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S13.E13: 6 Chefs Compete (13) / 5 Chefs Compete (14)

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The remaining six receive their black jackets and compete in their first individual challenge, which is to create a unique dish using Omaha steaks. Later, dinner service finds the contestants facing their toughest competition so far this season.
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I had to laugh (& couldn't believe he actually said it, either) when, during the Omaha Steaks billboard challenge in Ep 1 of the 2 tonight, 1 of the guys said "I take care of my meat like nobody's business." Of course he obviously meant the steak he was cooking, but if you think about it the statement could also be seen as an adult-type double entendre. I'm still deciding if he really knew his comment could be, potentially, taken 2 ways when he said it or if he didn't.

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Given how most of their talking heads are scripted, I'd say Santos's comment was deliberate. They have done similar things in previous seasons.

Seems rather obvious at this point the final 2 will be Bryant and La Tasha. Jennifer has far too many anger issues and while Sade is capable, I don't see her running a restaurant and leading a brigade.

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I also think the final two will be Bryant and LaTasha although, after tonight, I like Sade better and LaTasha less.  I was hoping Jennifer would go tonight.  She is so low class and filthy mouthed that I can barely stand her.  I was rather appalled when she said she has kids.  She's certainly not a good role model.  I sometimes think Gordon Ramsay must troll for objectionable females for his shows.  Even Andi is humorless and not at all likeable.  I wonder what she does when she's not involved making HK.


Does anyone know the name of the new head waiter or whatever he's titled?  Sometimes I think Gordon is calling him William and other times I'm not sure what he's saying.  I can't seem to find that information on the HK website.  I like him and it bugs me that I don't know his name.

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So long, Santos.  You had no business reaching the black jackets, anyway, so I won't miss you.  The entire Terrible Trio who tried to throw dinner service to sack one of their own is gone now! :)


Really sorry to see Roe go, but she really was the least consistent of the F5.  Six times nominated to Jennifer's . . . what?  One?  Two?  Yeah.  No contest.  Good on her for winning one challenge and taking second in another, though.


We saw the first chinks in LaTasha's armor tonight (and her up-to-now-positive edit, in general), but I think she recovered nicely with her performance at the second dinner service.  The only one, it seemed, not to make a mistake on that service.


How they work the pass is gonna make all the difference next week, and I think LaTasha will ace that, for sure.  Bryant might, as well, but the preview showed that Jennifer and Sade seem to be having trouble with that.  So yeah.  I'll go with that F2 prediction, as well.


Good episode, one great, long-awaited boot, and one okay boot.  Next week, it's the decision of the F2!

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Bryant is such a pissy little shit, I don't see how ANYONE could seriously consider hiring him.  Any kitchen he's in charge of would be a REALLY unhappy one.

Meanwhile Jennifer is filling the "ghetto not-so-fabulous" role this season. There's always one.

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Seems rather obvious at this point the final 2 will be Bryant and La Tasha. Jennifer has far too many anger issues and while Sade is capable, I don't see her running a restaurant and leading a brigade.


I actually think LaTasha probably has it overall, and it's just a question of which of the other three goofballs leaves in what order.


 I sometimes think Gordon Ramsay must troll for objectionable females for his shows.  Even Andi is humorless and not at all likeable.  I wonder what she does when she's not involved making HK.



Something like "Director of all North American operations for Gordon Ramsay MegaCorp" according to Grrr in his intro.  If so, it's probably more of a desk job and I wonder how she feels about having to put on the whites and herd the cattle for a few weeks a year.



Good episode, one great, long-awaited boot, and one okay boot.  Next week, it's the decision of the F2!


According to my DVR, it's the wrap-up of the whole thing, another double episode.  Took them long enough, I remember way back when the season started, when we were all dancing to Prince's "1999" and wondering if the Y2K bug meant global disaster.

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[Andi's job is s]omething like "Director of all North American operations for Gordon Ramsay MegaCorp" according to Grrr in his intro.  If so, it's probably more of a desk job and I wonder how she feels about having to put on the whites and herd the cattle for a few weeks a year.


I'm going to go with "like a woman who was given a director's job in a field where women aren't hired for sous chef jobs and got to become a celebrity chef without having to be in the same room with Bobby Flay or Padma Lakshmi." 

Edited by Julia
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I'm going to go with "like a woman who was given a director's job in a field where women aren't hired for sous chef jobs and got to become a celebrity chef without having to be in the same room with Bobby Flay or Padma Lakshmi." 


I'll see that, and raise you "...and wishes she could get back to that important and interesting work, rather than spend weeks on this foolishness". 

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I can't believe Roe left before Jennifer either. Not that I'm rooting for either one of them, but Jennifer seems so unpleasant and immature. Can you see her leading in a kitchen? I can't figure out the secret to her longevity on HK.


I'm rooting for LaTasha. She seems grounded and serious and I could actually see her in a REAL leadership role in a few years.

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Bryant is such a pissy little shit, I don't see how ANYONE could seriously consider hiring him.  Any kitchen he's in charge of would be a REALLY unhappy one.

Meanwhile Jennifer is filling the "ghetto not-so-fabulous" role this season. There's always one.


I agree. Bryant comes across as really unstable. I wouldn't want to work with him.


And Jennifer's vulgar. Her attitude is nasty and I wouldn't want to work with her either.

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I do agree that Bryant has made a turn for the better. It's true, he has anger issues. But I don't think he is a bad leader. Earlier on, I couldn't stand him, but for now I like him OK.


La Tasha seemed invincible before, and now we see that she is indeed human. But still no major screwups. I like her and I think she'd do a good job as a head chef.


Jennifer disappointed me. I was impressed with her up until the last couple of episodes. Maybe fatigue is wearing on her because she sounds so unpleasant and so bitter. I used to think the F2 would be surely between her and La Tasha. Now, I seriously doubt that.


Roe was way too inconsistent. I don't miss her. She started off strong, but got weaker. I think she would be a really good private chef or something to that effect.


Sade has grown on me over the course of the season. Personality-wise I think she's my favourite (with La Tasha a close second). If you notice, she rarely screws up, and if she does, she fixes it real quick. And I don't think she's ever been put up for elimination. A lot of times when they start deliberating about who to put up on the block, it's rare that she's considered as a serious option by a majority of people. She's younger than all the other chefs remaining (I think they're all in their 30s), and I don't think she's quite as mature as, say, La Tasha, but I think she could command respect and attention in a kitchen if she puts her mind to it. I'd like to see her in the final 2.

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I agree. Bryant comes across as really unstable. I wouldn't want to work with him.

Agreed.  I also suspect he's the villain of the season.  The chefs all seem to decently get along, from what I've seen, but he's already given the editors just enough to work with to, at the very least, give him a "root against" portrayal, what with his temper issues, his admission to seeking out Sade's weaknesses, Sade knowing he was seeking out her weaknesses, her being happy that she gave him nothing, and him very nearly telling LaTasha she'd look like an idiot for voting for him to go up for elimination.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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The only thing I'm looking forward to in the finale is seeing Sterling back in the kitchen, and to a lesser extent Fernando. It's such a shame they got rid of the only genuinely nice person on this show. This whole season has been full of nasty snark from the competitors. I'm rooting for Latasha. I think her management experience pushes her to the top. She's the only one left who keeps her emotions in check and has a professional demeanor.

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The only thing I'm looking forward to in the finale is seeing Sterling back in the kitchen, and to a lesser extent Fernando. It's such a shame they got rid of the only genuinely nice person on this show. This whole season has been full of nasty snark from the competitors. I'm rooting for Latasha. I think her management experience pushes her to the top. She's the only one left who keeps her emotions in check and has a professional demeanor.

Hopefully Sterling comes in wearing the coconuts.

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Jennifer is such a miserable person!  She has been so negative throughout the season.  Maybe she can blame "editing" but she doesn't seem to have any pleasant moments when she isn't bitching about something/someone.


Bryant is a weirdo.  What's with his "street" persona, with his gangsta rap dialogue that comes from nowhere?  Does he have a split personality?  He comes across as a poser/loser who was never in the cool kids club in his younger days & wants to be so badly now. He tries too hard to be the "Cool guy".  Um, Bryant?  You are not that guy. 


LaTasha for the win I guess.  She's been the most consistent and mature

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Had to wade through a lot of BS in these 2 episodes.

Omaha steaks? Does anyone actually pay their supposed actual retail prices, which come out about $50 a pound for steaks? We seem to get a package of their stuff every year as a gift from one relative or another, and it has never struck me as high quality or particularly flavorful. I think Roe was full of shit when she claimed she is a regular customer and always buys their ribeyes and filets for her parents, struck me more as opportunistic ass kissing, but it worked in that challenge.

Santos whined his way out the door, which is appropriate as he whined for the length of the competition. Was hoping to see the filthy mouthed low class troll Jennifer leave next, but I guess we have to wait another week. I have been known to utter a cuss or two in my time, but Jenn can't formulate a sentence without several curse words in it. She comes across as a nasty, low class person with her constant cursing and carping. Bryant still seems mentally unbalanced, and his ghetto persona seems to pop up from time to time, which is rather bizarre.

My predictions for the final 2 are LaTasha and Sade, but that might not fit in with the producers, having two black females as the final 2. That being said, I still don't feel any of the several hundred original contestants ( at least it seemed like that many), when this competition began many years ago (again, it sure seems like I was listening to 8 track tapes back when this season began) ever had the skill or temperment to actually run a high end kitchen.

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It was always this bad or close to it.  The difference I see is it's now a caricature of its former badness. 


Walmart's NY strips are actually delicious.  They're not Peter Luger quality, but I'd venture to say they rank somewhere in between your wholesale club and your neighborhood butcher's steaks.  Can't speak to the other cuts, but my buddy had them in a soy marinade overnight and threw them on the grill- definitely better than supermarket meat.  (Omaha Steaks on the other hand are disgusting- injected with tenderizer and about 40% of the size they appear in the ads.  My wife ordered gifts from them last year, their customer service sucks - gift recipient received steaks with tons of gristle and filminess, the "giftee" called O.S. to try and exchange the steaks for something else like baked potatoes and Omaha told them the only thing they could do was partial-credit the gift giver's card.  Because when I give someone a gift, I want my money back instead of them getting something they'll enjoy?!  The whole thing was embarrassing and poorly handled.  Never mind the 10,000 ad emails they've sent me since.)  Vent, much?

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Omaha Steaks on the other hand are disgusting- injected with tenderizer and about 40% of the size they appear in the ads.  My wife ordered gifts from them last year, their customer service sucks - gift recipient received steaks with tons of gristle and filminess

Hi Drogo - This meat quality is likely due to generations of Lannisteresque inbreeding.

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Jennifer has children?  What a bizarre, scary idea.  She's the poster-child for why I think people should be licensed before they're allowed to have children.


Add me to the list of people who think that La Tasha and Bryant will be the final two, hopefully with a La Tasha win. 

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Omaha Steaks are not worth the money. As Drogo said, Walmart, local butcher or even a good grocery store has better beef. We received a gift of OS filets and burgers and some side dishes from a client. I know they spent a good chunk of change on it, but the box the items came in would have had more flavor than anything inside it. We still get their catalogs for some reason, but they go right into the recycle bin.

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To get OT for a second, my best place to get beef is my local grocery store which carries locally raised grass-fed beef. I am spoiled for anything else now. But I might try Walmart just once to compare. I also buy fresh-laid eggs from a friend who raises chickens. Again... spoiled rotten now.

Back to the show... usually by now they should be doing better than this, right? If you're one of 5 or 6 people vying for a job in a prestigious restaurant, you'd better be bringing more than eye-rolling and excuses.

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I have never understood the "recycling" punishment. Do they actually think anyone believes that this is how a restaurant handles recycling? Put everything in bags, then let the garbage marinate for days , so it stinks, make sure the fly eggs hatch, THEN go through and separate the recyclables?


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Latasha seems a lock for the finale, not sure who will go with her as all three have serious shortcomings.  Sade seems the weakest cook among them.  Jennifer can generally cook fairly well but is overall unpleasant. Bryant isn't as good a cook as he thinks he is and has a serious attitude problem.  Maybe the kitchen will catch on fire and none of them will escape.

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Sade isn't that bad a cook. I mean she's made dumb mistakes, but not any more than lets say... Jennifer.


I can't really tell how good a cook Bryant is. He's won some challenges, sure, but seemed mediocre at other times.  What he isn't is a leader.  A key component of being a head chef--and neither is Jennifer.  I can't imagine anyone in any kitchen willingly following either of them.  Sade, even with some cooking problems, at least knows how to verbalize in the kitchen somewhat.   LaTasha is the only one who can do both seemingly (cook AND verbalize/lead).

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My bet is it will be Bryant & LaTasha.  I don't think they would pit woman vs. woman.  It will be interesting who each finalist will pick to be on their team in the finale. There is always some pissed off, loser who got eliminated who wants revenge and sabotage cooking.

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My bet is it will be Bryant & LaTasha.  I don't think they would pit woman vs. woman.  It will be interesting who each finalist will pick to be on their team in the finale. There is always some pissed off, loser who got eliminated who wants revenge and sabotage cooking.

It depends on if they want to try and "make up" for Scott winning last season and edging out all those far more qualified seeming women, I guess (well, okay, two of them). And yeah, I almost forgot about that joker Jason actually somehow being the runner-up.

Then again this current season was filmed right on the heels of that season, so they wouldn't have had any idea that far in advance how stupid last season wound up looking.

Incidentally... a sign they're REALLY forcing too much Hell's Kitchen shit out the ass that is FOX? The NEXT season after this starts to air in March. Meaning THREE seasons of Hell's Kitchen will have aired within a single calendar year.

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