about the hydro seeding, there are no sprinklers, and the stairs are not done. Did anyone bother to tell me they were done for the day, or whether someone is coming tomorrow? Nope! No clue if anyone is coming back, or when. 

I was going through my old emails with my landscaper to recall the names of plants that died and have free replacement so I can figure out where to put them in the yard that they might live.

I found one exchange, with pictures, where I asked the landscaper why they sodded an area and left one square in the middle bare and then mulched it?  Were they trying to keep the red clay moist? Were they thinking they'd be gone long enough that they didn't want weeds to grow?  They didn't really think they were leaving it that way, did they?

Call them.  You'd be amazed at the dumbassery landscapers are capable of thinking that they can wrap up a job and the customer will just give up.

10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Tell me about threading...is it precise, and how often does it need to be done?  TIA

I’m a fan of threading as well. The ladies that I use are very precise and always give me a mirror to check them myself before I leave in case. I’ve never had to ask them to go back and redo anything. The whole process takes about 5 minutes. It feels like a rough shave but definitely not painful at all. It’s better to get the hairs a little longer so the thread has something to grab on to. I’ve never waxed or plucked due to my low pain tolerance and never had good brows (I did spend many years with small scissors trying to clip each hair individually) until my niece turned me onto this. It costs $10 a session and I only need it every 3 weeks but hair growth varies by a person. Try it. You’ll be surprised and wonder why you never did before. It also doesn’t leave you any redness or burning. 


Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 2

Okay, you all have convinced me to have threading in the future.

This morning I have burns on both of my eyelids and both eyelids are very noticeably swollen. I look like a frog! I know how it happened too - she put wax and strips just below my brow bone, then said she was going to say goodbye to another client. So she actually walked off for 20-30 seconds with that stuff on my eyes! I thought it was weird and unprofessional at the time and decided I wouldn’t go back to her again. This morning I’m making a stop at the spa to show them the damage and demand a refund. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m a fan of threading as well. The ladies that I use are very precise and always give me a mirror to check them myself before I leave in case. I’ve never had to ask them to go back and redo anything. The whole process takes about 5 minutes. It feels like a rough shave but definitely not painful at all. It’s better to get the hairs a little longer so the thread has something to grab on to. I’ve never waxed or plucked due to my low pain tolerance and never had good brows (I did spend many years with small scissors trying to clip each hair individually) until my niece turned me onto this. It costs $10 a session and I only need it every 3 weeks but hair growth varies by a person. Try it. You’ll be surprised and wonder why you never did before. It also doesn’t leave you any redness or burning. 



Thanks!  I'll have to see if we have a practitioner in the area.  

2 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Okay, you all have convinced me to have threading in the future.

This morning I have burns on both of my eyelids and both eyelids are very noticeably swollen. I look like a frog! I know how it happened too - she put wax and strips just below my brow bone, then said she was going to say goodbye to another client. So she actually walked off for 20-30 seconds with that stuff on my eyes! I thought it was weird and unprofessional at the time and decided I wouldn’t go back to her again. This morning I’m making a stop at the spa to show them the damage and demand a refund. 

Definitely sounds like your waxer was unqualified/undertrained.  I would definitely demand a refund.  If they refuse, take it to the next level (small claims), and add pain and suffering damages.  Per my many viewings of my hero, Judy Judy, I would advise a trip to the Doc-In-A-Box, so you can be checked out.  I might advise that anyway, regardless of any potential litigation.

p.s.:  ftr, I've never sued anyone in my life, small claims or otherwise

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 6

Okay, pet peeve for Saturday, May 5th, first really nice day of Spring for those of us in flyover country:

When husband does a garage "cleaning" (ha!) all backasswards.  While he took his nap, I started removing the collections of winter's junk from the sides and floor, so that we can do a thorough sweeping, wiping off, etc., prior to the hose-down and scrubbing.  

Aforementioned napper emerges from his slumber, starts up the hose (playing with water is always his payoff), and begins spraying the floor before I even get to the other sidewall.  I consider smacking him upside his head with the shovel, but instead retreat to my computer, to bitch.

Thank you for your support.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
That man cave stuff was a different thread
  • Love 11
17 hours ago, navelgazer said:

The straight, round-the-face, side part hairstyle with optional wide curls that every single goddamn non-African-American woman wears on the TeeVee news talk shows. 

Ana Marie Cox's bed head hair on Real Time last Friday is an off example of what I'm talking about.


Didn't that hairstyle start with Connie Chung, like many gazillion years ago?  Or was it BEFORE that?

20 hours ago, navelgazer said:

The straight, round-the-face, side part hairstyle with optional wide curls that every single goddamn non-African-American woman wears on the TeeVee news talk shows. 

Ana Marie Cox's bed head hair on Real Time last Friday is an off example of what I'm talking about.


AFIAC, her hair's perfectly okay but she could lose the person to her immediate left.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

I woke up on Saturday with an ear worm stuck in my head.  And it won't leave!


  Reveal hidden contents

Was (Not Was) - Walk the Dinosaur

I appreciate the spoiler alert, but honestly it just makes me want to reveal it! And now it’s in my head (could be worse!)

Today’s peeve - e-Tickets that you have to print. What is this, 2005? If I receive it electronically, I should be able to use it that way as well. 

My eyelids are healing from my botched brow wax, but I fear it’s going to be a while before the burn marks truly go away. Concealer helps a little. Such is the life of a pale, pale person.

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I stopped getting my brows waxed once they were finally waxed to a shape I like.  Now I just pluck the strays once every couple of days. (Chin hairs too!)  I found waxing to be very irritating to my skin even when done properly.  I have done threading too, and it's definitely less painful than waxing, but it's easier to just do it myself these days.  Plus, no one tries to get me to wax my "mustache" this way.  Fuck that noise, and now you get no tip.  I'm Italian and it's pretty much a given to have some peach fuzz that I'm 100% not messing with.  Bigger brows are in now, but I hated thicker brows when I had them, and I still think they look terrible on people.  Brows should have some shape.

  • Love 3

I'm the opposite. I HATE threading. Because I have to assist the person doing the threading by lifting the brow area and hold it there with my finger so the threadist? can get to the hairs on above my eye lid are-the brow bone.

Whereas with waxing? It's like ripping off a band-aid really fast. Of course, I was very fortunate that I have what I've been told are natural arches, so I only ask them to just wax the hairs that deviate from the arch area, if that makes sense.

Then again, post chemo, hair is very slow to come back on the legs, spoilering in case TMI

pubic area

and brows. Though I admit, I'm vain enough that I use those brow thingies to make it look that the tail end of my brows are longer.

  • Love 1

no one tries to get me to wax my "mustache" this way

I once bought my mother a gift certificate for a pedicure, in a "Steel Magnolias" type of salon.  As she was filling it out, the owner says "Oh, I know your mother.  Did she work at X?"   I said "Yes.  When she comes in, could someone try get her to deal with her moustache?"   "I'll write a note in the book" she answered. 

  • Love 4

One pet peeve used to be brows that were way too thin or short. So, I stopped a lot of that tweezing and threading. I can't handle wax on my skin at all.  Now just tweeze a little here and there for strays.  Still, I'm worrying they are getting too thin!  

Another peeve I have is rather silly, but, for some reason it bothers me.  Maybe, I'm wrong on this, but, when people are describing the lowest part of the room inside a house, I think it's called the floor.  When you are outside, it's called the ground.  But, MANY people call the floor inside a building the ground. Why?  I don't get it. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 4

I'm glad I didn't rant about Sat. before the conclusion today. Last Sat., I came out after a horrible day at work to find my car towed. Out of a handicapped spot and I have a handicapped tag. After the car was towed, they filled the slot with barricades and signs saying not to park there. They are blocking off parts of the garage at a time to do something with the pavement. Anyway, I call and get a message that no one is available until Monday to release my car. Paula had taken her Mom to Illinois to visit her dying sister. A coworker took me home (thanks, Carla~!) I was so angry and frustrated, it brought on another headache. I called in Sunday. Today, they basically admitted that they had goofed in not marking the spot I'd parked in, and so they had towed my car into a place that was barricaded then, but open today. And no charge - go get your car. Hallelujah!

  • Love 7

Oh my Riley702.  Glad you didn't have to pay for the tow and storage, but, still....if I discovered my car had been towed.....omg...I'd be really ticked off, if it was properly parked.  I realize people make mistakes, but, towing a car...they need to make pretty sure they are in the right, before they do that.  What if it was late at night when you came out to leave and no one was there to assist you? And what if your cell was down for some reason?  I'm glad it worked out okay though. 

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, janestclair said:

I'm Italian and it's pretty much a given to have some peach fuzz that I'm 100% not messing with.  Bigger brows are in now, but I hated thicker brows when I had them, and I still think they look terrible on people.  Brows should have some shape.

Same here, I had caterpillar eyebrows in my teens, I started having them waxed in my 20's and have never regretted it.  As I've gotten older and am moving into menopause I now have dark hairs popping out from my chin that I have to be diligent about. Waxing helps but I swear they grow back in 48 hours. Ugh.

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

Same here, I had caterpillar eyebrows in my teens, I started having them waxed in my 20's and have never regretted it.  As I've gotten older and am moving into menopause I now have dark hairs popping out from my chin that I have to be diligent about. Waxing helps but I swear they grow back in 48 hours. Ugh.

My pet peeve include those little chin hairs.  I swear they grow fast!  Has anyone had electrolysis?  I've looked into laser, but, it has to be dark hair for laser to work and mine are blonde. 

  • Love 4

I had laser hair removal on my armpits many, many years ago. The hair was brown even though  natural (head) hair color is dishwater blonde. Shaving regularly was extremely irritating to my skin. I still have maybe 10 hairs in each pit, but they aren't very noticeable. I'll swipe them with a razor maybe once every couple months or so.

I have a bit of a blonde mustache that I HATE. It sparkles in the light in my bathroom. I usually wax it at home, but I always break out afterward, no matter what I do to try to prevent it.

I don't understand how scientists have not come up with a laser that can zap light hair.

  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

My pet peeve include those little chin hairs.  I swear they grow fast!  Has anyone had electrolysis?  I've looked into laser, but, it has to be dark hair for laser to work and mine are blonde. 

This is not true. For YEARS I didn't use the laser removal because I was "told" my hair was too dark. If only I'd ignored that misinformation, I coulda had it done 10 years before I did. And it was the best thing ever. I was told it worked better on light hair. I had the Gentle Lase treatment done, and had a good person who knew what she was doing. When I went in for a touch up, I used another company, who used another type of laser--shaped like a gun, and she knew jack shit. She had the thing at the maximum and burned my skin. I got three free treatments out of it, and got the nurse practitioner to apply the laser.

But Gentle Lase is the best, because it encapsulates more skin area, as opposed to that "gun" which they moved down on the hair like you would a razor.

There are a few follicles that come back under my chin where I can't see them, so when I get my brows waxed, my esthetician plucks them for free.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

It takes 48 hours?  Wow.  You're lucky.

Ha!! I can feel them in 24, but can't grasp them with my tweezers until a full day later. I've always wanted to be on Survivor (the TV reality show) but by the time I won the million dollars I'd have a full beard! 


2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

If only I'd ignored that misinformation, I coulda had it done 10 years before I did. And it was the best thing ever. I was told it worked better on light hair.

I am seriously considering this option, it would be money well spent.

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm glad to see that they can use laser on blonde hair. I will check into it! 

Absolutely. The first time I went in, there was a woman paying, and she was blonde, and told me it would be worth it. Not to mention, each and every ad I see for laser hair removal, there is ALWAYS a blonde.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Seconding this. Hardly ever having to shave my pits is very freeing.

I will have to find a find a blonde hair laser-er when I have disposable income again!

Yeah, I've been saving for some botox.  I haven't had any in a long while and need it.  The botox might be a pressing matter. OH, Pet Peeve:  Needing botox.

  • Love 2

I don't know if this is a peeve, or just an observation, but I wish that medical personnel who call with test results think about how they are phrasing something before they say it.  I just got a call with the results from last week's colonoscopy.  The nurse (technician?) said 'Dr. Whosis wants you to repeat your colonoscopy... [my heart dropped down to my feet] ... in five years.'  Whew!  (I always tend to expect the worst)

  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I've seen those things advertised.  It seemed to work like a razor.  Is that what it does or does it tweeze it out?

I have it as well and it’s like the female version of the Norelco electric shaver for men-with the rotating buttons. I like it for my chin area, but using it under my chin? The hair grows back prickly and after the first time, doesn’t remove those prickly pieces!

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 6:54 PM, riley702 said:

I'm glad I didn't rant about Sat. before the conclusion today. Last Sat., I came out after a horrible day at work to find my car towed. Out of a handicapped spot and I have a handicapped tag. After the car was towed, they filled the slot with barricades and signs saying not to park there. They are blocking off parts of the garage at a time to do something with the pavement. Anyway, I call and get a message that no one is available until Monday to release my car. Paula had taken her Mom to Illinois to visit her dying sister. A coworker took me home (thanks, Carla~!) I was so angry and frustrated, it brought on another headache. I called in Sunday. Today, they basically admitted that they had goofed in not marking the spot I'd parked in, and so they had towed my car into a place that was barricaded then, but open today. And no charge - go get your car. Hallelujah!

This kind of thing was very common in Chicago, by a company called Lincoln towing.  also known as the Lincoln Park Pirates, because they basically stole your car and held it for ransom. 

It even inspired a folk song:

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I have it as well and it’s like the female version of the Norelco electric shaver for men-with the rotating buttons. I like it for my chin area, but using it under my chin? The hair grows back prickly and after the first time, doesn’t remove those prickly pieces!

I have one and use it for the softer, finer hairs that grow on my chin, I still have to tweeze the thick dark ones but it actually makes them easier to find! 

  • Love 2
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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