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S02.E09: Mama

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This ep had S1 scare atmosphere going.

You know, I hadn't realized it until you said this, but I agree that the show has been far less creepy/horrifying this season. Tonight definitely had that in spades, though, hence the tonal similarity to S1.

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Oh god, can you picture her reaching the other side and Corbin is sitting there with pie waiting?



I liked that the emotional and character impact was well meshed with the mythology and that things are speeding up. Nurse Lambert's presence means that Moloch on this plane is already having a negative effect. Overall, this was a really good episode and they brought the creepy on. I am glad we are getting back to mythology heavier episodes. It was also good that there was a balance of the dreary and the comic. I was afraid it would be too drab. This is a great bridge episode that allows more insight into a character I like and is a great launchpad for the ramping madness to come.


Comments in ascending from ok to best for me:

  • Thank god, Katrina realised the skin problem was from the baby. I was like "It's baby Moloch you crazy witch. Who the f**k else is Henry going to raise, huh?" If they didn't have her figure something obvious out within the episode I would have had to mentally go inside the TV and bitch slap her. That was dumb. Instead of wasting time they should have had her try to kill the baby in the first place and then to not raise suspicion on Henry's part, pretend to have baby fever once he's in the room. I think the fact that he's grown up is a problem because he obviously won't drink poison now or might not be weak enough to be affected. Also liked that Henry was written with subtlety this episode. You don't need to go overboard when you have John Noble's face reading your lines.


  • Hawley being helpful but always staying in the background to let the girls have their moment. I also agree that I like his interactions with Jenny better. The actor doesn't seem to be trying as hard to turn on the "charm" of his character.


  • Really like the supernatural element of the show and how it was tied to the emotional journey of the characters. Mental hospital horror always freaks me out so good points for the creepiness. I like the way it informed how things are going on the apocalypse front and it's a serious warning that TW needs to kick things up a notch. I like the idea that they both have some kind of legacy and magical blood and I like that Jenny is not just collateral damage of being the Witness' sister, she also has a use on this war. Only thing is I still have more questions about how people knew who was a Witness. It's only lower on my list because there were so many great character moments for me this episode.


  •  I liked that Crane being sick helped bring in some lighter moments of the episode because it was needed to contrast with the darkness. I was also funny to see Abbie and Hawley ganging up on him to make sleep. It allowed to see some camaraderie between them that wasn't one-sided UST. I think that for the emotional and personal impact of the episode, there was the just enough amount of Crane. The holding hands part with Hawley made me snicker.


  • I am so freaking glad that Irving is out! I also really connected with his sense of fatigue and hopelessness even before the creepy nurse had an eye out for him. It made sense he would be her victim because he was giving off vibes that were so sad. I also really liked his scene with Abbie one on one, the silent thank you killed. He also had that great lighter moment when telling Abbie not to give him that aiding a fugitive.


  •  The Mills sister/Mama Mills stuff was amazing. Their bond is truly admirable and so loving. It was heartbreaking to see them face their mother as a possible villain and then realise that in the end she was always there for them. It also allowed to finally see their mother in an admiring light not tainted by her perceived insanity. I loved Abbie saying "I forgot how beautiful she was" because it showed that they had forgotten the good times while trying to bury the bad ones. Aunjenue Ellis was great at conveying the desperation and the turmoil. I could feel that she was fighting to protect her daughters. In the flashback scene where they came home, it reminded me of Supernatural flashbacks with John Winchester, the parent is trying to protect the kids from those unseen and unpredictable forces and in result is harsher than intended because they care so much and are afraid to lose them.


  • Jenny really impressed me this episode. It really informed the differences in the attitudes between the 2 sisters. I always wondered about the whole betrayal situation between Abbie and Jenny because I wondered why she didn't follow Abbie's lead and if she ever considered not talking would have been the right choice and how that informed the bitterness towards Abbie. It was cool to see that Jenny basically didn't even have memories of times that were better, she only remembered being scared while presumably Abbie had time with her mother before she became tormented. She probably felt alienated by the fact that Abbie was better at adapting when dealing with outsiders and the absence of a constant parental presence during important years probably made her less likely to think about conformity. During childhood even as little as a 6 months to a year's difference is significant. I liked that she was the more emotionally vulnerable of the 2. She finally let Abbie take care of her and trusted her to have both of their best interests. 


  • Best for last: Abbie was just amazing this episode. I am just impressed that while being a head shorter than Lyndie, Nicole is able to project such protectiveness and give off that caring older sibling vibe. She was Jenny's rock and was so open and okay with letting things affect her. She just wanted to find out the truth and be freed from the demons of the past. I loved her this episode. I also loved that she was trying to be strong for Jenny the entire episode and allowed herself to rest on Jenny at the end because she felt ok being vulnerable then.
Edited by fantique
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Much more to add to this thread tomorrow, when I can properly compile my thoughts


But I will quickly state: Fantastic episode (wipes tears from eyes), totally pulled at my heartstrings and dammit, I'm a mess.


On the shallow side...dammit Orlando....you are looking bloody good....*swoons* Just...wow.....

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Well, that was full of Millsian goodness.


I'm wondering if Mison was really ill, because he certainly nailed the "I hab a code" intonations.


It doesn't occur to Katrina at all that she started seeing Abraham's head when he put the necklace on her?


She knows that's what the necklace does; he told her.  Her excuse for being there is to create a relationship with him, so why would she cut off communication with him by removing the necklace?


then she immediately finds it, once he's told her to look for an index


Advice she ignored.


they should have had her try to kill the baby in the first place


As far as Katrina knew, infant Moloch had been banished by the prism and this was a normal human baby procured by Henry for nefarious purposes.  Once she realized the baby's nature, she acted.  Of course, it's easier to feed strange liquids to an infant than a preteen, so she'll have to come up with something more indirect now.

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Gosh, I've missed Jenny.

I really wanted to love this episode, but mama Mills bugged. My affection for the sisters' relationship almost made up for it, but not quite. Plus, the show suffers when there is minimal Crane/Abbie interaction. The end was very moving though.

I liked Hawley tonight. I especially enjoyed him calling cranky, ill Crane "Mr. Woodhouse."

Katrina is just too stupid to live and her corset/skinny jeans outfit irritates me. The show is still trying too hard with her.

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As far as Katrina knew, infant Moloch had been banished by the prism and this was a normal human baby procured by Henry for nefarious purposes.  Once she realized the baby's nature, she acted.  Of course, it's easier to feed strange liquids to an infant than a preteen, so she'll have to come up with something more indirect now.

No, she had a vision and they deduced he had succeeded in crossing over to this plane in Heartless. That was the whole reason for her to go back. She said she was going to destroy Moloch. It's also why Abbie said that Nurse Lambert being here means she hasn't destroyed Moloch yet. It was pretty clear in Heartless that Team Witness knew Moloch is here. Also I did say it was good that as soon as she realised about the baby she took action, it just made no sense for her to not know from the beginning. Unless she was pretending to believe Henry.

Edited by fantique
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They give me this incredibly emotional Mills episode and yet they want me to co-sign any sympathy for the Cranes or the excessive screentime their drama gets. One episode of awesome is not enough to swallow that bitter pill.


The Mills sisters don't get to be willing to sacrifice their mother's spirit for the greater good, only to turn around and shove Henry's redemption down my throat. Their mother was not one in name only, but actually a mother they had a relationship with, no matter how tortured it was. She didn't choose to become one of Moloch's soldiers. So the writers are full of shit, when they expect me to understand the Cranes' point of view. No.

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I saw the patient, Walt, trying to cut himself, and of course, Hawley, being the man, had to rush in first to restrain him. Jenny and Abbie hung back, although Jenny came in behind Hawley once he already had the guy pinned down and the danger was over. That was B. S. and ticked me right off. Why did they have to make the two women need Hawley? Why did he have to go at all? They shouldn't have needed him.

Lori says there's a journal passed down to her from the ancestors. She tells Jenny to go find it. So Jenny and Hawley go to find it. Hawley finds the box, of course, goes right to it. Jenny looks for the spell; Hawley tells Jenny how to find the spell in the book and then she immediately finds it, once he's told her to look for an index (of course, Jenny, who searched the world for supernatural artifacts, needs Hawley to tell her how to read the damned book. )

Jenny reads the spell out. It doesn't work. Not until Hawley tells her 'do it again'. Every step of the way, he is inserted--Jenny needs him to find the book, figure out the book, even to tell her how to cast the spell. Why?

Maybe I'm being nit-picky, but I resent even the episode where we finally get the ass-kicking Mills sisters together, and they need Hawley every freaking step of the way. Why does he have to be shoe-horned in here? Is he somebody's out-of-work kid and he gets paid by the word or something? I just don't want my strong, smart capable women needing this guy out of nowhere in order to get the job done.

(Edited to fix typos and to say I did love this episode. I'd have loved it so much more with Crane and Abbie--the two Witnesses--together and Abbie and Jenny not needing Hawley's help with things they could have absolutely done without him. )

I interpreted the line about the index as a joke. There was no index. Jenny found the West African spell in a journal passed down to them from their ancestor. I really liked that aspect of the episode. It really is funny how people can see the exact same thing and have such different responses.

Edited by TV Juriste
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I find it funny though how Jenny picked up a book and read a spell with success while Katrina was picking flowers.

I wonder if Katrina really isn't long for this show - the show clearly plans on having the Mills militia hold it down from the witchy side.

That would be the most fantastic thing. I was ridiculously happy to see Jenny!!' I was happy to see a story that focuses on the sisters. I was happy Irving broke out.

The only thing irritating was Hawley because he didn't have any reason to be there except maybe tom mison was sick? He didn't actually DO anything in the story except pick up cold medicine I guess.

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I don't mind Hawley at all. As assy as Ichabod has been with the whole Katrina thing, I was ok that he was sidelined for an episode.


Hey, it's George's mom from Dead Like Me! I knew it was the nurse the first time she was onscreen. It was so obvious.


I fast forwarded through Henry and Katrina's scenes. Makes the show much more pleasant.

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They give me this incredibly emotional Mills episode and yet they want me to co-sign any sympathy for the Cranes or the excessive screentime their drama gets. One episode of awesome is not enough to swallow that bitter pill.

The Mills sisters don't get to be willing to sacrifice their mother's spirit for the greater good, only to turn around and shove Henry's redemption down my throat. Their mother was not one in name only, but actually a mother they had a relationship with, no matter how tortured it was. She didn't choose to become one of Moloch's soldiers. So the writers are full of shit, when they expect me to understand the Cranes' point of view. No.

This is an excellent point.

In the spoiler thread I mentioned that all of the sacrifice from Team Witness came from Abbie's side of the bond. And Ichabod's side of the bond produced nothing but horror (and is the source of the pain on Abbie's side).

Ichabod/Katrina produced War and Death.

War killed Grace. Death killed Corbin. War took Irving's soul against Irving's will. War afflicted Corbin's son against his will.

Also the demonic forces concentrated much harder on Abbie's side: Andy, Abbie and Jenny's awful childhood. Mama Mills.

It makes Katrina/Ichabod look supremely selfish. Abbie and her side is the only one to have truly sacrificed. Ichatrina just wants to be together and have their murdering son with them? And are allowing him to run rampant destroying lives?

I wonder if the writers even realize this. I hope they do - Abbie needs to go off on both of them about her loss compared to theirs. And then I need to see Ichabod lose something he cares about. He needs to see that the apocalypse had major stakes. And no - losing Henry won't have that effect on him or drive story. Only losing Katrina due to both of their selfish actions in clinging to the past and sacrificing the whole world for what they want will suffice now. That will piss off Headless and make him a BAMF again and end the CFD.

It cannot always be Abbie and the Mills side sacrificing and losing everything while the Cranes lose nothing.

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We were off to a good start when we had major Jenny and Irving sightings within the first 10 minutes but then it dipped when Katrina showed up. I'm assuming she was playing dumb when she asked Henry who the baby was. Like, who the hell do you think it is? Henry didn't just decide to go out and find a human baby to raise.  


I didn't like Henry getting all misty eyed when Katrina was holding Moloch baby. First Headless and now Henry. No thanks. I like my evil to be pure. Stick to your demonic guns, boys.


I do wish Crane was there instead of Hawley but I still like him.

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Hawley was tolerable tonight, but tonight also reinforced for me that he adds nothing to the show that wasn't already there. He's just not necessary.

THIS. Instead of 'Where's Jenny', I kept thinking during his scenes that Crane is the one who should have been there.


This was more like it. Best episode of the season and the series so far. Nicole and Lyndie are amazing together and the show is missing out not focusing on them as the true two Witnesses. Their emotional scenes ring so much more true, than anything the Cranes have done so far, it's ridiculous they keep forcing the CFD on me. The Mills sisters are the heart of the show.

...and so much THIS I can't stand it.  I've said all along that Abbie and Jenny are the Witnesses. Otherwise, why would Moloch try so hard to kill them both?  He only left them alone after he got their mother out of the way and they became estranged from each other. Now that they are back together, they are a threat. The Mills Sisters and their Mama are sublime.


Now to the ridiculous.....Katrina.  Soooooo, she mixed up her potion, said her little incantation, walked purposefully around the house to find baby, er, now boy Moloch and what did she do?  Absolutely nothing.  I actually yelled, "Just throw it on him, dumbass!" at my TV. She is less than useless.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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It cannot always be Abbie and the Mills side sacrificing and losing everything while the Cranes lose nothing.


Other than losing their entire world? I mean, Ichabod was buried for 200 years, and Katrina spent that same time (mostly) in Purgatory. Both of them lost their son - once in their own time, and then in present day when they realized he was still around and was completely twisted up with Moloch, in spite of Katrina's efforts to protect him by giving him up. I guess I just see it differently. Both the Mills' sisters and the Cranes have suffered huge losses, IMO. As fun and funny as it is to have watched Crane dealing with present-day challenges, every once in a while they reminded us how hard it must be for him to have lost his entire world when he "died." Abbie and Jenny of course have suffered terrible losses as well. But I don't see that as one-sided at all. Miles may vary, and all that.


Anyway, I liked last night's episode a lot, although yea, I missed Crane and wonder if the show was just giving him a break before next week. Sometimes shows that rely on two strong leads wind up having to give them some breathing room here and there, which is what this felt like. On the other hand, I actually like Hawley, so that was fun to see him helping out (and I loved his stuff with Crane! HA!). Love the Mills' sisters getting some interesting (and tragic) backstory exploration. And above all, so SO happy to see Orlando bust out of that place! I've missed him so much and can't wait to see what happens with him next week! (Now if we could just Andy back in the back half of the season. Feel bad for John Cho about Selfie getting dropped, but I sure would be happy to see our Andy back in Sleepy Hollow).

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As much as I like Hawley, now that John Cho's series is cancelled, it would be nice if they brought back Andy. I wonder if they can afford him as a regular though. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I really liked this episode, although I missed Ichabod interacting with both Mills sisters,  It was both scary and touching.


This episode highlighted the strong sisterly bond between Abbie and Jenny (holding hands!) and their very different personalities.  When they first saw their mother's ghost appear in the video footage, Jenny was visibly shocked but Abbie was so matter of fact that it was jarring.  At first I thought it was an acting misstep, but now I think it was an acting choice.  Abbie has always been the more stoic older sister, while Jenny has always been the more emotional younger sister.  Great job by both NB and LG. 


The Mama character was a little bit too over-the-top and crazy for me.  I didn't see enough of her saner self to understand why the Mills sisters ever saw her as a strong, beautiful mother.  She just seemed crazy all the time (yes, I know she wasn't really crazy, just tormented by demons).  Maybe if they had included a scene with the mother and daughters before the mother started acting nuts (the good times), then I would've gotten a better sense of what the Mills sisters missed about their mother.


Hawley is a pointless character.  In previous episodes, he just took the role that Jenny would've taken - that of the one with information about supernatural artifacts.  In this episode, Hawley took the role that Ichabod would've taken - as support and help for the Mills sisters.  It just seemed like Ichabod was largely sidelined just to give Hawley more screen time, and that the producers are really pushing Hawley on the viewers.  I much prefer Ichabod working with the Mills sisters over Hawley working with the Mills sisters.  And bring back John Cho - if not as Andy, then as Andy's twin.


Katrina works best in small doses - so her small scenes in this episode worked to show us, first, that she planned to kill baby Moloch and, second, that Moloch has magically grown into a young boy.  However, I much prefer Katrina in her colonial dresses.  Her corset and jeans outfit just looks ridiculous - like a modern woman wearing spanx as outerwear.  In any event, I think Katrina is doomed.


Glad Frank is out.  That asylum has to have the worst security ever.

Edited by tv echo
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Amazing ep, although I missed Ichabod a lot, and just can't warm up to Hawley. Abbie, Jennie, and Irving were fantastic - so great to see them back on the front burner.

Am I the only person who thinks Irving's escape is just a wee bit suspicious? "Oh, I snuck out in all the confusion." I don't buy it - I think Moloch let him escape, and he will be forced to work against the team from within

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Did we really need to see Lambert beat Lori Mlls like she ran off the Plantation?

While screaming for her to eh, obey?

To be fair, the nurse was originally from the 50s so I was expecting some of that but, really, she's supposed to be an evil demon, it's not like she could ask nicely.


I missed Crane a little but not much. I did however keep looking at Hawley and saying, "Why exactly are you here?"


I had a private laugh at Crane's reaction to the soup. I was recently in NYC and got really sick with a respiratory infection. Down the block from my hotel was a deli that had some of the most amazing matzoh ball soup. I completely understood where he was coming from.


As soon as I saw Irving on the road, I didn't even need to hear his explanation. I would've just opened the door and said, "Get in." I'm hoping that they hide him out at the cabin with Crane. Irving and Crane as roommates has perfection written all over it.


I'm beginning to agree with Tom & Lorenzo's ongoing criticism that the Sleepy Hollow verse is too small. All of these people running around a psych hospital and we barely see any patients or staff? Just one empty, abandoned room after another? The show seems to take place in a bottle. It's hard for me to feel like the world is at stake when they don't seem to really be a part of it.

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I actually enjoyed the show so I'm not going to be nit-picky at all. I honestly didn't miss Crane at all. He had his moments and I was glad Hawley spiked his soup because any more of him clamoring on about Katrina just really makes me side-eye him so hard I give myself a headache. So his amount of screen time in this episode was just fine by me.


I did like Hawley and I have always liked Hawley. I'm not one to want to see anyone out of an acting gig if they have a purpose. Although they may not have thoroughly flushed it out yet (and Jenny could provide some of the same assists) I'm waiting for them to expand his contributions to Team Witness. I don't see him at all in the same light of which I look at Katrina. The show has jumped many barriers to try and make her relevant and more than a "supporting" cast member like the rest of the crew and yet they have failed miserably and probably alienated more fans than made of them for the show. This primarily is because NO ONE really wants Katrina front and center. The character has become a standard joke I mean she is commonly referred to as "useless" and has been written and portrayed as such. Every time I see "Struggle Witch" I smirk a bit because its true. Unlike Hawley who may take away screen time from others he at least has provided information, weapons, muscle, and an occasional laugh.


Glad that Team Witness now have a book that can provide some guidance on how to help stay evil. I immediately thought of John Winchester's journal that he left for Dean and Sam when I saw that book. I guess with baby Moloch growing at a speedy rate they will have to find something useful in that book to take young Damien Moloch down!


I enjoyed the episode I really wished more questions would have been answered instead of ignored. 

Edited by Ann Mack
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Loved this episode.  As much as I like Ichabod, he's been an asshat lately, especially to Abbie, so I didn't mind that his screen time was limited this week.


Loved all things Mills sisters.  Great to finally get some more background information about them.


Poor Irving, he was so depressed.  I'm glad to see that he's out, albeit on the run.  I also hope that he's crashing at Ichie's place.  That promises to be some great interactions, I'm sure.


I like Hawley, he's a good supporting character, so I didn't mind him in this episode.  He's also nice eye candy for me.


Katrina is dumb.  It took seeing her skin discolored to figure out something was wrong with that baby?  HELLO?  Why on earth would Henry have a "normal" looking baby?  Something has to be up with it.  At this point she's just useless to me.  I'm fine with Hawley taking her place on team witness.

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I hope Crane didn't have to go to the bathroom before he was drugged, and he just drank that soup. What a horrible thing to wake up to. Yes, these kinds of things worry me.


I wonder if they'll be a bit suspicious of Frank? Knowing that his soul is Moloch's, would they worry he's working for Team Evil, even inadvertently? Whatever. I'm just glad he's out of Tarrytown Sideline Hospital.

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Excellent episode…I echo most of the sentiments here with regards to the greatness of the Mills family.  AE was amazing as Lori.  I do hope we get to see more of her.


I really, really need Hawley to go away.  This was an emotional journey for the Mills Sisters.  If someone had to be there to support them, it should've been Crane.  It would've been a nice balance in the relationship between the Witnesses, given how often Abbie's been there for him during his family drama.


If they ever introduce Papa Mills, I’d loved to see Harry Lennix in the role.  Dude is an impressive 6’4 and could intimidate the hell out of Crane and Hawley.

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I loved this! The chemistry, the emotion, the humour, everything was right in the Sleepy hollow universe! Personally I enjoy Hawley as an addition to Team Witness, and I think he's got chemistry in spades with everyone. I think this little ragtag bunch will give Moloch a run for his money, once everyone finds their groove of course. 


Also, "Wee Baby Moloch" was a rather brief thing.  And, since he's rapidly aging, it'll make killing him much more easier.  Less guilt.  

He'll be a teenager in a day or two, that'll be the best time to take him out with little guilt. T(eens can be demonic as is, never mind an actual demon teen)


Am I the only person who thinks Irving's escape is just a wee bit suspicious? "Oh, I snuck out in all the confusion." I don't buy it - I think Moloch let him escape, and he will be forced to work against the team from within


I got paranoid the second I saw him. 

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It was a pretty fair episode to me. I liked the sisters working together and seeing what happened with their mom was interesting. But I really don't like Hawley and REALLY missed Ichabod in this one. I'm not one who hates Katrina but I dislike demonic/Miracle Gro baby plots so wish she'd have some other way to contribute to the storyline.


(Something that bothered me a bit about the hospital was that there weren't any staff around and our heroes just were able to access abandoned wings of the building and burst into patient's rooms with no intervention from employees. That place would have been shut down if it were that many health and safety hazards in the same place as mentally fragile patients.)

Edited by GracieV
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No, she had a vision and they deduced he had succeeded in crossing over to this plane in Heartless. That was the whole reason for her to go back. She said she was going to destroy Moloch. It's also why Abbie said that Nurse Lambert being here means she hasn't destroyed Moloch yet. It was pretty clear in Heartless that Team Witness knew Moloch is here. 

I have no recollection of any of this.  This is the problem with Katrina being so boring--it's hard to keep track of plot points when I zone out during her scenes.  I'm glad someone is paying attention.


Did I imagine it, or did the others give Jenny the side-eye when she started with the seance?  Like they couldn't figure out how exactly she knew what she was doing.  I didn't notice the journal in front of her when she was summoning Lori and she was so comfortable doing it and setting it all up--like she'd done it a hundred times before. 

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(Something that bothered me a bit about the hospital was that there weren't any staff around and our heroes just were able to access abandoned wings of the building and burst into patient's rooms with no intervention from employees. That place would have been shut down if it were that many health and safety hazards in the same place as mentally fragile patients.)


This is the same Sleepy Hollow where the regular citizen library patrons are not shown reacting to gun shots or mysterious deep bodies of water opening inside the library.  I am sure the workers of TPI are like, 'Eh, mysterious corridors, trippy lighting, cold spectres, abandoned rooms... must be Tuesday."


I fanwanked that the police were given some a fairly wide open access for their investigation and Abbie interpreted that even more broadly. LOL.

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This is the same Sleepy Hollow where the regular citizen library patrons are not shown reacting to gun shots or mysterious deep bodies of water opening inside the library.  I am sure the workers of TPI are like, 'Eh, mysterious corridors, trippy lighting, cold spectres, abandoned rooms... must be Tuesday."


I fanwanked that the police were given some a fairly wide open access for their investigation and Abbie interpreted that even more broadly. LOL.

Valid points. :)

This is one reason I very rarely watch medical shows - since I work in a hospital there are always so many unrealistic elements that stand out to me. But I suppose that could go for any setting in which you have first hand knowledge.

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Overall I enjoyed the episode - though I do agree with you - why was Crane sidelined?  It kinda didn't make sense - unless Tom Mison really was sick and they just used it in the storyline?  They didn't have Hawley continue his "crush" with Abbie really (not overtly) and there wasn't any tension with Jenny, so it almost makes me think Mison was supposed to feature more heavily but then he got sick?


I missed Crane in this episode too, but let's face it, Ichabod Crane is larger than life. With him, instead of Hawley, at Tarrytown, he would take some of the focus away from Jenny and Abbie. As much as I wanted to see him interact more with Jenny, Hawley was a better fit, because he stayed mostly in the background. Shows tend to write an episode here or there to give the principle actors a break, so they are sidelined an episode here or there. Mison carries a lot of screen time. It was more evident in season 1 - Mison is in almost every scene. In the flaskback scenes of season 1, he is there, but not Beharie, of course, so that more time off for her. I think is was more that the focus needed to be solely on the MIlls sisters, and also simply a bit of a break for Mison. But he does do "sick" well.


Really good episode. The interactions between Abbie and Jenny are so rich and wonderful. Greenwood and Beharie are amazing together. You really sense the sisterly relationship, but also how each sister's personality is different. Jenny is the more emotional one, Abbie the more closed off, logical one. Loved how they show that Abbie remembers more of the good times with Mama, but Jenny, since she is a year or so younger, doesn't.


Why on earth did Katrina not even slightly question where this baby came from? Henry, who has been killing people all over the place, is just going to open his heart to orphan. Please. Someone up thread mentioned how could the baby NOT be demon. Well, Henry is half witch, half human. If it were his kid, it would have been conceived BEFORE he became the Horseman of War. Just like Abraham was a regular guy before becoming death. Maybe I am wrong about the 18th century and babies just popped up into ones home all of the time *sideeye. She should have know better...this character, I tell you. StruggleWitch indeed.


Cynthia Stevenson! Yes! I loved her on Men in Trees (fun good show!) and totally forgot Orlando Jones was also on the show for three episodes. So good to see her. She did Nurse Rached-like evil very well.


And Irving is out! Excellent. Him trying to down himself was so sad...so glad the Scooby Gang is back together. Tell me that last shot of the five of them in the car wasn't simply heaven. Overall, wonderful episode.

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In the past two weeks we've had successfully Abbie doing spells. Jenny successfully doing spells. Hawley even had a little magical succubus-repelling glowy rock. 


So pretty much everyone is better at magic than Katrina. Okay.


Also is it me, or at this point are you all hearing sad trombones whenever bozo-hair appears on screen?

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I find it funny though how Jenny picked up a book and read a spell with success while Katrina was picking flowers.


I wonder if Katrina really isn't long for this show - the show clearly plans on having the Mills militia hold it down from the witchy side.

This! I feel like Jenny picked up the witchy-ness very, very easily and I was intrigued. Even Ichabod and Hawley were giving her wide-eyed looks during the last seance where she was calling Mama Mills back. I think she's a natural born witch.


I was fine with Hawley taking over Ichabod's role for the main part of the episode, it gave me a much needed break from all of Ichy's whining/defense of Katrina. I don't want to keep hearing that over and over anymore. Plus, Hawley is nice to look at (in a different way than Ichy is nice to look at; I enjoy both).


Irving's easy escape worries me.

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Good episode that fleshes out the Mills sisters history nicely as well as showing that they have indeed inherited some occult powers from their ancestor, Grace. The main plot was good, though not especially frightening to me. 


I love Ichabod, but I think focusing on the Mills sisters this episode was a good idea. I thought Hawley was pretty deferential and unobtrusive as the Mills girls took charge as he was "the help".


Glad to see Irving free (except for his soul). I think he'll play a big role in the next couple episodes. 


I loved seeing the "real" demonic baby Moloch (just made me laugh) and the nasty demonic psoriasis he gave Katrina. Will that infect her soul as well and make her truly evil? 


Cranky Ichabod's protestations about Katrina's importance made me laugh as well. It's pretty obvious by now that the writers are in on the "feeble Katrina" joke and the Crane's marriage is about to fall apart.


Edit: Two other things, I had to laugh when Abbie was (once again) going to shoot a ghost! Also, who knew Hawley liked Jane Austen? ;)


All in all, a good expository, character building episode which also pushes forward the main story arc in several ways. (The Mills' occult skills, the weapon mentioned in the journal, Irving's escape, Katrina's infection (perhaps) and growing, insolent, middle-schooler Moloch.

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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Totally forgot to mention. The one thing I didn't feel that really explained is WHY Abbie is the Witness. Lori Mills said that the power passed through their families for generations. The only thing I can think of is the eldest born child gets the Witness power, and the other kids are maybe latent witches or something. That is what frustrates me sometimes about the show. We know that Ichabod had "the power to Witness." and that this power was present in the Mills family for generations, but why those two particular people. Like I said, first born for Abbie makes sense, so does that apply to Ichabod too?


And Jenny is so a witch. She needs to be a witch. Katrina needs to go, and we already know that the trio can do magic just as - and more - effectively.

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Am I the only person who thinks Irving's escape is just a wee bit suspicious? "Oh, I snuck out in all the confusion." I don't buy it - I think Moloch let him escape, and he will be forced to work against the team from within

It's not just you--I was side-eyeing him really hard. Tarrytown isn't that hard to break out of, as Jenny's frequent comings and goings suggest, so the "why now" question (aside from the fact that next week is the fall finale, of course!) was nibbling on my mind.

I also want to know what exactly War owning Irving's soul MEANS. If he can't control him (that we know of, at least), what's the point? IMO everyone from Irving himself to Team Witness has been oddly blasé about it. I would be researching the crap out of the potential effects and what Henry/Moloch can do with/to him!

Ymmv, but I don't know, if I was Katrina, whether I'd immediately make the mental jump to "that baby must be a demon baby." For all she knows, Henry kidnapped some innocent infant and is planning to imbue him with essence of Moloch in a week. (In fact, given Katrina's recent experiences, this might seem the likelier option.) Maybe he plans for the infant to be a ritual sacrifice or something, or needs its blood for a potion but the blood can only be taken under a full moon or wtfever. Horrifyingly, I can imagine a lot of, well, horrifying things evil magic might need normal infants for. So Katrina not immediately thinking that baby was Moloch didn't bother me.

Edited by stealinghome
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Did we really need to see Lambert beat Lori Mlls like she ran off the Plantation?

While screaming for her to eh, obey?


Yeah, this scene bugged me too. I know that the nurse was from the 50s, but I think they could've got across Lambert's evil nature without her pretty much mimicking an overseer attempting to beat his/her slave into submission.



I missed Crane a little but not much. I did however keep looking at Hawley and saying, "Why exactly are you here?"


I'm beginning to agree with Tom & Lorenzo's ongoing criticism that the Sleepy Hollow verse is too small. All of these people running around a psych hospital and we barely see any patients or staff? Just one empty, abandoned room after another? The show seems to take place in a bottle. It's hard for me to feel like the world is at stake when they don't seem to really be a part of it.


As much as Crane has been working my nerves with his blind loyalty to Katrina, I did miss him this episode. Mison must've had some time off which was why he wasn't around much last night.


I agree about the psych hospital. While watching I kept thinking how ridiculous it was that a) Abbie and crew were running through a hospital without any nurses, doctors or patients in the hallways. And b) the fact that they were able to burst into a patient room and stop him from slitting his wrist and save Irving from drowning without any staff being around to assist. It was as if they were the only ones in the hospital during the few days of their investigation, with patients only popping up when needed for the plot. I also wonder why their wasn't a follow up scene with Reyes asking Abbie about her conclusions around the case. She did after all bring the case to Abbie's attention.



Hawley is a pointless character.  In previous episodes, he just took the role that Jenny would've taken - that of the one with information about supernatural artifacts.  In this episode, Hawley took the role that Ichabod would've taken - as support and help for the Mills sisters.  It just seemed like Ichabod was largely sidelined just to give Hawley more screen time, and that the producers are really pushing Hawley on the viewers.  I much prefer Ichabod working with the Mills sisters over Hawley working with the Mills sisters.  And bring back John Cho - if not as Andy, then as Andy's twin.




I agree. Hawley brings absolutely nothing to the table except eye-candy for those who think he's cute (which I don't). He was pretty useless this episode, mainly standing in the background, which honestly was fine by me. The less of him, the better.


Overall, I thought this was a good episode. We finally got more backstory on Jenny and Abbie. Like others though, I wonder how Mama Mills knew that Abbie was a witness. Like someone stated upthread, I'm beginning to wonder if Jenny and Abbie are actually the witnesses and the Cranes are just around to help them with their mission. Moloch doesn't seem to care much about the Cranes, maybe because they've been the most useful to him, creating the Horsemen of War and Death. However, the Mills family has seemed to have always been a target of Moloch. He's always been trying to destroy them.


I'm so glad that Irving escaped, but it would've been kind of nice if we'd actually scene the chaos that allowed him to get out.


Lastly, did we find out why Nurse Lambert started killing people now?


I have no words for Katrina's storyline, except to say it is idiocy at it's worst. Please tell me she was out of her mind when she asked Henry where the baby came from. Surely she didn't think her Horseman of War/Moloch worshipping "son" suddenly decided to open his home to an orphaned baby?. Furthermore, I saw the look on Henry's face when Katrina was holding baby Moloch and let me just say I have no interest in a redemption story for him. I don't care about him or his soul. I just want him gone.

Edited by Enero
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Have we had any scenes with Ichabod discussing Jane Austen? After that exchange between Abbie and Hawley about Mr. Woodhouse, it wouldn't surprise me to see Ichabod reading up.


Also, given Hawley's witness of all these emotional scenes between Abbie and Jenny and his knowledge of their background, I'm hopeful he'll let go of or repress the stupid crush on Abbie.

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This episode really highlighted how much better the show is with Jenny and Irving in it!


I loved Abby and Jenny working together. I loved sickly, cranky Crane giving Abby and Hawley the side-eye while trying to stay awake. I liked Abby, Crane, Jenny and Hawley linking hands to call back Lori Mills. I liked Irving stopping the car and everyone looking a bit concerned about his appearance.


I didn't like the lighthearted, tinkly music that follows Hawley into the room to remind viewers he's fun! And Un Serious! I didn't like the Mills sisters referring to their mother as "mama" every time they mentioned her. (Speaking of that, where are they from? Isn't "mama" a Southern thing? I'm from New York and I've never met a New Yorker (upstate, downstate, wherever) who used the word "mama" to describe a mother. That really bugged me.) I didn't like Crane vs. Abby and Hawley when Katrina was mentioned, but someone's theory that Crane protests too much makes me feel much better about that because I agree.


So while this was a better episode, I'm annoyed so much of Jenny's and Irving's talents have been wasted. I actually think Hawley. Katrina and Henry would be way more tolerable for me if the writers had figured out a way to use Jenny and Irving more.


ETA: I would love to see Crane reading Jane Austen, trying to find this "Mr. Woodhouse", determined not to ask Abby or Hawley which book he's in.

Edited by slade3
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Sorry, when was this?

They were willing to banish her and not even try to redeem her when they thought she was killing the patients. They were wondering why and were sad but they didn't try to explain her thought-to-be crimes away.

Did I imagine it, or did the others give Jenny the side-eye when she started with the seance?  Like they couldn't figure out how exactly she knew what she was doing.  

Oh, I saw it too. they were like "Why are you so weirdly comfortable in this setting?"


I wonder if the writers even realize this. I hope they do - Abbie needs to go off on both of them about her loss compared to theirs. And then I need to see Ichabod lose something he cares about. He needs to see that the apocalypse had major stakes. And no - losing Henry won't have that effect on him or drive story. Only losing Katrina due to both of their selfish actions in clinging to the past and sacrificing the whole world for what they want will suffice now. That will piss off Headless and make him a BAMF again and end the CFD.

1. I think that the difference between the Mills losses and the Cranes' is that the Mills' are permanent. Yes Ichabod lost the world he lived in, but now he has his wife back and has the hope of also having his son back and if all goes well, having other children. That's why I think it strikes people as unfair. If we get Andy back, then maybe there would be more perceived balance of loss and gain.

2. You know what, I think the writers may be doing this on purpose because in that TVLine interview, NB said that her fight with Katrina and her opinion on their bullheadedness was actually underplayed and it will come up again at a later time.


Am I the only person who thinks Irving's escape is just a wee bit suspicious? "Oh, I snuck out in all the confusion." I don't buy it - I think Moloch let him escape, and he will be forced to work against the team from within

Oh yeah, it was shady, I think that's why Abbie was hesitant to let him in and why they included the scene at the top of the episode with her asking if he's being controlled. I did think it's weird that he knows it's easy to escape and resolutely stayed there but decided to leave now. Or it might be that the writers are bored with him being there by his lonesome. I just hope they tie up his soul storyline properly though.


To be fair, the nurse was originally from the 50s so I was expecting some of that but, really, she's supposed to be an evil demon, it's not like she could ask nicely.


I'm beginning to agree with Tom & Lorenzo's ongoing criticism that the Sleepy Hollow verse is too small. All of these people running around a psych hospital and we barely see any patients or staff? Just one empty, abandoned room after another? The show seems to take place in a bottle. It's hard for me to feel like the world is at stake when they don't seem to really be a part of it.

Ooh, I just imagined how much creepier it would be if she had asked nicely and started "reasoning" with Mama Mills and convincing her... Sorry I love my psychological thriller horror.

I agree, last year you could see that Sleepy Hollow had more than 10 citizens. It's weird and I didn't realise until it was pointed out but then it explained why I have been feeling weird about the world they're painting. I don't think season 2 has done a great job of giving us more insight into the world they live in.  


Ymmv, but I don't know, if I was Katrina, whether I'd immediately make the mental jump to "that baby must be a demon baby." For all she knows, Henry kidnapped some innocent infant and is planning to imbue him with essence of Moloch in a week. (In fact, given Katrina's recent experiences, this might seem the likelier option.) Maybe he plans for the infant to be a ritual sacrifice or something, or needs its blood for a potion but the blood can only be taken under a full moon or wtfever. Horrifyingly, I can imagine a lot of, well, horrifying things evil magic might need normal infants for. So Katrina not immediately thinking that baby was Moloch didn't bother me.

That's fair enough but it bugs me as a continuity thing because she had a vision of baby moloch in the same exact crib. That would be weird to then have another random baby in the same crib just after she had the vision. It just felt like more of a jump to think that Jenry randomly took up child sacrifice and, had it been so, where had the moloch baby from her vision gone? That's why it bothered me, because she was obviously suspicious enough to ask who the baby was so the whole "oh no, my skin is bad because of the demon baby in disguise" made me go from "Go Katrina! finally back to being cool" to "what?! you just realised now?", because before that scene I thought she already knew it was baby moloch and was playing along, while having a tiny piece of her wishing it really was just a baby. Her starting to make the poison then instead of earlier cemented the idea that she had just realised it was moloch.

I just wish they stopped making her stupidly oblivious and in denial. It just seems weird. She couldn't spy to actually save her life, she faints after every little bit of incantation (even if it's explained it means she's weak) and she's putting her son above the fate of the entire world. She just seems less and less like an asset to the good guys as time goes on. I hope they will tie it up properly at the end and have a satisfying pay off. If it weren't for the fact that how Katrina is handled has direct impact on Ichabod, I wouldn't care but it does so I do.

Edited by fantique
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This episode really highlighted how much better the show is with Jenny and Irving in it!


Totally agree. I love Jenny and Irvings characters and have greatly missed them all season. I think Lyndie Greenwood and Orlando Jones are awesome!


I have no words for Katrina's storyline, except to say it is idiocy at it's worst.


It must be her aura or something, because now you know why Ichabod acts like a complete fool whenever the name Katrina is uttered, or she is in his presence. Brain cells are lost, just like with Abraham. Too bad she doesn't have that same effect on Henry.


No, I saw it too. they were like "Why are you so weirdly comfortable in this setting?"


If - IF - this show gets a third season, Jenny's past when she was "finding things" for Corbin needs to be explained. Lots of storylines there. Oh, and also reveal that she is a witch!

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Am I the only person who thinks Irving's escape is just a wee bit suspicious? "Oh, I snuck out in all the confusion." I don't buy it - I think Moloch let him escape, and he will be forced to work against the team from within

Totally suspect situation, but I would love to see both teams having double agents embedded.  Katrina has been pretty useless in that regard, so let us do a Compare Contrast with Irving.  Even though War owns Irving's soul, we saw how poor undead Andy Brooks still struggled to do his best to protect Abbie even when he was Moloch's mouthpiece.


I didn't like the Mills sisters referring to their mother as "mama" every time they mentioned her.

Did not notice that until you mentioned it, but that is probably because I grew up in the South and it was not uncommon to hear someone use the term.  Wasn't pervasive in my parts, but doesn't hit my radar if someone does use it.  But since they are in Sleepy Hollow it does raise some questions as to its use.

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Other than losing their entire world? I mean, Ichabod was buried for 200 years, and Katrina spent that same time (mostly) in Purgatory. Both of them lost their son - once in their own time, and then in present day when they realized he was still around and was completely twisted up with Moloch, in spite of Katrina's efforts to protect him by giving him up. I guess I just see it differently. Both the Mills' sisters and the Cranes have suffered huge losses, IMO. As fun and funny as it is to have watched Crane dealing with present-day challenges, every once in a while they reminded us how hard it must be for him to have lost his entire world when he "died." Abbie and Jenny of course have suffered terrible losses as well. But I don't see that as one-sided at all. Miles may vary, and all that.

Most of the Crane's losses can be laid at the Crane's doorstep (and they aren't losses actually, since they can still "have it all" - whereas Abbie's mom is DEAD. There is a huge difference). Also - I think you're missing a bit of the nuance in what I and many others have been saying - that the difference between the Cranes and the Mills side is that the Mills side takes the losses on the chin but still keeps the prize in mind - that of stopping the Apocalypse and saving the world.

Team Crane? No - they're concerned with getting back together (even though their initial betrayal to be together in the first place CAUSED the Horseman of Death to come about). And then they're concerned with getting their son back (that neither of them ever even knew) and letting said son run rampant - seemingly not even caring that their son just took a man's soul wrongly. Worse, Ichabod used what Henry did to Joe Corbin as his justification for saving Henry. Say what now? Supremely, supremely selfish.

Contrast that with Irving - who sacrificed his entire life to save his daughter - just like Mama Mills sacrificed everything to save her daughters... just like GRACE sacrificed everything to help Ichabod and Katrina's evil spawn. Frank lost his soul and Mama Mills and Grace lost their LIVES.

You cannot even compare the two.

And in this episode? Abbie and Jenny are prepared to sacrifice their Mama - to SAVE LIVES. They love their Mama, but they are focused on saving innocent lives - which means they would have banished her to stop her from killing innocent people.

The Cranes aren't willing to do this - they tend to sacrifice EVERYONE ELSE to 1) be together or 2) save Henry.

So, again - they haven't sacrificed anything - except other people - on their way to some twisted happily ever after.

Selfish, selfish people. Katrina is ruining Ichabod for me - he's really unlikeable right now.

Anyway, I liked last night's episode a lot, although yea, I missed Crane and wonder if the show was just giving him a break before next week. Sometimes shows that rely on two strong leads wind up having to give them some breathing room here and there, which is what this felt like. On the other hand, I actually like Hawley, so that was fun to see him helping out (and I loved his stuff with Crane! HA!). Love the Mills' sisters getting some interesting (and tragic) backstory exploration. And above all, so SO happy to see Orlando bust out of that place! I've missed him so much and can't wait to see what happens with him next week! (Now if we could just Andy back in the back half of the season. Feel bad for John Cho about Selfie getting dropped, but I sure would be happy to see our Andy back in Sleepy Hollow).

Totes agree with you here, :)

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Well, I fell asleep before this show came on and only woke up to see the last 10 or 15 minutes. Reading here, it seems like most of you liked it but for some reason I don't feel it's worth my time to watch online ... is it? I mean, Jenny's back, Irving's loose, baby is now a youngster (albeit a gorgeous one). And Abbie/Jenny realize their mom was okay after all. Plus Crane is missing for the episode, replaced by Hawley. Sounds like that about sums it up.


Did I miss anything?

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I can't believe this, but I'm going to defend Katrina. Not in the big picture -- I agree that the writers don't know what to do with her, generally, and that her scenes tend to drag down the episodes, and that Willow was a way more competent red-haired witch ;-)  But with respect to Baby Moloch, I think her reactions made sense. Last week, she had the vision, and then, at the end of the episode, she looks down at the baby (with Henry right there) and gives a hesitant smile. This week, she makes a half-hearted attempt to question how the baby got there, and reluctantly picks it up at Henry's behest. All of this seems to me like someone who knows it is a demon baby, but does not want Henry to know that she knows. If she really thought Henry had kidnapped a baby for nefarious purposes, she would have put up more of a fuss about returning it. Then, yes, she did not immediately try to kill it. Doing so would have been unwise. For one thing, she might not know what precisely will kill it. Would dashing it to the floor even work? And if it doesn't work, she would have shown her hand, and would never have another opportunity to kill it. When she noticed the discoloration on her neck, I don't think she thought, for the first time, "It's a demon baby!" Rather, she thought, "Contact with the demon baby is doing something immediately harmful to me, so I don't have time to wait for the best opportunity, I need to try to kill it now with the materials available." And so that's what she set out to do, only to be thwarted by its growth spurt. I don't love this story line, and I'll grant that the writers have given us reason to doubt Katrina's competence, but I'm not seeing any particularly idiotic decisions here on her part.

Edited by tpel
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I really hope that Crane's devotion to Katrina implodes on him.  Because with her around he's an asshole.  I really was glad he slept instead of going around saying "We must save Henry"  or "Katrina's my love" every 3 minutes and snapping at anyone who dares question that.  I pray that Katrina's been playing him for the start and he finds out. 


This is the first episode I've liked this season.  That's kinda sad in a way since that means every ep until this one has just sucked. 


Nicole and Lyndie were amazing. 

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I'm always obsessing about minor points. Why in the world did they leave poor Ichabod curled up in that tiny chair? They should have gotten him at least to a couch. He could probably barely stand up straight after sleeping for many hours in that position.


I'm so glad to see Jenny back, and now we'll have her and Irving back in the mix!


Man I can't wait for Katrina to check out permanently...ug, what a waste of precious air time.


I was just trolling around fanfic sites for SH stories (don't judge me!) and I was saddened that there is a whole contingent of Ichabod&Katrina 4EVA shippers out there...how disappointing.

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Well, I fell asleep before this show came on and only woke up to see the last 10 or 15 minutes. Reading here, it seems like most of you liked it but for some reason I don't feel it's worth my time to watch online ... is it? I mean, Jenny's back, Irving's loose, baby is now a youngster (albeit a gorgeous one). And Abbie/Jenny realize their mom was okay after all. Plus Crane is missing for the episode, replaced by Hawley. Sounds like that about sums it up.


Did I miss anything?

I think it's worth watching... I am rewatching now and I think there is a ton of nuance that I missed the first time around.

And I know Hawley isn't popular - but man if Dollar Store Thor ain't growing on me. I like that he can be there and not "take up space" as long as they don't take away screen time from Irving and Jenny. Like someone else said - if he replaces Katrina on Team Witness I'm totally okay with that. The funny look between Ichabod and Hawley before the seance was hilarious (when they joined hands).

Also - Irving says that Mama Mills' commotion gave him an opportunity to break out... but I agree it was suspicious.

I'm so not here for a redemption storyline with Henry - especially when it feels like the only ones who get a shot at redemption will be those blood-tied to Ichabod/Katrina. Unfair - since I don't care about them. I'd rather have Andy saved and Irving saved than Henry of all people.

Ratings are in too - same as last week (we will see if DVR bumps it up at all). I think the show is toast - not even this episode (which was the best of the season - although the premiere was amazing too) could save it... unless the writers show their hand quickly. I'm not sure what they can do to pull in more fans. I think people are fed up and angry. The focus on Katrina and CFD really tanked this show. I don't know whether to gloat with an "I told you so" or be ticked off because I loved this show so much.

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