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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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IMDB although not completely reliable seems to be tracking pretty well on guest stars for the other eps.  That makes this one seem like its more core character centric because the guests are Hook and Robin Hood related.  Not a lot of names that show up in the Mal, Ursala, and Cruella centrics.


Smee is in this one and I think they're introducing the Peddler who seems to have a pretty significant role.


That's the episode where Emma seems to see something that freaks her out before she heads down to the docks to meet Hook.  I think that's about all we know about filming.  I think there are going to be some scenes with Regina, Smee, Hook and Peddler also.


ETA - There's those BTS from the director of the episode with the Charmings, Emma, Hook and Henry in the woods at night as well.  


Oddly enough, we have no clue about this episode, but it's one I'm really looking forward to.  Maybe it's because we don't know what it's really about.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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So three generations?


Snowing ruined Maleficent's life.

Emma will somehow have fucked up Lily's life.

Wonder what Henry will do to Lily's son.


Obviously being sarcastic about the whole thing, but this is overkill.  Lily had parents who adopted her and from what I understand from that awful episode 405, they loved her and worried about her.  Her father found her, told her her mother was worried sick about her.


So tired of these drama queens.

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I kind of love Mal's Storybrooke look, but then I've already decided I want to be Agent Carter when I grow up, and this look is in the same family.


Is Colin that much taller than Michael Socha, or does he just have better posture when seated? I imagine it's nearly impossible to slouch in all that leather. That tight vest probably works like a corset.

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Smee is in this one and I think they're introducing the Peddler who seems to have a pretty significant role.


That's the episode where Emma seems to see something that freaks her out before she heads down to the docks to meet Hook.  I think that's about all we know about filming.  I think there are going to be some scenes with Regina, Smee, Hook and Peddler also.

Storybrooke Mirror, at least, has the peddler and Smee stuff as 4.15. Can be a bit hard to keep track with location shoots, though. 

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I dunno, Hook is manspreading a bit there.


... I think he is intruding, though, because there are only two forks and napkins on the table there. That cake is not for you, Hook.

Edited by retrograde
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Considering how grim everyone looks, maybe that's when Hook barges in to tell Belle that Rumple's back. I think that would be important enough to interrupt a date for. It's not as though Hook is going to be jealous about Will being with Belle, given that he only has eyes for Emma. And you'd think that as much time as Hook and Belle seem to have been spending together, Hook already knows they're dating.

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Hook is obviously intruding, but I just think it's funny that he's acting all comfortable and chummy there when in the wider shot you can see he's totally hovering on like, two inches of seat.

Then the last two pics with Hook and Belle look like they sneak into Granny's kitchen? Apparently the unusual favor he asks from Belle is to help him steal a pie?

Edited by The Cake is a Pie
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I would love for Hook to be protective of Belle and be in big brother mode, sitting himself down next to Will, making him feel uncomfortable, and giving him the third degree. Are Hook and Belle in the kitchen together in those other two pics?

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I like the idea of Hook being protective of Belle...and suspicious of Will. He did catch Will trying to break into the library not long ago. Belle's just gone through a tough breakup after all! Good character development for Hook.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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I like the idea of Hook being protective of Belle...and suspicious of Will. He did catch Will trying to break into the library not long ago. Belle's just gone through a tough breakup after all! Good character development for Hook.


I hope that's how it plays out.

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It also could be some good payback for Will interrupting Hook and Emma's date. :) Hook is 300 years old, or whatever age the writers fancy at the time, but he can be pretty immature and I can see him getting a kick out of crashing their date. Their kitchen convo looks serious though.

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I like Mals look. Its like she just wandered out of a speak easy where she was meeting with Al Capone. 


I still don't get what Will is doing here, and I haven't found anything explaining it, or even if there's a plan.


This show has proven that it really is a small multiverse after all.  

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I like to think it's not a Will and Belle date, but the first meeting of the Storybrooke Non-American Accent club. Maybe Cruella can join the next one. Rumple has been expelled. Has anyone seen Philip and Tinkerbelle?

Edited by The Cake is a Pie
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This was a quote Adam made after "Unforgiven" in the Hollywood Reporter.  I wanted to discuss this elsewhere since I don't read spoilers, but I wasn't sure if the following was a spoiler.  It seems more like a teaser to me.


"That's the tip of the iceberg of the secret," Horowitz told reporters following a recent screening of the hour. "Our hope is by the time everything is revealed, it really informs who [snow and Charming] were in season one."


"Obviously we know the curse was cast, but for us, it's really more about the character motivation," Kitsis said. "We hope that in seeing the second half of the season, you'll go back and look at the series in a different way."


I have a sinking feeling what we find out could ruin Season 1.  How will making Snow and Charming blithering idiots and compromising their values "inform" us on their characters?  I want to revisit this after 4B to see what he meant by this and how it panned out.

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The filming spoilers for the back episodes of the season have had many of us considering quitting the show, Camera One. Oddly enough, they have little to do with Adam's assertion that this secret will change our opinion on Snow & Charming. As we've proven, Adam & Eddy frequently say a bunch of crap that means nothing. I'm hoping this is one of those times because I'd really hate for them to ruin Season 1 too. 

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I think what has got me considering to quit is the fact that it looks like Marian is actually Zelena. Its not a cunning twist if we are given no clues what so ever. By that logic they could just say that Snow wakes up in EF one day and the whole series has been a dream.

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By that logic they could just say that Snow wakes up in EF one day and the whole series has been a dream.

At this point, that may end up being the best possible ending.

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So Cruella really knows Granny or she can smell wolves?

Rumple talked about a complicated past with Granny, I wonder if Granny plays a role in Cruella's centric ep, maybe Granny stole something from Rumple in order to buy Red's hood from Cruella...

Grrr!!! No Phillip next week?? This is irritating. I want to see so much more about Red, Granny, Phillip, Whale, Blue,... but A&E don't seem to care about these characters, they just drop new characters here and there then promise to focus on "core characters" (making them look like villians by making up sth evil that they did).


Aurora is barely talked about this half season, only Ariel and August are a bit.

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I have long expected the writing, storylines, continuity and common sense of the show to be totally screwed up. It is the only way to continue enjoying the fun parts.

I have to cling to the joy of escapism fantasy and appealing visuals and forget about everything else.

They have some core, very cool concepts that are littered with goofball filler or poorly supported side stories that they jam into every season.

It is...what it is.


I do however, get a kick out of *besotted Emma". Gives her face a really nice glow as opposed to *Emma scowls*

Edited by BoPeeps
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I like the idea of Hook being protective of Belle...and suspicious of Will.

I can definitely imagine him feeling protective of Belle and responsible for her, since he seems to be at least partially blaming himself for her current situation. Maybe if he'd warned her about the dagger up front instead of trying to turn that knowledge to his own advantage, she could have reached Rumple before things went beyond the point of no return. True, Belle might not have believed him and Rumple probably would have managed to lie and convince her, but then that would be on them and doesn't absolve him for not doing the right thing in the first place. And since he knows she's in a really vulnerable place right now, he might be prone to going into overprotective big brother mode.

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I have read this theory in Tumblr and it actually makes sense. It says that maybe Rumple is going to use a glamour spell to look like Hook and that way not only make Belle give him the dagger, but also get his revenge on Hook making him hurt Emma. I don't agree with the part about Emma, but the first part about the dagger makes sense and it explains those BTS pics with Rumple holding the dagger.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Huh, that's actually a really good theory. The briefness of Rumple's appearance in that scene seemed odd at the time, and that would explain it. My guess is that's the end of the episode, too, and so it's a big "shock" reveal.


Meanwhile, I'm pretty surprised Agnes Bruckner hasn't been told to take down this Instagram pic yet.

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That means that Rumple has been pretending to be sitting there with Will and Belle and that Belle trusts Hook enough to give him the dagger, but it's Rumple all along?


Rumple needs to be flayed for this (yes, I'm getting ready for GoT).

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That means that Rumple has been pretending to be sitting there with Will and Belle and that Belle trusts Hook enough to give him the dagger, but it's Rumple all along?

That could explain the manspreading. But since these people know they deal with people who can take on illusions of being other people, why don't they have passwords? Before doing something for someone or especially before giving them an object of power, they should have to give that day's key word, or something.


Rumple needs to be flayed for this (yes, I'm getting ready for GoT).

Reekelstiltskin? I could go for that.

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Meanwhile, I'm pretty surprised Agnes Bruckner hasn't been told to take down this Instagram pic yet.

She's been posting pics and comments since she started shooting, and some of them are quite spoiling (is this word correct?). She even favourited a tweet asking her if she was playing Lily the day after they announced she was going to play a "mysterious role".

And lol at the comments, the fact that some people think they are about to kiss in that pic is baffling.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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So I'm finally through my 4A rewatch and I noticed something while watching Heroes and Villains today. Remember when the episode aired and we all thought it was a little odd that Marian was just all "Don't worry, Regina. I know you love him. I won't get in the way." If she was Zelena at this point, it actually would make sense. Zelena would be the type of person to "give" Regina her happy ending only to ruthlessly rip it away from her by pretending she was cursed again and the only way to fix it would be to have "Marian" leave Storybrooke. It seemed a bit contrived and overly heartbreaking at the time but if Zelena already was Marian, the melodrama would make more sense.


I also never really understood why the Snow Queen cursed her in the first place. Just to get back at Regina for something? But if Ingrid sensed that it was Zelena in disguise, it would further justify her cursing the ice cream.


Still not sure if all of that was planned that way but if they broke both parts of the season at the same time, I could easily see them throwing in things with Marian that are seen in a new light if Zelena is back.

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Meanwhile, I'm pretty surprised Agnes Bruckner hasn't been told to take down this Instagram pic yet.

So they're now in Storybrooke, she and Emma traveled together in the same car for I don't know how long and she's still giving her the stink eye?


As it I couldn't wait to see Lily completely gone.


I also never really understood why the Snow Queen cursed her in the first place. Just to get back at Regina for something? But if Ingrid sensed that it was Zelena in disguise, it would further justify her cursing the ice cream.

I'm sure they'll find something else in her shop since they thought of the scroll in 412 even though Ingrid told them diddly squat about how she managed to get to Storybrooke.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Wow, Rumple impersonating Hook to get the dagger makes total sense! At first I kind of wanted to rage, but if it means we get to see more of Colin acting like Rumple pretending to be Hook, I'm all for it! Just as long as he doesn't try to kiss Emma again, or mess up CaptainSwan too much.

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So I'm finally through my 4A rewatch and I noticed something while watching Heroes and Villains today. Remember when the episode aired and we all thought it was a little odd that Marian was just all "Don't worry, Regina. I know you love him. I won't get in the way." If she was Zelena at this point, it actually would make sense. Zelena would be the type of person to "give" Regina her happy ending only to ruthlessly rip it away from her by pretending she was cursed again and the only way to fix it would be to have "Marian" leave Storybrooke. It seemed a bit contrived and overly heartbreaking at the time but if Zelena already was Marian, the melodrama would make more sense.

I always thought that Marian gave up her husband rather too easily, so that makes sense. I wonder if they hadn't originally planned this plot for 4A before Frozen came along.

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Wow, Rumple impersonating Hook to get the dagger makes total sense! At first I kind of wanted to rage, but if it means we get to see more of Colin acting like Rumple pretending to be Hook, I'm all for it!


It actually does make total sense. If it does end up that Rumple is pretending to be Hook the entire episode and it ends on a cliffhanger where Rumple has the knife, it would be a good segue into the Ursula/Hook centric the following week. And then in that behind the scenes video where Emma hugs Hook at the docks at night, Colin looked a bit rigid and not 100% comfortable. If Emma was suspicious that it wasn't the real Hook right away, that might explain the half-assed hug.


I wonder if Hook is bound and gagged somewhere if Rumple decides to impersonate him? I feel like that's a prerequisite scene every season. (We were close with the garden hose scene...) Although, wouldn't it make more sense for Rumple to just kill Hook the first chance he gets? He's pretty much gone full-on villain now with no fucks to give.


That could explain the manspreading. But since these people know they deal with people who can take on illusions of being other people, why don't they have passwords? Before doing something for someone or especially before giving them an object of power, they should have to give that day's key word, or something.


Ha, but it's this show. The heroes are never proactive about the bad guys' schemes. If they were, we'd already have them developing magical protection weapons (how lame was it watching Charming and Snow get their swords easily tossed away by the flick of Maleficent's wrist?), creating potions that can reveal a person's true identity, or setting up villain traps around the town line. The "heroes" only react to things the very second they happen.

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I wonder if Hook is bound and gagged somewhere if Rumple decides to impersonate him?

I was thinking that should be the cliffhanger. Belle and RumpleHook have a big, dramatic scene in which she decides to trust him and hands over the dagger, then she comes back to the library or shop, opens a closet door and finds an unconscious, bound and gagged Hook. Dun dun DUN!


I guess Rumple has to keep Hook alive if he still has plans to get the hat and dagger back and do the ritual to cleave himself from the dagger. Hook may be the safest person in Storybrooke right now. He might get hurt, but he's the one person Rumple can't let die.

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I actually think it would maka sense for the trio to have captured Hook. I can see the following episode being Ursula torturing him for whatever he did to her, as the flashbacks show it all taking place.

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I actually think it would maka sense for the trio to have captured Hook. I can see the following episode being Ursula torturing him for whatever he did to her, as the flashbacks show it all taking place.

Even better! And probably more like this show for the cliffhanger to be us seeing Hook in the clutches of the trio immediately after Belle hands the dagger over to RumpleHook. Because we can't have the good guys actually knowing what the villains are up to. Belle, especially, has to remain blissfully in the dark. Her finding Hook and realizing she handed the dagger over to Rumple would ruin it.


Would Rumple be bold/stupid enough to attempt to impersonate Hook with Emma? Maybe that's what that "fries?/onion rings/I was testing you" thing was setting up, that there are details about her she would expect Hook to know that would trip up an impostor. At least when he had Hook's heart, she was still interacting with the real deal and Rumple would just have to order him to correctly answer any questions. I would hope that Rumple would know to come up with some excuse to stay away from Emma (mostly so we don't have any gross stuff involving her kissing the wrong person).

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