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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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11 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

If the power goes out, and you have a landline phone plugged in (not a cordless phone), the landline phone will still work.  It's only the cordless ones that don't.

Not if it's bundled with the cable and the cable goes out.  Which annoys me no end.  We kept the land line for just this situation - if the power is out, or the cell service drops - but that isn't the case anymore.  Still, we're keeping the landline since family/friends have the number, even though we use the cell phones more than 90% of the time. 

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14 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

If the power goes out, and you have a landline phone plugged in (not a cordless phone), the landline phone will still work.  It's only the cordless ones that don't.

That's why I keep an old corded phone in my office closet, just in case.

(If your landline is U-Verse, rather than a traditional landline, you have a battery back-up so you still have phone/internet during a power outage, but of course if the outage lasts longer than the battery, then you'd be out of luck, even with an old phone.)

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19 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

If the power goes out, and you have a landline phone plugged in (not a cordless phone), the landline phone will still work.  It's only the cordless ones that don't.

Well, it kinda depends. If you still have the old school copper lines I think that’s true, but I’m not sure how many of those are still in service. We were forced over to fios maybe ten years ago because they couldn’t keep the copper lines repaired. There’s a battery backup that’s supposed to provide several hours of talk time in a power outage, but it really doesn’t. I think if you have your landline through your cable provider, it’s something similar. 

Still keeping the landline for now, though, so I don’t have to give out my cell# to so many places. 

ETA cross posted with at least a couple other people in the same situation.  🙂


Edited by SoMuchTV
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Pricing of bookstores. I love just going into a Barnes & Noble and looking for a new book to read, but books are so much more expensive there than they are on Amazon and whatnot. 

Speaking of my desire to look for the best deals, another pet peeve is when customers open up boxes of fragrance at stores like Ross. Those are NOT testers! Most people don’t want to purchase a brand-new perfume that’s been sniffed/tested by strangers, even at a discounted price. Don’t ruin merchandise folks! 

Edited by RealHousewife
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On 3/30/2021 at 5:14 PM, Cobb Salad said:

About Target, their physical stores and their website - I like to browse their site online to see what’s available in their stores and what aisle it’s in the location I go to.  It’s helped me on a few occasions.  Lately I’ve found there’s some stuff that was previously in the store that’s now only available online.  The other day I was casually shopping for something in Target that they had on the shelves a year ago.  When I went last week they had redone their shelves and this thing was no longer there at all and other stuff was there.  Ugh.

I ordered dog food from Target recently, and instead I received a giant box of cat litter. I have no cat. So I gave it to my neighbor.  Target obviously didn’t want to spend on retrieving it. 

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10 hours ago, ebk57 said:

Not if it's bundled with the cable and the cable goes out.  Which annoys me no end.  We kept the land line for just this situation - if the power is out, or the cell service drops - but that isn't the case anymore.  Still, we're keeping the landline since family/friends have the number, even though we use the cell phones more than 90% of the time. 

I had no idea!  I am still in the dark ages, apparently, with copper lines.  Which is also why my internet kinda sucks.

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On 4/4/2021 at 3:45 PM, Bastet said:


I can't stand dilly dallyers who don't maintain basic situational awareness to make sure their own aimless wandering and contemplating doesn't needlessly affect others.  And, yes, we all get lost in thought, but if it manifests as a pattern in someone during a single shopping trip, it's a chronic problem.

One of my greatest feelings of loss from the pandemic is the way my food shopping habits have changed, of necessity.  Food shopping is  one of my great  pleasures in life and I love taking my time doing it. At least, I did. Now, I rush through things and get freaked out if others stand too close to me for too long, which of course I never much cared about before.   What  pleasure can I take from standing in a Balkan grocery and NOT looking at the fourteen kinds of feta or olives or pasterma, etc. for a good long while?  Or a South Asian grocery or a halal butcher or whatever?  These kinds of leisurely shopping are half the point of living in New York.



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On 4/5/2021 at 3:18 PM, Bastet said:

Well, yeah, I don't advocate barking, "Get out of my way, asshole, I could have finished my shopping in the time you've spent reading labels!" instead of saying, "Pardon me, I need to grab something in front of you." 


On 4/5/2021 at 3:31 PM, Moose135 said:

Clearly you are not a New Yorker... 😆

 Contrary to popular belief New Yorkers are LESS likely than other people to do this. We tend to be direct and in a hurry, but not up front rude.  There are as many of us living in one square block here as would be living in a couple of square miles elsewhere.  If you can't figure out how to get along with your neighbors you are doomed.

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1 hour ago, ratgirlagogo said:


 Contrary to popular belief New Yorkers are LESS likely than other people to do this. We tend to be direct and in a hurry, but not up front rude.  There are as many of us living in one square block here as would be living in a couple of square miles elsewhere.  If you can't figure out how to get along with your neighbors you are doomed.

Yes 100 percent.

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I am new to this thread.  Don't know why I never noticed it before.  I like to be a bit of a curmudgeon as much as the next person.  My pet peeve is supermarket lines, as long as we're talking about food shopping. 

For one thing, I hate having chosen the wrong line.  I just hate slow lines.

My favorite supermarket is currently closed as it was taken over by another chain, and it's being renovated. They had great line management.  You never had to wait long.  I dread what may be coming.

Since we have no local market, I decided to go to Walmart, in another town, as I had to return something there.  The prices are very cheap.  But the payment is the lines!!  You can never pick the right line.  Please don't ask me about the time I was on line with the one-armed cashier (cue the one-armed paper-hanger joke).  I'm a disability rights attorney, and I still think that was not the best job for him. 

Walmart still has those ridiculous bag carousels.  We have a plastic bag ban in New York State now, so no one is using those small paper bags they have on the carousel.  They don't want to pay 5 cents each.  Everyone brings their own large bags.  So here's what happens:  instead of having one of those conveyor belts and a large catchment area like other markets where the cashier passes everything down and you can quickly fill your reusable bags, they have the cashier hand each item to  you or place it on the small center flat area of the carousel.  This is very slow and also probably an ergonomic nightmare for the cashiers. 

Walmart, get rid of those carousels!!!

Edited by GussieK
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9 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Pricing of bookstores. I love just going into a Barnes & Noble and looking for a new book to read, but books are so much more expensive there than they are on Amazon and whatnot. 


Amazon discounts books because they can afford to do so and have their own contracts worked out with the different publishers.  They don't discount every print book they offer.  They also don't have to rely upon the profits to pay rent, utilities, staff, etc.  Amazon can only discount books up to 40% without taking a loss.  It's up to you if saving 4 bucks is worth it.

My book pet peeve is the pricing of ebooks.  There is no rhyme or reason to how publishers decide how much to charge.  You would expect all the books in a series to be priced the same, but not always.  The price usually goes down as a book ages from new release hardcover to trade paperback to mass-market paperback, but again not always.  Normally the ebook is priced lower than the print book but some books are more expensive as ebooks than print.  

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16 hours ago, ebk57 said:

Not if it's bundled with the cable and the cable goes out.  Which annoys me no end.  We kept the land line for just this situation - if the power is out, or the cell service drops - but that isn't the case anymore.  Still, we're keeping the landline since family/friends have the number, even though we use the cell phones more than 90% of the time. 

When my power goes out, so does my landline, electricity and t.v.  I still have my cell phone to receive or make calls.  I’ll never forget the time years back, my electricity was out for three days.  I was reading 50 Shades of Grey by Candle light.  10 candles a night.  I couldn’t stop reading, lol.  Now I’m wondering what was so great about the stories.  Ridiculous.  I can’t even watch the movie anymore.  So far fetched.

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3 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

One of my greatest feelings of loss from the pandemic is the way my food shopping habits have changed, of necessity.  Food shopping is  one of my great  pleasures in life and I love taking my time doing it. At least, I did. Now, I rush through things and get freaked out if others stand too close to me for too long, which of course I never much cared about before.   What  pleasure can I take from standing in a Balkan grocery and NOT looking at the fourteen kinds of feta or olives or pasterma, etc. for a good long while?  Or a South Asian grocery or a halal butcher or whatever?  These kinds of leisurely shopping are half the point of living in New York.



I’m just wondering if after the second shot and waiting the two weeks after, will we be safe to shop and go to restaurants with a mask?  I miss Kohl’s and going to the diner for breakfast.  My daughter is mad at us as we didn’t go to her house for Easter.  Six kids there weren’t vaccinated.  2 from college and the rest in regular school.  I’m mad because she’s mad.  Nobody is giving in.  I told her previously that Dad and I have had many health issues and don’t want to go to hospitals anymore.  We didn’t want to take chances.  I read Easter morning that Long Island was getting worse with the Covid.  It’s where we all live.  Was I wrong?

Edited by Silver Bells
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12 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

My daughter is mad at us as we didn’t go to her house for Easter.  Six kids there weren’t vaccinated.  2 from college and the rest in regular school.  I’m mad because she’s mad.  Nobody is giving in.  I told her previously that Dad and I have had many health issues and don’t want to go to hospitals anymore.  We didn’t want to take chances.  I read Easter morning that Long Island was getting worse with the Covid.  It’s where we all live.  Was I wrong?

You're not wrong.  I haven't seen my son and his family since before Christmas and even then it was a socially distant visit.  My 3 yr old granddaughter "hugs" me by folding her arms across her chest and hugging herself.  It's adorable but it's not the same as cuddling with her!  But we're all following the guidance that's out there and we're not going to stop now just when hopefully there is a light at the end of this tunnel.  Like you though right now Ontario is having a resurgence - a third wave so they are saying - and this time most of the people ending up in ICUs are younger people.  If your daughter isn't worried about you she might want to spare some concern for herself and her kids.

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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1 hour ago, GussieK said:

I am new to this thread.  Don't know why I never noticed it before.  I like to be a bit of a curmudgeon as much as the next person.  My pet peeve is supermarket lines, as long as we're talking about food shopping. 

For one thing, I hate having chosen the wrong line.  I just hate slow lines.

My favorite supermarket is currently closed as it was taken over by another chain, and it's being renovated. They had great line management.  You never had to wait long.  I dread what may be coming.

Since we have no local market, I decided to go to Walmart, in another town, as I had to return something there.  The prices are very cheap.  But the payment is the lines!!  You can never pick the right line.  Please don't ask me about the time I was on line with the one-armed cashier (cue the one-armed paper-hanger joke).  I'm a disability rights attorney, and I still think that was not the best job for him. 

Walmart still has those ridiculous bag carousels.  We have a plastic bag ban in New York State now, so no one is using those small paper bags they have on the carousel.  They don't want to pay 5 cents each.  Everyone brings their own large bags.  So here's what happens:  instead of having one of those conveyor belts and a large catchment area like other markets where the cashier passes everything down and you can quickly fill your reusable bags, they have the cashier hand each item to  you or place it on the small center flat area of the carousel.  This is very slow and also probably an ergonomic nightmare for the cashiers. 

Walmart, get rid of those carousels!!!

And how about employees that don’t know where anything is?  Target costs more, but their employees are very helpful.  And then, Walmart is cheaper on everything.  I just bought a swing for my patio.  $469.00 in Amazon, and $279.00 in Walmart with free shipping.  Same exact swing.

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4 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

You're not wrong.  I haven't seen my son and his family since before Christmas and even then it was a socially distant visit.  My 3 yr old granddaughter "hugs" me by folding her arms across her chest and hugging herself.  It's adorable but it's not the same as cuddling with her!  But we're all following the guidance that's out there and we're not going to stop now just when hopefully there is a light at the end of this tunnel.  Like you though right now Ontario is having a resurgence - a third wave so they are saying - and this time most of the people ending up in ICUs are younger people.  If your daughter isn't worried about you she might want to spare some concern for herself and her kids.

Thank you.  I feel better.  They just don’t realize what people our age go through between everything.

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2 hours ago, GussieK said:

  So here's what happens:  instead of having one of those conveyor belts and a large catchment area like other markets where the cashier passes everything down and you can quickly fill your reusable bags, they have the cashier hand each item to  you or place it on the small center flat area of the carousel.  This is very slow and also probably an ergonomic nightmare for the cashiers. 

Is this the way they always do it or is it because of the pandemic?  Here grocery stores won't let the cashiers put groceries into the customer's reusable bags so you either pay for the plastic bags (and honestly it's not the trivial cost that is the issue for me here) or you fill your own bags yourself.  Which is fine in stores where they have space for you to do that but last night we brought reusable bags and then were expected to fill them using the shopping cart as the "landing zone".  Which for us was not a big deal as we had not bought much so I unloaded quickly at one end and then passed the cart down to my husband so he could bag the groceries.  But what a ridiculous waste of time if you happened to buy a full cart of groceries then had to wait until you decanted the whole order before you could start bagging.  It's been over a year - surely they could have come up with a better solution by now!

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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38 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Is this the way they always do it or is it because of the pandemic?  Here grocery stores won't let the cashiers put groceries into the customer's reusable bags so you either pay for the plastic bags (and honestly it's not the trivial cost that is the issue for me here) or you fill your own bags yourself.  Which is fine in stores where they have space for you to do that but last night we brought reusable bags and then were expected to fill them using the shopping cart as the "landing zone".  Which for us was not a big deal as we had not bought much so I unloaded quickly at one end and then passed the cart down to my husband so he could bag the groceries.  But what a ridiculous waste of time if you happened to buy a full cart of groceries then had to wait until you decanted the whole order before you could start bagging.  It's been over a year - surely they could have come up with a better solution by now!

Winnie, this is how they always did it--nothing to do with the pandemic.  They used to string the plastic bags on the carousel and fill them and turn the carousel so you would unload them into your cart.  I have never seen this in any other store.   Even if they are not permitting you to put your bags on the landing zone, it's still easier for you to dump everything into the cart than it is with this carousel.  I wonder if I can Google photos of this carousel.  It's at every Walmart.



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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Amazon discounts books because they can afford to do so and have their own contracts worked out with the different publishers.  They don't discount every print book they offer.  They also don't have to rely upon the profits to pay rent, utilities, staff, etc.  Amazon can only discount books up to 40% without taking a loss.  It's up to you if saving 4 bucks is worth it.

My book pet peeve is the pricing of ebooks.  There is no rhyme or reason to how publishers decide how much to charge.  You would expect all the books in a series to be priced the same, but not always.  The price usually goes down as a book ages from new release hardcover to trade paperback to mass-market paperback, but again not always.  Normally the ebook is priced lower than the print book but some books are more expensive as ebooks than print.  

I know how Amazon basically works. 

The price difference I’ve noticed is a whole lot more than 4 bucks though. Last time I was there, there were two books literally half the price online. I remember one of them was $26.99 at Barnes, and it was about $13.50 on Amazon. If you’re an avid reader who prefers hardcover, those differences add up to a lot of money through the course of a year. Books are not all $10. Most of the ones I see are not, and some of us do see discounts even more than 40 percent sometimes. I think the average person would much rather purchase a book in store if the difference were minimal. I am not the type to buy clothing and everything else from Amazon. As a gal who loves to shop, it breaks my hurt how Amazon is killing malls/retail. I do online shop when what I want is unavailable at a local store or I save much more. The last time I was in Barnes and comparison shopped, there was a total of about $30 in savings buying from Amazon for just two books. I’m not judging anyone for opting to shop Amazon to save a few bucks nor pretending there aren’t major issues with Amazon, but the reality of my experience is it saves me significant amount of money at times. 

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3 hours ago, GussieK said:

Walmart, get rid of those carousels!!!

Indeed.  They are long since past useful, at least in my state anyway.  

1 hour ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Is this the way they always do it or is it because of the pandemic?  Here grocery stores won't let the cashiers put groceries into the customer's reusable bags so you either pay for the plastic bags (and honestly it's not the trivial cost that is the issue for me here) or you fill your own bags yourself. 

Plastic bags have been banned in our state so we are required to use our own or pay for paper bags.  Prior to the plastic being banned, cashiers couldn't fill our reusable bags but that has changed since the ban, for the most part.  

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34 minutes ago, Callietwo said:

Indeed.  They are long since past useful, at least in my state anyway.  

Plastic bags have been banned in our state so we are required to use our own or pay for paper bags.  Prior to the plastic being banned, cashiers couldn't fill our reusable bags but that has changed since the ban, for the most part.  

To beat a dead horse on this topic, as I wasn't sure if I was clear earlier, Walmart actually has the paper bags on the carousel now, but no one is using them. 

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2 minutes ago, GussieK said:

To beat a dead horse on this topic, as I wasn't sure if I was clear earlier, Walmart actually has the paper bags on the carousel now, but no one is using them. 

Same.  No one wants to pay the 10 cents per bag for them.  The carousels aren't really conducive to using paper bags either though so they've outlived their usefulness entirely.  

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6 minutes ago, Callietwo said:

Same.  No one wants to pay the 10 cents per bag for them.  The carousels aren't really conducive to using paper bags either though so they've outlived their usefulness entirely.  

Ten cents, wow!  What state is that?  NY has only five cents.

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2 minutes ago, GussieK said:

Ten cents, wow!  What state is that?  NY has only five cents.

Vermont.  But I think each store can set their own prices as long as it meets a minimum standard, as I've seen it less at others.  

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5 hours ago, GussieK said:

You never had to wait long.  I dread what may be coming.

If it's anything like my local grocery which was purchased by a larger, regional brand, what's coming is more self-check lanes, and fewer humans to operate the others.  I can't help but notice that the prices haven't dropped to reflect their lower direct labor costs, as we all know it's quite the opposite.  Progress.  Bah!

I've grown to despise our once well-run grocery that kept customer service as a high priority.  

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2 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

If it's anything like my local grocery which was purchased by a larger, regional brand, what's coming is more self-check lanes, and fewer humans to operate the others.  I can't help but notice that the prices haven't dropped to reflect their lower direct labor costs, as we all know it's quite the opposite.  Progress.  Bah!

I've grown to despise our once well-run grocery that kept customer service as a high priority.  

Self-check lanes--another pet peeve! 

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7 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

What  pleasure can I take from standing in a Balkan grocery and NOT looking at the fourteen kinds of feta or olives or pasterma, etc. for a good long while?  Or a South Asian grocery or a halal butcher or whatever?  These kinds of leisurely shopping are half the point of living in New York.

My peeve wasn't about that kind of shopping - that would be quite hypocritical, given the time I can spend perusing the nut bins and cheese, deli, and butcher counters at my local market - but about people who (routinely; as I said, everyone gets lost in thought sometimes) do not maintain situational awareness so that their contemplation does not unreasonably affect other customers.

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4 hours ago, GussieK said:

Self-check lanes--another pet peeve! 

I prefer them when I am running in to get 2 items or when I'm not in the mood to chat.  I always get the super chatty cashier when I'm picking up ice cream and tampons.   

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13 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I prefer them when I am running in to get 2 items or when I'm not in the mood to chat.  I always get the super chatty cashier when I'm picking up ice cream and tampons.   

I would agree, but they never work that well. 

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I usually have my own bags with me unless I miscalculate the amount/size of my shopping and need an extra.

I'm perfectly happy to pay for the paper bag but why don't they have handles?

Edited by supposebly
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17 hours ago, GussieK said:

Self-check lanes--another pet peeve! 

On the new grocery stores popping up .. “Lidl” ?  Won’t go there .. liked my old other store better.  Here in N.Y.  we have Shop Rite and Stop n Shop.  The two from another country have totally different brands I’ve never heard of.

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32 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

On the new grocery stores popping up .. “Lidl” ?  Won’t go there .. liked my old other store better.  Here in N.Y.  we have Shop Rite and Stop n Shop.  The two from another country have totally different brands I’ve never heard of.

Yes, it's Lidl!  How did you guess?  This is on Long Island.  They took over our wonderful local Best Market chain.  The one in our town didn't open yet, but I checked out another one.  It's got only store brands on some things.  Just weird.  I can go to Stop and Shop or King Kullen, but I have to drive farther.  

32 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Weird. Here, where I live, I only have to pay for the plastic (if I've misjudged and didn't bring enough reusable bags), but the paper  bags are free.

NY has a total plastic bag ban.  No option to pay for them.  And you have to pay for the paper.  

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Weird. Here, where I live, I only have to pay for the plastic (if I've misjudged and didn't bring enough reusable bags), but the paper  bags are free.

Same here.  With the pandemic there were a few months where you couldn't bring reusable bags and they put a hold on charging for the plastic since you didn't have a choice.  Now they are back to charging 5 cents for the plastic but the paper bags are free - where they're available.  I expect all stores will have them eventually but we're not at that point yet.  I will take the paper if I can but I notice most people coming out of the stores I frequent are still opting for plastic.  Only way they will disappear from daily use is when they stop being offered.

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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36 minutes ago, GussieK said:

Yes, it's Lidl!  How did you guess?  This is on Long Island.  They took over our wonderful local Best Market chain.  The one in our town didn't open yet, but I checked out another one.  It's got only store brands on some things.  Just weird.  I can go to Stop and Shop or King Kullen, but I have to drive farther.  

Hi neighbor.  Long Island also.  I had Best Market on my corner.  I knew the fish guy by name and every few weeks, he made me stuffed flounder rolled up with the stuffing inside.  I just popped it in the toaster oven.  One day I went there and it was closed up.  I’m so pissed because I can’t get their stuffing anywhere else.  I also like KingKullen, but we have to go to Wading River.  Anything good changes.  Do you go to Guiseppis?  Expensive, but very good.

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Today's peeve:  I just realized I really need a new set of sheets (I only had two for our bed and when I changed the sheets yesterday I noticed the bottom sheet of one is fraying) but we're in lockdown and most stores are closed.  I could order from Amazon or Walmart I guess but I feel like I've already given them more than enough of my business in the past year to last a lifetime!

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16 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Today's peeve:  I just realized I really need a new set of sheets (I only had two for our bed and when I changed the sheets yesterday I noticed the bottom sheet of one is fraying) but we're in lockdown and most stores are closed.  I could order from Amazon or Walmart I guess but I feel like I've already given them more than enough of my business in the past year to last a lifetime!

I just ordered a new pair of sheets last month.  There are too many options and get pricy real quick.  Googling best sheets gets you articles extolling the virtues of some of the most expensive sheet sets.  I thought about splurging, but I have 4 pillows for a full bed and I always have to buy extra pillowcases.  I ended up getting a set from JC Penney plus the extra pillowcases and shipping for $80.  

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51 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

Hi neighbor.  Long Island also.  I had Best Market on my corner.  I knew the fish guy by name and every few weeks, he made me stuffed flounder rolled up with the stuffing inside.  I just popped it in the toaster oven.  One day I went there and it was closed up.  I’m so pissed because I can’t get their stuffing anywhere else.  I also like KingKullen, but we have to go to Wading River.  Anything good changes.  Do you go to Guiseppis?  Expensive, but very good.

Ah, you must be in Shirley. I’m near Westhampton.  Join the Best Market mourners club.  I checked out the Lidl in Center Moriches a couple of weeks ago. We knew the change was coming from two years ago, but it was delayed because of the pandemic. I wish I’d known about that flounder mix. Sounds delish. We we crazy about their prepared foods. Salsa , guacamole, chicken salads, and other prepared salads. Totally homemade.  We really miss these. There was also a Riverhead store. Since we go to Riverhead a lot we could also get the prepared foods there. That store turned into a Fine Fare. My Walmart adventure was in Riverhead. I don’t know Guiseppis.  There is no small talk topic but this is still a (very localized) pet peeve. 

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2 hours ago, GussieK said:

NY has a total plastic bag ban.  No option to pay for them.  And you have to pay for the paper. 

My grocery store charges .05 a bag but they donate the money to the local Food Banks, I'm fine with that. 

My grocery store also recently got self-checkout lanes (credit only) and I was wary at first since my experiences at other locations that weren't all that great. Thankfully so far it's been wonderful, they have someone close by to scan heavy items or to help if you have a glitch. The computer system works well, if you forgot to weigh your produce* prior to check out you can either look it up by code or by name. 

*My pet peeve when grocery shopping is people who refuse to weigh their produce prior to checking out, forcing the cashier to take the time to weigh every item and holding up the line. I don't mean one or two produce items, I'm referring to the lady ahead of me last week who had at least 10 different produce items from raw garlic to green onions to grapefruits that she did not weigh. I realize it's the cashier's job but really? You couldn't weigh a few of them to make it go quicker?? 

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3 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

My grocery store charges .05 a bag but they donate the money to the local Food Banks, I'm fine with that. 

My grocery store also recently got self-checkout lanes (credit only) and I was wary at first since my experiences at other locations that weren't all that great. Thankfully so far it's been wonderful, they have someone close by to scan heavy items or to help if you have a glitch. The computer system works well, if you forgot to weigh your produce* prior to check out you can either look it up by code or by name. 

*My pet peeve when grocery shopping is people who refuse to weigh their produce prior to checking out, forcing the cashier to take the time to weigh every item and holding up the line. I don't mean one or two produce items, I'm referring to the lady ahead of me last week who had at least 10 different produce items from raw garlic to green onions to grapefruits that she did not weigh. I realize it's the cashier's job but really? You couldn't weigh a few of them to make it go quicker?? 

I have never seen a store where you were allowed to weigh your own produce and put prices on. Where is this?  What state country and/or company?  I would love that. 

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@GussieK, upstate NY, but the store, Wegmans, is in NY, PA, MA, NJ, VA & NC, and I believe all of them allow you to weigh your own produce. It's not only a timesaver at check out, I know that the correct item is priced as sometimes the young cashiers can't tell the difference between lettuce and cabbage, or Gala Apples v. Honeycrisp. Most produce these days have small sticker on them but they are hard to read! 

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5 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

@GussieK, upstate NY, but the store, Wegmans, is in NY, PA, MA, NJ, VA & NC, and I believe all of them allow you to weigh your own produce. It's not only a timesaver at check out, I know that the correct item is priced as sometimes the young cashiers can't tell the difference between lettuce and cabbage, or Gala Apples v. Honeycrisp. Most produce these days have small sticker on them but they are hard to read! 

Wow!  Wegmans does not have much of a presence in the NYC metro area.  They opened a store in Brooklyn recently to much fanfare.  I know people love Wegmans!

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Wegman's is like the Aladdin's Cave of grocery stores (also, every time someone says it, an angel gets their wings). It peeves me that the closest are both 2 hours away. At that distance, I might as well drive the extra 3 hours to Rochester and know I'll be at a real Wegman's. I have no idea whether the ones outside of Western New York are the same as the originals.

ETA: Now craving sponge candy

Edited by ABay
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Today's new pet peeve (I got a million of 'em 🙂 ) is "whataboutism".  It's all over my FB today.  I think people are just feeling stressed and fed up right now and I certainly can understand that but when you start your comment with "I don't agree with racism (well gee really?  you don't?  that's good) but what about...." you have officially stopped being someone I want to talk to.

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1 hour ago, GussieK said:

I have never seen a store where you were allowed to weigh your own produce and put prices on. Where is this?  What state country and/or company?  I would love that. 

I was going to say... no store I've ever shopped has you weigh in advance, it's not even an option.  

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