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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Have you heard of kratom?  I'm going to have to be on pain medication for the rest of my life but I've been searching for natural alternatives and found kratom.  It works great on my pain and it comes from a plant. The DEA is trying to have it banned because people are using kratom to withdraw from opiates and are staying off opiates and using kratom for pain relief. 

Interesting.  thank you.  I have an allergy to NSAIDs like naproxen and ibuprofen.  I have been using krill oil and turmeric pill to deal with inflammation and joint pain, the combination seems to be working.  It's always hard to tell, though, what works, when you have symptoms that come and go without rhyme or reason. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, backformore said:

Interesting.  thank you.  I have an allergy to NSAIDs like naproxen and ibuprofen.  I have been using krill oil and turmeric pill to deal with inflammation and joint pain, the combination seems to be working.  It's always hard to tell, though, what works, when you have symptoms that come and go without rhyme or reason. 

Have you tried gin-soaked raisins for joint pain? Here's a link to how to make them. There's a goofy video that gives clear directions. I use Gordon's gin, which is inexpensive.

I know I've talked about gin-soaked raisins here before. My mom was taking them when I went to the beach with my parents. She said she no longer feels arthritis in her shoulder since taking the raisins. I had her make me some and got them at Thanksgiving. My knees are wrecked--it was hurting to take stairs--but the raisins have actually helped. I was completely skeptical. It took about a week or so for me to feel a difference, but now I have very little knee pain.

I just made my third batch, so they keep working. I wish I had as good a "cure" for everything else.

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Have you tried gin-soaked raisins for joint pain? Here's a link to how to make them. There's a goofy video that gives clear directions. I use Gordon's gin, which is inexpensive.

I have not tried them, but thanks for the recommendation. 

I recently heard something new that my dental hygienist swears by - at the start of a migraine, eat a handful (like 7 -10) almonds. It has to do with magnesium, and also works for non-migraine headache pain. 

  • Love 1

Kratom had me very excited (as you, my friend, could surmise), so I did the dreaded google.  Just my lucking fuck it's recently been linked to salmonella outbreaks in 20 states 

I'm with Maharincess on this one - it's just a scare tactic from the [not] trustworthy media.  If you decide to use it, find the best quality available - one that doesn't have fillers, preservatives, etc. .  Remember the old saying, about not stealing (because the government doesn't like competition!)?  Well, it's kind of the same thing with the very politicized CDC, the  ATF, and the FDA.  If something comes on the market (like an herbal supplement)  Big Pharma can't make money from, then they'll do everything to make it unavailable.  

Also, keep in mind that for every board member of a major pharmaceutical company, they're often also serving on boards for rehab clinics!!

  • Love 2
On 2/10/2018 at 11:32 PM, Zola said:

Talking of smart phones and concerts. I do find it incredibly difficult trying to enjoy a concert in the raw without the concert-hall awash with illuminated phones held above heads waving and weaving, recording the act rather than the owners actually watching it.

Despite warnings asking people not to use their phones during the gig, they do so anyway

I haven't been to a concert since before the advent of the smartphone. This would be annoying and might trigger me to run around and slap the damned things out of their owners' hands. Of course, I would get ejected from the concert, but I would feel better having slapped some phones out of some hands.

9 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I use almond milk in my cereal, but I hate almonds. I hate raisins, too, for that matter. I swallow them whole like pills (all nine in one gulp) so I don't have to taste them. (The gin doesn't make them taste better.)

LOL. I love raisins and almonds, but not almond milk. Yuck. That stuff tastes horrible.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I haven't been to a concert since before the advent of the smartphone. This would be annoying and might trigger me to run around and slap the damned things out of their owners' hands. Of course, I would get ejected from the concert, but I would feel better having slapped some phones out of some hands.

LOL. I love raisins and almonds, but not almond milk. Yuck. That stuff tastes horrible.

Not only would you be ejected from the concert, you'd also more than likely get your ass beat a few times along the way.  Try to slap my phone out my hands. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Not only would you be ejected from the concert, you'd also more than likely get your ass beat a few times along the way.  Try to slap my phone out my hands. 

I'm sorry - this made me laugh out loud, because I couldn't help imagining a couple of old cripples like you & me having an inappropriate slapfest in the middle of a concert, like a couple of Real Housewives.   HEE!  ;-)

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I'm sorry - this made me laugh out loud, because I couldn't help imagining a couple of old cripples like you & me having an inappropriate slapfest in the middle of a concert, like a couple of Real Housewives.   HEE!  ;-)

My cane can pack a whollop! 

2 hours ago, Quof said:

Put your f***ing phone down during the concert.  Show some respect for the artist, and their copyright.   Would you record a movie in a theater?  Same thing. 


Oh geez.  It's what people do now. I'm sure the people on stage don't give a shit. It's the new version of lighting your lighter at a concert. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

@BooksRule check Costco's prices. You don't have to have a membership to get prescriptions filled there.

Seconding this. In the times I've been uninsured, Costco's prescription prices routinely beat all competitors. Also check into GoodRX.com. It's free and offers discounts above whatever Costco already has. You can compare drug prices on the website.

The thing that sucks is having to go to Costco! The pharmacy hours are pretty limited--they close at 7 on weeknights and are open only until 5 on Saturday and not at all on Sunday. My closest store is completely slammed with people on the weekend. Most evenings are pretty bad, too. I hate going, but when I have to, I have to.

  • Love 3

Hey @Quof, it's not working. I would love the name of that poster who sent you that nasty message.  I'd love to have it. 

47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I asked if there was any news about when it would be corrected, and unfortunately, they haven't. But they're working on it.

It was trying to be sly and talking about me. 

On 2/20/2018 at 9:37 PM, Maharincess said:

Have you heard of kratom?  I'm going to have to be on pain medication for the rest of my life but I've been searching for natural alternatives and found kratom.  It works great on my pain and it comes from a plant. The DEA is trying to have it banned because people are using kratom to withdraw from opiates and are staying off opiates and using kratom for pain relief.

I feel for you with your back pain, I hope you're feeling better soon. When your back/spine hurts that bad, it affects every part of your body and it sucks.  I have a lot of different methods of dealing with back pain. Feel free to message me if you ever need some tips or just want to vent to someone who knows how you feel. 

I have not heard of this! Thank you! The past two days were pretty bad but today was an okay day. I am walking my neighbor's dogs while he is out of town and they tend to tug on the leash. Somehow they released the knot or whatever it was that was causing the nerves in my spine to go apeshit so I actually feel somewhat normal today.

Chronic pain can make me feel so isolated, so I am grateful to each and everyone of you for your suggestions and support.  It means more to me than you all could ever possibly know.

I will look into this product and see if it is even accessible in this backwoods crazy ass state (my state legislators are my huge pet peeve today and anyone who has followed US national news lately knows why).

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Oh geez.  It's what people do now.

But does that make it right?  It's blocking people's view of the actual event happening right then, and introducing a bright light pointed at them instead of at the stage.  So if you don't want to respect the artists, can't you respect the people who paid money to be there and want to actually see the show?



I'm sure the people on stage don't give a shit. It's the new version of lighting your lighter at a concert. 

People used lighters throughout the whole thing?  Back in my day, they waved around lighters only when waiting for the encore, when the lights were off. 

And lighters didn't have to be held way above everybody's head to be effective, so they wouldn't necessarily block people's view even if the show was going on then. 

I haven't knocked a phone out of anyone's hands (yet), but I did almost get in a fight in a parking lot this weekend for telling a man he shouldn't talk during the movie because other people are trying to hear the dialogue.  He went apeshit, at first yelling that he wasn't talking.  I said, "I saw you talking" (which I had) and his wife (I assume) also started yelling at me, saying he didn't talk, all he did was ask if she wanted popcorn and something else I can't remember.

Then he started screaming, saying if I'm bothered by people talking in a theater, I should rent a DVD and watch it at home by myself.  I said I wanted to see it in a theater (it was an old movie-- The Philadelphia Story), and he yelled "You know what you can do then? You can moooooove!"  I said I was already sitting way down front to be away from people who might be talking, and he screamed "MOOOOOVE!"  He screamed that a few times, and then REALLY started screaming at me, "Get out of my face!  Get out of my face!"  And his wife was screaming at me "It wasn't him!!!"

I said, "Let's see...this is how you act, but you wouldn't talk in a movie theater?  Okay." 

They both started screaming all over again.  It was so crazy that a guy had walked by us and turned around and came back and said he was going to walk me to my car!  I thanked him, but said he didn't have to do that because that guy wasn't a danger to me,  I will say it was gallant of him.

The parking lot was mobbed, and people were staring as they trolled for parking places or walked by.  What's weird was that I wasn't embarrassed because it was like an out-of-body experience--I couldn't believe what was happening, and I knew all I'd done was tell a guy he shouldn't talk in a movie. 

Actually, it probably was a fight, now that I think about it--at one point the guy screamed that if I didn't get out of his face right that second he would put me in the hospital and didn't care if he went to jail because of it.  I just looked at him and said, "Really????" 

The guy had a cane, and the wife started screaming at me, "He's in painnnnnn!"  Apparently that gives him the right to talk during movies and to threaten people who don't like it?  But I decided not to pursue that line of inquiry.

As it turned out, I had to walk back to the mall (I was lost, looking for where I was going to be picked up), and walked right behind their car.  At just that moment, the wife said, "Who's driving? Do you want to drive?"  And I couldn't help myself, and said, "Oh, he's in such pain but he's going to drive.  Right."

I did walk really close to the backs of the parked cars, in case they decided to run me over--at least they'd have to damage other cars to take me out.

Yep, it was all kinds of crazy, all of which would have been prevented if someone hadn't decided that his desire to talk during a movie trumps others' desire to hear the dialogue.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Yep, it was all kinds of crazy, all of which would have been prevented if someone hadn't decided that his desire to talk during a movie trumps others' desire to hear the dialogue.

It would have been prevented if someone's parents had taught their son and daughter how to behave in public and not threaten people who caught them in bad behavior.

  • Love 5

Here's a new one (for me at least)

I regularly go out for an early morning run of between 5 and 16 miles, and have been doing so for about 8 years now. I try to vary my route every other day in order to make it interesting/challenging. Sometimes it could be just a flat run around a few blocks, or going up and down hills in the countryside; or maybe a mixture of both.

This morning I opted for the countryside, which involved going through a wooded area, which I'm quite familiar with. Anyway, roughly 8 miles into my run I go through a thicket and notice 4 or 5 cars parked up in particular spot (which is most unusual on previous experiences). I slow down a little (this is at 6:15am and it's barely daybreak, so things are a little on the dark side), and I notice a woman stretched out on her back on the bonnet (or hood), legs in the air, getting "banged" by a guy, with another 4 or 5 other men standing round her.

I was about 20 meters away from them. I don't know if they noticed me as I ran past. But then it left me in a quandary: was she being raped, or was it one of those new things called "dogging" (don't know if you guys outside of the UK have heard of the term, so here's more  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogging_(sexual_slang))?

For the few seconds I was there the woman didn't look all that distressed, but that doesn't really prove anything. So I ran a little further along and called the police on my mobile phone, explained what I had seen and gave them the exact coordinates of where this was happening using a running app on my phone.

I was told that that particular area is "quite popular" for that kind of activity (dogging), but they will send someone out, and that was that.

I decided to carry on with my run, but I really couldn't focus because I was worried about that woman; so after about 20-25 minutes I headed back to the spot, but they were all gone, cars as well. Had it not being for the tyre tracks and footprints it would have been hard to prove anything had happened there.

So either the police did arrive and warned them off. Or they just took off after having their "fun on the hood"

I still feel quite shell-shocked even now. I just hope the woman wasn't been raped; but then dogging isn't exactly my idea of fun either!

Edited by Zola
  • Love 6

The artists most certainly do care that people in the audience are recording their concerts. That's why venues have signs warning that recording is prohibited, and why your tickets say the same thing, and why ushers will stop you if they see it.  I did laugh heartily when the asshole sitting in front of me in a Bruno Mars concert, holding his iPad in the air (in front of my face) recording the entire concert, was ejected in the first 20 minutes.   Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.  Hope replaying that 20 minutes over and over again is worth the $200 you spent for the ticket.

  • Love 13
10 minutes ago, Quof said:

The artists most certainly do care that people in the audience are recording their concerts. That's why venues have signs warning that recording is prohibited, and why your tickets say the same thing, and why ushers will stop you if they see it.  I did laugh heartily when the asshole sitting in front of me in a Bruno Mars concert, holding his iPad in the air (in front of my face) recording the entire concert, was ejected in the first 20 minutes.   Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.  Hope replaying that 20 minutes over and over again is worth the $200 you spent for the ticket.

This. Also, I don't understand why people can't have a little respect for the other people in the audience? And why are we that damned attached to our electronics? Makes me feel old, but damned if I don't miss the days when every asshole on the planet had to wait until I got home to call me on the phone. Going to a concert or movie or anything similar is the perfect excuse to turn your devices off entirely; don't let the opportunity pass you by! Personally, I get sick of having to carry the stupid thing everywhere I go. This week I'm on call, which means that anywhere I go in the house, the phone must also go. Be sure that I'm seriously tempted every now and again to drop the fucker in the toilet and pretend it was an accident. I think this is part of why my "perfect life" has become my wife and I living in the mountains, far away from the clutches of technology and the reach of the Internet, doing work that requires as little electronics as possible, and with no TV/DVR/DVD player/etc.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Maharincess said:


It was trying to be sly and talking about me. 


I’ve also experienced receiving notifications from those on my ignore list and David learned it was a bug from the site upgrade last month. My post was letting you all know that he hasn’t heard back when it will be resolved.

  • Love 3

@Zola, I'm amazed that you run up to 16 miles a day. That's farther than I like to drive.

What you saw... I don't even know how to respond! Even if it was consensual, who gets up that early for such a coordinated event? I have so many questions. I really hope it was consensual.

In my boring life, I switched my insurance company because my car insurance was getting outrageous. It was $431 for just liability on my 2004 Honda Civic. I had exchanged a couple emails with the local rep asking her to drop my coverage to the state minimum and my driving type to "pleasure" since I'm out of work. I can't afford higher coverage right now. She hadn't gotten back to me.

So I changed to the new company and saved/will save $287 for the year between auto and renter's insurance. I got in touch with the local rep again (two messages between us later) to cancel my former policies. She said, "Oh, I wish you'd have given us a chance to work with you on the price." O.o

I should've said something about her not responding previously, but I didn't. I was just too tired to care. After pricing insurance to find the best fit, finally finding one, and talking on the phone with the new rep for 40 minutes to set up the new policy, I was just done.

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Did this happen?

Don't make me cross my arms, tap my foot and call you "missy"

LOL! It did. But thanks to snowbird season, the next appointment for either my PCP or his NP isn't available until late March. My doctors office is in Hollywood--as you know, French Canadian Snowbird Mecca.  Meh.

I'm going to try to book an appointment at a Message Envy instead and see if that brings any relief. If it doesn't, then I will try again after April.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Zola said:

For the few seconds I was there the woman didn't look all that distressed, but that doesn't really prove anything. So I ran a little further along and called the police on my mobile phone, explained what I had seen and gave them the exact coordinates of where this was happening using a running app on my phone.

I was told that that particular area is "quite popular" for that kind of activity (dogging), but they will send someone out, and that was that.

I decided to carry on with my run, but I really couldn't focus because I was worried about that woman; so after about 20-25 minutes I headed back to the spot, but they were all gone, cars as well. Had it not being for the tyre tracks and footprints it would have been hard to prove anything had happened there.

So either the police did arrive and warned them off. Or they just took off after having their "fun on the hood"

I still feel quite shell-shocked even now. I just hope the woman wasn't been raped; but then dogging isn't exactly my idea of fun either!

I'm not even going to look up dogging, but there shouldn't be explicit sexual activity in public, period.  And while I'm obviously someone who will take things into her own hands, I wouldn't confront a group of people out in the middle of nowhere, especially ones doing something like that because there's obviously something wrong with them. 

So calling the cops is all a person can, or should, do.  Maybe surreptitiously note some license numbers; the odds of them following up on something like that are about zero, but it would fall under the "I did what I could" category.

In Portland, Oregon, the sidewalk next to city hall had become a popular place for homeless people to roost--them and all their stuff, which was crowding the sidewalk.  They'd leave all their stuff there during the day, and one of them would stick around to watch over it.  The city decided that wasn't acceptable, and ran them all off and put a flyer on a window right by there (which is how I know all this).  The flyer had a list of problems at that location, and one of them was that people were having sex on the sidewalk.  The flyer added that having sex on any sidewalk is not acceptable--not just this one. 

I thought, "That's what we've come to?  You have to point out to people that having sex on a sidewalk is a no-no?" 

I know that homelessness and mental illness sometimes go hand in hand, and that's definitely a challenge.  But still.


4 hours ago, MrSmith said:

I think this is part of why my "perfect life" has become my wife and I living in the mountains, far away from the clutches of technology and the reach of the Internet, doing work that requires as little electronics as possible, and with no TV/DVR/DVD player/etc.

You don't have to be literally outside the reach of the internet to not use it, and you don't have to have use a TV/DVR/DVD player just because you have one.  In fact, in your situation, you could bifurcate your life into work and non-work strictly by use of technology.  It wouldn't solve the problem of needing to carry the thing because you're on call, but it would be the ONLY reason you're carrying it, and you could live the other part of your life however you want.

  • Love 2

Ugh, speaking of the ignore function, there is a poster in another forum who is possibly the most annoying I have ever encountered (and, @Maharincess, that includes my old TWOP namesake, haha!). This jackass posts multiple times in a row, usually quoting others and responding with random expletives and sarcastic LOLs, and saying the same thing over and over about the characters it doesn't like (and seriously, even for here, it's excessive). Doesn't talk about the show itself, adds no forward movement to the discussion, and blatantly tries to taunt other commenters. Also, possible homophobia. In fact, there are a few posters who do the same thing at about the same time and are probably the very same stupid person. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Oh geez.  It's what people do now. I'm sure the people on stage don't give a shit. It's the new version of lighting your lighter at a concert. 

A lot of artists hate it.  Some artists ban phones at their concerts.  Even Beyoncé has spoken out about how people need to watch the concert itself, not through a screen.  The artists  like to have a connection to the crowd.  When a thousand people are holding up phones to record the whole friggin' concert, the artists can't even SEE the people in the audience. All they see are phone screens.  And if you have your camera phone facing the other way, all the people behind you can only see the phone screens, not the concert.    

What's really unnerving is when the artist you paid money to see is right there in front of you, and you're watching it by pointing your phone at him/her, and seeing the entire concert by looking at your phone screen.   

Edited by backformore
  • Love 7

I'm mad about it being 75 degrees in February. It's 76-78 in my apartment, which is warmer than I want to be, but I refuse to turn on the air conditioning. I have to sit with the fan running, which is loud, so I have to turn up the TV, and worry about pissing off my neighbors.

I know I sound like an old lady.

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, magicdog said:

It would have been prevented if someone's parents had taught their son and daughter how to behave in public and not threaten people who caught them in bad behavior.

That makes me think...the guy was 60 or so, I'd estimate, and I'm 60.  When I was young, kids didn't go to the show with their parents.  We'd all get dropped off at the theater on Saturday and stay there pretty much all afternoon.  Inside the theater, it was ALL kids; I don't remember adults ever going, and I can't imagine why they would because the kids had free rein in there.  I clearly remember kids running up and down the aisles, and I can only imagine how much racket we made.  I actually don't know if parents even knew what went on in there.

So I don't know that anybody taught me how to behave in movie theaters.  I think I just figured it out as I got older, because I know I didn't behave that way by the time I was in junior high.  I do remember seeing Jaws in that theater when I was 18, and being annoyed by the boys behind me who had apparently recently learned to cuss.  Constant commentary along the lines of "Look at that fucking shark!" 

An aside--I had a guy once talk about seeing Spartacus when it came out, and it was the same sort of Saturday afternoon movie scene I just described wherever it was he grew up, too.  He said during the movie, at one point the kids went crazy and started chanting "SPAR-ta-cus! SPAR-ta-cus! SPAR-ta-cus," stomping around and climbing all over the seats, and the manager stopped the movie and kicked everybody out! 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm not even going to look up dogging, but there shouldn't be explicit sexual activity in public, period.  And while I'm obviously someone who will take things into her own hands, I wouldn't confront a group of people out in the middle of nowhere, especially ones doing something like that because there's obviously something wrong with them. 

So calling the cops is all a person can, or should, do.  Maybe surreptitiously note some license numbers; the odds of them following up on something like that are about zero, but it would fall under the "I did what I could" category.

In Portland, Oregon, the sidewalk next to city hall had become a popular place for homeless people to roost--them and all their stuff, which was crowding the sidewalk.  They'd leave all their stuff there during the day, and one of them would stick around to watch over it.  The city decided that wasn't acceptable, and ran them all off and put a flyer on a window right by there (which is how I know all this).  The flyer had a list of problems at that location, and one of them was that people were having sex on the sidewalk.  The flyer added that having sex on any sidewalk is not acceptable--not just this one. 

I thought, "That's what we've come to?  You have to point out to people that having sex on a sidewalk is a no-no?" 

I know that homelessness and mental illness sometimes go hand in hand, and that's definitely a challenge.  But still.


You don't have to be literally outside the reach of the internet to not use it, and you don't have to have use a TV/DVR/DVD player just because you have one.  In fact, in your situation, you could bifurcate your life into work and non-work strictly by use of technology.  It wouldn't solve the problem of needing to carry the thing because you're on call, but it would be the ONLY reason you're carrying it, and you could live the other part of your life however you want.

The police did get in contact with me later yesterday afternoon to inform me that a police officer had attended the scene and had given a public indecency warning to the "active party" (their words). And that's all they would say before closing my crime number. 

So clearly it wasn't rape (unless the police chose not to reveal that level of detail), but I don't think I will be taking that route again!

And in hindsight, perhaps I should have made a mental note of the car number plates at the time, but it was just too dark and I was still shocked/surprised to even think that far.  But I wonder what that woman was thinking to want to do something like that, in public and with up to 5 men (strangers, for all I know)?  Perhaps she was drunk or high, or perhaps that's what she gets off on. But whatever the reason it was incredibly disturbing, and I hope to never see that kind of thing again.

  • Love 8

Another bugbear - financial websites with happy, smiling "ordinary" people on the home page, all of them seemingly having orgasms as they look at their bank statements because they belong to such a wonderful caring and "understanding" bank!

Same with more corporate-based websites, and the usual smug crowd of suited-up whizz-kids all gathered in an open-plan meeting room, with a desk adorned with laptops and phones, along with some other anushole pointing to the ubiquitous pie chart on a big computer screen!

But the reality is quite different of course. IF you need help try getting through to the "happy clappy" customer support team; got money worries, try dealing with the debt collection department  of that same smiley bank!

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I'm mad about it being 75 degrees in February. It's 76-78 in my apartment, which is warmer than I want to be, but I refuse to turn on the air conditioning. I have to sit with the fan running, which is loud, so I have to turn up the TV, and worry about pissing off my neighbors.

I know I sound like an old lady.

Speaking of old ladies ranting about the weather: why could that admittedly super-weird warm weather not have happened on my birthday night?! Come on, universe!

Does this person have the same opinion over and over on Erika Jayne?

On topic, my pet peeve this week is rain. We needed rain, we just didn't need ALL the rain in 4 days. My town is beyond flooded and it's still not over. My backyard is a lake and I'm pretty sure all of the new grass I had laid out in late summer is drowned.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, emma675 said:

Does this person have the same opinion over and over on Erika Jayne?

Pretty much. I’m loath to say anything that might lead anyone to my guess! Or get me a slap on the hands via the moderator of the board. I may be a fool but I like to think of everyone here as nice people who sometimes have not so nice opinions. Doesn’t make mine right or wrong....just different. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Grammar usage of the word loath vs loathe.
  • Love 4

Haha! I can take snark and even snootiness, and I can also take 12 consecutive posts in a row. I can even take the laser-focused fixation and extreme hate at a character who, to me at least, really doesn't warrant that much of it. But, oh my god, at least keep the conversation moving while you do it (and maybe try to sound somewhat intelligent while you're at it)!

  • Love 2

Does anyone have those annoying friends on Facebook who constantly seek attention?I've had to hide the feeds of so many people. 

There is this one person who constantly writes "sorry" on her posts. Nothing else. Then you get everyone writing "what's wrong?" Of course she doesn't answer. 

Another person has to write about how some guy hit on her. She also always fishes for compliments. It's pretty sad. 

What annoying people do you have on your Facebook?

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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