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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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WOOOO I liked when Hope knocked down the doors and got right in Andre's face. She's crazy as shit but it takes a monster to kill a monster.

GG/Rafe actually did a good job today. He looked annoyed as shit I felt everything he was feeling and bought it.

Petunia, now that's the scene. KA went full on Boston with the kick to the door! I was like damn. Thaao and her holding that eye contact was better than most MMA fighters in a weigh in.

I'm surprised Galen Gering is learning to act! It only took him 7 years being on this show. Maybe someone in the production finally is seeing eye to eye with me that if he's going to be paired with KA/Hope, he better step up. They've paired GG with almost every lead on the show. To me, this is his last shot to me that he can pull off playing a romantic hero on Days. He's been given too many chances and still nothing moves me about him except when he's in the buff and a sex scene.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Years ago, it was a ridiculous rule on Soap Opera Central that no criticism was allowed.  Not for shitty acting, not for shitty stories, not for any reason.  A few people got banned for speaking out against Jennifer Bransford's reign of terror, and one poor soul got banned for asking what Shouty McYellerson had done to his teeth (it was right after Jacob Young got himself some giant new veneers). 


Is it still that way?  I haven't read their boards in eons.


If any of you got banned from there in a blaze of glory, my hat's off to you!

  • Love 7

So do the Dimeras have the worst security ever? I mean I thought this super evil empire of a family at least has someone who answers the door right? People just barge in that house with such ease its hilarious. I did love Hope slamming in there and staring down Andre though. Leaving Ciara alone again while she had a nightmare though Hope? Maybe not the best idea. I like Rafe trying to help and being just as frustrated with Hope as I am. 


Also I'm supposed to believe Chad is going to outsmart Andre AND Stefano? With Abigail's help? Yeah, not buying it.  I like Chad but this will be insulting to me if he's able to fool them by his behavior. I would hope they would eventually catch him with Abigail and Thomas? Granted I FFwd some but did his memories of Abigail mean all of the brainwashing is "broken?" The Dimeras have been made into a joke in the last couple of years (Kristen stealing Theresa's embryo comes to mind) so this seems like it would happen.


I don't love JPL as Philip but I think his and Belle's friendship is nice to see. Besides being married for a year, they have been friends since high school so I'm glad that can be seen even though they had a relationship/she cheated with him. With that, Belle: you are terrible at keeping secrets. First you tell Brady with Theresa standing right there and now Philip. At least she whispered unlike 99% of her other soap counterparts having very private conversations in a doorway where anyone could hear. Now I'm assuming that with the knowledge that Belle has all this money Philip will want her to use it to help Titan? That's where this is going I guess. 

  • Love 6

Also I'm supposed to believe Chad is going to outsmart Andre AND Stefano? With Abigail's help? Yeah, not buying it. I like Chad but this will be insulting to me if he's able to fool them by his behavior. I would hope they would eventually catch him with Abigail and Thomas? Granted I FFwd some but did his memories of Abigail mean all of the brainwashing is "broken?" The Dimeras have been made into a joke in the last couple of years (Kristen stealing Theresa's embryo comes to mind) so this seems like it would happen.

If the show doesn't want the Dimeras anymore why don't they just create a NEW villian/crime family without any mustache twirling characters. The Dimeras has lost all their moxie, damn shame.

  • Love 6

Missed the show the last two days...did Hope kick in the front door to the mansion, or the door to that study set they've been using the last few months?


I so SO miss the classic DiMera living room set. It is DAYS to me. And every moment Stefano isn't in there makes me sad...so much history in that room...

  • Love 1

Nat Enquirer lied about the details how Stefano would die. I hope the mainstream press gets wind and gets a confirmation.

That's not how they said he would die, per se.  What they said was that his stroke (they said one of his legs is totally paralyzed below the knee) and his dementia (they said he needs to use cue cards, because he can't remember his lines) would number his days. But not that he would die from a stroke or dementia. They never mentioned him dying.

Needed something to read at the grocery checkout line, OhioMom

Those lines are really long. :)

  • Love 1

I haven't seen the new version of Parker, so I'm trying to work out what "Daniel minus tan" would look like. Doesn't Dark Roast - Tan = 0? I mean, what would be left?

The poor tyke had allergy eyes, or something (dark circles under his eyes).  He was cute enough, but I didn't see much of a difference (maturity wise) between Parker 2.0 and Parker 1.0.

The whole shooting scene with Stefano was kind of bizarro.  Was he laughing after being shot the first time?  And they said he was shot in the heart, but it looked to me like he was shot on his right side. I would have thought he would be shot on the left side if it was through the heart.  They didn't show the last shot (only Hope shooting the gun) but I was wondering if it was a head shot.  And then I wondered if it was Hope, or someone behind them (like through the outdoor windows) who shot Stefano (like Andre). That way, he gets rid of "fatha", and Hope gets blamed.  Cause I can't see Hope getting out of this one, if she killed him. Unless her legal defense pleads insanity, and she does a few weeks in a treatment facility.

  • Love 7

That's not how they said he would die, per se. What they said was that his stroke (they said one of his legs is totally paralyzed below the knee) and his dementia (they said he needs to use cue cards, because he can't remember his lines) would number his days. But not that he would die from a stroke or dementia. They never mentioned him dying.)

I was talking about how NE mentioned a month ago how Stefano would die. They lied about that.


  • Love 1

The poor tyke had allergy eyes, or something (dark circles under his eyes).  He was cute enough, but I didn't see much of a difference (maturity wise) between Parker 2.0 and Parker 1.0.

The whole shooting scene with Stefano was kind of bizarro.  Was he laughing after being shot the first time?  And they said he was shot in the heart, but it looked to me like he was shot on his right side. I would have thought he would be shot on the left side if it was through the heart.  They didn't show the last shot (only Hope shooting the gun) but I was wondering if it was a head shot.  And then I wondered if it was Hope, or someone behind them (like through the outdoor windows/french doors) who shot Stefano (like Andre). That way, he gets rid of "fatha", and Hope gets blamed.  Cause I can't see Hope getting out of this one, if she killed him. Unless her legal defense pleads insanity, and she does a few weeks in a treatment facility.

I was talking about how NE mentioned a month ago how Stefano would die. They lied about that.


Thank you for the clarification.  Makes perfect sense now.

That's not how they said he would die, per se. What they said was that his stroke (they said one of his legs is totally paralyzed below the knee) and his dementia (they said he needs to use cue cards, because he can't remember his lines) would number his days. But not that he would die from a stroke or dementia. They never mentioned him dying.

That's really sad if that's true. My grandfather who passed away this year had dementia.

  • Love 3

And then I wondered if it was Hope, or someone behind them (like through the outdoor windows) who shot Stefano (like Andre). That way, he gets rid of "fatha", and Hope gets blamed. Cause I can't see Hope getting out of this one, if she killed him. Unless her legal defense pleads insanity, and she does a few weeks in a treatment facility.

Those are all possibilities I thought.

So as long it doesn't turn out like this


We're ok

But didn't it feel amazeballs no Chabby bs today.

That's really sad if that's true. My grandfather who passed away this year had dementia.


That's really sad if that's true. My grandfather who passed away this year had dementia.

My family has had members suffer from it as well. I'm sorry for your loss.

Stefano seemed to have all his faculties to me, in his scenes today. 

Those are all possibilities I thought.

So as long it doesn't turn out like this


We're ok

But didn't it feel amazeballs no Chabby bs today.

I can't get too spun up about Abby...there are so many other characters who could drive me crazy, as well! :)  Like...oh, I don't know.....Ciara? Theo? Claire? Chase? I could go on and on. And yeah, Abby would end up in there. And Phil, and that freaky hair of his.

  • Love 1

As much as Stefano deserves to be shot over and over again, I sincerely hope they don't make Hope a murderer. 



The poor tyke had allergy eyes, or something (dark circles under his eyes).  He was cute enough, but I didn't see much of a difference (maturity wise) between Parker 2.0 and Parker 1.0.


This one can talk, though.  I recognize him from commercials.  He's really adorable. 

  • Love 2

So, someone wakes up who just had a heart transplant and his visitors just chat with him and no nurses are summoned or come in because of being alerted via his machines - he should be in ICU but I think since they only have one hospital room on the show, concessions are made....


And, it was weird that a woman who had married a murderer who tried to kill her right after they married and her long lost husband shows up to kill him and then drops dead himself within a day, would likely be inclined if someone comes knocking at your door to say they have something to tell you, who also called - Anyone would pay attention in normal circumstances that something important might have happened but especially someone who just went through what she did.


I'm not buying Hope's crazy and obsessed behavior - but then I am someone who doesn't find KA a very good actress, never did so I see this performance different than others.

  • Love 2

NuParker needs a haircut already.


I'm surprised that, once Rafe found out that Daniel had died, he didn't immediately go see Nicole.


Hey, Lani, the word is district, not districk.


Stefano was acting like he really hoped that Hope would shoot him. But it sounds like Stefano didn't really kidnap Bo and kill Malcolm. Maybe it was Deimos.


How will they get Hope out of this?

  • Love 2

If Stefano has to die, he has to die at the hands of Roman. He was his main victim when he brought Andre to Salem to take over Tony's life and frame Roman as a serial killer. Roman's determination to bring Stefano down unleashed Pandora's box on the Brady family and their loved ones. Wayne Northrop should make a cameo and reprise his role as Roman for a brief period for Stefano's demise accompanied by Marlena and John..It would be poetic justice. Hope killing Stefano would leave me cold. We all know that Ernesto Toscano was the one who "killed" her in that vat of acid and not Stefano. The same goes for Steve. Lawrence "killed" him. I hated that the show made every bad thing that has ever happened in Salem be connected to Stefano. It is dumb and unimaginative. It makes no sense that the citizens of Salem would allow Stefano to live in peace. He is a danger to to their society.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

OK, even if Stefano is dead, this show has killed him off and brought him back so many times, why should we believe he's truly and sincerely dead now? The only way I'm going to believe Stefano is forever dead is if JM retires or passes away. I just can't see them having Hope murder him. Hope isn't really a grey character and having your "good" hero/heroine commit cold blooded murder goes against Soap Rules and I'm not sure this show would be bold enough to go there. 

  • Love 5

I hated that the show made every bad thing that has ever happened in Salem be connected to Stefano. It is dumb and unimaginative. It makes no sense that the citizens of Salem would allow Stefano to live in peace. He is a danger to to their society.

Yeah. I fault Corday for allowing Reilly to undo certain history and turning Stefano into the supervillian of Salem. Logically if Stefano did all that to so many lives he should had been iced years ago. But unfortunately since the ratings in the 90s were so freakin high under Reilly it didn't seem like a bad thing.

Hope isn't really a grey character and having your "good" hero/heroine commit cold blooded murder goes against Soap Rules and I'm not sure this show would be bold enough to go there.

Welll, Marlena did shoot the shit out of Stefano for taking her babies in the 80s. A heroine could definitely kill a villian if these idiot writers and executives stop bringing Stefano 2500 times from the dead.

  • Love 1

It is dumb that Stefano is responsible for every bad thing in Salem.Are they going to say that Emma was working for Stefano, when she was torturing Kim relentlessly over Shane. I know that Shane's twin brother Drew worked for Stefano.. It takes away from the show with Stefano being a super villain.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

It is dumb that Stefano is responsible for every bad thing in Salem.Are they going to say that Emma was working for Stefano, when she was torturing Kim relentlessly over Shane. I know that Shane's twin brother Drew worked for Stefano.. It takes away from the show with Stefano being a super villain.

See why I don't like moustache twirling villian characters.


I like complicated, asshole humanized villians like Victor Newman, Todd Manning, and Sonny Corinthos.

  • Love 2

I just can't believe they've killed Stefano after resurrecting him 900 times. The way it happened is just not working for me. I did chuckle at his lines about Hope and Bo being awful cops. Lol. That will never not be funny.

I'm still very upset about this story with Eric drunk driving. I'm so sad for him even though it's all his fault. I don't think they told Brady Eric was driving did they? He will be just as upset.

  • Love 5

OK, even if Stefano is dead, this show has killed him off and brought him back so many times, why should we believe he's truly and sincerely dead now? The only way I'm going to believe Stefano is forever dead is if JM retires or passes away. I just can't see them having Hope murder him. Hope isn't really a grey character and having your "good" hero/heroine commit cold blooded murder goes against Soap Rules and I'm not sure this show would be bold enough to go there. 


On the other hand, I'm wondering if the grand scheme is just to systematically kill off the citizens of Salem one by one, so by the time the show is no longer renewed there are no characters left anyway.  Days of Our Dead.

  • Love 7

So... is that actually it for Stefano? I haven't seen anything in the news about JM exiting, so I'm not sure.


I'm kind of hopeful that Stefano isn't dead. I'm not sure I can handle the DiMera mansion (which Chad likely inherits?) turning into Chabby's love nest.


What?  You're not looking forward to all the pictures of herself Abigail will redecorate with?  On the other hand, I think I'd love to see her move in there with Andre.  After all, he IS a Dimera she's yet to boink.......


Today was another powerful episode, for the most part.  Julie and Caroline with Maggie were well done scenes, I thought.  SR continues to do a fantastic job.  Ditto for AZ with Parker and Chloe.  The new Parker seems fine but I'm wondering why they replaced the old one.  He was pretty adorable and this one doesn't seem that much older.  

Chloe....I sort of - no, completely DO dread her return, as for me, NB only manages to reach the lower ranges of mediocre on her best days.  I'm waiting for a scene of her and JPL together.  My tv might just implode from the massive amount of suckage those two could produce together.  

She wasn't horrible today, but she sure as hell wasn't very good, either.


I am and always will be a KA fan and make no apologies for it.  I don't think Hope has always been the most interesting character these past few years since Bo left, though she was good in the Aiden storyline till it all went bad.  But I'm not feeling this revenge thing very much.  I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just not feeling it much.  That may be more about the other storylines/constant tragedies that have dominated the show lately, or maybe it's more.

I do hope, though, that JM isn't dead.  After all the years he's given to this show he deserves a better send off than this.

  • Love 10

What? You're not looking forward to all the pictures of herself Abigail will redecorate with? On the other hand, I think I'd love to see her move in there with Andre. After all, he IS a Dimera she's yet to boink.......

Today was another powerful episode, for the most part. Julie and Caroline with Maggie were well done scenes, I thought. SR continues to do a fantastic job. Ditto for AZ with Parker and Chloe. The new Parker seems fine but I'm wondering why they replaced the old one. He was pretty adorable and this one doesn't seem that much older.

Chloe....I sort of - no, completely DO dread her return, as for me, NB only manages to reach the lower ranges of mediocre on her best days. I'm waiting for a scene of her and JPL together. My tv might just implode from the massive amount of suckage those two could produce together.

She wasn't horrible today, but she sure as hell wasn't very good, either.

Ewww I'm feeling sorry for Nadia already

I'm kind of hopeful that Stefano isn't dead. I'm not sure I can handle the DiMera mansion (which Chad likely inherits?) turning into Chabby's love nest.

Burn it down Andre. The house of shouldn't be the walking STD play house.

  • Love 2

Hope can't be a cold-blooded murderer.  If she were going to kill Stefano it should've been years ago during one of the times he was an actual physical threat to her.  There's no way to spin this as self-defense.  GH did something similar to Anna Devane and it nearly wrecked the character.  Thankfully they've since retconned the whole thing, but it should have never been written in the first place.


Ultimately they're going to have to have someone else responsible for Stefano's death.  Maybe after Hope busted in on Andre, or after she confronted Stefano, she passed out and dreamed she murdered him?  Meanwhile, someone else came in and did the deed and put the frame on Hope.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 2

Black Mamba, we'll have agree to disagree about KA's acting chops. She has never impressed me, she always seems to be working at doling out the emotions whereas AZ can act rings around her because with her it looks effortless.

NuParker...he looks almost like an albino. Casting couldn't do better? Both Daniel and Chloe don't look like there would be a blonde lurking in the closet somewhere in the lineage. This kid doesn't look like he's even remotely related to them.

JM was awesome if thus was is swansong he went out with a bang...no pun intended.

  • Love 4

Years ago, it was a ridiculous rule on Soap Opera Central that no criticism was allowed.  Not for shitty acting, not for shitty stories, not for any reason.  A few people got banned for speaking out against Jennifer Bransford's reign of terror, and one poor soul got banned for asking what Shouty McYellerson had done to his teeth (it was right after Jacob Young got himself some giant new veneers). 


Is it still that way?  I haven't read their boards in eons.


If any of you got banned from there in a blaze of glory, my hat's off to you!

It was still like that when I was there in 2012. But of course the rule only applied to the mod's favorites characters. I never got banned but alot of posts got deleted. You couldn't even hold conversations in you're visitor messages on your profile. 

  • Love 3

Black Mamba, we'll have agree to disagree about KA's acting chops. She has never impressed me, she always seems to be working at doling out the emotions whereas AZ can act rings around her because with her it looks effortless.

NuParker...he looks almost like an albino. Casting couldn't do better? Both Daniel and Chloe don't look like there would be a blonde lurking in the closet somewhere in the lineage. This kid doesn't look like he's even remotely related to them.

JM was awesome if thus was is swansong he went out with a bang...no pun intended.

I'm not sure if NuParker's casting is supposed to be some hint of his paternity, but he is giving me Phillip and Nancy blondness.

  • Love 4


about KA's acting chops. She has never impressed me, she always seems to be working at doling out the emotions


I couldn't agree more! KA makes me feel nothing at all. I find her to be a very cold performer.


AZ is amazing. She had me crying this week. Then I watched the Robin and Patrick wedding on GH and was crying all over again!


Nicole has always reminded me of Olivia Spencer from Guiding Light. Both characters are/were bad girls - but not bad as in evil. Just always desperate for love and always doing something to mess up anything good in their lives. Of course Olivia finally found her one true love - a woman. Perhaps it's time for Nicole to expand her horizons!

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 6
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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