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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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My first thought was Instagram but I thought a billion sounded like too much.  Then I was trying to summon up that Asian texting app that Facebook bought because I knew it sounded like a stupid amount of money on the news when I heard about it and all I could come up with was "Wassup".  It turns out it was WhatsUp, and sold for $19 billion.


I bought shrimp on sale last week and felt good 'cause I saved 4 bucks.

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I had two boxes also!  The first thing my Mom said after she watched my show was "you looked so tall!"

I had one box and it was back in the days when the contestants walked up to the podium when introduced. When the game was over the other loser and I shook the winner's hand, but he was in the middle so it was easy for us to do it.

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I had two boxes also!  The first thing my Mom said after she watched my show was "you looked so tall!"



This cracked me up. Because like everyone knows, the camera adds 10 inches!


All is revealed at the end when the three contestants are standing with Alex T though. Alex Jacob is one tall drink, so it was boxes (stage risers!) all around this past week.

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Ok so apparently, I would just prefer Jeopardy! to be played in silence because I got the willies from all three. I swear I have the STRANGEST aural issues.

Todd has monotone voice that I didn't notice yesterday. Rachel has this weird lilt where her voice trails off at the end of every word. And what did I miss with Michael? Was he from Boston, so that he said "cahs" and "Ahthur" and "stahs," but didn't sound like that the rest of the game?

If I ever pass the damn test, I'm going to take elocution lessons so I sound like Julia because I guarantee my speaking voice would annoy me too. I actually sound like a valley girl.

The Finnish word was spelled "Itameri" but Alex pronounced it "ItamerU" which was weird. Was that the correct pronunciation? Regardless, I didn't know it.

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Michael's heavy Boston accent made it wicked hard to understand some of his answers.


Another case of of a new champ losing one game after taking down a long running champ.


The scores were so low after the end of the Jeopardy round, I was beginning to wonder if anyone wanted to win this game.


FJ was way too easy.

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Michael's heavy Boston accent made it wicked hard to understand some of his answers.



It's just that it was wicked not there all the time. Or maybe Boston-speak only shows up in certain "R" words? 

The scores were so low after the end of the Jeopardy round, I was beginning to wonder if anyone wanted to win this game.



Yeah, I missed Alex and his runaway scores. My thought was, TPTB said, "Well, Alex is gone so we can dumb it down for everyone else." I thought the entire game was ... heh ... wicked easy.

Another case of of a new champ losing one game after taking down a long running champ.



As predicted here!

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Michael had a Boston accent? I thought he was just one of those people who memorized a bunch of things but had never actually heard the words pronounced.


I'm pretty sure he's heard the word "cars." 


That was the first response in which I noticed his "ah" pronunciation of "ar," and then I noticed it quite a bit after that.  I wonder if he did it before and I didn't pick up on it, or if that really was the first time.


Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and K2 being the highest point in Pakistan were the TS that surprised me the most tonight, and the celestial TS was also something I figured someone would come up with.  The cardinal DD going unanswered also surprised me, given how many ways the clue could get you there -- the picture of the bird itself, a definition of cardinal, and an example of a phrase in which it's used.  Come to think of it, the Rand-McNally DD seemed an odd bust, too.  I wonder if, with both of those, the other contestants were thinking, "Damn, I wish I'd landed on that!"


(I missed the second half of the first round, so there may be more.)


Africa being my weak spot when it comes to geography didn't bite me in the butt tonight; unlike the contestants, I knew Libya was on the other side of Chad's northern border.


Speaking of geography, I, too, thought the Baltic Sea clue was too easy for FJ.

Edited by Bastet
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The cardinal DD going unanswered also surprised me, given how many ways the clue could get you there -- the picture of the bird itself, a definition of cardinal, and an example of a phrase in which it's used. 

I don't think there was a picture of the bird with that one, otherwise I would have gotten it.



Come to think of it, I'm surprised the Rand-McNally DD seemed an odd bust, too.  


I kicked myself for not getting that. I was focused on school and said Scholastic.

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Alex, oh no, you didn't!  I cringed when yesterday's champ discussed fencing as a past time of his.  Trebek asked him if this was something he should have started earlier in life.  How dare he trivialize his pursuits considering that senior citizen Trebek fathered two kids who are both teenagers. 

Edited by pandora spocks
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Michael's heavy Boston accent made it wicked hard to understand some of his answers.

Ah, a fellow New Englander, or just familiar with our awesome adjectives? :-)

I thought Michael's accent was inconsistent because there were words like "romper" he pronounced with no accent at all.

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On Monday's show Todd said "potable" with a "pot" sound (as in pots and pans). That was odd, because "Potent Potables" is a common category.

I've heard it pronounced the way Todd did. I think the way that it's pronounced on the show may be incorrect. But what do I know.

It's like the word forte. Most sticklers say it should be fort but I think fortay is the way most people say it, myself included.

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K2 being the highest point in Pakistan were the TS that surprised me the most tonight


I said "Afghanistan" even though I've read several books about K2 - just couldn't come up with the right 'stan in time.  But at least I knew it wasn't Nepal or Tibet.


I got most of the other stumpers, but I didn't get the Chad one because obviously my knowledge of African geography stinks.  It used to be better - must work on that.

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I've heard potable pronounced like in "pot" many many more times than I've heard "poh-table". It might be a regional thing? Or maybe most people just say it "wrong".


I've never heard anyone pronounce "forte" like "fort" though - it's a borrowed word, so you can't apply English pronunciation guidelines to it.


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I've never heard anyone pronounce "forte" like "fort" though - it's a borrowed word, so you can't apply English pronunciation guidelines to it.



You obviously did not watch Celebrity Apprentice when one team named itself "Forté" and then a big discussion of how to pronounce it correctly ensured online, and maybe even on the show itself. (I quit watching.) I just remember the pronunciation controversy.

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I'm quite enjoying Mike as champ, New England accent and all, despite my dislike of runaway games. I felt bad for Ashley on the very first question today, though. After accepting "Roosevelt," "Adams," and "Guthrie," they demand the full name of Kit Carson??? How many Western scouts named Carson were there?

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After accepting "Roosevelt," "Adams," and "Guthrie," they demand the full name of Kit Carson??? How many Western scouts named Carson were there?



I know. After all the passes contestants have been getting for single names, she gets grilled for Carson. Really unfair. I guess judges thought she really meant Johnny.

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I'm quite enjoying Mike as champ, New England accent and all, despite my dislike of runaway games. I felt bad for Ashley on the very first question today, though. After accepting "Roosevelt," "Adams," and "Guthrie," they demand the full name of Kit Carson??? How many Western scoutsthat named Carson were there?

I like Mike too. He at least smiled and looked like he was enjoying himself.

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Hold on a moment -- the judges wouldn't ask for more information on a Presidential question about Roosevelts the other day, but do ask to be more specific on a $200 question about Kit Carson.  Seriously ?


Michael's Boston accent continues to be inconsistent.


ETA: @GreekGeek beat me to it.  Got to remember to hit refresh more often.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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"Ain't I a woman?" as a TS ... wow.


The contestants were really bad at the Irish songs category.


Requiring a first name on Carson was chicken shit, in light of the last name only answers they've accepted lately.  It was like this mean-spirited, "We know you only know it's Carson because of Carson City, not because you actually know the person, so we're going to stick it to you" thing.

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I too was struck by the inconsistency of the show asking for the first name of Carson but not of many other last names. 


I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to remember SOS Pads.


I've never heard of the Group of Death.

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I've never heard of the Group of Death.

I have only heard it in connection to the World Cup because that is the only soccer tournament that gets any play in the US so the term isn't as common here. Edited by biakbiak
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I've never heard of the Group of Death.

As was referenced on the show, its a big thing in soccer. I think the USA was in it in the last World Cup.

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As was referenced on the show, its a big thing in soccer. I think the USA was in it in the last World Cup.


Now that you mention it, I think I did hear the phrase on the radio during discussions of the World Cup.

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As a soccer fan, I've noticed every international tournament has a "group of death," and every team claims to be in it.  Groups of Death for all!  Must be a macho thing.


"Ain't I a woman?" as a TS ... wow.

The only reason I knew this is that ten or so years ago, a friend and I went on a weekend trip to Battle Creek, with the sole intention of stopping at every roadside attraction and historical marker that our parents zipped by when we were kids.  We found a lovely monument dedicated to Sojourner Truth, which is the first and only time I've ever come across that quote.  It stuck with me, though, and I piped right up with the answer.  Take that, mom and dad in a hurry!

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To be clear, my "Wow" reaction at the "Ain't I a woman?" TS springs not from thinking every person of reasonable education and intelligence in the country should be able to identify it, but from thinking at least one in three people selected to appear on J! should know it.  I'm surprised you've only encountered it once in your life, but I'm sure many people can say the same - or that they've never heard of it.  But given the range of knowledge a J! contestant starts with, and the studying they generally do before the show, for none of the three to come up with it was surprising. 

Edited by Bastet
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I was surprised, too, that there was a huge monument to a woman I barely knew anything about, but I went to school at a time when there was very little about African-Americans or women taught in history classes.  That's what made discovering it such a joy -- it was like, wow, here's something really cool and interesting, and why the hell did we have to stumble across it to know that such a fascinating person existed?


The other notable part of the weekend was zipping across rural Michigan at midnight, and passing a large glass box with a stuffed elk in it.  Of course we had to stop and investigate.  Turns out we were in Atlanta, "the elk capital of Michigan," and if you pressed a button, it played a recording of an elk noise. Elks and Sojourner Truth, all part of Roadside Attraction Weekend and future Jeopardy knowledge.


Making a detour back to the actual topic -- I realized today that I usually don't watch the show as much as listen to it, and that may be one of the reasons Alex J.'s scratching and various buzzer contortions don't bother me. The people since Alex do seem a bit vanilla in comparison, though, don't they?

Edited by ChicagoCita
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So close in FJ. What I had was what is the poem by Emma Lazerus that is on the Statue of Liberty.

I knew the "colossus" part but couldn't remember the rest.  I said "American Colossus" instead.

As a soccer fan, I've noticed every international tournament has a "group of death," and every team claims to be in it.  Groups of Death for all!  Must be a macho thing.


Indeed!  I was surpised that it was a TS, simply because the US was in the group of death for the most recent World Cup, which did get a lot of play in the press at the time.


Oh, and count me in on the disgust that "Carson" required a BMS while Presidents Roosevelt and Adams did not.  I'm actually thinking of sending a semi-irate email to the Jeopardy producers on the subject, and I pretty much never do that sort of thing.  (Well, I would if there was someplace on the website to do it.  Must investigate further.)

Edited by proserpina65
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It wasn't like the Kit Carson clue came from a category called "Famous Carsons."



Thanks for this post, pandora. I'm still laughing about it, something I really needed this morning.


I'm actually thinking of sending a semi-irate email to the Jeopardy producers on the subject, and I pretty much never do that sort of thing.



Let us know about the reply you (don't) get.

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I can't believe how irritated I still am about that. They just need to make it all or nothing. You don't know the whole name? You don't get credit.

Yes, it would be annoying at first, but it sure would prevent such WILDLY inconsistent judging.

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I think she should have been prompted for the first name since Carson City pretty much gives it away, but I also agree the first name should have been given for all those other examples posted here - so I join you all in being extremely annoyed about the judges'  inconsistency. I hope someone does write to Jeopardy! to point out how unfair their sloppy rulings are to some contestants.


For FJ, I was pleased to shout out Emma Lazarus - until I realized they wanted the name of the poem and I could not come up with that.

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Oh, it's so sad when someone ends up in the red. I hate that.


I thought FJ was awfully easy, never having heard of or seen the statue before.

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