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S01.E08: Need to Know

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I get they need to give Tim Daly more to do, but making him a spy seems farfetched. Wouldn't he have at least minimal security to deal with (as would the kids)? 


I also find it unbelievable that Elizabeth's CIA friends would think the idea of the previous SoS being murdered was unrealistic. What kind of CIA people are they? 


Don't care at all about the kids. Zzzzzz.

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So why exactly is Mr. Hot Arm Candy Husband working for the NSA instead of the CIA? The NSA doesn't have agents. I know that this show is fictional and all, but they don't have to make such a blatant mistake. They could just have him working for the CIA which is plausible given Elizabeth's career.

Are we supposed to like Matt and Daisy at all? There was a lot of talk in the previous episode thread about their lack of chemistry. At this point, I'm seriously doubting if the showrunners intend for them to have any romantic chemistry at all. Their story doesn't seem like an irresistible romance. It seems a lot more like a pair of narcissistic jerks acting like children. Even before Daisy got engaged, she was cheating on him while insisting to everyone else that she loves him and that he's the one. I don't know if that is supposed to make her seem empowered or something, but to me it just makes her seem like a horrible person. And it didn't help that she suggested that the Secretary of State should engage with that general guy because he made sexist comments on Twitter. WTF? Aren't you supposed to be a communications person? Matt was really annoying too, but at least he broke up with his girlfriend.

Too bad about the foreign head of state getting killed, but at least the American with him survived!

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I liked it better this week than last, so I'll stick with it. Tea and Tim must have pwerful charisma, cause I swear I don't like any of the supporting characters, not ANY of them, even the ones played by actors I like.

I have an idea for the writers! Tell us that the kids are actually only nieces and nephew who've been staying at Tea and Tim's home until the real parents get back from Europe. And now it's time to send them home! We'll believe it! We promise to believe every word of it.

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Tim Daly needs to make some wardrobe changes.  He should consider a Spy-vs-Spy hat, and a cape he can throw over his face.  That way, he'd be less obviously suspicious when out on an NSA gig.


Matt/Daisy continue to annoy.  Remarkably, they weren't both fired for today's performance.  If only Téa would send them on a fact-finding mission.  A long fact-finding mission.  One could go to the Galápagos Islands and the other to Fernando de Noronha. 


Well, Téa finally had words with the Chief of staff, but it turned too friendly too soon for my taste.  I'm not sure if American soldiers can be deployed on foreign soil without the President being involved, but at least some teddy-bear General was consulted about it.  I'm not sure an ex-CIA spook -- even the Secretary of State -- can just put a CIA operative to work like that.  Don't these guys have Controllers and Handlers and, you know, bosses that will wonder where they've got to, and why they aren't working on their current assignments?  (Annie Walker being an exception, of course.)


Still, I liked the show, and I liked Téa's performance.  I was ROFL when she was on the video-call to General Wossname, because I couldn't help but picture him asking Hillary Clinton to show him her legs!  Woot!


WTF are Soccer Cleats?  Any thing like Football Boots?

WTF are Soccer Cleats?  Any thing like Football Boots?


Yup, so we can guess, that Alison is playing soccer (or football, as the rest of the world calls it, and if the show is still around next year, they could eventually make a nice reference to the women's world championship happening in Canada in Summer 2015, maybe this time the U.S. Team gets the cup, could be their  third).


Good, McCord is building a stand against Russell. And she was perfectly right, if that ever comes out, if there even  is a rumour, she likely can pack up at the State Department. It was in some episode before, that Russel let slip (on purpose?), that he had a different opinion but the President decided, which a good right-hand man shouldn't really do. That slip could just be there to inform the audience,  that it's not just Russell, instead of using a minute or two for a scene between Russell and the President to give this info without McCord knowing it, but as well could be more,. Can make wonder, what Russell is up to.


Henry and his spy work. If it has to be. I only can see merits in the story for the whole Marsh-George-maybe-conspiracy and maybe some angst moments for an episode, distracting Madam Secretary from her duties and crisis of the day.


In this connection I found it remarkable that they pretty much stayed on Claire, the wife left behind at home, instead of showing Jimmy Ionesco being tortured, though one can say that was just for suspense, leaving it open, if he was still alive, or if McCord might have had a death on her hand eventually.


That misogynist rebel general - McCord analyse was dead on. In this case agreed, don't feed the troll was the right thing to do. It is though not easy to find the right line in public when such attacks happen. If you ignore it, people at home could make a fuzz and accuse you of not caring enough to assure the dignity and respect a Secretary of State should get  (to support that view they showed the Late Night Talk Host mocking the remarks of the general), on the other hand the attacker gets more attention and acknowledgement than they deserve. I can see Daisy's point, from a PR position a firm but subtle statement can make sense, but from political, tactical view, ignorance was the choice. But loved that it actually worked to use his hubris so against him, the video-call was fun.


Interesting that to kinda counteract it, they had these nice beats between father and son, Henry and Jason, a serious man-to-man talk about respecting and talking respectful about women.


Matt and Daisy. If they were my colleagues in real life they would annoy all out of me (had such things too many times in office, makes me always wonder why some people have such a hard time to keep their pants on, and I mean women and men) Yes, totally unprofessionally. As fiction it amuses me. Problem is, it makes it really hard to take the characters any serious in whatever they do.

Edited by katusch
Don't these guys have Controllers and Handlers and, you know, bosses that will wonder where they've got to, and why they aren't working on their current assignments?  (Annie Walker being an exception, of course.)




I can see Daisy's point, from a PR position a firm but subtle statement can make sense

Daisy seems to always be in crisis-management mode, even when there's no crisis. Not everything is Defcon 1. Sheesh.

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I'm not sure an ex-CIA spook -- even the Secretary of State -- can just put a CIA operative to work like that.  Don't these guys have Controllers and Handlers and, you know, bosses that will wonder where they've got to, and why they aren't working on their current assignments?  (Annie Walker being an exception, of course.)


I'm pretty sure the agent used to work for the CIA, but Tea had brought him over to State recently. So I think she did have the authority to assign him this operation.


(but you nailed it re AW)


Too bad about the foreign head of state getting killed, but at least the American with him survived!


That sort of irked me, because the Moldovan prime minister's death was sort of shrugged off like "the important thing is rah rah American!" 


No, Matt and Daisy are just not working, no matter how hard they try to force it. They need to drop that. And they are seriously floundering in trying to make poor Tim Daly relevant as something other than a house husband. The secret agent crap is cringe-worthy.

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"I don't even know if George wrote it or what it means, but I think maybe he wanted me to help you" - really? This lady should consider ghost hunting.

I expect that next episode, we'll find out that her husband is also a lawyer, or a SWAT team hostage negotiator, or an astronaut.

Edited by LeGrandElephant
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That sort of irked me, because the Moldovan prime minister's death was sort of shrugged off like "the important thing is rah rah American!" 


No, Matt and Daisy are just not working, no matter how hard they try to force it. They need to drop that. And they are seriously floundering in trying to make poor Tim Daly relevant as something other than a house husband. The secret agent crap is cringe-worthy.

True statements. All of them.

What about the rest of the passengers on the plane? Is there no concern for them? Where are they? And the poor Prime Minister! They just leave his body there on the floor? I didn't care for the Secretary smirking/smiling when she was skyping with the "bad guy" and his soldier ran in and informed him they were under attack. And, how did his soldiers know it was "the Americans" attacking them, anyway? And why was the returning injured American made to walk without assistance and alone down those dangerous metal aircraft steps? Seemed like no one was there for him.

And Matt and Daisy. Talk about a mismatch. They have absolutely no chemistry with each other. Can't these actors show attraction to each other while they bicker? The arguing by itself just looks like they are workplace competitors, not former/current lovers. Writers/Actors - you can do better.

Re Hubby working undercover - could he be anymore obvious in his actions? Silly.

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I really like Tea Leoni and want to like this show, but will the "crisis of the week" ever NOT end up ok? I too was pissed with the "eh, the Prime minister is dead, but the American Is alive!" attitude- though it is th way news reporters in this country discuss most tragedies.

And Patina Miller is a very talented singer but is driving me nuts on this show- the only staff member not driving me batshit is Erich Bergen.

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Regarding Matt and Daisy: Anyone here remember on The Closer when post-breakup Grabriel and Daniels were acting almost exactly like Matt and Daisy are acting here? Brenda gave them an ultimatum that one of them had to transfer to another division because it was harming the team's ability to function.

ETA apostrophe.

Edited by shapeshifter

Regarding Matt and Daisy: Anyone here remember on The Closer when post-breakup Grabriel and Daniels were acting almost exactly like Matt and Daisy are acting here? Brenda gave them an ultimatum that one of them had to transfer to another division because it was harming the teams ability to function.

Well, The Closer was a better show than this.

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Henry needs to sit down with Matt and Daisy and help them work out their issues. Obviously, relationship counselor could be next on his list of talents.  I suspect the season finale will include him going on a humanitarian trip with Elizabeth to Africa and solving their hunger problem, water problem, and probably curing AIDS while he's there anyway.  


At this point I feel I should almost spoiler alert that since it seems so plausible.


I like how the NSA drops Arm Candy off at his assignments in a huge black van with no windows. Nothing conspicuous about that!


Not only that, but he gets in the van, the NSA operative takes the wire off of him, then just flings open the door and motions for him to leave, exposing his entire spy equipment to anyone walking by. Dude, you're not selling ice cream! You're either covert or you're not.

Was anyone else dying laughing every time the German bad guy with the chess set opened his mouth?  He's the guy who plays the doctor in all those "CBS Cares" commercials encouraging men watching to get prostate exams.  His heavy, gleeful, lisping accent while he snaps his rubber gloves and Mel Brooks-ish urologist characterization in those ads is so, so, very over the top in those ads.  So here he is (or an actor who greatly resembles him) in this supposed serious drama playing someone who could be a serious bad guy, and I'm giggling helplessly on my couch.

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I like how the NSA drops Arm Candy off at his assignments in a huge black van with no windows. Nothing conspicuous about that! Also could he have handled that chess game more clumsily? "Uh, even though we're almost done with the game I need to stop right now because I'll need all my energy for the 15 minute drive home."

...could he have handled that chess game more clumsily? "Uh, even though we're almost done with the game I need to stop right now because I'll need all my energy for the 15 minute drive home."

The whole invitation to play using the too-heavy bugged replacement pawn compounded by the "if I win, I'll take it and go home" was so bad that I really wanted to see the guys in the van cringing. Edited by shapeshifter

So many utterly ridiculous and unintentionally hilarious moments this episode!


The husband deserves the Most Conspicuous Spy Award in the history of spying. He should've wear fedora and heavy raincoat, and maybe carry some large newspaper with the giant hole in it with him. For more secrecy!


The US "military consultant" sent to Moldova was obviously some sort of Bond villain reject. Only the Bond villains have names of famous writers! Ionesco? That's practically general Gogol of the research fail!


Daisy and Matt are annoying, horrible people, and should just STFU. Why are we supposed to care about their forced "romance" drama again? I pity Daisy's fiance already.


I liked Elizabeth's family, though. I thought that's the show real strength.

This weeks show is on my DVR that I will watch tonight and if the comments on here are even near factual it will be my last show.


The one thing I don't understand from the various comments over the short term of this show is why everyone is so down on the kids. The overall show is far fetched and the only breath of sanity about the show is the kids. Those kids are from the real world or at least the ones I'm around.

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The one thing I don't understand from the various comments over the short term of this show is why everyone is so down on the kids. The overall show is far fetched and the only breath of sanity about the show is the kids. Those kids are from the real world or at least the ones I'm around.


I don't mind the kids, and I wouldn't mind a story or two about what their lives must be like, as the children of the Secretary of State. Do they get Secret Service protection? You'd think so.


But as I've said before, I'm more interested in the "nuts and bolts" of how the office of the Secretary works, and in that portrayal the show succeeds pretty well. They just need to really lay off the weekly crises because they've got them dialed up to 11.

My opinion now is that this show and disaster that will be Katherine Heigl's new show are just free peanuts on the bar as I wait for the filet mignon that is The Americans (said with deep reverence) to return in February.  It shows the FBI inner workings and doing some surveillance. It showed a maid bugging the SoD's (Caspar Weinberger) house but since it's not really shown from an American POV you wind up rooting for the Soviet spies who look like any white, middle-class mom and dad in a suburb of DC in the early 80's.  It also portrays the Soviet embassy in DC in the 80's and flashbacks of offices in Moscow in the 60's which are cool.   


If you like history, spycraft and government-type shows with a hefty handful of disturbing murder scenes and even more disturbing sex scenes (Hello, Martha & Clark!) and a slightly off family dynamic, then this show is for you!!!   


I wish MS and SoA could be even half as good!!  I don't get why they can't.  I'm assuming of course about SoA but I'm sure I'm not wrong.  

If you like history, spycraft and government-type shows with a hefty handful of disturbing murder scenes and even more disturbing sex scenes (Hello, Martha & Clark!) and a slightly off family dynamic, then this show is for you!!!   


I wish MS and SoA could be even half as good!!  I don't get why they can't.  I'm assuming of course about SoA but I'm sure I'm not wrong.  


I find it slightly weird that that you're comparing two shows that have absolutely nothing in common. You could compare The Americans with Homeland, because it would be actually fair. The genre, the "edgy" themes and gratuitous sex scenes, the shady/morally ambiguous/completely unlikable characters, the curt-throating espionage, some sort of intrigue, yeah.


What the show about Secretary of State and her family has to do with any of that?

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Here's what I think is really going on:


  • The previous SoS and Elizabeth's spy buddy became aware of some misdeeds by President I'm Easy, who is a very bad man.
  • President I'm Easy had the two of them killed, the SoS in a plane crash and the spy in a car crash.
  • BUT, the spy survived the crash and faked his death, or something.
  • The Assistant President Who Constantly Looks at His Phone is actually a good guy, some sort of agent (or he's working with agents) who is trying to get the goods on President I'm Easy. He is working in cahoots with Spy Buddy Who Isn't Dead, Bebe and Arm Candy. German Chess Guy is at the heart of this murderous conspiracy. The story Arm Candy gave Elizabeth about his NSA work is total BS to protect Elizabeth.
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Plus, he has successfully landed a quintuple axel at the rink at Rockefeller Center.  And he does needlepoint!


I don't remember the name, the premise, or any of the scenes in the sitcom Tea Leoni starred in many years ago, but I remember I liked it and, I assume, I liked her, because I am generally good at remembering actors that annoy me.  However, Tea Leoni annoys me on this show and I think I have figured out why - She's tired.  She comes across to me as though she worn out, exhausted, and really sleepy.  


Some of it, like the raspy voice that sounds like she just woke up, can't be helped, as it is her natural voice. Same with her face - some women have "resting bitch face,"  Tea has "resting resting face" - her eyes are small and look partially closed, her mouth curves a little downward.   


But some of it can be changed, like the tone of her voice.  She speaks so slowly, with pauses and sighs.  I know she is supposed to be dealing with heavy issues and she is always looking for a solution to the crisis, but she sounds like she is about to give up. She also moves as though she is tired, or sore.  Every episode is a new crisis, in which lives are as risk or there is a threat of war, yet she never moves quickly, never rushes into a room, never hurriedly tells someone to do something while racing down the hallway.  

Plus, he has successfully landed a quintuple axel at the rink at Rockefeller Center.  And he does needlepoint!


I don't remember the name, the premise, or any of the scenes in the sitcom Tea Leoni starred in many years ago, but I remember I liked it and, I assume, I liked her, because I am generally good at remembering actors that annoy me.  However, Tea Leoni annoys me on this show and I think I have figured out why - She's tired.  She comes across to me as though she worn out, exhausted, and really sleepy.   


I actually find this quite realistic. If you had to deal with Matt and Daisy on a daily basis, you wouldn't exactly be bounding eagerly into the office to see them either!

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Oh I absolutely love Tea' Leoni in this show!! Actually, I love her in almost everything I have seen her in. She's the reason I started watching it to begin with. The funny thing is that I absolutely loathe politics with the fire of a thousand suns. Yet, I don't seem to mind it on this show. And yes, I know that I'm a little bit goofy too.

Edited by missbonnie
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