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"The View": Week of 11/10/14


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Good lord. Whoopi's segues are notoriously bad during live shows but today was a taped show.  Editors...hello? The jump from Drew Barrymore talking about whale vomit to Whoopi was just pathetic.


Rosie P's "leg lifter" comment cracked me up.


Edited because I really shouldn't bitch about the show's editor when my own post needs editing.

Edited by Fisher King
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Good lord. Whoopi's segues are notoriously bad during live shows but today was a taped show.  Editors...hello? The jump from Drew Barrymore talking about whale vomit and the cutaway to Whoopi was just pathetic.


Rosie P's "leg lifter" comment cracked me up.

Agreed!!  You'd think being able to get Drew fucking Barrymore on the show, even if she's hawking her perfumes, they'd give her a little more time & NOT cut her off so rudely.  Hello Whoopi, I'm talking to you!!!


RosieP's "leg lifter" cracked me up too.  (What woman among us can't identify???)

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Hawking, hawking, hawking (and I don't mean Stephen)


Today's commercials were brought to you by:

Drew Barrymore:  Flower Fragrances (and a quick buh-bye from Whoopi)

Exotic Animal Guy: Bearitos Snacks (didn't do the best job of slipping in his sponsors)  Bearitos???

Cameron (the worst) Mathison: Listerine!

Kellie Pickler:  Album "The Woman I Am," featuring today's presentation, "Selma Drah (Dry?)"


PATHETIC!!  Is ABC so desperate for money and/or guests that these infomercials are the best they can do?

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I so agree with the hawking comment. Now people who come on these shows might as well be wearing shirts with sponsor logos on them. It's always interesting to see how the interviewers slip in a question that leads to the shilling of a product, like Excedrin for headaches, etc. I guess today The View was paid by Listerine to promote their products in the guise of Cameron Matthison. Along with their Monday sales and "favorite products", this show has really lost credibility.

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As for Cameron Mathison...it reminds me that I'm waiting for the demise of all those tiny suits on men.  Cameron's was especially insulting--although it was a tiny jacket from some other tiny suit.  The pants didn't match, but they're those "trousers" with the cut of track pants.  He needs to clean up and sharpen up.  He's older and needs to try harder.  Listerine ain't helpin'.

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Also, got the impression that Rosie P was not all that enamoured with Kellie Pickler.


I picked up on that as well and I think it has to do w/the personal Kellie puts out there, the trope of country hick/dumb blonde.  Lots of women don't appreciate where some women can get away with that and get ahead in life where others have to work hard to get what they have and where they are at.  I don't know Kellie or follow her but I have seen her in the past on other things and it seems she has toned it down, or at least she did for today.  She reminds me of Jessica Simpson from the "Newlyweds" phase of her life where she took that persona and ran with it.  I'm surprised Kellie doesn't have a reality show.  

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The prolonged, awkward listerine commercial by the Cameron guy was just awful. I can understand that Friday shows are often a wierd mix of pretaped segments but today was, for me, one of the least likable shows of the season. And I hope the LONG listerine commercial segment isn't a sign of things to come. If I wanted to see commercials, I wouldn't routinely fast forward through them on my DVR.

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As for Cameron Mathison...it reminds me that I'm waiting for the demise of all those tiny suits on men.  Cameron's was especially insulting--although it was a tiny jacket from some other tiny suit.  The pants didn't match, but they're those "trousers" with the cut of track pants.  He needs to clean up and sharpen up.  He's older and needs to try harder.  Listerine ain't helpin'.

No kidding! I don't get the whole baggy shorts that hang around your hips, and I don't get the suits that look like you're squeezing into a suit that fit when you were 14. Why can't men just wear clothes that fit?

(Not that women are any better)

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As for Cameron Mathison...it reminds me that I'm waiting for the demise of all those tiny suits on men.  Cameron's was especially insulting--although it was a tiny jacket from some other tiny suit.  The pants didn't match, but they're those "trousers" with the cut of track pants.  He needs to clean up and sharpen up.  He's older and needs to try harder.  Listerine ain't helpin'.

Thank you, Former Nun ~ couldn't agree with you more on all counts!  "It's so funny", but the idea of CM hawking Listerine is a particular irony.  I recall reading articles quite a few years ago about CM's co-stars complaining about the myriad of unpleasant scents emanating from him, to the point that they hated the scenes where kissing or close contact were required.  They said the worst was when he was shirtless because he was usually quite sweaty and odorous.  YUK!  From then on, I couldn't tolerate any scene he was in.  So, hopefully, Listerine will handle one of his issues.  His co-stars are probably hoping he'll pick up deodorant sponsor also.

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To be honest anyone who appears on a talk show is selling something, whether it's a movie, book, or mouthwash. They aren't stopping by just for a chat.



OY, Haleth!  Preachin' to the choir.  I remember the days of Merv Griffin, Johnny Carson, Tom Snyder...SO many others, who had "guests" on their show for no reason other than entertainment and information.  No shilling! No selling!  Actually, very rarely even pushing their latest projects.   Mike Douglas, OMG!  A star or well-known person would be the co-host for a week on The Mike Douglas show ahd not try to sell anything.   How did television ever survive?

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Rosie is retweeting the Cosby/Rape Washington Post editorial.  Hopefully it becomes a hot topic Monday and Whoopi explodes.


For all that is holy I hope it is brought up next week as well.  Can you imagine Whoopi spouting her "we were not there" and "it wasn't rape rape" bullcrap.  This could be the thing that could have Rosie O and Rosie P go for the jugular at Whoopi.  I have a feeling that Rosie will push for it to be a hot topic but it won't happen b/c Whoopi will shut it down.  I could totally see Whoopi stating on air she won't talk about it and walk off stage. 

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However, that doesn't seem to be the case with Nicholle and Rosie P.


I only watched the show for the first two or three weeks and have just caught a few minutes here or there since then but I posted way back that I sensed some animosity for Nicolle from Rosie and it might be something to watch for.  I noticed a few stinkeyes from Rosie when Nicolle kept interrupting her. Since Nicolle's phoniness bugs me I was cyber high-fiving Rosie. Is there more overt stuff happening between the two of them now?

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I can understand going on and on about a favorite show with your girlfriends over lunch or a phone call, but going on and on about a fictional tv show on national television is just silly to me. She is so invested in that show and talks about it as if its real.

And, yes, i do get excited about certain shows, but i share my excitement with people that have the same interest.

This made me laugh considering it's posted on a site all about TV shows - even if it's not the Homeland thread.  As a big fan of that show though, I'd guess   I don't mind.  It's certainly not the first time a co-host has droned on about their favorite show - remember Bitsy and The Bachelor?  Anyway, I thought it was really rude of Whoopi to mock Nicolle before she even had a chance to speak just because Whoopi doesn't watch it. 


The way Whoopi seems to have taken over the show I'm wondering if Bab's constant interruptions at the table weren't all just about The Great Barbara Walter's ego.  Maybe she knew that if she didn't interrupt Whoopi she would never get to say anything  - kind of like RO.  And maybe the reason RosieP has to make every comment into a thousand word speech is there doesn't ever seem to be any back and forth with Whoopi - if she disagrees she'll either drop a bathroom joke or change the topic, "Hey! What about this..." 



OY, Haleth!  Preachin' to the choir.  I remember the days of Merv Griffin, Johnny Carson, Tom Snyder...SO many others, who had "guests" on their show for no reason other than entertainment and information.  No shilling! No selling!  Actually, very rarely even pushing their latest projects.   Mike Douglas, OMG!  A star or well-known person would be the co-host for a week on The Mike Douglas show ahd not try to sell anything.   How did television ever survive?

Funny you should mention that show Former Nun and Haleth; although I never saw it, RO actually used it as a model for The Rosie O'Donnell Show.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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The Homeland discussion was a good example of how the co-hosts don't click.  Nicole was trying to engage the audience and be cute in passionately discussing her favorite TV show which would have been fun except Whoopi then wanted to make it clear she's better than caring about a tv show, and then Rosie Perez said Nicolle was going to get it for making fun of people with mental illness, which Nicolle didn't do but it shows you how Perez is constantly thinking about feedback and how she represents herself instead of just relaxing and being a host.  So instead of endearing the audience, like hey Nicolle gets into TV shows just like us!, it was just a bunch of nervous energy.

Edited by Morbs
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I can understand going on and on about a favorite show with your girlfriends over lunch or a phone call, but going on and on about a fictional tv show on national television is just silly to me. She is so invested in that show and talks about it as if its real.

And, yes, i do get excited about certain shows, but i share my excitement with people that have the same interest.

Yeah, it's not a great idea to go on and on about characters from a TV show as if everyone in the audience watches the show.   Speaking for myself, I change the channel, or fast-forward  as soon as there's a conversation about a show I don't watch and don't care about; 

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Whoopie made a comment about the men working on the Trade Center -- if it were she it would be wet underneath. I turned it off. I have vowed I will never again listen to Whoopie sharing about her bodily fluids. Life is too short. 


She's such an idiot.  What about her opinion that high rises should have windows that open?  Yes Whoopi, let's make these thousands of windows able to be opened.  So anyone can throw themselves out a window and commit suicide, or lean over a little too far and fall.


I picked up on that as well and I think it has to do w/the personal Kellie puts out there, the trope of country hick/dumb blonde.  Lots of women don't appreciate where some women can get away with that and get ahead in life where others have to work hard to get what they have and where they are at.  I don't know Kellie or follow her but I have seen her in the past on other things and it seems she has toned it down, or at least she did for today.  She reminds me of Jessica Simpson from the "Newlyweds" phase of her life where she took that persona and ran with it.  I'm surprised Kellie doesn't have a reality show.  


Oh, it's not an act.  I saw her on Who's Smarter than a Fifth Grader?  The answer - not Kellie.  But, she doesn't try to act like she's smart and I find her endearing.

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I haven't watched a second since Whoopi told us all about how awful high school curricula are and that kids read Anne Frank but are not taught the history that surrounds WWII and the Holocaust.


This is such utter bullshit.  I'm old enough though, to remember when High School text books were white washed from much of the truth of the bad things the US has done, for example during WWII - the Japanese interment camps.  Or the shit we pulled in South America, or Iran, or, or, or.  All things I did not learn until I got into college.


I'm so fucking tired of the trope that schools are doing a horrible job these days and not teaching as well as they did back in the day, it's utter nonsense.  My kids were taking Trig 2 in ninth grade which most of us didn't see until 11th or 12th grade if at all back in the day. The depth with which they study history is amazing to me, and they are reading literature that I wasn't exposed to until college.  This is in an International Baccalaureate programme, but with AP classes all over the place as well, it's just so much bullshit.  My kids also were taught how to correctly site sources and do footnotes in 1st grade so that it wouldn't be intimidating later on.  All in a "mediocre" public school district.


I may try to watch next week when Ro is back, but I'm really not sure.

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The "horrible public school" trope is going to figure ever more prominently now that Republicans own Congress and the Koch Brother Overlords own Republicans. The push for corporate privatization of our schools (along with Christ in the classroom on the taxpayer's dime) is like a fast-spreading cancer on my particular Colorado school district. It's really quite frightening. Almost as frightening as Whoopi pretending to know anything about education at any level. Dizzy bint can't even define "rape."

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Rosie is retweeting the Cosby/Rape Washington Post editorial.  Hopefully it becomes a hot topic Monday and Whoopi explodes.

Good for her!!  Also, David Letterman cancelled Bill Cosby's appearance on his show on Wednesday.  (Don't know for sure if Dave cancelled Bill, or vice versa, but .... )


I think a lot of women are coming "out of the woodwork" now in Canada because of the Jian Ghomeshi scandal & the few women who have accused him publicly.  Quite a story!!!

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There have been little leaks about Cosby for years, I'm really quite surprised if true (and it appears to be) that he's managed to keep a lid on this for so long.


It's so disturbing. :(


Also, since I delete the crap from my dvr without watching, did the all-knowing Whoopi discuss the disturbing cultural appropriation, racism and sexism displayed by Kim Kartrashian this week?  Wait, maybe I did catch Nicolle talking about how "smart" Kim is and what an excellent business woman she's become with her branding.  Idiots.

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My kids also were taught how to correctly site sources and do footnotes in 1st grade so that it wouldn't be intimidating later on.  All in a "mediocre" public school district.

Oh, that's a great idea. Even now, with an English degree (yeah, what to do with a B.A. in English?), I'm still terrified of sourcing, and I should know better than most people. Whenever education and/or schools come up on The View, I just roll my eyes roll my eyes roll my eyes.


It's sad about Cosby. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's sad that even someone as talented as he is could possibly be a monster.


I liked how in the animal segment that Rosie P was trying to be respectful of the animals. Nicolle was hilarious when she got down on the ground, since I don't think that was a fake reaction.


Patti Labelle was bad on the very high note, but I did like her performance. But I came into it knowing it wouldn't be a traditional rendition of the song. I thought it was much better than her July 4th performance early this year, where she started adlibbing at the end (Gotta get over this rainbow! Got. To. Get. Over. This. RainBOW!!!).


Yes, Whoopi was very condescending when they were talking about Homeland. Sometimes I like her, mostly I dislike her on the show these days. Just because someone is passionate about a TV show, book series, or any other media, doesn't mean they believe everything that's happening is "real." Yeah, I think Nicolle just thought it would be a cute thing to talk about, too bad Whoopi's hot air blew over. I laughed at what Rosie P said about Nicolle possibly getting fire for talking about it, just because I know some online commenters are hypersensitive.


Looks like they're definitely looking for a young co-host. I like all three of Jordin Sparks, Kellie Pickler, and Naya Rivera, so whichever is fine, I guess. I would just like it to be Jordin to represent another AA viewpoint, so maybe that might mean Whoopi will be leaving at the end of the year... I could take Whoopi in the past because it would shutdown nonsense, but it doesn't work when most of what's being said is intelligent these days. I noticed how Rosie P said in some game segment with the plants that The View only likes "smart women." I hope that's true from hereon, because the bar has dropped in the past...

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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