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S02.E03: Tale Of Two Husbands

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Since we're on the topic of Dean's addictions only coming to light because of the cheating, it reminded me of their older show.  I don't remember which season of Home Sweet Hollywood it was (I think it was four?), Dean went and got the full sleeve tattoo started on his right arm. He seemed like he was on something at the time and I remember people on TWOP commenting on it. Tori even looked a little like something was up. Unfortunately, I can't find any season other than 5 online, so I can't pull up that clip. 


Tori's shows have painted this fairy tale marriage, but her books certainty don't. She mentioned in one of them that Dean gave her the cold shoulder one day because she was too tired for sex the night before. There were other little things too. They had a whole season of their show dedicated to their struggling marriage. Clearly she's known things weren't good for a long while.


Honestly I'm glad that Charlie (if she did actually meet up with him) didn't agree to do it on camera. It makes me wonder why Mary Jo would.

Mary Jo got $10,000 for her appearance, which she said she put into Jack's college fund. I bet she also figured that with Tori being so unpleasant towards her for the last 8 years this was her chance to show up, demonstrate that she's a sane, attractive, class act and leave Tori and Dean to their "fairytale". Has she declined, I can guess that she would expect Tori to trash her some more, or put her own twist on Mary Jo and her marriage. I watched the clip of their meeting, and Mary Jo is pretty gracious towards Tori, who is showing up only as Dean's 2nd wife that he cheated on, not as the person who helped Dean end his first marriage, or as the person who cheated on her husband. I've seen the clip, and at one point Mary Jo talks about how she had her brother break the news to her dad about Dean cheating/the marriage ending and Mary Jo said that her dad broke down sobbing, and he'd never done that before. Tori, who has a chance to say something like,"FWIW, I am so sorry for any pain I caused you and your family, etc." instead simpers and says,"yeah...", like,"Yeah, that Dean, he hurt us both with his cheating." I don't recall any mention of Lola in the interview, so Tori also doesn't want to talk about how her Soul Mate walked out on a 5 month old. Unless I'm forgetting them mentioning her. 


I think it was at TWOP in the threads for the Hoarder shows that people said that they'd watch the show, and they'd find that they had to clean while watching because the show made them anxious not to end up surrounded by filth and trash. I picture Mary Jo and Charlie watching this show, especially the last episode and frantically cleaning out their closets and junk drawers. I'd love a People's Couch type show where we can watch them watch True Tori together, but I'm sure there is no chance of that happening.

  • Love 2

Well, alrighty, that episode was certainly entertaining.


So, just to make sure I have this straight, in Tori-Ville, Dean is not allowed to have any enjoyment out of life at all, not even a simple bicycle ride, because he is not financially supporting the family right now.


Rhetorical question, Tori...Has Dean EVER financially supported the family?   I mean, sure, he did a series before he met you and he co-starred in that godawful Lifetime movie with you where the two of you met, but...Seriously?  Why not just admit you're punishing him (and apparently will continue to punish him) for that little interlude with the notorious Emily Goodhand?


For fuck's sake, Tori, either forgive the man and move forward or cut him loose.  To deprive someone you supposedly "love" of any minuscule joy in life is cruel.  Even if that person is Dean, whom I abhor.  She's taking bitter and spiteful and vindictive to entirely new levels.  


I remember Kathie Lee Gifford making Frank pay for his transgression over and over again when she agreed to stay with him and I thought she was perfectly awful to Frank, but her public humiliation of Frank pales in comparison to Tori's humiliation of Dean.  


BONUS:  My DVR picked up "True Tori:  True Confessions" last night.  


I was gagging on my pastrami, but what an absolutely riveting hot mess this "True Confessions" was.


It was, however, amazingly enlightening in one regard.  Dean was going on and on about his huge crush on Tori all through her 90210 days.


My (non-professional) opinion?


Dean fell in love with Donna Martin...But he ended up with the trainwreck known as Tori Spelling.  Some people really have no ability to separate a television character from the real-life person portraying the character, I think Dean got wrapped up with Tori thinking he was getting the character he had been infatuated with over the years.


Sadly, for Dean, it's 4 kids too late to unring that particular bell.

  • Love 4

I am not a fan of Dean either but I am on the "Free Dean" wagon. Man, he comes home super stoked from a Therapist meeting (and the bike ride) and she turns that nasty look on him. I have a feeling the therapist gave him some postives for staying sober 9 months and listened to Dean describe the crap he gets from Tori and maybe gave him some empathy. He had a good, positive day. Meanwhile she had -- did we ever hear why she had a bad day?


Like many others here I'm on Team Nobody but I understood (or think I do) Tori's exasperation over Dean's enthusiasm over yet another solo 'hobby' and by solo I mean doesn't include his wife or kids.  Before the bike riding it was racing motorcycles and before that it was scuba diving and each activity he had to be all in and by all in I mean going at it like it was a J.O.B. -  full time with the latest equipment, the best instruction, having to master whatever it was in a month.  Even the cooking thing required him attending a professional culinary school and outfitting a chef's kitchen for himself, all within a few months time - although that did lead to a few paying gigs. 


Forget the expense of all these "hobbies" (which clearly Tori has not and now seems to resent) what guy with a more often than not pregnant wife and one two three four small children at home has that kind of free time?   Just one kind in my book: a douchebag like Dean that's who.  I'm not saying he has to financially support everyone but if Tori is, then he needs to do his part on the homefront and you can't do that if you are obsessed with  becoming a master-certified scuba diver, professional motorcycle racer, or Olympic-level cyclist. 


So, just to make sure I have this straight, in Tori-Ville, Dean is not allowed to have any enjoyment out of life at all, not even a simple bicycle ride, because he is not financially supporting the family right now.


So in my opinion, it wasn't like Dean just took his bike out of storage for a spin after work or came home and mowed the lawn or something.  It was yet another Dean McDermott obsession that not only Tori pays for but doesn't include his wife or his kids.   Dean isn't into biking because he wants to buy a couple of baby bike seats and take family bike rides with his kids on Saturdays.  No, he has a biking partner - and he wants to start training again like some kind of Olympic athlete!   I almost felt sorry for Tori - except this can't be new information to her; she probably thought it would change and now seven years and four kids later she's exhausted and has had enough. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

Does anyone here remember the one interview Charlie did after Tori left him? It was on a TV talk show that only lasted one season. I think seeing that interview was what set me on my "I really don't care for Tori" path. Charlie seemed so kind, normal, sane. And completely shocked by Tori dumping him. And that she had that quack therapist do it for her. I'm so thrilled he didn't agree to be on camera for this. At the time he did that interview, he said he was going to say his piece and then be done with it. And as far as I know, he kept his word.  Even during the interview, he really didn't slam Tori. He mentioned that Candy and Aaron weren't the warmest people in the world. I felt so bad for him, I think he really loved her.


I want to thank everyone in this forum. I have a confession. I'd have a Jenna Maroney rage stroke if I watched a True Tori episode before reading the snark here. It makes it bearable for me.


That and the great potato debate showing up on The Soup.

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i admit I am not a consistent watcher of this show (but I do come here for the total snark on the regular).  Anyhoo, did I read correctly that Tori's therapist was the one that broke the news to Charlie that Tori was dumping him?   Ummmm.  What in the seven Hells?  Sheer fucknuttery going on there.  What therapist would be okay with that?  Wouldn't a professional therapist worth his/her salt encourage their client to do his/her own "wet work"?  I mean, damn, in the spirit of self-healing, emotionally moving foward, going through the initial emotional pain in order to move past it, and so on.  Seriously.  Tori's therapist should be profoundly ashamed.


Dr. Wexler?  (is that this quack's name?  Not sure).  Why would this therapist enable Tori by allowing Tori to have someone else announce the break-up of Tori's marriage?  Yeah, that's emotionally healthy.  The entire concept is so bizarre and unprofessional to me.  Why didn't the therapist tell Tori she would have to tell her husband she wanted a divorce (like a real grown-up) and not run away.  If Tori needed pointers, suggestions, direction, or practice/role-playing in order to do that, THOSE are the kind of things the good doctor should be offering.  Blows me away that this therapist is practicing.

  • Love 2

i admit I am not a consistent watcher of this show (but I do come here for the total snark on the regular).  Anyhoo, did I read correctly that Tori's therapist was the one that broke the news to Charlie that Tori was dumping him?   Ummmm.  What in the seven Hells?  Sheer fucknuttery going on there.  What therapist would be okay with that?  Wouldn't a professional therapist worth his/her salt encourage their client to do his/her own "wet work"?  I mean, damn, in the spirit of self-healing, emotionally moving foward, going through the initial emotional pain in order to move past it, and so on.  Seriously.  Tori's therapist should be profoundly ashamed.


Dr. Wexler?  (is that this quack's name?  Not sure).  Why would this therapist enable Tori by allowing Tori to have someone else announce the break-up of Tori's marriage?  Yeah, that's emotionally healthy.  The entire concept is so bizarre and unprofessional to me.  Why didn't the therapist tell Tori she would have to tell her husband she wanted a divorce (like a real grown-up) and not run away.  If Tori needed pointers, suggestions, direction, or practice/role-playing in order to do that, THOSE are the kind of things the good doctor should be offering.  Blows me away that this therapist is practicing.

Not only did Dr. Wexler break the news of Tori leaving Charlie to him, but, according to Tori and Dr. W, Tori hasn't spoken to Charlie since and she hasn't discussed him in therapy either. When Tori brought up her plan to meet with Charlie, Dr. W was basically like, "Oh yeah, what ever happened with him?" If that's true (I assume that both Tori and Dr. W lie a lot about what they've really discussed in therapy), it's mind blowing that Tori's "therapist" would enable such cluelessness. Even setting aside Tori's moral obligation to her husband when she decided to end the marriage, OBVIOUSLY, she would need to explore what was going on with her when she met some guy on a film shoot, had sex with him on the first night, planned for them both to leave their spouses to be together, and had her therapist dump her kind, supportive, caretaking husband for her because she just couldn't deal. Seriously, WTF?!?!

  • Love 2

Charlie didn't normally attend Tori's sessions. In the interview he gave, he talked about how distant she was once she got back from Canada and how she didn't want to sleep with him. She told him she had migraines. So after a few days, he told her he was planning a romantic night for them. Next thing you know, he gets a call from Tori asking him to join her at the Quack's. And yes, the Quack told him that Tori didn't want to be married to him anymore. And the Quack also told him "I bet you want to take Tori and leave here so you can talk her out of it, and I've advised her that that's not healthy." I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist. The Quack took a very active role in the Charlie/Tori breakup.


Like I said above, I saw Charlie's interview on this and I believed him 100%.

  • Love 4

Charlie didn't normally attend Tori's sessions. In the interview he gave, he talked about how distant she was once she got back from Canada and how she didn't want to sleep with him. She told him she had migraines. So after a few days, he told her he was planning a romantic night for them. Next thing you know, he gets a call from Tori asking him to join her at the Quack's. And yes, the Quack told him that Tori didn't want to be married to him anymore. And the Quack also told him "I bet you want to take Tori and leave here so you can talk her out of it, and I've advised her that that's not healthy." I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist. The Quack took a very active role in the Charlie/Tori breakup.


Like I said above, I saw Charlie's interview on this and I believed him 100%.


Well. Just what Tori needs--an enabler posing as a therapist.

  • Love 4

Charlie didn't normally attend Tori's sessions. In the interview he gave, he talked about how distant she was once she got back from Canada and how she didn't want to sleep with him. She told him she had migraines. So after a few days, he told her he was planning a romantic night for them. Next thing you know, he gets a call from Tori asking him to join her at the Quack's. And yes, the Quack told him that Tori didn't want to be married to him anymore. And the Quack also told him "I bet you want to take Tori and leave here so you can talk her out of it, and I've advised her that that's not healthy." I'm paraphrasing but that's the gist. The Quack took a very active role in the Charlie/Tori breakup.

Like I said above, I saw Charlie's interview on this and I believed him 100%.

That's so sad. And why didn't Toris therapist tell Tori to do it. If you cheat and want to end your marriage have the balls to go to your spouse and tell them you want to end it. I feel bad for charlie. Doesn't Tori realize how she hurt him? And the same with Dean. When a spouse cheats and divorces you for the other person that has to feel like a punch in the stomach. Do these people care about anyone but themselves? Now imagine if Dean took Tori to his therapist and the therapist told Tori that Dean doesn't want her anymore and wants a divorce. What selfish people

Dr. Wexler may have thought this show would bring her the popularity needed for her to get her own show. Again, another big backfire. Anyone who gives her money for advice needs to have their head examined. By someone else.

What can she possibly offer? She seems to take whatever side offers her the most money or fame

  • Love 1

What is it with Dean and the sex-toy gifts?  Didn't he "gift" Tori with astro-glide, or anal lube once?  God, he is gross.



Ew.  Oh hell.  Astro glide?  Anal lube?  Migraines?  20153231 kids and pets?  69603284932 Tori's phobias and 8 pounds of Tori's bones and flesh and half a stomach full of ulcers.....okay add lbs for that.... 12 pounds of Tori.  I don't know about you but I'm turned on.  {I bought a new lamp.}


Hey, I once tweeted Dean.  He wanted to meet me to beat my ass.  It was bizarre.  Going back to the timeline, he was fucking high and loaded.  He threatened me.  I was looking around saying "really?"  Calm down Mr. Gormet Dad.  Two weeks later Miss Goodhand gave him apparently a good hand.  Dude has some issues too.  See ya all in 2017.  Next it will  be Miss Lefthand.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 3

Hey, I once tweeted Dean.  He wanted to meet me to beat my ass.  It was bizarre.  Going back to the timeline, he was fucking high and loaded.  He threatened me.  I was looking around saying "really?"  Calm down Mr. Gormet Dad.  Two weeks later Miss Goodhand gave him apparently a good hand.  Dude has some issues too.  See ya all in 2017.  Next it will  be Miss Lefthand.


OMG! You're not the guy he challenged to a MMA fight, are you? 


Yes, there was once a time after the whole motorcycle thing that Dean was trying to become a mixed martial artist. Tori apparently had everyone decked out in gym gear because of that. 

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The more I think about Tori being in theraoy for 20 years (if it's true) the more mind boggling it is. I've been in therapy. I've seen various therapists. I've done group & couples & individual. My kids have been in therapy. The goal, as I've understood it, from each therapist I've worked with is to expose & deal with issues to find a way to process them & eventually live a full life without constant therapy. Sure maybe a tuneup now & then or a brief stint to address a new or retriggered issue, but not forever. My goodness I have a friend who had a horrific childhood full of abuse so vile it turns your stomach. After several years of therapy she started spacing sessions out over another few years & eventually stopped except for going back if big life changes occur because she knows they can remind her of trauma. Yes I know Tori had a screwed up childhood with love shown in odd ways that probably warped her perception of love, but c'mon if 20 years of therapy hasn't made a dent in her issues she either (a) isn't being honest (b) doesn't really want help © has a quack enabler for a therapist or (d) all of the above. I'm guessing D. So with all that said I'm still firmly on Team Lizard!

  • Love 4

I don't think Tori wants to "expose & deal with issues to find a way to process them & eventually live a full life without constant therapy." I think she sees therapy as a means to get emotional support for her innumerable struggles in life. The therapist's role is to go, "OMG, Tori! That is so hard for you! Are you ok? Is there something I can do to make things easier for you (like dump your husband)?" I have no respect for any therapist who would do sessions on TV, but it's particularly appalling with Dr. Wexler because she's supposedly been working with Tori for real for at least the better part of a decade. It would be bad enough if she were just some famewhore "doctor" Tori hired for the show, but participating in this mess when she knows the depth of Tori's real issues and supposedly has been and will continue to be working on them with Tori is insane. If the televised sessions are any indication, Dr. Wexler doesn't actually analyze anything Tori says or offer any suggestions for how Tori can change her actions or her thinking. Tori whines about whatever she's upset about and Dr. Famewhore commiserates. That's it. With Dean in the mix, Dr. Famewhore will also go, "Dean, do you understand why it's important that you do what Tori wants? Dean, do you understand how Tori feels?"


Though I assume that they're lying and keeping secrets about everything, there's been no indication that Dr. Wexler ever raised any concerns about Tori's relationship with Dean despite the CLEARLY CONCERNING way they began the relationship. I would think that just the act of jumping from one "lifelong" relationship to another within the span of a day would be something a real therapist would highlight and explore. Tori woke up one morning married to Charlie and went to bed that night "soul mated" with Dean. She acts like that is perfectly reasonable, even now when the whole thing has blown up in her face. Dr. W seems to just go along with that, the way she went along with ending Tori's marriage for her as if that was reasonable. It seems that any discussion of Tori's eating disorder, hoarding, etc., etc. is also off limits. I would say that doing that type of "therapy" for years would probably make one's issues worse, not better. On the rare occasions when people in Tori's life tell her the truth about anything, she can run to "therapy" to be reassured that there's nothing wrong with her and that anyone who makes her feel bad is mean and stupid and just doesn't understand.

  • Love 8

It seems to me that Tori felt "alone" after meeting with Charlie because maybe -- MAYBE (although I doubt it), she realizes she messed up in leaving him. She said herself that Charlie loved her and was a 'good man.' My two cents arm-chair psychology is that the healthy, loving relationship with him felt uncomfortable for her. Her parents were cold and distant, so someone who was devoted to her didn't feel right.
She actually did love him, but the excitement of being with someone who was untrustworthy (Dean) was mistaken for 'true love.' Someone who left her feeling unsure and unsteady (as if he would cheat at any moment) felt 'right,' because her mother was so unloving towards her.
When Dean asked her if she regretted leaving Charlie, her response was "No, because then I wouldn't have my babies." It wasn't, "No, because I love you."
This is the stuff Dr. Wexler should be getting Tori to discover on her own.

  • Love 7

I don't think Tori loved Charlie because if she did she would have given him a second thought during the 9(?) years since she had her "therapist" dump him for her. In this episode she said that she's felt bad about how she hurt Charlie every day since then, but that is clearly a lie. Tori was a total asshole when she left him, giving gleeful interviews slamming Charlie and Mary Jo and crowing about how she and Dean were soul mates. By her own admission, she has never called or written or made any attempt to apologize to Charlie until doing so for her "reality" show. I'm sure that the producers or whoever involved with the show suggested that she meet with Charlie and Mary Jo this season and that's her real motivation, not wanting to make amends for the hurt she's caused. In reality, Tori STILL doesn't feel bad for any part of what she did when she and Dean got together. Whenever someone brings any of that up and suggests that maybe she was wrong or asks why she did it, she gets this exasperated expression and says some version of, "Of course I feel bad [eye roll], but Dean and I found our soul mates and we had to be together..." It's annoying to her that people don't get the whole soul mate thing and understand that that excuses any kind of bad behavior on her part. Even when Dean asked her whether she was crying after her meeting with Charlie because she felt guilty, she was like, [exasperated eye roll] "Obviously, I feel bad, but [really this is all about me and my pain]."



When Dean asked her if she regretted leaving Charlie, her response was "No, because then I wouldn't have my babies." It wasn't, "No, because I love you."

I saw that as an obvious passive-aggressive dig at Dean. She was hoping to make him feel jealous/inadequate/threatened by her meeting with Charlie the same way she would be HYSTERICAL if Dean met with Mary Jo to discuss their relationship. That effort was a huge fail because Dean doesn't give a fuck and would probably give his left testicle to get Charlie or anyone else to take Tori off his hands. She pointedly didn't say she she doesn't regret leaving Charlie because she loves Dean in order to put that implication out there. If Dean ever said he didn't regret leaving Mary Jo because of his kids, Tori would have 68 nervous breakdowns and the National Guard would have to be called out to get the situation under control.


I think Tori is probably somewhat rueful about having dumped a guy who treated her well and was a decent person for Dean, but I think she does love the chaos and drama of being in a relationship with someone like Dean. When they first got together I'm sure he said all the right things to make her feel sexy and exciting and once he realized she was looking for a "fairy tale" I'm sure he ran with that. Tori probably felt like she was "winning" taking this sexy, good-looking (in her mind) guy away from his attractive wife and 2 kids. It "proved" that he really loved her and that they were "soul mates," yet he wasn't a "boring" nice guy like Charlie who was "easy to get" (in her mind). Dean was exciting and passionate and willing to make grand gestures and destroy his family for the intense connection he had with Tori. Tori has talked about dating assholes when she was younger, guys who used her for money and beat down her (already low) self-esteem. It sounds like Charlie was a departure from that, a nice, stable, caring guy who "made sense," but never excited her like the bad boys. I think she saw the "challenge" in Dean that likely drew her to the asshole types, but she convinced herself that he was also mature and stable and madly in love with her enough to be a suitable father and husband. Once she locked herself into this "We're soul mates! McDermott Baby Farm!" thing, she had to stick with it to prove everyone wrong and, hopefully, eventually achieve the fairy tale of the bad boy husband who was tamed by his love for her. It's childish and crazy, but Tori's childish and crazy.

  • Love 9


When Dean asked her if she regretted leaving Charlie, her response was "No, because then I wouldn't have my babies." It wasn't, "No, because I love you."


This?  Was so telling, right along with Dean telling her that her insecurities were her problem, not his earlier.  And the look on Dean's face when she said it....wonder if quitting the show began to percolate in his mind then.


Randy was on Oprah's Where Are They Now? show last night....I came away very impressed by him.  First of all, I never found him attractive but he seems to have grown into his looks, with a goatee and finally a decent haircut.  Anyway, he now lives in Oregon with his wife and two daughters in a nice house.  He is a life coach and seems very happy with his life.  In other words Tori, while he was initially slightly disappointed with the $800,000 he received from dear old departed Dad, he put on his grown up pants and provided for his family without whining and crying!

Edited by Vixenstud
  • Love 4

I about fell.out.of.my.chair. regarding Tori's hoarding, er, storage issue.  Are you effing kidding me?  Anyone?  Really?  I don't know which blows my mind more, the fact that Tori has serious Def-Con 5 hoarding issues or as one poster mentioned up thread that Tori's been in therapy for 20 years and steps to tackle the 2 decades long hoarding issue have not been tackled?  Dr. Wexler I'm looking at you right now.


God, where is Niecey Nash & Company from "Clean House" when you need them?  Anyone remember that show?  They'd rent an abandoned or empty warehouse in town, advertise, and hold a huge warehouse sale full of all the hoarder's non-essential crap that they were holding on to.  I realize Tori's situation is much bigger than that but even if Tori hired a couple of professional organizers and rented a place she could probably sell her 127 crates of shit over 6-8 weekends.  And hell yes, storage fees are expensive.  Tori's not lying when she says her storage fees are equivalent to a monthly mortgage payment.


At the end of the day I am flabbergasted that Wexler hasn't pointed out the fact to Tori that all the unnecessary crap she's holding onto for the sake of "memories" is costing her thousands of thousands of dollars.  The "Clean House" people don't play the "But they are MEMORIES" game.  They say "FINE.  You want memories?  We're gonna take a photo of each and every one of these items.  Then we're gonna put them into a damned photo album and any time you get nostalgic or want a memory you just open this here book!" (said in my sassiest, hair-flower wearing Niecey Nash voice).


I've watched my fair share of "Hoarders" (when I need a kick in the butt to handle a particular cleaning or organizing task) and the sad reality of people like Tori is that they don't even KNOW what the HELL they have stored in their sea or mountain of bins that they've been accumulating over the years.  I want Tori to purge all of her crap, free up boat loads of money per month, oceans full of emotional pain and move on from it.  Keep it moving.  Forward motion - and what a monkey off her back!  Tori would feel so lifted.  What a waste.  Gives me the sads.  What the hell is wrong with Wexler?  Uggh.  I'm infuriated to even call her "Doctor".


About 15-16 yrs. ago I decided to move abroad for what was supposed to be one year.  I had some stuff stored in my parent's basement, attic, etc. and they said "Uh, No.  Get your junk outta here".  Not knowing squat about storage I went out and rented a non-climate controlled small storage facility for $32 a month.  EIGHT YEARS LATER (and 3 grand later) when I pulled my stuff out of storage 90% of the "memory-making, important, essential BS" I had in there (no clothing or furniture with fabric, no photos either) smelled like mold anyway! and had to be tossed out.  The remaining stuff that was salvageable?  I took one look at the tiny pile left over and said "Why the hell was I keeping this again? and that little pile of junk that was left over cost me $3,000 on top of that?"  Not to mention all the man hours I took packing things just right, getting a truck, recruiting friends and family to help move the stuff to the storage facility and then having to do that all over again when I cleared everything out.  Wow.  EPIC FAIL AND BIG WASTE.  Hard lesson learned but I learned it.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 9

Looks like this Tuesday's episode might be the one where the snake finally eats its own tail. Tori returns from her meeting with Mary Jo and Dean flips out calling Mary Jo crazy, delusional, manipulative, and finally breaking the 4th wall by flipping the viewing audience the double-bird. What a big bloated baby. I suspect this is why Mary Jo finally relented to be on the show (that and the $10K). She knew Dean was going to have a toddler-tantrum reaction to her scene (either scripted or real).

I feel so bad for his teenage son having to endure this humiliation for now a second - and i hope final - season.

  • Love 6
I don't think Tori wants to "expose & deal with issues to find a way to process them & eventually live a full life without constant therapy." I think she sees therapy as a means to get emotional support for her innumerable struggles in life. The therapist's role is to go, "OMG, Tori! That is so hard for you! Are you ok? Is there something I can do to make things easier for you (like dump your husband)?"


I totally agree. She's not in therapy to fix her problems, she's in therapy so people will know she HAS problems and feel oh-so-sorry for her.


I don't think Tori loved Charlie because if she did she would have given him a second thought during the 9(?) years since she had her "therapist" dump him for her.


Agreed again. I don't think Tori was upset after the meeting because she felt bad for hurting him and/or realized she had made a huge mistake. I think she was upset that Charlie wasn't all, "Tori, my love, I have missed you every day since you left and I will forgive it all if you just come back to me". Charlie is probably quite over her, and that sucks in her narcissistic mind. 

  • Love 6

The more I think about it (which is a sad statement on my life) the more I think Tori also has a compulsive shopping addiction. I have a family member who does. It's incredible in its hugeness. She gets high from the buy, not the stuff itself. The stuff piles up & is stored in ever increasing houses & outbuildings. I benefit from occasional product dumps but it's all so sad. I've been a part of an intervention & there have been multiple ones, but nothing has stuck. She has the money available to do this & not feel it. That's why I question how "strapped" T & D are. Either that are they're living on the edge of financial collapse because Tori has not slowed down on the spending it seems.

  • Love 4

Wait a doggone minute--Tori's brother is a life coach???  Ha, now that is the definition of irony!  

PTV Masses - This is the sound of me repeatedly BANGING my head against the wall.  Oy.  And this is the sound of me sobbing quietly in profound sadness and empathy for the entire Mc Dermott/Spelling household (but you can't hear that).

Looks like this Tuesday's episode might be the one where the snake finally eats its own tail. Tori returns from her meeting with Mary Jo and Dean flips out calling Mary Jo crazy, delusional, manipulative, and finally breaking the 4th wall by flipping the viewing audience the double-bird. What a big bloated baby. I suspect this is why Mary Jo finally relented to be on the show (that and the $10K). She knew Dean was going to have a toddler-tantrum reaction to her scene (either scripted or real).

I feel so bad for his teenage son having to endure this humiliation for now a second - and i hope final - season.

Seriously - this show is on Lifetime, correct?  What time tomorrow night?  I will be watching this in real time instead of watching "On Demand" in a week or so.  Thanks to poster  Thula for the heads-up.

Edited by beesknees
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The more I think about it (which is a sad statement on my life) the more I think Tori also has a compulsive shopping addiction. I have a family member who does. It's incredible in its hugeness. She gets high from the buy, not the stuff itself. The stuff piles up & is stored in ever increasing houses & outbuildings. I benefit from occasional product dumps but it's all so sad. I've been a part of an intervention & there have been multiple ones, but nothing has stuck. She has the money available to do this & not feel it. That's why I question how "strapped" T & D are. Either that are they're living on the edge of financial collapse because Tori has not slowed down on the spending it seems.

I think it's pretty clear that Tori has a compulsive shopping/spending problem. In the scene where she brought the stuff home from Office Depot I didn't think the issue was really whether or not she'd make good use of the stuff (I'm sure it's collecting dust in her storage room now), but that she was in the midst of a manic episode when she bought it. Dean didn't even say anything and she launched into justifying the purchases, saying she knew she had bought a lot of stuff but they had to make a big commitment to getting more organized (which doesn't even make sense). She and Dean complain publicly about their financial problems, but she still throws elaborate, expensive parties and does stuff like rent a holiday beach house for $20K a month and spend $7K a month on storage units to hoard all of the stuff she's bought over the last 20 years. I'm sure she buys expensive clothes and other basic items for herself and the kids as well. That's what she's used to and I'm sure that seems "normal" to her and she would feel very deprived to have buy her kids' clothes at Target or whatever. Tori feels like she's been slumming it living in 7-figure homes and having multiple nannies. She has no realistic conception of money, which she blames on her wealthy upbringing, but lots of other rich kids, including her brother, have eventually learned to live a "normal" lifestyle. Tori feels so entitled to be provided for and so angry at her mom for not doing so that she will never learn to live within her means. Instead, she focuses on trying to build her own Spelling empire and lashing out at Dean, Candy, and whomever else for not giving her what she "deserves" and what "her father would want her to have." The thing is, living within her means would mean enjoying what most people consider an upper-middle class lifestyle.

  • Love 3

That's why I question how "strapped" T & D are. Either that are they're living on the edge of financial collapse because Tori has not slowed down on the spending it seems.

Tori and Dean are Hollywood broke not normal people broke. She makes good money, but not enough to live the dream life she wants and once had. She wants to be an irl Donna Martin and have side gigs and play around but still have family money to fall back on.

If they lived in somewhere like Wyoming with their money she could probably OWN, not rent, a mansion. But of course, that's not ~glamorous~.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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OMG! You're not the guy he challenged to a MMA fight, are you? 


Yes, there was once a time after the whole motorcycle thing that Dean was trying to become a mixed martial artist. Tori apparently had everyone decked out in gym gear because of that. 



LOL - NO!  You mean he did it to someone else too?  No!  He knew I was a woman!  He wanted me to meet him.  He said he would normally block me but he wanted me to meet him so I can "say it to my {his} face".  I said, okay, since I'm a woman, I'll bring my two boys with me is that okay?  He said "bring it".  I was laughing my head off. All I tweeted was I agreed with someone who said the picture with him and Stella naked in the shower was gross.  Stella's head came up to his "junk" if he would have turned around -otherwise, she was looking at his ass.  It was so inappropriate.  He wanted me to say it to his face...I tweeted back ~ I said "to which head will I be speaking to?"


He removed the picture and all of the comments, including mine, too.  Dang, I wish Miss Goodhand would have already been revealed at that time.  THAT would have been fun. 

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 9

LOL - NO!  You mean he did it to someone else too?  No!  He knew I was a woman!  He wanted me to meet him.  He said he would normally block me but he wanted me to meet him so I can "say it to my {his} face".  I said, okay, since I'm a woman, I'll bring my two boys with me is that okay?  He said "bring it".  I was laughing my head off. All I tweeted was I agreed with someone who said the picture with him and Stella naked in the shower was gross.  Stella's head came up to his "junk" if he would have turned around -otherwise, she was looking at his ass.  It was so inappropriate.  He wanted me to say it to his face...I tweeted back ~ I said "to which head will I be speaking to?"


He removed the picture and all of the comments, including mine, too.  Dang, I wish Miss Goodhand would have already been revealed at that time.  THAT would have been fun.




Yup. There was a guy he was fighting with and Deano challenged him to an MMA fight. Twitter fighting seems to be a specialty these days with him,. And yuk with that picture of Stella! How old was she in that?


Granny responds to Tori....




If Candy had handed Tori $10 million, it would already be spent. The things they don't tell you on this show are very telling on the screen. The rental home they're in is very large. Tori is freaking out about money but they rent a beach house in Malibu for a MONTH. Tori has a warehouse full of expensive crap and is an obvious hoarder. Dean has super expensive hobbies. The two of them have no finanical control. Candy is right to ask to send the kids' tuitions straight to the school.


I also noticed that all we see Tori doing is wandering the house, hanging out with friends, and taking to the bed. In past series, she had multiple businesses going. Obviously Mystery Girls didn't go well or Tori would be going somewhere to film and they would show that. As for Dean, he was always dead weight. Host of Chopped Canada can't pay all that well.


Oh, and how were Tori and Dean having sex every single day at the beach with no nanny around to watch the kids? Where are the kids when Tori and Dean are taking to the bed for migraines if there is supposedly no help around?

  • Love 3

If Candy had handed Tori $10 million, it would already be spent. The things they don't tell you on this show are very telling on the screen. The rental home they're in is very large. Tori is freaking out about money but they rent a beach house in Malibu for a MONTH. Tori has a warehouse full of expensive crap and is an obvious hoarder. Dean has super expensive hobbies. The two of them have no finanical control. Candy is right to ask to send the kids' tuitions straight to the school.


I also noticed that all we see Tori doing is wandering the house, hanging out with friends, and taking to the bed. In past series, she had multiple businesses going. Obviously Mystery Girls didn't go well or Tori would be going somewhere to film and they would show that. As for Dean, he was always dead weight. Host of Chopped Canada can't pay all that well.


Oh, and how were Tori and Dean having sex every single day at the beach with no nanny around to watch the kids? Where are the kids when Tori and Dean are taking to the bed for migraines if there is supposedly no help around?

Tori was talking about how if she sold all the stuff in her storage units she could buy her kids a "forever home" & I thought, "just take the damn money you're using for rent & put a down payment on something", it's so stupid, how can they not have figured out that they money they're paying out every month can go towards a mortgage as easily as it goes for rent?


Mystery Girls was canceled, so no filming for Tori.

  • Love 2

The way I understood it, Tori and her friend were saying that if she sold all the stuff in storage she'd have enough for a down payment on a house and the $7K she's spending on the storage units every month could be used to make mortgage payments. So she's choosing the storage units/hoarding over a "forever home" for her family, but she's in therapy to vent her angst over DEAN CHEATING and to make sure that he understands how he ruined everything by CHEATING ON HER.


I haven't followed all of their moves and I didn't watch their shows for a few years, so I don't understand why they moved out of the home they owned to rent a bunch of different houses. Was that ever explained? I vaguely remember that back during the early reality TV years they owned a house and sold it to buy another. When Candy recently said on some talk show that she has helped them financially she specifically mentioned buying them a house in Malibu. So why is Tori whining about not having a home and why are they renting?


When Candy recently said on some talk show that she has helped them financially she specifically mentioned buying them a house in Malibu. So why is Tori whining about not having a home and why are they renting?


I read her book about some of their moves, but to tell you the truth, nothing really stuck with me so I'm winging it here.  I think I remember that Tori decided on a whim that she needed a house with a few acres for the chickens and goats she wanted to raise.  Her mother helped them buy a small house in Malibu with some a few acres because they had not yet sold the house they were living in.  After living on the "farm" for about 10 minutes, Tori decided it was too small for their family so they moved again, this time to a rental because now they had to sell the house in Malibu.  Like I said, I'm not 100% sure of the timeline but its something like this.  She mentioned that each move and sale of a house has cost them a few million (yes, each move).  

  • Love 1

Wait a doggone minute--Tori's brother is a life coach???  Ha, now that is the definition of irony!  

Life Coaches are not licensed mental health professionals.  That said, I have no idea how Wexler still has a license to practice in California.  As a professional, I still can't wrap my head around Wexler breaking up with the first husband for Tori.

  • Love 2

Yup. There was a guy he was fighting with and Deano challenged him to an MMA fight. Twitter fighting seems to be a specialty these days with him,. And yuk with that picture of Stella! How old was she in that?

Hot dang I wish I would have seen this.  I would have copied my tweets and Dean's responses to Radar.  "Dean wants to take down a girl."  Like, that is a surprise!   Lil Miss Goodhand must of tweeted him and stupid girl - talked to the second head. 


Re: Showergate ;)

Stella was old enough to  where her head was looking at his ass in the shower.  It was so disgusting.  I mean - turn around and there is his junk.  It was on Tori's twitter too and her website.  It's been taken down.  http://thestir.cafemom.com/big_kid/153100/tori_spelling_dean_mcdermotts_family




"Considering the 2 oldest are already seeing to much & wanting to mimic the parents it is a bad idea!

A year or so ago Tori also thought this was cute & tweeted it. She said she heard Stella say to Liam "Let's rub wiener and vagina together. Come on! That's what mama and Daddy do!"

She quickly removed it after immediate backlash.

There is a discussion (and a screenshot) of it in the comments here:


Edited by Lablover27
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I have a question burning in my brain...

Just exactly HOW long has Tori been in "therapy" with this Wexler person?!

I'm coming up with... 9 years?!

That's a looooong time to pay somebody to help you work through your issues... And still have the same issues.

ETA: I read closer... 20 years? TWENTY YEARS! Alrighty, then.

Edited by kelm
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