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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Just something that says he's trying to be more modern for Emma while still being true to his pirate self.

Though at this point, I wouldn't say that the pirate self is "true," since that's what he's trying to move on from. Maybe it's more that he would be true to his very old-fashioned self. I wouldn't even think that he's necessarily trying to be more modern for Emma's sake, just that it's for sheer practicality. He came to this world with the clothes on his back. Now he's stuck in this world. What could he put together that's available in this world that still might fit in his comfort zone? He's too formal for jeans and a t-shirt, so I could definitely see him wearing a waistcoat and shirt-type look. He might keep the coat when it's weather-appropriate but not necessarily wear it all the time. Or maybe he could find a military-looking wool peacoat -- the kind with lots of brass buttons, which would be a throwback to his navy days.

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Colin has said that putting on the costume puts him in character.

I was wondering about the same thing. Hopefully he can still bring the attitude to the role without the clothes. Seems like a silly thing to worry about, but they've mentioned the instant change a few times, so it definitely is a thing.


I don't know why I never considered a vest for the new look, but that would be a great way to tie the two looks together, and Colin does seem to like vests. :) I've never seen a modern vest with a high collar though. Perhaps he could just wear coats with the collar up.


I wonder if Emma will still be in her plaid phase, or if she will have some new looks as well? I'm sure she'll still have the leather jackets, and they might parallel some of her wardrobe with Hook's, to show their unity. I can't wait for new set photos!

I wonder if Emma will still be in her plaid phase, or if she will have some new looks as well? I'm sure she'll still have the leather jackets, and they might parallel some of her wardrobe with Hook's, to show their unity. I can't wait for new set photos!

Jen said she was wearing plaid due to being torn about her place in the world. Now that she has accepted her home the plaid should go away.

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Maybe it was all in my head, but I thought Emma did get a subtle costume change in 3B -- she seemed to have more blouse-y, girly things. I assumed it was supposed to be a reflection of her as a stylish New Yorker, versus her relatively more unhappy, solitary Boston life. But maybe I was reading too much into it. 

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You know, practically, they should have saved Frozen for 4B, since they'd then be filming in Vancouver when it's actually cold and you could see people's breath, like we could a bunch in 3B. As it is, they'll be filming cold weather in July and August, so the actors will be all bundled up when it's warm. Colin might be glad of a deep V-neck in those conditions!

Nope. Not the only one.


The costuming people will do their usual excellent job, I'm sure, but I think changing Hook into civvies will ultimately just highlight the basic blandness of the character that began when they switched him from "revenge" mode to "romance" mode. 

I think I'll answer this in the Hook thread, I do have some thoughts on it.

What I want to know about Hook's wardrobe change is how it will be debuted.  Will it be something he goes out and does to the surprise of everyone else?  Will Emma take him shopping?  Will Charming sort of advise him that his look is a bit dated and "piratey" for the man involved with his daughter?  I want an actual scene that shows the transformation (ideally a la Pretty Woman where potential looks are tried and rejected, lol).

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Thanks for the link Daxx. I also want to see a shopping montage! Or at least a scene where we see Emma, and only hear Hook off camera saying "Are you sure about this?". And then he comes out and Emma has the same look on her face as Hook did when he first saw her in the Enchanted Forest outfit.


Also, I was just on tumblr, and someone actually made a post about Colin in vests. :)


Plaid was a symbol for being confused?


Now I'm confused.

LOL, Mari!


It's a sign of how little they give the actors to go on when Jen has to stretch that far for a metaphor. Personally, I would have gone with a more lost-girlian "Emma wears a lot of plaid because her foster families used to give her the unfashionable cast-offs of their own children, or because local church groups used to drop off bags of used, unfashionable stuff to her group homes, and she wears it as unconscious reminder of her lack of self-worth."


Or, you know, sometimes a plaid shirt is just a plaid shirt.

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Maybe she meant the fact that her new life is overlapping her old life is like plaid overlapping colors with other colors.

And I really can't wait to have someone ask Colin about this wardrobe change at Comic Con. It has to happen! We need answers!

Colin scratches behind his ear, rolls his tongue across his teeth, looks sheepish, turns red. "Yeah, Hook he sort of gets some new stuff to wear or whatever."

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Don't we usually get quite a bit of pap airport photos? Maybe Ginny & Josh aren't there yet and if they are I'd hope they charted someting private because of new baby privacy. I know Kristen Bell tell us it's bad to look at celebrity babies but I want to see a picture of him so bad! I bet he's so adorable! In any case I haven't seen any cast arrivals at Vancouver airport yet from my usual spoiler sources, but I mean most must be there, right?


Don't we usually get quite a bit of pap airport photos? Maybe Ginny & Josh aren't there yet and if they are I'd hope they charted someting private because of new baby privacy. I know Kristen Bell tell us it's bad to look at celebrity babies but I want to see a picture of him so bad! I bet he's so adorable! In any case I haven't seen any cast arrivals at Vancouver airport yet from my usual spoiler sources, but I mean most must be there, right?

Pretty sure Ginny and Josh are already there. They flew in a private jet with Adam and Eddie.

Edited by Stuffy
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I really don't know just reporting what I read. The three sightings were all in Chicago. It's twitter and Tumblr, so I know people could be making crap up.

Of course knowing Jennifer she could have filmed some scenes and already flown out for the weekend.



Edited by Stuffy

I didn't see this mentioned but today, Josh Dallas started following Michael Socha on twitter. Make of that what you will.


Edit: Also I do not stalk people's favorites and follows. Tweetdeck automatically gives me an activity log column of everyone I'm following and that came by.

Edited by Aliasscape
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I don't think Jennifer has started filming yet because it looks like she may be in Chicago. I have no idea about the accuracy of the sightings but there have been at least three. I saw them while looking on twitter and tumblr for filming news.

Makes sense, it's her hometown. I think they're filming the Frozen flashbacks this week, the Storybrooke stuff next week. Jennifer will probably go at the last minute because unlike Ginny and Josh, Colin, etc, she doesn't need to make a big move, with babies, etc. She flies back home basically every week anyway.

I think it's *possible* she needed to be there on the 9th for pre-production meetings - costume fittings, etc. Maybe a table read, thogh I'm not sure if they do those? Then if the rest of the week is Frozen filming, she probably went to visit her family.


We should get two days in SB next week, so a better idea of what's going on. Has someone spotted Sean in Vancouver? I would think he'd tweet about it if he's there - he usually does.


EDIT: this is making the rounds on Tumblr. It's not Colin, but allegedly his double, with the new costume. However, there's no source (just a random person posting on Tumblr and saying "omg I found this") so I can't tell how reliable it is. It's probably not legit, but I think they should go for something like this.

Edited by Serena

Larry Andreutti, one of the paps that always seems to get the goods from the outside shoots, tweeted that he saw Georgina filming in her Elsa get up. He was barred from photographing, but said to think white skin - like Data on Star Trek, or whiter. Said he's meet her before, but she was almost unrecognizable in makeup.

The only explanation I can give is maybe they're using real snow in studio so it's cold inside, but that seems like a real stretch. After all, isn't that what bad CGI is for? ;-)


Fake snow is probably easier to use in a film shoot rather than trying to make real snow in a studio. There is some really impressive fake snow out there these days. Fake snow doesn't melt (they wash it away with water, its biodegradable and non-toxic) and stays nice and fluffy (a lot of real snow making machines really just blast ice in your face as any skier can complain about and real snow can quickly degrade).


They might have a cold studio to make the actors breath fog up. I'd still be taking off that coat if I was going outside though.


They are filming the first episode is going to take place 10 hours after the last episode - overnight. When would he have time to go shopping? I thought his new clothes weren't going to show up for a few episodes. I guess they could be testing out the new outfit (Becca mentioned they did a screen test with her costume/make-up prior to filming her episodes).

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These just prove that with modern clothes that they are going to have a very fine line to walk between Modern Pirate and CW Vampire.

Ha! I'm not versed in CW vampires but I can totally see that.

It looks like Adam posted a shot from filming and what appears to be Elisa in a green forest -- don't know if that means the Enchanted Forest or Storybrooke.


Continuing the fashion discussion, apparently the actor playing Kristoff has dyed his hair a blonde copper color and it's short.


EDIT: Jennifer send a DM to a fan (I'm guessing in response to someone wondering why she's not filming) saying that she starts filming on Monday, like we suspected. So the Chicago sightings are probably legit!

Edited by Serena

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that these are manipulations rather than anything official. The first one is moderately credible -- the zippers at the wrists would be good for accommodating the hook -- but he's not wearing the Hook earring, though that could be something he sheds along with the pirate attire. But the second one is a different jacket, and note that while he has the Hook earring, he's carrying the shopping bag in a very normal-looking left hand, no glove or hook.


So, I'm guessing that these are what some people think might work rather than any actual costume. I actually don't see him in a t-shirt with leather jacket because he seems more formal than that.

Oh, those images are definitely manips. And I can't believe all the people on tumblr who thought the alleged photo of Colin's stunt double was actually Colin. I didn't think it looked anything like him! Also, although the satchel looks similar, it's not the one he had in the finale. I think we'll have legit photos within the week, although probably won't see the new outfit right away, like kili said.

I would guess that there'll be too much going on in 4.01, especially as we know it picks up pretty much straight after the finale. Seems like an odd time for Hook to be thinking about clothes. "There's an unknown queen with magical powers on the loose, we accidentally brought Robin's wife back from the dead, and I'm not entirely sure where my relationship stands with the woman I love... time to go shopping!"

"There's an unknown queen with magical powers on the loose, we accidentally brought Robin's wife back from the dead, and I'm not entirely sure where my relationship stands with the woman I love... time to go shopping!"




Opening scene in Season 4:


SCENE: The Diner.

ARCHIE, BELLE and GOLD enters.


ARCHIE: Uh May I uh uh have your attention uh please.  Did uh everyone uh forget that we had a wedding tonight?  Belle and Mr. Gold are now husband and wife.


CROWD: Silence.


ARCHIE: Uh I know we have been through a lot, and in my uh professional uh opinion, I think we're all up for some RETAIL THREAPY!!!! 

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I would guess that there'll be too much going on in 4.01, especially as we know it picks up pretty much straight after the finale. Seems like an odd time for Hook to be thinking about clothes. "There's an unknown queen with magical powers on the loose, we accidentally brought Robin's wife back from the dead, and I'm not entirely sure where my relationship stands with the woman I love... time to go shopping!"

And now an entire fanfic spoofing Pretty Woman just popped into my head.  Hook modeling for Emma.  Returning to the shop that refused to help a pirate, Hook is in his new duds, brandishing a sword.  "Big mistake. Huge."  


Petition for more Josh Dallas in tight-fitting t-shirts please, UNF.


I doubt it's happening, but I would kind of love if we got a bearded Charming this season. He rocks the facial hair! (And it's not like his hair hasn't magically grown in between seasons before...or on his wedding day....)


ETA: Also, I'm glad we're getting S1-ish hair for Charming again. That was definitely his best hair season.

Edited by stealinghome
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