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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I like Rory. Maybe one day he can sign up for the Salem PD.

Nicole is coming across as a special snowflake. Daniel has been dead for almost 1.5 years.  She needs to let go of the pain she still carries. Eric is going to be around - unless she moves to another city. Maybe some grief counselling with someone who is not Marlena.

Jade, why are you hanging around the Bradys? Maybe do give your mom a call and work toward some sort of connection with her. Once Tripp realizes that you conned him, you probably will have nowhere to go.

Deimos the Candyman? A bit too neat and tied with a bow.

Chloe, staying in Salem isn't a good idea and neither is packing up and moving to be with your parents and the kid you haven't seen for a bit.

  • Love 2

I'm torn between being a long time Rory fan and listening to more of Nicole s hysteria that woke me up today. She's even spoiled the name holly for me the way she used to say Daniel nonstop.  To this day I mostly refer to my son as my son and baby when he was a baby.  All this holly makes her sound like a peer.  Don't get me started on the island rescue where Jawn and Mar just happened on the island and forget about Paul we have a cure. 

On 6/19/2017 at 1:07 PM, NorthstarATL said:

GOD, yes! The kid comes to town, pretty much broke, has had a fairly rough life but managed a degree, has decent chemistry with the folks playing his family members, and all the writers can think of is to have him obsess about a clearly deranged mother whom he never knew, and believe a wisp of a girl with an axe to grind that the woman who has shown him nothing but kindness when many others in her position might have given him the cold shoulder is responsible for that mother's murder and that he is now willing to team with wispy girl to destroy the welcoming woman's career? Such a waste. We didn't even get an epi or two of him adjusting to the new wealth nor have we been provided with a reworked set for the new apartment. I wonder if they are thinking of this just being a Kayla-in-jeopardy storyline and writing him out when it's done?

I don't think this is a Kayla storyline at all... all she gets to do is wax rhapsodically over how her husband's love child with a psychopath is the best thing that ever happened to her.  It's so gross, when he mocks her behind her back.  With how easily he believed lies about her, and has no empathy for what his mother put her through, I can't imagine ever believing any kind of familial relationship between them.  And when was the last time she had scenes with Joey?  With Tripp's Ava obsession, they've really missed the boat on using the Joey/Kayla angle as a foil.

I hope Tripp takes a major fall for everything he's done, but I suspect they will put it all on Jade.  At the very least, after conspiring to tamper with medical records, he cannot be a doctor.  This story has pretty well killed the last part of the show I cared about, the Johnson family dynamic, but it would start to help if Steve would disown him.

Edited by lska
  • Love 6
43 minutes ago, lska said:

I hope Tripp takes a major fall for everything he's done, but I suspect they will put it all on Jade.  At the very least, after conspiring to tamper with medical records, he cannot be a doctor.

Oh, I think he'll take his fair share of blame for this.  With Kayla being as popular as she is with the fans and as loved as she is among the characters, I don't see him not becoming a pariah, at least for a while.  (A long while, hopefully, to show that actions do have consequences.)  But why not let Jade take the brunt of it?  At least Tripp has a reason for this.  It's terribly misguided, to say the least, but it still is a reason.  Jade, on the flip side, has no reason at all to be doing this.  Tripp at least wanted to entertain other suspect possibilities.  Jade is the one who pushed him to center on Kayla.  So she should take the brunt of everything when this all hits the fan.

As for him not being a doctor after this . . . please remember that this is the same show that let Lexie continue practicing medicine after all of the shit she did to keep Zack and the big lie she let Sami blackmail her into telling Carrie.  I think Tripp will be fine where getting a medical license is concerned.

Edited by Star Aristille
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, lska said:

I don't think this is a Kayla storyline at all... all she gets to do is wax rhapsodically over how her husband's love child with a psychopath is the best thing that ever happened to her.  It's so gross, when he mocks her behind her back.  With how easily he believed lies about her, and has no empathy for what his mother put her through, I can't imagine ever believing any kind of familial relationship between them.  And when was the last time she had scenes with Joey?  With Tripp's Ava obsession, they've really missed the boat on using the Joey/Kayla angle as a foil.

I hope Tripp takes a major fall for everything he's done, but I suspect they will put it all on Jade.  At the very least, after conspiring to tamper with medical records, he cannot be a doctor.  This story has pretty well killed the last part of the show I cared about, the Johnson family dynamic, but it would start to help if Steve would disown him.

Oh, I agree. I just meant that the writers are doing the Tripp character no favors by having him irrationally obsessed with his dead psycho mommy, turning on a welcoming family, and believing some girl he barely knows about everything. Much of my reaction is fueled by having just met my own birth mother and her family. I had questions about my birth father, but they were not asked immediately, and he is not a factor in how I deal with them. (Granted, I don't suspect they killed him...) Tripp's willingness to toss away a REAL family for some fantasy person doesn't ring true. Also, we have no real interactions between Tripp and Jade that explain why he puts so much faith in her every word. His interactions with Steve and Kayla in observing their work and with his half-brother make him likable, but when we learn that all he's doing is cherrypicking info in order to validate Jade's story he seems just as psychotic as his mother, and maybe THAT is what they have planned for him. I cannot see him settling in at Salem at this point. Which is sad, because he might have made a decent addition to the normal cast, even if he were a bad guy by way of getting involved with his mother's family. That would be a different sort of "bad" than the current vendetta, though.

  • Love 4

I'm now fully despising Tripp for being such a gullible, stupid, vengeful idiot. Not only for falling into listless, vapid Jade's clutches, but for being able to say 'yeah, hey, my mom--who I never knew-- terrorized and tried to kill my stepmom, who has been nothing but good to me,  caused the death of stepmom's father, and oh, yeah, also essentially raped my dad, who has also been nothing but good to me. but kayla must pay for being a cold blooded murderer to my sainted mom!' with a mostly straight face. This actor isn't compelling or cute enuf to make me forgive him either. (tho next to Joey, of course, he's Daniel Day Lewis).

  • Love 13
17 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Please let me know where that good acting has gone.  :-)  I think the best actors on the show right now have some of the smallest parts - Dario comes to mind, and I always liked Victor.  But the majority of the leads are just so-so on their best days.  Kayla and Steve might be the exceptions because they are better than so-so, at least usually.  Anyone else?  Meh.

I think that generally the only ones for me are Billy Flynn and maybe some of the vets like Deidre and Mary Beth, etc.. I'm okay with Camilla and Christopher (that's Paul that is boring not CS' acting)...but Marcy is not that good (although light years ahead of Mansi, imo) and the teens are horrible (giving a little credit to the actor who plays Theo b/c he's not horrible).


16 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Yay, Rory!

I hope Rory doesn't get in trouble from Deimos.


Ditto to both. Maybe he can stay longer.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, swtrgrl said:

I think that generally the only ones for me are Billy Flynn and maybe some of the vets like Deidre and Mary Beth, etc.. I'm okay with Camilla and Christopher (that's Paul that is boring not CS' acting)...but Marcy is not that good (although light years ahead of Mansi, imo) and the teens are horrible (giving a little credit to the actor who plays Theo b/c he's not horrible).

Billy Flynn is ok, but not great IMO.  I know others disagree, but I still just don't see him as Chad, and that's my hold-up for him.  Mary Beth is good, and Kristian has her moments.  Deidre is getting worse, IMO.  Camilla is a no, with all the teens but Theo...  And Christopher doesn't get good enough material for me to even tell.  I've never seen his other show, but I hear he was good in it.  Suzanne Rogers is pretty good too, but again - no screen time.

  • Love 1

Trip had potential, but, this revenge storyline has ruined him for me.  I could understand if he grew up with Ava as his mom. He did not, so, this makes him as bad as that cretin Ava. Once again, Kayla is going to suffer something horrific over Steve.  She always gets hurt trying to make him happy and that makes me sick. I wish that the show had focused, on repairing Steve and Kayla, after his out character abandonment, instead of bringing back that demented Ava Vitali. Dena's obsession with her is outrageous. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 11

OMG, Abby is such a whiner. Girl, you left your marriage TWICE. One time it was faking your death. The 2nd was because of some attention whore thing about Gabi after Chad had already said he loved you and wanted YOU. Why are you upset he's moved on and is pushing for the divorce? You're getting remarried immediately and Chad knows that but not why. Of course, he's going to be a dick about it. It's all your fault, this situation. Jeez.
God, I hate her character.

That last Nicole/Brady/Holly scene makes me want to puke. "that's your daddy's heart. that's your daddy." Insert puke emoji here.

  • Love 10

Observations:  I know this is a soap, but really: Sonny should have a big scar on his temple, or at least a big bandage on his forehead, to reference the fact he gashed his head on the island, now he is perfectly fine?!  And why didnt the Doctor in the background call for security when Sonny & Deimos were fighting?!  The "Doctor" had a 'whatever" look on his face, bad acting by day actor, he could have least looked shocked.  So, Chloe just suddenly changes her mind and hands over Holly?!  Dont they have to go back to court and sign some official papers?!  I guess more "soapy" to have a weepy scene with both "Moms".  I did like seeing Nicole holding Holly, that baby actor is cute!  And enjoyed Chad's scenes with Thomas, again a cute little kid who has chemistry with Billy Flynn.   I know I'm watching a soap, but so many things I have to over-look :)

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Observations:  I know this is a soap, but really: Sonny should have a big scar on his temple, or at least a big bandage on his forehead, to reference the fact he gashed his head on the island, now he is perfectly fine?!  And why didnt the Doctor in the background call for security when Sonny & Deimos were fighting?!  The "Doctor" had a 'whatever" look on his face, bad acting by day actor, he could have least looked shocked.  So, Chloe just suddenly changes her mind and hands over Holly?!  Dont they have to go back to court and sign some official papers?!  I guess more "soapy" to have a weepy scene with both "Moms".  I did like seeing Nicole holding Holly, that baby actor is cute!  And enjoyed Chad's scenes with Thomas, again a cute little kid who has chemistry with Billy Flynn.   I know I'm watching a soap, but so many things I have to over-look :)

I thought it was amusing that he lost the gash on his head, but hasn't lost that eggplant coloured t-shirt that he has worn for weeks.  I kind of think someone would have brought him a change of clothes.  Chabi have changed clothes twice already.

  • Love 1

I liked the baby scenes today. Thomas obviously really likes BF and it was good that he does because he was supposed to be happy daddy was home. Little Holly also responds well to AZ and EM. The actors must spend time with the babies to get them to react that way. Kudos to the actors.

Too bad Tate couldn't have been in on the family get together though.

  • Love 6

I thought this was a pretty decent episode. 

Abby/Chad going at it over their pending divorce was a highlight.  Abby thought she won that argument when Chad called her bluff to get the divorce going.  Then he called her out about her staying in a committed relationship, let alone marriage.   Her little broken heart couldn't take that at all.  Abby truly has daddy issues how fickle she is when it comes to men.  Anyhow, MM/BF play off sooo much better in these moments than BF/KM ever did. 

Hope investigating Dario might provide angst between she and Rafe, pretending how the writing continues.

Is it just me but I swear Nicole/Brady/Daniel are in some  paranormal polygamous.  I see the writers also snuck in the line about the baby being real since the show has been using a doll for Holly for a while. 

And holy crap did my ears deceive me but Sonny and Marlena actually had a convo about Will Horton!  I mean he's been dead for like 2 seasons so this was a pleasant surprise considering the number of Daniel-bomb mentions we've gotten. 

  • Love 5

Somebody tell that actor playing the cop with Hope to stand up straight.  I guess being as tall as he is, he's used to bending over, but he made my back hurt just looking at him.

Why didn't anybody call security and have Deimos arrested for assaulting Sonny?

Abigail, you dumped Chad twice, no reason for you to be all butthurt. But Chad's dig at the end about sleeping with Dario was low.

Of course Deimos has a mole in the Salem PD.

  • Love 3

Gabi, you are headed for heartbreak, girl.  They don't have Chad verbalizing that he doesn't want Abby just that they are all going to move forward. Gabi has now assumed the role Abby was in. I guess she'll feel the sting of that soon enough. 

I have been ff Nicole's scenes. I just can't take them anymore. The only story I care about seeing her in is the one where she falls back in love with Eric, and I don't think that's likely to happen.  Sigh. 

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

Oh, I think he'll take his fair share of blame for this.  With Kayla being as popular as she is with the fans and as loved as she is among the characters, I don't see him not becoming a pariah, at least for a while.  (A long while, hopefully, to show that actions do have consequences.)  But why not let Jade take the brunt of it?  At least Tripp has a reason for this.  It's terribly misguided, to say the least, but it still is a reason.  Jade, on the flip side, has no reason at all to be doing this.  Tripp at least wanted to entertain other suspect possibilities.  Jade is the one who pushed him to center on Kayla.  So she should take the brunt of everything when this all hits the fan.

Tripp decided it was Kayla before he ever talked to Jade, though.  She lied and confirmed his theory, but Jade didn't lead him down any path that he didn't want to be on.  He's been totally gung ho about revenge, and he's the one Steve and Kayla trust for some reason.  They already dislike Jade so Tripp should play as the greater betrayal.

I think both of their characters are worthless at this point, but I don't think Tripp's reasons make any more sense than Jade's.  She's been looking for a family and felt rejected by the Johnsons.  She's delusional and she's lashing out, but that story played out on screen.  Tripp's muddled backstory, where he's some scrappy do-gooder with a heart of gold for the underdog, who also doesn't care at all about how his mother hurt people and wants to punish Kayla instead of just letting the truth be known, doesn't really add up for me. 


13 hours ago, Star Aristille said:

As for him not being a doctor after this . . . please remember that this is the same show that let Lexie continue practicing medicine after all of the shit she did to keep Zack and the big lie she let Sami blackmail her into telling Carrie.  I think Tripp will be fine where getting a medical license is concerned.

And Hope keeps getting her job back after going to prison.  It's a soap, but it's absurd to me.  And he doesn't come across as genuinely interested in it to me.

  • Love 6

Chad's head gash sure healed quickly on the flight home.  I'll get a whitehead on my nose that takes at least two weeks to get back to normal after I scratch it out!

Chloe, you finally did the right thing - at least for today. I'm sure that Nicole will let you spend tons of time with her daughter. The friendship can slowly be repaired.

Where is the Salem Hospital security?

Abigail, you are an idiot for marrying Dario so quickly. You will deserve whatever you get. Mentally and emotionally you are not ready to marry someone else. You still have tons of therapy coming to deal with your many issues. Right now, marriage isn't a good idea. Dating casually, maybe. Choose yourself for the next six months or so.

Gabi, enjoy Chad for as long as he is available to you. All this mess with your brother and Abs will eventually bring Abs back to Chad and you will lose. You don't need Eli - just someone who wants you for the right reasons.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Abigail, you dumped Chad twice, no reason for you to be all butthurt. But Chad's dig at the end about sleeping with Dario was low.


I was okay with the dig at the end. He deserved to lob one in there. She was all, "I want someone who wants only me, woe is me, blah blah fishcakes." And then she's marrying Dario. I don't blame Chad for being a dick. He wanted to make their marriage work. She didn't.


12 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

Gabi and Chad are so cute.  Their chemistry is so much better.  It's going to break my heart when they break hers.

Yeah, I'm going to be sad when Gabi gets hurt but for now I'll enjoy the cute and pretty. I especially love it when Chad and Ari are together. they make a cute little step family.


9 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Abigail, you are an idiot for marrying Dario so quickly. You will deserve whatever you get. Mentally and emotionally you are not ready to marry someone else. You still have tons of therapy coming to deal with your many issues. Right now, marriage isn't a good idea. Dating casually, maybe. Choose yourself for the next six months or so.


She's beyond mental. She's a self absorbed twit as always. She doesn't know HOW to be alone. Maybe there's another married man she can gaslight or sleep with.

  • Love 8

The writing of this show has deteriorated more than I realized.

  • For all the emotional impact that it had, the scene of Holly's return was essentially Chloe, Brady and Nicole having the longest, most pointlessly drawn-out "picking the kid up from the sitter" scene in television history;
  • Sonny and Terror Kiriakis's schoolyard shoving match in the hallway of the hospital just made them both look like blustering idiots; does no one on this show act like a grownup? Have the writers never met any adult humans?
  • Even Sonny's conversation with Marlena about moving on after losing Will felt like boxes being ticked -- this could have been really moving, and it was just ... there.
  • I don't care about Abigail, and Dario and Abigail have no chemistry -- zip, zilch, nada, niente, rien, bubkes. Dario and Gabi have more chemistry. Hell, Dario and Chad have more chemistry than Dario and Abigail, or Chad and Abigail, for that matter. And now I think the show is trying to sell me on Chad's regret and lingering feelings for Abigail. Except, uh, no. 

Thomas and Holly are cute babies. That's a vanishingly tiny bright spot.

  • Love 3

Andre cracks me up--he says that he's protective of Chad and he's going to put Gabi on notice and she better not do anything shady, but it's actually Abby who is hurting Chad the most, what with leaving him twice, leaving him at the altar during their marriage renewal ceremony, filing for divorce and marrying another man, but it's Gabi Andre's going to keep an eye on.  Got it.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Sandman said:

The writing of this show has deteriorated more than I realized.

  • Even Sonny's conversation with Marlena about moving on after losing Will felt like boxes being ticked -- this could have been really moving, and it was just ... there.
  • I don't care about Abigail, and Dario and Abigail have no chemistry -- zip, zilch, nada, niente, rien, bubkes. Dario and Gabi have more chemistry. Hell, Dario and Chad have more chemistry than Dario and Abigail, or Chad and Abigail, for that matter. And now I think the show is trying to sell me on Chad's regret and lingering feelings for Abigail. Except, uh, no. 


1. I blame Freddie's "acting" for the lack of emotional impact. Sonny moving on (especially with Paul) should be a bigger deal than it is and he should be reeling inside about it. 

2. Sign me up for a Dario/Chad coupling. LOL No seriously. I'd watch the hell out of that story. 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, swtrgrl said:

1. I blame Freddie's "acting" for the lack of emotional impact. Sonny moving on (especially with Paul) should be a bigger deal than it is and he should be reeling inside about it. 

I see what you mean, but I don't see it as acting choices (or ... non-choices) alone: Marlena's side of the conversation was equally uninspired. This kind of thing is usually right in DHer's wheelhouse; I usually can believe that Marlena has genuine and permanent affection and concern for Sonny. But here the whole thing was just flat. The direction was toneless, the writing was pedestrian, the acting lacked affect -- the whole scene felt by rote. I agree, though: Sonny's moving on, especially with Paul, should be a much, much bigger deal.

Billy Flynn doesn't need another story where he carries whole scenes by himself. And I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Flynn fan. (Sorry, swtrgrl; I know Vilasuso is something of a favourite of yours -- but that guy is a watery double helping of smirky blandness to me. Ucch.)

  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, rcc said:

CB in her scenes with LK at the end of the episode looked awful in that too tight ill-fitting dress. And to top it off she had sweaty armpits too. Anyone else notice that?

I was thinking that it didn't do much to flatter her torso, but it certainly showed off her lower assets. I didn't notice the underarm, but I did think to myself she always has great looking hair. She's classic soap actress to me. Beautiful with a decent range. 

Which leads me into this, you would think with the dearth of actual daytime soaps left on air that there would be an abundance of mid to upper range acting talent to go around. Lately, Days has really been hit or miss on their newcomers. And the misses are really awful. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Rowan said:

Which leads me into this, you would think with the dearth of actual daytime soaps left on air that there would be an abundance of mid to upper range acting talent to go around. Lately, Days has really been hit or miss on their newcomers. And the misses are really awful. 

But they don't keep the good ones around - Paul Telfer, Arianne Zucker, Jen Lilley.

  • Love 2

Loving Andre's pink tie.

Does John Aniston ever stand any more?

"You married Kate to prove that you're really mentally unstable."  Good on you, Chad.

"Hello, I'm standing right here."

When Theo walked in to talk to Valerie, he said, "Have you seen my sister?"  And I had to say, "Wait, who's his sister again?  Oh, yeah, Lani."

Isn't it a conflict of interest for Justin to be writing up the paperwork to make his son CEO?

That's right, Kate, you met the guy you loved.  Twenty or thirty times now.

Hm.  Andre got a little lost in his "onerous" speech there.

Gee, Andre, racist much with that senorita comment?

No welcome home scenes from Justin and Adrienne for Sonny?

Ugh.  Julie.

Is Eli going to have to pay the property taxes on that place?

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, Rowan said:

Which leads me into this, you would think with the dearth of actual daytime soaps left on air that there would be an abundance of mid to upper range acting talent to go around. Lately, Days has really been hit or miss on their newcomers. And the misses are really awful. 

They have such a minimal budget, they can't pay them.  Anyone who is mid to upper acting talent can probably move on to bigger and better things than being underpaid at a soap opera.  For an example, Jesse Lee Soffer comes to mind.  He was on OLTL, I think?, and now he's on Chicago PD.  He's a good actor - too good for soaps.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

For an example, Jesse Lee Soffer comes to mind.  He was on OLTL, I think?, and now he's on Chicago PD.  He's a good actor - too good for soaps.

Actually, he was on ATWT as Will Munson.

I liked Marlena and Claire's scenes today.  At least the show remembers that they're grandmother and granddaughter.  And it got Claire to finally return that damn letter that Ciara had meant for Theo to find, so that's good, too.

I also liked Valerie and Theo's scenes.  The fact that he could talk to her so easily about such a personal subject shows just how much of a corner they've turned.  It was really nice to see.  At the same time, though, I have to get miffed at Renee for retiring when she did, because while the scenes were nicely done, and Vanessa did a good job in Valerie's part of said scenes, this was really a talk that Theo should've been having with Lexie.

I have to be one of the few who like Chad and Gabi individually, but can't really take them together, so I mostly ignored their scenes with Kate and Andre.

  • Love 2

Julie, did you think to ask Eli if he would want that house? He can simply put it up for sale and take the cash.

Did like Andre's tie. Chad, you now have two formidable opponents for the DiMera money.

Marlena probably has Claire's number. Maybe Claire too needs to spend a semester in Europe or Hong Kong or wherever.

Gabi, don't move in to the mansion too soon.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, rcc said:

CB in her scenes with LK at the end of the episode looked awful in that too tight ill-fitting dress. And to top it off she had sweaty armpits too. Anyone else notice that?

Yes, I noticed her wet armpits and was thinking "how about some shields"?   I can't imagine no one else onset didn't see her perspiration.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Sandman said:

Billy Flynn doesn't need another story where he carries whole scenes by himself. And I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Flynn fan. (Sorry, swtrgrl; I know Vilasuso is something of a favourite of yours -- but that guy is a watery double helping of smirky blandness to me. Ucch.)

Actually, I'm not a huge fan either way. I think he's attractive but I only know him from his Tony Santos days on GL. I was meh on him there. I preferred his on screen cousin, Danny Santos (the incomparable, Paul Anthony Stewart). I only comment on Jordi b/c of the memories I have of the Manny storyline (Danny and Michelle). So, if Jordi were to leave, I'd have no personal skin in that game, so to speak. Dario is not an interesting character to me right now. He has the potential to be decent but the writing just isn't there.


ITA about Billy. Now HE is a personal fave. LOL

  • Love 1

So are there going to be no followup effects of Paul's illness?

I'm glad Sonny is getting blowback from firing people willy nilly.  I hope he gets sued big time.

Why aren't Tate and Holly together?  They should be socializing together.

Look, Show, I know you tape in January, but it's mid-June, Marlena's jacket looks awfully warm.

Explain to me again how Deimos thinks Sonny is responsible for ruining his relationship with Nicole?

So Martin House is still a B&B.  So in other words, Julie just saddled Eli with a business that he never asked for.

Paul's living in the Kiriakis mansion?

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

So are there going to be no followup effects of Paul's illness?

I'm glad Sonny is getting blowback from firing people willy nilly.  I hope he gets sued big time.

Why aren't Tate and Holly together?  They should be socializing together.

Look, Show, I know you tape in January, but it's mid-June, Marlena's jacket looks awfully warm.

Explain to me again how Deimos thinks Sonny is responsible for ruining his relationship with Nicole?

So Martin House is still a B&B.  So in other words, Julie just saddled Eli with a business that he never asked for.

Paul's living in the Kiriakis mansion?

That didn't make much sense.  If he paid them big severance payments, and accepted those, they cannot sue.  I really cannot stand Sonny, but what he did makes sense in the context of his concern about Deimos' tentacles, and his employees' loyalty.

I am super confused about the Martin House.  Julie said that Eli's father grew up there, and his grandfather lived there. So is his grandfather his father's father? And who is that?  And she called it the Horton house, but I thought that is where Jen lives?  And it's a B&B, so as @Silver Raven said, that's a business someone has to run.  Julie said they have people running it but it is still a business he inherited.  And one that rarely makes money.  And is Abby living there?  I notice every time Dario shows up he just walks into her room without knocking.  Very confusing.  Also, is it the same set as the Kiriakis house because the mantel looked the same? 

1 hour ago, BlackMamba said:

Oh fuck... 

They going to drag this custody nonsense!  Have we suffered enough with this ashy storyline??  Ugh, Higgles. ?

First day of DH hair being salt and pepper, still has some way to go with the brown patches.  

I am so sick of this storyline and I am sick of Nicole crying.  I don't know why she didn't punch Chloe.  Yes, Chloe, this was all your fault.

  • Love 3
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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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