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S03.E08: The Brave And The Bold (2)

Meredith Quill
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Ok, so I wanted to say this before I forgot but Amanda Waller either set up that bomb situation or set up Oliver to fail so she could manipulate him into the person she wanted him to be.

That said, this episode was fun. Oliver and Barry have fun chemistry although Barry sounded like he was trying to one up Oliver when he mentioned his mothers murder. Like, ok ONE bad thing happened to you, Oliver could write a thousand page book about all the shitty things that happened to him. I did like the jist of their conversations over the episode but that bugged. Also Barry looked like a kicked puppy when Oliver shot that guy. Dude, shooing people is Oliver's most favorite thing! I still think Barry doesn't at all get how serious Oliver is about stuff. Barry is like a freakin puppy.

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Wow, so that episode was ... chatty. I don't know why they needed to outright state all the obvious differences between the two shows.

But I did like that Barry pointed out that Oliver still has light in him.

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I'm sorry, I know that some people don't like Roy, but I think that he's an adorable little mini-me.  "Watch Daddy, Son."  Seriously, the way that his actions mirror Oliver's cracks me up.


I think that this show would have been so much better this season if The Flash hadn't been picked up and Barry stayed in Starling City.  It's a dilemma because I like nearly all of The Flash cast, but I'm not attached to that show like I am this one.


Oliver to Barry, "I'm sorry, Barry.  I'm not as emotionally healthy as you are."  Understatement of the fucking year right there!


No!  Lyla was shooting up the Arrow cave and Fern was caught in the crosshairs!  I think she (Fern, that is) survived, though.  Loved that all three women were badass and completely useful in that scene.


Loved Barry talking to Oliver about how he (Oliver) wouldn't have survived if he didn't have a light inside of him...and then Felicity walks in on the conversation. 


Yay, happy times for Diggle.  Aww, Barry has his own little costume dummy.  Aww, Felicity telling Cisco that the hood has sentimental value.  Yay Barry, for the inspirational pep talk.  Just wish Barry would have told Oliver that he's wrong, guys like them do get the girl!


I loved Cisco's humor, I loved everyone going for drinks at Verdant, I loved that The Flash team calls Diggle "Mr. Diggle.", and I loved how everything flowed.  Oh my gosh, I seriously enjoyed this episode more than the first part of the crossover.  Definitely one of my favorites this season.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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THIS WAS TOTALLY AWESOME. Sorry, but I loved it. Really really loved it.

  • The Barriver feels were everywhere. I love how Barry also teaches Oliver even though Barry looks up to him.
  • Caitlin/Felicity/Lyla working together? Hell to the yes.
  • Captain Boomerang was pretty cool. I liked him
  • DYLA! I loved them this episode. They're so amazing together.
  • Oliver/Lyla connecting was so precious
  • Very little Laurel. Could've done without her because she was essentially useless
  • Any Quentin scenes are welcome
  • Felicity walking in after Barry said that there's still some light in Oliver was just not a coincidence
  • I'd like to see more Thea/Cisco scenes.
  • Team Flash learning the tough part of being a part of a vigilante's team
  • I even liked the flashbacks! Poor Oliver :/
  • I really didn't like Oliver in the beginning, but he became softer and more playful in the end. That's the Oliver I love. I hope we see him again.

The episode flowed well, it was really great. It wasn't choppy as usual. We need more episodes like this one.

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Ok, so I wanted to say this before I forgot but Amanda Waller either set up that bomb situation or set up Oliver to fail so she could manipulate him into the person she wanted him to be.

Shut up, Waller. That entire situation was on YOU.

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So Felicity's obviously been investing in non-flamable clothing since the last time she saw Barry.

Big awwww for Dig and Lyla even if it was obvious from space that it was going to happen.

For some reason I really want to see Roy and Cisco just hanging out together - fanfic please, someone.

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I didn't think the Arrow side of the crossover would be as fun as The Flash.  I'm glad to say I was wrong because that was a great episode and definitely the most fun episode of Arrow this season.


This episode definitely picked up the darker tone of Arrow well and it was a good look into Oliver with the whole torture issue.  Plus, the end with Barry getting everyone in place to defuse the bombs was pretty awesome.


Great banter between Team Arrow and Team Flash, with it managing to bring the funny.


Love Quentin's reaction to Barry "Bart Allen?  Didn't you get hit by a truck?"


I'll say one thing nice about the actress playing Waller...she did angry good here tonight.


More Diggle tonight was a plus.  Glad he's happy and that they didn't fridge Layla.


I was happy that Barry through the dead mother thing back in Oliver's face.


Love the Rocky III ending.

Edited by benteen
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Wow, so that episode was ... chatty. I don't know why they needed to outright state all the obvious differences between the two shows.

But I did like that Barry pointed out that Oliver still has light in him.


With Felicity walking right in on it. Right after they talked about his humanity, too. Don't be subtle about it show. I like to be hit over the head and smacked in the face with it over and over and over again. (Seriously, especially where Olicity is concerned, haha). 


Diggle, ahhhh. 


Hong Kong Oliver makes my heart hurt. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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We got a Bart Allen mention!  I'm guessing since they threw in the continuation of the Connor storyline on The Flash last night, they needed to throw something in tonight.


This episode was a blast.  I loved that Roy immediately liked Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry.  Colton Haynes had a lot of team chemistry with Team Flash.  I also loved Oliver's continued hilarious frustration with Roy calling it the Arrowcave, and telling Cisco not to touch anything.  Barry is just needed everywhere, the guy lightens the mood no matter where he goes.  They really hit the jackpot with Grant Gustin.  Props also go to Geoff Johns, he's not going to let his favorite superhero be destroyed as long as he can help it.


Way to go Diggle, way to go.  With the running joke of he and Lyla not being married, I was just waiting for him to pop the question.

Edited by Jediknight
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I'd really love to know what idiot decided to cast Nick Taraby as Captain Cold and not Ra's All Ghul! I know he's not tall but he's got so.much presence and gravitas. What a waste.

Loved that Felicity used the exploding arrowhead to save the team. Loved that the solution to the bomb threat was Team Flarrow working together.

I've lived Cisco from the beginning but I think this was most enjoyable that I've found Caitlin outside of her background episode (103).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I love Barry and Oliver scenes together and just the combination of the teams. 


Flash coming in with his sushi thinking Diggie didn't keep secrets from Lyla was hilarious. "My bad."


Roy, Cisco. Caitlin and Felicity having drinks at the club. Cisco loving the club was great, love that someone points out they should be having more fun with the club above them. 


My favorite episode this season.

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I love Barry and Oliver scenes together and just the combination of the teams. 


Flash coming in with his sushi thinking Diggie didn't keep secrets from Lyla was hilarious. "My bad."


Roy, Cisco. Caitlin and Felicity having drinks at the club. Cisco loving the club was great, love that someone points out they should be having more fun with the club above them. 


My favorite episode this season.


I actually expected the team to go up above and start clubbing at the end.

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Holy Smoak! I can't believe this crossover event surpassed my expectations. If only Cisco was a life model decoy and one of him was based out of Starling City.


However, I did have to laugh when no one objected to "there is only one place [Lyla] will be safe." Are they talking about the Arrow Cave? That place is about as secure as a Starbucks bathroom.

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Can I just say how much I loved how cohesive this episode was? It just emphasized how incredibly choppy the other episodes were. It's funny how Arrow can bring in 3 extra characters and still maintain this level of cohesiveness yet when the focus is elsewhere or scattered on other characters (I'm sure you know which characters I'm talking about) the level of quality of the episode seems to drop because of the irrelevance of these scenes to the main plot. 

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I'll just very politely point out that Laurel was in the episode for like two minutes tops, in case that influences your decision to watch. She had one scene with Barry, Oliver, and her dad, and that was it

51/seconds if my friends info is correct. She was also completely pointless that scene was about getting info from Quentin.

I'd also like to point out that these idiots apparently don't know how to lock a door. FFS! Everyone can just walk in.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Really enjoyed this episode. Love it. Love all interactions that characters had with each other. Captain Boomerang despite being very punny was very badass. Love how all the team worked together in the end.  I loved the Barry Oliver relationship highlighted. When Barry said Oliver inspired people as "Oliver Queen" I got a little misty eyed. So glad Lyla didn't die. I heard spoilers about Diggle and Lyla getting married again but for a second I was scared they were foilers and she was going to die. Dyla wedding coming!!!  Can't wait for next week!


And Cisco is hilarious. Him doing the Salmon ladder and with Thea "So what you're saying is stay away" 

Edited by ban1o
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That was so enjoyable from start to finish. I think this might be my favorite episode of Arrow this season. Everything worked.


Can I just say how much I loved how cohesive this episode was? It just emphasized how incredibly choppy the other episodes were. It's funny how Arrow can bring in 3 extra characters and still maintain this level of cohesiveness yet when the focus is elsewhere or scattered on other characters (I'm sure you know which characters I'm talking about) the level of quality of the episode seems to drop because of the irrelevance of these scenes to the main plot. 


Agreed. It's so noticeable. It was just firing on point tonight whereas previous episodes this season have been so clunky and awkwardly edited and we've had to fill in so many gaps. Tonight was great. 

Edited by Guest
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That was fun. I could use more of that.  Generally it was great fun although I did look away at the Hong Kong scenes.


There were so many little things I liked, like Cisco trying to take Barry and Oliver's picture with his phone and Caitlin stopping him, the four of them hanging out.  I think this was Cisco's best episode to date, between geeking out and trying to do the salmon ladder, and his horror at having to defuse the bombs.  Nice plot, by the way, requiring all six members of the teams.


I was really hoping that Felicity and Caitlin would take out Boomerang but I guess the guys had to do it. At least they saved Lyla (although since when does adrenaline substitute for lidocaine?).


I thought Barry was infused by the soul of Sara when he talked about Oliver still having light in him, and that Oliver was going to say that when Felicity walked in.


I wonder if EBR ever gets tired of wearing clothes that look so uncomfortable.  Caitlin's aren't as trendy but they look like they would feel better.


There was nothing wrong with Laurel's line "I heard the Arrow was in Central City" in terms of the writing but KC's reading of it made it sound like she was chastising Oliver for not getting her permission first.



I think that this show would have been so much better this season if The Flash hadn't been picked up and Barry stayed in Starling City.  It's a dilemma because I like nearly all of The Flash cast, but I'm not attached to that show like I am this one.

I think the show would have been better if writers like AK and Ben Sokolowski had stayed on Arrow instead of working for The Flash.

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Hong Kong Oliver makes my heart hurt.

I was really hoping that with more characters in town, they'd skip the flashbacks. Silly me. But at least it had some relevance to the main story.

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I think that this show would have been so much better this season if The Flash hadn't been picked up and Barry stayed in Starling City.  It's a dilemma because I like nearly all of The Flash cast, but I'm not attached to that show like I am this one.


Yeah, I liked the infusion of Barry in this ep. A lot. 


I love The Flash, but I'm SO attached to Arrow. Although The Flash is a lot more enjoyable to watch for me because I'm not sitting there with a Level 10 clench going on wondering how they're going to mess up everything I love in the span of two minutes. Or something. 

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Lyla's dumbfounded face when she met Barry as the Flash was so great. Like husband, like wife I guess!


I loved Cisco trying to take a picture of Barry and Oliver in their costumes and Caitlin stopping him. Priceless. He was so great tonight, especially during his ride with Roy and Digg in the van.


Also Felicity knowing the hood had sentimental value and the loved up heart eyes Oliver threw her afterwards. *Thud thud* Those two need to stop but never stop.


I totally agree that the guy who plays Captain Boomerang should have played Ra's al Ghul.

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Probably need to rewatch it but even then I'll find it difficult to find things to complain about. I really liked most everything about this episode.


Cisco had some of my favourite lines of the night: “Do you guys have an Arrow mobile?” and “They were like a… league of their own.”


I wish we'd gotten an episode between this and the mid-season finale, to let the events and characters breathe a little. Just one episode with Oliver playing nice with his humanity before it's all ripped away by Ra's al Ghul.


Every time I see Oliver smile I'm reminded how much I miss it. Case in point...


tumblr_ng1b075T9b1rq49qyo2_250.gif   tumblr_ng1b075T9b1rq49qyo1_250.gif

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I liked how Caitlin and Cisco were playing hooky from Wells.


There is only one thing I wish they had added to the episode, that while Barry was telling Oliver how wrong he was, he would have said something about Felicity.

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Yes! (Oliver Twist voice) May I have some more, please? (/O.T. voice)


We saw Thea! We had Lyla doing her job! We had a smart solution to a tricky problem! We had Oliver grin a couple of times! We had Quentin speaking! (Tell him about his youngest girl someone!!) Bratva and the inane "breakup" callback!


Wells got a name-drop, like the principal he can act like! We got Digger rooming with Slade, so that's something I want to hear more about! We got a proposal, despite them doing the on/off thing for a bit. (Oliver, shut your judgey piehole.) 


I like that Quentin was cool with Barry and mentioned that he hadn't seen Oliver in a while. I appreciated Barry pointing out the dead mom thing, though. He is right-- Oliver pushed through all the pain, torture, heartbreak, terror and hopelessness to come home and want to protect others. As far as the flashbacks go, I think this is where we are going to see the downward spiral, how we got to S1 Starling Ollie.


Cynthia Addai-Robinson has made me a fan. The character she plays, though, has been character assassinated, imo. Yes, ComicsWaller was all about implanting micro-bombs in the Squaddies, she was not one to "make" a person into a killer. She took what she was given and made them , good or bad, work for her ends. This version, the one on-screen? Is a person I actively dislike.  I don't want Lyla or Task Force X to be under her control. But, as I said, Ms. Addai-Robinson is knocking it out of the park.


I enjoyed Roy and Cisco warming. I liked that Lyla nicknamed Barry "Speedy"!  When Lyla was getting penned down near the big silver tool thing, I liked that she did not hesitate and handled a gun like the pro she is.  I loved that Caitlin was able to stabilize Lyla, but was pragmatic about further help. The Diggle/Cisco/Roy van convo was fun.  Once in a while, Cisco needs to sneak away to Starling and bring Team Arrow some cool tech. Also, so he can harmlessly flirt with Thea, because Oliver is easy like that. Bee tee dubs? That had better not have been DJ Jazzy Douche she was speaking to on the phone. One appearance was too many. Sadly, I think we'll see him some more.


This was a nice way to end the crossover. I do hope there are more.Before the company-wide mega crossovers, there would be a crossover once a year between some books ( I'm remembering the JLA/JSA teams, personally.) Maybe that's how the shows can go into the midseason break next year?


eta: The preview: Great Googly-Moogly! And the chest and abs are back!!

Edited by Actionmage
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I really loved it. It wasn't as good as the Flash episode last night, but that one is hard to beat/ However, it was the best episode of Arrow in a long time.

Things I liked:
*Oliver's development. Showing him finding the light in the present while succumbing to the darkness in the past was brilliant.
*The Barry/Oliver relationship. Although their tactics are way different, they do care about each other. It's VERY much Superman/Batman.
*The comparions between Central City and Starling City. Central does come across as sunny and bright whereas Starling is much more forboding.
*Team Flash realizing that things aren't all fun and games and that lives are at stake. Caitlin and Cisco admitting that dealing with superpowers made the situations feel less real, less serious.
*Roy. His reaction to seeing Barry use his powers, immediately appreciating Team Flash after Cisco complimented his suit, etc.
*The Oliver/Lyla scene.
*ARGUS getting some well-deserved comeuppance. Harkness was justified in his quest for vengeance.
*Cisco's speech on metahumans
*Cisco's reaction to Thea. lol
*Barry's speech to Oliver.

Things I didn't like:
*Was there a point to the Laurel scene other than wasting valubale screen time that could have been better spent on the crossover?
*Ditto the small Thea and Chase scene. Really, what was the point? Actually, what is the point to Chase in general.

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Best episode of the season yet.


Totally awesome things:


1. The opening ARGUS sequence with flying boomerangs, ARGUS agents, Arrow and Arsensal casually popping in and Barry zipping around.


2. Cisco's enthusiasm about the Arrow Cave, and later about metahumans.


3. Barry realizing that he couldn't be in five places at once - but didn't need to be. Cue tossing people in front of bombs (this time without impacting their clothing, but I'm going to try to move past that, at least on this forum). Team Arrow and Team Flash saving the city for the win!


4. Oliver almost but not quite managing to let Captain Boomerang depart without injury.


5. Cisco improving Oliver's costume, but leaving the hood attached for sentimental reasons cause Felicity said so.


6. Barry to Oliver: "I think you're full of crap."  YAY!


6. The final Arrow versus Flash encounter. YES.  And the decision to let the fans argue about who won. TRIPLE YES.


Good things:


1. Aww, Diggle and Lyla are going to get married. Yay!


2. Oliver and Lyla's conversation about necessity and extremes, while they were both watching the people they feared couldn't understand that.


3. The Captain Boomerang versus Caitlin, Felicity and Lyla fight.  (This is not in the awesome things list because of how easily Boomerang got into the Arrow Cave.)


4. Diggle keeping Barry's secret. Hee.


5. Barry and Oliver chatting about light, Felicity coming up. Well. We've never accused this show of being subtle. Why start now?


Questionable things:


1. Thea, stop talking to that DJ guy. Seriously. For my sake and yours.


2. Guys, I know you love the Arrow Cave and that set, and it's remarkably convenient for After Attack Drinks, but seriously consider moving elsewhere.


3. You just put Captain Boomerang in the same prison as Slade - the prison where as far as we know THERE ARE NO PRISON GUARDS?  (Also, food and bathrooms.)  Oliver, let's chat about long term strategic thinking here, because that wasn't it.  (Also, uh, how did they get Boomerang to the island and come back so quickly?  Does Oliver have a little Arrowplane on hand? Did they use ARGUS sources? What was that?)


Bad things:


1. Amanda Waller. Let me get this straight, Amanda: you either set up a bomb situation and killed innocent people in order to turn Oliver Queen into someone who tortures people, in which case I must ask WHY followed by WHY OLIVER QUEEN followed by WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, or alternatively, you left the one guy with bomb knowledge in the hands of the guy that YOU KNEW WAS NOT TRAINED IN INTERROGATION OR TORTURE INFORMATION, thereby letting the bombs go off. In either case, you are now officially the worst. 


2. I'm assuming that Verdant is fairly loud, and I know it was a tiny bomb, but, seriously, nobody upstairs heard an explosion in the Arrow Cave?


And for tradition's sake: And now, Laurel!


Barely in this episode, and still managed to fail by being the only character who a) did nothing to help bring down Captain Boomerang (even Amanda Waller, by training Oliver in torture/interrogation, sorta beats her here, even if said torture/interrogation led to a trap, as do the guys Oliver was actually torturing, by proving her point), [Edited to add: Whoops, I forgot Thea, who just served drinks. Never mind point a, but then again, Thea isn't supposed to be catching bad guys. Laurel as an ADA is.]  and b) spent almost her entire onscreentime yelling at her father or getting snarky because, oooh, oooh, the Arrow was seen in Central City, like, Laurel, the last time we saw you, you made it very clear that you are not on Oliver's team, which fine - but that in turn means that he doesn't need to tell you where he's coming and going. 


Also, I can't help but notice that since Laurel made that "I'm not on your team" announcement, Oliver has now been sending bad guys either to ARGUS (Cupid with the Suicide Squad) or to Hellish Island Prison (Captain Boomerang this episode), so, congrats, Laurel, you've now pushed Oliver into working more outside the law. When Slade and Captain Boomerang do their inevitable team up I'll be blaming you. Not entirely, but a little.

Edited by quarks
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So one thing which stands out to me when these two teams are in vicinity of each other. 


Team Arrow looks mature and professional. Team Flash looks like kids. I like the two teams but together the differences are so harsh. Team Flash probably would have been better with Teen Arrow just because the age disparity wouldn't be so obvious. Although Teen Arrow doesn't exist anymore. Should I see myself to the bitter thread?

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I'll just very politely point out that Laurel was in the episode for like two minutes tops, in case that influences your decision to watch.  She had one scene with Barry, Oliver, and her dad, and that was it


And yet even in that tiny space of time I was slapped in the face with all the reasons that Laurel makes me not happy.  She's so up in her dad's face, like she thinks he's incompetent or something (or, sigh, they are setting her up to pick up the slack on the run of B&E's going on herself, sigh)  So angry, so negative, so MEAN, but fortunately for the episode so not in the rest of it.


I've decided one of the reasons that The Flash is an easier show to enjoy and watch is all about the lack of flashbacks.  I cringed when the first one came on tonight because a casual viewer or a first time Flasher wouldn't have had a clue as to what was going on.  They should have at least tossed in a title card identifying it as three years ago in Hong Kong.  Aside from that complaint, it was good insight as to what drives Oliver to torture, the fear that something so much worse will happened but I think we also saw that today with all of his friends and team mates, it's not all on him and he doesn't always have to go there.  Of course sometimes it's impossible to resist.  Loved that last arrow through the hand.  ;)

Edited by BkWurm1
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My favorite line may have been Oliver just going "Cisco!" It was like he'd been saying his name in admonishment for years. Second was Barry calling Arrow a douche.


I loved Barry talking back when Oliver played the murdered mama card. He's had that card longer than you, Ollie. And points to Barry for not pointing out the "my foster father put my real father in prison" in the list of problems. He really doesn't use his personal tragedies as excuses.


All the sidekicks saved the day! Yay!

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I loved this episode!


I loved the stark contrast between Arrow's world and Barry's world. I was nodding in agreement when Oliver told Barry, that he was in Starling City and that it's a different world there and is not all sunshine and roses like Central City.  I just didn't understand Barry's horror at seeing Arrow, arrow the guy for information. He knew this was how Oliver/Arrow worked before he saw it and perhaps that was the problem. Barry had never actually seen him work and it was a bit shocking to be right there to witness the torture.


The women in the Arrow cave was great. Though Barry did have to rush Lyla to the hospital, they (or at least Felicity) scared off Boomerang with the bomb. Speaking of Lyla, I didn't understand why she was just shooting across the Arrow cave, wasting bullets while Boomerang stayed hidden. Did she hope one of her bullets would pierce through the structure he was hiding behind and take him out?


Barry working out on the Salmon ladder was hilarious. I was hoping we could've seen Oliver take it on. Loved Felicity's comment about the bar being a distraction from work.


Liked Barry telling Oliver he was full of BS and though Oliver did take it to heart, I fear it won't stick for long. Though he was his usual brooding self (which I love), I also enjoyed the little smiles we got here and there from him. He loosened up just a hair with Barry's team there.


I'm so glad Lyla and Diggle are going to make things official. The running joke throughout the episode about them not being married was hilarious. I can't wait for the wedding.


Lastly, imagine my shock when Oliver told Barry that the woman he "loved" was killed with a slew of arrows. I didn't know he loved Sara. I certainly thought he cared deeply for her but never thought he was in love with her.


And one more thing, was Oliver checking out Felicity's ass when they first returned to the Arrow cave at the start of the episode? I could of swore I saw his eyes linger a bit in that direction before he looked ahead. LOL.


Great episode! Next week's preview puts me in the mind of The Dark Knight, with Batman and Raz training in the snow.

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Lastly, imagine my shock when Oliver told Barry that the woman he "loved" was killed with a slew of arrows. I didn't know he loved Sara. I certainly thought he cared deeply for her but never thought he was in love with her.

I thought this was an interesting line as well... However, after some thinking, I took it as Oliver loving Sara... Because he did. But he wasn't in love with her. 

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Lastly, imagine my shock when Oliver told Barry that the woman he "loved" was killed with a slew of arrows. I didn't know he loved Sara. I certainly thought he cared deeply for her but never thought he was in love with her.


Totally nitpicking, but he said "A woman that I loved", not "the" woman. Imo there's the difference right there. He loved Sara, but she wasn't "the".

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Can I say just how much I loved Lyla in this episode?  Now that we had this much of her I am going to sorely miss her in the future.


Really enjoyed the scope of the locations they used.  The house, Argus, the upper level of the night club, the train station, out door dinning.  Much better than unidentified back alley number 9.  I am pretty sure though that I recognized the Argus set from earlier in The Flash (I think it was a mall or a museum?) but it looked great and had a wonderful expansive feel to it.  The fight they had there with all the agents getting taken down by the boomerangs looked great.  Loved all the "Sweeties" and the gun toss.  Loved that Roy lost his bow almost right away so when he and Oliver were doing the hand to hand fighting it's Roy and his rods and yet Oliver still fighting with his bow.  Great use of Barry at the end too. 


They REALLY need to work on their security in the Arrow Cave.  I get how he tracked them, but the door should have kept him out, right?  I suppose there is that back door that has been mentioned but why wouldn't that be secure as well?  He and Slade should have a great laugh about tracking down the "Secret" lair.  I can just imagine Slade being aghast that Queen didn't even move it after last year. 


So glad when Oliver was listing all the terrible things that had happened to him in Starling that Barry called him on having seen his mother killed too.  Oliver has had a hundred terrible things happen to him but he clings to his pain as well and he doesn't get that their are other people who have had terrible things happen to them but were still able to retain a hope about the future.  He's not there yet but I think Barry opened the door for him just a crack on Oliver Queen being worth saving.

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Can I say just how much I loved Lyla in this episode?  Now that we had this much of her I am going to sorely miss her in the future

I really wouldn't mind it if Lyla replaced Laurel in terms of screen time. Laurel can go off being the BC learning new fighting techniques and vigilante-ing in Seattle or wherever and in the show, ARROW, we can see more of Lyla and ARGUS (possibly more suicide squad) and how ARGUS is pretty much a shady organization and maybe Lyla's unaware of how deep the shadiness goes until something happens (waller tries to kill her maybe?)

Edited by wonderwall
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I didn't like Barry's whole "My mother was murdered in front of me too, but I don't use that as an excuse to torture people that piss me off" line. Yes, what happened to Barry's mother was tragic as was the fact that he witnessed it..... that's basically it. That's all the trauma Barry has. We've seen the hell Oliver went through over the past  8 years, both on and off the island. So that line of Barry's might have had weight if I was only a fan of The Flash, but as it was I just felt that Barry didn't know what he was talking about comparing his personal tragedies with Oliver's. Barry has suffered, but Oliver's suffering has been on a whole different level.

Edited by Lord Kira
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