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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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On 4/8/2017 at 10:21 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

If given a choice, I'd prefer that men display their respect by agreeing that I deserve equal pay and reproductive freedom. 

I do, but I'll hold the door open for you as well!

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5 minutes ago, ari333 said:

There was  a perv with his head up my dress.

Oh, man. I'm sorry this happened to you. I have to say that if this is going to happen to someone in the future (and it certainly will), please God let it happen when I'm around!

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4 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Oh, man. I'm sorry this happened to you. I have to say that if this is going to happen to someone in the future (and it certainly will), please God let it happen when I'm around!

I know , right? No one seemed upset except the one lady who commented. I mean it's not the end of the world and I was not physically harmed; but shit it was creepy and horrifying.

Edited by ari333
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On 4/8/2017 at 9:21 AM, StatisticalOutlier said:

If given a choice, I'd prefer that men display their respect by agreeing that I deserve equal pay and reproductive freedom. 

See, now I do this (holding a door open), but I don't do it to show respect to women. I just do it to be nice to people. I'll do it for elderly people, small people, female people, people on crutches, people using walkers, people in wheelchairs, people whose hands are full, people who are simply close behind me, or even people who are making ingress or egress while I am going the opposite way.

As for equal pay and reproductive freedom, I don't understand why that's such a hard thing to achieve. Those things should be naturally auto-granted. Of course, I generally try to treat people like the better angels of my nature tell me I would like to be treated. So it follows that I would expect these things to just happen naturally.

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37 minutes ago, ari333 said:

You know how your brain has an immediate reaction to make sense of something before the reality sets in? I felt hot breath on my leg and my brain went to, "Did someone bring a dog in here?"  Then I turned around. There was no dog. There was  a perv with his head up my dress. I had a reflex kicking and screaming reaction and then I screamed. "Security!"

The perv was running off and either hiding or got out the door. The security guard strolled over taking his sweet time and said, "yeah?" as if he did not have any fucks left to give. I told him what happened and he did not seem surprised or even comforting. He mumbled and shrugged, "Sorry" and strolled off.


It's 20/20 hindsight, but too bad you didn't "accidentally" knee or kick the perv in the head.  

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1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

See, now I do this (holding a door open), but I don't do it to show respect to women. I just do it to be nice to people. I'll do it for elderly people, small people, female people, people on crutches, people using walkers, people in wheelchairs, people whose hands are full, people who are simply close behind me, or even people who are making ingress or egress while I am going the opposite way.

But that's it right there--you're not putting a qualifier on the type of female people you hold the door open for, and you don't say you do the same thing for male people.

I'm talking about the case where a man and a woman who don't know each other are entering the same door.  The man is first, and he holds the door open for the woman as he steps aside and allows her to enter before him.  I don't think I've ever seen a man do this for another (able-bodied) man.

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Since we're not supposed to do a 'current event' deal, I'll just make this as general as possible (and let you all do a search engine deal to connect the dots): I very much dislike it when airlines put the convenience of their employees over their passengers' welfare - most emphatically when violence happens to a passenger  making a valid objection! The more I think of it, the madder I get!

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But that's it right there--you're not putting a qualifier on the type of female people you hold the door open for, and you don't say you do the same thing for male people.

I'm talking about the case where a man and a woman who don't know each other are entering the same door.  The man is first, and he holds the door open for the woman as he steps aside and allows her to enter before him.  I don't think I've ever seen a man do this for another (able-bodied) man.

Well, I can edit it if it would make you feel better. However, the fact of the matter is that you're seeing something that does not exist. I specifically included female people in the middle of a list citing all kinds of other people to highlight the fact that it doesn't matter that they are female people; rather, they're lumped in with elderly people, small people (children), and many other various kinds of people. When I'm entering a door, the female person who is closest behind me is my wife. So, yeah, I'm going to hold the door for her. If there are other people close behind her, I'll hold the door for those people without regard whether they are male or female, young or old, able-bodied or whatever. If they're a person who seems like they might prefer such help, such as a person in a wheelchair or using a walker, I'll go out of my way to open the door for them. I'm not going out of my way to hold the door open for you just because you have tits, though.

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The time before that I was in the veggie section of the store, and this woman leans down and RESTS HER HEAD against my knee while going through the romaine lettuce heads. And it wasn't as if it was by accident. She leaned down, and used my knee as sort of pole to rest her head while she was rummaging.

WTF?? Who on earth rests their head against a total strangers body parts?!?! I probably would have had a knee jerk (haha) reaction and yanked my leg away and she probably would have fallen over (and then tried to sue me and the store, because she sounds like that kind of a weirdo).

Thanks, forumfish, I'm totally fine. His insurance contacted me today and the agent basically insinuated that he's an idiot and they are extremely glad he didn't hurt me or anyone else. I think he'll be getting dropped soon from his coverage.

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5 hours ago, Blergh said:

Since we're not supposed to do a 'current event' deal, I'll just make this as general as possible (and let you all do a search engine deal to connect the dots): I very much dislike it when airlines put the convenience of their employees over their passengers' welfare - most emphatically when violence happens to a passenger  making a valid objection! The more I think of it, the madder I get!

Dots connected and I couldn't agree more. This makes me furious. 

@ari333, I wish you'd kicked that bastard right in the head.  Many years ago I was in a cheapo motel, I was on the toilet and looked up to see a face in the window, my first instinct was to punch so I punched the window where his face was so hard that I shattered the window. 

@MargeGunderson, my husband says I'm going to get shot over my mouth too.  We had the same thing happen where the cashier said she'd tale the next person, which was us but these three guys jumped in ahead of us.  I went off, I kept telling them they were assholes etc and L pulled me aside and said "there's three of them and one of me. SHUT UP!".  

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1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

Dots connected and I couldn't agree more. This makes me furious. 

@ari333, I wish you'd kicked that bastard right in the head.  Many years ago I was in a cheapo motel, I was on the toilet and looked up to see a face in the window, my first instinct was to punch so I punched the window where his face was so hard that I shattered the window. 

@MargeGunderson, my husband says I'm going to get shot over my mouth too.  We had the same thing happen where the cashier said she'd tale the next person, which was us but these three guys jumped in ahead of us.  I went off, I kept telling them they were assholes etc and L pulled me aside and said "there's three of them and one of me. SHUT UP!".  

Wow. I need to hear the rest of this airline peeve story. I heard just a bit on the news with few details. I will google it.

I did do a kick and scream reflex, but I think I missed the perv. Dangit.

Edit to add:

Yikes, Airlines. Please hold my Pepsi.

And "board as a doctor, leave as a patient." Holy crap.

Edited by ari333
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23 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm the same way.  ari333's peeve happens all the time down here. The other day I was at the grocery store and I was headed into a line when a guy cut in front of me with his cart. I went to another line and another guy did the same thing.  I said "Fuck both of you" really loudly. The time before that I was in the veggie section of the store, and this woman leans down and RESTS HER HEAD against my knee while going through the romaine lettuce heads. And it wasn't as if it was by accident. She leaned down, and used my knee as sort of pole to rest her head while she was rummaging. I said "EXCUSE ME" loudly and pointed at my knee and she just said "So what? You could move if it bothers you". Even though I was standing there first and she came up after me.  I went off on her about personal space and boundaries and she called me a "psycho".  I said "If I was a psycho, I would have said nothing and just beaned you over the head with one of these lettuce heads" and stormed off.  Last thing I need is an "assault via lettuce" charge on my record LOL

I really should just order my food online, as it very rare to have a courteous and peaceful time at the grocery store. Too bad most of those online services are so darn expensive.

I work at a grocery store so I know all about that fuckshit. And here's the funny thing...some of the employees do that personal space or petty crap to ME at my desk or in the bathroom. 

Customers are usually nice and respectful to me since I have some authority. One though who worked for the instacart company kept giving me her list and ordering me to do it for her and if I didn't "she'd tell a manager." I just told her the right aisle #s and walked away. (I am in management and greeting by saying "do this now or I'll report you" is rude and a guarantee if you ever speak to me again I'll be " I'm sorry, I am helping someone else ...I'll be right back!"). 

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Because I'm a militant feminist, I don't care if a man holds a door for me. Don't let it slam in my face, but don't go out of your way to act chivalrous. On the rare occasion I have had a male passenger in my car, they tend to get a little weird about my unlocking their door first (manual lock). I would do that for any passenger, regardless of gender, age, species, etc.

What peeves me in my building at work is when men make a grand gesture to allow me to get on the elevator first. First, if it's in the morning, let's just stop wasting time with that dance. Mornings are brutal, so I'm sliding in to work just barely on time. Nobody's got time for elevator games.

Secondly, I can't ever get on an elevator without thinking of the infamous L.A. Law scene, and I'd rather not be the one plunging to my death if there's a malfunction. And our elevators are temperamental. Thanks, but you can go first, kind sir.

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Every time I come to this thread and see the name "betweenyouandme" I wonder what happened to her.  She said a few things that kind of made me a little nervous for her and then she just disappeared.  Does anybody know what happened with her? 

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8 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

The man is first, and he holds the door open for the woman as he steps aside and allows her to enter before him.  I don't think I've ever seen a man do this for another (able-bodied) man.

Seriously?  I see it every day.  I see women doing it for other women as well.  Just reinforcing my prejudice that New Yorkers are, contrary to popular belief,  more polite than other Americans.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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I'm in California and I see men holding doors for men and women doing it for women, women doing it for men etc.  It doesn't bother me if a man holds a door or elevator or something for me. If somebody takes a second to be polite to me, I'll smile and thank them.  Who cares what gender they are? 

Speaking of elevators, every time I hear the word I laugh and think of my mom.   L and I used to take my mom to all of her drs appointments.   We got in an elevator once and L and I walked in and didn't turn around like most people do. We walked in and faced the back wall. This embarrassed my mom so much that of course we had to do it every time we went there.  She would try to physically turn us around and she'd hiss at us that everybody is watching us.   Yeah, we're mean but it was fun. 

@bilgistic, this is something nobody else will understand.  You not recognizing Kirby Palmer means you can no longer have that screen name!!  And you call yourself a fan!!!  Lol.  Love ya girlfriend.  

Edited by Maharincess
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54 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

Seriously?  I see it every day.  I see women doing it for other women as well.  


2 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I'm in California and I see men holding doors for men and women doing it for women, women doing it for men etc. 



Thirding - I see it all the time, too. 

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She started this thread so her name is at the top of this page. I think of her every time I see her name.  I hope she's doing well.  I have sent her a couple of messages but they have never been read. 

Edited by Maharincess
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I see all types of people holding doors open for all types of people behind them in the common courtesy way of not just letting go of the door once through it and causing the person behind them to have to quickly reach out to keep it from smacking them in the face.   Or someone having exited a door that opens out holding it for someone coming in so that person doesn't have to grab at a closing door.  It's pretty much a matter of routine, and people who don't observe such basic social niceties usually have something said to them.  Making a production of holding a door open from the inside, not the outside, to wave the person behind to actually go ahead, which means the door holder's body is partially blocking as the second person makes their way through?  That, I thankfully do not see much other than when the second person has some obvious limit on their abilities (which, of course, does not include gender; things like having hands occupied with multiple packages, being a little unsteady in one's gait such that devoting an arm to holding the door might cause an issue, etc.) that makes such a gesture appropriate rather than patronizing.

Edited by Bastet
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Since we're talking about the Dance of the Doors, can we stop the practice that occurs when two people approach a double door from opposite sides, and one stands there expecting the other to hold the door for them?   There are 2 doors.  If each person uses the door on their right (in North America), they will pass each other at the threshold and neither will be inconvenienced.  Don't stand there looking at me liking I am holding you up by using "your" door, and don't walk through it when I open it, assuming I am holding it for your.  The door to my right is MY door.  You need to use your own damned door.

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At double doors, I often get people on the other side who open up their right- side door and hold it for me to go through, while I am opening my right-side door. Then I feel bad for not going through the door the person opened for me.

All of these things are the reason that I try not to arrive at doors at the same time as someone else. That and then you have to say something to them. (I often don't even really want to say hello to people.)

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34 minutes ago, Quof said:

Since we're talking about the Dance of the Doors, can we stop the practice that occurs when two people approach a double door from opposite sides, and one stands there expecting the other to hold the door for them?   There are 2 doors.  If each person uses the door on their right (in North America), they will pass each other at the threshold and neither will be inconvenienced.  Don't stand there looking at me liking I am holding you up by using "your" door, and don't walk through it when I open it, assuming I am holding it for your.  The door to my right is MY door.  You need to use your own damned door.

Oh, this is such a peeve for me! It happens almost daily at my Starbucks. 2 doors, people, use them both!

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Okay I have a peeve (by the way i love this board!)

I am middle aged early fifties.  When I am walking on the sidewalk going one way and coming from the opposite direction are groups of kids, teens, college aged students and they walk side by side not one of them moves so I can share the sidewalk in my direction.  I have had to go up on the grass so they can pass by in their little gaggle or row.  Shouldn't one of them perhaps drop back behind the others just for 3 seconds in order to let me have my little lane?  

I lost it one day and just screamed at them to share the sidewalk.  

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4 hours ago, Quof said:

Since we're talking about the Dance of the Doors, can we stop the practice that occurs when two people approach a double door from opposite sides, and one stands there expecting the other to hold the door for them?   There are 2 doors.  If each person uses the door on their right (in North America), they will pass each other at the threshold and neither will be inconvenienced.  Don't stand there looking at me liking I am holding you up by using "your" door, and don't walk through it when I open it, assuming I am holding it for your.  The door to my right is MY door.  You need to use your own damned door.

I don't like passing through my half of double doors while other people are passing through their half. They're too close to me and I neither like nor trust people enough to let them get that close to me. If you're that close to me, we're either about to embrace/kiss/engage in foreplay or one of us is preparing to knock the other one out. So, when I get to double doors where there's another person about to pass through, I'll open my door and wait because my time is less valuable to me than my personal space.

4 hours ago, auntlada said:

At double doors, I often get people on the other side who open up their right- side door and hold it for me to go through, while I am opening my right-side door. Then I feel bad for not going through the door the person opened for me.

All of these things are the reason that I try not to arrive at doors at the same time as someone else. That and then you have to say something to them. (I often don't even really want to say hello to people.)

@auntlada You shouldn't feel bad about not using their opened door. They may be like me and simply do not want to be that close to you. If they are like me, they don't care if you open your own door or not. You're welcome to open your own door and pass comfortably through the middle of the double door arrangement. You're also not obligated to say anything to me or to thank me for opening my door. After all, I'm not opening my door to be nice to you; I'm opening my door to let you know that I want you to cross the threshold before I do and to keep you at a comfortable distance. If you feel compelled to say something, a "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" or even just a nod is more than enough.

Edited by MrSmith
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2 minutes ago, MrsMoltisanti said:

Okay I have a peeve (by the way i love this board!)

I am middle aged early fifties.  When I am walking on the sidewalk going one way and coming from the opposite direction are groups of kids, teens, college aged students and they walk side by side not one of them moves so I can share the sidewalk in my direction.  I have had to go up on the grass so they can pass by in their little gaggle or row.  Shouldn't one of them perhaps drop back behind the others just for 3 seconds in order to let me have my little lane?  

I lost it one day and just screamed at them to share the sidewalk.  

Oh, I feel your pain. I work at a university and college kids do this All. The. Time. I no longer move for them. I move to one edge of the sidewalk and, if they don't react to my presence, I'll fall back on my Navy training and say "Make a hole". If they fail to do that, well.... I just lean in with the appropriate shoulder just before making contact with them so that my posture can absorb the blow. If they give me a look or say anything, I just respond with "All you have to do is share the sidewalk for a few seconds. It's not that hard."

Many times, they've got their head down, looking at their phones, expecting people to just move for them. When that happens, I say (loudly) "Heads up!" That gets their attention and they move. I started doing this because they'll walk down the sidewalk, meandering from side to side, and they never pay any attention to where they are relative to the edge of the sidewalk. And I got tired of moving to the opposite side of the sidewalk only to have them meander back into my path. I left the first five or six of these idiots walk right into me. After that, I started saying "Heads up!", which has been far more effective.

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Oh, I feel your pain. I work at a university and college kids do this All. The. Time.

Wow Mr. Smith!  I work at a university too up here in Canada and they literally have no clue.  None.  Whether they are on their phones or not, they seem to feel like they "own" the world or something.  When the elevators in the building open they just walk in whether or not some people are exiting.  I always thought you let the people get off first and then walk in.  I guess not if you own the world.  They just barge in and then everyone has to do the double time jostle to allow the people at the back of the elevator get off at their chosen floor.  I mean it is so silly.  Have manners gone?  Where is common sense?

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Clearly, these are the same people who take the aisle seats on trains and when you need to sit down they either pretend they don't see you or the just move their knees slightly to the side.  I am not to shy to say, "Don't make me crawl over you."  If that doesn't work, I "accidentally" step on their feet.  Especially if they've put their wet umbrella on the seat so no one will sit near them.

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40 minutes ago, MrsMoltisanti said:

Wow Mr. Smith!  I work at a university too up here in Canada and they literally have no clue.  None.  Whether they are on their phones or not, they seem to feel like they "own" the world or something.  When the elevators in the building open they just walk in whether or not some people are exiting.  I always thought you let the people get off first and then walk in.  I guess not if you own the world.  They just barge in and then everyone has to do the double time jostle to allow the people at the back of the elevator get off at their chosen floor.  I mean it is so silly.  Have manners gone?  Where is common sense?

I think they expect no one else to be on the elevator. Then, when they realize there are, they're already in the process of boarding it and figure they might as well just keep going rather than being polite and backing out. I see this with elevators and the light rail. I take the light rail every afternoon from work to where I get on the bus to go home. I've figured out where to stand - precisely - so the doors are just to my left when the train stops. This lets me allow those disembarking to get off the train unimpeded (the vast majority of whom proceed to the stairs that are to my left) and then I can get on. Many times, there are other people who also wait for the train and they crowd me as the train pulls in, acting like there's going to be no one disembarking and no reason to wait to board the train. I've even had one of them shove me out of the way; mind you, there's about a foot between me and the train and any reasonable person would wait for me to board or go around behind me to come at it from the opposite side.

26 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Clearly, these are the same people who take the aisle seats on trains and when you need to sit down they either pretend they don't see you or the just move their knees slightly to the side.  I am not to shy to say, "Don't make me crawl over you."  If that doesn't work, I "accidentally" step on their feet.  Especially if they've put their wet umbrella on the seat so no one will sit near them.

I've seen stuff like this on the bus, too. They'll put their backpack, briefcase, or whatever on the seat next to them, and then pretend not to hear you when you ask them to move their stuff. The last time I had this happen to me, there was literally nowhere else on the bus to sit. So, I just sat on the guy's briefcase. When he complained, I pretended not to hear him for a bit and then responded with "Oh, I thought you'd put this here as a sort of booster seat for whoever sat down next to you. It's certainly giving me a little extra leg room! Since it's so comfortable, you can have it back when you get off the bus. Thanks for thinking of me." For the period of time I caught the bus at that stop, he never again put anything on the seat next to him. I have since switched to catching that bus at the first stop on the route, rather than the last.

Edited by MrSmith
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Agreed, MrSmith and MrsM

29 minutes ago, Qoass said:

Clearly, these are the same people who take the aisle seats on trains and when you need to sit down they either pretend they don't see you or the just move their knees slightly to the side.  I am not to shy to say, "Don't make me crawl over you."  If that doesn't work, I "accidentally" step on their feet.  Especially if they've put their wet umbrella on the seat so no one will sit near them.

I feel your pain, but you described it in an amusing way. :-)

If you don't want people near you , you can always remark rhetorically, "Wow, those double cheese chili onion dogs are really gonna be repeatin' on me. "

Edited by ari333
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12 minutes ago, forumfish said:

I find that young people have no manners anymore, and I blame their parents (who, compared with me, are also young). I was waiting on the elevator at church one day (I normally take the stairs but had a knee injury) and a trio of teenaged girls nearly ran me over as soon as the doors opened. I had taught all of them when they were in elementary school, so I just pushed my way in and said with a smile, "let the old lady on, please!"

When my sister is with me and people are clogging the halls, she hits the horn on her motorized wheelchair. If that doesn't clear the way, I loudly advise her to "just run 'em over." I'm a not-nice person that way.

I feel you!

My other peeve  may be small , but so annoying.

Why do people who want to leave a flyer on our door have to BEAT on the damn door? Maybe I have a visiting baby asleep or a boyfriend with a day off...asleep. DAMN. Leave the damn flyer if you must, but stop beating on the door, and I don't mean knocking. BEATING as if they want to force me to open it... which I won't do. However, I did open the door once to tell them never to come back here. That didn't work either.

Edited by ari333
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I'm so sick and tired of strangers telling me, TELLING ME, that I need to be saved. They don't know me. My religion (or lack of if I so choose) and my spiritual feelings about the universe are none of their business. If it happened once, it'd be no big deal, but it is frequent.

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14 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

@ari333 Jehovah's Witnesses? or Mormons?

Both, plus some others.

I get it that people want to do their jobs, but for example, the food delivery folks just put the flyer quietly and leave. Sheesh.

When I was outside , one chick approached me, grabbed my arm, and said she was going to pray for me. I said, "Let go of my arm. "  She scared me. She could have been anyone doing who knows what. I don't think it's weird that I don't want strangers grabbing me for any reason.

I'm older-ish and I'm slow with bad feet. Don't grab me.

Also, this is beyond peeve and into horror territory; but there is a game "game" here that teens /young adults play. They punch older people in the head and knock them down. They get extra points for knocking them out cold. It is sick. So I don't like being approached. The "game" thing  hasn't happened to me, but I don't want it to .

Edited by ari333
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@ari333 I've dealt with Mormons most recently. I simply tell them that I am unable to subscribe to their belief system. If that doesn't work (and it has failed me occasionally), then I simply tell them that I'm comfortable with the relationship I have with God, that it's personal to me, and that I'm not open to discussing it with them. Last summer, my wife had to deal with one of those two groups (there's a church for each in our town ::rolleyes::) and she tried telling them she's Wiccan, which would normally drive them off. They tried for months to get her to convert. It eventually came down to telling them that she knew for a fact that her husband would never convert and she was unwilling to make the changes in our relationship that would be required if she converted and I did not. For example, we would no longer be able to sleep in the same bed. And sex would be purely for procreation, which itself is perfectly laughable since neither of us is capable of having children. So, for us, it's purely for recreation!

ETA: I just remembered those restrictions would have been on us, anyway. I don't remember what it is that would have changed if only she converted.

Edited by MrSmith
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19 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

 Just reinforcing my prejudice that New Yorkers are, contrary to popular belief,  more polite than other Americans.

New Yorkers are the right kind of polite--they are there if you need them, like if you fall down on the sidewalk or something, but leave you alone otherwise. 


17 hours ago, Bastet said:

I see all types of people holding doors open for all types of people behind them in the common courtesy way of not just letting go of the door once through it and causing the person behind them to have to quickly reach out to keep it from smacking them in the face.   Or someone having exited a door that opens out holding it for someone coming in so that person doesn't have to grab at a closing door. 

I agree with this.  But that's different from two strangers approaching an outward-opening door at almost the same time, let's say a man and a woman, and the man opens the door and then holds it open while he steps aside to let the woman through.  I see this all the time.

I think it's vastly more likely that a man will do this for a woman than a woman will do it for a man--actually open the door and step aside to let him through--and I don't think it's just because women are less courteous.

I think "ladies first" shouldn't be a thing any more, if those ladies want to be considered the equal of men.

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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

New Yorkers are the right kind of polite--they are there if you need them, like if you fall down on the sidewalk or something, but leave you alone otherwise. 

We just pretend to be grumpy so people will generally leave us alone.

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5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

New Yorkers are the right kind of polite--they are there if you need them, like if you fall down on the sidewalk or something, but leave you alone otherwise. 

That's how my (Los Angeles) neighborhood is, and I love it.  We're not up in each others' business, but when circumstances call for it, we don't hesitate to help each other. 

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IDK why that spoiler box is there. Sorry.

I'm so mad IDK what to do. Tell me to get over it if that's how you read this.

I was coming home on a two lane road. I understand walkers and bikers. I am a walker myself when my feet can stand it. But this what made me crazy. The dude was walking up the road IN MY LANE. not in the grass or on the shoulder. I had to swerve not to  hit him. There was a car coming in the other lane at me. I could have stopped and the person behind me would have likely slammed into me. Here's the thing. There is a fucking SIDEWALK 6 or so feet from the street. Why was this fucker walking in the street and I do mean IN the street (on the edge, but still..) when there is a safe sidewalk for walkers?

He almost caused an accident.  I wanted to stop and scream , "get the fuck out of the street, you moron. " And he did not seem impaired or something. It was an early 20's mid 20's adult , not disheveled or homeless looking, normal looking -  the glimpse that I got; and he was just strolling in the street instead of the sidewalk that was RIGHT THERE. [/rant]

I wanted to call the cops and say that someone is going to hit this person. He needs to get out of the traffic.

And to clarify, he wasn't in the middle of the lane like a crazy person. He was on the side, but still not enough room for a vehicle to pass safely without veering into oncoming traffic in the other lane. Well, you get my drift.

Edited by ari333
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1 hour ago, ari333 said:

The dude was walking up the road IN MY LANE.

Was he carrying a cell phone and texting? Suicide by car? Did you honk at him?

On 4/12/2017 at 10:01 AM, ari333 said:

If you don't want people near you , you can always remark rhetorically,

Be like the woman in the commercial, "The doctor said it's not contagious."

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This happens to me all the time on neighborhood streets early in the morning (when it's frequently still a bit dark) with joggers 2 or 3 abreast in the middle of the street.  These are narrow streets with cars parked along both sides, so no room for me to pass the joggers. Sometimes they have their backs to me & are usually chatting, so may not be aware that there's a car approaching --  I hate to honk, but I'd hate even more to mow them down.  I do observe the 25 MPH speed limit, so there's plenty of time for them to move out of my path (once they realize that there's a car driving on the street, imagine!).  I assume they don't want to use the sidewalks because those are often cracked by tree roots, & asphalt is softer to run on, but choosing to risk their lives every morning doesn't seem like a wise option. At least they'll look fit & toned in their coffins.  Hate to say it, but they're always women.

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