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Small Talk: a.k.a. 'The Meet Market'

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I saw two Elsas in the subway today, I think they were sisters.  One was in the blue dress and the other one had the coronation dress on.  They were freakin' cute and they were trying to climb the stairs, hold onto their dresses and their mom's hand all at once.


Also spotted one Captain America.

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I'm so bummed. There hasn't been a single stop at our place, and just walked the pet and didn't see anyone out. How can I play count the Elsas? Who's gonna eat the candy? Because it shouldn't be me.

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I'm considering attempting the Elsa drinking game. What are the odds I'm falling down drunk by 7?

My neighborhood you'd still be pretty sober. We JUST had our first two -- Winnie the Pooh and the obligatory Elsa. I'd go to bed sober even if I wasn't a teetotaler.(Not that I'm bitter. About the trick or treaters, not the alcohol thing. Could care less about that.)

Those two kids got way more candy than usual.

Edited by Mari
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I just came back from trick-or-treating with the goober (my four-year-old nephew) and we saw a grand total of zero Elsas. One girl walking with us at one point was Cleopatra and she was mistaken a couple times for Elsa (I think some people saw her blue dress and assumed Elsa). We did, however, see lots of Ninja Turtles. I even saw a group costume of all four turtles ... on four girls who were probably about 12 or 13. Good on them. :)

Edited by Dani-Ellie
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Since I'm not home and don't get trick or treaters even when I am, I've been playing the Facebook version, going by what friends post of their kids and grandkids. So far, one princess I think maybe started as Elsa but then had other princessy accessories added. Four year olds aren't noted for their subtlety or wardrobe restraint. If she were older, I'd think maybe she was making a statement about the marketing of the Disney princess by creating an uberprincess, but I suspect this one just wanted All! The! Sparkles! and really needed that tiara.

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I've seen two Elsas hanging out next door, so I know they are out there. I'm more disgusted with the girl who took the candy I gave her, threw it on the ground and walked away because she hates Snickers. Wow did I want to just smack her. There's a lot of candy I used to get back in the day, but I would never have acted that way. Plus, you trade it with a friend or sibling for something you do like. She really ruined my happy Halloween mood. 

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Some of you are not seeing any Elsa's beacause they're all in my neighborhood. Holy crap it's creepy.

I'm more disgusted with the girl who took the candy I gave her, threw it on the ground and walked away because she hates Snickers. Wow did I want to just smack her.

Wow. Sorry that happened to you. That's beyond rude and would put a damper on my mood too.

Edited by Emma
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I'm more disgusted with the girl who took the candy I gave her, threw it on the ground and walked away because she hates Snickers.

Sounds like a future Regina sympathizer. Who knew that there was such darkness in you, that you'd dare give a child Snickers when you should have sensed that she hated them. You ruined her life! You should have chased her down the block, desperately apologizing to her and begging her to accept whatever other candy you had to give her.

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A couple of kids later, a little boy took the candy, started to walk away and then came back to expressly thank me for the Butterfingers because they're his absolute favorite. He's restored my faith in the general goodness of trick-or-treaters.

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One of my friends reported getting an Elsa with butterfly wings (because why not?) and a sweater (because a front came through, and I guess the cold bothers her, after all).


Or maybe the Halloween cold front was the result of all those Elsas. It was an Elsa critical mass causing a cold snap.

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May I join in on the Great Halloween Elsa Count?For trick-or-treating i got 4 Elsa's. i also got 1 Snow white, 1 ariel, 1 belle, 2 pirates. Winners of the night were a family dressed with a royal knight theme. The dad was king, the mom was queen, the one riding in the wagon was a knight, and the toddler was an adorable dragon.

Had some leftover candy. Lucky for me; I'm kind of a candyholic. There were a lot of older kids that shouldn't be trick or treating ( i don't blame them; i'd be trying to get free candy if it wasn't frowned upon).

Half of my trick or treaters didn't even say "trick-or-treat," they just stuck out their bags. They're lucky I'm so nice.

Very blustery night though. Perfect for Halloween. It was nice that it stopped snowing.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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We went to dinner during prime trick or treat time, and with the rain today (it's California--we don't what to do about water from the sky), I think a lot of parents took their kids to the mall for trick or treat instead anyway. I'll play the Facebook version, too. I saw 1 Elsa, 2 Snow Whites (1 infant, 1 adult), Lilo & Stitch, 2 Harry Potters, a handful of pirates, and a Tinker Bell. Star Wars also seemed to be a popular family costume this year (maybe every year).

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Probably 50 kids came through for us and zero Elsas or Annas. Most were minority kids so I wonder if that's a factor. Best was a girl with a zipper on her face with it half unzipped and icky underskin makeup on that half. Several generic princesses and royals. One especially adorable little witch. One Urkel. Hardly anyone was a specific character.


I was a steampunk lady.

Edited by Souris
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Can I ask a random Rumblr etiquette question? Generally how long after the episodes air are things considered spoilers? I only ask because I usually do a reaction post in my LiveJournal on Monday evenings that I'm thinking of cross-posting to the Tumblr account and I just want to make sure I don't accidentally piss people off, heh.

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I find Rumblr sometimes even worse than high school, kinda impossible not to accidentally piss someone off. (and I like calling it Rumblr)


But would handle it like in other places: After the episode aired on West Coast it's no spoiler anymore, can't wait IMO for all the people DVR'ing or watching it via some online service later the week. The rest of the world sneaking in knows what they're getting into anyway (or should when spying on a U.S. show). ;-)

Edited by katusch
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People post spoilers as the episode is airing. Live-blogging. Some post screen caps, some just a quick comment, while others give a little more detail during commercial breaks.

Just tag it #OUAT spoilers and post away. :)

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Can I ask a random Rumblr etiquette question? Generally how long after the episodes air are things considered spoilers? I only ask because I usually do a reaction post in my LiveJournal on Monday evenings that I'm thinking of cross-posting to the Tumblr account and I just want to make sure I don't accidentally piss people off, heh.

I typically tag spoiler for 24 hours after the episode airs, after that fair game. Besides I advertise my blog as not spoiler free.

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We were just discussing Pride and Prejudice in the Timeline thread it was getting a bit off topic, so I moved the post here. Angelwoody, Pride and Prejudice

it's true that Darcy refuses to buy the commission earlier in the novel, but he is later forced to buy one in order to induce Wickham to marry Lydia, IIRC. That is the commission I was referencing with regards to Wickham.


I love discussing Jane Austen!

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We were just discussing Pride and Prejudice in the Timeline thread it was getting a bit off topic, so I moved the post here. Angelwoody, Pride and Prejudice

it's true that Darcy refuses to buy the commission earlier in the novel, but he is later forced to buy one in order to induce Wickham to marry Lydia, IIRC. That is the commission I was referencing with regards to Wickham.


I love discussing Jane Austen!

You are correct!! He does that to clean up the Lydia mess because he looooooooves Lizzie. :-) *swoon*


I love JA as well!

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I think in my head I combined

Wickham getting the money for the clerical living and blowing it and then later Darcy buying the commission. But didn't Wickham act like it was all due to Darcy's meanness that he was a foot soldier rather than an officer when he was doing all his "Darcy is so awful and meeeeeaaannn to me" whining to Lizzie?


You know, Wickham and Regina are really two of a kind -- they go around doing whatever they want and then whine about their lives being ruined when the consequences of their actions catch up to them.


(and do we really need spoiler tags for a 200-year-old book?)

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Speaking of, I have A Murder at Pemberley on my DVR after it ran on PBS. Anyone watch it and what's the opinion?

I was kind of so-so on it. I thought the secondary characters were spot-on (Jenna Coleman made an excellent Lydia, and Mrs. Bennet was fun) but was less sure about Lizzie and Darcy. I love Anna Maxwell Martin, but I'm not sure I ever really felt her as Lizzie. I figured out the mystery fairly early. It was enjoyable enough background noise for knitting, but it didn't really seem like Jane Austen to me (of course, it wasn't). It just seemed weird to move it to another genre, though I guess not as weird as adding zombies.

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Wickina is my new crack ship.

I really liked Death at Pemberly's Lydia, but its Darcy just didn't feel very Darcyish to me. They can get away with a little OOCness by saying he's changed due to happiness in marriage, but the character must keep some core characteristics.

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I feel bad for helping get the timeline thread off topic, but the little knowledge I know of sailing/army ranks comes from Jane Austen, so I needed it to try and help figure out timeline stuff :(

It's been awhile since I read the books.

Wickham and Regina are kind of similar aren't they?

Sharky, my mother watched the Pemberly episode and didn't mind it. Didn't watch it myself though. I'm not sure if I like the whole idea of P&P being turned into a murder mystery, but I can't judge because I didn't watch it.

I wish PBS/BBC would do another round of Austen specials. I love watching all the different versions and comparing them to each other and the books. I'm waiting for a good Mansfield Park special.

As for Jane Austen, my favorites are Mansfield Park and P&P. My least favorite is probably North Hanger Abbey.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I feel bad for helping get the timeline thread off topic, but the little knowledge I know of sailing/army ranks comes from Jane Austen, so I needed it to try and help figure out timeline stuff

Don't feel bad. That's totally reasonable. I'm the one who brought up Wentworth and I'm immensely enjoying this discussion.

Emma is my favorite. And that works in two contexts on this particular board :)

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Did somebody say Jane Austen?????? :-p


(and do we really need spoiler tags for a 200-year-old book?)


I was laughing about that. 


Emma is my favorite.


Emma is my favorite Austen too, and quite possibly my all-time favorite novel. 


I've been rereading Persuasion lately, and my brain is full of Captain Wentworth and Anne Elliot. Lady Russell, Anne's godmother, encourages Anne to break off her engagement to the then Commander Wentworth, because he has little money and no connections to help him rise in his profession, particularly as it was peace time. His brother in law was probably only a captain at that time, and possibly was not well-connected enough to help him. Later, it is mentioned in the novel that Captain Wentworth was very lucky to gain command of the Asp when he did, despite there having been several other people competing for the ship, and without anyone to advance his interest. In the present day timeline of the novel, he is Captain both in rank and command. 


However, I don't think we can apply those rules and situations to OUAT directly. The writers probably patterned Killian and Liam's kingdom on late 18th century/early 19th century England, but the navy wouldn't have to have the same rules and regulations for advancement. Liam and Killian seemed well educated, and from the fact that they had a magical Pegasus sail, and were sent on a secret mission, were possibly in the King's favor. The family might have had good connections with the royals, despite the fact that their father seems to have been a bit of a loser. Maybe, on their mother's side? An uncle or a benefactor, perhaps? 

Edited by Rumsy4
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It was enjoyable enough background noise for knitting, but it didn't really seem like Jane Austen to me (of course, it wasn't).

Perfect answer considering I'm about to start digging into my Christmas knitting! :-)

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I'm very envious of all the knitters. I don't know how and have tried to pick it up via YouTube videos but I apparently have a knitting-related learning disability. :(

These days I want to learn so I can make some of the awesome cowls and arm warmers the ladies wear on Outlander.

Edited by angelwoody
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