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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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3 hours ago, backformore said:

I was stunned to find out that all the years I was giving her kids gifts, she was upset that we weren't doing enough.  

And then the kids get older believing someone should buy them the new iPhone, or a new computer because the old one isn't fast enough, or a car, or rent money because their job sucked so they quit, or ...

Edited by Random Noise
  • Love 3

First of all @Bastet, I'm stealing "deep fried bullshit". It's a wonderful turn of phrase. As to godparents, since I turned 13 the month before my sister was born my parents allowed me to be the godmother. Clearly purely a ceremonial distinction. I never gave her a present as godmother, just sister. I don't remember who her godfather was but I think he gave her a Christmas present. My youngest sisters godparents were a husband and wife. They would give her a Christmas present so it evened out so each got one extra present. I don't remember if my godparents ever gave me anything or not. A lot of people conflate godparents with guardians. The guardians are the people that parents name in their Will to take care of the children in case something happens to them. 

  • Love 2

I grew up Southern Baptist and we didn't do the godparent thing. I'm not sure why. I used to wonder about it when I'd see it on TV.

People know better than to put me in charge of their kids, so I never have to worry about being called upon to be a godparent. I can see being called to be a catparent for my sisters' cats, but that's about it.

  • Love 3

People know better than to put me in charge of their kids, so I never have to worry about being called upon to be a godparent.

My sister is much older than me so I was still in my early teens when she had kids. Several times I got 'volunteered' to babysit (I had no say in the matter).

I invented a game called "Hide in the tent," which involved propping up a blanket and telling the girls to hide in the tent. Both of them would crawl inside the blanket and I would tie all four corners of the blanket together. Eventually they would get tired and fall asleep from trying to escape and I had a peaceful evening watching TV.

Well, one night I forgot to untie the blanket before my sister and her husband got home so my being 'volunteered' to babysit came to an end.

Disclaimer: No children were harmed in the creation of this post.

Edited by Random Noise
  • Love 11
12 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I grew up Southern Baptist and we didn't do the godparent thing. I'm not sure why. I used to wonder about it when I'd see it on TV.

People know better than to put me in charge of their kids, so I never have to worry about being called upon to be a godparent. I can see being called to be a catparent for my sisters' cats, but that's about it.

I grew up in a Southern Baptist household as well, and so have no direct experience with the godparent role. My entire knowledge of what godparents are supposed to do is based on reading British murder mysteries, in which it seems that role is limited to an occasional gift for a special event, and occasionally taking the godchild out to a really elaborate British tea (essentially tea/coffee and finger sandwiches and/or pastries, etc.). 

The concept that you are obligated to provide "double presents" because you are some kid's godmother? Fuck that shit. The parent who was making that claim sounds like a demanding and entitled asshat, and you owe her no explanation of why you did or didn't give presents to the godchild. 

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, bilgistic said:

People know better than to put me in charge of their kids, so I never have to worry about being called upon to be a godparent.

This brings up something I've been thinking about.  I'm a 60-year-old female and have never changed a baby diaper.  Anybody else (especially female) never changed a baby diaper?  (So far, I'm also 0-fer on adult diapers, but realize that could change.)

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

This brings up something I've been thinking about.  I'm a 60-year-old female and have never changed a baby diaper.  Anybody else (especially female) never changed a baby diaper?  (So far, I'm also 0-fer on adult diapers, but realize that could change.)

I've only changed 3 in my whole life.  Baby diapers.  Depending on your definition of baby.  One of them was 3 and I spent the whole time complaining about how she really should know how to use the toilet.  And I don't even care if I scarred her for life telling her that.  she wasn't paying attention to me anyway.  Hoping not to have to change adult diapers.  Especially my own.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

This brings up something I've been thinking about.  I'm a 60-year-old female and have never changed a baby diaper.  Anybody else (especially female) never changed a baby diaper?  (So far, I'm also 0-fer on adult diapers, but realize that could change.)

I've never changed a diaper, either.  There's just nothing about my life that would have ever made that situation arise: I'm an only child, so I never had to help take care of a sibling, and I hate kids, so I never offer/get asked to babysit.

  • Love 4

Occasionally the little vent switch in the ceiling that regulates the heating/cooling in my office gets stuck and just stays in the open position. At the moment, despite having a thermostat that typically actually works, which I realize makes me a very lucky person in corporate America, the heat is just pouring into my office.

While I wait for the facilities guys to come fix it, if anybody needs to soften some butter, just let me know.

  • Love 5

When I was 12, I babysat a five-year-old and her toddler brother who was not-quite-fully potty trained. Jesus, take the wheel.

I probably changed my sister's diapers when I was six and she was two, but I've repressed the memories.

If I've changed one since then, I've repressed those memories, too.

I've got no problem wiping a cat's butt, mind you.

Edited by bilgistic
  • Love 3
On 11/13/2017 at 1:19 AM, AgentRXS said:

After tonight's episode, I am asking myself why I'm watching it. Wrong week for me to see THAT (and you know what I'm referring to). Not a fan of animals being featured on TV shows for that very reason.

I yelled, "NOOOOOOO!", cried, and basically had a tantrum.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Occasionally the little vent switch in the ceiling that regulates the heating/cooling in my office gets stuck and just stays in the open position. At the moment, despite having a thermostat that typically actually works, which I realize makes me a very lucky person in corporate America, the heat is just pouring into my office.

While I wait for the facilities guys to come fix it, if anybody needs to soften some butter, just let me know.

My niece generally watches what the repair people do and tries fixing the problem herself if it happens again. Over the years she became the  "go to" person in her office for getting things working quickly.

  • Love 1

Despite my firmly held dislike for people under the age of majority, I did actually babysit practically every small child in my town. Because I liked money, and there were few other opportunities.  I also babysat for many of my teachers.

So yeah, I've changed far too many diapers.  I once dropped allowed a child to roll off a changing table.  His older brother ratted me out although, in fairness, it would have been hard to miss the big scratch on his back.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Random Noise said:

My niece generally watches what the repair people do and tries fixing the problem herself if it happens again. Over the years she became the  "go to" person in her office for getting things working quickly.

That’s the way I roll as well. I learned that to solve this problem, I need an 8 foot stepladder.  

I forgot to complain about this Sunday, when it first happened, but now that it has happened again ...

The radio station that had already long existed on my shit list for playing Christmas music non-stop between Thanksgiving and Christmas is getting an early start this year, and has already switched.  Christmas programming (on TV or radio) is a peeve in general, but I'm better able to just change channels/stations without getting riled up in December; in November - especially early- to mid-November - forget it.

  • Love 6

Yesterday after I sold the TiVo, I went to the nearby Starbucks for a celebratory coffee. There was Christmas music playing there, and it was too loud.

I don't particularly like Christmas music, but I definitely don't want to hear it until the day after Thanksgiving.

The only Christmas programming I watch is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. The arrival of Santa at the end of the parade marks the start of the Christmas season. So has it been written and so shall it be.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Bastet said:

I forgot to complain about this Sunday, when it first happened, but now that it has happened again ...

The radio station that had already long existed on my shit list for playing Christmas music non-stop between Thanksgiving and Christmas is getting an early start this year, and has already switched.  Christmas programming (on TV or radio) is a peeve in general, but I'm better able to just change channels/stations without getting riled up in December; in November - especially early- to mid-November - forget it.

I'm not sure if you're listening in your car or at home, but I always use Internet Radio. Just select your favorite music style and pick from any number of stations. Christmas music free.

  • Love 2
On 13/11/2017 at 5:49 PM, MrSmith said:

@Zola Maybe you can get out of it on a hardship basis? Show how detrimental to income it would be as a self-employed person and perhaps they'll dismiss you? That's the only thought I have. The only time I've served on a jury, I enjoyed it and would like to do it again. Honestly, if you're going to end up distracted about your loss of income, then you won't be able to give your all to jury duty. If it was my case, I would not want you on the jury because of it. I'd rather have someone who can fully attend to their duties as a juror, and I would be understanding of someone in your position.


On 13/11/2017 at 6:10 PM, MargeGunderson said:

I served on a jury for the first time this year (I have been eligible for 20+ years), and wouldn't you know it, I got a murder trial. It ended up being short, only 5 days. I don't know how it works in the UK, but during the jury selection, people had an opportunity to indicate if serving on the jury would be a hardship (financial, caring for dependents, etc.). Hopefully you have the same option. 

I did find the experience meaningful, but it was also stressful, given the type of trial. All of my dreams for the following month seemed to be set in a courtroom!

Thanks for the feedback and advice, guys. 

I have been speaking to my accountant and he reckons I can put in a claim/exemption for lost earnings. But he added this would be unlikely to be accepted as I have several thousand pounds in my business bank account, from which I pay my salary. Therefore, "hardship" wouldn't really be necessarily a true excuse.

I am allowed to defer jury service, but only once. And that only means a delay because I will inevitably be called again within the next 12 months.  

So thinking about it I may as well bite the bullet now and get it over with. The big advantage is that my service starts from December 11th (not the 4th as I originally stated), and will continue over the Christmas and New Year holiday period - from a work point of view, December and January are relatively quiet months.

My accountant, who has served on a jury previously, told me that should I get called to a case, not to let my own personal feelings affect my decision on whether the defendant is guilty or otherwise. Which I guess must me a hard thing to do with certain cases like animal cruelty, child abuse, rape etc. 

Will shall see I guess

Edited by Zola
  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, 2727 said:

You know what, Walmart? If you don't freaking want to be in the online ordering business, then don't be. But this is bullshit.


They're charging you for the convenience of never having to get up off of your couch.  If it's worth it, pay it.  If not, don't.  This doesn't bother me in the slightest.  There's always more in the price of a product than just the product.

  • Love 5
On 11/15/2017 at 8:55 AM, Mindthinkr said:

Are the Walmart prices increased due to the "free" shipping? I sometimes think that an Amazon Prime price reflects the cost of shipping even though it is supposed to be "free" as well. 

Walmart just implemented the price hikes for online orders this week.

They've been pushing online ordering for at least a couple of years as a way to compete with Amazon. There used to be a minimum order of $50 for free shipping but they reduced it to $35 (otherwise, shipping is $5.99). They piloted an annual fee program that included two-day shipping, but got rid of that and made two-day shipping the default. They bought another online retailer, Jet.com and incorporated their inventory.

Guess they've thrown in the towel on everything now.

Their supply chain/logistics system is pretty bad. I don't live near a Walmart and (used to) order about once a week, mostly pantry and personal care items. Invariably if my order had 6-8 items, I'd get it in 4-5 different boxes, all from different locations. It was definitely costing them a lot to ship.

Edited by 2727
  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, Katy M said:

They're charging you for the convenience of never having to get up off of your couch.  If it's worth it, pay it.  If not, don't.  This doesn't bother me in the slightest.  There's always more in the price of a product than just the product.

They're not doing this in Canada...yet.  We still don't have free shipping unless we spend $50, according to the website (I don't shop Walmart online).  

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I REFUSE to shop at Walmart for many reasons. I will spare you all and not go into them, but my stance is that Walmart is evil incarnate. That whirring sound you hear is Sam Walton spinning in his grave.

I agree.  I find it hard to boycott completely, as I also don't like to shop online that much, either, and I live in a semi-rural area, but I spend less than $50 there a year, and try and usually do spend less. 

  • Love 4

I know Amazon has its own distinct set of labor problems, but I need home delivery for canned cat food right now. I can't get the quantity or flavor the girls need in a local store.

Once I transition the girls to raw food after the holidays, I'll go to a local retailer. Their prices actually beat Amazon's, and they will special order anything I need. They even have a rewards program where they give money off after a certain amount purchased.

Last night, I got spare keys for the cat sitter made at a local hardware store. I love that place so much. It's owned by True Value, but it's like an old-timey general store. They have absolutely everything packed within about 5,000 square feet. While I love wandering around Lowe's and Home Depot because: hardware store, I don't enjoy not being able to find what I need quickly.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Last night, I got spare keys for the cat sitter made at a local hardware store. I love that place so much. It's owned by True Value, but it's like an old-timey general store. They have absolutely everything packed within about 5,000 square feet. While I love wandering around Lowe's and Home Depot because: hardware store, I don't enjoy not being able to find what I need quickly.

I have one of those really close to me and it's (mostly) a great convenience. The only problem I have with it is that it closes at 4 pm.

8 hours ago, Random Noise said:

I'm not sure if you're listening in your car or at home,

I only listen to the radio in my car, which I'm not in every day since I work out of my home office most of the time, so it's not as if the Christmas music is stalking me, but playing one Christmas song before Thanksgiving would be bad enough, and switching to 24/7 Christmas music is utterly ridiculous at any time -- making the saturation switch in early November is thus all kinds of wrong.

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I know Amazon has its own distinct set of labor problems, but I need home delivery for canned cat food right now. I can't get the quantity or flavor the girls need in a local store.

Once I transition the girls to raw food after the holidays, I'll go to a local retailer. Their prices actually beat Amazon's, and they will special order anything I need. They even have a rewards program where they give money off after a certain amount purchased.

Last night, I got spare keys for the cat sitter made at a local hardware store. I love that place so much. It's owned by True Value, but it's like an old-timey general store. They have absolutely everything packed within about 5,000 square feet. While I love wandering around Lowe's and Home Depot because: hardware store, I don't enjoy not being able to find what I need quickly.

Have you looked at Chewy.com? They have really good deals and a lot of hard to find things. I will repeat  a story someone else on this board shared. A friend of theirs bought a case of cat food from Chewy.com and a few days later their cat had to be put down. They contacted Chewy.com and asked if they could return the cat food. They were told that no, they should go ahead and donate to food to the local shelter. The next day they received a lovely bouquet of flowers from Chewy expressing sympathy and comfort.

  • Love 3

My pet peeve is what I like to call "loud talker mommy". Youll find her almost anywhere...resturants, stores, airports, church, museums etc

She has at least one child w her - and will talk to said child in a loud voice about, well anything! Its almost as if she wants others to notice what a TERRIFIC MOMMY she is or make comments or whatever. I dont get it. I encountered 3 today and am feeling especially hostile about it.

8 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Have you looked at Chewy.com? They have really good deals and a lot of hard to find things. I will repeat  a story someone else on this board shared. A friend of theirs bought a case of cat food from Chewy.com and a few days later their cat had to be put down. They contacted Chewy.com and asked if they could return the cat food. They were told that no, they should go ahead and donate to food to the local shelter. The next day they received a lovely bouquet of flowers from Chewy expressing sympathy and comfort.

Oh wow. That is so nice!

  • Love 6

Chewy has incredible customer service.  It was bought out by Petco recently, so a) now buying from Chewy means lining Petco pockets, and b) the legendary customer service may very well change.  But the prices are good (as long as you order enough to qualify for free shipping) and they seem to have a good selection.  (I buy cat food at a local pet supply store, but I've heard many posters on a pet forum say Chewy stocks what they can't find locally.)

I have a terrific independent hardware store near me that's been in the area since well before I was born, and I will cry if it ever goes out of business.  It's impressive how much they manage to stock in the space they have, and it's staffed by people who actually know what the products they're selling are and how to use them (and where on the shelves they're located).

  • Love 6

There used to be a True Value by where I worked. I loved going in there. It was so old timey. They had sawdust on the (very uneven) wooden floors and the place smelled of fresh cut lumber. There was an approximately 406 year old man that ran the place but rarely came out from behind the counter preferring to watch, I kid you not, The Andy Griffith show on an old black and white TV.  It was like stepping back in time. I loved it.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

Last night, I got spare keys for the cat sitter made at a local hardware store. I love that place so much. It's owned by True Value, but it's like an old-timey general store. They have absolutely everything packed within about 5,000 square feet. While I love wandering around Lowe's and Home Depot because: hardware store, I don't enjoy not being able to find what I need quickly.

My boyfriend and I have a seasonal home (it's a trailer, but the bf likes "seasonal home" better) up in the 1,000 Islands, it requires a lot of updating as the previous owners bought it in the 70's and did minimal upkeep, anyway, I spend a lot of time at the local small hardware store. My first trip there one of the employees saw me staring at a display of screws for several minutes and came over to ask if he could help, I think he mistook my look of incredulousness for fear and started to apologize! I laughed and said yes thank you and had what I needed in no time! The big box stores carry more, but it takes me hours to find what I need and no one every offers to help...

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Have you looked at Chewy.com? They have really good deals and a lot of hard to find things. I will repeat  a story someone else on this board shared. A friend of theirs bought a case of cat food from Chewy.com and a few days later their cat had to be put down. They contacted Chewy.com and asked if they could return the cat food. They were told that no, they should go ahead and donate to food to the local shelter. The next day they received a lovely bouquet of flowers from Chewy expressing sympathy and comfort.

Chewy can't beat Amazon's prices for the girls' current food, but I have heard many good things about them. I ordered from them a couple of times in the past. I do know about the recent buyout. I don't love Petco. Weirdly, Petco has different pricing from location to location here in town, i.e., the "nicer" part of town's store has more expensive prices.

  • Love 2
Just now, bilgistic said:

Chewy can't beat Amazon's prices for the girls' current food, but I have heard many good things about them. I ordered from them a couple of times in the past. I do know about the recent buyout. I don't love Petco. Weirdly, Petco has different pricing from location to location here in town, i.e., the "nicer" part of town's store has more expensive prices.

SOP for most large corporations. I think it's a crappy business practice but hey, the bottom line is all that matters to them.

  • Love 1

This pet peeve is probably going to make me sound petty but I need to get it off my chest. My sister has never been generous* when it comes to giving my daughters gifts, so when she stopped giving them gifts in their late teens, it did not phase me. I continued to give her 3 children gifts up until last year. My girls are 27 & 23, her kids are 22, 20 and 17, I am at a point where I feel it's time to discontinue the tradition, my budget has gotten slightly smaller and I'd prefer to focus on my kids for the holidays. I was hoping to bow out gracefully as I allowed her to do by never mentioning that she doesn't reciprocate with my kids, but today she texted me the Xmas gift lists for my niece and nephews. Now I will have to tell her directly, which does not bother me, but knowing my sister I am going to end up looking like a grinch when she tells her kids. ARGH!!!

*my sister & her husband make high 5 figures in salaries, their kids always have brand name expensive stuff and play expensive sports. I have never expected her to spend $$$ on my children, but her gifts are never more than $20 items, if that, no matter the occasion. To give you the most recent example, My youngest daughter and her oldest son are almost exactly one year apart, for my daughter's 21st birthday, she got nothing from my sister. The following year when her son turned 21, I gave him 21 mini bottles of liquor and $50 in ones to tip the bartender at his first bar run. Since their birthdays are in November we celebrate at T-giving, so my sister sees her son's gift, grabs her purse, grabs some cash and shoves it at my daughter saying "Oh, I meant to stop at the bank but I forgot!" Oh and my oldest daughter turned 21 four years prior and never got even a Happy Birthday.

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

My girls are 27 & 23, her kids are 22, 20 and 17, I am at a point where I feel it's time to discontinue the tradition, my budget has gotten slightly smaller and I'd prefer to focus on my kids for the holidays. I was hoping to bow out gracefully as I allowed her to do by never mentioning that she doesn't reciprocate with my kids, but today she texted me the Xmas gift lists for my niece and nephews. Now I will have to tell her directly, which does not bother me, but knowing my sister I am going to end up looking like a grinch when she tells her kids. ARGH!!!

Why is your sister making Christmas gift lists for her kids in their 20s?  I guess I can *maybe* handle one for the 17 year old.  I usually ask my sister what her kids want, but they're still kids.  And she doesn't give me an unasked for list.  And, I especially find it over-the-top since she doesn't give your kids.  I in no way think she needs to give your adult kids gifts no matter how much money she makes, but I'm just flabbergasted that she apparently expects you to get hers gifts.

  • Love 11
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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