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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I wonder what SN does given how he hasn't acted much over the years - Must have some sort of other gig other being Steve, I would think.

I like this version of Eve - no hysteria. KdP's acting is so nicely controlled but still emotional - very well done.

SN recently came off a multi-year stint on The Young and the Restless.

I could get behind Eve if her hatred for the Hortons didn't once again take precedence over her lover for her daughter. Because really, giving to needy people who go to the Horton Center is just beyond the pale for her. Basically, she showed that absent the grief, nothing has changed and that is her true failure as Paige's mother.

Seeing Victor lecture Steve on Kayla and Joey was funny because all I could think of is, "Are you talking about the same Kayla you plotted to kill numerous times despite her not only never having done anything to you, but her being the only person in Salem who tried to treat you like you were human? Is this the same Kayla you framed for a murder despite her being extremely pregnant, the same Kayla who you allowed to be convicted of said murder, which lead up to Stephanie being kidnapped? But then again, you profess your love for Bo and you tried to kill him. Tell me again how much you love their mother, cause I haven't even mentioned what you did to Kimberly and how many times you tried to destroy the entire Brady Family. You and Stefano must have gone to the same school of love and family."

Amazing how Eduardo is suddenly all about being there, when he did nothing for Paige. But come and make her murder be about you and your pain. Guess what big daddy sperm donor, having abandoned one family, there was a simple and effective way for you to permanently prevent yourself from being saddled with a family.

So Joey is now at the school where he demanded that his mother place Jim in and he continues to act like an a**hole both at the school, and when said mother is trying to get your side of things, all the while telling her she doesn't understand. Case of wanting to have your cake and it it too. The show needs to flesh his character out because bratty teen for no reason doesn't work for me. I know he is upset about his parents' split, but there has to be more to it than that. The last real batch of bratty teens from Sami and Lucas to Will all had clear reasons why they behaved as they did, even if the viewers didn't agree with their views. Give Joey someone he can talk to, even if it is a fake phone scene where he gives big sister Stephanie is POV.

Still not feeling the miracle cure potential for Caroline. I know it's a soap, but people get old, they get sick and they die. Giving Caroline a rare neurological disease is little more than a band-aid in the planning that needs to take place for her and other characters in her age range. And no, I don't want the older characters written out because of age, I love them and would love them to be there forever. I'm still coping with Jeanne Cooper's departure from Y & R, but at least they planned for what we all suspected was approaching.

Rafe's scenes with Hope reminded me that not only is he boring, but that he can be quite the passive-aggressive prick when he wants to be.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 6

Seeing Victor lecture Steve on Kayla and Joey was funny because all I could think of is, "Are you talking about the same Kayla you plotted to kill numerous times despite her not only never having done anything to you, but her being the only person in Salem who tried to treat you like you were human? Is this the same Kayla you framed for a murder despite her being extremely pregnant, the same Kayla who you allowed to be convicted of said murder, which lead up to Stephanie being kidnapped? But then again, you profess your love for Bo and you tried to kill him. Tell me again how much you love their mother, cause I haven't even mentioned what you did to Kimberly and how many times you tried to destroy the entire Brady Family. You and Stefano must have gone to the same school of love and family."

And when he said about Britta clearly being dead I kept thinking "you would know. You had her killed!"  Too bad Steve didn't point that out to him. 

  • Love 7

Very much impressed with the lovely Eve/Theresa scenes--Eve quietly grieving with Theresa being wonderfully supportive was a treat and then we got the intensity of the Eve/Eduardo scenes--DAMN!!  And the pictures of baby Paige were beyond adorable--is it just me or is there a resemblance between Gabi and Paige?


I always loved The Three Knives backstory and how Steve and Bo first became enemies because of their love triangle with Britta--nice nod to history.


I think Maggie is truly at her best when she is actually caring about other people and their welfare.

  • Love 6

Pardon me while I gush like a demented fan boy.  Okay, not gonna happen.  BUT, I thought that today's episode was, over all, very good and some scenes actually caused some unknown liquid to pool in my eyes.  I understand they're called "tears".  I've only experienced them in soaps over the last 10 years mostly during moments of great frustration.


Very much impressed with the lovely Eve/Theresa scenes--Eve quietly grieving with Theresa being wonderfully supportive was a treat and then we got the intensity of the Eve/Eduardo scenes--DAMN!!  And the pictures of baby Paige were beyond adorable--is it just me or is there a resemblance between Gabi and Paige?


I think Maggie is truly at her best when she is actually caring about other people and their welfare.


Eve and Theresa had me choked up pretty quickly.  I know KdP can pull it off and she certainly did.  That 'dead' look she had, that dried up grief when there just aren't anymore tears.....and I didn't mind her dissing the Horton Center.  When you;ve had your heart ripped out - whether you deserved it or had a part in it, whatever, you still say and react in a recognizable way.  For her to suddenly have this enlightenment with the blaze of angels trumpets would have been so fake IMO.  Also, I heard more of a reflexive response in regard to the Horton Center, not one with any fire to it.  Whatever, however, Eve's grief seemed raw and real and did it for me.

And Theresa was magnificent.  Jen Lilley was magnificent.  That woman has range, emotions and subtlety that Show has yet to begin to tap.  Loved it, loved feeling it the way I did today.



Poor Caroline.  Peggy McCay was wonderful.


KdP and A. Martinez were also great today.  Too bad it's all for nothing since they showed her the door.  Days will never have a classier team player.  


And then A Martinez shows up and BOOM!!!, Show goes up in beautiful fireworks.  He and KdP played off each other so very well.  His grief, his guilt, her dry, long held bitterness and hurt, him regreting  time he didn't spend to know and support his daughter, Eve again, eye to eye with the man whose absence played too much of part in all that went wrong.  So very very good.


Amazing how Eduardo is suddenly all about being there, when he did nothing for Paige. But come and make her murder be about you and your pain. Guess what big daddy sperm donor, having abandoned one family, there was a simple and effective way for you to permanently prevent yourself from being saddled with a family.

Rafe's scenes with Hope reminded me that not only is he boring, but that he can be quite the passive-aggressive prick when he wants to be.


You'd think that Eddie would have RUN NOT WALKED to get snipped after he fathered Rafe and Gabi.  That he'd have realized that no good could come of him continuing to add more snots and idiots to the gene pool.  Too bad he never knew Paige turned out so much better than those two.

I think Rafe's snottiness stems as much if not more from how Galen Gehring projects as from anything in the writing.  Gehring just always looks like he's on the verge of realizing he's got a wedgie, or he smelled something bad.  And Gabi....well, she's back, and a lot of you are happy.  I'm just hoping that this time she's not as walk-into-walls stupid as she was before.  Miracles can happen.  


I thought - but then I always do - that Peggy McKay was superb today.  She's 88, I think, and I'm in awe that she can keep up with that pace and still turn in a performance that can reach through the screen and touch me the way she does.  And Maggie was better today, too.  She is better when she's caring about people and not being one of the Horton Mean Girl posse.  

Julie is as oblivious as ever, one of those people who breeze through life, confident in their own abilities, abilities that the rest of know they don't possess.  But she's happy in her ignorance.  A person I'd get a big kick out of for about 5 minutes, after which I'd be slipping a laxative in her mai tai.


Caroline telling Kayla to give it to her straight got to me, too.  But I also agree with the poster who said that Kayla might want to stop denying that her mother was going to die, and probably sometime soon, at her age.  Caroline knows it, she's a doctor, she shouldn't be hiding from it that way.  


Kayla and Joey, good too.  I'm not over Joey yet but I do hope he moves on from the sullen teen thing sooner rather than later.  Maybe this adventure with his dad will set that in motion.


And Steve and Victor!!  Good scenes, great acting, and a plausible layout for Bo's disappearance.  Things left unsaid, particularly by Victor about certain people he had killed, okay, but I can buy this storyline.  


And no Abigail.  Not even a whiff.  It truly was a good day in Salem.

Edited by boes
  • Love 13

While watching yesterday's episode, I had a Mr Rogers moment. I started humming "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood". Any day that I do not have to endure Abifail and Dr Tan IS a beautiful day.

Joey's mood swings are giving me whiplash. One day he's got an attitude problem, the next he is apologetic. The day after, he's got the attitude again. I get that he's upset over his parents being separated and Steve being gone so much, but he needs some direction! Maybe, sneaking off with Steve will work wonders :)

Britta??? Are you serious????

I enjoyed the Steve and Victor scenes. SN and JA play very well off of each other. Let's face it....if anyone can remind Steve and Victor of who they really are (without a woman involved) it's Steve and Victor. They have a long history.

Hope and Aiden have been ruined for me thanks to the (Aiden is Stefano's employee) bit.

I wanna give a big "thumbs up" to Peggy McKay. She's doing great :)

Kudos to AM and KDP. I'm now curious as to what is up with Edurado. He never wanted a family but had 2? Am I the only one shaking my head on that statement? Nice of him to show up to bury Paige. (Sarcasm) I hope that Eve changes her focus and takes out Paige's death on him! Speaking of family reunions, Rafe sure didn't look too thrilled to see Edurado. Let the games begin!

  • Love 8

Still not feeling the miracle cure potential for Caroline. I know it's a soap, but people get old, they get sick and they die. Giving Caroline a rare neurological disease is little more than a band-aid in the planning that needs to take place for her and other characters in her age range. And no, I don't want the older characters written out because of age, I love them and would love them to be there forever. I'm still coping with Jeanne Cooper's departure from Y & R, but at least they planned for what we all suspected was approaching.


Obviously at 88, Peggy McKay will not live forever, but right now she is still doing a marvelous job portraying Caroline, so for that reason I am completely on board with the miracle cure.  By changing the diagnosis from Alzhemiers, she can get better and continue to be active in Salem.  Plus, it created this whoie mystery story with Bo, and has put Victor back in her orbit.  Someday the show will have to address her death, but it can happen offscreen.

  • Love 5

So Eduardo was listed in the closing credits as "Eduardo Larson" not "Eduardo Hernandez", I wonder why the name change? Running from the law?


And Paige is still listed in the closing credits. Maybe we're going to get some "flashbacks" of her life before Salem (Never seen by the audience). Serena and Xander was removed from the credits immediately.

  • Love 2

What to say about yesterday? There's a lot of stuff that is going on that has actually engaged me as opposed to a very long stretch where... not so much.


The stuff with Caroline is really excellent. I loved how she was asking Shaun's image if he was preparing her for death and then went and asked Kayla to not soften the blow for her because she had things to take care of if the worst was coming. While a part of me was wondering if it's ethical to be treating your own parent, I found I didn't care too much because the scenes between Kayla and Caroline were really just lovely. And the connections throughout are really nice, too. Salem actually feels like a town where people know each other as opposed to very specific little bubbles of interaction between specific people.


Maggie and Julie (well, more Maggie) noticing the issues Caroline was having... Maggie talking to Victor about it and finding out that what's going on with Caroline isn't what she thinks is going on and a small handful of people know it.


It was good to see Theresa over at Eve's helping her out. The mood over there was definitely palpable and you can count me as one who didn't care that Eve still had a bug up her ass about anything Horton. Losing someone you love in a horrible, shocking way doesn't change you into an instantly better human being. Eve is still grieving and will continue to grieve for the rest of her life. The Horton thing would simply be salt in an already gaping wound. So what if it's petty? It's not like she's keeping things from charity altogether. Paige's things are going to a different charity. It's okay.


But they made a huge mistake with KDP and this is the first time I really felt that. I understood the decision before but when AM showed up as Eduardo and Eve reacted immediately to hearing his voice and then all of the stuff between them afterwards...


This is a relationship that barely got a mention over the course of Eve's return but AM and KDP had me invested and believing in whatever the hell that relationship was. Somehow, the two of them created a history in that scant amount of time; a history that had weight, and anger, and bitterness, and regret... that was seriously good stuff. Between those two pros, I had a sense of what had gone on between them and if they could give me that much with so little, well... imagine what they could give with something more.


More than that, Eve is now connected to Rafe and his family. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing but it is a connection.


I also rather liked how when Theresa introduced herself as Eve's sister, Eddie goes, "Right. Jeannie." Nicely done, Show. I can't say I much cared for A's chin thingy but since he was apparently working on Longmire at the time I'll let it go.


Eve/Eddie were excellent. As for Eduardo not wanting a family and putting two out there... yeah. There are a few too many guys out there like that. They don't want a family but won't do what they need to do to keep it from happening and generally get involved with women who somehow think that, when the inevitable happens, the guy will change his mind.

  • Love 9

Kayla doesn't care about ethics. She hasn't even told Caroline what she's treating her for.

You know as much as I love Kayla and always have, this development -- Kayla keeping an apparently deadly disease from her mother -- is a huge disappointment to me. I was my elderly parents' health proxy over an intense period of 3 or so years with many medical incidents before they passed, one soon after the other. I always told my parents' the truth. Perhaps in a more lighthearted tone than I was feeling, but I knew they relied on me to be honest with them. Anyway, I just dislike that they made Kayla do that, dammit. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
  • Love 5

Today was just excellent!  We had wonderful scenes between Kate/Eve, Eve/Eduardo and even Brady/Theresa and there was also flashback gorgeousness featuring Steve and Kayla and Steve's telling Joe all about his horrible childhood in the orphanage but that he understood why his mom Jo did it.  The only bad spot was Rafe/Eduardo because on the one had we have AM emoting the crap out of his every line, and on the other we have the non-existent acting of GG--very embarrassing for him.


And can someone explain why Nicole thinks she's so much better than Theresa and Kate?  Is it the influence of Daniel in that she thinks all of the horrible things she's done has somehow made her more awesome but Kate and Theresa are just horrible people who can never change because Nicole says so?  I kind of want Nicole to be massively shown up by Theresa and Kate and for her to realize that all three of them are cut from the same cloth.

  • Love 4


Britta??? Are you serious????

And why the hell was the actress in the photo like 25 years old? They could have said "that can't be her because she's dead, and oh yeah the same age as Bo and Steve!"

Loved seeing A Martinez, but why did not he care to bury his other daughter?

Not really feeling the Caroline story with Sean in the mirror. Just a regular old alzheimers story would have been sufficient for me.

  • Love 2

I completely forgot to talk about the Steve side of things from yesterday.


But that's mainly because Britta's "appearance" made me black out. My relationship with Britta comes through viewings of old shows (and I will get back to that, I promise, it's just been frightfully busy lately) and I couldn't even deal with the scant amount I got of her in the Lady and the Tramp playlist. She's somehow boring and intolerable at the same time.


But Steve, upon hearing something suspicious, whips out his knife. Yep, that's Steve all right.


And of course Joey has managed to stow away. Steve will probably be impressed by that. Kayla... not so much. I wonder when Steve will get around to telling her that Joey's with him.

  • Love 3

I'm not here for Nicole acting stank like she's better than Kate and Theresa. Ma'am, you walked around with your dead baby inside you and tried to frame Jen for murder so Dan wouldn't leave. And that's just one of your MANY misdeeds. Have a seat.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 6

What to say about yesterday? There's a lot of stuff that is going on that has actually engaged me as opposed to a very long stretch where... not so much.


The stuff with Caroline is really excellent. I loved how she was asking Shaun's image if he was preparing her for death and then went and asked Kayla to not soften the blow for her because she had things to take care of if the worst was coming. While a part of me was wondering if it's ethical to be treating your own parent, I found I didn't care too much because the scenes between Kayla and Caroline were really just lovely. And the connections throughout are really nice, too. Salem actually feels like a town where people know each other as opposed to very specific little bubbles of interaction between specific people.


Maggie and Julie (well, more Maggie) noticing the issues Caroline was having... Maggie talking to Victor about it and finding out that what's going on with Caroline isn't what she thinks is going on and a small handful of people know it.


It was good to see Theresa over at Eve's helping her out. The mood over there was definitely palpable and you can count me as one who didn't care that Eve still had a bug up her ass about anything Horton. Losing someone you love in a horrible, shocking way doesn't change you into an instantly better human being. Eve is still grieving and will continue to grieve for the rest of her life. The Horton thing would simply be salt in an already gaping wound. So what if it's petty? It's not like she's keeping things from charity altogether. Paige's things are going to a different charity. It's okay.


But they made a huge mistake with KDP and this is the first time I really felt that. I understood the decision before but when AM showed up as Eduardo and Eve reacted immediately to hearing his voice and then all of the stuff between them afterwards...


This is a relationship that barely got a mention over the course of Eve's return but AM and KDP had me invested and believing in whatever the hell that relationship was. Somehow, the two of them created a history in that scant amount of time; a history that had weight, and anger, and bitterness, and regret... that was seriously good stuff. Between those two pros, I had a sense of what had gone on between them and if they could give me that much with so little, well... imagine what they could give with something more.


More than that, Eve is now connected to Rafe and his family. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing but it is a connection.


I also rather liked how when Theresa introduced herself as Eve's sister, Eddie goes, "Right. Jeannie." Nicely done, Show. I can't say I much cared for A's chin thingy but since he was apparently working on Longmire at the time I'll let it go.


Eve/Eddie were excellent. As for Eduardo not wanting a family and putting two out there... yeah. There are a few too many guys out there like that. They don't want a family but won't do what they need to do to keep it from happening and generally get involved with women who somehow think that, when the inevitable happens, the guy will change his mind.

Excellent post. I felt the same way about Eve and Eddie. What a huge waste.

  • Love 4

I'm back just the last few weeks after being gone many years. I returned to see Steve and Kayla and hoping to rinse the taste of their last run out of my mouth. That being said...KdP and AM rocked this show yesterday! I admit i've been gone for years so luckly didnt have to suffer everything Eve has done. So I was able to just take in and absorb Eve and Eddie's grief and guilt.The chemestry between KdP and AM was palpable. However if Eddie does turn out to be The Hernandez's father what was all that talk about "I thought I had more time!" Because he would know better since he already had one dead daughter. I hope he's an uncle or something. Loved Eve and Theresa. Really like the actor who plays Chad, but the actress who plays Abigail isnt showing me anything except she is a lying cheater.There is no angst or longing for Chad, and neither is there ackwardness or hesitation toward Ben.  So there is no real rooting value for either couple.

Edited by holo37
  • Love 6

Give Kate time, she will be with Eduardo..For some reason, Kate is a bike that every new guy in Salem has to take a ride on....I loved Kate and Eve today....The show wasted her talents in the kiddie pool with JJ and company....Kassie has been so wonderful as a grieving mother...Her episode yesterday will surely get her an Emmy....She and A Martinez were so mesmerizing on the screen and they sizzled...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

Color me surprised KAte did not jump on Eddie today.  He seems to be her kind.


But already you can see it coming.


I'm not familiar with A Martinez, but can tell he's a good actor.  The scenes yesterday with Eve were really emotional considering he's a character we've never seen before. 


But today, I got a bit bored with his long scenes with Rafe.  And a bit bored with the long scenes with Steve and Joey, another new character.  But it was an Abigail-free day, so I hate to complain. LOL.


I did enjoy the scenes with Brady, Nicole and Theresa.  And when Brady touched Nicole's back, I wondered if they were going to pair them up.  But she's too old for him, right?  Felt like they cut the scene where Theresa come back with the water and found Nicole gone.


All in all, though, a trillion times better than the episodes from the past year.

  • Love 3


I did enjoy the scenes with Brady, Nicole and Theresa.  And when Brady touched Nicole's back, I wondered if they were going to pair them up.  But she's too old for him, right?  Felt like they cut the scene where Theresa come back with the water and found Nicole gone.


They've had sex before.  And IRL, Eric Martsolf is older than Arianne Zucker.


They gifted us with the second half of the show today.  Whoopee.


I hope Steve's reminiscences of his RHMS with Kayla was just memories, and he wasn't recounting them to his son.


Doesn't Victor keep water and ice right there on his liquor cabinet?

  • Love 3

Honestly, I am just so sad that TIIC have 

decided to write off KDP.

As has been mentioned by many here, the scenes with KDP and AM were amazing! And that was really all on the two actors; what a treat to actually get to watch two pros in scenes together! And now we get Kate and Eve. Finally, FINALLY after over a year in the kiddie pool, they give KDP something to do that is worthy of her talent and that makes Eve into an interesting, viable character on canvas, and 

she's leaving.

It's SO frustrating.

  • Love 6

And why the hell was the actress in the photo like 25 years old? They could have said "that can't be her because she's dead, and oh yeah the same age as Bo and Steve!"

My thought exactly! If they'd said Britta's daughter, that I could've bought. But pretending that 20something was Britta… no.


But that's mainly because Britta's "appearance" made me black out. My relationship with Britta comes through viewings of old shows (and I will get back to that, I promise, it's just been frightfully busy lately) and I couldn't even deal with the scant amount I got of her in the Lady and the Tramp playlist. She's somehow boring and intolerable at the same time.

Years ago I watched the pre-Kayla Steve stuff - lots o' Britta there, and she wasn't any more interesting. Kayla was truly a breath of fresh air.


Also - since I just last week saw it in an old Youtube clip - Britta's knife tattoo was on her upper left thigh. Not her right bicep. Points to the show for trying, but Bzzzzt. Wrong answer.


When I heard AM was going to be KdP's ex-husband, my first thought was "But Blair, he dated your aunt Dorian! You can't have hooked up with him!" Yes, I still weep for what could've been. And with

Eve's imminent departure, I'll be adding Eddie and Eve to the What Could've Been list along with Ray and Dorian

. *sigh*


Loved yesterday's Steve and Victor scenes - Steve has the longest history with Victor of anyone in Salem save Bo. Both have let their darker sides run rampant at times, and for that alone they could well understand each other better than anyone else.

Edited by Maelstrom
  • Love 8

Honestly, I am just so sad that TIIC have 

decided to write off KDP.

As has been mentioned by many here, the scenes with KDP and AM were amazing! And that was really all on the two actors; what a treat to actually get to watch two pros in scenes together! And now we get Kate and Eve. Finally, FINALLY after over a year in the kiddie pool, they give KDP something to do that is worthy of her talent and that makes Eve into an interesting, viable character on canvas, and 

she's leaving.

It's SO frustrating.


Same thing happened with Jordan and Paige (although she did become a little annoying again a few weeks after the reveal). I'm noticing a pattern. The same thing will probably happen to

Will right before they kill him off.

  • Love 6

Is it just me or between the conversations that now involve Bo, Steve, and Eddie does it feel like the show should be called Days of our Deadbeat Dads lately?


My thought exactly! If they'd said Britta's daughter, that I could've bought. But pretending that 20something was Britta… no.


Years ago I watched the pre-Kayla Steve stuff - lots o' Britta there, and she wasn't any more interesting. Kayla was truly a breath of fresh air.


Also - since I just last week saw it in an old Youtube clip - Britta's knife tattoo was on her upper left thigh. Not her right bicep. Points to the show for trying, but Bzzzzt. Wrong answer.

Exactly!  It was a nice nod to the Three Knives storyline but someone (hint, hint, the writers) didn't watch too closely. Heck if Britta would have had a huge freaking knife on her arm like that they wouldn't have had to kill her to get it, they could have stood a several feet away and photographed it with a basic zoom lens. 

  • Love 4

My thought exactly! If they'd said Britta's daughter, that I could've bought. But pretending that 20something was Britta… no.


Years ago I watched the pre-Kayla Steve stuff - lots o' Britta there, and she wasn't any more interesting. Kayla was truly a breath of fresh air.


Also - since I just last week saw it in an old Youtube clip - Britta's knife tattoo was on her upper left thigh. Not her right bicep. Points to the show for trying, but Bzzzzt. Wrong answer.


When I heard AM was going to be KdP's ex-husband, my first thought was "But Blair, he dated your aunt Dorian! You can't have hooked up with him!" Yes, I still weep for what could've been. And with

Eve's imminent departure, I'll be adding Eddie and Eve to the What Could've Been list along with Ray and Dorian

. *sigh*


Loved yesterday's Steve and Victor scenes - Steve has the longest history with Victor of anyone in Salem save Bo. Both have let their darker sides run rampant at times, and for that alone they could well understand each other better than anyone else.



Honestly, I am just so sad that TIIC have 

decided to write off KDP.

As has been mentioned by many here, the scenes with KDP and AM were amazing! And that was really all on the two actors; what a treat to actually get to watch two pros in scenes together! And now we get Kate and Eve. Finally, FINALLY after over a year in the kiddie pool, they give KDP something to do that is worthy of her talent and that makes Eve into an interesting, viable character on canvas, and 

she's leaving.

It's SO frustrating.


Yup.  After what - a year and a half??.. more??...Eve is finally in a place where her feelings and reactions are on a level that most people can understand, approach,

and she'll be gone in 5 months

.  She and Eddie yesterday, that was great.  She and Kate, today, well, I think I might have liked that even more.  It's such a hint of what might have been with her, moving on from the Horton hate and into a life of her own.  Her and Kate teamed up, with what they both know and where the bodies are buried could have made the knucklehead manly morons run for the hills.  I so enjoyed all of the Show today, but especially Kate and Eve.

And Theresa, again.  Though she was on the periphery of the business meeting with Nicole and Brady (Brady and business meeting, does not compute), she engaged when she could, showed an ability to restrain her impulses, and this, combined with the empathy she showed to Eve yesterday may just herald a new and improved - and empowered, Theresa.


Rafe and Eddie, also not bad.  IMO GG just isn't that good of an actor.  Pretty eyebrows, I grant you.  But he is better when he's with good actors who can somehow stop his tendency to pout.  But yeah, he's pretty.


I also liked Steve and Joey and even that damned harmonica.  I thought Joey's embarrassment when Steve pulled that out, and Steve's don't-give-a-shit response were both hilarious and spot on.  Joey's got a ways to go before he's really any good, but I think he shows promise.


Isn't it amazing how much FUN show is when we don't see Dr. Tan or Abigail??  And how long has it been since we had a day without either one???

  • Love 8

Don't particularly care for the chin hair on Eduardo. But I guess it's there to make it make it believeable that he's old enough to be Rafe's father. So Eddie was probably a teenager when Rafe was born, then the other three Hernandii came along a bit later.

A. Martinez has to be in his mid- late 60s. He was in one of the episodes of the original Columbo (the one with Ricardo Montelban) and that was what, the late 60s early 70s. So he is more than old enough to be Rafe's dad, which is unusual for a soap where the actors who play parents are seven years older than the actors who play their kids.

The entire episode was solid today.

AM was able to elevate Rafe.

KDP continues to be excellent, KM continues to suck, so naturally, Days uses stellar judgement in retention decisions.

I was actually impressed that Steve was honest about how he came to be in Kayla's life. Normally, we'd get Steve and Joey really starting to bond followed by the "Your daddy was a thug who was hired to stalk and terrorize your mother" reveal who sole purpose was to upset the apple cart.

I liked Kate trying to console Eve and recounting her experiences with Austin and Billie. It's good to see Kate interacting with someone without an alterior motive. Sometimes I think the show forgets that she is capable of being a good friend.

  • Love 7

I loved everything about today, including Steve's harmonica.  The Kayla/Steve flashbacks were so much fun, and having them both in a melancholy mood was well played.  Kayla's flashback to a shirtless Steve and her trying to shake off the erotic memory was such a real moment.  SN is still a very handsome man but back then?  Damn!


Kate and Eve were pure gold.  Every word, every expression was heartfelt and believable.  These two professionals should have been put together a long time ago, but instead the idiot writers wasted KdP on the Devereaux dunces. 


KdP and AM were also great again today.  Her disbelief that Eddie had an entire family that he never even told her about has got to be another stab in the back.  And does Eve even know about Arianna and her death?

  • Love 8

A. Martinez is 66 (I looked it up the other day - was curious) - I liked the scenes with AM & KDP - it's too bad they brought him on after Paige died.      I liked the scenes with Rafe too - be interesting to see what happens when he sees Gabi & baby Arianna.


The Eve/Theresa scenes were good as well - why can't we have more of those?     And the scenes with Eve & Kate were good too - it was a nice surprise to have them in scenes together.


Ugh Britta - i hope that's the only time we see her & I'm sure they put the tattoo where it was so we'd know instantly that it was Britta (but the only thing I was thinking was that is not where her tattoo was)


The Steve & Joey scenes were lovely - I loved Steve telling Joey exactly how he & Kayla met & then we got multiple flashbacks (which always make me happy - was hoping we'd get the scene where she cleans his eye - maybe that will come later)    I'm not bothered by Joey's actions because it's obvious that he wants his family together & is trying to figure out why Steve would leave if he loved them as much as he says he does.       I am also glad that Steve called Kayla & told her where Joey was (although I do almost wish that Joey was going with Steve - I think that would have been fun)



  • Love 8

I don't think that is Brita. It could be her daughter...wasn't her tattoo on her thigh?  Steve should have pointed that out to Victor..He and Bo both knew Brita intimately...Why would Bo play along with the fake Britta, it is obvious it is somebody from his past that is playing games with him...I wonder who  is behind his kidnapping. It could be Lawrence, Orpheus or even one of his children..There is so much possibilities....

  • Love 1

The Steve & Joey scenes were lovely - I loved Steve telling Joey exactly how he & Kayla met & then we got multiple flashbacks (which always make me happy - was hoping we'd get the scene where she cleans his eye - maybe that will come later)    I'm not bothered by Joey's actions because it's obvious that he wants his family together & is trying to figure out why Steve would leave if he loved them as much as he says he does.       I am also glad that Steve called Kayla & told her where Joey was (although I do almost wish that Joey was going with Steve - I think that would have been fun)

I want Joey and Kayla to go with him for old times sake. I'm nostalgic for one of Steve's "Baby, it's too dangerous," lectures. 


I don't think that is Brita. It could be her daughter...wasn't her tattoo on her thigh?  Steve should have pointed that out to Victor..He and Bo both knew Brita intimately...Why would Bo play along with the fake Britta, it is obvious it is somebody from his past that is playing games with him...I wonder who  is behind his kidnapping. It could be Lawrence, Orpheus or even one of his children..There is so much possibilities....

As the scene played out I think both Steve and Victor knew it was a fake Britta though I have no clue why the ISA or Steffie or whoever sent the fake Britta would think Bo was that stupid to believe it. His mother might be seeing her dead husband but Bo is still young and lucid. 


I would love for Orpheus to be behind the kidnapping...anything to bring him back (played by the original actor of course) but I'm betting on something far more obvious like Stefano.

  • Love 4

It will probably be Stefano and Aiden will be a part of Bo's kidnapping. It is stupid that the citizens of Salem tolerate Stefano's presence in the town..He should have been killed a long time ago..Anytime a Brady is missing or thought to be dead, they should be at Stefano's doorstep, demanding answers...It defies belief...

  • Love 3

I do not care what else happened today because this episode had the greatest  moment yet!  We had Ben calling out Abby on being untrustworthy, that he wonders how they can get married because she lies so easily.  I repeat dear sweet Abs was actually called out for being a disloyal liar--about damn time :)  I have to admit that I was cheering, it was such a glorious moment.  And then we also got the added treat of watching KM fake cry, hold her stomach and walk off stoically--or at least attempt to :)


 Also, Abby is looking so horribly unattractive--the drab color of her hair is just awful--put some highlights in it for godsake and her outfits are just ridiculous looking.  Compare that to both Theresa and Gabi looking so effortlessly beautiful and I call foul on anyone calling Abby "amazing" or "beautiful."

  • Love 15

was hoping we'd get the scene where she cleans his eye - maybe that will come later


Oh me too, me too. I was practically giddy during their flashbacks. I used to be so jealous of MBE's french braids, she wore them so well. Hearing Steve call her Sweetness does not get old. Not like Fancy Face which seems more odd now than ever.


Brady's sly comment with a pointed glare to a discomfited Theresa about John being out of commission last year was giggle worthy.

  • Love 6

I do not care what else happened today because this episode had the greatest  moment yet!  We had Ben calling out Abby on being untrustworthy, that he wonders how they can get married because she lies so easily.  I repeat dear sweet Abs was actually called out for being a disloyal liar--about damn time :)  I have to admit that I was cheering, it was such a glorious moment.  And then we also got the added treat of watching KM fake cry, hold her stomach and walk off stoically--or at least attempt to :) 

That's on my screen right now and I'm so proud of Ben (never thought I'd say that). He's a little slow to catch on, that's for sure; he seriously should have seen this coming after the way she chased after another Dimera penis, but better late than never. 


Oh me too, me too. I was practically giddy during their flashbacks. I used to be so jealous of MBE's french braids, she wore them so well. Hearing Steve call her Sweetness does not get old. 

The hair department did not skimp on Kayla back in the day. She always looked so stunning.  

I wanted more flashback yesterday though. I thought they had the perfect seugway into an old flashback of Steve playing the harmonica, but missed it. 

  • Love 5

Glad I'm not the only one who felt the need to cheer here about Ben calling Thing and Chad out on her BS.

....he just walked out!!!!

This is awesome.

Side note: the sensitivity that KDP is giving us is killing me. Today's scene with Rate was better than anything they actually did with Paige. Wow.

Brady's sly comment with a pointed glare to a discomfited Theresa about John being out of commission last year was giggle worthy.

I missed this! Sounds like gold.

And Kate and Nicole using snotty British accents to sass each other? More please!

  • Love 4

Nicole listing off Kate's laundry list to her was pot meet kettle. Who is she to act like she's allowed to call others out. Kate could have recited an equally long list of all the sins Nicole committed right back to her. Stealing Sydney from Sami and letting her think she was dead? Trying to kill Victor, blackmail of a thousand people, trying to drug Brady, etc... etc... 


Chad looked to be fighting in his hypnosis with a guy. A homeless guy trying to rob him? It was for sure not a woman who could fight back at him like that. 


They for sure confirmed it's not Chad today with him being on the docks (welcome back docks set!) while the killer was already lurking outside Marlena's office.


With Abby calling out for Ben the same time Chad's in the elevator and Marlena's being attacked they could be trying to point in Ben's direction as the killer. Can Ben even tie a tie?

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8



Ben has a distinctive body shape with his super long arms and huge shoulders. I don't have a dvr so I couldn't rewind, but I definitely thought it was Ben's body shape. Also, why was he in the hospital to catch Abby (I mean, thank goodness he was, but still, no explanation given, right?). They showed Clyde intimidating Marlena the other day - maybe he found out that Marlena is helping Chad and told Ben about it? I can't think of another motive to kill Marlena.


I'm also wracking my brain for a sighting of a red tie. The killer at the end was using a red tie, and when Rafe figured something out and left his office they focused on that board which mentioned a red tie.


Loved the lighting they were using at the end. It reminded me of the type of lighting and scene blocking that I see in stage productions. It very much helped tell the story. Kudos to this show for transforming itself.

  • Love 6

I don't know why Kate just stood there while Nicole listed off a bunch of her past crimes. Who the fuck is Nicole? She's already turned into one of the annoying Hortons. 


Best part of the episode was Abifail getting called out on IT's nasty lying trash behavior. I'm hoping it won't be long before her alien mating session with Chad is exposed. 


So basically Justin just wants to put a Dimeria in prison and doesn't care which one or whether they're actually guilty. When Theo is SORASed Justin will probably go after him too.

  • Love 6
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