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Season 5 Discussion


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Jamie and his partner are getting on my nerves, what are they in middle school?

Last episode he was overly protectibe of her with the guy who pushed her, now he thinks she is jealous, then she says she doesn't like him going out with the foctor but she's not going to say its jealousy.

I swear if they start passing notes to each other or she starts doodling his name in her notebook I am out!

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The closest that Danny has come to losing his job due to excessive force is the one time he doesn't actually use excessive force.

Jamie's partner is really getting on my nerves. She has a major crush on him and it clearly shows. She's the one who told Jamie to put his baby blue eyes to good use. And then when he does, she acts completely jealous. I don't like it when she's acting like "one of the guys" and thinks that Jamie should talk about his dating life with her because if she was guy partner, they'd be talking about women.





Did anyone else think the doctor was far more Jamie's type than the partner?  

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I guess the writers were living out a common fantasy of some (note: I said "some" not all) cops here in NYC re: Rev Al Sharpton; they would love to find this kind of thing on him to discredit him.  


I think their fantasy is that allegations of police brutality are just lying black people talking BS about good white police officers. I had to switch off it was so blatantly racist. I'm just about done with this show and its Fox News politics.

Edited by jtrattray
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I think their fantasy is that allegations of police brutality are just lying black people talking BS about good white police officers. I had to switch off it was so blatantly racist. I'm just about done with this show and its Fox News politics.


Not particularly fair to this show, since they have story-lines of consequences of police brutality every other episode, including the episode from the last season when the police officer used excessive force on suspect in custody and strangled him to death. And there were consequences. For the police. Or the story from this very season opening, again with the consequences. Or every other episode of the show that deals with corrupt/bigoted law-enforcement officers.

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I agree with CooperTV.  I feel they do a fairly balanced job of handling issues on both sides.  Rev. Potter has been on the show before, and he, as a man, is a shady character.  He had a grudge against Frank, and used this opportunity to try and hurt him.  What I love about this show is that there are lessons every week, if you want to see them.  I also always find it entertaining.  The family dynamic is great.  That's why I watch it. 

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Frank and the Boomer Esiason Celebrity cameo was a bit much. But he should have been on as a business man or something. But it was nice he was there for a kids fund.

Busy Episode:

Jamie helping out fellow Officer Kara Walsh was a nice thing. I thought it would drive a wedge between him and Janko. But she came around. The shootout at the end with Janko being the only team coming to help I thought would make her see Jamie is right and Kara is a good person.

Jamie had the right to be mad at Officer Reynolds, and there will be guys like that who don't change their minds right away. I figured Eddie would be jealous.

Frank has to help an old friend Detective Chris Scanlon that shot his partner. Frank helps him decide to retire. Good call.

Then Erin showing Danny that Damon Williams has changed and should not be charged with murder. That is hard to be between the deceases family and the Killer. That was good. Marcus Greene should have met with Damien Williams face to face instead of trying to kill him. it had to be kind of a hard choice for Danny.

The family dinner always shows how opinions of 4 generations can so differ. Henry stands for the old ideals. You never rat out a brother officer and you back your partner no matter what. We have seen that topic come up before.You also do as you are told or how the rules are drawn. But he never had to put up with some of today's problems. He didn't have to worry about male and female coworkers wanting more then just a working partner. He never put up with a gay cop. He never had to worry about a officer 2nd guessing orders or a partner. They did as told or they got another line of work. Frank is in the middle being the current Commissioner. He wants to stay with tradition but he sees that sometimes you have to bend the rule on an individual situation. He likes to see both sides of the story, and he gets a lot of input before he makes a decision. Danny seems to have more Henry in him and does at times bend (like for the gay actor who followed him to learn for a part). He is at times pig headed, but can bend. That is why he buts heads with Erin so often. He thinks most cases are cut and dry. She does not. Then we get to Jamie. He probably is more like his mother. He thinks everyone is basically good and just needs help and reassuring. He can see both Erin's(legal) and Danny's side(mostly) of most cases. He, same as Danny knows right from wrong, and tries to do the right thing.

Erin and her new love interest Robert McCoy, may make it tough for him to be her new boss, but I hope if he is, we will see him more then once every 3 episodes.

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Danny and Baez had to play mediator between 2 partners after Detective Alex Furentes is found to be gay. His partner Jerry Demerest, at first didn't want to work with him. But he learned later that Alex was no different then before. Danny and Baez going to Jersey to meet Chief Monroe(Franks old friend) was a trip. Chiefs choice of words for different people was bad. I like how Danny and Baez arrested son Kevin Monroe and friend Todd Kowalchuk in NY. Wonder if Danny told Frank about Chief Monroe?

Detective Mike Hofferman razed Jamie and stole his collars. Jamie and Eddie are cool and get back at him. But on the "Spiderboy" Davey Lugo, collar, Jamie does the right thing and gives him to Hofferman instead of steal the credit himself.

Cardinal Greg Brennen(Actor played baddie on CSI, and Psychologist on L&O:SVU), seems to be helping his friend Frank.

I kinda thought with Sargent Gormley complaining in the staff meeting about the new and old Police style that he might replace Dino. Since also Frank and Garrett talked about replacing him. Who will replace Gormley? I would say move up Sargent Anthony Renzulli, but I know he isn't a Detective. What actually does Detective Abigail Baker do in Frank's office, open doors?

Jamie seeing "Dr. Lambchops", Jennifer Bennett, we can see it makes partner Eddie Jenko jealous. She pretty much admitted it but didn't say it in the bar. But it would be hard to have it both ways. Being one of the boys, but wanting to be Jamie's only girl. "Let's go shoot darts, drink beers" she said. But I thought in bar she was going to kiss Jamie. They start dating then she will have to pair up with Cara Walsh. The one that ratted on her partner from a couple episodes back. Jamie will have to pick another Officer from the precinct.

Almost thought we would see a Cardinal Greg Brennen vs. Reverend Darnell Potter! I hated that he manipulated But maybe he believed what Jessy Lincoln said and use it to try and get back at the Police/Frank. We will see if letting Potter slide on this will come back to bite the Reagan's. Maybe Frank should have taped the convo in the Restaurant. I to worried that Ernesto was going to say what heard Danny say about pushing Jessy out the window himself. But his family finally did the right thing. I know they were scared being illegals and worrying the Police would deport them. And probably Rev. Potters people helped enforce that fear. .

I agree with NorthstarATL on the wrong glass Law Suit. Call Lockhart/Gardner!

This episode illustrated everything I've always found so frustrating about this show in general and Danny in particular: aside from the one anger management class he deigned to attend last season, there have never been any consequences for the countless times he's brutalized suspects and run roughshod over the 4th amendment (I wait in vain for a charges to be dismissed, or a conviction reversed, which happened all the time on L&O). This fact that this time he followed the rules provided an opportunity to explore the ironies of how his past bad (illegal) behavior finally came back to bite him in the ass, but no...

Instead, the situation is politicized and racialized (don't know if that's a real word, but what the hell:) By portraying the Reverend Potter as nothing more than an opportunist willing to play fast and loose with the law to advance his agenda, the show implicitly dismisses why African-Americans in NYC (and too many communities across the country) feel justifiably threatened when police come into their neighborhoods.

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Just on a purely personal point of view.  I think the actress that plays Eddie is extremely attractive especially out of uniform, hair down etc.  So I want them to date.


I believe the 2 characters do like each other but also want to be partners.  They want both.  And I my thought is that's where they'll try to go on the show.  Trying to keep it a secret.

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I believe the 2 characters do like each other but also want to be partners.  They want both.  And I my thought is that's where they'll try to go on the show.  Trying to keep it a secret.


I actually pity Jamie if they will get together. Apart from being very attractive, Eddie's really irrational, judgmental and insecure person I wouldn't wish on anyone.

I only hope Jamie will get his promotion soon, because otherwise their potential dating on the job would be completely messed up.


(And I think the Dad would not be happy about his boy breaking the rules).

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This show has no consistent view police brutality and civil rights. Sometimes it glorifies it as RoboDanny cleans up the streets of NYC all by himself. Sometimes it's dismissive trying to get us to believe that it's just a few bad apples and throwbacks bygone era. Sometimes it condemns it outright. Sometimes it wants to present it as a thorny moral problem with no easy clear cut solutions. If you don't like how they handled it this week just wait for the next episode and it will probably be more to your liking.

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Jamie's partner is a pain in the butt, but maybe she can't help herself, since she's always wavering between her obvious feelings for Jamie and her need to keep her common sense as a partner.     So she tries to be tough and cool with Jamie one minute, and the next minute she's giving him the goo-goo eyes and flirting.   They will no doubt at all eventually be involved romantically, which will ease the tension of the attraction they have for each other, but it will create the strain of trying to hide their extra-curricular relationship in order to remain partners.   In any case, their relationship creates drama, which is what this show is supposed to do.


It was gratifying to see Frank score one against Rev. Potter.   Potter gets my hackles up every time he's in the plot.  He's a creepy little opportunist. 


Danny is always in trouble for rule-bending, excessive force, saying the wrong thing, or other various offenses, but then that sympathetic side to him emerges and it ends up balancing out.   I really like his wife and little boys and their interactions at the dinner table.   We rarely see his family together anywhere else but at Sunday dinner.  Love the Sunday dinners.   Except for Nicki.  

Edited by crocosmia
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Ahh life lessons.  Hey Blue Bloods I DO NOT want to learn them from you.  Just do what you do well and keep grandpa and Precious Nikki out of it, ok?




Although loved the Jaimie partnership and how he actually looked totally freaked out with the car bomb.  He's getting more range, and she was adorable.  It really ended abruptly, I thought for sure it was going to be continued. 


And I like the grey headed guy who schooled grandpa.

I really have no idea why Erin had to take the brunt of what her grandpa said about an unrelated issue in court. And what the hell did Nicky say to even matter in the case?

Meanwhile some nkotb fans found the social media angle a bit too in the nose given Donnie tweets a lot in real life and his new wife (shudders) doesn't seem to think before she talks.

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This whole episode felt like there was supposed to be another ten minutes at the end, and they never came. It was a mess.


I'd wish they save the social media issues for some other episode. Or just drop it out altogether, maybe? Because they piled up the Judge lecturing Erin on the Reagan social media faux pas, Garret lecturing the Grandpa (it was on point but out of line), Nikki's school crap and Frank coming off as hapless.in the midst of it, and never resolved any of it. WTF, show?


I guess, the episode was good for something: we saw Jamie's apartment.

Right? Did Grandpa apologize or realize his mouth hurts Frank when he spews his backwards values? Did Erin realize what a crock it was the judge or Nikki's teacher was spewing? Did Nikki learn to stop with her every thought on Twitter? Did Jamie and his partner realize they are in love (and Danny's partner must be psychic since she was heavily hinting at it with nothing more than the two of them leaning against a car)? Nope. None of that happened, Frank told Gramps he loves him, they all smiled, and all was solved in the Regan world. 


I want an alternate universe where Garret, the blond woman from the office, Danny's old boss, and his current partner all run off, maybe take Jamie and Linda with them, and start a while new family dinner tradition. That would be one family dinner scene I want to see. 

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Hmm...I wonder how many expensive private Catholic schools would let a teacher have a picture of Che Guevara in her classroom? And whether said expensive private Catholic school would permit a teacher to bully students and mouth off to their (tuition-paying) parents. That hussy with her long blonde hair and sneering at good, honest Regans! 


And frankly, if Nikki REALLY wanted to go to Rutgers, I'm sure a nice recco from her granddad could get her in. (It's totally her safety school).


I see Nikki as more of a Bard type, or Wesleyan, or maybe even Mt. Holyoke.


What does bother me is the continued portrayal of liberals as bullies who hate the police, and won't let them do their jobs. (And as I said over on TWOP, I watch it because my wife loves it, and I've grown fond of picking on it).


...I do recall that a liberal has been right ONCE, last season when the soup kitchen lady said that the mentally ill man couldn't possibly have pushed the girl onto the subway tracks, and after disparaging her opinion, it was discovered she was right. (Though she did not get an apology).


(And editing to agree that Det. Baker aka Frank's blonde assistant, is totally awesome.)

Edited by kwnyc
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I see Nikki as more of a Bard type, or Wesleyan, or maybe even Mt. Holyoke.



I'd like to see Nikki go off to Stanford...and stay there.  The character irritates me to no end!  Now that the actress who plays her is listed in the opening credits, I'm sure that means more Nikki when I was so hoping for less.  I know the whole show is wholesome overload, and I can handle it with Frank's kids.  With Nikki, I feel like I'm being lectured by her and constantly told how wonderful she is.  To me, she is a complete brown-noser.  I hate that she wants to be a cop.  I know law is the family business, but I'm seriously A-OK with it stopping with Frank's children.


I also want to agree with the awesomeness that is Det. Baker.  I've always liked her.



Blue Bloods however ticked up 5 percent and a tenth to season highs of 11.2 mil — currently outdrawing the World Series’ prelim audience — and 1.3.



Edited by Ohmo

While the stories were heavy handed, I did appreciate the reference to social media and the impact it can have on your life. Granted, not too many kids watch this show, but Erin was right that what she wrote In a journal for a couple of friends is vastly different from putting something out there for the world to see...and share. Employers and colleges are absolutely looking at candidates social media accounts and using them as deciding factors in whether to accept people.

Henry's diatribe was just ridiculous and insulting. Sure he's an older man, but I don't think he's stupid. And if that really was his attitude back then, and if that incident really happened, I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have picked up on it. We may not have had social media 20 years ago (which is when I presume he was PC), but the media wasn't deaf, dumb and blind either. Something like that would have been reported.

Nikki's teacher was out of line, as was the judge. In what universe is what a teenager tweets or an old man rants, have any bearing on a murder trial? And is it a judges place to tell the prosecutor to recuse herself? If the defense attorney thought there was a conflict he could bring it up and ask the judge to suggest it, right? I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

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Frank and Danny are determined to put away an international felon who repeatedly manages to walk away from murder charges, but they struggle to come up with the necessary evidence to earn a conviction. Meanwhile, Erin debates going into private practice when she looks into college costs for Nicky, and Danny butts heads with his new boss.


Henry's diatribe was just ridiculous and insulting. Sure he's an older man, but I don't think he's stupid. And if that really was his attitude back then, and if that incident really happened, I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have picked up on it. We may not have had social media 20 years ago (which is when I presume he was PC), but the media wasn't deaf, dumb and blind either. Something like that would have been reported.

I think it was heavily implied (and then stated by Henry outright) that the cop Henry was protecting at the time was, in fact, Frank. I'm sure everybody knew it and never said anything precisely because Frank would know.

Edited by CooperTV

"And is it a judges place to tell the prosecutor to recuse herself? If the defense attorney thought there was a conflict he could bring it up and ask the judge to suggest it, right? I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me."

I'm not a lawyer either. However, while it may not be the judge's place, in real life (or even on Law & Order:), Erin's boss, the district attorney, would have immediately recognized the conflict of her prosecuting a case involving her brothers. Or, Erin would have recognized the conflict and recused herself. Of course, not in the rarified world the show's writers have created for the Regan's.

Edited by wonderwoman
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Just watched this on DVR. Was there some sort of contest to see how many of the most annoying elements of this series could fit into one episode? Let's see we have

1. A Nikki heavy episode.
2. Danny catches the case because he is the only detective in NYC and MUST be in the A or B plot.

3. And so does Erin because she is the only prosecutor and will get the case even though there are about 97 glaring conflicts of interest. This will only be noticed by one of our villains who doesn't care about cops being threatened.

4. Henry is a former police commissioner, but doesn't know anything about politics, the media, etc. and thinks about everything like a retired precinct sergeant or a beat cop.
5. We can't be bothered to make an attempt at some level of realism. Rutgers monitors applicants social media? And thinks this is a serious deal? We can't be bothered to come up with something slightly more scandalous that Nikki is peripherally involved in? Or even hand wave it away with a line about her being a high profile applicant held to higher standards?

6. Every police critic is not only wrong, but a total jerk. And we will make sure to hammer you over the head until you get the point (that giant picture of Che anyone?)

7. If we don't know what do with a plot St. Frank will just make a speech and everything will be OK.

Edited by wknt3
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Wknt, let's also add that Jamie had to be part of the same story as well.  Dumb!  In any event, why did he leave the beaten girl alone in the first scene instead of sitting with her and calling for help? 


And why is NIkki even applying to Rutgers?  It is a fine school, but she lives in NYS, and it is a New Jersey state school.  I don't think of it as the kind of state school that attracts national applicants in a big way, such as Michigan or Berkeley or UCLA.  Why wouldn't she be applying to the equally fine state universities in New York, so the tuition would be lower?

I think it was heavily implied (and then stated by Henry outright) that the cop Henry was protecting at the time was, in fact, Frank. I'm sure everybody knew it and never said anything precisely because Frank would know.

Yes but my point was that it would have been impossible for the media not to pick up on it. Someone would have screamed police brutality and it would have made the papers. There is no way to keep that quiet.

And why is NIkki even applying to Rutgers?  It is a fine school, but she lives in NYS, and it is a New Jersey state school.  I don't think of it as the kind of state school that attracts national applicants in a big way, such as Michigan or Berkeley or UCLA.  Why wouldn't she be applying to the equally fine state universities in New York, so the tuition would be lower?

NYS schools aren't cheap. They may even be more expensive than Rutgers, which has an outstanding reputation. We also don't know what other colleges she's applied to, just that Erin ran into a professor from Rutgers and he commented about Nikki's tweets. I also don't think money is an issue. Sure Erin is a public servant, but Nikki's father is a high-priced defense attorney. I'm sure he's paying for her college education, or at least contributing heavily toward it.

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What? No chase scene with Danny on foot, trying to track down the perp? What is it about the actor's running that fascinates the writers so much that they have to include his foot chases on seemingly every show? Or is it just filler? I'd rather see more time spent at the dinner table.


For me, the most interesting aspects of the show include the supper conversations, Jamie and Eddie on the beat, Jamie's ex-partner (is he gone now, I loved that guy), and Danny's boss (glad we'll be seeing more of him).


Boy, Danny's oldest son is definitely looking much older these days....Nice to see L&O's ME (Leslie Hendrix) again. She does love hair color....I'm sure he paid a lot for them, but Len Cariou's teeth look like chiclets.

Edited by mojito

Nikki's teacher irritated me. I don't understand what she expected Erin to apologize for. And her bringing up Nikki's grandfather in class just to humiliate Nikki was way out of line, vindictive and petty.

Obviously Erin should have recused herself based on the fact that her little brother was the victim (and that her other brother was the lead detective on the case). But the judge asking her to recuse herself based on things that her daughter and grand father said was a bit ridiculous.

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What? No chase scene with Danny on foot, trying to track down the perp? What is it about the actor's running that fascinates the writers so much that they have to include his foot chases on seemingly every show?


The episode was shot right around the time he got married: the scene at the club was his last day before his wedding so maybe not risk him being injured? (I'd say more but that's going off topic.)



Nice to see L&O's ME (Leslie Hendrix) again


THAT'S who she was. It was driving me nuts.

  • Love 1

I enjoyed this episode - in particular I found the attack on Jamie and Eddie pretty exciting! And I like grampa giving the 'Old School' side. But yeah, some of the comments already made ring true:



He should have used his cell phone or persuaded the girl to go over to the police car.


As Jamie walked away from the victim of the week, I said to my wife, "That's why he's not a detective."



I wonder how many expensive private Catholic schools would let a teacher have a picture of Che Guevara in her classroom?


That jumped out at me too  (she's more likely to encounter that at Rutgers!). Speaking of which:


And frankly, if Nikki REALLY wanted to go to Rutgers, I'm sure a nice recco from her granddad could get her in.


Yes. Rutgers is a fine school, but they admit 60% of their 30,000 annual applicants. All Nikki has to do is be in the top 20,000. Even she should be able to manage that - and no, I don't think they're checking 20,000 twitter feeds.

The episode was shot right around the time he got married: the scene at the club was his last day before his wedding so maybe not risk him being injured? (I'd say more but that's going off topic.)



THAT'S who she was. It was driving me nuts.

Yes, yes!! She did such a good job of being NOT Rogers that it took me a few minutes to place her.  Nice to see her on TV again -- she was always one of my favorites on L&O, along with Lenny.  Always looked forward to their scenes together.  

  • Love 1

Much better than last week. I liked the focus on Erin, her career options and the story with The Good Wife-esque lawyer. Her conversation with Frank was very well done. Erin's ex-husband that works in the law firm and obviously makes big bucks is a cheap jerk.


Lt. Carver is cool lady, need to see more of her. Frank was stubborn and payed for that. Garret's satisfied expression at the press-conference was awesome.


The C plot with the boxing competition was cute, although Danny and the other guy were like five-year-olds with their insults of each other, which is just as well.

So Erin waits until Nikki is applying for schools, after harping on good colleges for as long as the show has been on, to figure out paying for it? She and her high powered attorney ex didn't bother to set up a college fund? Even Frank had a WTF look on his face when she was talking about paying for it. Her senior yea right be a bit too late to start planning. But hey, maybe Great Grandpa can teach Nikki some crooked ways to get in on a take or something to help pay for it. Same with Danny. Your brother graduated from Harvard not all that long ago and you are surprised at college costs? It's not like Jamie graduated 25 years ago or went to a state school. I find it hard to believe Danny doesn't know what school costs either. 

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I agree that the sudden "sticker shock" over college is unrealistic.  There should have been a plan in place years ago.  (And while there is no legal duty to provide college expenses for a child, when two lawyers divorce, that is most definitely part of the settlement.)


I think the show needs to move Jamie's career along.  He is the heir apparent in terms of being Police Commissioner someday.  Danny is too much like Grandpa.  His penchant for going rogue would never fly today.  Jamie's law degree, polish, and calm demeanor would serve him in good stead.

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Have they even said what Nicki is going to college for? Guess they don't believe in scholarships either? *eyeroll*  I'm not sure they know what to do with Jaime. How young is he supposed to be compared to Danny and Erin? I can't believe some of the stuff they put him in because the actor just seems to young to pull it off. Why set him up for a boxing match if he ended up giving it back to his trainer anyway? At least with the Blue Templar plot, he had some stuff to do.

I forgot to chime in.  It was a decent episode but I was blown away by the irony of Erin convincing bad wolf lawyer (Zelina from Once Upon a Time, last seen with green skin I think...) to do something she, Erin,  would never ever in a million years do - break her oath.  Her righteousness makes me throw up a little bit, and oh, can't wait for Dad to find out loser ex aint so ex.


The boxing thing was just soooo Jaimie; plus gah, it was clear he didn't want to do it from the start.  Frank's an ass. 

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