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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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Sometimes I get lots of trick or treaters, sometimes few.  Either way I turn the porch light off at 8pm and while I'll still give them candy, anyone over the age of 13 who shows up with a sports jersey and a pillowcase isn't trick or treating:  they're panhandling door to door.


I have a trying commute and get through it by punching among five different radio stations.  Two of them are having pledge weeks right now.  I love public radio but I hate pledge drives only in part because they make me feel guilty for not giving them money.  Yes, I'm a freeloader but if I gave them money, I would then feel guilty for not giving that money to cancer research or prevention of cruelty to animals.


Our local NPR station recently had a drive to not have a pledge drive  - meaning they had a pledge drive a couple weeks early, saying "If you give us $$ now, we won't bother you during pledge week."  It all translated to the fact that they moved pledge week up a couple of weeks and tried to dress it up so nobody would realize it was a pledge drive.  I think that, despite everyone realizing it was a pledge drive, people pledged anyway, because pledge week was reduced to Pledge Day or Two.

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ZaldamoWilder, I just got a smartphone about 3 weeks ago and I will never use it for anything except txting and [very little] talking. I even had my son unload [correct word?] the panda punch and cookie jam games because they kept popping up. It is comforting to have those little DD cards sitting in my car.


Almost embarrassed to say that my Cusack moment is...Jockey bloomers at Ross.


I understand and up until about two years ago, I lived in the mesozoic era along with you.  My daughter called my phone the betamax, this from a child born after vhs.   If amongst your concerns is the potential to become one of those never looking up, phone immersion people, it's completely avoidable.  Sometimes, I commit the millennial sin of forgetting I even have a phone until the people who've heard my ringtone are staring at me expectantly.   But I will say that that whole life on my home screen thing is super convenient.


Amen to that!! I was a taller kid who often got mistaken for being a few years older than I was; the very last time I went trick-or-treating, I was 12, since I was almost in tears after hearing one too many wisecracks of, "Oh you're a big one, aren't you?", "Aren't you a bit too old to still be trick-or-treating?", and my favorite, "Ah, I see you didn't get invited to any Halloween parties this year, huh?"

Adults, just be nice to the "bigger" kids and save the wisecracks and snarky comments for another holiday---trick-or-treating is such a fleeting night of harmless fun for so many kids in this country.

On the flipside, the last time I gave out treats I was shocked at the lack of social/trick-or-treating skills displayed by some of our visitors---I did tell them that I wouldn't give treats to anyone who couldn't at least outright say "trick or treat" instead of just standing there staring at me silently like some zombie.


Like Quof, I'm single and not in Beverly Hills so - you've got one day a year, show up on time lol!    I haven't ever said anything like you're a little old for this but I love the reminder about bigger kids' feelings, they just wanna have fun too.  Andplusalso I'm probably recused by having had my last Halloween door to door moment as a college junior.  Didn't even have the good grace to borrow a little kid. 


This here?  Makes me grouchy.  Look, I don't care if you've put your own modern spin on the thing, we've all got a job to do, mkay?  I? 

I drove my ass 9 miles away and voluntarily entered a Walmart so you could have all the chocolate you want.  And I scheduled dinner and refrained from putting on my most comfortable onesie to accommodate your itinerary and can cheerfully be at your beck and call all night and you wanna stand on the porch and trade headtilts?  N'uh. Uh.  No talky, no candy.  

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I hate having to periodically clean and reorganize my pantry which is what I am doing today.  Woe is me.

I just had the random thought, reading through this thread, that those trick-or-treaters with attitude, the one too cool to say "Trick or Treat", might get some expired cans of soup or packages or rice-a-roni  from your pantry.  


Because I live in a neighborhood with so many kids, AND because I'm kind of an addict when it comes to candy, I wait until Halloween morning to buy treats - Walmart marks the candy down to 50 - 75% off if you wait till the last minute. 

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I hate having to periodically clean and reorganize my pantry which is what I am doing today.  Woe is me.

Heh. But if you don't do it, you end up like me, less than periodically throwing out the box of Stove Top Stuffing with a "best by 12/03/2010" stamped on it.

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Last time I tried to buy Halloween candy on Halloween, it had already been replaced by Christmas candy.


I did "something" and now all the forums here are in tiny font on my screen and I can't fix it.  All the other Previously pages look fine...


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I tried to get regular M&Ms so I could use them for a stats activity - and they do not exist. I could only find the Halloween ones, but I did buy myself some Halloween candy, so not a total loss.  I need to get to BJs and buy the big bag of Reese's footballs.  They're like the Eggs, just in a different wrapper. Perfect ratio of chocolate to peanut butter. 


Today's peeve is the person who did not shut the window in the classroom next door to me, and left it open all weekend. My room had the same temperature as the outside temperature, which at 7am, was just about the freezing mark.  It's still early, so they haven't switched over to heat yet. I'm still thawing out.  How hard is it to shut a window when you open it?

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the only thing more obnoxious than a little kid going trick-or-treating is a grown kid doing it.



I think I can beat that one:


The kids who come from "underprivileged" neighborhoods and are bussed to nicer neighborhoods for the spoils.  To top it off, they're rude ("Gimmie some!!") and never say thank you.  After a few seasons of this, neighbors don't want to do it anymore and turn the lights off - spoiling it for the whole neighborhood.



I actually didn't mind getting raisins when I was trick or treating.  The ones that got me mad were little old ladies who gave out pennies.  Maybe back in the old days 3 cents meant something to a kid.  Unfortunately I was living in the age of inflation.

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I hate having to periodically clean and reorganize my pantry which is what I am doing today.  Woe is me.

DeLurker - You're most definitely my hero of the day for even undertaking such a task!  I have one question for you:  How in the world can I muster up such motivation as yours to organize my hall closet that is now SO overloaded it takes me 5 minutes to find anything?!  It's just so damn easy to close those bifold doors & "fuggetaboutit!"  (See?  I'm not even Italian (I'm Irish) but I've watched The Godfather & Goodfellas so many times I even talk like 'em!  Hey...it's much easier & more enjoyable than organizing my closets!)  HELP ME! 


(I'm certain I'm in the wrong forum for this, but note to mods:  We'll call this a "Pet Peeve" because I'm REALLY pissed off I can't find the motivation to clean my closets! ha!) 


Anyone else? 

Edited by Maizie131
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I don't get twitchy to organize other people's stuff (well, not very often, anyway), but I must have my own things organized.  I have a friend who has absolutely no system for anything, anywhere, so she never knows where anything is -- from books/CDs/DVDs to pantry items to clothing, there's no logic to where things are placed in relation to each other.  At her place, I twitch.

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OK, I DO have one Halloween  pet peeve  - the parents who "take their kids trick-or-treating"  in the evening, by driving to my neighborhood of single family homes, and stay in their cars, letting the kids go from door to door, while the parents creep along in their cars, until the end of the block, then get the kids in the car until they  get to the  next block, etc.  The car stops, then goes at about 2 miles per hour, then stops, etc.  The parents often are not looking out for the other kids who might be crossing the street in front of the car that looks like it's parked, AND they're not paying attention to the fact that they are blocking traffic - the people who are driving down that street trying to get home (to give your kids candy) can't get through, can't get to their driveways because you're stopped in front of it while your kid is at the door.   


  For some reason, it bugs me that parents are doing this.  If your kids need you to be there, then get out of your car and WALK with them.  If they can go on their own, then give them an area to go, or a time limit, or something.   when they do it this way, the parents seem to be so disinterested, so above it all.   You're bringing your kids to MY house and having them ask for candy.  Be involved!  Act like you give a shit!   


(of course, if a parent is disabled or ill, I have no problem with this.   It's just a new trend in our area that too many parents are resorting to and it bugs me.) 

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How about this one:  14 year olds, bringing their babies trick or treating? The babies have no teeth, they're not eating the candy.  And sorry, I don't give treats to parents (oh, okay, the occasional "I have a sick kid at home" rings true.). 

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Oh, I'm reminded of The Past.

I used to date a pharmacist that lived in a nice family neighborhood. For some reason, he lived alone in a three-bedroom house he owned, but I'm sure he made out like a bandit when he sold it when he married the woman he dated after me. And had a kid with her. But he didn't want either when he was with me. Not the point of this story! I'm not bitter!

Anyway! Nice neighborhood in developing area. Freeloaders from other areas brought their kids there on Halloween. Kids everywhere. As I was leaving, I backed out of ex's short, steep driveway and looked everywhere, trying not to hit all the kids, and ex was out there directing me. Instead of hitting a human, I hit the van that I couldn't see because it was dark and parked at the end of the driveway, across the narrow neighborhood road. I'd had my new 2004 Honda Civic a little over a month. Barf rose in my throat.

I thought I'd hit a rubber trash can by the sound. I got out and ex was inspecting the van. The rubber sound was me scraping down the side of its door bumper pad thing with the very edge of my bumper. I lost paint--like an inch--but the damage on the van was "buffable".

We went and knocked on the neighbor's door. "Hey, I hit your car." "What? My car's in the garage." "The van out there?" "That's not mine; it must be some trick-or-treaters'."

We left a note and the wife who was taking the kids out called a little later, but she "would have to have [her] husband call and take care of it."

I think you all know where this story goes. Fucker filed with insurance and got some ridiculous payout in the four figures.

Yes, I hit the grocery-go-getter. It's better I hit it than a child. That dimwit shouldn't have parked behind a driveway. The ex was guiding me and I still hit the van. My car's still going strong today, though, knock wood. And I was never so damned precious that I couldn't just trick-or-treat in my own lower-middle-class neighborhood, despite the bible tracts, old apples, pennies and pencils.

Edited by bilgistic
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...I do not like having a large number of friends, in fact... I do not accept some... Others I deleted over time, due to the way they do and some inappropriate comments...! So I have chosen the best solution. I am happy for you because you are among my best friends... Now I see who will take the time to read this post until the end. Copy the text in your page.  This is a little test, just to see who reads and those who share only without reading ! ... If you have read everything, select 'like' and then copy and paste into your profile, so I can even put a comment smile...


This is an excerpt of a very irritating missive of emotional blackmail.  For one thing, I've been out of school for a while and thought I was finished with tests.  She's happy for me because I made the cut as being among her best friends.  Whoopee, I'm happier than a pig in shit!  If I do the things that are required to maintain this friendship, she'll give me a comment smile--a win-win situation.  Silly me, I thought friendship didn't hinge on doing what is basically a chain letter.  Instead of getting bad luck for ignoring this exercise of conceit, I'll be on my friend's shit list.  How fucking childish!

Edited by pandora spocks
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For some reason, he lived alone in a three-bedroom house he owned, but I'm sure he made out like a bandit when he sold it when he married the woman he dated after me. And had a kid with her. But he didn't want either when he was with me. Not the point of this story! I'm not bitter!


1.  I live alone in a 3 bedroom house I own.  Most houses have at least 3 bedrooms.  

2.  It's the pickle jar.   You know how you're dating some one and they don't want to get married?  You break up and, bam!, they marry the first person they date after you.   It's like when you struggle to open a pickle jar, someone says "let me try", you hand it to them and the lid immediately pops off.  It's because you loosened it for them.  The lightening fast move from "never want to get married" to "guess who's get married?"?  That's because you loosened them.   That's how Amal got George.

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Watch it, stewedsquash, I really do have a stalker on the forum. She posted something particularly nasty about me yesterday, which I reported and was told "ignore her".  She then sent me a hateful personal message, which I reported, and was again told "ignore her".  (Not sure how offensive you have to be to get banned here).  Despite her message saying she had blocked me, she keeps visiting my profile page. 

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Automatic unfriending to anyone who posts that garbage. What is this--third grade?


I don't unfriend people for doing that, but after a few times I do turn off their notifications, so that I don't see anything except when I want to check in with them now and then.  (One of my best days on Facebook was when my sister-in-law told me how I could turn off/block those pesky 'Susie won 400 points on Vegas slots!' and 'Help Ron buy a chicken for his farm on Farmville'.  I see very few now--only when a my friends decide to play some new game that hasn't been 'sent' to me before.


A new peeve I just saw on my local TV news website.  Why do news outlets insist on reporting traffic accidents in this way:  'On Interstate 95 at mile marker 18'.  Do people really know where the mile markers are?  I always have to click on the story to see exactly where the accident occurred (and even then, it's sometimes hidden in the second paragraph or lower).

Edited by BooksRule
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Watch it, stewedsquash, I really do have a stalker on the forum. She posted something particularly nasty about me yesterday, which I reported and was told "ignore her". She then sent me a hateful personal message, which I reported, and was again told "ignore her". (Not sure how offensive you have to be to get banned here). Despite her message saying she had blocked me, she keeps visiting my profile page.

That's one of my pet peeves. Grown ass adults who can't handle it when somebody has an opinion that's different than their own or says something they don't like. They have to resort to childish shit, insults, name calling and crap like that. I don't go on Facebook often but when I do go on and read the comments my jaw drops. People say horrible things to strangers just because they don't agree with them.

If you don't like somebody, ignore them and move on. There are a couple of posters here that I don't like but I would never send them nasty messages.

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And I appreciate that...


When I lived in So Cal, I lived in one of those neighborhoods that kids from other neighborhoods were driven to to trick or treat in.  Didn't bother me - some of those areas are rough, not particularly well lit and if I lived there I wouldn't take my kids out trick-or-treating either.  The kids who came over to our area were all pretty polite.

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We get the carloads, but we've been lucky to get nice kids and not-horrible parents, despite the occasional creeper van. On our street, if you start to veer or kids are around, someone will always yell out a "hey, watch out there" in a friendly-ish way, not a full-on cuss out.  We live in a condo, so the candy to distance walked ratio is pretty good; and I can't blame anyone for taking advantage of it whatever their reason.

Too bad about the stalkers (and I hope I'm not unknowingly one to anybody).  Who has the time for that stuff?

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And I appreciate that...

When I lived in So Cal, I lived in one of those neighborhoods that kids from other neighborhoods were driven to to trick or treat in. Didn't bother me - some of those areas are rough, not particularly well lit and if I lived there I wouldn't take my kids out trick-or-treating either. The kids who came over to our area were all pretty polite.

Yeah...you're on my list DeLurker!

Thankfully the 2 posters that I don't like haven't found us here yet.

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DeLurker - You're most definitely my hero of the day for even undertaking such a task!  I have one question for you:  How in the world can I muster up such motivation as yours to organize my hall closet that is now SO overloaded it takes me 5 minutes to find anything?!  It's just so damn easy to close those bifold doors & "fuggetaboutit!"  (See?  I'm not even Italian (I'm Irish) but I've watched The Godfather & Goodfellas so many times I even talk like 'em!  Hey...it's much easier & more enjoyable than organizing my closets!)  HELP ME! 


(I'm certain I'm in the wrong forum for this, but note to mods:  We'll call this a "Pet Peeve" because I'm REALLY pissed off I can't find the motivation to clean my closets! ha!) 


Anyone else? 

Typically my source of motivation is Avoidance - if I have something I absolutely have to do, but don't want to then I suddenly need to get all the other things I successfully put off done before I do that.  Which is why my dorm room would need to be cleaned before I could study for an Eco 4 exam in college....The other source of motivation is Bribery - I tell myself I can't do something I really really want to do until I have completed _____________.


In the latest case of cleaning, it was because I could not find the coffee I knew I bought, put away and wanted.  No matter how many times I went back to check the pantry, it was never ever there and it was making me bonkers.  I found it midway through the pantry clean out - on top of the fridge (where I never put stuff).   Granted, I have a coffee addiction, had plenty of other coffee available to me at all times (I will run out of food, laundry, dishes, toilet paper, etc...before I run out of coffee) but I wanted that coffee.  Or at least to find it.


And the title to the book I am writing:  Make Your Psychotic Break Work for You.

Edited by DeLurker
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And my self-help book will be called "Start With a Drawer".  Nobody says you have to clean your whole closet/pantry/file cabinet in one go.  Just promise yourself to do one drawer a week (or day if you can stand it).  If it's awful, it will be over soon.  If it's not, you can tackle another drawer!


It took me a whole winter to clear the junk out of my file cabinet but now that it's done, I use the one-in, one-out method.  Every time I file a new credit card or bank account statement, I make sure to toss the oldest one.  Same with my closet.  Bring home a new shirt, donate or throw away an old one.

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I'd buy both those books.  Pretty sure I wouldn't be able to find them afterwards, but I'd buy them nonetheless.   I'm surface neat.  Everything that's out needs to be in its place and that place must be clean.   Don't open any of the closets unless you have strong shoulders.


1.  I live alone in a 3 bedroom house I own.  Most houses have at least 3 bedrooms.  

2.  It's the pickle jar.   You know how you're dating some one and they don't want to get married?  You break up and, bam!, they marry the first person they date after you.   It's like when you struggle to open a pickle jar, someone says "let me try", you hand it to them and the lid immediately pops off.  It's because you loosened it for them.  The lightening fast move from "never want to get married" to "guess who's get married?"?  That's because you loosened them.   That's how Amal got George.


Quof, in advance, forgive me girl.  I don't want to sound like Carrie Bradshaw's Berger but the pickle jar (love that analogy btw) is what women say to themselves and each other to assuage the hurt.  These dudes do want to get married.  After all, they did.  They just don't want to marry you.  And they would never say that.  Not you, you.  I mean everybody.  It has happened to the best of us but I wish women could see that as a positive thing instead of a loss of time or opportunity.  Anybody resisting the idea of being with you - baby all that means is they know that they don't belong with us way before we know it.  Get the tambourine out, bullet dodging is a reason to celebrate lol!   Sorry, I don't mean to club you over the head, this is just my opinion mixed with some real talk from men who've been here too.  I think women tend to feel it more sharply because we have that window consider n' all.   Amal Clooney is a great example.  She didn't *snag* George, he wanted to get married.  That's not a denigration of all the women he dated before her, no comparisons, I think it's simply reflective of something he found compelling about his wife.  


Watch it, stewedsquash, I really do have a stalker on the forum. She posted something particularly nasty about me yesterday, which I reported and was told "ignore her".  She then sent me a hateful personal message, which I reported, and was again told "ignore her".  (Not sure how offensive you have to be to get banned here).  Despite her message saying she had blocked me, she keeps visiting my profile page. 


Sigh.  Lol!!  Um, serious question, why she mad bro?   I don't need the specifics but what did you say to get this shitstorm kicked off?

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Oh, Zaldamo, I know it.  I am single by choice (no, Mother, not because no one has ever wanted to marry me).  I even pre-empted a divorce by calling off an engagement (or did I pre-empt a murder?)


Point 2 - I suggested she should stick to expressing opinions on (complex, technical) things she knows about, and leave other opinions on other complex, technical, professional matters to those who work in those professions.  She said I had no soul, was glad she didn't know me, and spoke to me "on behalf of all ***", which I found a little presumptuous.  I didn't realize they held a vote and appointed her their spokesperson.

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Quof, in advance, forgive me girl.  I don't want to sound like Carrie Bradshaw's Berger but the pickle jar (love that analogy btw) is what women say to themselves and each other to assuage the hurt.  These dudes do want to get married.  After all, they did.  They just don't want to marry you.  And they would never say that.  Not you, you.  I mean everybody.  It has happened to the best of us but I wish women could see that as a positive thing instead of a loss of time or opportunity.  Anybody resisting the idea of being with you - baby all that means is they know that they don't belong with us way before we know it.  Get the tambourine out, bullet dodging is a reason to celebrate lol!   Sorry, I don't mean to club you over the head, this is just my opinion mixed with some real talk from men who've been here too.  I think women tend to feel it more sharply because we have that window consider n' all.   Amal Clooney is a great example.  She didn't *snag* George, he wanted to get married.  That's not a denigration of all the women he dated before her, no comparisons, I think it's simply reflective of something he found compelling about his wife.  




Zaldamo, you are so right, but 35 years ago I would have come after you for saying something so bold and on the mark.  Or I would have burst into tears, who knows?   I had the serious bf for seven-plus years, off and on but mostly on, who eventually wanted out but couldn't bring himself to actually tell me, and I was too insecure to say "You know what? You're not happy, I'm not happy, let's call the whole thing off." Instead there was a really ugly, painful year or so of bad, bad stuff. My clock didn't tick, so that was never a consideration, but I really thought this guy was the one and that nobody else would ever make me happy.  (I was sooo stupid.)  Now I look back and think what a spineless twerp he was, and what an idiot I was to waste so much time, effort and angst on trying to save/keep going something that wasn't really there.  

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Zaldamo, you are so right, but 35 years ago I would have come after you for saying something so bold and on the mark.  Or I would have burst into tears, who knows?   I had the serious bf for seven-plus years, off and on but mostly on, who eventually wanted out but couldn't bring himself to actually tell me, and I was too insecure to say "You know what? You're not happy, I'm not happy, let's call the whole thing off." Instead there was a really ugly, painful year or so of bad, bad stuff. My clock didn't tick, so that was never a consideration, but I really thought this guy was the one and that nobody else would ever make me happy.  (I was sooo stupid.)  Now I look back and think what a spineless twerp he was, and what an idiot I was to waste so much time, effort and angst on trying to save/keep going something that wasn't really there.  


Girl.  Look.  I would stand still to let you clobber me.  It sucks, everyone who knew ya'll as a couple looks at you like you've got the cooties or something.  If I keep talking on this, I'll say all the words lol so lemme shut up, except to say that it's not stupidity, at all.  It's not a waste of time either.  There was something to be learned (about yourself) from him and that time and you learned it.


I guess the title of my self help book would be:  Shut The Eff Up and Keep Banging on This Tambourine, She'll Join in When She's Ready.


Somewhere round here - the Everything Else section maybe? - there are a couple relationship threads.  We've got cronuts, come visit ;)

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I've heard the term "pickle jar" but I've also heard the term "wife fluffer", as in the girlfriend right before the next girlfriend was just prepping((or "fluffing", a gross porn industry term for preparing a male adult film actor to look, erhmm, properly aroused)) and readying her ex to be prepared and ready to jump straight into marriage with the next one.

I have an acquaintance who calls herself the eternal wife fluffer because her last 4 or 5 ex'es all quickly rebounded and married right after they dumped her; given the fact that she's a batshit crazy bitch, I think they were all so relieved to be rid of her/so grateful for a sane new girlfriend that they eagerly jumped into a happy promise of marriage.

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Ok - I'll add my story.  

In my early 20's I was not looking to get married.  I'm older, so this was a different era.  I rejected the idea that college was for "finding a man"  and I wanted a career.   I dated a guy for a few years, and then found that yes, I did want marriage and kids.   The guy I was dating wanted that too "eventually".   All our friends were getting married, he started making remarks predicting who would get married.   When I insisted on a serious talk about the future, he told me that he couldn't get married until he had enough money to have a family, buy a house, etc.   And he wasn't making any progress in that area.   He worked, spent all his money.   He believed that men needed to support the family, wives only worked when husbands didn't make enough money. He didn't make enough to support me and kids, so he wasn't ready.    AND, since we were sleeping together, he said that if i "accidentally"  got pregnant. then (and only then)  he would change his way of thinking and marry me.  He basically said that if I wanted to get married, I should get knocked up. 

At that point I realized that I would rather be single than be in a  marriage with a guy who felt tricked or manipulated into marriage.   I didn't want to be married to a guy who didn't want to be married to me, but did it out of obligation.  That was the bottom line.   I wasn't going to stay with a guy who would only marry me if I got pregnant.   Shortly afterwards, I ended it..   Within a year, he was married - to a woman who said she was pregnant!    She miscarried shortly after the wedding.   (his sister suspected that the wife was never really pregnant)  


Anyway,  I dated and then met my current husband, and we have a house, two careers, and two almost-grown kids.  I had often felt I had wasted my time with the first guy, but came to realize that the relationship with him taught me a lot about men and women, and about myself and what I wanted in life. With him, I was not an equal partner and never would be.  My husband treats me like an equal.  We got married because we both wanted to, we had kids when we both decided it was time.   

Edited by backformore
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How about this one:  14 year olds, bringing their babies trick or treating? The babies have no teeth, they're not eating the candy.  And sorry, I don't give treats to parents (oh, okay, the occasional "I have a sick kid at home" rings true.).


When they become parents, 14-year olds forfeit the right to go trick or treating for themselves.  These hormonal children ought to stay home with their babies instead of using them as a ruse to finagle candy from strangers.  Hell, go to Walmart and buy a variety pack to satisfy any sugar cravings. 

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I always go to the one 45 miles away because the closer one, that town is rank. It is a medium town that thinks it is the twin to NYC or something but it isn't. It's just a hole in the wall town with some lipstick splashed on it. The one that is farther away is a small town that knows it is small so it is really cool.

This is a brilliant description of two kinds of towns!


And it also could apply to various neighbourhoods in a city.


I love the way these towns are given personalities - I can see it! - and it made me swoon.


Thank you!

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So-Called "Self CheckOut" Lanes.


And to add to this: I always bring my own bags to the grocery store. There are certain self-checkout registers that ask you to select whether you have your own bags, then tells you to arrange them in the bagging area and hit "Done." But then I get the message: "Waiting for assistance to verify your bags." So I have to stand there and wait for the friggin cashier (who's helping other people find the picture of their produce or scan their coupons). Why am I being penalized for being environmentally conscious? What I end up doing is scanning my food then letting it stack up in the bagging area without a bag. Then I have to bag my groceries. Not a huge deal, but a big time-waster, and it drives me crazy. 

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I would bring bags to stores but when I did (and I tried it with several different supermarkets) they'd always pack each bag to the hilt...I could barely lift them into the car and then into the house.  And when I'd say, "Please just put a few things in each bag so they don't get too heavy"?  I'd get the Look.

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I would bring bags to stores but when I did (and I tried it with several different supermarkets) they'd always pack each bag to the hilt...I could barely lift them into the car and then into the house.  And when I'd say, "Please just put a few things in each bag so they don't get too heavy"?  I'd get the Look.

Why would they give you the Look?! You asked politely, so that shouldn't be happening. If you had demanded it, then I could probably see them doing that. 

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And to add to this: I always bring my own bags to the grocery store. There are certain self-checkout registers that ask you to select whether you have your own bags, then tells you to arrange them in the bagging area and hit "Done." But then I get the message: "Waiting for assistance to verify your bags." So I have to stand there and wait for the friggin cashier (who's helping other people find the picture of their produce or scan their coupons). Why am I being penalized for being environmentally conscious? What I end up doing is scanning my food then letting it stack up in the bagging area without a bag. Then I have to bag my groceries. Not a huge deal, but a big time-waster, and it drives me crazy. 

Ugh.....And I Believe You, topanga.

I had a certain Experience once concerning A Perhaps Megalomanically-OverZealous Store Manager and his insistence that His Employees No Longer Allow Me To Bag My Own IN MY OWN BIG OLIVE DRAB BAG {minus The Dreaded Plastic Bags, which seem to in no time at all HYPERMULTIPLY at Home! =:O }.


But I'll Digress, Of Course.....


Regarding Transactions, I Much Prefer A Legal Rep {Employee, etc} Of The Company *present* Therein Right-Then-And-There.

I Like Any Possible Hassles {whatever kind} Looked-Into Effective Immediately, As Many Understand, Aye.




Edited by RodLu
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Ugh.....And I Believe You, topanga.

I had a certain Experience once concerning A Perhaps Megalomanically-OverZealous Store Manager and his insistence that His Employees No Longer Allow Me To Bag My Own IN MY OWN BIG OLIVE DRAB BAG {minus The Dreaded Plastic Bags, which seem to in no time at all HYPERMULTIPLY at Home! =:O }.




Wow, that would have been my last trip to that store.  I always bag my own stuff; that way my colds go together, nothing get mushed, etc.  If the lane I choose has a bagger, I tell them nicely that I like to bag my own - and I do, it's kind of zen on a good day - and have been known to hip check a bagger who doesn't get the the hint out of the way.  (My hips are well-padded, no injury results.)

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How about this one:  14 year olds, bringing their babies trick or treating?


Note to self: have Halloween bowl of contraceptives on hand, besides the teal pumpkin stuff.


I think I can beat that one:


The kids who come from "underprivileged" neighborhoods and are bussed to nicer neighborhoods for the spoils.  To top it off, they're rude ("Gimmie some!!") and never say thank you.  After a few seasons of this, neighbors don't want to do it anymore and turn the lights off - spoiling it for the whole neighborhood.


We used to live in a neighborhood that was big on Halloween and I never minded when the kids were driven in from other neighborhoods. For them it was really something to see all the elaborate decorations and spooky music, and I bet they got more treats per house. Sort of like neighborhoods that go all out for Xmas and people drive in to gawk. Some of our visitors had better trick'or'treat technique than others, though, but most parents did their best to remind them of what to say. We were just thrilled to have so many kids out. But if they got rude and unruly I can imagine it would have soured us.


I tried to get regular M&Ms so I could use them for a stats activity - and they do not exist. 


Because I bought them all for my, er, stats activity. Stats. Yeah, that's the ticket...


...I do not like having a large number of friends, in fact... I do not accept some... Others I deleted over time, due to the way they do and some inappropriate comments...! So I have chosen the best solution. I am happy for you because you are among my best friends... Now I see who will take the time to read this post until the end. Copy the text in your page.  This is a little test, just to see who reads and those who share only without reading ! ... If you have read everything, select 'like' and then copy and paste into your profile, so I can even put a comment smile...


That is fucking insane if it came from an adult, and also the sort of manipulative game Narcissists play. Hope you replied with TL;DR.


Watch it, stewedsquash, I really do have a stalker on the forum. She posted something particularly nasty about me yesterday, which I reported and was told "ignore her". 


Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :(


Those self-checkout lanes are awful and I refuse to use them - what's worse is a store called Fresh'n'Easy (sounds like a feminine deodorant, right?) which has nothing but self service lanes, except someone has to come over anyway if you have wine, which everyone does, so WHY NOT JUST STAFF THE LANES IN THE FIRST PLACE? Never going back there again.


I do have two closets in desperate need of organizing but reading about everyone else's efforts here has given me a sense of accomplishment by proxy, so now I'll just go back to my candy, er, I mean "stats activity"... 

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Those self-checkout lanes are awful and I refuse to use them - what's worse is a store called Fresh'n'Easy (sounds like a feminine deodorant, right?)


...brand of diaper genie?


We used to live in a neighborhood that was big on Halloween and I never minded when the kids were driven in from other neighborhoods. For them it was really something to see all the elaborate decorations and spooky music, and I bet they got more treats per house. Sort of like neighborhoods that go all out for Xmas and people drive in to gawk. Some of our visitors had better trick'or'treat technique than others, though, but most parents did their best to remind them of what to say. We were just thrilled to have so many kids out. But if they got rude and unruly I can imagine it would have soured us.


Not to get super opposition-y/political about anyone else's opinion, but I love this sentiment.  Where a child is raised isn't their doing, they should get to enjoy a thing about and for kids.


I do have two closets in desperate need of organizing but reading about everyone else's efforts here has given me a sense of accomplishment by proxy, so now I'll just go back to my candy, er, I mean "stats activity"... 


Who knew there were so many mathematicians on the boards?  that's awesome! 

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