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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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14 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Actually, after Trace’s wedding in October it could be a few years before there is another wedding.  Addallee just turned 16, and the oldest of the single boys is Jackson who just turned 20.  None of the other boys got  married before 25, and I don’t see that changing because I am pretty sure Gil doesn’t have the money to help support the married couples.




Nathan and Trace both tried to get married before they were 25, those lucky girls got away.  

Alyssa said that Addie was too young to date, but that "they still hadn't found someone good enough for her yet."   Marriage is just the way it is. 

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15 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

Yes.  Best to ignore the comments.  But easier said than done, I'm sure.

If she had to answer, all she needed to say was, 'We were really sad that we just weren't able to make the trip but, we've spoken to Lawson and Tiffany and given them all of our love and good wishes.  We look forward to getting together with them very soon to hear all the wonderful details and see the pictures;' The end,

It doesn't matter if any of it is true, she is under no obligation to defend her actions to strangers. And especially not to strangers who are seemingly fishing for private details.

It ain't that hard, For people who've been in the public eye for years, they are completely clueless when it comes to online interaction

Edited by Rootbeer
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20 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

On Reddit someone posted an answer Alyssa gave to a comment someone made on her Instagram account.  Apparently the comment has since been deleted, but the exchange went like this:

commenter: You guys really didn't go to your own brother's wedding? Wow.

Alyssa: When you have 18 siblings and multiple weddings and events to attend every year plus you live out of state...then you can have a say.  Until then, mind your own business.

Safe to say she is bothered that she didn't/couldn't go.

Yowza. Alyssa certainly isn't keeping sweet these days, is she? 

I wonder if Alyssa isn't a little pissed at Kelly right now. I think Kelly put TONS of pressure on her to show up for I Love You Day, and that trip was a sort of financial and emotional tipping point for the Websters. I just remember how positively wrecked both John and Alyssa looked on that drive home. Nobody looked like they had any fun in the footage I saw and the girls didn't even interact with their cousins. 

Alyssa may regret not saving the funds for San Diego. She probably couldn't have flown all the kids, but she and John could've swung it, and had a great time.

Edited by BitterApple
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New YouTube video this morning.  Mother’s Day.  John, the girls, and his niece and nephew ( I think) cleaned the house top to bottom for Alyssa.  The girls made her a card and John made her breakfast.  Yawn.

It looks like the fish tank they made such a big deal about is gone. That didn’t last long.

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13 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:


It looks like the fish tank they made such a big deal about is gone. That didn’t last long.

That doesn't surprise me. Even small tanks require maintenance. You have to do partial water changes, vacuum the gravel, replace filters, etc. Most people think you just dump the fish in and that's it. 

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19 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

That doesn't surprise me. Even small tanks require maintenance. You have to do partial water changes, vacuum the gravel, replace filters, etc. Most people think you just dump the fish in and that's it. 

Oh I know.  I just find it amusing that she did multiple videos about the fish tank, cleaning it, sneaking in a new fish when one of them died, and then poof! It's gone.  

We had a medium sized tank when my kids were little.  It lasted about 3 years, but then we moved to another state and had to stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks until our house was ready.  We gave the fish to a neighbour and never set up the tank in our new home. They definitely are more work than people realize.

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I came here to see what's up after I kept seeing Alyssa's overly effusive comments on the wedding pictures. I'm kind of shocked they didn't make it to the 'wedding of the year'. 

Alyssa has said in the past that their SM income was their "fun money". Is it typical for influencers to see a sudden drop, or is it usually a gradual thing? It seems to me Alyssa's fun money is drying up.

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On 5/14/2022 at 10:16 AM, BitterApple said:

Yowza. Alyssa certainly isn't keeping sweet these days, is she? 

I wonder if Alyssa isn't a little pissed at Kelly right now. I think Kelly put TONS of pressure on her to show up for I Love You Day, and that trip was a sort of financial and emotional tipping point for the Websters. I just remember how positively wrecked both John and Alyssa looked on that drive home. Nobody looked like they had any fun in the footage I saw and the girls didn't even interact with their cousins. 

Alyssa may regret not saving the funds for San Diego. She probably couldn't have flown all the kids, but she and John could've swung it, and had a great time.

She could have worded it politely, but she’s not wrong in what she was actually conveying. I can’t imagine how much it must cost to try to keep up with the Joneses in her own family.

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Alyssa's Mother's Day youtube was a snoozefest...boring. She is not a good actress; pretenting to be surprised coming down the stairs to the poster board and breakfast on that glass table....just not believable. She also waaaay overdressed for church IMO. More like attending an evening wedding IMO.

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Alyssa has a story shilling Navy hair products. Bless her heart. I don’t know a thing about SM and influencing. I do know that there’s no way her demo would move me to buy the product. How can she go days without washing her hair where she lives is puzzling. When she was done the top of her head looked like bed head to me. 

Alyssa is a bit like Jessa, she has her formula of coffee, perfectly dressed and coiffed kids, Sunday church pictures, Monday coop pictures, lather, rinse, and repeat. She will not deviate from her narrow boundaries. That is why she is losing viewers, not because she is being shadow banned.  Alyssa should pay attention to Carlin’s and Josie’s SM, they are both making it work, and probably making that extra money Alyssa so desperately needs.

 I don’t know if it was in this thread or elsewhere that someone recalled Alyssa saying the SM money was their fun money. I never thought of the Websters as having fun, but they are about to have less fun if Alyssa doesn’t learn new tricks. 

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Even though Josie has a business to showcase her instagram stories are very entertaining. Those videos of Kelton cooking are enough for me to watch. She has one up now with Willow dancing that is adorable. That little girl has tons of personality and spunk. Katie is another one who posts amost nothing but beauty products that she uses with codes for obtaining a discount and for her to receive money for promoting them. Very boring. 

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3 hours ago, SMama said:

I do know that there’s no way her demo would move me to buy 

I never thought of the Websters as having fun, but they are about to have less fun if Alyssa doesn’t learn new tricks. 

Same. Alyssa's hair always looks simultaneously greasy and fried. 

Also agree on your second point. The Websters' YouTube videos are more like hostage tapes. What fun do they have? They never take those kids anywhere. 

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Alyssa's latest YouTube video. Summer homeschool routine:


I have to give her credit. She's clearly reading the comments on the forums, cutting back on her repetitive content and putting out stuff people will actually care about. 

There's not too much snarkworthy in this one, other than the "friend" cleaning the schoolroom (seriously, does that girl not have a life?). Alyssa outlines how she sets up the girls' summer school routine. She seems to strike an appropriate balance with keeping them engaged in learning while not overdoing it, and mixes in activities like arts and crafts, so yay. She also threw in a major F.U. Interwebz moment by saying the schedule is fluid and can be skipped if "they go to an amusement park or something" (sure, Jan), but other than that I didn't have too many eye-rolls.

My only slight criticism is the girls are still basically stuck at home all day. I remember being a kid and my summers were always filled with social activities: camp, sailing lessons, swim team, play groups, outings, etc. I'm not sure how expensive that stuff is down in Florida, but even if the girls could do something one day a week, they'd really benefit. I know they have the pool, and that's great, but they need more interaction with other kids 

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Most of Alyssa's girls are too young for a lot of the day camp and other group activities.  I started them for half days around 5 as did my daughter and held off on the 6 hour ones until the 6 to 8 range depending on the child.  She should be considering it for the two older ones at least for the occasional class.  

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Wasn’t there a Q&A where Alyssa expressed some kind of hope that Allie might take dance lessons or something and John shot that down? (I may be remembering wrong.) It may have purely been a dance issue but it seemed like there was some disagreement about the girls being in activities.

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Just now, AgathaC said:

Wasn’t there a Q&A where Alyssa expressed some kind of hope that Allie might take dance lessons or something and John shot that down? (I may be remembering wrong.) It may have purely been a dance issue but it seemed like there was some disagreement about the girls being in activities.

Alyssa talked about wanting to sign the girls up for dance and sports. She looked over to John for him to jump in, but he ignored the question and stared at his phone. One thing that stands out is how the family is always watching him play softball, yet he doesn't seem to share that hobby with his daughters. It's possible the girls just aren't into it, but I also suspect he's very rigid about gender roles. 

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8 minutes ago, AgathaC said:

Wasn’t there a Q&A where Alyssa expressed some kind of hope that Allie might take dance lessons or something and John shot that down? (I may be remembering wrong.) It may have purely been a dance issue but it seemed like there was some disagreement about the girls being in activities.

Thank you for remembering. Alyssa seems to be in control but that Q&A showed John’s true misogynistic colors. The question was if the girls would do sports or other activities. Alyssa was rather animated talking about how much Allie liked dancing, and Lexi’s love of sports. John looked down and would not meet Alyssa’s pleading eyes. The guy is drowned in Taliban Dan sauce. John wanted to name one of the girls Danielle in honor of his hero. Glad Alyssa nixed that. 

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Their household is one where it SEEMS like Alyssa is in control - bc she is running out getting manis and coffee whenever she wants and hardly cooks so it seems like she's living how she wants - yet on the big picture issues, life is 1000% how John wants it to be. Theirs strikes me as one of the more traditional marriages - along with Josie and Kelton - where yeah she has a business but really only does what Kelton permits her to do.

I am convinced that not going to Law's wedding was 100% John's decision. John acted completely over it with Nathan and Katie's weddings - to the point where ALYSSA would never have been allowed to speak that way at his family's functions whether she was happy to be there or not. And then when ILY Day was a bust + Alyssa herself acts like her family sucks generally and she esp acted that way with ILY Day, I think he was like - nope no one is going to Law's wedding. While I know there are sister rifts, I don't think that there are SUCH major rifts that Alyssa wouldn't have heard from Michaela or her mom or someone that Erin [and I think Tori too] were going without kids or only a few kids. I can't imagine that Alyssa did not float that idea to John who promptly said no.

I mean he acted like a jerk about Katie's wedding. Don't recall the exact circumstance but Alyssa either stayed over with the bridal party at the estate the night before or had to report there at like 5 am to start getting ready/pics. Perish the thought that meant John had to dress his girls. Alyssa had planned it out and each daughter had a big ziploc bag with everything that she needed to wear, specifically saying that way John doesn't need to worry about which underwear or shoes or headband goes on which child; plus she noted Ally recognizes everyone's stuff anyway. Perish the thought John take any interest in his girl children [I doubt he'd be a ton better w/ a son] and do what he considers mom's job [dressing the kids]. So he just had a pissy attitude the whole time. And I believe at Nathan's wedding they had a free day before the wedding and were already in Pa. and he was eyerolling and saying - yay another wedding, who wouldn't be excited?? We get it - weddings that aren't your own aren't super special but way to piss on someone else's day.

Let's be real this attitude is helped along by Alyssa who has always acted too good for her family/glad she doesn't have to see them etc. so it was likely easy for John to be like - come on you've gone to 3 family events in under a year, who cares about Law's wedding. Yet this time I think in her heart of hearts she cared. Yet Mr. "I can't dress my children without being put out" certainly wasn't going to watch them for a minimum of 3 nights for Alyssa to go alone/with Maci. Sure his MIL/sisters would have the kids during the day but chances are given that he's in town, they'd "require" him to take the kids at night and he wasn't gonna be bathing 3 girls and putting them to bed and dealing with any wake ups bc mommy wasn't there.

And while I'm not fan of Kelton's, I will say we only saw him copping an attitude about watching his girls when Josie has a Sat morning wedding like once or twice and then he shut up. Likely he felt like OMG I have to watch my kids on my day off so my wife can go play beauty parlor -- and then STFU when he realized that she can make $$ for wedding hair/makeup which combined with his income means lots more vacations and nights out than the average fundie couple. And at the end of the day I don't think he was THAT opposed to doing things for his kids - having been raised by a dad who raised his kids including his sister from infancy onwards.

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cereality, I agree. I said something similar upthread, that if Alyssa had a do-over, she would've skipped ILYD and gone to Lawson's wedding instead. I know when they did the house reno they split the girls up between John's siblings, which makes it a lot easier. They probably could've worked out a similar arrangement and taken Maci to California. 

Missing the event is something I don't think Alyssa took lightly. If she was willing to drive from FL to PA for Nathan's wedding, and then on to NJ for Katie's shower, then she would've gone to Lawson's if she was able. I think that's why she reacted so badly when someone made a bitchy comment about her absence on Instagram.

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I Love You Day is a yearly event, and Lawson’s wedding was a one time thing.  I am pretty sure she does regret not going. Plus, ILYD was pretty sad this year compared to the days when UP was footing the bill.

Does anyone remember when Lawson and Tiffany announced their wedding date?  Was it before ILYD?  If it was before I can see where Alyssa would have chosen the wedding instead, but if it was after she did not have that option.

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As has been pointed out before, driving from Florida to Tennessee and back is one thing. Driving from Florida to California is totally diferent. It would have meant at least 1 or 2 nights in a hotel and meals for whoever went not to mention the cost of gasoline. The expense of hotels and food in California would be way more than wherever they stayed in Tennessee.  And airfare is very expensive now. 

I have no idea whether she regrets not going to Lawson's wedding or not. But if it was not in their budget good for her for not caving to pressure from any source. 

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1 hour ago, 3 is enough said:

I Love You Day is a yearly event, and Lawson’s wedding was a one time thing.  I am pretty sure she does regret not going. Plus, ILYD was pretty sad this year compared to the days when UP was footing the bill.

Does anyone remember when Lawson and Tiffany announced their wedding date?  Was it before ILYD?  If it was before I can see where Alyssa would have chosen the wedding instead, but if it was after she did not have that option.

Law and Tiff got engaged in late Oct. and announced their wedding plans in mid Jan. IIRC they announced the date/venue the same day UPTV canceled their show in mid Jan 2022 and their wedding website launch didn't go well so they were desperately trying to make the announcement while not addressing the elephant in the room re UPTv.

So yes Alyssa knew their wedding date before ILY and even if she had booked a hotel for ILY, she could have canceled it being a month out to save money. Plus even without the official date announcement, Law and Tiff said in various IG videos - and I'm sure IRL - that they were considering a Cali wedding. So if Alyssa ever spoke to her brother from Halloween onwards, she should have thought - hmm Cali wedding, that'll be expensive, maybe cut back on the holidays a bit and cancel ILY bc how are we going to afford to go to Cali.

And of course she wasn't going to drive to Cali; she could have bought ONE ticket and left Tuesday afternoon/evening like Erin and Tori and been in Cali late Tuesday night + Wed rehearsal + Thursday wedding and fly back during the day Friday. While ticket prices are definitely high, back in Jan tix from Orlando to San Diego could have been booked for 4 months later for like $400-500. That's NOT such an extraordinary amount of money that they couldn't have saved it by cutting out ILY, cutting some of the constant coffees/manis/pedis.

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So she would have needed child care for 4 children Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and possibly part of Tuesday. Maybe John's family wasn't available for this.  And she would have spent more than just for a plane ticket. Whatever her reason for not going to the wedding, it's her business.  I don't think she owes an explanation to anyone other than Lawson. 

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No one is asking her for an explanation - SHE is the one that is acting like she missed out by the way she's commenting on IG pics. And funny how 97 other family members with the same number of kids and without husbands in the skilled trades could figure it out finances + flights + hotels + kid arrangements and only she couldn't. Oh well - the Websters may want to look into some budgeting apps and/or talk to her numerous siblings for ideas for the future.

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I just don't get the connection between instagram comments and congratulating the couple on the wedding pictures that this indicates that she feels like she missed out. Maybe she does feel like she missed out. But I don't find anything strange about that. She'll get over it by the time the next wedding rolls around. 

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26 minutes ago, zenme said:

I love you day is just some extra bullshit that the family exaggerated for the purposes of the show.

It wouldn't surprise me if it goes by the wayside now that UP isn't footing the bill for fancy resort dinners and costumes. 

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27 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

Looks like Alyssa, John , and the girls drove to South Carolina for the weekend to visit her grandparents.  

Did you see the church picture? It looks like Tikky is still sending As lyssa matching dresses. This time, Mommy and Me. 

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So, Alyssa has reduced her SM presence significantly, which has me wondering about babies. I'm guessing John and her still want a boy, but I can't help but think Alyssa's decline in active followers may impact her family size. I think this because IMO, influencers having all these followers/fans incentivizes them to produce a cute new baby for money, personal attention and adulation.

Typical SAHMs get very few pats on the back for a clean house, happy children and a new decorating purchase. Speaking from experience the saying, the days are long, but the years are short, is very true.

It seems crazy to think SM followers could influence (lol) an influencer's family size, but I really think it can. Little Maci(?) is one. I think they'll try for a boy and that child will be their last... unless Alyssa goes back to influencing.

Edited by GeeGolly
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Alyssa has a pool out her backdoor and young kids. She has an IG opportunity to show how she keeps her kids safe. From swimming lessons, door alarms, pool alarms, rules for the kids, etc.

I'm not sure other than swimming lessons she has done anything - but she could - and she could share it with others.

There's way too many shillers for make-up on IG, but there never can be too many pool safety tips.

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On 6/8/2022 at 1:39 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

I wonder if she still thinks she's shadowbanned? 

She did a q&a on her stories today and claimed that she has been taking time off to be present with her children. I still think viewership is down b/c she’s basic & boring. 

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It looks like the drop in followers really stung. She was a prolific IG and YouTube poster. So now that Maci is one year old Alyssa has an epiphany that she can’t post because she has a little one. I’m not even half way through. Alyssa is talking as though she’s leaving SM. Fundie sisters tend to be very competitive. I wonder if Alyssa is upset that Carlin and Josie are doing better at the SM game. 

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  • Alyssa: SM was taking time away from my kids.
  • Also Alyssa: SM allowed me to make money while staying home with my kids.

I think she was testing the SM waters today. Carlin shilled the same hair product bundle and it sold out, so if Alyssa doesn't get a lot of sales, she can go back to saying she's shadowbanned. 

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That SM allowed me to stay home with my kids is confusing as hell. With or without SM Alyssa is a SAHM. That’s the way the cult works. Girl is indeed testing the waters. 

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Alyssa sold clothes and self-care products on IG, and filmed her kids. She didn't appear to go into the alternate universe of SM World like Carlin and Evan. Filming a make-up or hair routine probably adds maybe 30 minutes to an hour of time to a normal routine. Trying on clothes, maybe an hour. Filming her kids really takes no extra time. And then editing takes up some time.

So she maybe spent 10 hours a week working on her brand and shilling shit. I was a SAHM for 10 years and I did not spend every single waking moment engaged with my kids. My goodness, I'm sure there were weeks where I looked for ways to ignore my kids for an hour or two. Like sometimes cleaning a bathroom was a welcomed break.

I get quitting shilling if that ten hours brings in very little money or freebies, but really, what else is Alyssa doing with her time?

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I don't know about the Websters having more children. Alyssa says John is fine with the family as it is now but would allow her to decide because she is the one having the child. What?? But both of them have to raise the children. Even without planning for their education which they probably aren't children are expense and demanding.  Alyssa seems a little vain but she is looking rough to me for being still in the 20's. She didn't bounce back as quickly from Maci as the other 3. Her hair is absolutely fried. Why do the young women continue to bleach their hair and not get a good cut?  I was hoping that parting down the middle and then puling their hair over their shoulders so that they could stroke and pet it was going out of style. But it doesn't seem to be.  

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I watcher her last two videos...going to SeaWorld and the fake Father's Day one. Boring isn't the word. She just isn't exciting, acts fake, has really nothing to video. In the father's day video, she really needed to wash her hair first...it looked flat and greasy to me. Also in need to color care, etc. Yes, I agree her hair is still fried. She needs to make a real change; not just trim a couple of inches of the bottom like I believe she did in the other video. She would look so much better a bit more natural. Can't believe Kelly Jo's hot outfits while visiting Florida in the summer. She must have been sweating bullets. She needs to reconsider her ensembles before stepping on a plane to Florida in the summer. It looked to me like Gil was swimming in his street clothes. Also ridiculous. (Gil, black drawn IN heat... not a good color choice.) I have been trying to comment on the Bates Blog page but whatever I do an "error message" comes up and does not register my post. Is anyone else having this issue? I didn't go anonymous either; I added a URL name.

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Kelly models lots of cotton (looking) summer dresses for BSB, she should actually wear them in real life.

Alyssa needs to just give up on SM. Seems like no one is interested.

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If KJ hasn't switched to wearing the clothes from BSB by now, then she most likely won't.  She prefers to look like a frump.  She really needs a hairdo also.  

Maybe Alyssa and her should go to the salon together and get makeovers.  Alyssa's hair is not pretty.  I'm surprised Alyssa hasn't blocked me, yet, on IG.  I commented her eyebrows looked much better natural before painting on dark, gross, lopsided eyebrows. 

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3 hours ago, So unbelievable said:

If KJ hasn't switched to wearing the clothes from BSB by now, then she most likely won't.  She prefers to look like a frump.  She really needs a hairdo also.  

Maybe Alyssa and her should go to the salon together and get makeovers.  Alyssa's hair is not pretty.  I'm surprised Alyssa hasn't blocked me, yet, on IG.  I commented her eyebrows looked much better natural before painting on dark, gross, lopsided eyebrows. 

OMG, her eyebrows in that last video - one was at least a half inch higher up!

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4 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Great, now I have to look at the video to see her effed up brows! 😂

Ha ha, sorry.  However, it was one of her stories on IG so probably gone by now.  But I'm sure there will be plenty more to see.

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Katie is doing a Q and A in her stories. 

There is a question from Alyssa:  "When are you coming to visit meeeee????" 


That just irked me. Especially since she chose not to go to Lawson's wedding.  While her reasons for staying home may have been valid, turning around and expecting Katie to make a trip from New Jersey to Florida for a "just because" visit is totally tone deaf in my opinion.  

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How desperate are these hanger-oners to get in with the Bates??

So apparently they let the girls read secular books and Allie asked John to buy books as she'd read everything they have already. And lo and behold a box stuffed with books like Curious George, Bernstein Bears, Pinocchio, [and the requisite kid prayer book] showed up at Alyssa's door from some complete stranger . . . . I don't watch her boring videos but I imagine she put it out there that Allie wanted new books and some fan jumped to it. If those are new books, it's at least a few hundred dollars worth. So hopefully someone was instead cleaning out their attic.

And BTW have Alyssa or John not heard of a library? I assume money is tight because John always says it's tight and now with gas/food prices up it's prob tighter; so I can see him not wanting to go to Barnes and Noble as a book for each of the older girls would still be at least $20 if they chose the cheapest book - and he's just not gonna spend that kind of money on girl children's non Godly interests. And Alyssa can't seem to grab a damn sponsorship with something useful like Amazon. Yet this magical place called the library would allow his girls to check out as many books as they wanted each week for free and on the plus side would give his dumbass wife someplace to go during the day.

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1 minute ago, cereality said:

How desperate are these hanger-oners to get in with the Bates??

So apparently they let the girls read secular books and Allie asked John to buy books as she'd read everything they have already. And lo and behold a box stuffed with books like Curious George, Bernstein Bears, Pinocchio, [and the requisite kid prayer book] showed up at Alyssa's door from some complete stranger . . . . I don't watch her boring videos but I imagine she put it out there that Allie wanted new books and some fan jumped to it. If those are new books, it's at least a few hundred dollars worth. So hopefully someone was instead cleaning out their attic.

And BTW have Alyssa or John not heard of a library? I assume money is tight because John always says it's tight and now with gas/food prices up it's prob tighter; so I can see him not wanting to go to Barnes and Noble as a book for each of the older girls would still be at least $20 if they chose the cheapest book - and he's just not gonna spend that kind of money on girl children's non Godly interests. And Alyssa can't seem to grab a damn sponsorship with something useful like Amazon. Yet this magical place called the library would allow his girls to check out as many books as they wanted each week for free and on the plus side would give his dumbass wife someplace to go during the day.

Oh gosh, can you imagine them having to read every one of the library books the girls wanted to check out to make sure it didn't offend their delicate sensibilities?

PS I love a library.

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53 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Oh gosh, can you imagine them having to read every one of the library books the girls wanted to check out to make sure it didn't offend their delicate sensibilities?

PS I love a library.

Heaven forbid they read a story in which Ayden has two mommies who love him very much. 🙄

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She has taken the girls to the library in the past.  But if you can grift a box of new books I’m sure that is better. 🙄

I don’t know what level Allie is reading at but she is 7 and some of those books seem a bit young for her.  Better than nothing I suppose but I feel for that girl.  First they get a playhouse and slide that she is obviously much too big to enjoy, and now the books.  I bet she would enjoy the American Girls books.

I loved to read at her age.  We lived in a small town with no library.  I read the same books over and over again. When I had my own kids books were always a priority.

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