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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Dammit, Theresa, stand up for yourself.



I can understand why Theresa is suddenly less aggressive - she looks up to Kate and this whole project means a lot to her personally and that's got her feeling more timid. And frankly, I don't really want to see Theresa strong-arm Kate after all the manipulating she's done in the past and all the attitude she's thrown around. It's nice to see Theresa trying to be respectful. Besides, Kate isn't wrong, is she? What CAN Theresa bring to the table besides her drawings? If she's given too much authority in the business, it could go under before they even get in the door. So yeah, it sucks, but Anne is right about Theresa sucking up to Kate, learning all she can and being persistent. That's how young folks start to build a career and up until now Theresa hasn't had much of one...


I hope we get a Kate/Eve scene soon. There was alot of foreshadowing in their scenes a few weeks ago..Kate will now need Eve's support about losing her grandson...



I forgot about the Eve/Kate scene. Frankly I don't expect much of a follow-up. The show is better now at doing things deliberately and paying things off, but it isn't that good...


Anne is totally being a bitch.



Anne had exactly zero scenes with Will and was being approached by a close friend who dumped her and is now being somewhat hypocritical about her reasons for wanting a sounding board. I thought the scene was played really nicely. Anne's attitude was more about her subtly telling Theresa "don't jerk me around anymore if you want us to be friends - get your head together, remember how good I've been to you and be real with me". I liked that. And I liked that they didn't try to play it off like Theresa was faking her sadness over Will's passing just as a pretense for getting Anne's advice on Kate. The writing allowed Theresa to honestly be a little sad about Will and still want advice on dealing with Kate. In the past, Theresa wouldn't have been allowed to be shown to be legitimately sad since she's *gasp shock* a total schemer and the new Sami and evol!!111!


I really enjoyed all of today's episode. There was no fat. I would have liked to see Roman in the mix as well, but hey, at least we got some good Sami/Lucas. And the scene with Sami in Will's apartment (while ludicrous because, hello, crime scene?) was powerful. AS' physical performance was so, so good. You could follow her thoughts as she absorbed the room, touched the various pieces of Will's life and then finally crumpled at the place he supposedly lost his life and remembered his birth and wedding. It was a MILLION times more affecting that Sami climbing onto EJ's slab and sobbing and sobbing. That felt cliche. This felt so real it hurt.

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I'm disappointed that Sami now apparently believes Chad is guilty but I'm willing to chalk it up to her not thinking clearly. Hopefully Serial Killer is exposed soon because I'm not interested in seeing everyone believe that Chad killed Will. 


I'm eagerly anticipating Sami and Kate sharing scenes again. 

  • Love 6

So show gave me Taniel -- can he just die already, cause I was over him from the first day he appeared on screen.

Show then gave me Abigail II in Theresa - I really don't care that Will is dead, but I'm hoping I can parlay it into Brady being drugged out levels of crazy enough to want me because I make the word pathetic look good. She is truly bottom of the barrel in so many ways.

I for one hate when others try to force the version of grief they feel comfortable with down people's throats. Sam has to grieve at her own pace and not when anyone else tells her to grieve. You want to support her, then be there for her; don't try to make her fit a mold you feel comfortable interacting with.

I loved all of AS scenes and her at Will's apartment was gut wrenching, especially the flashbacks.

Loved BD and LK scenes or at least the intentions behind their scenes. However, once again the level of facial work is beyond painful to look at. It's as if the actors totally don't get that high definition is not your friend. I mean if LK had any more work done, she wouldn't be able to move her face at all., it was distracting and served to take me out of the moment.

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BD gives a great ugly when crying but he can't actually shed tears. He's losing me with his grieving because I don't see any real tears. When he worked with LK who was shedding tears I thought he would drop a few but he still couldn't. Isn't crying and sheding tears on a soap SOAP OPERAS 101?



Yeah, his non-crying is hard to watch, but...maybe Lucas just can't shed tears? I know people who go through all the facial muscle reactions of crying but the water only comes out when they're choking or laughing too hard. Different people's eyes work differently.


Loved BD and LK scenes or at least the intentions behind their scenes. However, once again the level of facial work is beyond painful to look at. It's as if the actors totally don't get that high definition is not your friend. I mean if LK had any more work done, she wouldn't be able to move her face at all., it was distracting and served to take me out of the moment.



I think it makes total sense in-continuity for Kate to have had some work done. Gal's a business exec who takes no guff from no one. So yeah. It works for me that Kate's face is partially frozen. But hey - she showed emotion and cried and acted the hell out of her scenes today and that's all I care about!

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One thing that bugs me is why is Sonny not involved in the decision making for the funeral for Will.  I know that he is far away, but they could easily have had some throwaway lines about waiting for Sonny to decide certain things..He was the spouse...I hope he has some good scenes with Kate, Sami, Ari, Gabi,Lucas, Marlena, Chad, Caroline. I hope he is always considered a part of the Brady family..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Salem PD had Will's apartment door open with no cops there to guard the scene and just some tape that Sami could walk through. Good job!

Maybe they just realized it was pointless to bother with any further security because Hope already let Lucas trample all over the apartment contaminating the shit out of everything.


I for one hate when others try to force the version of grief they feel comfortable with down people's throats. Sam has to grieve at her own pace and not when anyone else tells her to grieve. You want to support her, then be there for her; don't try to make her fit a mold you feel comfortable interacting with.

Yes, I found it especially annoying when Sami did start reacting and then Eric and Marlena jumped all over her for lashing out. First they did their best to provoke her and then they criticized her for reacting in a fashion they deemed inappropriate. No wonder Sami decided to leave the apartment.


I did enjoy the running theme of people asking how Sami was and, upon being told that she was being calm, saying, "That's not good."


I don't mind Sami going after Chad because she did question Hope at length about how it didn't make sense for Chad to be the killer and Hope really left no space whatsoever in their conversation for the idea that the killer might not be Chad. The out-of-character aspect was explained away by alcoholic blackouts. I don't expect Sami to be playing detective when her aunt the cop was basically all, "Yeah, it's totes Chad, all the evidence says it's him."


God, this show is so depressing. Everyone's doing a good job and I'm glad to see AS but it's so depressing. Sonny should be arriving soon and then there'll be the funeral, so we have lots more cheery times ahead. This is really not my idea of how to celebrate the 50th anniversary. For one thing, the key word in that sentence is celebrate. A word that has positive connotations. This feels more like the show's funeral rather than anniversary. Maybe that's actually the desired effect?


One thing that bugs me is why is Sonny not involved in the decision making for the funeral for Will.


I was thinking about that yesterday, and I think what's driving that is, they were estranged at the time of Will's death. Sonny had left Will. He didn't file for divorce, but he left Will. I haven't seen any anger on Lumi's parts toward Sonny, so I don't think it's about anger, just more that if a person has left their spouse and the spouse then dies, making the funeral arrangements naturally tend to land on the spouse's other immediate family instead, the people who weren't estranged from the dead person.

Edited by Black Knight
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What is endgame for Ben? He is way too crazy and violent for this to be a lark. Does he want to always have a hidden life? Where no one knows the real him?

Or when he gets comfortable enough will he reveal this side to Failure so they can become the less attractive version of Mickey and Mallory Knox?

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Today was pretty good, with some excellent scenes.  Marlena ripped me up when she was talking to Brady and just could not say Will's name.  The way her voice broke, killer.


Sami's not somebody you want visiting you at the hospital, is she?  Last time she was there she offed that cop - deservedly - this time, well, I don't think she's trying to make Chad more comfy.

Once again, I think AS did a very good job today, both with her scenes with Marlena, Brady and Numbskull Son with her refusing to break down, and her scene at Will's place, so forlornly going through the wreckage, picking up and putting down things, then pressing her hand to the floor where his body was and just sobbing her heart out.  


Kate and Lucas, very good.  I don't fault any of the grief scenes - other than Abigail, who looked upset because that meant the cable guy didn't come AGAIN.  I can sound pretty miserable, but I often can't cry, and if I do, it's at an inappropriate time or place.  But I can make the most godawful faces.  So I don't fault Lucas for not having many actual tears, or anyone, really.  Grief is messy and there's no right way to express it or timeline to feel it.  


I'm not bothered by Ann's lack of caring, or Theresa's distance from it.  Ann has poor social skills and a misguided idea that being honest all the time is a virtue.  It's one that is unfortunately pretty common these days.  I love Ann, but she really should keep her mouth shut sometimes.  But she doesn't, never has, so her being inappropriate today didn't bother me.   And Theresa certainly is sad, but she didn't really know Will, so her sadness is more general, family-centered, not specific on the person.  So her being able to concentrate on work didn't seem wrong to me.  Same with Nicole.  Will was someone she knew well sometimes, and other times, years would go by with minimal contact.  Their reactions seem appropriate.


And isn't it great to see Dirty Dan show up on screen and be SURPRISED to see him??  If this was three months ago, he'd be Chad's doctor, he'd be chasing down the bad guys, solving the case, repainting the hospital and be the one talking sense to Sami.  Douche King has been demoted to Baron Douche.  It's a much better look for him.


ETA - Once again, Eric seems too simple to live.  Marlena is expressing her doubts about Chad to him, but he just can't grasp that the obvious might not be what happened.  Even though the obvious - him having willing sex with Kristen - is the same thing that happened to him.  For a guy who wanted to, hell, WAS, a priest, he's ready to hang the first person accused.   He really does come across as a guy who doesn't have all his marbles.

Edited by boes
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By the way, I noticed once again that we had a family relationship referenced in a way that I really don't think real people would do in conversation: Would Theresa really say "my cousin Sami" to Brady, who is Sami's stepbrother and usually treated as her brother, as in this episode where he was part of the "Sami's immediate family" group at Marlena's? I think Theresa would just say Sami.


As for Ann, she definitely has her flaws, but I'm just relieved that the show isn't just dumping her now that Theresa has moved on to Basic Black. Much as I love that they're putting Theresa, Nicole and Kate together in a storyline, I didn't want Ann to be a casualty. It's true that she's only recurring, but they have dumped other recurring players, like T.

Edited by Black Knight
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Today was pretty good, with some excellent scenes. Marlena ripped me up when she was talking to Brady and just could not say Will's name. The way her voice broke, killer.

That was definitely a terrific moment of acting on Deirdre's part.

As for Eric, though, he didn't willingly have sex with Kristen. She drugged him and he didn't know who he was with and then he was violently ill afterwards. Did I misunderstand what you meant? You make it sound like he was mystified because he forgot that he chose to bed Kristen...

I'm beginning to find it rather funny that every time someone has an extended stay at the hospital they end up in that exact room in a coma and usually with someone about to either pull the plug, shoot them dead, or cut off their genitals.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Eeyore is ready to accuse Chad based on appearances and not facts just as Eeyore himself was blamed for appearing to have consensual sex with Kristen.  His experience and vocation! should have taught him not to be so quick to judge.


Eeyore's major flaw is that he always leaps to judgement and only slowly forgives, then bounces back to judgment depending on the time of day.

Edited by QuelleC
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Bryan had tears flowing down his face on Monday and Tuesday..Perhaps he was all out of tears for today..Plus they tape so many shows in one day..I was able to overlook it today..It did not take me out of the scenes...


At least BD is actually able to shed tears sometimes, unlike a certain person on this show.

  • Love 7

No wonder some people have ended up on death row who were innocent.  Honestly, the cult mind set of some of these people to mindlessly accept that Chad is the murderer is creepy and disturbing.  

This bugs me in real life too--the whole 'herd mentality' with various issues, but it's become very apparent on this show lately.  Maybe DA Justin's vocal proclamations of catching Chad are to blame, but I also notice it in regards to the Bo story. Everyone but Steve has just blindly accepted that Bo, a person they've known for decades, would just abandon his family. No one before Steve considered that he could be on an assignment gone wrong, an assignment supposedly regarding the Dimera's no less.  


I also really didn't like the mean girl stuff between Nicole and Kate -


Neither do I!  It does not paint Kate or Nicole in a very good light and frankly after everything Nicole has done in recent years, she really doesn't need anything extra to make her look bad.  If Kate and Nicole want to bring out their claws, I wish they'd scratch them on Trollop, someone who needs taken down a peg or two...or five!

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Kate has always been practical and matter of fact; I'd be more surprised if she reacted differently. I had a friend whose son was killed in an accident. She was working on some legal papers for my business, and she showed up with them at my house the very next night. I was stunned, but she said that she needed something to focus on, so she finished the paperwork. 

I know that the mourning period will be abbreviated for all involved, because who wants to watch weeks on end of this (see: Eve), but I do think they're doing a good job showing all the different reactions. It's drawing me in in a way that I didn't think it would.


However weird Marlena's trickery with Sami was, I had to laugh when she said it wouldn't be the first time that Sami was angry with her.

It was weird to see Kate talking with Nicole about business like her grandson wasn't just murdered. I guess maybe she was trying to take her mind off of things but it wasn't really the reaction I was expecting. Not that I necessarily expected her to have a hysterical breakdown, but still. 

Kate has always loved that boy with every fiber of her being..She put Sami on death row to get custody of Will and would have seen it through..Had Lucas not broken down and confessed? Kate had to learn to live without Austin and Billie when she thought that they were dead. She became very successful and had Lucas. I am not surprised that she would go back to work after Will's death...

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LOL Sami was serious with how EJ was different, EJ fought back against Stefano, they had true love and how Chad was bad Dimera? Not like EJ.  Oh please.  Way to over romanticize after death Sami. And she's going to call Chad, "the son of Stefano Dimera." What was EJ? The golden child, that fought back and never did anything Stefano wanted and was against him. LOL


I hope Chad doesn't insta-forgive everyone that was so quick to declare him a serial killer. John, Eric, Justin. I hope he holds it and doesn't just quickly forget. And Sonny better have half a brain and doesn't so quickly condemn him too.

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I don't actually feel that sorry for Chad, because of his behavior with Serena. He physically manhandled her and sexually assaulted her, wouldn't take no for an answer, and even after she slapped him and left, he chased after her. That behavior was quite misogynistic and stalkerish and rape-y, but because he didn't actually kill her, in the end he'll get to skate and just whine about how people thought he was guilty of murder without acknowledging how over the line he was with Serena. If Serena had lived, she could've filed charges and he would've been arrested and convicted. It's not like he was some kind, nice dude who always treated women well.

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LOL Sami was serious with how EJ was different, EJ fought back against Stefano, they had true love and how Chad was bad Dimera? Not like EJ.  Oh please.  Way to over romanticize after death Sami. And she's going to call Chad, "the son of Stefano Dimera." What was EJ? The golden child, that fought back and never did anything Stefano wanted and was against him. LOL


I hope Chad doesn't insta-forgive everyone that was so quick to declare him a serial killer. John, Eric, Justin. I hope he holds it and doesn't just quickly forget. And Sonny better have half a brain and doesn't so quickly condemn him too.

To be fair to Sami, she is grieving for her son and her husband..It pisses me off that EJ is once again the focus of everything..He has been a plague since he showed up and destroyed Lumily. This EJ crap could have waited...It was very comical to see Sami go after Stefano in a wheelchair...lol He loves to goad Marlena and Sami.. Where is Roman?  is he  away on a fishing trip....The pacing of the show is awful...Mary Beth Evans is a gem, she was tearing up watching Sonny and Adrienne grieving..I think this was the first real Kayla/Sonny scene. They have never really interacted before.. It was nice to see, under the grim circumstances...I thought it was sweet for Justin to ask Gabi, if he  can still be Ari's granddad...I am glad that this regime is remembering that Sonny is Ari's father too..

Edited by Apprentice79
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Since the Salem PD keep insisting that Chad is the killer, I can see why Sami would be inclined to think so too. What I don't get is why the Salem PD don't have any DNA or fingerprint specialists to prove Chad isn't the killer.  Ben seems to always be killing people with his bare hands. And since he's so sloppy at killing, I feel the Salem PD should know that Ben is the killer and that nothing about how the Salem PD have drawn their conclusions makes sense.


The flashbacks to Abigail and Chad talking about their sex-a-thon while Ben punches Chad's lights out was kind of weird, but different....I guess.


Kudos to the musical team. Days finally hired people who know how to compose music.

Edited by bantering
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Ben seems to always be killing people with his bare hands. And since he's so sloppy at killing, I feel the Salem PD should know that Ben is the killer.

It seems like they're dumbing everyone in town down and putting them all on this so quick to make Chad a serial killer road to prop Rafe. Since he still isn't on board and is not side eyeing Ben. 


Ben seems to always be killing people with his bare hands. And since he's so sloppy at killing, I feel the Salem PD should know that Ben is the killer.

It seems like they're dumbing everyone in town down and putting them all on this so quick to make Chad a serial killer road to prop Rafe. Since he still isn't on board and is not side eyeing Ben. 

Given the town's horrible history with the Dimera's they are always going to be bias against them...People forget that Andre was a serial killer that framed Roman for the murders...Will was a blitz attack, Ben did not plan on killing him...Serena and Paige were planned murders...


I think it is horrible that the Hortons are not grieving Will with Lucas..We should have had scenes with Jennifer, Maggie, JJ, Melissa, Sarah,Nathan, Jeremy, Julie, Doug, Hope,Abigail when she is not riding Ben's peen, Bill, Mike all rallying around Lucas giving him love, comfort and support. His sobriety is at stake here..I always knew that Will and Lucas were Teflon Hortons..I never understood why they made Lucas a Horton all those years ago..If they were never going to do anything with it...SMH...I knew killing off Will was a shocking plot point for ratings..Shame on you Ken Corday!

Edited by Apprentice79
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I'm also wondering what evidence Hope is referring to regarding Will's murder? It was Chad's encounter with and proximity to Serena, and then those stupid flower petals that showed up next to Paige....but nothing was found at Will's death scene, right? I yelled at Hope out loud in my living room when she told Sami that all the evidence points to Chad. 


AS is stunning in her portrayal of a grieving Sami. Why would Marlena poke and prod as she did and then just let Sami run out the door to have her breakdown alone? 


Preparing myself to watch Sonny's grief a bit later --- ugh.

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You are going to need it Lastwaltz and swtrgrl..Sonny and Gabi killed me..I know alot of people are going to say that Sonny is sanctifying Will, I don't think it was that at all..It was having regret and not having closure with Will..If Will was dying of an illness, it would be  one thing..To be brutally murdered, one suffers when you are being strangled. The body wants to fight to survive. Plus, Sonny has always been protective of Will..In his mind had he been there, perhaps he would not have been killed..He will never have another chance at making it work with Will..He lost his family..I understand why he feels guilty...It has nothing to do with the problems in their marriage...


Stalker Paul just had to intrude on Sonny's time alone in his home that he shared with Will..Go away Paul. Jeez...Will is not yet 6 feet under, look at him come, sniffing yet again at Sonny...Yuck....I would not be surprise if they have grief sex..Since Ken Corday is degaying  the show. I will be spared that....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I am actually quite pleased with the show's handling of Sami and by extension EJ. It's one of the few things I think they are actually doing right.  Sami is not only grieving her son, she's also still grieving her husband. It's clear she's not okay or sure what to expect next/who she will lose next.  That seems like a pretty realistic portrayal for someone who's lost two people so very close to her.  If the show had brought her back to rekindle some kind of temporary romance with Lucas or anyone else I'd find it quite tacky. What she and Lucas had has long since sailed and it's apparent that she and Lucas have remained friends and co-parents. That's where they left things last year (and even before that) so it makes sense that's where things pick up. Sami was in love with EJ when we last saw her and she's still reeling from his demise. This is one place there is actually continuity. And for the fans of Ejami, I get the feeling these writers are trying to make up for the mess the previous writers made of their dual exit storyline. 

Stalker Paul just had to intrude on Sonny's time alone in his home that he shared with Will..Go away Paul. Jeez...Will is not yet 6 feet under, look at him come, sniffing yet again at Sonny...Yuck....I would not be surprise if they have grief sex..Since Ken Corday is degaying  the show. I will be spared that....


I'm confused why Paul would have gone there in the first place.  He doesn't know Sonny's home and, by all accounts, the place is still supposed to be a crime scene.


That said, I still found Paul putting any blame on himself ridiculous and I'll feel the same when (speculating) Sonny goes off on him tomorrow in his grief and does the same.

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I don't actually feel that sorry for Chad, because of his behavior with Serena. He physically manhandled her and sexually assaulted her, wouldn't take no for an answer, and even after she slapped him and left, he chased after her. That behavior was quite misogynistic and stalkerish and rape-y, but because he didn't actually kill her, in the end he'll get to skate and just whine about how people thought he was guilty of murder without acknowledging how over the line he was with Serena. If Serena had lived, she could've filed charges and he would've been arrested and convicted. It's not like he was some kind, nice dude who always treated women well.

He also treated Jordan like dirt.  Used her to make his brother's side piece jealous.

  • Love 3

You are going to need it Lastwaltz and swtrgrl..

Oy, I'm 12 minutes in had to find some laundry to put in the washer so I could take a break for a few minutes. This is compelling in both good and bad ways.  I came too close for comfort to this kind of thing over the summer when my son-in-law-to-be was almost killed in a motorcycle crash. Glad to report that just last weekend we moved them back into their apartment, our guy walking up stairs and all. He's had a swift and sure recovery, thank god. But I remember those first grim days when I would try to hug the grief out of my daughter the way Adrienne just did Sonny. 


I may or may not be back later : ) 

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I'm confused why Paul would have gone there in the first place.  He doesn't know Sonny's home and, by all accounts, the place is still supposed to be a crime scene.


That said, I still found Paul putting any blame on himself ridiculous and I'll feel the same when (speculating) Sonny goes off on him tomorrow in his grief and does the same.

Grief is ridiculous, people cry, yell, become numb. Some even blame God for it..I will give Sonny a pass on that, if that comes to pass..Paul does not have boundaries and that has always  been his problem..He feels that he is entitled to Sonny...Never mind Sonny and his family have suffered a devastating loss. He  had to go over there..How about sending Sonny a text or  going to the Funeral services for Will and giving your condolences there..Why go to his home...

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Message added by scarynikki12

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