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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Strangers who out of the blue say to you "smile" if you aren't grinning like a freak 24/7. Maybe I have bitch face. I don't know. I used to get this a lot though. One jackass said it literally as I was walking out of the animal hospital having just learned I had to put a beloved pet to sleep. I swear, if I ever hear it again I'm going to say something truly awful like "I just had bury my toddler who I backed over while drunk." Take that.

And huggers. IF huggers were polite and asked before embracing I might feel differently, but we all know they'd never accept no so it probably doesn't matter. I despise hungers. And I don't like huggers either haha.

Edited by bubbls
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The expression “pay it forward” irks me because it sounds more like retribution than an act of charity.



Agreed.  I also can't stand the phrase, "Give back [to the community] ".  To give back infers one has taken something and you wish to replace it - which is fine.  These days, people who haven't taken anything seem to be made to feel as if they did and have the need to "give back". 

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My late kitty Baxter's pet peeve was commercials or other programming that featured whistling.  He hated whistling so much he'd leave the room if I didn't change the channel fast enough. 

I gather then that he would have definitely loathed The Andy Griffith Show: that title track was whistling through and through. 

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Well, since I loathe that show, he never had to worry about it being on our TV.  But, yeah, he would have considered that torture.


Strangers who out of the blue say to you "smile" if you aren't grinning like a freak 24/7.


I agree.  And since it's virtually always a man saying it to a woman, I like the "Stop telling women to smile" stuff that popped up a while back.


And huggers. IF huggers were polite and asked before embracing I might feel differently, but we all know they'd never accept no so it probably doesn't matter. I despise hungers. And I don't like huggers either haha.


Tell us how you really feel.  But I agree -- people seem very quick to hug these days.  I cannot stand when I've just met someone, maybe a friend of a friend when a bunch of us are out together, and then at the end of the night they hug me goodbye.  I don't know you!  Stop touching me.

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Here you go: stopstreetharrassment.org

I was walking out of the pharmacy with my $500 purchase in hand--meds I need just to get through my daily life--and some dishevelled male asshole got in my face and told me to "Smile!" Fuck you, sir. I can do whatever I want with MY face, and dropping 500 bones at the drugstore on a regular basis doesn't particularly make me happy.

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I thought that tale was going to have dirtball grabbing and running off with your meds.


What do we need to get prescribed so we're not so peeved?  What used to be known as Mother's Little Helper?

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Maybe I have bitch face.


I hate that phrase itself. I also hate its implication that people should smile all the time, particularly women because that phrase always seems to apply to women or occasionally gay men, but certainly not straight men who are allowed to look serious any old time they want. My relaxed face is my face. I'm not consciously frowning. If I were very unhappy, you'd know it because when I'm that angry, everyone can tell (often by the slamming doors) or I'd be crying or I'd look like I was furiously trying not to cry. Not smiling is none of those things. One of my nieces recently liked this page on Facebook -- http://www.puckermob.com/lifestyle/struggles-of-girls-who-are-bad-at-expressing-their-emotions -- and I found much of it to be very applicable to me, and I wish that people would understand that just the fact that I don't jump up and down and say, "Yay!" all the time doesn't mean I'm not excited or happy about things.


What used to be known as Mother's Little Helper?



Sometimes a nice strawberry daiquiri helps. It's not Mother's Little Helper, but it's not bad.

Edited by auntlada
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I don't particularly like "bitch face" either. It strikes me as misogynistic because I've never heard it used for a male.

This week at work, my boss was talking about a client telling him that his female partner is a "bitch". I told my boss that was not okay, and that he would never the same word for a direct man. He said he would. Yeah, okay. You haven't in the year I've worked with you.

She wasn't particularly a peach, but neither am I, and it rankled that another woman, just for being to-the-point, was being called a derogatory term. A male doing the same thing would just be going about his daily job in my line of work, because I see it regularly.

Edited by bilgistic
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All the times I've heard a man call another man a bitch, it's been meant to be far more insulting than other names. It is bad. It's as if being called a female anything is worse than other mean things. Does that make sense?

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My pet peeve of the day.

Since I've been laid up I've been playing games on my Kindle. I'm so sick of all of the pop up crap wanting me to sign in through Facebook.

I don't want to share, I don't want to "boast" that I passed another level, I don't want to do any of that because nobody cares!!!

Nobody cares that I passed a level or defeated whatever I defeated so stop asking me to sign in with Facebook every 3 minutes!!

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Well, since I loathe that show, he never had to worry about it being on our TV.  But, yeah, he would have considered that torture.





I agree.  And since it's virtually always a man saying it to a woman, I like the "Stop telling women to smile" stuff that popped up a while back.



Tell us how you really feel.  But I agree -- people seem very quick to hug these days.  I cannot stand when I've just met someone, maybe a friend of a friend when a bunch of us are out together, and then at the end of the night they hug me goodbye.  I don't know you!  Stop touching me.


For me, it depends on who's touching me, where, and how. I don't mind hugs, I think hugs are great. Now, skeevy old men I don't know who always try to lead me away by the elbow? Not cool. Guys who stand too close? Not cool. People who, instead of politely saying "excuse me", proceed to grab you by the hips and maneuver you out of their way as though you're a cardboard cutout? Definitely, undeniably not cool! 


This happened to me twice when I was doing a community theatre play. One guy backstage tried to get me out of the way with the hip grabbing (there is no reason why he couldn't just ask me to move). I must have given him an impressive look, because he quickly apologized. Another time, another guy tried it... and grabbed a bit too low. Yup, damn near cupped my ass. Now, I'm ashamed to say I'm not the most assertive woman I know, but I was so disgusted by this insult to my dignity I spun around and snarled, Mercedes McCambridge from The Exorcist style, "DON'T DO THAT!" I'm pleased to say that he never did, and it was years before he even made eye contact with me again.  


It's not a regional thing, either. I live in the South, but I've seen a Noo Yawker do it, too. It's simply a rude person thing. Moral of the story? Unless you're a cop chasing a suspect or a paramedic who desperately needs to reach someone, just say "excuse me" and keep your grubby hands to yourself.

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Dick face for men? But we all know it'll never catch on. I don't really mind if I do have bitch face nor do I have an issue with the term, but I certainly see the points you all made on its offensiveness. As someone so eloquently put it above my face is mine to do as I please. And yes, it has always been men telling me to smile.


I think a lot of my peeves are that I'm an introvert living in an extroverted world. Although I certainly don't go around to all the extroverts saying "Frown, asshole. And stop talking so damned much!" I just let them be who they are and look how they look. Wish they'd offer the same consideration.

Edited by bubbls
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Whew!  Lots of hot pet peeves this morning and I agree with them.  For years (starting in school) I had people telling me to "smile"...for some reason, I don't get it anymore (maybe because I'm no longer working?).


My pet peeve (forgive me if this has been mentioned already or if I already mentioned it):  People on TV starting every sentence with the word "So".  Now, I remember years ago, back in the late '90's getting annoyed hearing the word "Exxxzzzactly" over and over ad nauseum (instead of just saying "yes").  But this "so" business is now driving me up the wall.  Mark Mollin, a former CIA deputy director, has a book out and was on Hardball last week to promote it.  When Chris went after him about stuff, Mollin started every daggone sentence with "So" (he was also getting more & more nervous which reminded me of a funny skit on SNL).


One more for the road:  People who move into communities that have regulations and then whine constantly about the regulations ("Why can't I do what I want with my house?").


Oh wait--got one more:  Anchors on TV news/information shows thanking the guest interviewee for being available to be interviewed (I'm referring to the interviewees outside the studio)...then there's a pause which forces the poor guest to mumble "Thank you for having me".  This gets repeated at the end of the interview segment, once again with that stupid pause & the guests hardly ever just saying, "You're welcome", instead mumbling either "Thank you for having me" or "No problem" or my all time favorite, "Sure".  I go crazy every time this happens (which is a lot so I might need to stop watching these programs or my sanity might be affected).

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I think a lot of my peeves are that I'm an introvert living in an extroverted world. Although I certainly don't go around to all the extroverts saying "Frown, asshole. And stop talking so damned much!" I just let them be who they are and look how they look. Wish they'd offer the same consideration.

I deal with this same issue. I'm very introverted, and work, especially, is a minefield for me. After nearly two decades post-college in the workforce, I've decided that employers would rather have a stupid, happy, chatty employee than one who comes in, is quiet and does her work. I have struggled at every job because people think I'm in a bad mood or don't like what I'm doing, etc., because I don't want to gossip about how much they spent on their shoes or the big, juicy steak they grilled over the weekend. I just don't care, and I hate small talk. I come to work to work, and just because I work with someone doesn't make them my friend. I've stuck out my neck countless times for others and gotten burned when it wasn't reciprocated, so I don't do it anymore.

I work in a cubicle and it takes a lot out of me. It's often noisy and hard to concentrate. I feel like I have to be "on" all week, so much so that I crash all weekend, then feel like I wasted the weekend, then the cycle starts anew. I really hate it. Cube farms are proof that the workworld is set up for extroverts. Add that to the fact that I have very good hearing, and have a tough time filtering out noise--it's just rough. I use headphones every now and then, which, again, people perceive as rudeness. I really can't win.

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Someone who says, "Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner!" deserves a swift kick in the ass.  Anything that tastes good and is fattening is decadent or sinful.  Since when is chocolate mousse comparable to Caligula's reign?  I hate the expression guilty pleasure.  Outside of mass murder or bringing 50 items to a 10 items or less checkout line, anything that is pleasurable shouldn't be considered guilty.  The word iconic should be reserved for the Statue of Liberty, not Julia Roberts' teeth!

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I think a lot of my peeves are that I'm an introvert living in an extroverted world. Although I certainly don't go around to all the extroverts saying "Frown, asshole. And stop talking so damned much!" I just let them be who they are and look how they look. Wish they'd offer the same consideration.

I do spend a lot of time at work silently teling my talkative coworker, "Shut-up,shut-up,shut-up!" The woman in that job before hardly ever talked. It was heaven. The other people in the office didn't like her as much because they feel like they never got to know her because she did not tell us much at all. I loved it.

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I love it when my significant other talks a lot but only to me. I don't like talking to strangers or around big groups of people. I don't like small talk. I'd hate working in an office. I hate going out as a couple and meeting new people who talk to us for longer than about 5 minutes. I love friendly wait staff but not ones who seem like a fixture at my table.

I'm a soulmate type person. "Me and you against the world" philosophy. If you're not my best friend or partner, a little goes a long way. If loyalty between us isn't established, I'm not going to feel all that comfortable.

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Here's a weird pet peeve. 

Almost obscene photos and websites that are about celebrity gossip, fashion, TV news, politics,etc.  Websites that would never feature bare butts, because they're not PORN sites, have no problem having a photo of a celeb's butt as long as there is a string between her butt cheeks attached to a ribbon around her waist.   I don't get it.  It's like without the string it would be obscene, but as long as there's any scrap of fabric there at all - it's not a bare butt.

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Oh wait--got one more:  Anchors on TV news/information shows thanking the guest interviewee for being available to be interviewed (I'm referring to the interviewees outside the studio)...then there's a pause which forces the poor guest to mumble "Thank you for having me".  This gets repeated at the end of the interview segment, once again with that stupid pause & the guests hardly ever just saying, "You're welcome", instead mumbling either "Thank you for having me" or "No problem" or my all time favorite, "Sure".

On the PBS Newshour they try to avoid this by starting with "Thank you for being with us today. To start with, tell us...(question about the issue)." Unfortunately, the guest almost always starts their reply with "Thank you for having me here" anyway, rather than just answering the question. An additional related peeve: Starting a reply with "That's a good question." I've seen interviews where every response started with that.

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Overly dramatic people - I live north of Houston where we've been one of the several states getting a good drenching in the past 10 - 14 days (which all seems done now).  In my area, there's been some flooded roads, a (literal) handful of houses that have had serious storm damage (wind, tornado, tree falling...) but it is seriously nothing compared to what other states and even communities 10 miles north or south of us are dealing with.  From all the rain that has fallen, my biggest issue is some swampy spots in my lawn, some areas near the house that I need to build up so water drains away from the foundation better and my grass growing too high.


Yet people/relatives in my community are posting pictures and news reports of the absolutely worst of what happened in our area without acknowledging they never use that road/it isn't that bad in their neighborhood.  In surrounding communites there have been mandatory evacuations from flooding waterways, flash floods, much more severe storm damage, thousands of cars/trucks literally covered in water, etc...and they are selective posting about how "bad" we have it. 


I loathe the lack of perspective and I hate that they seem to be milking things for sympathy and concern.

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That sounds like New England in the winter.  Ever since the blizzard of '78, it's no longer snowing out-- it's always a STORM!!!!!!

Ditto for allergy season. 

Jon stewart did an excellent piece where he took weather reporters to task for their proclamations that this is the "WORST allergy season EVER!"  

He found video of weather reporters every year, saying the exact same thing -  every spring for the past ten years!  

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Oh wait--got one more:  Anchors on TV news/information shows thanking the guest interviewee for being available to be interviewed (I'm referring to the interviewees outside the studio)...then there's a pause which forces the poor guest to mumble "Thank you for having me".  This gets repeated at the end of the interview segment, once again with that stupid pause & the guests hardly ever just saying, "You're welcome", instead mumbling either "Thank you for having me" or "No problem" or my all time favorite, "Sure".

On that note, I had before seen part of an old 1984 edition of The NFL Today with Brent Musburger (top story was the Eagles' possible move to Phoenix [it never happened]), and Brent interviewed Philadelphia Eagles owner Leonard Tose first, and then former Philadelphia mayor Wilson Goode. When Brent thanked Leonard Tose, there was nothing said on Leonard's end, then when he thanked Wilson Goode, Wilson said "Thank you very kindly," and there was no pause. 

Not only that, but the way the main desk was set up, Brent was between Jimmy The Greek and Irv Cross, and as such, he was set up to turn quickly to each of them for perspective (Irv on his left, Jimmy on his right). Also, none of the three stared off into space; Irv maintained eye contact with Brent, and so did Jimmy. It was far different then; now, JB is all the way down at the left end, and all four of his co-hosts are to his left. 

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That sounds like New England in the winter. Ever since the blizzard of '78, it's no longer snowing out-- it's always a STORM!!!!!!

The news goes crazy here in the Bay Area any time we get any rain. Like you said it's never just rain it's always "Storm Watch".

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Strangers who out of the blue say to you "smile" if you aren't grinning like a freak 24/7. Maybe I have bitch face. I don't know. I used to get this a lot though. One jackass said it literally as I was walking out of the animal hospital having just learned I had to put a beloved pet to sleep. I swear, if I ever hear it again I'm going to say something truly awful like "I just had bury my toddler who I backed over while drunk." Take that.

And huggers. IF huggers were polite and asked before embracing I might feel differently, but we all know they'd never accept no so it probably doesn't matter. I despise hungers. And I don't like huggers either haha.

Come sit next to me. I promise not to hug you (I'm descended from austere Lutheran Midwestern stock) and have no problem with my resting bitchface. We can snark on the huggers and smiley people (damn hippies!)

Pet peeve - people who don't take responsibility for their own mistakes and try to point the blame at others. Hi, Manager! Oh, by the way, I document everything.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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Come sit next to me. I promise not to hug you (I'm descended from austere Lutheran Midwestern stock)...

According to Garrison Keillor it's permissible for you to hug someone as long as it doesn't make either one of you happy.

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I'm a smiley hugger but I would never hug anybody that I didn't know would be receptive to it. One of my best friends hates being touched so I don't hug her.

I made up a silly hand gesture thing we do in place of hugs.

Huggers need to know their "audience".

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm peeved at myself for being cranky today.  I had to go run some errands and the high school seniors are out as they graduate tonight so schoolin' is done for them.  They are EVERYWHERE assaulting innocent cranks with all their youthful energy.


Normally, I'm pretty ok with the younger folk and tend to time my outings when I am least likely to encounter large groups of them just cause I remember when I was equally oblivious to the world around me and undoubtably annoyed many-a-folk with my equally loud and boisterous group of friends.  I was just totally caught off guard today.

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I'm there, Marge!

I was standing in line at a store the other day, sweating, (another pet peeve-hot stores) when I noticed a sign on the counter. What did it say? "Smile!" I smirked. Ha!

I realize I sound like a big grouch, but I only have anger issues when I'm ranting about my pet peeves. Otherwise I'm a pleasant person. No, really. I am.

Edited by bubbls
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I hate it when tv news tries to sensationalize non news stories. For example, Nashville had a big flood five years ago. On the fifth anniversary of it, a station interviewed a woman who feared of another flood. End of story. She could...how do I put this...move?

Media wants to commemorate every event these days. When does everything have to have an anniversary, good or bad?

Edited by pandora spocks
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My latest peeve :


This is related somewhat to DeLurker's post about kids being out for the summer.  It's parents who let their kids of all ages out at night alone but think it's no big deal since they don't have to be in school the next day!


I'll never forget one experience a few years ago while I was on my way to work.  I work graveyard and I was on the road at about 12:30am.  I stopped at a red light and saw three kids (the oldest looked about 9 or 10, the younger ones about 7).  They crossed the street and went off into the darkness.  WTH?  I called the cops and let them know what I saw and the general direction they were going but I don't know if they caught up with them.  Who in the world lets kids that little out of bed (fully dressed) after midnight??  Even when I was that age, we were tucked in bed by 10 at the latest - and usually, after a full day of play, we went to sleep long before that!

Edited by magicdog
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Magicdog, exactly! I was watching a documentary about the Atlanta Child Murders. The mother of one of the victims was ranting about the cops letting her son get killed. That would be her ten-year-old son who was out wandering the ghetto streets at almost midnight. Yeah, that's totally the cops fault, lady. I guess we are fortunate we had parents who cared about our welfare and took their responsibilities seriously.

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On the rare occasion that my mother was home and not working, she told us to be home when the streetlights came on. She worked an office day job, then a part-time job in retail at night. I guess I also had sense not to be running around being stupid, and believed her when she said I'd be disciplined. I didn't much push the limits. My younger of two sisters was a nightmare, though. Still is, at 36, just in a different way.

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My latest peeve :

This is related somewhat to DeLurker's post about kids being out for the summer. It's parents who let their kids of all ages out at night alone but think it's no big deal since they don't have to be in school the next day!

I'll never forget one experience a few years ago while I was on my way to work. I work graveyard and I was on the road at about 12:30am. I stopped at a red light and saw three kids (the oldest looked about 9 or 10, the younger ones about 7). They crossed the street and went off into the darkness. WTH? I called the cops and let them know what I saw and the general direction they were going but I don't know if they caught up with them. Who in the world lets kids that little out of bed (fully dressed) after midnight?? Even when I was that age, we were tucked in bed by 10 at the latest - and usually, after a full day of play, we went to sleep long before that!

When my kids were young my husband worked swing shift and got off work at 11pm. Sometimes if the kids were still up we'd surprise them and go out for midnight pancakes. Only when they didn't have school the next day and they were always with us.

That's one of their favorite memories.

I would NEVER have let my kids out that late alone. Ever. There's just no excuse for it. I gave my kids freedom to be kids but had a short leash at the same time.

My daughter is 31 and still texts me to let me know she made it home safely. My son is a backpacker and always writes his itinerary down for me when he goes on a trip.

I worry about them at their ages so couldn't imagine letting them run the streets when they were kids.

People need to learn they are their kids parents, not their friends.

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm peeved at myself for being cranky today.  I had to go run some errands and the high school seniors are out as they graduate tonight so schoolin' is done for them.  They are EVERYWHERE assaulting innocent cranks with all their youthful energy.


Normally, I'm pretty ok with the younger folk and tend to time my outings when I am least likely to encounter large groups of them just cause I remember when I was equally oblivious to the world around me and undoubtably annoyed many-a-folk with my equally loud and boisterous group of friends.  I was just totally caught off guard today.

I hear ya. I get annoyed sometimes around teenagers, even well-behaved, polite ones. Part of me gets jealous that they are so energetic and hopeful and have their entire lives ahead of them.


2 rainy day pet peeves: I hate sharing umbrellas. Not because I’m selfish or don’t care about other people getting wet. But when sharing an umbrella, it’s a bad experience for everyone involved. No one ever gets protected enough from the rain. And If I’m the one holding it, I have to hold my arm at an awkward angle to try to cover up both of us. And if I’m the guest, I feel bad because the umbrella owner has to hold his/her arm at an awkward angle to try to cover me. If I’m the umbrella owner and someone begs to share with me, I’ll often just let them use my umbrella by themselves and either get another one or make do with my jacket or whatever else is handy.


My other pet peeve: raggedy-ass dollar bills. I hate, hate, hate when I’m getting change at the store or money from the ATM, and I receive a dollar bill that’s wrinkled, worn, and sometimes ripped. In a store, I understand that the cashiers can’t control what money other customers give them.  But at an ATM or at the bank, someone with dollar bill authority purposely loaded that old, damaged bill into the machine or the teller drawer.

--I usually don’t speak up for myself regarding such little things, but this is one time where I will ask the cashier or bank teller for a replacement bill.

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Way back when, I was a cashier at a grocery store and cash or check were the only ways of paying.  After handling money for an entire shift, I found out how disgustingly filthy it actually is.


Umbrella sharing is an awkward thing.  I always managed to have to share with someone who there was a significant height difference so that never works out.

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I like the dirty bills, though - or at least the used ones - because new ones stick together.  If I get fresh bills from an ATM, I have to crumple them up before using them, they're so sticky.

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Way back when, I was a cashier at a grocery store and cash or check were the only ways of paying.  After handling money for an entire shift, I found out how disgustingly filthy it actually is.

I got to hear about sweaty-boob money from my friend the cashier.

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I just have to say--I love this site (Previouslytv) and this Pet Peeve thread.  Where the heck else can we unload our frustrations, irritations, etc., with the stupidities of life around us?  And no matter where we live on this wonderful, beautiful, fragile planet, these stupidities exist all around us. I've told a lot of folks about this site but I don't know if they have the nerve to express their frustrations.  IMO it's better than going to a therapist! (uh-oh--my stepdaughter is a psychologist; but I think she'll laugh and love this site as much as I do :>)

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Now, in defense of the banks (I know, I know. In a previous life I was a banker) the only way to get rid of crappy bills (we called it mutilated money) is to literally sell it back to the fed. Depending upon the bill you had certain increments to sell it back in. One dollar bills for example had to be in straps of $100.00 which you can't sell back to the fed until you have ten straps of. You'd have to have $100.00 worth of mutilated one dollar bills before you can get rid of them and depending on the size of the bank branch it could take a while.

But, to the point, I would never have given a bill so badly handled to a customer or in the ATM, etc. but, again, a lot of banks limit how much mutilated money one can have in their drawers, or tills at a time. Corporate BS to minimize loss basically.

So, I guess on the topic of banking. I used to HATE when customers would pull up to the drive through and not be ready. No deposit slip, on the phone, using said phone on the calculator, signing checks, etc. all the while I had to stare at their pretentious mug at the ready for that moment they were ready for me. I'm a SAHM now but Before I go to the bank I sign my checks, tally my deposit, it's ready to go as soon as I pull in. I also already have my drivers license attached to the deposit or check if I'm getting cash.

Which is another peeve of mine. People that act all taken aback when asked to show ID. It's the law buddy. Buying alcohol and look under 35, well, the cashier shouldn't risk losing their job because you can't be bothered to show ID. Cashing a check for $5,000 dollars, hell, $20.00, the teller should ID you. It's called CYA (cover your ass). Are you worth my job? Nope-show me ID buddy!

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So, I guess on the topic of banking. I used to HATE when customers would pull up to the drive through and not be ready. No deposit slip, on the phone, using said phone on the calculator, signing checks, etc. all the while I had to stare at their pretentious mug at the ready for that moment they were ready for me. I'm a SAHM now but Before I go to the bank I sign my checks, tally my deposit, it's ready to go as soon as I pull in. I also already have my drivers license attached to the deposit or check if I'm getting cash.


I don't work at a bank, but I hate these people too. I always seem to be behind them in line. It's worse in the ATM line because that's supposed to be faster.

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