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Yeah, I'm not a fan of boss/subordinate pairings. There are just so many problems that can happen with it-- and I know in my father's line of work it wasn't allowed.


I saw Candice was tweeting last night about being excited and that she got some good and interesting stuff to do in the last episode they filmed. I hope it turns out to be cool.


Here is the sneak peek for the episode airing tonight:



I'm putting it here to not have potential spoilers in the episode thread. So, my guess is that Wells has figured out where at least one of the bombs is and went to go retrieve it. Although, am I the only person who thinks it is a bad idea for a child that young to be opening the door for a strange man-- especially in Central City? Granted, I have a friend who has told his 6-year-old stepson to NEVER open the door and the kid isn't even allowed to go outside without someone going with him-- but the kid still goes and opens the door and sometimes even goes out and nearly got kidnapped by doing so (there are several registered sex offenders in the area). So, either the people inside told the kid to open the door and were close behind, or the little kid was the type who just opened the door. Maybe the parents were expecting someone.


Anyway, I do wonder why Zoom has not killed Wells yet. He must want something from him. Maybe he wants Wells to develop the Velocity serum to make himself even faster. My guess is that Zoom has some mental hangup where he wasn't fast enough to save someone he loved and now his mind is twisted and he is obsessed with speed.


On a side note, am I the only person who noticed that Wells hesitated very briefly when Henry Allen extended a hand to him in Gorilla Warfare? Wells didn't smile and he seemed to take the hand almost reluctantly-- although it was very subtle. I think Wells knows who Zoom used to be and was maybe even friends with him. I suspect E2 Henry is Zoom. And I think that Wells was either his friend or employer or both. And I suspect Dr. McGee was killed by a metahuman or as a result of the accelerator accident.


Anyway, I read that Velocity 9 will be introduced in a future episode. (Unless they typod Velocity 6) I think Wells will continue to improve on the formula and will use it on himself or Jesse (to heal her) or maybe Zoom will test it on Jesse.

So they just shot some stuff with E2 Barry. Don't know if it's past, present or future E2 Barry. And apparently he's a reporter.


Edited by phoenics
  • Love 2

Oh cool! Thanks for the link, phoenics. Aww. Its sweet that Grant hugged Tom (too bad they didn't have a picture). I like the windbreaker Carlos has on. I wonder if Tom was holding coffee for someone else-- looks like he had two cups. Heh.


This is far more entertaining that the new episode of Criminal Minds that just aired.

Velocity23, on 09 Dec 2015 - 6:38 PM, said:

The Flash Enlists Truth Be Told Star Tone Bell as Iris' New Boss



If this is a setup to be a LI pairing - and for not much more reasons than just as a WA 'ship staller at that.......   *bangs head on desk, repeatedly*

  • Love 2

Looks like Killer Frost will make an appearance in the same episode and she and Earth 2 Barry are not at good terms.




Regarding the relationship stuff on Flash, I never got the impression that Iris cares about Barry in a romantic way and it is very off putting that Barry is the one moping after her for these many episodes. (He only went for the relationship with Patty after Joe pushed him and while he was whining that Patty is not Iris etc)

  • Love 1

Looks like Killer Frost will make an appearance in the same episode and she and Earth 2 Barry are not at good terms.




Regarding the relationship stuff on Flash, I never got the impression that Iris cares about Barry in a romantic way and it is very off putting that Barry is the one moping after her for these many episodes. (He only went for the relationship with Patty after Joe pushed him and while he was whining that Patty is not Iris etc)

He hasn't been moping after Iris this season at all. In fact, aside from the "She's not Iris" line, you'd have to go back to S1 to convince yourself that Iris and Barry were friends, much less that Barry was totally in love with her.

Clearly that's why the writers did the Patty thing - they couldn't just have him get with Iris without "exploring" first.

Back to Iris' new boss - I do wonder if she's going to end up in some kind of conundrum because she knows who the Flash is and all about what's happening, but she can't report everything she knows. I feel like that could easily happen. And it would be far more interesting than a relationship with her boss. If he's pressing her to be more hard hitting and to dig deeper, I bet that's where her conflict of interest will come in. Remember that episode of Lois & Clark where Supes didn't change clothes and he and Lois started making out (they were married as Clark and Lois) and the photographer snapped a photo? Lois got pilloried and Supes was hated (while Clark got sympathy, lol)... the easy way would be to tell the truth - that Clark Kent IS Superman, but of course they couldn't do that. In the end, they were able to prove that the image was photoshopped (it was - after the photographer "Downtown Julie Brown" snapped the pic, she fell and her camera fell open exposing the film and ruining her shot), even if the act was real. I'd love to see some kind of conflict like that come up for Iris... and as a result, Barry.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 2

I don't know why that's such a big deal. Who cares about watching him "explore"?

If Iris and Barry had met as adults and fallen in love, there might not be any need for exploration. But lots of people seem to think that him loving her from such a young age means that he can't possibly really know she's the one. Plus, Iris has to come to terms with her feelings too and I'm not sure she has yet. And apparently it's "unmanly" for him to be pining after her so much when she hasn't reciprocated. It makes fanboys mad. And it makes [some] fangirls start looking for reasons why "Iris doesn't deserve him".

I wish they'd done this more like it was done on Lois & Clark... Mason Drake did make Lois jealous, but we all knew Mason was no match for Lois once she finally accepted Clark's date offer.

Whew - I still get flashes of heat when I think about Dean Cain back then. Whew. I remember when he showed up as himself on an episode of Living Single and the studio audience went absolutely NUTS when the door was opened and he was standing there. Giddayum!

  • Love 1

Spoiler pic for upcoming Flash story.

Killer Frost



This pic and related info makes me wonder if this will be the only way we'll actually be seeing CS as KF - ie, in different universes (Earths) or timelines, while letting the 'prime' (E-1) Caitlin Snow remain just CS.....

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 1

Oh, I'm sure it is. Which is why I've completely lost interest in anything related to KF. When I first looked up the character I thought, oh, that might be interesting, to see how she will gradually morph into a villain. But after watching the show up to this point, I don't think there's any way that any of the core cast members will ever turn evil, so KF is relegated to "other universe" Caitlin and saved for a special appearance every now and then.


Sorry, but that's a lot less interesting, imo. Especially because, as I've stated many times now, Caitlin is a character that I feel is poorly written and even more poorly acted, so frankly, the ONLY thing they could do with her I might care about at all is 1) turn her into a villain, or 2) hook her up with Wells for real and have the guts to do an actual May-December romance (which do exist in real life). And that last one would only be interesting because the CW never does that stuff, so it'd be going against the grain.


But this? Meh. I just don't care about Caitlin.

  • Love 8

I'm sick of the romances on this show. They've ruined Frost and Firestorm for me, and heavily damaged Barry and Iris, and irritated the heck out of me with Barry and Patsy. I'm not confident this show can execute a passable romance. I wish they would stop and stick to the action, villains, family, and perhaps write some good season-long, villain-related mysteries for Iris to be involved in.


Regarding Killer Frost spoiler, I knew this would happen. Of course, Earth 2 Caitlin is going to be Killer Frost. That's a complete cop-out. They've now ensured that the whole Frost story will be devoid of drama, tension, or buildup because no one cares if a Caitlin we don’t know becomes Killer Frost. Viewers don’t have a history with that Caitlin. That's a big missed opportunity to make Caitlin interesting.

  • Love 6

I'm sick of the romances on this show. They've ruined Frost and Firestorm for me, and heavily damaged Barry and Iris, and irritated the heck out of me with Barry and Patsy. I'm not confident this show can execute a passable romance. I wish they would stop and stick to the action, villains, family, and perhaps write some good season-long, villain-related mysteries for Iris to be involved in.


Regarding Killer Frost spoiler, I knew this would happen. Of course, Earth 2 Caitlin is going to be Killer Frost. That's a complete cop-out. They've now ensured that the whole Frost story will be devoid of drama, tension, or buildup because no one cares if a Caitlin we don’t know becomes Killer Frost. Viewers don’t have a history with that Caitlin. That's a big missed opportunity to make Caitlin interesting.

I think I would agree that they've been overly focused on romances this season. I assume Barry/Patty is ending in the next episode (or two, but apparently episode 2x11 was the actress's last), and I guess that was the reason they had to spend so much time on it in the first half, because they were always planning to end it fairly quickly in the second half, but...if it seriously ends in the next two episodes, I think a lot of people are going to be wondering what the point of the whole thing was in the first place. Especially if she doesn't die, which I don't think she will (she'll probably just leave town like Linda did).


And I still think the answer is simply that they wanted Barry to be seen having at least one adult relationship before he and Iris can happen. Maybe they are planning to put Barry and Iris together sometime next season and try to have it be more or less permanent, and so they needed to give him some other girlfriend first, and this was them getting it out of the way as early as they could.


I'm trying to speak from their point of view of course- like maybe that's what the writers were thinking when they constructed this. In reality though, I don't think anyone CARES if Barry didn't have another girlfriend before Iris, since they spent the entire first season setting up the idea that they're meant to be together and destined and all that, so most people just kinda sat through this Patty thing wondering when it would end and why it was happening anyway.


I think if you're trying to do will they/won't they, you don't first set up the idea that your main couple is destined no matter what else happens, because ANY other person is going to feel like an unnecessary roadblock. And if they're using a comic couple that was SO solid in the original comics and historically never was on/off, then delaying it as long as possible is kind of stupid and the better approach might be to make them more of a functioning couple and maybe try to have some fun exploring the dynamic of the relationship itself- what it's like to date/marry a superhero, how they worked together, kept his secret, played their parts in public, etc (they could actually take so many cues from the comics for that). I will always reject 100% the idea that couples are boring, that's just absolutely untrue, imo. You can have all kinds of fun writing an ongoing relationship. And when you do that, then it doesn't have to be the focus of the show all the time, the way this Barry/Patty thing has weighed down the season, because they're trying to force it all in there and spend too much time on it. I mean seriously, no one cares about Patty's backstory, because we all know she's on her way out the door soon. It's a waste of time.


As for the other romances this season, Caitlin/Jay is one of the most pathetic pairings I've ever seen, and Cisco's failed attempts to get a girl have probably also taken up too much screentime (even though I love Cisco).

Edited by Ruby25
  • Love 6

So basically they've found a way to somehow lessen Iris's role with team flash


However, in terms of working with Iris, his dedication to hard journalism is certainly going to make her role as a Team Flash member harder. Since learning Barry’s secret identity last year, her reporting and position at the Central City Picture News has helped Barry and the others on several occasions. With Evans looking over her shoulder, it’s going to be harder for her to pass along information to her friends.


At this point...


Oh yea, link: http://www.cinemablend.com/television/How-Flash-Going-Make-Iris-Life-Hell-104817.html



  • Love 2
Ruby25, on 11 Dec 2015 - 12:09 AM, said:Ruby25, on 11 Dec 2015 - 12:09 AM, said:

I think I would agree that they've been overly focused on romances this season. I assume Barry/Patty is ending in the next episode (or two, but apparently episode 2x11 was the actress's last), and I guess that was the reason they had to spend so much time on it in the first half, because they were always planning to end it fairly quickly in the second half, but...if it seriously ends in the next two episodes, I think a lot of people are going to be wondering what the point of the whole thing was in the first place. Especially if she doesn't die, which I don't think she will (she'll probably just leave town like Linda did).


And I still think the answer is simply that they wanted Barry to be seen having at least one adult relationship before he and Iris can happen. Maybe they are planning to put Barry and Iris together sometime next season and try to have it be more or less permanent, and so they needed to give him some other girlfriend first, and this was them getting it out of the way as early as they could.


I'm trying to speak from their point of view of course- like maybe that's what the writers were thinking when they constructed this. In reality though, I don't think anyone CARES if Barry didn't have another girlfriend before Iris, since they spent the entire first season setting up the idea that they're meant to be together and destined and all that, so most people just kinda sat through this Patty thing wondering when it would end and why it was happening anyway.


I think if you're trying to do will they/won't they, you don't first set up the idea that your main couple is destined no matter what else happens, because ANY other person is going to feel like an unnecessary roadblock. And if they're using a comic couple that was SO solid in the original comics and historically never was on/off, then delaying it as long as possible is kind of stupid and the better approach might be to make them more of a functioning couple and maybe try to have some fun exploring the dynamic of the relationship itself- what it's like to date/marry a superhero, how they worked together, kept his secret, played their parts in public, etc (they could actually take so many cues from the comics for that). I will always reject 100% the idea that couples are boring, that's just absolutely untrue, imo. You can have all kinds of fun writing an ongoing relationship. And when you do that, then it doesn't have to be the focus of the show all the time, the way this Barry/Patty thing has weighed down the season, because they're trying to force it all in there and spend too much time on it. I mean seriously, no one cares about Patty's backstory, because we all know she's on her way out the door soon. It's a waste of time.


As for the other romances this season, Caitlin/Jay is one of the most pathetic pairings I've ever seen, and Cisco's failed attempts to get a girl have probably also taken up too much screentime (even though I love Cisco).


All good points, but I would semi-seriously argue that its difficult (or at least was at the early stages) to see 'Batty' as an "adult relationship" when so much time was spent on watching both be really awkward geeky teens around each other.  It finally started to smooth out in the last couple eps, but just in time to say goodbye to the Patty character and 'Batty' relationship.  So, in effect, as was pondered by just about everyone; "why bother?". 


And since it is so entrenched in the comics - and established in the first season [loved her since knew what love is; future article by-line with Iris' hyphenated married name, etc] - that WA is 'endgame' for this series, might as well prepare ourselves for a long and arduous journey to finally get there, or at least get there and stay there. 


This is TheCW, so that means any and all ways they can find to disrupt and keep couples apart (ie, WT/WT) with forced and colluded melodramatic catastrophes; they will do so with much aplomb.  Its pretty much their calling card, and has been since at least the Smallville days (when it was still TheWB). 

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

Okay, there's a deleted Barry/Patty scene up on tumblr from the last episode, that shows us they had sex. Which lends a LOT of credence to my theory that a big reason she was brought on the show in the first place is to get Barry laid, since we know they're breaking up in the next episode.


Also- I like how they completely forgot that Barry should be revealing his powers accidentally, since he started vibrating with Linda and they brought that up last season as an issue, only to pretend now that it doesn't exist (also lending credence to my theory- him getting laid is more important than addressing the issue of what should logically be happening if he slept with anyone).

  • Love 1


What can you tease about Wally and Barry’s relationship on The Flash? — Samuel

Wally’s introduction could prove difficult for Barry. “Obviously, he wants Joe and Iris to be happy,” Grant Gustin says, noting that Barry and Wally won’t have a ton of interaction right off the bat. “Moving forward, Joe is really the only consistent father figure that Barry has had over the course of his life, so there’s an uneasy feeling there too. ‘Oh, now you actually have a real son, and I’m not your only son or that only person in your life now. I don’t fill that hole.’ “


A little spoiler about the Wally/Barry dynamic.

So basically they've found a way to somehow lessen Iris's role with team flash


At this point...


Oh yea, link: http://www.cinemablend.com/television/How-Flash-Going-Make-Iris-Life-Hell-104817.html

Actually this means she's going to have to work harder to help out the team - and also figure out a way to still be a good reporter without spilling the beans... a la Lois on Lois and Clark. It's a story that fans asked about earlier in the year, so it's a good thing that they are going to bring up a conflict of interest for her. I doubt she will disappear - the conflict of interest would be there regardless.

Okay, there's a deleted Barry/Patty scene up on tumblr from the last episode, that shows us they had sex. Which lends a LOT of credence to my theory that a big reason she was brought on the show in the first place is to get Barry laid, since we know they're breaking up in the next episode.


Also- I like how they completely forgot that Barry should be revealing his powers accidentally, since he started vibrating with Linda and they brought that up last season as an issue, only to pretend now that it doesn't exist (also lending credence to my theory- him getting laid is more important than addressing the issue of what should logically be happening if he slept with anyone).

Well, all I saw in that deleted scene was that Barry/Patty is just like Iris/Eddie - in that you don't actually SEE them start to make love.... all you get is the AFTER. The same scene pretty much happened with Iris/Eddie when they woke together and she crawled over him and straddled him... same kind of situation with Barry/Patty.

I still hope they don't kill her off in the next episode - I still am tired of her but I don't want Barry's man pain.

Guess Barry better get back to work on Iris so he can lock down "Son in law", lol.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I am gratified to hear though that he's not thrown at Wally immediately, which hopefully means that Iris will have a chance to get to know her brother - since you know, her dad will treat her even worse now that he has TWO sons, lol.

  • Love 3

Okay, there's a deleted Barry/Patty scene up on tumblr from the last episode, that shows us they had sex. Which lends a LOT of credence to my theory that a big reason she was brought on the show in the first place is to get Barry laid, since we know they're breaking up in the next episode.


Also- I like how they completely forgot that Barry should be revealing his powers accidentally, since he started vibrating with Linda and they brought that up last season as an issue, only to pretend now that it doesn't exist (also lending credence to my theory- him getting laid is more important than addressing the issue of what should logically be happening if he slept with anyone).


I totally believe you about the deleted scene... but, to me, it begs the question of where it would have been shown in the episode if it had made the final cut.  Somewhere between the beginning and before she finds out Mardon is back, or at the very end (after the Xmas party)? 


In a way, kind of dumb to cut that, because for people who don't follow stuff like that and might not buy the DVD set (w/ included cut scenes) when it comes out - the first time they see him get physically intimate with someone, they'll think its his first time.  Unless its 'told, not shown' [his sleeping with Patty] at some point later.    Just a tiny nitpick.

I believe the deleted scene took place after the Marden showdown but before the party. Patty said she had something to confess to Barry and Barry invited her to the party. He also ran across town while pretending to just go downstairs to grab her a tub of ice cream.


Does anyone know of sites that regularly have deleted scenes? I heard there were some of Barry talking to Wells and there was the one of Barry and Iris that was mentioned. I would love to see those.

I have the season pass on iTunes and I don't think they released that deleted scene with Barry/Iris. But if you have a season pass you can see the deleted scenes. And if you go to tumblr for the flash, you'll run across most of the rest..

It's irritating that they didn't release the deleted scene with Barry/Iris... it just adds to the negative speculation about the show and the behinds the scenes decisions.

Ruby25 - I don't think Patty is Barry's first - there would have been discussion. I think we're supposed to assume that he's been with someone before - but even still if they wake up together on another episode, it still means that we don't get shown them start and finish - it's not a built up moment. It's JUST like Eddie/Iris was in S1 when they showed Iris straddling Eddie. Which is what I thought would happen - because Patty is a foil just like Eddie was.

I'm also speculating that Patty will find out the truth in the next episode - but Barry won't tell her himself - he will try but I think the bad guys will tell her and she will dump Barry due to the lying and her being angry... I don't think it's a coincidence anymore that Patty/Iris had basically the same storyline, right down to the metas. I think that in the end, the writers are contrasting... same storyline for both (yet Iris was hated at a level that made no sense), yet in the end, Patty cannot handle what Barry did with the lying, etc and keeping secrets, but Iris COULD because she forgave him (even though the lie against her was far worse given her history with Barry than the Batty lies). I think Patty will then leave town.

  • Love 1

I don't have iTunes because I would only ever be able to use it between midnight and 4:59am and that would be only if my internet wasn't down for maintenance or experiencing an outage due to weather.


Since you have the season pass, could you tell me what other deleted scenes there were? I'm very curious about it.


Tumblr doesn't load very well for me most of the time. I saw the Patty one and I saw a deleted scene of Mark Hamill from the last episode. But I haven't seen any others.


It sounds like Iris' new boss is going to be a dick.

There are a lot of deleted scenes. Last season they had scenes with Barry/Iris (one from the pilot where Joe tells Barry not to tell Iris and then Iris comes to Barry and notices something is wrong with him... she says she can tell when he's bothered or lying... she knows him... and Barry tells her he'd never lie to her and pulls her to him with this unsettled and worried look on his face... ). There was also a scene with Barry/Joe late in S1 before Iris found out where Barry is begging Joe to let him tell Iris but Joe won't budge - especially given that RF threatened Iris, etc.. There is another scene in the finale of S1 where Joe/Iris discuss Barry changing the past and what that would mean for them... Iris is clearly sad about losing that life with him, so it makes it even more amazing that she tells Barry to go with his heart - disregarding her own feelings there. There is also a deleted scene that makes Caitlin look pretty bad - after Ronnie tells her to stop looking for him, she makes a grand speech about moving on and is about to destroy her engagement ring in front of Barry/Eobard-Harrison/Cisco before Harrison stops her (this was so bad because there was no reason to destroy her ring - who does that when their finance "dies"? It was an ugly bit of ship teasing that made Caitlin look heartless, foolish and stupid. And she's making these innuendoes to Barry like he was "next" for her and Barry is just looking at her like what? She starts off saying she thought of him and then says she thought of all of them (she was in some danger I think - when Snart kidnapped her?) So glad it was cut).

There were 2 deleted Iris scenes from the S2 premiere I think - I know one was at least Iris going to get Professor Stein back to Star Labs. Now I cannot remember the other. There are a few extra scenes with Batty, but they still haven't released the deleted scene of Bary/Iris - which irritates me to death. Maybe they plan on re-using part of it later? No idea.

There are a lot of deleted scenes. Last season they had scenes with Barry/Iris (one from the pilot where Joe tells Barry not to tell Iris and then Iris comes to Barry and notices something is wrong with him... she says she can tell when he's bothered or lying... she knows him... and Barry tells her he'd never lie to her and pulls her to him with this unsettled and worried look on his face... ). There was also a scene with Barry/Joe late in S1 before Iris found out where Barry is begging Joe to let him tell Iris but Joe won't budge - especially given that RF threatened Iris, etc.. There is another scene in the finale of S1 where Joe/Iris discuss Barry changing the past and what that would mean for them... Iris is clearly sad about losing that life with him, so it makes it even more amazing that she tells Barry to go with his heart - disregarding her own feelings there. There is also a deleted scene that makes Caitlin look pretty bad - after Ronnie tells her to stop looking for him, she makes a grand speech about moving on and is about to destroy her engagement ring in front of Barry/Eobard-Harrison/Cisco before Harrison stops her (this was so bad because there was no reason to destroy her ring - who does that when their finance "dies"? It was an ugly bit of ship teasing that made Caitlin look heartless, foolish and stupid. And she's making these innuendoes to Barry like he was "next" for her and Barry is just looking at her like what? She starts off saying she thought of him and then says she thought of all of them (she was in some danger I think - when Snart kidnapped her?) So glad it was cut).

There were 2 deleted Iris scenes from the S2 premiere I think - I know one was at least Iris going to get Professor Stein back to Star Labs. Now I cannot remember the other. There are a few extra scenes with Batty, but they still haven't released the deleted scene of Bary/Iris - which irritates me to death. Maybe they plan on re-using part of it later? No idea.

Found the site for you that has deleted scenes! https://www.theflashextras.com

Edited by phoenics
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A couple of mentions of The Flash on TVline in terms of spoilers http://tvline.com/2015/12/15/the-100-season-3-spoilers-clarke-lexa/

Sounds interesting... from the spoiler:


How about some non-‘shipper scoop for The Flash? –David

I can report that for Episode 16, the CW hit is guest-casting the DC Comics character of Eliza Harmon, whose TV incarnation is described as an “exceptionally bright scientist” with a “split personality a la Jekyll and Hyde.” In DC lore, Eliza was a Lex Luthor-created speedster, hmm….

Matt, I was wondering if you could give us some more scoop on the “crazy” Flash episodes. –Arena

At the time we spoke to EP Greg Berlanti, he wouldn’t/couldn’t shed much light on the aforementioned Episodes 13/14 — “We haven’t made them yet” — but it sounds as if the cast will have their hands full bringing to life a far-out premise! “I don’t know if they’ll work,” Berlanti admitted. “When we do wacky stuff on that show, I never know if we’ll be able to pull it off. Usually, the actors are the ones who sell it.”

Edited by phoenics
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Comicbook.com's write-up has a little bit more info on the comic version of Eliza Harmon.
Another villain cast:

According to The Flash producer Greg Berlanti, the “two craziest episodes that we’ve ever done” are around the corner — and now we know who will play the villain in them.
Adam Stafford (Peter Pan) has been cast in the CW drama as Adam Fells aka the DC Comics villain Geomancer, according to ComicBook.com.
Geomancer — an enemy of the Justice Society in the comics — will appear in Episodes 13 and 14 of The Flash‘s second season. A dangerous metahuman with the ability to create earthquakes, he uses his powers with the intent of drawing out and destroying Grant Gustin’s titular superhero.

  • Love 1

Eobard Thawne / Reversed Flash coming back to Flash



As if Barry Allen didn’t have enough on his plate with villain Zoom wrecking havoc on Central City, now he’ll have another speedster to contend with in the new year: Reverse-Flash!

No, we’re not talking about Tom Cavanagh yellow-suiting it up once again. EW has learned exclusively that Matt Letscher will be returning to The Flash as Barry’s nemesis, Eobard Thawne, otherwise known as the Reverse-Flash.


Here’s what executive producer Todd Helbing, who penned the episode featuring Letscher’s return with Aaron Helbing, would reveal: “His impossible return to Central City puts a member of the S.T.A.R. Labs team in unexpected danger, forcing Barry to make a life-changing decision.”


  • Love 1

Ooh, alternate WestAllen should be interesting to see. (Emphasis on "should", these writers, man...) I wonder how far along they are in their relationship? They both look great in their retro-wear!

I'm iffy on them bringing back Eobard, after they already brought back Wells. (I know, I know, different character) At least this show has a parallel universe excuse.

Edited by Trini
  • Love 3

My guess is that the lifechanging decision Barry makes is how he treats Reverse Flash. I'm thinking this reverse flash maybe doesn't hate Barry yet and wants to help, but if Barry is mean to him, he'll turn against Barry and want to fight him in the future. It's pretty much what happened in at least one iteration of the comic books. I wonder if Eobard will help fight Zoom.


Maybe Caitlin is in danger since Killer Frost is her doppelganger and the doppelgangers seem to try to off their counterparts. Honestly, I can't get interested in Killer Frost. If they had a better actress for it, I might be interested.


Maybe Caitlin is in danger since Killer Frost is her doppelganger and the doppelgangers seem to try to off their counterparts.


There's another possibility:  Earth 2 Killer Frost begins tempting Caitlin to the dark side, and becoming another Killer Frost, or at least have Caitlin struggle against her potential for evil.  That would give Dr. Snow more depth and the writers and performers more to work with.  OTOH, the show is called "The Flash", and they've pushed the "meanwhile, on another show..." with some of the Iris stories already (and "good/evil alignment change" is a well-travelled trope.)

I don't think that Earth-2 Flash had a Reverse Flash in the comics. E-2 Flash has superlame villains like The Fiddler, who played an mean violin. (eyeroll) He's oooooollllld in the comics. Really old.


So, the Reverse Flash will still hopefully just irrationally hate Barry Allen or The Flash just because he's kind of a nutjob who doesn't realize that without The Flash, he wouldn't have super-speed powersl It's such a goofy character. It doesn't seem like they could make him helpful or allow Barry to find forgiveness in adding that character.


But, who knows.  Maybe they will Reverse the Reverse Flash and make him a good guy, or, given how Jay seems like a scaredy-cat, maybe E2 Rev-Flash will be a brave hero for the moment.

Edited by Hobo.PassingThru
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