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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I had to move this completely irrelevant line to this thread because It inspired a story.

Once upon a time, we had a partner in our mechanic shop. He was never the top of his class in school, but could fix ANYTHING mechanically.

One day, my husband came in the office and found the partner pouring over a phone book. Hubs says, "whatcha doing?"

Partner says, "trying to figure out how to call the airport in Columbia to get a flight time. My friend is coming today from Columbia but I don't know when he's landing."

My husband says, "Columbia, South Carolina?"

Partner rolls his eyes and says, "nooooo, Columbia, South America".

Husband gets that concentration look and says "you know you can't call up Columbia, South America and check on a flight. Columbia is a COUNTRY".

Partner looks over at husband like he's crazy. (And then turns the volume up, because that makes me RIGHTER, yes???)

"I'm talking about COLUMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA. that's where he's LEAVING FROM!!"

"I know, but WHERE in Columbia? What CITY? Columbia is a COUNTRY."

Partner: blink. Blink. Blink. "South America isn't a country???"

Same guy later asked our clerk what did people mean by the word "Holocaust?"

Later still, he asked ME where the civil war was fought. I thought he was messing with me, and I said, "well...where do YOU think it was fought?"

***its important to insert that we live in the very same area Sherman burned to a crisp on his was to Savannah. In fact, our shop sits next to a spring that is the beginning of the Flint River (which runs through Jonesboro and inspired Gone With The Wind". Not a secret.)***

He looks at me with the very face of innocence and says, "I think in Charleston, but I'm not for sure".

I say, "Ulysses S. Grant, William Sherman, Robert E. Lee... ever heard of any of those guys?"

Blank stare.

"Do you even know when the war WAS, or what they were fighting about?"

Blink, blink, blink. Tick tick.

"Abraham Lincoln???"

Finally a nod. "Yes! I know him. Wait... Are you saying HE was in the civil war????"

It makes me remember that many years ago one of my high school students wrote a book report on Gone with the Wind. She said it was a story about a girl named Scarlet who liked to ride horses. And she rode a lot of horses. And her father rode horses too. That was pretty much the report. Obviously she'd checked the book out of the library -- as expected -- and read about three pages. Period. 

I said, "Did you read the whole book?"

She, "Oh, yes."

Me, "It's a pretty long book."

She, "You mean you've heard of it?"

"I've actually read it. . . . . And I've seen the movie.'

"There is a movie?"

"Why didn't you mention the Civil War?"

"The Civil War was in the book? I thought it was about riding horses."

  • Love 8

mbutterfly, that reminds me of when I was in high school and a fellow student saw me reading James Michener's Hawaii. "Oh good," she exclaims, "I have to give a book report on that. What's it about, so I don't have to read it?" It's an epic and it's about 900+ pages. Criminy. I should have told her it was about people riding horses.

  • Love 10

MICKSPICKS.....I have to confess I am a sucker for the wedding shows....Say Yes to the Dress and Four weddings. I think I am going to enjoy Jazz, and learn a lot too. Lastly, So you Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars. (Are those considered reality shows?)

I am a sucker for Four Weddings , Love it or List it and House Hunters always yelling when i do not agree with them.  I need a life i know

  • Love 2

Suz, it's amazing what he's done with his life, especially since we know "those countries (MEXICO) don't send good guys across the border. They're all rapists, child molesters and drug dealers....and I'm sure [but that line is delivered skeptically].... there may have been some good ones too." We actually have a JUDGE who originally migrated from El Salvador. Go figure. ;)

(Please know that's not ME, that's from the Trumpster)

  • Love 7

I watched plenty of reality of TV - I'm not embarrassed to say so. I'm already getting sucked into some British reality TV shows here. And yeah, plenty of BBC/PBS is reality TV with costumes and better writing, but it's who is decent, who isn't. Who slept with whom, who betrayed this person. Who had a baby, who can't. I have degrees in this stuff! ;)

  • Love 1

I watched plenty of reality of TV - I'm not embarrassed to say so. I'm already getting sucked into some British reality TV shows here. And yeah, plenty of BBC/PBS is reality TV with costumes and better writing, but it's who is decent, who isn't. Who slept with whom, who betrayed this person. Who had a baby, who can't. I have degrees in this stuff! ;)

BBC are all about quality over quantity. It's amazing how that goal influences the private broadcasters in Britain.
  • Love 1

Maybe they turn on the lights, but you don't see them because you happen to be asleep or not at home.  FWIW, I only turn on my lights when I'm in the room, and in this 100 degree weather here, I hate to turn on the lights if I don't have to.  My shades and curtains are closed as well.  It's just too hot!  (LOL! maybe they comment to each other about the neighbor that is always looking out the window.)


I was just thinking the same thing. I'm sure our neighbors think we're nuts because I typically don't turn lights on or leave them on. My vision's fairly good in the dark and we have somewhat bright motion sensor night lights in most rooms, so I just use those. Now if I'm cooking or something yes, the kitchen light's on, but probably 90% of the time our lights are off and blinds closed, especially when it's over 90 or even 100 outside. Heck even my husband thinks it's weird - he starts turning lights on right and left when he's home.

  • Love 2

I had to come over here to the Prayer Closet and share this. Yesterday there were big developments in two public news matters that I've been following.


First, was the announcement that 19K&C is toast. Yay!


The other, and a more serious thing, is that yesterday afternoon the jury reached a verdict in the Aurora Century 21 Theater shooting case. That theater is less than 8 miles from my house and that obscene event hit close to home for me. (Thank goodness, nobody close to me was a victim, but there are other connections, whose lives were impacted - and still are.)


The trial has been televised and streamed live here. I watched quite a bit of it, and if you do that, you realize that Judge Carlos Samour has an interesting accent. Because I admire how he's handled this case (it's not over - the death penalty phase starts next week), I looked up his bio. His accent is from his country of origin. He was a kid in the 1980s when his dad decided conditions in their native Central American country were getting too dangerous, so the family emigrated to the US. Carlos barely spoke English on arrival but like most kids he picked it up quickly and has, as we can see, gotten a good education and done well professionally.


And, the country he came from? El Salvador. A tie-in to all our Duggar discussions, no?

I'm in Indiana but I watched that trial. I was so impressed with Judge Samour, the way he spoke with both clarity and authority. And I felt that same two-fold happiness myself that day. 

  • Love 1

I watched plenty of reality of TV - I'm not embarrassed to say so. I'm already getting sucked into some British reality TV shows here. And yeah, plenty of BBC/PBS is reality TV with costumes and better writing, but it's who is decent, who isn't. Who slept with whom, who betrayed this person. Who had a baby, who can't. I have degrees in this stuff! ;)

AND Downton Abbey starts in October in Britain.

Edited by jmt111
  • Love 1

Totally off the wall but...I'd appreciate any prayers, good thoughts, good vibes whatever...I've been out of work pretty much since the end of January. Only by the grace of God and a few temp jobs we've survived this long. I got a call TODAY (yes, Sunday) from an engineering firm here in town that is VERY interested in me. I have a face to face interview tomorrow at 10am PDT. The guy has actually called me TWICE today. 


So...if you can throw some good thoughts my way, I'd appreciate it bigtime!


Keeping Wanderwoman, Jenniferbug and the babies in my thoughts today and everyday....

Hey CC! I didn't know you posted here. You know you have all the good juju I can send your way! xx

  • Love 3

Totally off the wall but...I'd appreciate any prayers, good thoughts, good vibes whatever...I've been out of work pretty much since the end of January. Only by the grace of God and a few temp jobs we've survived this long. I got a call TODAY (yes, Sunday) from an engineering firm here in town that is VERY interested in me. I have a face to face interview tomorrow at 10am PDT. The guy has actually called me TWICE today. 


So...if you can throw some good thoughts my way, I'd appreciate it bigtime!


Keeping Wanderwoman, Jenniferbug and the babies in my thoughts today and everyday....

Wishing you the very best of luck and throwing happy thoughts your way for your interview tomorrow!

  • Love 4

Update on my daughter and her husband (and the 4 Grands) just in case you need some heartbreak material: we had a family meeting with them Friday night with all parents present as well as her brothers. Sort of an intervention. Colossal FAIL. He is NARCISSISTIC (full on, needs therapy and medication). And SHE has swallowed all the koolaid and licked the glass clean. He is leaving August 15, she hopes to follow in September. Their monetary goal (which they BOTH assured me was SET BY GOD HIMSELF) was $275,000. They expected (also dictated by GOD) to rent a home, purchase a vehicle, furnish the house, purchase insurance, locate and purchase a home for transitioning prostitutes, and blah blah blah. I asked my daughter a couple weeks ago how much they'd received toward that goal, and she was utterly evasive. So I asked again at the meeting. How much money do you have? SIL smiled and said, "spiritually or literally?" HOW.MUCH.MONEY.DO.YOU.HAVE???


So there you have it. After many, many, many assurances from both of them that God had supplied the goal amount (not to mention the basic logic of survival for 6 people) and that they would NOT LEAVE this country until they had that money... they are leaving anyway. The train leaves the station in September apparently. (Yes, HE is leaving in August but I could care less about THAT!!!)


  • Love 4

Happyfatchick, isn't it interesting how God's plans for them and their goals change to align with whatever you son-in-law wants? Amazing! I'm mystified by how absolutely bull headed he is being. Did they share how they do plan to live down there with so much less money? I'm heartsick on your behalf- I can't imagine the frustration and fear you must feel for your loved ones.

Jellybeans, I too wish I could offer more than just a virtual hug to you. Please do what you need to take care of yourself, and if this thread can be some help to you, let us know.

RedPonyDriver, hoping all went well today and that you'll have good news to share with us soon!

  • Love 7

RedPony- all my best, you will own that interview. Happyfatchick. WOW. Still hoping your daughter comes to her senses. Wanderwoman - you are in my thoughts daily. Hugs to your family. Jellybeans -I have some bugs for you too! And congrats to JESSdvd who just had a baby! Many blessings to the baby, you and your family. I hope the transition is going as well as can be.

  • Love 8

Thanks, guys. (Mostly, I come here because I know no one is dumb enough to say "God bless them for what they're doing").

Next, we have pondered a legal intervention, but haven't taken the steps because currently, we have no absolute PROOF that they will be in danger or neglected, and by the time we DO have proof, they will be out of the country. Plus, what a gut wrenching split of the family! I'm apprehensive about it because I don't want my precious daughter to get down there and THEN say "oops!" and feel she can't turn to me for help to get out.

I need to change my screen name to upsetfatchick; I'm pretty squarely NOT HAPPY right now!!!

And yes, we DO need updates from WW and our other new babies!

  • Love 8

I was once on the board for an organization purporting to help prostitutes.  Lots of funny stories told by them, and all lies about how they got into it.  Some were bunny ranch, some high priced hotel hookers, some young homeless street hookers.  Mess with them too much and they get killed.  Just for talking to you.  After all, it's time away from earning money for the pimp/drug lord.  Altruism is a waste of time.


I hope it's the SIL that's going to making the contacts and flapping his jaws.  He may not last till Sept.

Edited by Micks Picks
  • Love 3

I'd like to know the exchange rate for one spiritual dollar. Happyfatchick, maybe during that window between the rest of August and September, she'll manage to detox from his kool-aid! Or am I being unreasonably optimistic?

you have no idea how much I pray for exactly this... But yes, I think that is much more optimism than reality allows. I could make your head spin if I told you tales we've collected over the years because of this narcissist. He's lost countless GOOD jobs because of his dishonesty. He went jobless for over a year at one point. The only reason they kept a roof over their heads is because her father built that house FOR them (and allowed the payment to lapse for SEVEN months). As I type this, that house has never been completed. The trim hasn't ever been painted, one bathroom isn't functional, and the doors upstairs (also unpainted) have no facings (or is it "casings"? The window looking trim on the outside.). His uncle gave him an enormous sailboat (we are totally landlocked), and it's in the driveway. There's an unfenced pool and hot tub in the back yard (also given to them). He worked for about a year with a fire protection company, and there are about 100 outdated extinguisher canisters behind a shed. Shed and lean-to are STUFFED with wood removed from old barns and houses, windows, doors, even a pew or two. A few years back, they took in an illegal family who arrived with a camper from 1940, an SUV with a blown engine and a mountain of other assorted JUNK, all of which is piled and parked in the woods at the edge of his property. He's leaving in a few days, and these things are NOT priority.

After he couldn't hold a job for years (following a stint in the Army), we parents pretty much forced my daughter to go back and get her nursing degree (and provided seed money for that to happen, as well as childcare). She graduated with honors (with 4 kids and an idiot!!!) and landed a job in Atlanta's most prestigious children's hospital. She LOVED it. But quit before a year was up because he couldn't stand her working midnight shift. Went to work in a private school for peanuts, and stuck band aids on, and gave Tylenol out for a couple years. Meanwhile, HE got the call from the Lord and went to seminary and earned a masters in theology. He did small time youth work, but eventually got (and took) a call from a big church in our area as youth pastor. Finally!!! We're all set.

And now this. GAAAAW!!!!! I could give many, many fun and entertaining stories of their lives together...how the power was turned off when the illegals were there, and he rigged the pole, so that they didn't just owe the $300 bill, they owed the $1200 tampering fee to have service restored. Or about the time he told his job my mother had DIED (she hadn't) so he could have some time off to spend with a visitor. Or about that teensy little "indiscretion" that my daughter chose to move on from. Or how he shot my unarmed daughter in the face with a paint gun and very nearly blinded her in the left eye.

Oh, he's a FUN GUY!!!!!

Worried much??? Naaaaah.

Love, distressedfatchick

Sorry, I'm hogging space and beating this subject to death. Already, they had planned to take in a prostitute who needs a home - and her pimp (who is a female) is sending word from jail that she will hunt her down and kill her when she gets out. My daughter (slurping koolaid) thought that was a FINE idea. Thankfully, the other "board" members said nay, nay on that one. But I know them, they WILL do this. I'm not kidding, I could make your heads explode.

  • Love 4

Next, we have pondered a legal intervention, but haven't taken the steps because currently, we have no absolute PROOF that they will be in danger or neglected, and by the time we DO have proof, they will be out of the country. Plus, what a gut wrenching split of the family! I'm apprehensive about it because I don't want my precious daughter to get down there and THEN say "oops!" and feel she can't turn to me for help to get out.


Oh yeah, you brought this up before and it makes sense.  I admire you, I don't think I could do it with my not even a glimmer in the eye of anybody grandchildren.


Narcissists are the worst, I'm still in recovery from a relationship with one.

  • Love 3

thank you all for the warm wishes! The interview went REALLY well...I'm just waiting on a phone call...something about finding me a place to sit, a computer and discuss how much $ they're going to offer me. Looks like my vacation may be over y'all! The place seems to have a really relaxed, laid back vibe to it. The 2 guys who own the company are brothers...and well...they're brothers! I'll be the only girl working there, but that's cool...been in that situation before. 


Anyway...stay tuned. Gonna go take a nap because I didn't sleep well last night...anxiety mixed with nerves mixed with excitement! 


Again, thank you ALL for the warm wishes. I DO appreciate it SO much!


Hugs and love to all the new babies and mommies and HFC who's going thru hell with her daughter, and everyone else. 

  • Love 22

HFC, I've been following the saga of your SIL since long before I was a poster here, and I'm so sorry. I wish I had some magical words to stop all this. Perhaps you can reach your daughter once he's gone and you can talk to get alone? Is she a good and reasonable mother in other respects? How does she answer questions re: the kids' safety?

We had family members who declared themselves missionaries on a whim, so I believe these kinds of people exist, but to involve kids in a dangerous situation is crazy! In our case, it caused a huuuuge rift in the family that has not healed, but that was spurred by our refusal to support their work. (Mainly because both were serial job-jumpers looking to start their own business, financing their living expenses being "missionaries" roughly 10 hours a week.) That was a rough time for us, and it's small potatoes compared with this. My heart breaks for you.

RedPony, YAY!! That's great news. They sound like they're very eager to have you.

We had our baby last week, a little boy. He's our third child, and so far he's a sweetie. DH is off two more days, then back to work. That's caused some conflict here-- work was crazy when we had #2, and he rushed back within a few days. Before we even got pregnant this time, I said I wasn't open to a third unless he was willing to use a week of his many accrued vacation days. He agreed but has been telling me how he'll be sooooo busy now, maybe even working late the test of the week. And he worked long hours leading up to the birth! Gah. I'm venting. He's mostly awesome but the Work Thing has been a sticking point. He has a good job that allows me to be at home, and his position is important to the company, but it's not like he's a brain surgeon saving lives. The office could manage but he doesn't want to appear lax.

My hormones play no part in this. ;)

We're all well. Everyone is healthy, and I had a pretty easy labor, despite a rough pregnancy.

  • Love 18

Tough stuff HFC!!! Lets hope God sends a new message before September. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you.

Congrats RPD!!

And congrats to you Pixie Chicken. I remember those days when my babies were young and hubby worked long hours. Hang in there, and that non-hormone problem you are not having - you know it will level off.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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