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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I saw that part of the Q&A. Alyssa said she brought up the topic to John, thinking they should explain the differences between boys and girls before Rhett arrived. John, being the stand-up guy that he is (eyeroll), said fine, but YOU should talk to the girls and he'd eventually talk to the boy. Alyssa admitted she felt awkward, not knowing how to introduce the subject and not knowing what to say, so she researched and found a book series. Bible based of course, but uses medical terminology and the books are geared towards different age ranges. John said he wasn't initially supportive, but read them and got on board. I have to say, it's a huge pet peeve of mine when someone doesn't want to handle an uncomfortable task but then takes issue with how the other person does it. Props to Alyssa for taking the bull by the horns. 

Thanks for a better explanation than what I recalled. I didn’t actually watch the whole video, kind of fast forwarded through it, I find them very dull, especially John.

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I'm not watching a half hr of these people but I guess by planning to build another bedroom/bathroom over the school room, the - we don't want any more kids - BS is out the window?

Bc if they're going to knock down a wall in one of the girls' bedrooms to make it a bigger room for all 4 girls, and thus let Prince Rhett take Allie/Macie's existing room, what exactly do they need ANOTHER bedroom for? All their kids are accounted for with a downstairs guestroom still left over. But let's be real, no way are they gonna let Prince Rhett grow up with no brothers if they can help it - I mean what if the boy starts dancing or wearing pink??

But per the Reddit folks, in a recent video John scoffed about - well if we have more kids it'll prob be girls anyway. So they may be prepping for the mental reality that in order to give Prince Rhett a brother, they may end up having 2-3 more girls first. Excellent plan for a man who DOES NOT WANT even his existing kids + a wife who only wants sons.

Funny how the Reddit leghumpers hump Carlin/Evan day and night but HATE Alyssa and John esp for how they treat Allie. IDK from what little I've seen, Alyssa seems like the type who is VERY RESENTFUL of ANYONE who she perceives has it "easier" than she did. That's part of why she has NO PROBLEM treating Addie and Ellie like maids because NO FAIR when she was 15-16, she was cooking and cleaning for a dozen+ kids and Addie/Ellie only have 5 kids at home now. Same thing for Allie - why should she allow that 8 yr old to have an easy ride when 8 yr old Alyssa was cooking for a dozen+ people with then 12 yr old Michael?? Uh but Alyssa your issues need to be taken up with G/K and/or with a therapist, not with your EIGHT YEAR OLD child. I bet she spends 95% of her day pissed with Allie for not responding to her brother's diaper needs fast enough or not potty training her sisters or not getting their lunches ready on time.

And John has said before that he was the youngest boy surrounded by girl siblings in his family as his older bros were significantly older than him; so he doesn't know or remember that in fundie families - girls ARE taught that boys have dicks and that's where their specialness comes from. And they're taught this bc they see said dick 7000 times/day as they change diapers. So yeah John, your fundie daughters aren't gonna be protected from your son's manhood bc your lazy ass fundie wife ain't changing any diaper that she can pass off on Allie or even Lexie.


Edited by cereality
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In slight defense of Carlin and Evan, they're awful parents in the sense that they don't give their kids stability, but I don't see them playing favorites and they're affectionate with both of their children. 

With regards to Alyssa, I agree she has a major chip on her shoulder. She can give her kids a better material life than she had, but at the same time she resents them for it. Unfortunately for Allie, as the oldest daughter, she's an easy scapegoat. She's a Sister-Mom, but she gets to have nice clothes, toys, a cute room to sleep in and plenty of food to eat, meanwhile Alyssa had to slave away in abject poverty. And like cereality noted, you get the vibe that Alyssa is annoyed her daughter isn't performing to her expectations. Hell, in that Q&A she sounded pissed when her toddler wouldn't fetch Rhett's diapers. 

It's sad Alyssa's repeating the toxic patterns of her childhood, but trauma can do a number on you. I think all these kids in Fundie mega-families have issues, they just manifest them differently. 

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Four boys and two girls.

"Congressman Webster was born in Charleston, West Virginia on April 27, 1949.  He is a graduate of Georgia Tech where he earned his degree in Electrical Engineering in 1971.  He also holds two Honorary Doctorate Degrees. Webster is married to the former Sandra Jordan of Orlando, and they have six children: David, Brent, Jordan, Elizabeth, John, and Victoria, and twenty-three grandchildren." 


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Wasn’t trying to suggest John is the only boy, meant that John’s brothers are older and he was sandwiched by girl siblings on either side. He’s talked before about how he always ended up playing dress up and weddings with his sisters bc older bros didn’t want little bro tagging along. Meant that while he doesn’t remember it, yeah his girl siblings saw his manhood bc no doubt they were changing their brother just like Allie is now.

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7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

In slight defense of Carlin and Evan, they're awful parents in the sense that they don't give their kids stability, but I don't see them playing favorites and they're affectionate with both of their children. 

You’re right on this. As much as C&E suck, Layla didn’t get dropped the moment the boy arrived. Evan still dotes on Layla - and in a day to day way - not in a - I’ll talk to you on your annual birthday date way. And Carlin is dim enough that she only talks to Layla about makeup and dresses, but she still talks to the child. I don’t see either of them saying “wow” and turning away if Layla showed them a gift.

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Cute babies and talking toddlers make for good content. Especially girl toddlers who like what mommy sells. I wouldn't rule out Zade becoming the favorite once he's a talking toddler, twinning with Evan in skin tight sweat pants and "super soft" shirts. 'Boring' Layla will be in the corner with a workbook, frustratingly tracing letters all by herself.

I had no idea Alyssa treats Allie so poorly. I hope John somehow balances that out.

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I went back and watched the birthday video..I wanted to see how Alyssa treated Allie...and WOW....she is dismissive and militant, and does not put much effort into interacting with her...I have been training in trauma counseling for 5 years and am in the process of writing manuals to teach others...and part of what I am working on is spiritual abuse...So what I am seeing  in these videos is relevant and encompasses aspects of what is going on in  these types of religious circles -- from a trauma perspective ( and based on people I have been counseling for the past few years) Alyssa exhibits anger and bitterness and it's presented as control - through the withholding of attention and affection from ALLIE ( just what I am seeing in this video)..this is from Alyssa's own trauma wounds...I suspect Allie is intelligent and headstrong...and Alyssa is tamping that down ASAP so that Allie begins and will continue to conform --to the broader ideal..of...Patriarchy -within their religious beliefs...what is this doing to Allie...she is wounded and is displaying rejection, feeling unloved, seeking attention...she is beaten down...a good reference for body language is a book by Bryan Post - you can google him if you are interested...another good reference is a book about girls and spiritual abuse ...called "She deserves more".....and if you pray ...say a little prayer for those girls..because what you are watching is abuse for all to see...

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10 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I had no idea Alyssa treats Allie so poorly. I hope John somehow balances that out.

This is the part that's even more disappointing. Before Prince Rhett arrived, John was the one who was like - everyone thinks I'm the one who MUST have a son, but nope it isn't me, it's Alyssa. When Alyssa now famously was like "that's just how boys get treated," John was the one who looked at his daughters' faces and was like that's ridiculous. When the reveal revealed it was a boy and Allie's face fell [bc mommy had just said any boy would be treated better], John was the one who hugged and kissed Allie before he even hugged his wife.

Yet now that Prince Rhett is here, all that is out the window. John is just as obsessed with BOY as Alyssa. I mean even in pics, John's smile reaches his eyes with his SON in a way it never did with his daughters - or maybe it did for a minute with Allie bc she was his first. But he was never as IN LOVE with any kid as with his BOY.

So the girls are on their own. In a way the other girls are luckier bc they'll have sister mom Allie to turn to as they grow up as mom and dad give two $hits about them. But it's the most unfair to Allie - when she doesn't feel like cooking or cleaning or putting away the laundry, she doesn't have an older sister who can be like - you don't have to do that today, I'll handle it for you. It's all very Jana Duggar or Michaela Bates . . . Michael was able to buy into the fundie BS 1000% of having a servant's heart blah blah. Jana always just seemed miserable to me bc she clearly realized at some point that she was just being used. So if Allie has/gets that realization, she'll have the same miserable memories of her childhood that mommy has of her own.

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I don’t watch them enough to know definitively if Allie cooks, cleans, or diapers the boy. But indications are she does some of these things, as ppl say the birthday video features Alyssa barking at Allie to take the laundry upstairs. She’s also posted IGs before “gushing” about how Allie LOVES to make her sisters’ lunch 🙄. Yet this was a totally age inappropriate activity at the time as Allie basically served her sisters cold tortillas with unmelted cheese. So I have to imagine in the last yr or 2 she has progressed to using the microwave or oven sometimes.

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24 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

It's speculation like most of what is posted. None of us has any inside information so we speculate about what goes on in the Webster house.

There have been some pictures of Allie at the stove in the past year or two. TBE rest is inferred from there, but let's face it, that girl has probably been a sister mom to Maci. She's probably learning the nuances of laundry. 

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

I don’t watch them enough to know definitively if Allie cooks, cleans, or diapers the boy. But indications are she does some of these things, as ppl say the birthday video features Alyssa barking at Allie to take the laundry upstairs. She’s also posted IGs before “gushing” about how Allie LOVES to make her sisters’ lunch 🙄. Yet this was a totally age inappropriate activity at the time as Allie basically served her sisters cold tortillas with unmelted cheese. So I have to imagine in the last yr or 2 she has progressed to using the microwave or oven sometimes.

She loved to make lunch --  "cold tortillas with unmelted cheese" -- but didn't know how to do it? Doesn't sound like she was making lunch regularly.

Sounds like she did it once, or that was the first time,  and Alyssa exaggerated for content, the lifeblood of the internet.

Edited by Dehumidifier
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18 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

She loved to make lunch --  "cold tortillas with unmelted cheese" -- but didn't know how to do it? Doesn't sound like she was making lunch regularly.

Sounds like she did it once, or that was the first time,  and Alyssa exaggerated for content, the lifeblood of the internet.

In other words, she lied. She’s a liar. 

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I don't remember Alyssa saying that Allie made lunch for her sisters  on a regular basis. It seems like it was once  or maybe twice  and then she lost interest like a lot of kids that age would do. I see nothig wrong with Alyssa asking for one of the older kids to bring her a diaper or to get a bottle of the refrigerator.  I have more of a problem with Allie's parents knowing that she would love to be a ballerina and they give her a video  and tell her to dance in her room. But when you have 5 kids it's hard to get them to individual sports or dance lessons. That's why I think having 5 kids this close in age is not responsible parenting.  They just get lost in the shuffle.

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33 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't remember Alyssa saying that Allie made lunch for her sisters  on a regular basis. It seems like it was once  or maybe twice  and then she lost interest like a lot of kids that age would do. I see nothig wrong with Alyssa asking for one of the older kids to bring her a diaper or to get a bottle of the refrigerator.  I have more of a problem with Allie's parents knowing that she would love to be a ballerina and they give her a video  and tell her to dance in her room. But when you have 5 kids it's hard to get them to individual sports or dance lessons. That's why I think having 5 kids this close in age is not responsible parenting.  They just get lost in the shuffle.

I doubt it would matter if the Webster daughters' ages were spread out. Allie isn't getting any sinful ballet lessons, and neither is any other Webster daughter. 1. Occasions for sin; 2. Money must go to the Golden Penis's activities and the parents' fun stuff; 3. Alyssa is lazy. 

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Noticed that. And am I the only one who thinks it's rude to attend someone else's baby shower with your FIVE kids in tow - and then be like haha everyone knew we were there bc Maci and Prince Rhett cried the whole time?? WTF. This is someone else's day, you really think it's ok for your kids to disrupt? Bring the baby, fine, many baby showers are ok with that. But could the other 4 kids not have stayed home, you know with their FATHER??

Just goes to show that John does jack $hit with the kids and he views parenting 100% as Alyssa's problem. John was prob relieved to have the house to himself for a few hours - as if he had no role in making a half dozen kids and thus shouldn't have to be bothered. I mean this is the same man who bitched at someone's wedding bc Alyssa was in the wedding party (Katie maybe?) and she either had to stay the night with the bridal party or leave super early to get ready and John [gasp] had to get his daughters ready and to the ceremony on time. I mean Alyssa put every single thing - dresses, tights, underwear, hair brush, hair accessory - into a giant zip lock with the kid's name. John basically had to pop each bag open and put everything in there on the child - and let's be real he probably had Ally do 95% of it - and he still bitched.

But I don't feel bad for Alyssa one bit. They know how babies are made. Her husband could have cared less re having another or not. So yeah she could've shut that factory down after kid 3 - but nope NEED A BOY. Well you got him so deal . . . .

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Wow, Happy Mother's Day, Alyssa. Her sister Katie got a sweet pair of diamond earrings and she got stuck dragging five kids to a baby shower. Like all of you said, normally I'd feel sorry for any woman whose husband is completely useless, but Alyssa was the one determined to get that boy. And now that she has him, she doesn't even seem to be enjoying him all that much. She's done nothing but complain since he's been born. 

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Man there is NOTHING that the Websters ever say that makes you feel even so slightly that they aren't going to completely favor the boy while the girls are just whatever.

They're doing a Q&A while on the road some place. Some leg humper of course asks about whether Rhett will play for the Tampa Bay Rays. As Alyssa GUSHES about ooohhh I'll be happy with ANYTHING he decides to do but baseball would be the best blah blah as John is like yep he'll be a leftie pitcher. WTF you idiots. Just because a child is born with a penis does not mean he's going to MLB (NFL; NBA; DI sports) - what like 0.001% of people get there. Believe me your child won't given that you don't let them out of the house; is he really going to play on club teams year round - that costs money + there are [gasp] black and Hispanic and Jews and others on such teams; nope he'll just play on some church team and then on daddy's air conditioning company team when he's in high school. But since you're already saying you'll nurture whatever his interests with be - remember your daughters - the one who wants to take ballet [so your sister gets her a ballet outfit and you get her a ballet bday cake for her party and ignore her] or the one who says she wants to play sports!?

John 1000% could care less about his kids beyond the - I'm the father I have to provide and teach them the gospel and get them married off. Favorite/dream vacation - John: any place ALONE with you. Well son you are the one who made 5 kids in 9 yrs, so did you think you'd get a lot of alone time without those kids?? Do you wish you had started later having kids - John: no I don't, maybe you [Alyssa] do. Uh we know John, kids are a - get it over with - thing.

Someone asked if their family was complete and Alyssa skipped over that question to answer whatever part 2 of the question was. The silence speaks volumes. We all know they need a brother for Rhett.

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I saw that and Alyssa is so clueless. I live in Las Vegas, where youth baseball is huge and crazy competitive. My neighborhood is next to a park and 9 year-olds are practicing daily until ten o'clock at night. Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but my point is kids who are into sports, are really into sports. Whatever church league Rhett joins won't prepare him to compete with kids who do travel teams and dedicated summer camps. Just like Trace found out when he couldn't even make the basketball team at Clown. But like cereality mentioned, the most infuriating part was Alyssa talking about indulging interests Rhett doesn't even have, yet she has daughters old enough for activities who don't get to do squat. 


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Alyssa looks rough in the Instagram  video. With each baby her hair gets more blond and fried looking. Rather than having a friend come over and "do" her hair in the kitchen sink, she needs a good stylist who can tone down the blond with low lights and give her a cute cut. If she is not careful she is going to be Kelly Jo  2 in a few years. 

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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Alyssa looks rough in the Instagram  video. With each baby her hair gets more blond and fried looking. Rather than having a friend come over and "do" her hair in the kitchen sink, she needs a good stylist who can tone down the blond with low lights and give her a cute cut. If she is not careful she is going to be Kelly Jo  2 in a few years. 

Agreed and I can't imagine how much worse it's gonna get when the postpartum hair loss kicks in. Alyssa definitely needs to go back to a more natural color. The brassy, all-over blonde isn't flattering and it's killing her hair.

10 hours ago, Heathen said:

Neither is Alyssa. She's filtered her face so much in that video that she appears to have Michael Jackson's nose. The last one. 

Lol, she's been going nuts with the filters lately. Maybe she's not feeling much confidence after giving birth, which is understandable, but I'm half expecting her nose to completely disappear at some point. 


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On 5/25/2023 at 4:57 PM, BitterApple said:

I saw that and Alyssa is so clueless. I live in Las Vegas, where youth baseball is huge and crazy competitive. My neighborhood is next to a park and 9 year-olds are practicing daily until ten o'clock at night. Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but my point is kids who are into sports, are really into sports. Whatever church league Rhett joins won't prepare him to compete with kids who do travel teams and dedicated summer camps. Just like Trace found out when he couldn't even make the basketball team at Clown. But like cereality mentioned, the most infuriating part was Alyssa talking about indulging interests Rhett doesn't even have, yet she has daughters old enough for activities who don't get to do squat. 


And have shown interest in activities. Allie (or is it Lexi) really seems like ballet but she'll never be allowed lessons.

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10 minutes ago, AstridM said:

It’s really abusive and heartbreaking, imo. 

It absolutely is. I remember people making excuses for Alyssa, saying maybe they can't afford extracurriculars or it's too hard to drag the kids out for one sibling's ballet lesson, but apparently that won't be an issue when it comes to Budding Superstar Rhett. Alyssa will make it work because she wants to make it work, whereas the girls are just treading water until they're old enough to marry off. 

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17 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It absolutely is. I remember people making excuses for Alyssa, saying maybe they can't afford extracurriculars or it's too hard to drag the kids out for one sibling's ballet lesson, but apparently that won't be an issue when it comes to Budding Superstar Rhett. Alyssa will make it work because she wants to make it work, whereas the girls are just treading water until they're old enough to marry off. 

Yeah, their latest Q&A totally showed their penis bias. I felt horrible for the girls who heard it all. 

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On 5/25/2023 at 4:57 PM, BitterApple said:

I saw that and Alyssa is so clueless. I live in Las Vegas, where youth baseball is huge and crazy competitive. My neighborhood is next to a park and 9 year-olds are practicing daily until ten o'clock at night. Not saying I necessarily agree with it, but my point is kids who are into sports, are really into sports. Whatever church league Rhett joins won't prepare him to compete with kids who do travel teams and dedicated summer camps. Just like Trace found out when he couldn't even make the basketball team at Clown. But like cereality mentioned, the most infuriating part was Alyssa talking about indulging interests Rhett doesn't even have, yet she has daughters old enough for activities who don't get to do squat. 


I wonder if the boys ever get upset about that. Rhett can play on his family or church baseball team but even the golden prince won't be allowed to play for a real baseball team and a chance at the pros. One of Alyssa's brothers wanted to go into the military but wasn't allowed anything except the useless Alert. They are allowed to cheer for the teams and be "for" the military but can't join it.

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Since I have no life, I was thinking about the Webster kids' names last night. The girls have nicknames for names, and misspelled ones at that; the Golden Penis has an actual name, albeit one from a racist novel.

Why don't their trash parents just put a crown on the Golden Penis's head and get it over with? Everything about them, down to their names, says "boys are more valued than girls." 

I hope Rhett grows up to be a rotten little shit. I also hope he pees in Alyssa's face every time she has to change his diaper (meaning when she can't make the girls do it). 


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10 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I wonder if the boys ever get upset about that. Rhett can play on his family or church baseball team but even the golden prince won't be allowed to play for a real baseball team and a chance at the pros. One of Alyssa's brothers wanted to go into the military but wasn't allowed anything except the useless Alert. They are allowed to cheer for the teams and be "for" the military but can't join it.

Depends. Mostly they twist themselves into pretzels to justify why they couldn't do something and it's always God redirecting them or the fault of society, not the fault of their dumbass parents or cult.

Example - Jackson wasn't allowed to join the military and instead sent off to Alert bc it's all the same. On a recent podcast with their barber buddy, Jackson is TWISTING himself into pretzels explaining how the Lord was re-directing his steps to something better and straight out lying to do it. Oh he wanted to join the military but then he broke his collar bone skiing so he didn't even know if he could join and when he called up the recruiter to ask, the recruiter didn't get back to him for A YEAR and in that time he had meet Em (? what's his fiance's name)??

Uh buddy - you turned 18 in Feb 2020. YOUR parents chose to convince you Alert was better, so off you went in March 2020. Your ski injury wasn't until Feb 2021 - age 19, you would already have been in the military for a year if you had normal parents, and let's be real likely not on a family ski trip bc privates in the Army don't run on vacation with mommy and daddy and siblings every month. And Em had nothing to do with it bc you didn't meet her until Feb/Mar 2022. No one in America believes that you placed a call to a military recruiter in Feb 2021 and he didn't respond until March 2022. 

Sometimes you see something real in them. When Trace tried to make the Crown basketball team and didn't and then decided to work out with college friends who played on the team to see if he could give himself a shot next semester, it was just sad and HE was sad. As his friends were having him run drills and it was clear he didn't know how, you saw a moment of "real" as he said - "other guys start doing in 4th grade, I'm 18-19 and don't even know what to do."

Of course he didn't - Gil wasn't going to pay even $50/yr for his sons to pay even one semester of community sports per year. They tried to "remedy" this with Trace's younger bros by letting them play some organized basketball to get some coaching, and even still it was like 2 weeks of church run basketball camps for a yr or two. Hardly the same coaching some receives playing sports from age 5 through high school.

About Rhett I've always said - since they won't let Allie dance, let him be the boy that wants to dance and can't throw/catch a ball to save his life. Of course they'll say no, but let him just be the kid that prances in his room when he thinks no one is watching - enough that A&J lay awake at night and worry. Sure they'll just be like so what we have questionable sexual orientations in our cult, we'll make him marry and make a baby young and that'll "prove" he's straight. But reality is 2023 Bates are NOT what 2000 Bates were - they are MUCH more loose. So it's ridiculous to think that in 2040, Rhett won't be even more loose than the 2023 Bates - he easily could be like, you can accept it or not, I'm off to the Univ of Fla where I'm rooming with my boyfriend. And then what's Johnny gonna do??

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You have to start sports around age 4 to 5 here, do the camps, and play on travel teams just to make the high school team around here.  I don't see them doing that with even Rhett.  Kids who want to dance are in ballet by age 6 at the latest.  Twinkle Toes is now a national established curriculum for pre-schoolers who want to dance!  There is no way the Bateses and their offspring are going to be competitive with that.  If they're lucky Rhett will be sufficiently home taught for their church league if they take all who show up.  Our church league has tryouts now.  

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Well good for Alyssa: "Had the best little getaway for our 9th anniversary *with the baby boy* 🩵 We got to go to a Braves baseball game, explored midtown atlanta, stopped at the varsity and then drove to South Carolina to spend some time with my grandparents. It was everything my heart needed and then some! "

I know this is rude but the pics from that anniversary getaway with Prince Rhett - all decked out in ATL Braves gear - just SCREAM, "we don't have 4 girls, we only have one princely SON."

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