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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I love Theresa as well. I just don't like her with Brady. He is such a nonentity who cannot keep it in his pants. I just wish that the show would develop Theresa more. I feel that all of the legacy children are not as well developed and dynamic as their parents...I knew who Kim was and what made her tick. Sherry Anderson created Kim and she gave us a wonderful character in her. She needs to write for Theresa. I refuse to believe that Kim and Shane were bad parents. As a diehard Kim and Shane fan, I resent that type of writing to whitewash her past awful actions. Jack's  redemption worked because the writers were not afraid to expose his ugliness and vileness. In fact, that is why he became such a beloved character.  Jack's redemption was Days of our lives at it's best. It saddens me that the show will never be that good again....

  • Love 5

In fairness, they were wise to tiptoe around Theresa ever saying they were "bad" parents. I seem to recall her saying that her father worked too much and her mother had emotional stuff (Lilley waved her fingers around her temple to suggest Kimberly had issues, as if to fill in for the fact her scripted lines trailed off without a clear comment to make).

The big thing seemed to be that they wanted her in a big deal profession, and that made her feel like fashion wasn't acceptable.

I think we have to remember that Theresa could very well have issues completely independent from how she was raised.

And who knows where her brother fit into all that.

  • Love 4

Belle should feel bad that her daughter is more mature and self aware than she is. 


I'm not ok with Deimos drugging Maggie.


Abifail's misery is funny to me.


Don't have any strong thoughts on Lani but I'm glad Shawn stopped begging Abifail Lite for another chance and is moving on. 


Summer's Eve should be deported to hell. 

  • Love 6

Do all pills look exactly the same in the Salem universe, so that Maggie will not recognize that she has different pills in her pill bottle?


"Why don't I take Thomas for a bit while you go jump in the shower?"  Was Chad suggesting that Abigail smelled? I was hoping for a Psycho-like scene in the shower.


Damn, Lani, way to move in there.  Though I like her and Shawn D together.


Can we please hope that Chad is gaslighting Abby?

  • Love 4

Let's see what the Salemites are up to. I'm watching March Madness so let me make it quick.

I think Claire sounds ok, but I swear everytime, the show want to turn this character to no-neck Starr Manning from OLTL. That's Ciara's party song?? It's so depressing though.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Those are the pills Deimos got from Rory, after looking up "myasthenia gravis".


Didn't Rory say something about them being Black Market and that they could really mess you up. Or did I mishear that?


I can't get my head around Maggie having a baby at 17 and the baby now being only 30-something.  Surely they aren't trying to make us believe Maggie is only in her early 50's !!!!

Edited by buffynut
  • Love 4


I can't get my head around Maggie having a baby at 17 and the baby now being only 30-something.  Surely they aren't trying to make us believe Maggie is only in her early 50's !!!!


SORAS goes both ways, apparently.  They have messed up the timeline so much on this show, I have no clue anymore.  Next thing, Thomas will be Ciera's age.


Kind of wishing there would be some sort of Salem catastrophe that would get rid of at least half the cast and start over.  Seems like that's the only way they are going to dig the show out of the black hole it is in.  

  • Love 3

Agreed. If we have to watch Hernandez Family Drama and Summer going on about Dr. Tan, I'm out.

But they did say they would relaunch big after the Olympic Games, so maybe it'll get good. A Brady/Theresa wedding has potential to be interesting based on their complicated and semi-unresolved history.

I finally watched the JJ/Gabi sex scene from Feb and I feel a bit dirty. They've got chemistry but there isn't much else there...

  • Love 1

Every so often, my DVR doesn't record Days. Today was one of those days. Based on what you guys are saying, I'm beginning to wonder if my DVR is trying to spare me.


Mine did the same thing on Friday and yesterday! I think there was a power outage on the Friday or some programming change.


I don't recall watching Days when Maggie was introduced. A little before my time. I can understand another egg baby, but her being 17 when she had a baby and that it apparently has never been mentioned? Really? Maggie should be in her late 60s/early 70s by now. Summer, a woman pushing 40, wondering why she was given up? Times were different in the 1960s and 70s, girl. Many young women put their children up for adoption to give the kids a better home and life. They were ill-equipped in terms of education and work experience to provide for a child, plus there was also the shame involved in having a baby without marriage. Her parents took her baby from her? The storyline makes no sense. Maggie does not need another 'child'.


Abs hacked at her wedding or second wedding (reception) gown? Or Chad is gaslighting her by doing it for her to drive her nuts? Feed the Ben self-fulfilling prophecy. He's a better DiMera than I imagined. Why go to cartoonish lengths to do something? Do it insidiously instead.


Maybe the PVR won't work tomorrow.

  • Love 2

I pretty much enjoyed today's episode - and in some instances, much to my surprise.


As a one-off scene, at least, I enjoyed Maggie's response/reaction to Summer telling her she was her daughter.  The timeline is so awkward, though, I'm wondering why Show didn't just go with another stolen egg, which would make the age questions much less pressing.  Going by the most generous interpretation of Maggie's history - say she was 17 when she met Mickey at the farm - which is problematic since she had problems with her legs AFTER the accident which killed her parents - so let's say she had the baby and gave it up right before Mickey showed up - that would place Summer at 42/43 years old.  I can buy that, going by how the actress looks and I'm not slamming her looks - from my feeble and aged perspective, women of that age range can look younger than their years nowadays.  But I doubt Show wants us to think of Summer as that old.  So if Summer is younger, then we're bouncing off the sides of the Salem Timeline Wormhole once again.

So, who's the Daddy?  Was it Mickey, and she gave the baby up before he brought her to Salem and she got her legs cured?  Kept it a secret because she didn't want him to feel tied down to a crippled woman?  Then never told him?  If so, then Summer is also a Horton.....

And if not Mickey, what possible daddy from way back could be of any importance?  I want to see more to understand why Show went this route..

In any case, I liked what I saw - mostly because it give Suzanne Rogers a storyline that's NOT about Tan the Dan man.  But we'll see.....


More Theresa and Brady - Yep!, all the way.  Brady is at least boneheaded right now and Theresa is charming as hell, so that's all good.


Claire's voice is much better than I thought.  I'm NOT a fan of musical interludes on soaps and FF'd through much of her singing, but if we have to have it, she's not bad.  I do like the actress and I thought she did very well today in being the adult with Belle.  Belle continues to annoy but by herself she's nowhere near as bad as she is when she's with Philip.  John Paul Lumpaleer's mother must have told him every expression he ever had was just so pwecious that he feels he has to work in at least 4 in every scene.  Personally, I'd like to see him face down in a flushing toilet but, that's just me.  

I guess it's possible that Belle could be salvaged at some point, I don't know.  Philip as played by this lump of dried out playdo canNOT.


Deimos and Maggie, again, good scenes.  Maybe nothing spectacular storywise, but it's a pleasure to see two pros at work, always.  I was surprised when Maggie took one of the switched meds - I'd originally thought Deimos had switched the meds intended for Victor.  It looks like Suzanne Rogers is going to have her hands full.


Is there a cuter baby than the kid playing Thomas?  Adorable.  And Chad is great with him.  I couldn't help but wonder, watching today as either Abigail descends into lunacy or, perhaps, she really is being stalked by Ben, how much I'd have enjoyed this storyline with a different actress in the role playing a character I haven't loathed for ages.   It could have been good - and honestly, parts of that storyline today were good.  

Trouble is, this storyline demands I have sympathy for Abigail and that's ...... tough to muster up.  

Nobody better lay a hand on that baby or Chad, though!


No need to ask, I checked, I do not have a fever, nor have I started drinking, nor does anyone have a gun to my head - all my positive comments are my own.


***Please send help****

Oh, haha, just joking, Ying a Ling, just joking!  Seriously, you want my blood?  Take that guy's first, his is MUCH better...

No, not there, Yingy, don't touch me....OUCH!!

****Please send help****

Edited by boes
  • Love 11

I don't even like Maggie all that much and I feel bad that she's being saddled with Summer and therefore I will be missing some of her scenes.

This is one of the main problems with such an accelerated shooting schedule: they've already got four or five months of Summer's storyline taped, and no real chance to drop a character that is just not working out (though, frankly I don't know how or why anyone thought this would be interesting or entertaining.)

  • Love 4

I don't even like Maggie all that much and I feel bad that she's being saddled with Summer and therefore I will be missing some of her scenes.

This is one of the main problems with such an accelerated shooting schedule: they've already got four or five months of Summer's storyline taped, and no real chance to drop a character that is just not working out (though, frankly I don't know how or why anyone thought this would be interesting or entertaining.)

Summer is awful..Why must every new character  be related to an established character on canvas.. Lani, Paul, Deimos are all tied needlessly to legacy characters. These writers forget that alot of the characters on the show were once standalone characters that grew over time due to favorable viewer response..Marlena was once a standalone character and she has had 3 husbands, children, grandchildren and one great-grandchild..The same can be said for Shane Donovan, Steven Johnson and Victor Kiriakis..Kate was the last character that had a great introduction on the show due to Sherry Anderson.


These incompetent writers do not know how to write new characters properly. So they make them related to a legacy character, to manipulate  us into loving them  and accepting them. It is why I have always loathed Daniel, he got everything without earning it. They are now doing it with Rafe. I have no interest in the expansion of the Hernandez family because we have alot of legacy characters that are offscreen that could be used to be build the future of the show...However, with Higley at the helm, I doubt the show will be on the air for too long...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

Once again I wasn't able to watch the whole episode, but it was OK because at this point I'm interested in Deimos (and by extension Maggie, because I want to see what he's up to with her meds), Kate, Steve, Kayla, Brady, Marlena, Theresa and Nicole only.  Everything else can be taken out to the trash.  I like Chad but since he's still a package deal with Blabigail, I'll be skipping his scenes.  JJ and Gabi aren't so bad, but they're not riveting either.  Philip and Belle nauseate me to no end and Belle is the new Abigail without a doubt.  Qui Gon Jinn or whatever John's father's name is can just cut that icicle from his beard and get the heck out already.


This reminds me of the days when I only watched the show for Crystal Chappell and Carly.  Some nice person on YouTube would post only her scenes which was terrific.  Carly is the sole reason I started watching Days and I'm not sure why I continue.  

  • Love 2

The things I liked in today's episode:


Ciara and Clarie's obviously close bond.  I'm glad the show isn't making them rivals, trying to compete for the same guy's attention.


Eduardo and Gabi's lovely bonding moment over the mistakes they made in their lives and how they want to go forward with their futures.  I also think AM is grateful to have someone to act against who is actually talented.  The poor man has had to strictly interact with Rafe and John--that can't have been easy.


The rest?  Kind of lame while I do appreciate that Joey is guilt ridden over killing Ava and letting his dad take the heat for it--just show's got a conscience.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 5

I get what you're saying, but Deimos as a name is no different than Zeus or Ares or one of the many other Greek gods.


Are these names used in modern Greek culture as everyday given names? I would venture to say not. I could be wrong, of course, but I'm skeptical that people actually name their kids after gods or demigods of classical mythology; particularly ones with as negative connotations as the god of war or his fearsome offspring.

The brief moment when Sparkle was unconscious was the first time I've found him tolerable in quite awhile. 


Theo and Ciara's friendship continues to be one of the few bright spots on this show filled with murders, kidnappings, misery, and Crabs. Though, I suspect Ciara's manic behavior is leading to a breakdown. 


I appreciated the Eduardo and Gabi scenes even though I still don't have much use for Eduardo. 

  • Love 5

I'm finding it hard to enjoy the show because I can't see what's going on half the time.  The scenes are so dark I can't tell who's who.  And then they show texts on phones, which I also can't read. Maybe TPTB think everyone watches on a computer or hand-held device, but I still watch from my sofa across the room from the tv so it's not like I'm only inches away from the screen.  And it's not my tv, because the commercials and other shows are fine.  Very annoying.

  • Love 3

Breakdown of Today's episode

Joey having a bad fantasy of Steve being taken in handcuffs.

Ciara is having a party. Where are these teens? Ciara tells Hope all she wants to do is have a party with no adults.

Paul said the bad guys put the bag over his head and kidnapped him.

Joey calls Roman, he wants to confess.

Steve/Rafe are working to find John. Rafe wants Marlena to stay but Marlena wants to go. Rafe let's Steve know he could violate his bond or whatever.

Eduardo and Gabi at hospital. She tells him she knows about the assassin stuff.

Hope gives Ciara the keys to Bo's Mustang.

Kayla and Joey are talking. Joey is guilt tripping again. Kayla wants Joey to not say anything but Joey doesn't want Steve to go to jail.

Joey's at station and still wants to tell Roman. Kayla gets dismissed by Roman.

Eduardo is explaining to Gabi how messed up he was. ( Ok question: how did Eduardo have the time to have children with all this danger).

DingALing sees Paul finally. He thinks it will be a Kodak moment.

Eduardo explains Gabi has been real compassionate. Gabi says she can't judge anyone because she's made her mistakes.

Henry brings up Chase. He doesn't know what happened. Theo comes to party and has a present for Ciara. He looks weird after he gives her present.

Kayla and Hope meet at the park. Kayla lets Hope know Joey killed Ava. There is a scene running simultaneously while Kay is talking of Joey talking to Roman. Josh Taylor is doing that ugly face at the window. Boy, how is Roman going to cover this one up. Hope is telling Kay about Chase/Ciara. Ciara and the other kids are drinking. Claire is singing the depressing song to Ciara. Ciara leaves (I would too). Theo wants to know why she left, she doesn't want to talk but she gives him a random kiss and it wasn't romantic at all.

So DingALing wants to start a new FootClan with Paul being the head of the snake. This story is reminding of the Ninja Turtles. LMAO.

Rafe finally sees Dario. Rafe gives him keys to his house and tells him about Eduardo.

Kayla and Hope let each other know they will do what they can for each other's kids. Theo calls Hope and let's her know to come back to the club.

At the hospital, Dario is upset that Eduardo didn't die. Gabi tells him not to be that way.

DingALing takes some mixture and tells John it's time. John is begging him to stop.

Ciara is drunk and showing out thinking she's in the movie Coyote Ugly. Hope doesn't look pleased.

Kayla comes back to station with Roman/Joey.

Dario comes in hospital room and wished the bullet took out Eduardo.

DingALing's goons takes Paul. Paul is crying. John tells him to be strong and still begging DingALing not to do anything to Paul.

Ok this show was a bit boring. VJ has regressed back being a not so good actress again. I'm still laughing at the silliness of this Jawn storyline. The only thing good was the Kayla and Hope scenes - I'm a fan of theirs and like they talked about their problems as true friends.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

Are these names used in modern Greek culture as everyday given names? I would venture to say not. I could be wrong, of course, but I'm skeptical that people actually name their kids after gods or demigods of classical mythology; particularly ones with as negative connotations as the god of war or his fearsome offspring.


I have no idea how common it is since I don't live in Greece, but I've had two ancient history professors (native-born Greeks who moved to the U.S.) who were named Aphrodite and Achilles (not a god, but revered).  Perhaps their parents were proud of their cultural history and wanted their children to grow up with names having deep symbolic meanings?  Or maybe they had very little knowledge of ancient history and just liked the way those names rolled off the tongue?  Who knows.  I don't think Deimos is any worse than Candy, Jaden, North or Bryce, though.

  • Love 4

Geez, Paul, suck it up.


And once again Hope doesn't interact with her granddaughter.


"Being a murderer doesn't define you."  Yeah, right.


So Jade is a friend of Ciara's, huh?


Chase's friends don't know he was arrested?


Yet again more scenes that are too dark to see.


How many times are we going to have to hear that Claire song?


So they're trying to turn Paul into the Jason Quartermaine of Days?

  • Love 6

 The only thing good was the Kayla and Hope scenes - I'm a fan of theirs and like they talked about their problems as true friends.


That was my favorite part today.  Friends talking about their kids.  I really appreciated the fact Hope told Kayla about Ciara's rape and mentioned that she knew Kayla would understand how Ciara is feeling.  I would enjoy a scene with Kayla and Ciara - I know it probably won't happen, but I wish it would.  

  • Love 6

Not that this matters, but in what world would it make sense to brainwash Paul and turn him into some trained assassin? He's a famous former baseball player who's a 6 foot tall half-Asian guy. There's no way in hell he can just blend into a crowd.


I thought I was the only one cracking up at the absurdity. I haven't laughed so much since Paul called himself walking around in a baseball cap to hide his identity as a baseball player.

  • Love 3

As others have pointed out, the Hope and Kayla scenes were the best thing on the show. Mi was actually taken aback by the fact that the show remembered and acknowledged their kinship and friendship. I liked the ladies supporting each other in their kid angst and Hope referencing Kayla's rape. I do wish that Hope told Kayla the truth about her killing Stefano, I think Kayla could have really been a source of comfort for her.

I continue to like Theo and I loved how he knew Party Girl Ciara was in trouble and the Hope needed to be called.

Fauxman is in quite the pickle now. I mean it's bad enough he is a part of the Stefano murder and Andre framing, but he now has to decide whether to let his dim nephew face the music or to allow the brother-in-law he wishes would go away to remain on the hook. I mean, it's not like he is an officer the law who is sworn to protect things, like life, law, the innocent, put away the guilty. Oh whatever will he do.

Paul's inclusion in the lasted John family backstory is laughably bad.

  • Love 3

Not that this matters, but in what world would it make sense to brainwash Paul and turn him into some trained assassin? He's a famous former baseball player who's a 6 foot tall half-Asian guy. There's no way in hell he can just blend into a crowd.

I thought I was the only one cracking up at the absurdity. I haven't laughed so much since Paul called himself walking around in a baseball cap to hide his identity as a baseball player.


It's The Sparkle Ultimatum! Or more likely, given the under-use of the character, The Sparkle Redundancy!

  • Love 3

Paul, the sparkly assassin. Good idea. Maybe the modelling/spokesperson gig isn't working out. Think yoga wear, Paul.


Roman has to find someone to arrest. Or let everyone walk. What's another murderer running around Salem? Pull out the smartphone and talk about your notches on the police station wall.


Ciara's party was better than the rave.


Why is Dario back in town?

  • Love 5


Why is Dario back in town?

I was not watching when he was around before, but the combination of this actor I do not like and he's apparently a con man with Summer? that's what I've gathered from comments, I FFed their scenes and will continue to do so. Way to make me want to keep watching, show.

Kayla and Hope together is always terrific.

Paul's inclusion in the lasted John family backstory is laughably bad.


For story purposes it would be more dramatic and make more of an impact if Jigsaw from Saw brainwashed Abifail Lite or Brady since John raised them and loved them their whole lives and because they're characters that have existed for years, vs a retconned son that's only been here for a year. 

  • Love 3

Various musings as I try to catch up...


I have loved A. Martinez since I was a wee lass and he guested on a couple of episodes of Quincy.  That love just grew when he was Cruz on the incomparable Santa Barbara.  (Sigh.)   Best soap evah!


But between the facial fur and his strange pause-over act-pause thing he is doing, he is straining the bounds of that love.  He and Jawn (put down the Just For Men) together in that warehouse...  wow.  I am shocked there were any set decorations left after all that gnawing.  A. even made an odd production out of opening the thermos.  Strange.  I am actually happy they pulled my beloved Kate out of his orbit and threw her (literally) into VI's bed.  (Hey!  Another SB Alum!  How I wish Lane Davies were still doing TV work.  He was on Days way back as a Maggie Baby Daddy wasn't he?  Evan Whyland?).   I have a super strong memory of him giving someone a silver Tiffany baby rattle...  (sorry, I digress).


I hope Diemos and Kate can be the new Salem Evil Royal couple.  LK just shines no matter what shit these writers toss to her, and VI certainly has the chops.  They could actually step up to take over (some of) the void left by the amazing Joe Mascolo.  That is if the writers care anything about setting up a longer-term storyline that their standard 2-3 week start to finish crap they seem so fond of.  


So, the first go around with MM as Belle - I hated her.  Purple passion, firey nuns, hate.  Strangely though, seeing her character embrace her bitch this go around - and not apologize for it one little bit - is refreshing, and I rather enjoy her.  Would have preferred the real Shawn stuck around, and I am not at all loving nuPhillip, but MM/Belle is OK in my book. I adored JKJ and Jason Cook.  I also must give a gold star to casting for Claire.  Nicely done.


As to the teen scene, color me surprised.  I absolutely LOVE that Ciera's friends banded together to snatch Chase up and leave him to her. "He's all yours!"    I think it was awesome. I am surprised at how well I thought the actors did (though Joey...  um...  I think 'Joey' could benefit from some voice lessons - he whines way too much)  but the thought was there.  No one went too overboard and Ciera  got to say her piece.  She also did not go overboard (full disclosure:  I'm afraid I would have gotten a bit creative with the placement of that re-bar, but that's just me).  I like that she screamed, made him admit what he did (that is huge), and then - flattened and done, she called her mum.   I have hope for the younger set after this storyline. )


Love they are playing Nicole and Theresa as friends, even bringing Gabi into the mix.  I have been screaming for ever that Nicole needs a friend.   JJ and Gabi are quite hot.  And damn, how pretty!

Edited by Stella Rose
  • Love 10

For story purposes it would be more dramatic and make more of an impact if Jigsaw from Saw brainwashed Abifail Lite or Brady since John raised them and loved them their whole lives and because they're characters that have existed for years, vs a retconned son that's only been here for a year. 


Paul's the athlete.  If they want an assassin, he's the one to go for.

  • Love 4

Yes, an athlete who's supposed to be famous. He would get recognized wherever he went. If all they need is someone with muscle there's Brady, who is also easily manipulated and would be less resistant to brain washing.

Brady's brain is so lightweight you could hand wash it in the sink, wring it out and drape it over the shower to drip dry.

Paul's the athlete.  If they want an assassin, he's the one to go for.

His code name could be the Bedazzler. They would be struck DEAD by the brilliance of his sparkle.

  • Love 10

Merciful Zeus.  I knew I had some irrational love for nuCiera, it hit me finally.  Damn, she looks like Karen Carpenter.   (please no ED jokes)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evETS8_WFGE&ebc=ANyPxKoz1VbFXmPphu7oOfHM7I--wPpeNaq00XI3eBfBb3kD2EwQI93FKIRphmMnhlxU4X7ZGFauew8HGQFGetI_4ywvZjD0Hw


No jokes from me, loved the late Karen!  

  • Love 6

I really do love Deimos & Kate (actually I just love Deimos in general) - but can we somehow fit in for Adrienne to run into Deimos & have "don't I know you from somewhere" moment??


I was just thinking that myself. Beth and Lujack were my very first favorite couple. Please writers, throw us something with them together!


Just how many times has Brady proposed marriage now? I've done lost count.

  • Love 4

Is Ken Corday affaid that VI and JE will have chemistry and destroy the Demios character? He should just throw us a bone and have them meet up in Horton Square for 2 minuets and then move on. Jeez!! This show is so dark now. It's murder, murder and How to Getaway with Murder! Hopefully, with the month break from taping they can fix the show for the spring. Also, by that point they will run all of the "teens" out of Salem. They are simply dreadful.

Can I order all of the leather jackets worn on this show? I hardly see anyone wear them in real life like they do in Salem. I'm from the Phlly area but the most I see is maybe one person wearing one. Of course, it would also help that I was in shape like these actors to wear these jackets. The men & woman are amazing looking. I really liked Dario's light color leather jacket shirt. I bet these leather jackets cost a bundle. I can only afford pleather. LOL!!!!

  • Love 6

I caught up on the show over the weekend, during the daytime, and I could hardly see what was going on with all the dark lighting. That scene with Kayla and Hope in the park was illuminated only by Kayla's white collar : ) That aside, I loved their scene for its celebration of their friendship. 


Getting a little bored with John and Ho Chi and Paul doing the assassin thing. I hope it clears up this week. I think that whole schmear is a dish best served sparingly.But I'm down for some action scenes with Patch and Rafe trying to save them.


Eh, not much else caught my fancy. Hope this week is a good one! 

Edited to delete doublepost.

Edited by Lastwaltz
  • Love 4

Soap isn't even done and Ciara is blowing it away.  She is that good and she acts like a teenager.  Heck, she even makes me like Hope. When Hope walks in she says THE HELL?  I think all the teens are great or should this go on the UO page?  Oh and if Chow Mein drills a hole in Sparkle's head I won't care.  I'm enjoying him more than what I read here, they just gave him too much dialogue.


And Steve?  So very good.  Joe is a dim bulb but I buy it that he is their kid. 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 7
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Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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