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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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The call spammers are coming in hot in the new year. I have gotten 10(!!!) spam calls in the past 6.5 days. I was down to maybe one every three days last year. And yes, my number is on the Do Not Call list. What a load of BS that is.

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Just now, bilgistic said:

The call spammers are coming in hot in the new year. I have gotten 10(!!!) spam calls in the past 6.5 days. I was down to maybe one every three days last year. And yes, my number is on the Do Not Call list. What a load of BS that is.

Does the Do Not Call list have an expiry date? 

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There have been times when I've had to park wonky because of how the other cars are parked, and then they leave and others arrive and the configuration changes and I'm the one who looks like the asshole.

Probably payback for being childfree and I can't remember anyone ever hassling me over it, or even really even asking.  I know it happens, but not to me, and I kind of wonder why. 

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38 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Does the Do Not Call list have an expiry date? 

I think it's five years. I just went to check my registration and am waiting on the verification email.

ETA: The DNC list works only for companies that adhere to it. These spammers that are spoofing numbers and using recorded messages are already breaking the law, so I doubt they are concerned with who is on the DNC list.

Edited by bilgistic
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I posted before about websites for women's clothing and the weird sizing.  I keep seeing ads for a site called Rotita, and they had some cute sweatshirts/sweaters.  I did some checking, and found that the clothes are made in China, and tons of people have complained that they never got the items they were charged for, that the clothing looks a lot different than what is shown on the site, and that there is no way to contact customer service.  

But the most interesting was that customers revealed that they were offered a discount in exchange for leaving a positive review on the website.  

SO - beware of this company, they have scammed a lot of people. 

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I may have posted this before so I apologize if I'm being redundant but I hate, hate, hate stupid internet lists of "shit women in their [age range] need to stop wearing/doing/owning"! I saw one the other day that said women in their 40s (me!) need to ditch claw-style hair clips! Hair clips!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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14 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I may have posted this before so I apologize if I'm being redundant but I hate, hate, hate stupid internet lists of "shit women in their [age range] need to stop wearing/doing/owning"! I saw one the other day that said women in their 40s (me!) need to ditch claw-style hair clips! Hair clips!

I hate that, too.  I will keep my hair long and wear it in a pony tail until I no longer want to!!!!  

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

I think it's five years. I just went to check my registration and am waiting on the verification email.

ETA: The DNC list works only for companies that adhere to it. These spammers that are spoofing numbers and using recorded messages are already breaking the law, so I doubt they are concerned with who is on the DNC list.

Quoting myself to say that I got the email confirmation and it said I registered my number in 2003(!!).The FTC site says the registration never expires. They have sued hundreds of spamming companies, but...


Current technology makes it easy for scammers to fake or “spoof” caller ID information, so the number [one reports in a complaint] probably isn’t real.  Without more information, it’s difficult for the FTC and other law enforcement agencies to identify the actual caller. Nonetheless, the FTC analyzes complaint data and trends to identify illegal callers based on calling patterns. The agency also is pursuing a variety of technology-based solutions to combat illegal calls and practices.

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I was behind someone at the store today who hit the trifecta of things that annoy me about people in the grocery check out line:

1) Started unloading and then went shopping for forgotten items (three of them)

2) Held up one of those items as not having a price tag. Because that candle it was a necessity, and off went the bagger to get the price.

3) Went through the line several down from the one that has the cigarettes and bought cigarettes.  There goes the cashier.

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There are a few things on that list that I think no one should wear, but it's just my opinion, and there are plenty of women who wear them regardless of my opinion. I'm not giving up my leather bomber jacket or my teddy bear. The jacket is still in good condition and doesn't really look rebellious, but does give off a certain style that I like. And my husband gave me the bear for our first Christmas as boyfriend/girlfriend. All my other stuffed animals I gave to my son, but that one is mine.

I'd also wear leggings with tunic shirts if my butt looked good enough.

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That list was so stupid!  Shouldn't everyone throw out dead plants, worn-out shoes, expired sunscreen, etc?  Why is that just for women over 40? 

I don't have most things on that list, but that's because I don't like them, not because I'm a woman in my 40s. 

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21 minutes ago, Bastet said:

That list was so stupid!  Shouldn't everyone throw out dead plants, worn-out shoes, expired sunscreen, etc?  Why is that just for women over 40? 

I don't have most things on that list, but that's because I don't like them, not because I'm a woman in my 40s. 

I'm a woman in my sixties with only one cataract surgeried eye.   The other one can still somewhat focus on fine details, around those other cataracts!  But I have zero patience and even less desire to read some fucking lame list.

Thanks for doing it for me & reporting back.  I'll just be here in my corner, feeding critters & trying to maintain a pulse.

(Sporting looong fine baby-silk hair because I can't afford SuperCuts, even with a coupon, and they can't do anything with my hair, anyways!).


ETA - pet peeve are lists & quizzes.

Edited by walnutqueen
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Even if I didn't use the hair clips for their intended purpose, I would still own them because I use them to keep coiled cords neat (in fact, I did that to my blender cord just now! Keeps the countertop looking neater). I guess I am double-bad to the listmakers! And here's a good one:



The tiniest diamond is miles better than the biggest cubic zirconia.

Well, OK then, fancy-pantses--and who the hell gives a shit?! Also a bulletin board is verboten--I laughed out loud at that one! WTF?

Also, the writers should proofread their "work":


50 Things No Woman Over 40 Should Own


So I should be sleeping on a bare mattress, then?!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Oh, I forgot baout the cubic zirconia. My engagement ring is one because that's what he (we) could afford. Why would I want to change it now? I could, although I'd rather save the money for something useful, but then it wouldn't be my engagement ring. It would just be a ring that I would have to worry about.

Also, they sell sunscreen in such huge containers that there is no way I can use it all before it expires. I know they say to use ot all year, but no skin is exposed outdoors in winter.

And I'll wear whatever perfume I like/can afford/get as a free sample.

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3 minutes ago, auntlada said:


Also, they sell sunscreen in such huge containers that there is no way I can use it all before it expires. I know they say to use ot all year, but no skin is exposed outdoors in winter.


Your face is.  Your hands and neck (if you're not wearing a turtleneck) are.  

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18 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I'll just be here in my corner, feeding critters & trying to maintain a pulse.

Thank you for that laugh! (I hope you intended it to be sarcastic!) I'm 43, and a pulse and keeping the cats happy and fed are all I can manage right now.

That list is bullshit.

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8 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Thank you for that laugh! (I hope you intended it to be sarcastic!) I'm 43, and a pulse and keeping the cats happy and fed are all I can manage right now.

That list is bullshit.

Yes!  I am constantly sarcastic, but another one of my many pet peeves is emoticon emojie thingys.  So I must rely on words, words, words to communicate ...  sometimes successfully.

Maintaining a pulse just so you can feed the critters is a noble goal, no matter what your age.

Edited by walnutqueen
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37 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Your face is.  Your hands and neck (if you're not wearing a turtleneck) are.  

My makeup has sunscreen, and I tend to wear turtlenecks a lot -- or scarves -- and gloves and hats. We have a lot of wind here, and I get cold easily.

If I used regular sunscreen on my face, nothing would cover the breakouts. 

Edited by auntlada
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1 minute ago, theredhead77 said:

They will have to pry my Uggs off my cold, dead feet. After learning how they're made I won't buy another pair but no way they're going away until they are no longer wearable.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Same here. I have 2 pairs. One for around the house and one to go out in. My feet are spoiled. 

What did you mean by the comment about how they are made? Please don't tell me I'll have to give them up because of animal cruelty, but I would. 

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Ding. Ding. Ding. Same here. I have 2 pairs. One for around the house and one to go out in. My feet are spoiled. 

What did you mean by the comment about how they are made? Please don't tell me I'll have to give them up because of animal cruelty, but I would. 

I won't tell you but I suggest you don't look if you want to keep buying them.

I suppose this brings me to another pet peeve. I don't think my "social justice warrior" choices are doing anything but making me feel better. Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby and Uggs aren't going to miss the money I'm not spending with their business but I'm still not going to spend it. I'm also not going to destroy things I already paid for (Uggs, my DVD of The Usual Suspects, etc...) because something I'm against happened.

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What a judgmental list.  I'll give them the stolen hotel slippers, because probably nobody should own anything stolen.  But, I can have stuffed animals, and ponytail my hair with scrunchies, and I just bought a sorority sweatshirt and my reunion and I wear it so there!!!!!  I was already in a bad mood and that list just made it worse.

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I deliberately bought a pair of $20 fake Uggs once. I personally don't like the look of them (no offense meant) but I wanted them for just putting on fast to run out to get the mail or take out the garbage. I referred to them as "the winter flip-flop."

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I don't have any Uggs, and I refuse to read lists like the one linked above because my first reaction to someone telling me that because I am a certain age, I must/must not have certain things is to to tell that person to go fuck themselves. I also have long, fine hair that tangles at the slightest provocation and so I frequently put it in a pony tail or use a hair clip to keep it from turning into a giant rat's nest. It looks horrible when cut short, so it's going to stay long until i no longer have the ability to brush and comb the tangles out of it. And I especially loathe the lists that focus on what clothes you should or should not wear. It is nobody's business what the hell kind of clothes I wear, unless you mean clothes for working in an office. Since I work from home and have to go into the office for a token meeting maybe once a year, I don't need to consider my professional appearance other than to ensure that I have some work-appropriate clothes for the token meeting, and a couple of outfits that would be appropriate for weddings, funerals, and so forth. I remember watching that horrid show What Not to Wear once for about 20 minutes, and realizing that I would have told those two fashion consultants to go to hell if they thought they were going to convince me to throw away the stuff currently in my closet just so I could get a free gift card to purchase the crap they were suggesting. With the freaking online lists, I don't follow the logic of clothing item A being perfectly fine if you are 39 but verboten if you are 40. How about if people focus a little less on appearances and more on substance? FWIW, I wear what I want to, wear my hair the way I want to, and virtually never use makeup.  People generally take me for about 10-15 years younger than I actually am, because of an accident of genes. So, the bottom line here is that I'm not going to wear clothes that might be deemed more age appropriate, if by age appropriate you mean old lady clothes, because I have zero interest in looking like an old lady.

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33 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

That tells me enough to know that these are my last pairs. 

Sorry! :(


7 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I deliberately bought a pair of $20 fake Uggs once. I personally don't like the look of them (no offense meant) but I wanted them for just putting on fast to run out to get the mail or take out the garbage. I referred to them as "the winter flip-flop."

Before I moved mine saw the most use at the beach. They were designed for surfers and are by far the best bonfire shoes. They are seriously the winter flip-flop and now that I live in the frozen tundra I wear them if I'm running errands or taking out the trash.

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Fleas are my peeve right now. The dog is now on a flea/tick/heartworm treatment so the fleas have moved on to me, apparently. My torso looks like a war zone (they are evidently not eating my legs alive because I put lavender oil on my feet at night and they hate the smell of that) and I'm hitting the store tomorrow to buy flea spray that I can use on furniture and carpet. I've washed everything I wear and sleep on in hot water and even put the pillows in the dryer on high heat, but it hasn't worked so far. Nasty little biting bastards.

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1 hour ago, emma675 said:

Fleas are my peeve right now. The dog is now on a flea/tick/heartworm treatment so the fleas have moved on to me, apparently. My torso looks like a war zone (they are evidently not eating my legs alive because I put lavender oil on my feet at night and they hate the smell of that) and I'm hitting the store tomorrow to buy flea spray that I can use on furniture and carpet. I've washed everything I wear and sleep on in hot water and even put the pillows in the dryer on high heat, but it hasn't worked so far. Nasty little biting bastards.

Damn!   A few weeks ago I was bothered by some kind of bug bites on my ankles - Itched like CRAZY, and it was both ankles, and no where else.  I couldn't tell if I was getting the bites at home or at work, but eventually they stopped.   I still have a purple mark on one ankle, from scratching too hard. 

Thanks for the tip about lavender oil. 

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9 hours ago, emma675 said:

Fleas are my peeve right now. The dog is now on a flea/tick/heartworm treatment so the fleas have moved on to me, apparently. My torso looks like a war zone (they are evidently not eating my legs alive because I put lavender oil on my feet at night and they hate the smell of that) and I'm hitting the store tomorrow to buy flea spray that I can use on furniture and carpet. I've washed everything I wear and sleep on in hot water and even put the pillows in the dryer on high heat, but it hasn't worked so far. Nasty little biting bastards.

OMG.  In the south, we can get fleas inside, even when there are no pets inside the house. It seems they live in the sand or grass and come in on your shoes or pants when you walk inside.  We have had to treat the yard and surroundings of the house, in conjunction with the house and it's contents.  It's one of my BIGGEST peeves, because I am allergic to flea bites. The only indoor treatment that really works WELL is called KNOCK OUT spray.  It's only sold in vet offices or online. It's a little pricey, but worth it.  I prefer natural treatments, but, sometimes, if it's serious, you have to take serious measures.  

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30 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

@walnutqueen would end our friendship if I bought a pair of raccoon boots!!  Wow. Guess no brand is safe from being cruel. End of an era for me. 

You are too kind (and too trusting), my friend.  Everyone knows I'd have to hunt you down & shoot you for a raccoon violation!   ;-D

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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

OMG.  In the south, we can get fleas inside, even when there are no pets inside the house. It seems they live in the sand or grass and come in on your shoes or pants when you walk inside.  We have had to treat the yard and surroundings of the house, in conjunction with the house and it's contents.  It's one of my BIGGEST peeves, because I am allergic to flea bites. The only indoor treatment that really works WELL is called KNOCK OUT spray.  It's only sold in vet offices or online. It's a little pricey, but worth it.  I prefer natural treatments, but, sometimes, if it's serious, you have to take serious measures.  

Ooohh, this made my legs itch just reading it. Our cats git fleas one year and they love me, never went near my hubby. It got so bad I starting keeping a can of OFF! next to the bed to spray my legs every morning before I got out of bed.

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Until I fell in July 2015 getting on the trolley and messed up my foot, I could wear any shoes, so I always bought non-leather because I'm a vegetarian and try to be very conscious about the products I use. I have since bought three pairs of leather shoes (two pairs of fisherman-style sandals and one pair of biker boots) with a very heavy heart, because they were made well (and expensive). Of course, my cats are meat eaters!

It took my foot two years to heal, so I may be able to wear cheap, synthetic-material shoes again, but I'm scared to. I need good support.

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On 6/17/2016 at 0:15 PM, Bastet said:

I was recently going around the dial in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep, and came across some show about the people who ticket, clamp, tow, etc.  (Google tells me it's called Parking Wars.) Oh my.  I didn't watch very much before the next half hour came around and something better was on, but based on that, I'm not surprised by what you saw.

Parking Wars:  My dh & I watch this.

 I read somewhere online that these shows are

reenactments because really, how many times can the person who's car is being ticketed/towed/booted just happen to come running out of where ever they were ? I love the people in the Philly impound lot trying to blame everyone but themselves because their car was towed due to unpaid tickets, etc.

One women actually said that she gets a ticket everyday and admits to parking in the same "No Parking" zone.

I wish there was a thread for this show.

Edited by stillhere1900
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The list of what not to wear reminds me of the Sex and the City scrunchie episode. I happen to really like some furry scrunchies I own, as well as some plain ones. I do wear the furry ones out- to Manhattan two weeks ago. I wear the other ones to bed often. They keep my hair off my ready-for-bed, moisturized face without pulling my hair out of my head. 

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5 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Be careful where you get your Fake Uggs from, also (articles are not for the squeamish, putting it in spoilers):

Mine appeared to be made of cotton balls and bathmat, so my conscience is clean (mostly; they probably were made in some hellhole of a factory).

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I realize I do little but complain about people and their phones, but I ran across this short essay in the New Yorker, called "Before the Internet." 


It really struck a chord for me.  And the illustration kind of says it all.  I can't draw for shit, and I'm not clever enough to craft a fake FBI card, but when I was a teenager, I did once devote an afternoon teaching myself finger spelling in sign language when I was bored and ran across the diagram while idly thumbing through a dictionary.  And call me crazy, but what's so wrong with not being able to settle, right then and there, whether something is a cat's eye or an opal?  Is it so wrong to have a little mystery in our lives?

And just the other day, I read a thing by a person in her 20s in Portland, Oregon, who gave up her smart phone for a flip phone, and several months later, still thinks it was a good idea.  Aah, here it is:  http://www.wweek.com/culture/2018/01/02/7-months-ago-i-traded-my-smartphone-for-a-brick-phone-heres-what-happened/

(For the record, I read both of these articles in their paper versions.)

Full disclosure: I have a smart phone, but it doesn't come with enough data to actually use so it's a smart phone in format only, which of course is where it truly doesn't excel.  But it's $65, for the phone AND a year of service that includes 1500 minutes and 1500 text messages (i.e., more than I'll ever use), on Verizon.  It's cheaper than a flip phone, and buying the new phone is cheaper than just adding service to the one I have.  So I have it, even though I would much rather open and close the phone to start and end conversations, like the throwback kid in Portland.  I think about kids these days and they'll never have the physical joy of angrily slamming down the phone. 

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I realize I do little but complain about people and their phones, but I ran across this short essay in the New Yorker, called "Before the Internet." 


It really struck a chord for me.  And the illustration kind of says it all.  I can't draw for shit, and I'm not clever enough to craft a fake FBI card, but when I was a teenager, I did once devote an afternoon teaching myself finger spelling in sign language when I was bored and ran across the diagram while idly thumbing through a dictionary.  And call me crazy, but what's so wrong with not being able to settle, right then and there, whether something is a cat's eye or an opal?  Is it so wrong to have a little mystery in our lives?

And just the other day, I read a thing by a person in her 20s in Portland, Oregon, who gave up her smart phone for a flip phone, and several months later, still thinks it was a good idea.  Aah, here it is:  http://www.wweek.com/culture/2018/01/02/7-months-ago-i-traded-my-smartphone-for-a-brick-phone-heres-what-happened/

(For the record, I read both of these articles in their paper versions.)

Full disclosure: I have a smart phone, but it doesn't come with enough data to actually use so it's a smart phone in format only, which of course is where it truly doesn't excel.  But it's $65, for the phone AND a year of service that includes 1500 minutes and 1500 text messages (i.e., more than I'll ever use), on Verizon.  It's cheaper than a flip phone, and buying the new phone is cheaper than just adding service to the one I have.  So I have it, even though I would much rather open and close the phone to start and end conversations, like the throwback kid in Portland.  I think about kids these days and they'll never have the physical joy of angrily slamming down the phone. 

Shutty.  The only reason I even have a corded landline is to talk to my BFF, now that my Dear Old Mum is dead.

People need to reconnect, on something other than social media, texts and smartphones.


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And call me crazy, but what's so wrong with not being able to settle, right then and there, whether something is a cat's eye or an opal?  Is it so wrong to have a little mystery in our lives?

Ok, I am as guilty as anyone for using my phone to quickly (when it cooperates) get me what I need, but I can totally relate to this part! For example, if I see someone on TV whose face I know but can't quite place, don't you dare ask Siri! You let me try to get it--it will come to me (...usually two hours later, prompting me to abruptly yell out, "It's the guy that punched Elliot Stabler!" or something equally random and nonsensical).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Does anybody know how to get rid of Amazon Fresh? I got charged for it on my credit card and I don't remember signing up for it nor do I want it. I was all over the site yesterday and I couldn't find any way to cancel it. A million thanks to anyone who can help.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Does anybody know how to get rid of Amazon Fresh? I got charged for it on my credit card and I don't remember signing up for it nor do I want it. I was all over the site yesterday and I couldn't find any way to cancel it. A million thanks to anyone who can help.

Go to your subscriptions. And if you still can't find it, just email them and tell them. That's what I did--when I learned that it BARELY has anything/lack of varieties. And even though I was within the free trial period, they canceled it.

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On 1/8/2018 at 5:06 PM, stillhere1900 said:

Parking Wars:  My dh & I watch this.

 I read somewhere online that these shows are

reenactments because really, how many times can the person who's car is being ticketed/towed/booted just happen to come running out of where ever they were ? I love the people in the Philly impound lot trying to blame everyone but themselves because their car was towed due to unpaid tickets, etc.

One women actually said that she gets a ticket everyday and admits to parking in the same "No Parking" zone.

My sister and bil watch this and love to ask me all about it because I live in a Philly suburb.  I don't watch it.  I don't park in Philly except on the rare times i go to the city, in which case, I park in a lot/garage.

I've had fuggs in the past and they never seem to last long, so last year, I asked for real Uggs for my birthday.  So far, so good, two winters.  I'll need to get another pair in black this year as my black fuggs just fell apart.

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