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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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23 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Ya know - home-buyers used to be able to think and use their own imagination, without  realtors insisting on expensive purging & staging to make their commission that much easier to attain.  Back in the day, you could see a "lived in" house and still see it's "bones" - and buy it!

I somehow suspect realtors are the driving force behind all these unimaginative buyers - like the tail wagging the lazy dog.

I think there have always been two types of buyers.  Buyers who ignore the practical stuff and buy the pretty and buyers who can look past the decorating choices and deal with the practical stuff.

Although I think its TV decorating and real estate shows that moved more people into not being able to see the potential.  its automatically a fixer upper if its not perfectly decorated.  And not just perfectly decorated but decorated to their taste or whatever trend is going on.   "Getting it ready to sell grey" is probably Fixer Upper's doing.

My Mom's one piece of advise when I was buying a home was check to see if the trim has been dusted.  Which is insane and if I had done it I would never had been able to find a house  but explains why I am the way I am.  The theory was if the house was cleaned to the level of routinely dusting trim that they would be more likely to be taking care of maintenance and repaired things the right way when making normal home repairs.  So I bought a house that I used to call the shabby chic cardboard box.  Every white surface had a brown glaze.  The trim was dark brown.  The walls were cardboard box brown.

But the house was taken care of, they just had bad taste and watched too much HGTV,  I knew I would want to make whatever I moved into mine anyway so what did it matter what the paint was, I would have painted it no matter the color.

I'm also of the opinion that you shouldn't fix everything or even anything just because you are about to sell (I fix as it needs it) because no matter how perfect it is the buyer will always find something they want the seller to put money in escrow for as part of the deal.  If everything is in perfect condition, they'll want a paint allowance because they don't like the color, etc.

My day started with being awakened before 9am by that damn dog downstairs barking. If it's not barking, it's howling. It's quiet now (knock wood).

Then I dropped my mug of hot chocolate in the bed. I ripped the sheets off as fast as I could, holding the liquid in the sheets and putting them in the washing machine. The sheets came out of the washer clean, surprisingly. Dollar store oxyclean is the best.

The hot chocolate just barely made it to the mattress pad, which I tried cleaning with oxyclean. It did a pretty good job. I can wash the whole mattress pad in the washing machine, but it's a pain. The batting inside it gets all jumbled together in each ~8"x8" quilted square, so I have to sleep on lumps until it eventually flattens out.

Me dropping the hot chocolate: "No no noooooo!"

  • Love 5

I must now do some much needed bitching...

Congratulations to all the assholes who worked so very hard to make the last two weeks intolerable for me.  You put so much effort into your work that I am nearly speechless.   A couple of examples:

To the snotty little Whole Foods employee who walked directly in front of me...TWICE...without so much as an "I'm sorry" or "Excuse me," I'm giving you a standing ovation.  Because you didn't just stop there.  As I was in line at checkout lane #5, waiting while the customer in front of me ran back to get Italian parsley, YOU signed on to work lane #6.  Did you invite me to come over so I wouldn't have to wait?  NOOOOO!  Did you even notice me standing there ready to check out even though I was in your sightline?  NOOOOOO!  Instead you leaned against the cash register and began chatting with checkout person #5, who didn't seem to have that much interest in helping me either (hey chickadee...ever heard of interrupting a transaction so you can start a new transaction -- mine!, and then going back to help the guy with the parsley?  It's a thing!  Trust me.  I'm sure your Whole Foods register has some buttons you could've pushed to make it happen.).

To the admin staff at my veterinarian's office.  Your collective incompetence, inability to communicate, and obvious belief that you are superior to the clientele, also make you winners in this week's asshole olympics.  Why did I spend time on the phone yesterday, helping you understand what I would need when I came in to pick it up today...if I knew I would have to start from scratch with one of your Stepford associates?  The medicine I came in to pick up was pre-paid.  All done, all wrapped up and ready to go.  Or so I thought.  You knew nothing of the pre-payment.  You even gave me a "friendly reminder" that you would not be able to help me this way in the future.  I, in turn, because this was the seven-millionth time I've dealt with the incompetence of your staff, fired back that "it was supposed to have been cleared with a phone call authorizing pre-payment YESTERDAY AFTERNOON.  But I guess that didn't happen, did it?"  Not that I'm feeling snarky or anything.

And guess what:  your winning streak may have only just begun.  You know why?  My beloved vet, the one who is co-owner of the facility and also your boss, is someone I have known for nearly 10 years.  We're not super-duper best buds.  But she respects me as a pet owner and also a long-time pet-care provider.  I guarantee you she has no idea how thoroughly pissed I am with the treatment all y'all have shown to me over the last couple of years.  I've tried to be the bigger person, give the benefit of the doubt, yadda, yadda.  But today was pretty much the last straw.  If I wake up tomorrow and still feel as pissed as I do right now, Dr. G and I are gonna have a sit-down to rival something from one of the Real Housewives reunion shows. 

  • Love 6

Why do so many furniture stores (at least the online ones) consider that only queen size and king size bedroom furniture is "adult" bedroom furniture, and any twin size or full/double size beds are automatically "kids" bedroom furniture?  I am currently shopping for bedroom furniture because my mother will be moving in with me, and she needs a twin or full bed, because she's in a wheelchair and doesn't want a large bed. Virtually every online furniture retailer I have looked at thinks that adult beds are automatically queen or king sizes. To find a twin or full bed, you have to check out the kids furniture section.  While I agree that a bed that is part of the "Princess Razzle Dazzle" group is in fact a kids bed, a twin bed with a sleigh bed headboard and footboard that is described as "Louis Phillipe-style" is not really a kids bed. Maybe it's because I am older than dirt, but I distinctly remember when if you went to a furniture showroom, there would be twin beds and full beds that were obviously part of an adult bedroom suite, along with queen beds and king beds, while kids furniture tended to be twin or bunk beds that looked suitable for a kid because of color/design choices. I haven't gone shopping in a brick&mortar furniture store in a while, so is the same classification system in place in those as well? I am a single adult, and have no desire whatsoever for a queen bed, much less a king. My bedroom would be plenty large enough for a queen or a king, but from my perspective there's no need for that large of a bed for me. I'd rather have the extra floor space.

  • Love 6

I wouldn't think of a twin bed as generally being for adults (at least here in the U.S. - some European hotels, even nice ones, in central locations, yep), and I wouldn't particularly want to share a double instead of a queen with a cat/cats (if I shared with a person, it would have to be a king!) as those extra inches make a difference to me even with just one cat, but I'm really surprised to hear double/full lumped in with twin in the kids section.  I never had a twin-size bed as a kid; I went from a crib to a double.  But I've also never thought of a double as a kids' bed -- I think the "full-size" designation is apt, in that it's the baseline for adult beds, and then you go up in size from there if you want (or down, under certain circumstances).  So to have to visit the kids section to find it - I agree that's nonsensical.

  • Love 1

Thanks, @SuprSuprElevated, I was able to find twin beds on various sites; it was just the classification of them as automatically being kids beds that I found annoying. @Bastet,  while I agree that it's very common for twin beds to be kids beds, I grew up watching television shows in which it seemed common for the master bedroom to have two single beds, and my understanding from a few Jewish friends who are Orthodox is that two single beds in the master bedroom is fairly typical as well, or one full bed and one twin in a matching style. Admittedly those TV shows were made in the late 50s and early 60s, so there were weird attitudes about what you could show; IIRC, Mary Tyler Moore commented that while doing the Dick Van Dyke show that if she was on the bed in the master bedroom, at least one foot had to be touching the floor. But in any case, my attitude at this point in my life is I don't want to share a bed with another human. Cats or dogs, possibly; humans, no. I remember years ago when a boyfriend and I decided to move in together, he was insistent we have separate bedrooms. I was surprised, but in a few days realized I liked separate bedrooms as well.  I like having my own space. As far as the bed sizes, I think the trend in the last few decades toward queen and king beds is just consumerism finding a way to convince people that bigger is better, with a corresponding larger price tag. Obviously, this is all a minor issue but I just think it's foolish to market twin and full beds as being suitable only for children. 

  • Love 2
On 4/3/2018 at 7:50 PM, Nordly Beaumont said:

 Making phone calls (even if it's not someone in authority) is one of the hardest things for me. I have to take days to "psych up" to call anyone. I know most other people don't even think about it.

Funny you mention this—-I dunno what happened to me around my mid-30’s or so, but I gradually quit calling people as regularly; aside from my mom and her daily calls, I’ve grown to just loathe making phone calls. Maybe it’s social media’s fault, maybe it’s our current texting culture’s fault, maybe I’m just getting old and bored with former social expectations, but I just don’t bother to have the long daily phone chats that I used to...but I do know that I also hate making calls nowadays. Even to call/call back friends feels like such a chore; most of the time we just text and/or WhatsApp and we make plans to meet up.

Or maybe society really is just giving up on those former social norms...I don’t know how to feel about that, honestly. There was something so oddly endearing about growing up in an era when you spent hours just shooting the shit with friends/significant others over the phone.

  • Love 8

My ongoing pet peeve has to do with phone calls.   Making a non-personal phone call - to an insurance company, utility company, a store, etc.   I go through the menu, use the keypad, or voice, to put in info- phone number, order number, claim number, etc, then I talk to an actual person, who asks for my name, phone number, account number, item/claim/whatever number, reason for my call,  etc.  They use all this information to figure out who best can help me.  Then they transfer me to that person, who then asks me my name, phone number, account number, etc., etc.   They have these fancy complicated phone systems.  I KNOW there is a way to put that information on the network so that when you transfer me to the person you think will help me (in reality that person will end up transferring me to someone else) they HAVE that information.  It seems like I have to start all over with each person I get transferred to.  

  • Love 11

I started to loathe making phone calls to businesses more when they started sending the phone rep jobs overseas. Thinking about having to talk to someone who I couldn't understand well and would most likely have to ask to repeat themselves, them not understanding why I was calling and the mounting frustration when trying to explain it to them. Most of all them misunderstanding me which would would end up with my account being screwed up in some way I didn't ask for or a misunderstanding which resulted in me having to do something regarding paperwork or proof so the issues that were created could be resolved. I do my best in trying to be extra nice so things like that don't happen. I realize that they are usually only doing their jobs and getting paid tiddly winks.

I always try to use chat with companies that I can like Amazon so I have proof of the crazy stuff that's said to me by some of the customer service reps at companies. Rarely does anyone who ever promises seem to follow through with putting things in computers for customers that could benefit them when talking to other reps at the same company. Things usually get entered that only compound situations and make them harder to resolve.

I had to battle Amazon a few years ago over a defective Fire TV Stick I purchased from Sears. The overseas people kept telling me to return it to the store almost 6mo after purchasing it. I told them that was crazy, that (at that time) the stick was still under the 1yr warranty and that Sears was on their list of approved resellers. I started a post on Amazon's FB page at the time and would keep updating after each incident with their customer service. I would get told my issue was being sent to "another department" that was equipped to handle it and that I'd hear back. I'd wait a few days after hearing nothing only to get told the same thing and them mentioning something the first cs rep that I talked to that started it all put into my "notes". Finally after so many updates to my thread on the FB page one of the Amazon employees who appeared to be in the US set up a case number, had me fill out a short form on their site and a day later gave me an Amazon credit with an additional $10 one so I could purchase a new stick with the voice control if I wanted. She apologized in the email she sent notifying me of the credit, the extra $10 credit and said I never should have had to go through all of that. During all of the back and forth I asked on a couple forums if people had ever had an issue with Amazon honoring warranties on their Fire TV stuff and all the replies were that they usually were sent replacements on the first call.

This was a lot longer then I intended it to be. Sorry!

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, backformore said:

My ongoing pet peeve has to do with phone calls.   Making a non-personal phone call - to an insurance company, utility company, a store, etc.   I go through the menu, use the keypad, or voice, to put in info- phone number, order number, claim number, etc, then I talk to an actual person, who asks for my name, phone number, account number, item/claim/whatever number, reason for my call,  etc.  They use all this information to figure out who best can help me.  Then they transfer me to that person, who then asks me my name, phone number, account number, etc., etc.   They have these fancy complicated phone systems.  I KNOW there is a way to put that information on the network so that when you transfer me to the person you think will help me (in reality that person will end up transferring me to someone else) they HAVE that information.  It seems like I have to start all over with each person I get transferred to.  

My theory is that it's to keep people occupied during the wait so they don't hang up!

  • Love 1
On 4/3/2018 at 6:17 PM, Katy M said:

I called the doctor's office today to tell the doctor I wasn't taking the medication he prescribed and why I don't think I need it.  It actually took a lot of something for me to make that call.  I find the whole concept of defying authority scary.  I'm actually considering running off to Mexico over this.  Anyway, I was asked to leave a message stating why I called and whether or not I had actually started the meds, so I left the message along with my cell phone number.  Sigh. They called my landline.  So, instead of just being able to answer the phone, I now have to screw up courage to call back tomorrow.

I hope it went okay.  I wonder if your doctor has those On line portals.  I have found that they work great.  You can send a PM to the doctor or his nurse and they usually check those and send you back a PM within a day.  You can also make prescription refill request and schedule your own appointments.  

I get so annoyed when people tell you what dish they are going to bring to a function......and then they show up with something totally different.  Like, they say they'll bring a fruit tray, but, they just decide against that, notify no one and bring a desert.  lol  

44 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I hope it went okay.  I wonder if your doctor has those On line portals.  I have found that they work great.  You can send a PM to the doctor or his nurse and they usually check those and send you back a PM within a day.  You can also make prescription refill request and schedule your own appointments.  


I called back.  He said OK, and we'd discuss it at my next appointment.  I think I signed up for the portal and I got a confirmation email, but, honestly, I'm not sure how it works.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I called back.  He said OK, and we'd discuss it at my next appointment.  I think I signed up for the portal and I got a confirmation email, but, honestly, I'm not sure how it works.

I'd check it out. I've gotten to rely on mine and it's so much faster than waiting on a phone call. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, forumfish said:

@BookWoman56 -- First, bless you for being there for your mom! Second, depending on the type of insurance she has, you may want to look into getting her a hospital bed. They aren't pretty, but having controls to adjust head/foot elevation and overall height might be helpful. For my sister, Medicare covered it, I'm not sure what percentage my folks had to pay. My sister is unable to stand, so having a bed with adjustable height is a must for transferring her between the bed and chair.

We got a hospital bed for my Dad a few years back.  It was really helpful.  We started to think about getting one and before we had made any moves, my brother's girlfriend had found one on Craigslist from a nurse who had gotten it for her own Mom who had passed.

I picked up some extra long twin sheets (like the type for college dorm rooms) and they worked fine.  We did end up fitting a cut down pool noodle at the bottom because at different positions a gap sometimes opened up.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, backformore said:

My ongoing pet peeve has to do with phone calls.   Making a non-personal phone call - to an insurance company, utility company, a store, etc.   I go through the menu, use the keypad, or voice, to put in info- phone number, order number, claim number, etc, then I talk to an actual person, who asks for my name, phone number, account number, item/claim/whatever number, reason for my call,  etc.  They use all this information to figure out who best can help me.  Then they transfer me to that person, who then asks me my name, phone number, account number, etc., etc.   They have these fancy complicated phone systems.  I KNOW there is a way to put that information on the network so that when you transfer me to the person you think will help me (in reality that person will end up transferring me to someone else) they HAVE that information.  It seems like I have to start all over with each person I get transferred to.  

It's true!  That irritates me to no end.  Why do I have to input all of that info, if I will be repeating it to every.single.person I interact with?  Arrggghhh!  I'll say it again, computerized call routing was the beginning of the end of society as we knew it.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, backformore said:

My ongoing pet peeve has to do with phone calls.   Making a non-personal phone call - to an insurance company, utility company, a store, etc.   I go through the menu, use the keypad, or voice, to put in info- phone number, order number, claim number, etc, then I talk to an actual person, who asks for my name, phone number, account number, item/claim/whatever number, reason for my call,  etc.  They use all this information to figure out who best can help me.  Then they transfer me to that person, who then asks me my name, phone number, account number, etc., etc.   They have these fancy complicated phone systems.  I KNOW there is a way to put that information on the network so that when you transfer me to the person you think will help me (in reality that person will end up transferring me to someone else) they HAVE that information.  It seems like I have to start all over with each person I get transferred to.  

If you have any kind of relationship with the company, they shouldn't even need that.

I called an online store today and they asked me what is your name and what is your problem.  The phone number pulled up everything including the order number and the name was for verification.

Now this doesn't fix the fact that I paid an electrician today to install a celling fan that turned out to be defective.  At least they were kind and offered to come out and install the replacement when I get it without charging me again.  That's going permanently make them the first call when I need an electric company.

I would just once, like some kind of service being done to my house go smoothly.  Is that too much to ask?

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

If you have any kind of relationship with the company, they shouldn't even need that.

I called an online store today and they asked me what is your name and what is your problem.  The phone number pulled up everything including the order number and the name was for verification.

I called a local location of the tire chain  I used to patron in CA to make an appt to patch my tire (slow leak). They took the appointment, asked for my phone number and viola, all my info from CA came up. It's all out of date now, but it came up.

  • Love 1

I've got two peeves today, food poisoning and the US postal service.

I think I got food poisoning from a salad at lunch yesterday. Luckily it's a mild case and seems to be over (although I haven't eaten anything since yesterday), but I am totally cleaned out, so to speak. I visited the bathroom every hour on the hour since 1am, ugh. That's what I get for trying to eat healthy.

The postal service can bite me. I had a package from Mexico that has taken over 3 weeks to ship and still hasn't gotten here. It flew up to NY, spent a week sitting on customs, flew down to Houston 3 days ago, and is now "in transit". I'm in Dallas, it's literally flown over me twice now.

  • Love 6

It's unlikely the salad was the culprit.  When people get sick, they tend to blame the last thing they ate, when the truth is North Americans put something in their pie hole every couple of hours.  It could have been the last thing you ate.  It could have been the thing before that, or the thing before that.   Most likely, it was completely unrelated to food, and was something viral you picked up.  Unless a lot of people ate the same thing, and all got sick, it probably wasn't food borne. 

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, emma675 said:

The postal service can bite me. I had a package from Mexico that has taken over 3 weeks to ship and still hasn't gotten here. It flew up to NY, spent a week sitting on customs, flew down to Houston 3 days ago, and is now "in transit". I'm in Dallas, it's literally flown over me twice now.

Someone mailed a package to me from Poland last November. I’m still waiting for it. If I’m lucky it might make it to me by this November as it was a Christmas gift and IF it comes I can present it this year. My friend went over there (business) and left their phone on their front porch by accident. It was sent express Federal Express and took 6 weeks. I think their postal-delivery system still uses a cart and mule. Good luck with getting your package. 

Edited to add: Feel better soon 

Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 1

Pet peeve:  When people are sick with a cold and they come over and stay for a visit, coughing, asking for cough drops, meds, sneezing, complaining of sore throat......WHY wouldn't they go home, get hot shower, hot tea with lemon and honey, go to bed and rest?  Why hang out with others and spread the stuff?  IDK.....People do this at work too.  And then of all the checkouts at the grocer store....I pick the one with the clerk who starts hacking as soon as I place the last item on the counter.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Pet peeve:  When people are sick with a cold and they come over and stay for a visit, coughing, asking for cough drops, meds, sneezing, complaining of sore throat......WHY wouldn't they go home, get hot shower, hot tea with lemon and honey, go to bed and rest?  Why hang out with others and spread the stuff?  IDK.....People do this at work too.  And then of all the checkouts at the grocer store....I pick the one with the clerk who starts hacking as soon as I place the last item on the counter.  lol 

You're nicer than I am. I'd gently but firmly kick out an obviously sick visitor. And people who come to work sick, well I've ranted about that enough here, I don't need to repeat it.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Quof said:

It's unlikely the salad was the culprit.  When people get sick, they tend to blame the last thing they ate, when the truth is North Americans put something in their pie hole every couple of hours.  It could have been the last thing you ate.  It could have been the thing before that, or the thing before that.   Most likely, it was completely unrelated to food, and was something viral you picked up.  Unless a lot of people ate the same thing, and all got sick, it probably wasn't food borne. 

I don't know.  there have been plenty of times that an outbreak of food poisoning was linked to salad.  I have read that bagged, pre-washed salad, and any kind of sprouts are frequent carriers of listeria, salmonella.  And there was a recent outbreak of some kind of food poisoning from chicken salad.  

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Why hang out with others and spread the stuff?  IDK.....People do this at work too. 

Not advocating this, just explaining this: a lot of people in the workplace don’t have the luxury of sickdays. If you work in retail or food service or in certain areas, a day of missed work is a day of lost wages. If you’re a teacher, sometimes it’s twice as much trouble just getting a sub and replacement plans together than just toughing out a day while braving a bad cold. If you’re a college student, a missed day could mean a valuable missed grade((I actually got a poor grade in a college course because I happened to get a bad flu bug during finals and couldn’t make it to the make up dates)).

It sucks how brutal random US employers still are about taking those necessary sick days—-they’ll be the first to tell you to take a sick day if you’re hacking away or sneezing due to a cold or worse,  yet they give you the third degree and sometimes even ask for a doctor’s note when you finally DO take that sick day! Like please, pick a lane already!!

  • Love 10

So, during this past flu season, which seems to still be going strong, I was checking out at Ollie's Outlet store and the clerk told me that they were not allowed to come to work if they were sick, coughing, fever, etc.  She had a big old bottle of sanitizer in front of her.  Apparently, Walmart doesn't have that policy. 

Pet peeve: packages that take a blow touch to open.  To me, somethings wrong when it takes 2 people and 3 tools to get into an item that you purchased.  lol 

  • Love 7

You can get sick - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - for many different reasons.    People are quick to shout "food poisoning". And it might be. But most often it isn't.   I'm a lawyer.  I've had many calls saying "I ate at this restaurant and got sick.  I want to sue them."   I've gone so far as to consult gastroenterologists. They all agree - unless a number of people all ate the same thing, and got sick, you will never establish it was a food borne illness.  And most likely it wasn't. People get sick.  There isn't always some one to blame.  

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, Quof said:

You can get sick - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - for many different reasons.    People are quick to shout "food poisoning". And it might be. But most often it isn't.   I'm a lawyer.  I've had many calls saying "I ate at this restaurant and got sick.  I want to sue them."   I've gone so far as to consult gastroenterologists. They all agree - unless a number of people all ate the same thing, and got sick, you will never establish it was a food borne illness.  And most likely it wasn't. People get sick.  There isn't always some one to blame.  

Preach it! I work as an admin assist in the exec office of a grocery store chain, we get a few calls a month from people screaming that they got food poisoning from one of our items but unless there are multiple calls about the same item, it's likely not food poisoning. The questions you should ask yourself before you assume food poisoning are: Did you store it correctly? Did you wash your hands thoroughly the last time you used the restroom? Was it prepared on a clean counter? Did your child bring home a stomach bug? It's usually a random virus, and it sucks no matter how you caught it.

  • Love 5

@backformore, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but the cases you sighted above were mulit-state, multiple people who got ill. I was just stating that one person eating the same thing that 10 other people ate and only that one person has diarrhea and vomiting, it's likely that one person had something other than food poisoning. Food poisoning is real, and I know it happens, it's just not the ONLY thing that causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 

  • Love 3

I think there is a big difference between what it takes to establish a legal liability and the unfortunate results of improper food handling or something that is just off.

I've ended up in Urgent Care a number of times because of what the doctors told me was most likely the result of food poisoning/improper food handling.  The same food can be eaten by many people and the variances in their immune system may result in some people getting all the unfortunate digestive protests and others have no symptoms.

Not saying it isn't the result of some other random bug, but I don't believe food poisoning/improper food handling should be dismissed because it doesn't meet the requirements of a court case.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Plus, how many people actually report that they suspect a meal in a restaurant gave them food poisoning? I had a horrible case of food poisoning 20 years ago (bad fish) and didn't report it to the restaurant or health department.

Same here I just figured that the next time my shrimp tasted a little "off" I wouldn't eat it.

  • Love 1

Wow, I didn't realize my sad story of food poisoning would set off such a discussion!

For the record, all I ate that day was the salad (it was a crazy day of meetings at my new job), I got sick about 2-3 hours after eating it, no one else had salad and no one else got sick, so I'm calling it food poisoning. End of story.

I'm also back to normal now, thank goodness.

  • Love 11

Peeve: When I run across some kind of glitch with my phone or computer and can't figure it out, even after searching online for solutions. You tube has some pretty good info on some things.  

Anyone know if there is a thread anywhere on this site for this kind of thing? I didn't see one.  Just trouble shooting for the boards. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Peeve: When I run across some kind of glitch with my phone or computer and can't figure it out, even after searching online for solutions. You tube has some pretty good info on some things.  

Anyone know if there is a thread anywhere on this site for this kind of thing? I didn't see one.  Just trouble shooting for the boards. 

Yes, there is.  Here is the link to gadgets. Right here in this Forum of Everything Else.

  • Love 1
On 4/8/2018 at 8:34 PM, Sun-Bun said:

Funny you mention this—-I dunno what happened to me around my mid-30’s or so, but I gradually quit calling people as regularly; aside from my mom and her daily calls, I’ve grown to just loathe making phone calls. Maybe it’s social media’s fault, maybe it’s our current texting culture’s fault, maybe I’m just getting old and bored with former social expectations, but I just don’t bother to have the long daily phone chats that I used to...but I do know that I also hate making calls nowadays. Even to call/call back friends feels like such a chore; most of the time we just text and/or WhatsApp and we make plans to meet up.

Cell phones ruined it for me because I just can't take the walkie-talkie way they work.  With land lines, you could actually carry on a conversation, with natural rhythms.  If both parties said something at the same time, the earth didn't stop rotating.  On cell phones, if that happens, both people go silent for a while, and they start trading "Go ahead" and "No, you go ahead."


On 4/8/2018 at 8:34 PM, Sun-Bun said:

There was something so oddly endearing about growing up in an era when you spent hours just shooting the shit with friends/significant others over the phone.

People nowadays spend hours shooting the shit over the phone while they wander around stores.  Drives me crazy.


4 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

Food poisoning is real, and I know it happens, it's just not the ONLY thing that causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. 

Not according to Yelp reviews.

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Cell phones ruined it for me because I just can't take the walkie-talkie way they work.  With land lines, you could actually carry on a conversation, with natural rhythms.  If both parties said something at the same time, the earth didn't stop rotating.  On cell phones, if that happens, both people go silent for a while, and they start trading "Go ahead" and "No, you go ahead."


People nowadays spend hours shooting the shit over the phone while they wander around stores.  Drives me crazy.


Not according to Yelp reviews.

Don't get me started.  I was just saying the other day that if I didn't operate a business, I would have no trouble only having a emergency phone. You know, where you can only call 911 in case of emergency.  Other than that.........there's no need for it, imo. lol I  could go off the grid regarding a phone, but, I would want my cable.  I need my shows. lol  I could leave internet behind too.  It's so stressful, imo.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 2

I don't care if people are on the phone in the store but I harshly judge and loathe people who won't put the phone down or hang up when interacting with an employee.  I was returning something to Bed Bath and Beyond and the lady in front of me was yammering away on the phone, trying to return things not on the receipts she handed the associate. Kudos to the associate who completely ignored that the woman was on the phone and proceeded with the transaction, asking if she had another receipt or the card she used trying to help her. Just step aside, put the phone down or call the person back.

  • Love 16
21 minutes ago, forumfish said:

I love seeing the looks on eavesdroppers' faces

They're not eavesdroppers if you're chatting away while they shop, are they?  The conversation isn't private (you've made it public), and they're not doing anything covert; they can't help but overhear.

17 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I harshly judge and loathe people who won't put the phone down or hang up when interacting with an employee.

That makes me see red, as it is so rude - and insulting, as it clearly conveys an attitude of "you, lowly clerk, are not worth basic consideration."

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Don't get me started.  I was just saying the other day that if I didn't operate a business, I would have no trouble only having a emergency phone. You know, where you can only call 911 in case of emergency.  Other than that.........there's no need for it, imo. lol I  could go off the grid regarding a phone, but, I would want my cable.  I need my shows. lol  I could leave internet behind too.  It's so stressful, imo.  

I liked this because I could give up the cell phone but need the TV.  But then you said you said you could give up the internet.  Nope.  Can't do that.

Today's topic is again is inconsiderate shoppers who think their time is more valuable than everyone else's.

Today someone made a bad choice on which line to stand in  Her line was going much slower than the one I got into.

But here's the thing.  Making a aggressive swerve cut in my line and then saying 'hope you don't mind' is not the same thing as asking if you can go first because you've been there a long time and the person in front of you is taking forever.

I'm nice, I would have said no problem, go ahead to the latter.  But the former is no more considerate than not saying anything.  It irritates me that this person probably thinks they aren't an asshole because they asked if it was ok as they were starting their transaction.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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