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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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3 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I think Theresa was too genuinely scared when finding Tate missing to be a part of it. As far as Deimos and Nicole, I don't see a great amount of chemistry with AZ and VI. Also, I think the fact that Deimos IS softer around Nicole, is one reason I don't want them. I don't think he's his true self-or at least, not who he is now. I think with Nicole, Deimos is maybe the man he was before going to prison-but I also think that outside of Nicole, that man is essentially dead. The thing is, we never saw him as a character beforehand-only in flashbacks. Therefore, the change between how he is with Nicole and how he may be with others like Kate, is jarring. It doesn't make him look complex-it makes him look like he has a split personality, or that he is totally faking one side of himself. Had the audience seen him as a young man as a kind and gentle soul-it would be much more believable that Nicole could bring that side back out. But because I as a viewer only know him as the man who tried to poison Maggie(show went too far with him there), I can't buy that him being in love with Nicole is enough to "redeem" him. Not for me. And I am one who doesn't necessarily need every character to be 100% rootable or "good". This is fiction-the most interesting characters to me are the ones who play outside the lines from time to time. But I do need a reason to care about the character, and show isn't giving me that with Deimos.

Whatever happened to the mystery person Deimos worked for, who was calling Hope? Any movement on that front? IF we were to find out Deimos poisioned Maggie not for revenge, but on orders from someone threatening someone Deimos loved, that might be a step towards making me care about him. Yes it's a clichéd way to make him more sympathetic, but when you have him guilty of paralyzing a beloved character, there's not much else to be done to make him likeable. Having him love Nicole alone, doesn't do it.

I love your post about Deimos. I also wanted to add that he is getting the Daniel treatment, they are throwing all of these women at him, hoping that one of them is going to stick..They are also giving him an instant family with Chloe....Deimos needs to be redeemed for his evil acts..He has not earned anything..I hate  the way that Dena writes for Chloe..It is demeaning..I loved Chloe when she came back divorced from Brady and having a friends with benefits situation with Philip....She also loved torturing Victor with that...lol....Why can't we have some lighthearted moments from time to time...The show  use to wisely use Eugene and Calliope for that back in the day......

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4
13 hours ago, boes said:

So what's with the pill Brady found on the floor at Maggie's?  And anyone EVER see a "mint" that looked like that?  

I think it's possible, or Show is making it seem possible, that Theresa planted the pill for Brady to find to solidify the case against Victor and have Brady be even more sure of his guilt.  I hope, very much, that Show isn't going to try and tweak the story so as to have Theresa be part of a plot to have kidnapped her own son in an effort to nullify Victor's threat to her and Brady.  I just got this feeling today and I'm hoping it's just that, a feeling.  Because throwing Theresa under the bus in that way would finish me with Show once and for all.   

I'm sure it's not Deimos, unfortunately, it's probably not Victor because we have to believe the horrible old wretch would never do it even though we've seen him do and threaten worse.  It damn well better NOT be Theresa, which, of course, would make Victor "right" about her.....

Better not.

Holy crap, I started thinking the same thing.  Even though we watched Theresa absolutely unravel in genuine fear and worry, it wouldn't surprise me if these hacks though that having Theresa being the mastermind of Tate's kidnapping would be the ultimate twist.  I know JL could pull it off but that would be the absolute end for me.

On today's show, we got to see Jenn being horrid and unkind to Chad but Chad got some digs in which was awesome, but then we had to hear how everyone thinks it's a shame Abby's dead because she was just so wonderful and fabulous..  I damn near puked and to top that off we also got to see Ciara rolling her eyes at Theo and Claire being cute together--what a hateful shrew.  She really is related to Abs :)

And I noticed that even when Chad was having his "dear sweet Abs's is dead" breakdown, the Chabby wedding photo was never show up close--I bet KM's mad about that :)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 6

Isn't it interesting how Jennifer is surrounded by family, is at least twice Chad's age and yet acts like a self-destructive 16 year old and makes the most horrible decisions ever whereas Chad is utterly alone for the most part, save for his babysitter that fell in love with him selfishly, and manages to hold it together pretty damn well.

That shot of who I suspect is Abigail crying alone in a bed was really creepy. She looked more like a rape victim considering all they showed was her nude legs sticking out from under the sheets.

I couldn't watch most of today's episode but I think that brief scene with Ciara walking out after Theo brought them all lunch is really telling. She's a total witch, isn't she? There is a polite way to excuse yourself from a room without trying to make everybody else feel badly, Ciara.

I was already fed up of this when Belle was doing it. Do we have to see Ciara do it too?


Billy did a terrific job though. It is a shame that Chad and Belle aren't going to become closer friends or more of a couple.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Isn't it interesting how Jennifer is surrounded by family, is at least twice Chad's age and yet acts like a self-destructive 16 year old and makes the most horrible decisions ever whereas Chad is utterly alone for the most part, save for his babysitter that fell in love with him selfishly, and manages to hold it together pretty damn well.

That shot of who I suspect is Abigail crying alone in a bed was really creepy. She looked more like a rape victim considering all they showed was her nude legs sticking out from under the sheets.

I couldn't watch most of today's episode but I think that brief scene with Ciara walking out after Theo brought them all lunch is really telling. She's a total witch, isn't she? There is a polite way to excuse yourself from a room without trying to make everybody else feel badly, Ciara.

I was already fed up of this when Belle was doing it. Do we have to see Ciara do it too?


Billy did a terrific job though. It is a shame that Chad and Belle aren't going to become closer friends or more of a couple.

I think Billy had a nice chemistry with Allison Sweeney....I thought that the show was going to make Chad and Sami have an affair.. Since this show no longer follows the chemistry like the old days, it was not to be....

Ciara is a bitch and not an entertaining one...The actress is awful and I hate the way that she speaks...

Jennifer is still on my shit list for Jack over the Tan man..Yes, I  am still bitter, however, I loved her hug with Lucas...It reminds me of the Jennifer/Mike relationship of the past..Mike is needed on this show..I always felt that the actor that played dirty Dan would have been a perfect recast Mike Horton.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

I like how Sonny thought Sami was super mean and evil for going after Failure but then seems unaffected when Gabi tells him she's dead.

I hope these idiots don't seriously expect anyone to be on racoon Jen's side. Chad has done NOTHING to deserve having his child taken from him and has tied numerous times to work something out with her. Racoon on the other hand, is acting like a vindictive bitch and only wants custody because of Chad's last name, despite the fact that the Hortons have a history of mental illness and she's currently popping pills in seedy motels. Fuck her. 

Claire and Theo need to tell Ciara to fuck off.

So Failure gets the entire town mourning her and supporting Jen while Chad only has Belle. They couldn't even let Gabi and Sonny visit him. 

Yay Mimi got a mention.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Ciara is a bitch and not an entertaining one...The actress is awful and I hate the way that she speaks...

I can't stand it, either. It's clear she was hired because of her resemblance to Hope, but she's had close to a year to get better and she still hasn't. The voice and weird speech impediment just makes it hard to get into anything she does on the show, and she's still so stiff and awkward.

The show does seem like it's realizing that Claire is more engaging and they do seem to be giving her more to do, so hopefully that'll continue.

Billy Flynn somehow made the "destruction" scene work, which could have been very bad with someone else. I thought he did the whole "grief" and "talking your dead loved ones" quite well.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 6

I find Lucas to be the most comforting presence on the show. Maybe because everything else seems so unfamiliar right now...except for maybe Nicole, who still looks like she's wandering around city benches with weird hair.

Belle finally has a hairstyle I can stand and get behind. She looked a bit better than I was expecting, although she did seem like she wanted to jump Chad. She kind of gives off that vibe with any man she's in a scene with since she came back as a lawyer. Maybe I'm imagining it...though since it was Chad she was in a scene with, I wasn't so offended this time (even if he is grieving). 

  • Love 4

I fast-forwarded Claire's singing. Ciara, grow up and stop being such a bitch. Yes, it runs in the family. You dumped Theo, and that's it for you. Unless both you and him want to try again. He genuinely is better off without you.

Jenn, so what if Chad has the DiMera surname? He has caused you no harm and has been a decent human being. He was a good, loving husband to your daughter.  Better than she deserved, without a lot of soul-searching on her end and a willingness to change in to a better human being. Having the gruesome twosome of Doug and Julie stay with you will drive you further in to checking out possible rehab locations. Chad has done absolutely nothing to deserve you wanting to take *his* child away from him. A few AA meetings will *not* solve your addiction or what is triggering your problems. Stop being so vindictive. It's really ugly.

I enjoyed Chad's breakdown because it felt *real*. It was cool to see a man show some emotion and not just suck it up and be a dude. Even though a bit drunk, he is a man with a plan. Rebuilding DiMera Enterprises and making it legit is a good idea - how long he will last without dipping in to the family legacy is to be seen. I still wouldn't trust Belle, but that's me. Word are cheap; show me some actions.

I'm assuming the woman under the sheet is the new Abs.

  • Love 6

I hate 'em.  Every single one, except for Lucas.  Hate 'em.

I tried to give Jenn the benefit of the doubt, thought that maybe after she was cut loose from Tan the Dan Man, that maybe, just maybe, she might be redeemable as a character.  She's not.  The utter gall of her appearing at Chad's and then insulting him, taking him to task for something that in no way was his fault was reprehensible.  When Chad asked her if she was going to blame Marlena too, since she's the one who said Abigail needed to be locked up at the hospital, Jenn did her usual, ignored what she didn't want to hear and just got ugly with him.  I wish Chad had dogs he could have sicced on her - better yet, more in her line, a pit of snakes to toss her in.  I wish he'd cut her and the rest of that miserable bunch off from Thomas completely, but unlike Jenn, he's an actual human being so of course he won't be so awful.  Jenn was just FACE DOWN in a motel room, snoring off her latest black out and she DARES to get on his case?

And that family of hers is just as bad, Lucas EXCLUDED.  Bad enough we had to listen to those morons eulogize Abigail once again, conveniently ignoring what a horrible person she was, but this supposedly great family, not ONE of them, calls Jenn on her shit and tells her to sit down and shut up and look at her own crap, leave Chad alone??  NOT ONE.  And then the honorary Horton by lack of brain cells, Adrienne, chimes in as well.  All that was missing was Kayla rubbing Jenn's feet and telling her that a little drug addiction followed by a vodka chaser is NOTHING compared to having Dimera as your last name.

Yeah, I know I'm supposed to value Julie and Doug because they've been around since the dinosaurs but those two could be buried alive for all I care if it would shut them up.  Julie puts on the sad voice, flutters her eyelashes, bustles and babbles, but she's NOT Gram, she's an empty-headed, selfish, unpleasant old bat married to ...... Doug....Daddy....Grampaw....who if you walked through his deepest parts you wouldn't get your feet wet.

I'm all for the current Horton residents to be kidnapped enmasse - excluding Lucas and JJ - and be donated to a medical testing facility.  Then bring back the missing Hortons - there must be SOME descendants of Gram and Gramp who are at least human.

Julie reading the poem and getting choked up didnt' do it for me - I kept hoping she'd really choke.

And besides, she read the wrong verse.  THIS is the verse that fits Abigail....

Do not stand at my grave and cheer.

I am not there; Don't have a beer.

As a person I totally blow.

This is true, this you know.

I am the slap on your stunned face.

my breath smells like a can of mace.

When you awaken in the morning's hush

I am the nightmare you try to shush

Of men whose lives I've turned to mush.

I am the reason my mom's a lush.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

Cuz I'll drive you mad and that's no lie.

They're awful people, just awful.  Why can't someone just drop a house on Jenn?

Edited by boes
  • Love 5
10 hours ago, bantering said:

I find Lucas to be the most comforting presence on the show. Maybe because everything else seems so unfamiliar right now...except for maybe Nicole, who still looks like she's wandering around city benches with weird hair.

Belle finally has a hairstyle I can stand and get behind. She looked a bit better than I was expecting, although she did seem like she wanted to jump Chad. She kind of gives off that vibe with any man she's in a scene with since she came back as a lawyer. Maybe I'm imagining it...though since it was Chad she was in a scene with, I wasn't so offended this time (even if he is grieving). 

No it's not just you, I guess shawn is not that good in bed...Belle became an insufferable shrew and lascivious to boot..I have never liked her..I know people on here think Carrie is insufferable, at least Carrie always had a purpose, dating back to when she was a child and was always involved with the adults in their stories..I always felt that we were supposed to love Belle because she is Jarlena's only biological child and therefore she is a special snowflake. I never liked Shelle either....There is nothing compelling about them as a couple..They de-aged Shawn-Douglas to make them contemporaries, when he should have been with Sami, Andrew and Eric...He is younger than Andrew, but, older than Theresa and Stefanie...End of rant..lol..

  • Love 2

Even if they're not technically related, pairing Shelle made the show so inbred.  Where do you go with that?  Every time they come back to it, I just have to shake my head, because it hasn't really developed since they were in high school.  And it makes the show smaller than it has to be when you have characters who are related to absolutely everyone.

And the name Belle is just so twee, I've never been able to get past it.

  • Love 1

Every time I start to see why so many of you dislike Julie, she says something like "Nobody counts Andre" and my love for her is reaffirmed. And with one eviction phone call, Kate has reclaimed her love to hate status. She's a horrible person, but one that I can watch every day. It wasn't like that when she was pining for Deimos or, even worse, Cleetus. (Clyde, whatever...)  She's best when she's being a straight-up witch.

A few days late, but Sonny is killing me. You really can't believe that Victor would kidnap Tate? Really? You're not confusing Uncle Vic with someone else, are you? Because, Victor would totally kidnap his own great grandson. Although, it's pretty clear that he didn't... I'm normally a pretty forgiving viewer, but I just hate it when characters irrationally accuse or defend another character simply so they could be proven right in the long run. 

  • Love 2

So Theresa/Jen Lilley is going to get thrown under the bus for Victor?  This SL has been bad enough with Victor constantly insulting Theresa, Theresa, Kim and Shane never getting to call Victor out on his crap, and Theresa being wasted on dimwit Brady.  Idiot writers.

Kate is entertaining when she is fighting or scheming with Sami, and that relationship is not going to be replaced or duplicated by simply having Kate go after whoever crosses her path.  Rafe has no purpose without Sami.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Jewlmc said:

Can someone please remind these writers that Steve is related to Adrienne, Sonny,Abby, JJ ect....


its bizarre at at this point . I mean we got Kayla with Jenn the other day? It makes no sense.

If they can't remember that various people with the last name Brady, Caroline, Kayla, Eric, Theresa, Ciara, etc. are related, then why would they remember that Steve is related to Adrienne, Sonny, Abby, JJ when none of them have the same last names -- Johnson, Kiriakis, Deveroux. I mean what's wrong with you, asking them to do something as ridiculous as knowing the characters on the show they are writing.

  • Love 4

I ended up having to hang around the house this afternoon so I watched today's episode.  Not terribly impressed.  I hadn't watched since sometime in July and nothing seems to have changed. Did Deimos actually tell Nicolle he was falling for her, or did I imagine that.  If he did, I thought he fell for her back when he first met her. Either way, I can't get on board the Neimos(?) train, because I keep thinking the only reason he is in love with her is his dead lookalike first love.

Other than that, I don't have any other comments. Guess I should have waited till Tuesday to tune in afterall.

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Comments on today and yesterday's shows:

Today:  I am fearing...fearing...that they are going to somehow slant this Tate kidnapping into an epic set-up by Theresa to shut out Victor/Summer from her life with Brady.  Isn't JL leaving?  That would be one way to get her out, though I hope that's not the plan.  They would annihilate the character of Theresa if they wrote her out that way.  Just have her realize Brady is a moron and leave town and arrange joint visitation with him regarding Tate.  

I hate this whole Chloe/Deimos/Baby mess.  Seriously, can't she just tell him and she will raise the baby and Deimos can have joint custody.  She had Parker most of the time and he only visited Daniel.  Gah, this is 2016!  They don't have to be married or tied together any other way beyond their child and what is best for him/her.  Get a court arranged custody agreement, get child support.  Deimos has no reason or right to push beyond that.  Let's be adults here!

Yesterday:  Once again, Ciara is rude and selfish and looking for attention/pity.  She shoved Theo away to try to snag her missing cousin's husband.  Now she throws shade at him and Claire for being together.  Grow up and stop being such a mean-girl!

Um Jennifer, I used to like you and I try to like you now, but you make it so hard to do!  Has she ever stopped to think that every time she chastises Chad for being a Dimera that she is doing the same to her grandchild Thomas?!  Thomas is a Dimera, it is in his DNA, in his blood.  By saying "You are bad news Chad, you are a Dimera" she is saying about her grandson's father and in turn saying it about him.  Chad didn't even grow up as a DiMera, yet she still blames him.  You can take Thomas away from him, but that eeevil Dimera blood will still run though his veins.  Think Jen, think!

And also, while she mourns for Abby, she has all this love and hugs and support from the Hortons.  Meanwhile, Chad is all alone.  Wouldn't it have been better to bring him into the Horton family and embrace him while he is in his grief?  Despite her feelings, Abby loved him.  Chad has been good to Jen in the past.  It would also keep Thomas involved will all parties that way instead of creating animosity.  Poor Chad only had Belle and he should have had Abby's family helping him and their son.

And Abby wasn't the wonderful saint they try to make her seem.  "She went after what she wanted"...when it included DiMera men, she did!  Also, her mental issues didn't come from her time with Chad.  It came from her time with Ben, and some inherited mental issues from her grandmother no doubt.  I did appreciate Chad reminding Jen how the Hortons are not perfect people either the other day!

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 10

Don't have a lot to add to today's show, except that it was nice to see Anne again. Not really rooting for Chloe, Deimos, Phillip, or Nicole. Just echoing that it isn't the 1950s and women can and do have children alone quite often. Child support and visitation/custody arrangements. No dude is obligated to marry you. You can even consider something like abortion or adoption. Yes it is not popular on soaps and women tend to get punished in some fashion. Not like anyone even brings up the morning-after pill. Just soap angst.

  • Love 3

Ann was on today.  Yea!!!  

That's all the good I got for today's show.

I don't have two fucks to give that Victor is "falsely" accused.  Not even one.  

And isn't Chloe just a bit over the top about Deimos?  It's not like they had this relationship, and he never did anything bad to her.  So what's the beef, really?  It's not as if she gives a crap about Victor or Maggie.

JPL's version of Philip reminds me of a pet ferret gone insane - or with fleas.

  • Love 6

It was really nice to see Theresa/Anne today. They're always so refreshing.

Am I the only one who kind of enjoys the "Aiden as DA" twist? At least it shakes things up a little bit and puts Hope/Rafe (who are fast forward material) on edge. Daniel Cosgrove, who I think is a genuinely good actor, also seems to be enjoying himself some.

  • Love 8

Yesterday Claire referred to "Uncle Phillip" and I cannot figure out any way for them to be related.

I have liked Kate's outfit, but anyone not a teenager/earlytwenties should be wearing ugly pale green nail polish. I don't care for that patch of color that shows up in her hair either.

I actually don't care for her at all.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, annabel said:

Yesterday Claire referred to "Uncle Phillip" and I cannot figure out any way for them to be related.

Through Shawn... although I think Philip is actually her great-uncle, because he's Bo's half-brother through Victor.

As a Brady/Kiriakis-Horton-Black-Evans, Claire is related to everybody in Salem, almost without exception.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, annabel said:

Yesterday Claire referred to "Uncle Phillip" and I cannot figure out any way for them to be related.

I have liked Kate's outfit, but anyone not a teenager/earlytwenties should be wearing ugly pale green nail polish. I don't care for that patch of color that shows up in her hair either.

I actually don't care for her at all.

Yeah, Phillip is actually Claire's great uncle.  He is Shawn D's uncle.  Phillip and Bo were brothers.  Also I think the Uncle Phillip can stem from the fact that when Phillip, Shawn, and Belle made up after the aftermath of Claire's paternity, there was a concerted effort on all of their parts for Claire to have a relationship with Phillip even though he wasn't her biological father.  Hell, I'm just glad they remembered that they are actually related. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, boes said:

And isn't Chloe just a bit over the top about Deimos?  It's not like they had this relationship, and he never did anything bad to her.  So what's the beef, really?  It's not as if she gives a crap about Victor or Maggie.

She doesn't trust him and presumably thinks he will try to get full custody. She also doesn't think he's a very good person so I assume she's worried about the type of influence he would have on the child. 

  • Love 3

Too much stupid Abby Angst today but some good stuff.

Belle getting dumped as Philip's partner shouldn't have hurt her, but clearly there are unresolved feelings there and I like how Martha played her scenes. Belle is still so lost all these months later. I pity Shawn. I doubt she'll ever be really happy.

JPL and NB work well together. A shame It isn't really Philip's kid.

I loved the callback to Sami stealing the DiMoney...but I missed Belle's response. Did she admit Sami's theft to Chad?

Laura looked great and it felt good to see her, even if she annoyed me in the past.

The big surprise was Rory, though. He and Ciara could be an interesting train wreck. Did he ever have scenes with Lil Ciara, though? If so, that would be creepy. Oh SORAS.

I did like the "ewww" expression on sullen Ciara's face, though, when he left. I give her two weeks before she's going to his parties...

I hope the writers don't forget he probably has a court date coming up for selling Deimos the drugs that crippled Maggie and later getting caught with other drugs. The Maggie connection never came out, though...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
On 8/31/2016 at 9:26 AM, Apprentice79 said:

I love your post about Deimos. I also wanted to add that he is getting the Daniel treatment, they are throwing all of these women at him, hoping that one of them is going to stick..They are also giving him an instant family with Chloe....Deimos needs to be redeemed for his evil acts..He has not earned anything..I hate  the way that Dena writes for Chloe..It is demeaning..I loved Chloe when she came back divorced from Brady and having a friends with benefits situation with Philip....She also loved torturing Victor with that...lol....Why can't we have some lighthearted moments from time to time...The show  use to wisely use Eugene and Calliope for that back in the day......

I don't think Xena's stories had started till September first, did they?

Belle looked hurt that Phillip wants to cut ties with her even though she dumped him so she could go back to the husband she cheated on repeatedly. She's just like her sister in law Ciara. I had to laugh at her saying if she knew where Sami was she wouldn't tell Chad. Why not? It's not like she actually cares about Sami. 

I'm disgusted that racoon Jen guilted Chad into letting Lucas and Adrienne take care of Thomas. Just because he's grieving doesn't mean he isn't capable of taking care of his son. 

Jen already has the whole town supporting her so Laura showing up just seems excessive. 

  • Love 6

I am very tired of Days of Abigail Deveraux's Boring and Hypocritical Life.  I really wish the character had been sincerely killed off, so everyone could move the fuck on and forget she ever existed, like Will's family and friends have mostly done.

Jennifer is a despicable human being.  I wish they'd get rid of her and give her screen time to other, more interesting (or at least less disgusting) characters.


ETA:  I'm also liking Aiden as the DA, amish40.  Daniel Cosgrove is a wonderful actor who is, like so many others on this show, underutilized and under appreciated.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Belle looked hurt that Phillip wants to cut ties with her even though she dumped him so she could go back to the husband she cheated on repeatedly. She's just like her sister in law Ciara. I had to laugh at her saying if she knew where Sami was she wouldn't tell Chad. Why not? It's not like she actually cares about Sami. 

I'm disgusted that racoon Jen guilted Chad into letting Lucas and Adrienne take care of Thomas. Just because he's grieving doesn't mean he isn't capable of taking care of his son. 

Jen already has the whole town supporting her so Laura showing up just seems excessive. 

I have to laugh at the idea that Sami wouldn't be able to handle Chad or any other Dimera she crossed paths with.  How quickly the writers forget, Sami got away from Andre AND stole the Dimera money, shot EJ in the head (and he is just one of the people Sami has shot), and would have killed Stefano if Lucas and Marlena had not shown up.  Besides Chad never had a problem with Sami or Kate.  He got along with both of them.  Of course, these are the idiots who expected me to believe that Kate, Sami and Lucas couldn't destroy Nick when he was threatening Will.

  • Love 7
On 2016-08-30 at 11:01 PM, DisneyBoy said:

Why listen to dummy Philip?

A question that answers itself -- in the negative, of course.

I'm trying to think of a character in Salem less likely to be interested in darkening the door of a bed-and-breakfast, let alone in owning one, than Kate. I can't think of anyone. In my entire memory of the show. Okay, maybe Angelica Deveraux-- even Vivian might have taken it on as a lark, but only if it meant she could torture and mock the guests. Kate? Pff. No way. (Even the hell-beast version of Kate Winograd played by the unrelentingly awful Elaine Princi wouldn't have mucked about with a B&B, for pity's sake. Was Winograd the Kate who was Kim's, er, madam? I forget just now if Winograd was retcon-bobulated into Roberts, or what.

In conclusion: No.)

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Sandman said:

A question that answers itself -- in the negative, of course.

I'm trying to think of a character in Salem less likely to be interested in darkening the door of a bed-and-breakfast, let alone in owning one, than Kate. I can't think of anyone. In my entire memory of the show. Okay, maybe Angelica Deveraux-- even Vivian might have taken it on as a lark, but only if it meant she could torture and mock the guests. Kate? Pff. No way. (Even the hell-beast version of Kate Winograd played by the unrelentingly awful Elaine Princi wouldn't have mucked about with a B&B, for pity's sake. Was Winograd the Kate who was Kim's, er, madam? I forget just now if Winograd was retcon-bobulated into Roberts, or what.

In conclusion: No.)

Elaine Princi played both Kate Winograd and she also played Linda Anderson, Melissa Anderson's biological mother who blackmailed Kim back into prostitution, when she was trying to keep her past as a prostitute a secret...Sheri Anderson created the role of Kate Roberts in the form of the fabulous Deborah Adair after Kate Winograd, who was the doctor that Bill had an affair that drove Laura insane. Essentially, they were two different Kates merged into one and James E, Reilly later used that to make Lucas a Horton via Bill...I personally feel that Lucas did not need to be a Horton, it could have freed him to date Horton women, instead of being with Adrienne who looks like his mother...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

Why couldn't Chad and Jen share care/custody of Thomas?  After all, they are both blood relatives, and as grandmother, Jen is entitled to time with him, especially since her daughter is believed to be dead.  

As for tater-tot's kidnapper, according to this spoiler, it will be revealed 9/8.  http://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-our-lives/spoilers  Of course, it doesn't make sense, but when has that ever stopped show??

Why does this show always feel "experimental"?  They bring people on, start to develop a story, then drop it, or have people leave before they advance the story any, then bring them back months later and retcon the stories.  Getting impossible to stick with it.

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And then there's Philip......or to be more exact, JPL's version of Philip.  If I wasn't sure JPL only looked at his own work I'd swear he was trying to imitate Veronica Lake - a Veronica Lake infected with the Jerry Lewis virus.  Andre, over the top as he is, has nothing on this mass of twitches, hair tosses, crunched up eyes, pursed lips and exAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGERated ways of talking.   

His mommy did him no favors when she told him her bestest ever little boy was gonna be a STAR!


He should really see if he can't run a Bates Motel franchise somewhere - and invite Jennifer to be his first guest.

  • Love 3

Jen and Chad could both care for Thomas. And/or both hire a nanny (both pay for the nanny) to help out and make a workable schedule for everyone. Jen, stop talking the talk about going to AA meetings. They are helpful, but you need to get to the root of your addiction and your pain.

Claire is a smart kid to figure out that Chloe is pregnant.

Phillip, your music label is not the best idea. You seriously do have to have good contacts in the music industry - producers, writers, musicians, promoters.

Ciara and Rory might make an interesting trainwreck. Of course, she's looking for excitement and a bad boy so she'll be at the next party.

Why is Laura Horton returning?

Boes, why do you have a blank post?

Edited by Frozendiva
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, boes said:

And then there's Philip......or to be more exact, JPL's version of Philip.  If I wasn't sure JPL only looked at his own work I'd swear he was trying to imitate Veronica Lake - a Veronica Lake infected with the Jerry Lewis virus. 

This is brilliant!  And a most accurate description of JPL's acting choices.  He has the potential to be decent but blows it at every turn with those awful tics and bizarre mannerisms.  It's weird that no one has reined him in, but maybe that's another indication of how messed up things are there behind the scenes.

  • Love 1

Is Lucas wearing a plastic Clark Kent wig? His haircut is terrible. Who the hell wears 4" heels just hanging around at home Jennifer? Never liked Rory and haven't missed him.

Judi Evans looks terrific. Missy Reeves has pretty good arms.

Too bad Deimos and Justin have to be at odds. Wally and Vincent are two of my favorites going back decades and they both look great and it would be fun if they were buddies.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, annabel said:

Is Lucas wearing a plastic Clark Kent wig? His haircut is terrible. Who the hell wears 4" heels just hanging around at home Jennifer? Never liked Rory and haven't missed him.

HA!  Now that you mention it, Lucas' did look a little bit plasticined - which is sorta ridiculous since the actor looks just fine without a lot of help.  He's aged very well.

I don't dislike Rory, but he is pretty much a one-note character, reminds me of the slacker guy from the Simpsons.  Days has, IMO, generally done well with their recurring characters.  It's T that I miss.

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, boes said:

I don't dislike Rory, but he is pretty much a one-note character, reminds me of the slacker guy from the Simpsons.  Days has, IMO, generally done well with their recurring characters.  It's T that I miss.

I would trade so many of these characters in exchange for T. And Will. And Sami. And Ariana played by Lindsay Hartley. And Mimi. And Patrick. Even dayplayer Derrick is better than so many of these characters we have to deal with. 

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