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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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The whole Scooter and Hillary storyline is beyond creepy. Nicole and Brady, grow a backbone and lock the doors. I don't want to know my neighbours at this point. I had a former creepy one who did not clue in that I had no interest in her, except superficially. Her problems were not my business. My townhouse was attached to hers, but my life wasn't. She hadn't earned any friendship. Having all these 'neighbours' come in and out and wail their problems on to you - lock the door! Ask them to call before coming over and make it a point.

Does Hillary suspect Bridget as the woman Scooter is cheating on her with? Suuuuure. Take the rental car and hi-tail it to Winnipeg or Sasaktoon or wherever - even if it's the middle of the night.

Victor, shut up.

Jade, as someone recovering from surgery, alcohol is probably not a good option. Kayla, again, grow a spine. Tell Tripp the truth - he will find it out down the road.

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Didn't Tripp say Jade is under age?  Why did the bar serve her?

The bar didn't serve her - Tripp gave her his drink.

I do like Tripp (he really does resemble Steve & is believable as his son) but I do wish they would just tell him everything instead of hiding the fact that Joey was the one who killed her.   I think telling him everything that happened might help him understand & bring him around to actually wanting to know his father & his new family.

Loved Marlena going all Mama Bear on Victor - he deserved that plus Daniel's DEAD - can we stop acting like he was the most perfect man ever & knock him off that pedestal everyone has him on???   I thought once he died - we wouldn't have to hear about him all the time - but it seems to be worse now - I would love to never have to hear about him ever again.

I am happy to have Eric back & kind of like him with Jennifer.

  • Love 2

This is the first time that I saw Eli and he is really, really hot.

I hope Claire and Theo used protection. He is a Dimera after all and they tend to get people pregnant.

It was really obvious when the Chad and Abby were having their little party at the Pub, that Abby doesn't have that many female friends. Are Gabi and Lani the only females on the show in that same age brackett besides Abby.


The bar didn't serve her - Tripp gave her his drink.


Well.  I had a friend who was a bartender, working the Super Bowl, so the bar was an absolute madhouse.  A guy sitting at the bar ordered a drink, and then turned around and gave it to the girl standing behind him, who was a minor.  My friend was fired and suspended by the state Alcohol Beverage Control board from working as a bartender for several months.

Hey, Dario, you're going to have to get out of the gangster mode if you're going to be around forever.

Sonny needs to rein it in, if he wants a relationship with Paul.

God damn it, why does NBC always decide to run their non-news news breaks during Days on the West Coast?

Okay, Show, please don't make Wyatt a rapist.

Why did Theo ask Claire if she was ready, when she was the one pushing him when he wasn't ready?

  • Love 1

Abby did come across as a bit isolated with no real female friends, and the male ones are superficial. All the other women are either too old for her or too young for her (the college crowd).

Still don't buy Theo and Claire. I don't see any real romance - just two college kids. I'm not a huge fan of hearts and flowers romance, but there seemed to be no awkwardness between the two. Just a wonderful loving experience.  No talk about any sort of protection or STDs or anything. Just a nice hotel room that both really can't afford as poor starving students living in a loft paid for by their parents.

Maybe Wyatt knew Chase and it's revenge on his end in some warped way? Hope he turns out to be someone decent and the show can write him and Ciara off in terms of taking a semester in Europe or something.

Of course, none of the folks on the show go to Ewe Search and look up the names of folks they've just met and are considering dating. It's called self-preservation. I would like to know if the guy I'm interested in has been featured in the local paper due to him beating his former girlfriend.


Maybe Wyatt knew Chase and it's revenge on his end in some warped way?

If Dena goes there? Wow. I can't imagine what the reaction would be but...I know I would be livid. Why revisit that total bomb of a storyline that was in such exceptionally bad taste?

Did she or Ryan write the rape?

Edited by DisneyBoy

 Claire and Theo.  My neck snapped when Theo said if we  love each other it's forever right and Claire almost laughed in his face.   Next thing you know he's taking her in the bedroom.  And help me cheeses she's having sex to her own music like moaning eve. She's approving km Abby levels of self involvement.  He's going to be terribly hurt.  She'll be on a  plane to l a first chance she gets.  

Sonny was a  jerk but keeping sparkle around doesn't help either one of them because Will. 

Of course Chad had no clue Dario 's been sniffing around. 

  • Love 3

I finally got caught up.


Poor Theo. He cannot see what a self absorbed little snot that Claire is. She turns my stomach!

I am wondering who has sent Wyatt to mess with Ciara. Hasn't that girl had to endure enough?

Although I like MM's portrayal of Abby 1000 times over KM's, I still do not like her with Chad. I don't see any passion between them.

As it stands right now, Tripp can move in with the Vitali's and become an Al Capone in training for all I care. He is so quick to embrace and believe every word of that family, but is so willing to reject the word of a man such as Steve. We all know who killed Ava of course. With that said, it seems to me that with him not really knowing either of his parents and their families, he should have checked them both out. Shouldn't Ava's actions (such as causing the plane crash that led to the death of Shawn Brady) be a matter of public record? Not to mention the shrine room of her never-ending obsession of Steve.

Now the Nicole/Scooter situation. I hate this on so many levels. The fact that Nicole had to go on the run in the first place was ridiculous. Now, she is being threatened by a porn obsessed perv who is married to a cop. Hillary's choice of husband sure doesn't speak too highly of her cop skills. Nicole being backed into a corner with someone else getting the upper hand is getting old! Maybe she will do Hillary a favor and take out Scooter!

Kudos to Marlena for putting Prictor in his place particularly in regards to Demios. Its about time! If Eric is to be banished from Salem for killing egg baby Daniel, then Demios should be tortured forever in a dungeon for Bo, Maggie, Chad, Abby, Gabi etc. The never-ending devotion to the memory of Dr Tan is a disgrace to viewers. When Daniel is mourned by more people, and for longer than Tom and Alice Horton, there is a big problem!

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, mj2000 said:

As it stands right now, Tripp can move in with the Vitali's and become an Al Capone in training for all I care. He is so quick to embrace and believe every word of that family, but is so willing to reject the word of a man such as Steve. We all know who killed Ava of course. With that said, it seems to me that with him not really knowing either of his parents and their families, he should have checked them both out. Shouldn't Ava's actions (such as causing the plane crash that led to the death of Shawn Brady) be a matter of public record? Not to mention the shrine room of her never-ending obsession of Steve.

He did check Ava out.  He admitted that the things he'd found out were very disturbing and was about to talk to Steve and Kayla about it all.  But then, Ava's cousin, Angelo, showed up with the messages Ava had left him during her pregnancy, he was suddenly Team Ava again.

As for the shrine room . . . I'm pretty sure it's been cleaned out by now.


Kudos to Marlena for putting Prictor in his place particularly in regards to Demios. Its about time! If Eric is to be banished from Salem for killing egg baby Daniel, then Demios should be tortured forever in a dungeon for Bo, Maggie, Chad, Abby, Gabi etc. The never-ending devotion to the memory of Dr Tan is a disgrace to viewers. When Daniel is mourned by more people, and for longer than Tom and Alice Horton, there is a big problem!

Preach. But as much as I enjoyed Marlena putting Victor in his place (and honestly I still didn't find that scene especially well written but hey - I'll take my kicks where I can) it shouldn't have even been necessary. I don't see why Victor would hate on Eric so much. Especially after all this time. If this was still 2016 I would have no problem with a scene of Victor ripping into Eric for jeopardizing Brady's life and inadvertently killing Daniel but this is a whole year later and Victor hasn't so much as said one word about Eric since the accident. It feels contrived.

Does anybody else feel like we're picking up all of the story beats that were being developed a year ago? Maybe that's because of the Dena Factor but it's getting really weird. Eric is being judged harshly for the accident that should by this point be in the distant past...Joe is finally having to address murdering Ava...Abby and Chad's marriage is falling apart just as they are taking vows... I'm not saying I like the new threads any better but these feel like they should have been dealt with already.

I started to get that same feeling I used to get during the Father Eric scenes from a few years back, where his self-sacrificing humility and obsession with doing good made me annoyed. It's like the show doesn't know how to write him except as this weird good guy robot. And having Marlena there basically giving him a therapy session because she's so concerned about his emotional welfare just makes it all worse. I had to side with Victor a bit when he pointed out how Mommy was trying to protect her poor baby boy. Eric shouldn't need defending like this.

When Eric came back with the edgy haircut and the slightly new attitude I thought we might get something more out of GV this time around. But it really seems like the producers are determined to keep him in this little box. The man is at least 40 years old! He's had a love life, he's had ups and downs, he's dealt with addiction, he's been to jail, he's been a priest, he's been raped, etc, etc, etc - can we please stop writing him like he's some alien that just came down to earth to make the world a better place? I feel like Eric barely registers as human. At this point I don't even know if the guy uses the bathroom or watches TV. I'm sure the actor can give us something more natural than what he's giving us, but the writing probably is pushing him back in that same direction that made Father Eric kind of insufferable and artificial.

I wonder if this Eric and Nicole business is going to go anywhere satisfying or if all it will amount to is her begrudgingly forgiving him.

Tripp is fine. Like him. Retcon his parentage and he's viable.

...does anyone else really miss Theresa and JL's snarky, refreshing deliveries? The show barely has a pulse anymore.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:


When Eric came back with the edgy haircut and the slightly new attitude I thought we might get something more out of GV this time around. But it really seems like the producers are determined to keep him in this little box. The man is at least 40 years old! He's had a love life, he's had ups and downs, he's dealt with addiction, he's been to jail, he's been a priest, he's been raped, etc, etc, etc - can we please stop writing him like he's some alien that just came down to earth to make the world a better place? I feel like Eric barely registers as human. At this point I don't even know if the guy uses the bathroom or watches TV. I'm sure the actor can give us something more natural than what he's giving us, but the writing probably is pushing him back in that same direction that made Father Eric kind of insufferable and artificial.


This! I was kinda enjoying Eric with attitude. I really believe GV to capable of more than this. It seems as if, just like you said, the writers are holding him back. What ever happened to good guys with an edge? Eric could be that. 

7 hours ago, Vyk said:

He did check Ava out.  He admitted that the things he'd found out were very disturbing and was about to talk to Steve and Kayla about it all.  But then, Ava's cousin, Angelo, showed up with the messages Ava had left him during her pregnancy, he was suddenly Team Ava again.

As for the shrine room . . . I'm pretty sure it's been cleaned out by now.

So I guess Tripp sees Steve killing Ava for the ISA (although we know differently), as worse than Ava causing the death of Shawn Brady and endangering the lives of everyone on that plane, stalking Steve and Kayla, and seducing his teenage half brother Joe as part of her Steve obsession. 

Just because Angelo shows up with a recording from pregnant psycho mommy, he just decides to forget what he had learned about her? There is my problem with this. He could have listened to the recording but still be willing to hear Steve's side of things and ultimately find out it was Joe who killed his mother. Maybe he will in time. 


I wish people would stop treating Chad like he's done something wrong by having feelings for Gabby.  His sanctimonious, lying, harpie of a wife FAKED HER DEATH. He thought she was DEAD. He mourned. He moved on and fell in love with Gabby. None of that is something he did wrong. He's chosen his wife and child and even tried to distance  himself from Gabby. He isn't cheating. He's trying to move on with his family.

Kate needs to stop projecting. I love that she cares for Chad like a son (great character continuity, btw) but interfering b/c she hates Abby? No. 

  • Love 7

Damn, that cake box JJ was carrying is the brightest pinkish-orange color I've ever seen.

Here Dario is, committing crimes again, despite having just yesterday told Gabi he'll always be there for her.

Er, Dario, you were the one who held on to the resentment against Papi for so long, not Rafe.

Jeez, Show, you could have given us one more scene with A Martinez.  If Gabi is going to talk about seeing him one last time, why did it have to be off screen?

Abigail's dress before the ceremony looks like something my sister would have worn in the 60s.

Er, JJ, your mother told you to help Abigail, not make her feel worse.

When did Eduardo become the love of Kate's life?

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Chad probably chose Abs out of obligation.  No real assessment of her previous behaviour with EJ and Ben, etc. Both can be healthy co-parents instead of being stuck in a marriage of obligation. For better or worse with Abs' mental health issues, baby Thomas, etc. Do the 'right' thing. Marriage renewal vows may not be the right thing. Some counselling would work.

Dario, do you not expect to get caught. Eventually the other families will get off the blame Deimos wheel.

Had no idea that Eduardo was 'the one' for Kate. Nothing was really shown that it was the case.

Abs, please visit a hair salon and get an actual hairstyle.

Don't cake boxes sometimes come with string so you can carry them safely?

Hope, please do not cook.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, swtrgrl said:


I wish people would stop treating Chad like he's done something wrong by having feelings for Gabby.  His sanctimonious, lying, harpie of a wife FAKED HER DEATH. He thought she was DEAD. He mourned. He moved on and fell in love with Gabby. None of that is something he did wrong. He's chosen his wife and child and even tried to distance  himself from Gabby. He isn't cheating. He's trying to move on with his family.

Kate needs to stop projecting. I love that she cares for Chad like a son (great character continuity, btw) but interfering b/c she hates Abby? No. 

ITA - it annoys me listening to the sanctimonious Horton's talk about how Chad's the one in the wrong & that precious Abigail is all he should be thinking about & that he should have never fallen in love with Gabi.   It's like they've conveniently forgotten that she made them believe she was dead for MONTHS & he had every right to move on for himself & for Thomas.     The faster he dumps that sanctimonious harpie & hooks up with Gabi - the happier I'll be.

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This travesty of Chad and Gabi having a ridiculous back story just keeps getting worse.  The viewers witnessed Gabi and Chad's  high school experiences as well as Chad's hatred for Gabi, the whole dramatic Nabi wedding interruption, exposed Gabi's lie about her pregnancy and outed Will as the baby's father.  I don't care for Abigail, but Chad and Abigail have a history on the show that Chad and Gabi never had.  Chad loving Gabi over Abigail reminds me of the years where JER had Bo wanting Billie over Hope. That was such bulllshit. It still burns me up to think that JER did all he could in his power to destroy Bo and Hope, in order to push his signature couple Bo/Billie.  This is what Dena is doing with Chad/Abigail for Chad/Gabi.


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24 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

The viewers witnessed Gabi and Chad's  high school experiences as well as Chad's hatred for Gabi, the whole dramatic Nabi wedding interruption, exposed Gabi's lie about her pregnancy and outed Will as the baby's father.  I don't care for Abigail, but Chad and Abigail have a history on the show that Chad and Gabi never had. 

While I agree that Chad and Abby had a ton of history in comparison with his and Gabi's, he is also the guy that knowingly kissed her best friend Melanie and "pretended" that was Abby.

Chad hated Gabi because of Melanie. Abby was not around when that happened because Chad wanted to be Melanie.

What I find laughable is Andre going on and on about how Abby changed him into a better person with her love for for Chad or whatever garbage he said.


What is it about Abby that Andre a lunatic and killer finds so admirable? Her tendency for going after unavailable men. Her setting men on fire? Being a crazy loon? Faking her death? 

Because being a loving mother and wife, should be making cynical Andre disgusted not inspired.

  • Love 4
On 4/13/2017 at 2:15 PM, swtrgrl said:


I wish people would stop treating Chad like he's done something wrong by having feelings for Gabby.  His sanctimonious, lying, harpie of a wife FAKED HER DEATH. He thought she was DEAD. He mourned. He moved on and fell in love with Gabby. None of that is something he did wrong. He's chosen his wife and child and even tried to distance  himself from Gabby. He isn't cheating. He's trying to move on with his family.

Kate needs to stop projecting. I love that she cares for Chad like a son (great character continuity, btw) but interfering b/c she hates Abby? No. 

I love this entire post but what I think I love the best is that someone on this show is actually allowed to admit to not liking Abby.  When KM played her, Abby was forgiven for everything and never held accountable and no one was allowed to speak ill of her.  I liked that Kate is able to say she prefers Gabi--definite progress.

I'm actually starting to like MM's Abby because she does seem like a genuine person who is confused about her life and most importantly. she doesn't want to hurt anyone--so unlike KM's version who was beyond self-absorbed--and Gabi and Chad are not villains in this either because they not behaving selfishly either--it's kind of a refreshing triangle.

Eli is rather interesting especially with his standing up to Julie and deciding that he wants to get to know Gabi better--good man.  And Julie and her Horton revisionist history can drop dead.  I love how she skims over all of Nick's horrible deeds but focuses on how Gabi got out of prison early--at least she served time for her crime.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 5

Her setting men on fire? Being a crazy loon? Faking her death? 

Yeah but didn't she fake her death because she was a crazy loon?  I mean KM's entire last 6 months consisted of her playing a complete crazy person.  Now that she's back it's like that's totally forgotten.  She left because she thought she would be a burden to Chad and Thomas, and apparently that's what she is, but yet he keeps staying with her.  She's given him outs, he just hasn't taken them.  DH can't have him looking like the bad guy and leaving if she wants him with Gabi.

I think the main problem with the story is that Chad and Gabi only started sharing scenes and falling in love 2 months before Abby came back, and now their trying to act like that compares to what he has with Abby, including ridiculous made up flashbacks.  Ciara spent more time helping Chad grieve that Gabi did, heck even Belle was there for him a little. 

If they wanted to do a triangle they needed to wait longer to bring Abby back.  Now they messed it up so much that all three are just tedious and annoying.  Chad is a wishy washy douchebag, Gabi is an incessant whiner, Abby is a pathetic loser.  It's just dumb.  I used to love all three characters ad yet now I just want them all to go on the backburner and hopefully they can be slowly fixed.

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OK, Nicole is officially too stupid to live.  What is wrong with her?  I don't even feel bad for her anymore because at this point her reactions don't make a lick of sense.  Seriously.  Anything that has been said or done recently is something she could have told Brady.  There are not big detrimental secrets here that he isn't already privy too.  He knows her past, her is part of her current cover-up, so besides the fact that he's a bumbling Neanderthal, she has no reason to "protect" him.  

Tell him what Scooter has said, what he is threatening and surely he would get them out ASAP or shut Scooter up anyway.  

Why not tell Brady to stay nearby and stop taking off with the kids because Scooter shows up?  Another one, why keep answering the door and letting him in?  Lock all doors and avoid him at all costs.   Scooter is a disgusting creep and a potential rapist, there is no reasoning with him.  She needs to steer clear of him completely.  For that matter, stay away from Hillary too.  Keep the creepy neighbors out of your house!  

Seriously, if she sleeps with him or tries to reason with him alone in a motel, I will shut the TV off.  I just can't with any of this.  Gross and wrong.  It makes me angry, this plot actually makes me angry!

The Abby/Chad stuff was just odd.  I loved Kate's vintage looking dress.  Liked Jen's dress too, but she needs to do something new with her hair!

  • Love 5

Nicole, you and Brady can go somewhere else. Like a hotel in a big city. Or an air bnb. Two weeks to get new documents? Really? Tell Brady about Scooter's blackmail and he will probably go all snowbank on him. Keep your doors locked and don't let your neighbours in the house! Granted, I have learned to keep firmer boundaries with neighbours. You really don't know who they are and they can easily go from Jekyll to Hyde. I probably would have made a run for the kitchen drawers and see if there was a meat cleaver nearby.

Jen really needs to do something with her hair. It looked a horrible shade of grey blonde on my tv. Yikes.

Gabi, go right ahead and dump your crap on Eli. It'll make him run!

Love is unconditional. You can love someone without having the need for a relationship.

No idea that there was such a Gabi/Chad backstory. They seemed friendly in high school. That's it. Who you are at 17 or 18 and at 25 are very different.

Don't really care about anyone in the Chad/Abby/Gabs triangle. I could realistically see Chad and Abby annulling their marriage or get a divorce and then slowly work their way back together. I don't think Gabi is the right woman for him in the long-run. He deserves someone better. Staying with someone out of guilt or obligation is wrong. Admit you really don't want to be married or want either of them and choose yourself for a while.

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Nicole is so much better than this, why is she even dealing with the grossness that is Scooter. Tell Brady what is going on, that he knows who you are, and then get the hell out of there. don't go meeting him at any motel to either reason with him, sleep with him, or try to kill him.

I liked Jennifer's dress and Kate's was sort of interesting, but Abigail's looked more like fancy negligee.

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I have limited computing ability right now but if I recall,  Chad showed up in town and went to Salem high his senior year with will and they had  chemistry.  This was when a gay storyline was a rumor.  Before that Chad had been sent to military school to break up his relationship with Mia.  I remember Gabi wanted Chad when they were modeling together but the high school relationship is totally made up and the flashbacks were recently recorded.  I thought Chad was new to Salem because Kate made a big deal about seeing her old friend his mother for the first time in years.  I'd have to look up when Gabi started. 

Gabi showed up around the time that Nicole's secret about switching Sami's baby came out. Nicole was looking for fast cash and sold some jewelry to a young Gabi. We then find out that she was Rafe's youngest sister. I think that she went to live with Arianna. She settle into going school with Will and started to see him. Meanwhile, Chad came to town and wanted his baby with Mia. Nicole was knee deep in lies when EJ found her pregnancy pad, and she told him that she adopted the baby from Mia.

Nicole was terrified that Chad would get custody of Sydney since he was the father of Mia's baby and he never gave up his rights/consent for the adoption. Nicole convinced Mia to tell Chad that she was a slutty slut who slept with a lot of guys that it was most likely that he was not the father. Nicole did not want Chad to ask for a paternity test because Mia was only with Chad. Mia would have known something was wrong if the test showed that Chad was not the father.

OK, I'm going to try to give the benefit of the doubt to Nicole and hope I'm right in my theory.  My guess is that she sent a message to Hillary to go to the motel and gave her the "props" to be a naughty cheerleader and turn her husband on.  When neanderthal Brady storms in he will find out that it is Hillary in there with Scooter and not Nicole.  That way Nicole has solved her dilemma and saved their screwy marriage.  I hope this is the case and that she is not so dumb that she would go through with it herself...

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Chad came to town in May 2009, he had a little triangle with Will and Mia, then he found out Mia had his baby.  I think he and Mia had went to Salem West or something ridiculous but then he got shipped to military school and Mia moved to regular Salem.  Gabi showed up in November 2009.  Chad was stuck on Mia but she was with Will, he invited Gabi to the Christmas dance and they had a cute little dance on the pier (real history that could have been used!), after that though the teens weren't on much and I don't think Chad and Gabi shared any solo scenes after that.  Camila came on as a recast in October 2010 and Gabi had moved on to Will at that point while Chad moped around town and found out he was a Dimera.  Abby came back to town in March 2011 and met Chad on her second episode I think.

The only other story Chad had with Gabi was the stalker thing and then the aftermath which eventually led to him outing Will as her babydaddy during her wedding to Nick.

Gabi hadn't shared a scene with Billy's Chad until this past September.  

As for today, I'm happy Abby broke it off and I need her to go get her own life.  

I can't with Kate and Andre. Puke.

I don't think they could have come up with a worse story for Nicole.  Just insulting on every level.

  • Love 2

Jeez, how many muffins did Hillary make?

Damn, Chloe, be a bitch.

"You stay out of my life, or else."  Or else what, Jennifer?  What are you going to do?  Pen a nasty newspaper article?

If they're in Manitoba in April, shouldn't they be wearing coats?

I really don't like Andre, but scenes with him and Kate are usually pretty great.

Why did Chad need to tell Abigail that he and Gabi used to play baseball together?  That's just silly.

Billy Flynn killed it today.

Does Hillary ever do any cop stuff?

Convenient pass key.

  • Love 3

For example, the actor who plays Hilary is just awful.  AWFUL.  What is wrong with her? Is it the writing?  And after the way Chloe treated Eric today I hope she never sees Holly again. 

That actress is Jennifer Landon, daughter of the late Michael Landon.  Or as I know him, Pa Ingalls.

Jennifer won 3 consecutive younger actress Emmy Awards from 2006-2008 while on As the World Turns.

I liked her on that show in the beginning, really refreshing, but after that the writers fell in love with her and she took over half the show.  I still think she's an ok actress, I'm not sure anyone could make a character like Hilary work, she's straight up awful.

Edited by ihavenoidea
  • Love 2

BF and MM were great today, especially BF. Wow. I was so glad he called Abby out for playing the martyr cuz I was yelling it at my tv before he said it!  lol. I cannot stand martyrs and am dreading this now, especially cuz I was really liking MMs Abby until today. BF was great when he was calling her out for making the decisions and leaving him again. I am kinda rooting for them now, which I never thought could happen so kudos to MM! And on a shallow note.....MM has never looked better than the last 2 episodes....the hairstyle gave her volume at the crown and her makeup, especially the eyebrows, was great and made such a difference!

  • Love 3

I think today's scenes finally told me what I was suspecting.  Chad really does want Abigail, not Gabi, and Abigail ending the vow renewal ceremony the way she did, plus his reaction after Andre found him devastated, proves it.  Gabi he does have strong feelings for, but she is not his "one," despite Kate's thoughts.  He really has figured out that it's Abigail he loves and wants, I thinks.

Unfortunately, he figured it out after Abigail saw enough to make her think that Gabi was the one he wanted.

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I always thought that Chad saw Abby as the one when he returned to Salem when she was involved with Ben. He fought himself, her and then finally for them when she was too afraid or crazy to believe in their love.

I just thought he could do way better.  Which is a shame because I wanted to love the child of Jack and Jennifer. 

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I'm a very new viewer and I agree Abby and Chad are endgame, everything shows it.

I also am a fan of Chad and Gabi so here's hoping there's a little fling headed our way while Chad and Abby are on their break. It probably won't happen but I'll still hope for it.

Now I just wish I was watching when they were hanging out while Abby was "dead" because I can't find clips of them anywhere dangit.

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Manitoba can have warm spells in April, but like most Canadian cities, you would at least be wearing a light spring jacket or sweater or hoodie.

Jennifer, please lay off the dark eyeliner and heavy eye makeup and the plastered hair hairstyle. The lighting did no favours. Some soft bouncy waves in the hair would have worked better with that dress. Such a severe, harsh look.

A package is delivered to Bridget/Nicole?

I too don't see Gabi as Chad's 'one'.  They'll have their fling, Abigail will find Dario or some other fling, and she and Chad will work their way back.

I enjoyed the Kate/Andre fight.

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After all this time I have to believe that Melissa R. wants her hair to look the way it does. "Why" is the question...it is plastered to her head and it is going grayer by the day. Can't understand why she would not take advantage of the (free) hair stylists on the show. It is distracting to me. It is not a good look for a woman her age. I keep thinking a much shorter, layered , swingy cut and COLOR would bring out her prettiness. 

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I know we're supposed to see Abby and Chad as the endgame but I can't help cheering for Gabi and Chad to have a chance--Chad seems more cheerful and fun-loving when he's with Gabi and more serious when he's with Abby.  But I don't mind Chad and Abby because Abby seems like a genuinely nice person now and she deserves some happiness and she and Chad make sense as well.

Does JJ remember that he cheated on Gabi and that's why she broke up with him?  He's being such a jackass to her now and I kind of want her to kick his butt.

The actor playing Scooter was rather believable in his remorse but I did crack up at his telling Brady he's afraid of him.  Too funny :)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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