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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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It's STILL the same day? Come on Days, this is just ridiculous at this point. So Philip came home 2 hours after his brothers funeral? But couldn't make it back? Ok. I mean what time is it in Salem? Was Bo's funeral at 7am for all the things people have been doing?

So Ciara's kidnapping was the shortest thing ever. That was riveting TV for a whole 20 minutes. Lol. I guess Rafe is going to keep visiting Hope on this never ending day at her house. Will Ciara almost being hurt cause her to slow down? Probably not.

I'm still trying to feel out JPL as Philip. Its not terrible. I liked seeing him and Kate because seeing her not attached to the next newbie town loser sits just fine with me! He's definitely not bringing Rex Balsom feelings to me so that's good. I desperately wish they would have gotten Jay K. Johnson back they needed Philip on canvas. And his first non family interaction is Belle.

I'll have to see tomorrow if I hate it or not. I'm still going to need Belle to lighten up a bit though I am looking forward to see if this Chad thing is going to happen. Also while talking to Brady, look : A mention of your nephew who was just murdered. That's nice that you remembered. With all that having this Dimera money plot play out with no AS is so dumb. Sami texts, deposits money and is out. Great story!

  • Love 4

Belle doesn't seem at all interested in saving her marriage. I guess she got tired of Shawn's peen. When she and Phillip start humping again I wonder who Shawn will be paired with.

I'm still hoping for Chloe but I wonder would the actors be weird since they dated. If not them, Lani could be interesting.

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Just watched the past three days of shows...of which I pretty much forced myself through because this show is sucking big time. Sturm and drang, sturm and drang...

And they keep reinforcing my belief that Hope us the worst mother ever...even Eve showed interest in Paige. Hope has always put her kids second to her feelings about Bo. And please, lose the all black bordering on cat suit look, so cliche.

No light moments, more killing and deaths, and more to come. This is the Debbie Downer of soaps.

Edited by blanchowens
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Man, but JPL's Phillip is so strange looking and his weird, freaky-styled hair is just off putting and what's with the long lingering stare with Belle?  I thought that Belle and Shawn were the soul mates, not Belle and Phillip.


I really liked the Belle/Brady brother/sister conversation but she seems really hypocritical, pointing out that Sami should know better than to double cross the DiMersa but Belle herself keeps doing the same mistakes over and over again because she keeps cheating on Shawn.  What gives?

  • Love 8

Mine too.  In fact, I've missed the last 2 episodes and don't have the urge to watch them online.


That said, anything happen worth knowing about?


Ciara was kidnapped. Hope gave the kidnapper $500K cash and whatever info she had on Caroline's wonder-drug, in exchange for her daughter. Later, the Welch guy (can't remember his name) was in the park, talking on the phone with his mysterious boss, assuring the boss no one knows who he is working for. The Welch guy was then shot dead.

Rafe came to question Hope about the shooting. I think that's it. I watched while I was doing something else. That's my approach these days, then I save the episode for the week or two. If I get through a week without going, "Huh? How did that happen?" I delete the old episodes.

Edited by General Days
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Carrie was a Dimera step-child.  It is hardly ever mentioned anymore but Stefano would try and use Carrie to keep Tony and Anna in line back in the day.  She was very much a part of the Dimera family back then. 

I think it is awful that Carrie was never the lead heroine of the show over Sami...She is the first Brady grandchild via Roman and was named after her grandmother Caroline...She had a very close relationship with John as Roman..She was his right hand person in taking care of Sami and Eric, when they were kids...I loved her complicated relationship with her mother Anna, who was so Sami like, who put her needs above her child...Anna and Marlena had a complicated relationship due to Roman, but they were able to put their grievances aside for Carrie's sake...The show never explored the dynamic between Anna/Carrie to the fullest...I loved the relationship between Tony/Carrie or was that really Andre, with so many retcons. who really knows...I still say that Rex and Cassie should have been the children of Tony and Anna....Another missed opportunity on this show..

  • Love 5

New Philip is definitely a bit...dry looking. Moisturize people!

I don't hate him, but I'm basically off the show now and not especially invested either.

I'm weirded out by Brady looking older than Belle. NuBelle is grating a bit.

Missed Brady and Theresa's new digs. How big is the set?

Can we just have a show starting Theresa where Anne drops by to snark with Brady (or against him) and babysit Tate, and then T goes to work with Kate? I'd watch that.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4

I'd also watch that show. 


So far the new set was just their living room, but it was a decent size and there were nice pillows.


Have ratings for the week of Nov. 3 - Dec. 4 been posted?  I don't recall seeing them, so here they are.  Unfortunately Days fell off a cliff and crashed, then fell off another cliff further down the canyon and crashed some more.

  • Love 3

Eh, I don't mind the time shifting too much.  I liked today's show a lot other than when I had to mute the Hope shrieking.  At least the abduction didn't last that long.  I thought the Vic/Hope scene was very nice both acting and writing.  He said I should have visited your house sooner.  I was touched he'd stay and watch over Ciara even though he knew she'd go do something stupid and I'm glad he hired guards.  I like Vic's stepping up in this storyline. 


I get it now why Brady was rehabilitated.  To go up against Skeezy Phillip.  I don't mind MM at all as Belle.  She gave a great subtle glance up and down Philip now didn't she.  Her scene with Brady was excellent other than the Sami trashing but that's all about the writing.  Sheet I love AS for making Ken want her back so much he's writing her in anyway.

  • Love 2

Eh, I don't mind the time shifting too much. I liked today's show a lot other than when I had to mute the Hope shrieking. At least the abduction didn't last that long. I thought the Vic/Hope scene was very nice both acting and writing. He said I should have visited your house sooner. I was touched he'd stay and watch over Ciara even though he knew she'd go do something stupid and I'm glad he hired guards. I like Vic's stepping up in this storyline.


The time needs to shift in Salem. I'm finding this hard to believe all this is taking place in one day after watching for two weeks. It feels very James Reilly how he could drag one day into three weeks. If you're going to do fast pace storytelling then every three-four days needs to shift.

I, too, like the Victor/Hope scenes.

Yea it's really stupid. He should be a Leo DuPres (AMC) type in his interactions and orbits. You know the morally grey sarcastic playboy raised by criminal family who had various romances, platonic friends, some schemes going, a bit quirky.

So much this. I loved Leo and was sad JD was only using AMC as a 1 year acting boot camp. Leo and Greenlee were aces!


"Would I rather cross Stefano DiMera or Sami Brady?"  LOL, good question.

Sophie's Choice


Can we just have a show starting Theresa where Anne drops by to snark with Brady (or against him) and babysut Tate, and then T goes to work with Kate? I'd watch that.

I'd watch the hell out of that show. All day long.


Have ratings for the week of Nov. 3 - Dec. 4 been posted?  I don't recall seeing them, so here they are.  Unfortunately Days fell off a cliff and crashed, then fell off another cliff further down the canyon and crashed some more.

Hmm...won't say anything b/c ...well, yeah. 

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The Chad/Abifail scenes were horrific. Was that supposed to be romantic? That bedtime story Chad told to Abifail made me want to barf. Why am I not surprised that even everything Abifail has gone through in the last 2-13 days isn't enough to stop her libido. I'm glad Chad was smart enough to not have sex with some girl who gave birth to a demon baby 2-13 days ago. 


Why was Belle shown during that "romantic" montage at the end? Aren't she and Shawn the ones destined to get a HEA, not her and Phillip?

  • Love 7

I'm getting a very Abby-esque vibe from Belle when she was talking to Phillip, as in their marriage fell apart all because of him and she was completely blameless.  That's pretty damn immature and childish, but I guess that's how her marriage to Shawn ended to.  Apparently her being incapable of staying faithful had nothing to do with it--what an entitled cow,


Theresa and Brady continue to be adorable together and I love how much Brady believes in her and that hew knows how hard she's been working to improve her life.  I like how their relationship is developing.


So,  exactly how long has it been since Abby and Chad were rescued?  In other words, how long has it been since Abs gave birth?  Not that I want to think about her lady parts but I'm sure you all know where I'm going with this :):)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 9

So,  exactly how long has it been since Abby and Chad were rescued?  In other words, how long has it been since Abs gave birth?  Not that I want to think about her lady parts but I'm sure you all know where I'm going with this :):)


Abifail gave birth on the November 24th episode. Based on what people have said on screen I think it's still supposed to be sometime in November in Salem. Even if it were December 15 in Salem, that's less than three weeks since she gave birth. 

  • Love 5

I felt like I had Crabs watching the Crabby episode. Just ugh.

I kind of liked JJ/Gabi scenes. Phelle was ok I do see the chemistry between the actors at least.

Thrady, blah.

The Chad/Abifail scenes were horrific. Was that supposed to be romantic? That bedtime story Chad told to Abifail made me want to barf. Why am I not surprised that even everything Abifail has gone through in the last 2-13 days isn't enough to stop her libido. I'm glad Chad was smart enough to not have sex with some girl who gave birth to a demon baby 2-13 days ago.

Oh you know sluts heal quicker

  • Love 2

I'm happy Gabi and JJ were finally on screen again.  They're so pretty together.


Theresa and Brady were even fun, and I'd much rather watch them get it on than fugly Abigail and poor, deluded Chad.


Abigail is absolutely repulsive.  She's just been rescued from being held captive by a psycho killer who murdered and attempted to murder several people, including her best friend and the woman who helped her deliver her unnecessary baby ... and she's, oh well, might as well have some sex!  I agree that Chad's fairly tale was barf-worthy.  Her giggling was fucking gross.  I really wish she'd fall into a black hole.


JPL wasn't bad today.

  • Love 8
I'm getting a very Abby-esque vibe from Belle when she was talking to Phillip, as in their marriage fell apart all because of him and she was completely blameless.

Belle was the original Abby (whereas the original Abby was a wonderful, smart girl--who coincidentally had good chemistry with the smidgen-too-old (JKJ) Phillip. However, Martha Madison plays Belle as someone who is fun to hate. There is just something amusing about watching her try to be sexy and make terrible decisions (back when she was boomeranging between Philip and Sean). And of course Marlena is going to have an entitled princess--I find it out of character for Jennifer and Jack's daughter to be so lacking in self-awareness. I hope Claire is sticking around -- I thought she was much better cast than Ciara.

Someone mentioned they would like to see Theresa and Chad together--I vote for at the very least a chem test! I have a feeling the writers will throw her into Phillip's orbit instead.

  • Love 3



It really was that bad.  I liked Theresa until she did a pointless 180 about how he should never have quit his job!  Glad I had a baby pre-monitor days.  I never left the baby once, ever.  But generally I like rehabilitated Brady and I love Theresa.  See, Brady isn't naturally stupid offscreen, while KM...


I can't stop looking at Philip's crevasses and can't stop sitting up suddenly over Belle's haughtiness.  And she's a lawyer, dammit!  She doesn't look back, does she.  How about if she looks for her daughter who's been missing for two weeks and maybe enroll her in high school. She gave him an up and down look yesterday and I thought there was some hope there but nope.  Cheeses Phillip, Bo's funeral was Belle's business?  He's your half brother and Belle's father in law.  Hitting head on desk now.


SORADS - soap opera rapid degree syndrome.  When Lucas, Lexi, Belle, etc take off and come back with professional degrees.  Heck, even Will for being an accomplished journalist.


So poor Kate is further descending into sleeziness encouraging her rotten son and flirting with AM.  She had a son expecting he would take over Vic?  I'm so confused about Kate right now.


Muting Chabifail failed when I unfortunately turned it back up only to find out she was the effing princess of his fairy tale.  Nice to know you, Chad. For recent viewers we've discussed how Chad will never be allowed to meet Theresa.


Even JJ and Gabi seemed awkward today.  Talking about people you're not good enough for?  So they're settling for each other?  My head is spinning.  Not sure how they managed to destroy the spark that was there.  Maybe they're dating.  That usually does it. But it's not a date even though you all see my bare fanny under the expensive white lace dress. 


Wasn't that Steve and Kayla's sex bed yesterday?  ok....

Edited by QuelleC
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So the ratings plummeted after all the "guest star veterans" departed and the big 50th turned out to be a big letdown?....Hmm, not surprising at all.  I saw that coming without a crystal ball. 


I did not see today's show but I gather it was all about how Princess Trollop can't go five seconds without coming on to a man???  But Chad turned her down? Someone please fill me in. Was it the leaking nipples, Montana size maxi pads, and the prospect of tearing her stitches what turned him off? Or has the boy finally seen the light of day? 


I think it is awful that Carrie was never the lead heroine of the show over Sami..

Really? Because I remember many years that Carrie was clearly propped as Miss Goody-Two shoes and the star couple with Austin.  I didn't mind her last time she came back as I saw some chemistry between her and Rafe but I loathed her in the years before when she was constantly on screen. 

  • Love 9

I enjoyed the feel of the show today. The cutting from couple to couple felt old school to me.

But, then, I don't hate Abby and Chad or Brady and Theresa. I did feel the JJ and Gabi smooch was blah, though. And that sucks cause I had high hopes for them.

I'm not hating the bitchy tone Belle has been taking. To me, MM has always played Belle with a touch of it when things don't go her way. I'm open to see where this goes with Phillip.

  • Love 1

I liked today, a lot.  Of course, I helped make it that way by ff'ding each and every Abigail scene.  Sucks that I lose Chad that way, but oh is it worth it!    One thing, though, on the subject.  Last time Abigail was in distress, after she slipped and fell off Mt. EJ and skidded down the Sami slope, skinning her ego, every available Horton lined up to snuggle bunny her purty sweety ookums to death so lil' Abigail didn't feel bad about losing access to the Dimera dick.  Now, she's been kidnapped, given birth, been almost burnt to death, and.....they've all got better things to do??  Even Jenn? Not that I'm complaining - and in fact, maybe they all realize none of them missed her when she roasting like a chestnut on an open fire.  Poor widdle Abigail...


JJ and Gabi weren't electric, but they weren't bad, either, IMO.  It felt like Show was trying to set up their backstory in one fell swoop, so we got all that exposition about the past, etc.  I think the spark is there, but we just couldn't see it through the fog of talk today.


Jen Lilley looked fantastic today, IMO.  Less made up, more natural, and she's even more beautiful.  If Show continues on with this version of Brady, I'm all for it.  Less of the neanderthal bonehead, more of a thoughtful, funny guy.  Yep.  Good character movement and I hope it continues.  Not much happened with either one today, just them being together and it was really nice.


I'm not a Belle fan, nor do I dislike her.  But Show is going to need to do more than put her in romantic entanglements so soon on getting back if it wants me to care.  And JPL.....oh dear......I don't know if he's on the paleo diet, or steroids, but whatever has hollowed out his face needs to stop.  I still see Rex Balsom from OLTL and that's not a good thing, considering how tiresome that character became.  I'm going to try and keep an open mind.  JPL MIGHT have gotten better.....


More than anything, the tone of today's show was a relief to what we've been seeing. 


And this endless Salem day....I'm wondering if the way Show is filmed, along with the pace, has finally defeated editing.  I know that a single character can shoot up to 30 scenes in one day - (imagine having to do that) - all out of sequence, isolated from the scenes we see in sequence, and often for episodes that might not be seen for upwards of 4 weeks.  And actors comment that they don't even know how their characters are even supposed to be feeling.  

With all that has gone on in this longest of Salem days - Bo's funeral, Ciara kidnapped, Abigail rescued, et al, maybe the editing staff just messed it all up.  I mean, we saw in one episode last week or so, that Victor and Maggie had gone to bed after Bo's funeral, and then Philip returns on the same day, Victor and Maggie are up, it's late, now it's not so late....Good Lord....

  • Love 7

While I found Chad's fairytale silly, I found him so adorable. I'm a sucker for seeing a man show emotion. Seeing BF and looking into his eyes, IMO it was swoon worthy.

As for Abby.....I'm gonna be good.

Belle and Philip. I didn't like them before and nothing has changed. I never liked MM as Belle anyway.

Thrady were cute today. It's nice to see them in the non drugging, non scheming, and respectful mode.

I'm on board with JJ and Gabi. This could work considering that they don't see themselves above one another.

  • Love 3

So the ratings plummeted after all the "guest star veterans" departed and the big 50th turned out to be a big letdown?....Hmm, not surprising at all.  I saw that coming without a crystal ball. 


Most of us predicted it early on. #Gaynocide, murder, death, torture, kidnapping...almost zero romance, waste of veteran returns. 


While I found Chad's fairytale silly, I found him so adorable. I'm a sucker for seeing a man show emotion. Seeing BF and looking into his eyes, IMO it was swoon worthy.

I'm on board with JJ and Gabi. This could work considering that they don't see themselves above one another.

Billy Flynn is what makes Chad so good. Man can act...and knows how to use those baby blues.

I'm all on board the #Jabi Ship. 

  • Love 3

The Chad/Abifail scenes were horrific. Was that supposed to be romantic? 


So funny -- I was charmed by those scenes, and the look on Chad's face while Abby slept was priceless : )

ETA more thoughts: I very much liked JJ and Gabi and look forward to a slow development of that romance, each helping the other come back to normal life. I like seeing JJ more carefree.


Belle and Philip -- again, meh for me. Nothing egregious, but nothing to rave about either. 


Thrady -- Jenn is still lovely and Brady is more palatable. But I don't need to see them make love, I really don't. 


More about Abby -- she's just a mess. I don't think she was actively seeking sex, I think it was physical comfort and the relief of being with Chad and having that nightmare behind her. If EJ and Sami can have sex immediately after finding out (wrongly, as it turns out) that Johnny was kidnapped or dead, I'm gonna give Abigail a moment or two of bad judgment considering. Although I did find her a bit simpery and falsely child-like during Chad's fairy tale. So there : )

Edited by Lastwaltz
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More about Abby -- she's just a mess. I don't think she was actively seeking sex, I think it was physical comfort and the relief of being with Chad and having that nightmare behind her. If EJ and Sami can have sex immediately after finding out (wrongly, as it turns out) that Johnny was kidnapped or dead, I'm gonna give Abigail a moment or two of bad judgment considering. Although I did find her a bit simpery and falsely child-like during Chad's fairy tale. So there : )


I think those scenes were purposely added to show us how loving and caring that Chad was trying to be. And even if we chose to suspend belief that Abby was in any physical condition to be with Chad, she was in no way emotionally to be with him. And Chad refuse to take advantage of her. That's just my opinion, though. lol.

  • Love 4

Two days after giving birth Abigail is now in hot pursuit of dimera dick.


Well, if that's all Abby wanted she could have been with him months ago. lol. It's not like she didn't have the opportunities. In fact, she could have been with him whenever she wanted if she had chose to be with him. 

Edited by Sidney

I'm on board with JJ and Gabi. This could work considering that they don't see themselves above one another.


Yes, this.  JJ and Paige were often so uncomfortable (even before he slept with Eve) because he felt he was so far beneath her morally and intellectually.  I'm really looking forward to him and Gabi.  They're both flawed, they know they're flawed, and no one fawns all over them as being the best ever when they're not,

  • Love 7

Yes, this.  JJ and Paige were often so uncomfortable (even before he slept with Eve) because he felt he was so far beneath her morally and intellectually.  I'm really looking forward to him and Gabi.  They're both flawed, they know they're flawed, and no one fawns all over them as being the best ever when they're not,

Yep! This. Exactly. They're flawed and they both openly communicate that...plus, the fact that they're both grieving Paige/Will, etc... They're talking. That's great. I have high hopes for them, actually.

  • Love 3

Yes, this.  JJ and Paige were often so uncomfortable (even before he slept with Eve) because he felt he was so far beneath her morally and intellectually.  I'm really looking forward to him and Gabi.  They're both flawed, they know they're flawed, and no one fawns all over them as being the best ever when they're not,


It's refreshing to see a potential pairing where one person isn't held up as some sort of sainted paragon of virtue who has a team of supporters who coddle them and eagerly relieve them of any and all blame for their misdeeds. 

  • Love 6

I can see why the ratings dropped. Death, destruction and watching the same day for 2 weeks. That probably got old. Also these "returns" on some people only lasted so long.

But the best thing about this episode: Hallelujah they showed light and it is the next day!!!!! That is a victory!

Oh Chad if only I didn't have to FFwd your scenes. When you are with your family I don't.

I like JJ and Gabi. Hope that the relationship becomes more fleshed out.

I also enjoyed the scenes between Philip and Belle but I was a fan the last go around even though she cheated on Shawn. JPL isn't bugging me so I will continue to be interested in them. I definitely would prefer her and Shawn to be divorced though.

Jen Lilley is probably one of my favorites and I love Theresa, I just cannot with her and Brady. Love the Basic Black storyline so excited to see where that goes.

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I like Belle much better when she acts like the adult she is--her scenes with Hope were rather awesome and I hope we get to see more of her in attorney mode.


I wish I could see why Ciara is fawning all over Theo--the kid's kind of dorky and maybe that's the point but she's acting like she's into him and I don't understand it.  I continue to like Chase and I want good things for him--like a girl who won't forget he exists when another guy comes around.


If Andre's drugging Chad causes an ounce of pain, unhappiness or misery for Abby, then I will love the man forever :)

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Does Andre know that if he killed Abifail Trollop Abistank that would be one less obstacle standing in his way of getting Chad and Belle together?


Shouldn't Abifail be spending most of her time with her newborn baby instead of almost humping Chad and spending the day with him? Especially since her family barely stops by to see the demon. I feel like most parents in her situation would have to be forced out of the hospital.


They should keep Belle in lawyer mode. That's when she's tolerable. 


I know Stefano is a shit father but is he really ok with Andre doing this to Chad?

  • Love 7
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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