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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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The word bitch is thrown around by the woman so much in daytime. What is the male equivalent word used? It's such a double standard that the woman are resorted to using the word but the guys don't really have one, do they?

I had no idea that Will & Sonny lived in a motel. It was so odd to see falling snow when Sonny returned home. Although, the next day in the pick up scene it wasn't snowing. I guess it wasn't in the budget. LOL!!!

  • Love 3

so perhaps if Daniel wasn't so unattractive while lecturing I might be more inclined to listen to his position, but when he gets the weird Incredible Hulk roid-rage facial expressions while he goes off on Nicole, I keep hoping somebody will throw a pie in his face so that he'll be forced to take a shower.   Maybe he's hoping she'll put up as much of a fight for him as she has for the other men she's loved in the past, but perhaps his bacterially infected spray tan made her realize he wasn't worth wasting her lungs.

I love this.  Love it.  It should be put in the permanent character description for this over-the-hill Pigpen Surfer Dude.  Well done!


I get what you mean but I think I object most to is that the nasty word be it bitch or slut is always, always, always directed at women. How about some equal time for the guys? 


Exactly.  Show consistently shows us women who are often head and shoulders above the men in intelligence, compassion, likeability, etc., and then has us watching these same troglydytes verbally - and sometimes physically - assaulting these women for not living up to their standards - standards that these same jackasses violate all the time.  A sorrier excuse for the male of the species on display in Salem would be harder to find - unless one also watches GH.  (Exceptions IMO, being Sonny, Justin, Victor, most of the time, anyway).

The women of Salem should be permanently armed with nut crackers and not be afraid to use them.


And, just me, but I'm tired of the word "bitch" being thrown at any and all women who even momentarily disappoint these asses.

Edited by boes
  • Love 7

I like Nicole but I like Serena too. Eric isn't worth this.



And here is the problem with all these triangle, the man is never worth it.  I end up thinking the women should ditch the lousy jackass, whichever guy it is this time, and go out partying with each other.  The women would be better off.

  • Love 7


Exactly.  Show consistently shows us women who are often head and shoulders above the men in intelligence, compassion, likeability, etc., and then has us watching these same troglydytes verbally - and sometimes physically - assaulting these women for not living up to their standards - standards that these same jackasses violate all the time.


Theresa and Nicole look like they have PTSD so I can excuse a little mopiness.  These ladies have sheet heaped on them daily with rarely a kind, supportive word. Jordan is in a world of hurt but is a little better able to stand up for herself because she has fewer ties with the good people of Salem but the ones she knows aren't listening to her.  But damned if I'm still shocked by Clydsicle throwing her across the room the other week and on the bed. Huge ICK factor.  I agree she shouldn't have confronted him in his room alone but to me that's dangerously close to saying you shouldn't have worn that dress.  I completely understand her anger over the money.  I don't think she says or cares where it came from but she is a good person whose good deed was tainted by Clydsicle including himself and her brother and Vapidfail lying to her the entire time. 


Sure, she should just come out and say it but the girl is scared to death and we can see why.  I hope Kate walks into one of those situations and steps over to Jordan's side and gives him hell.  Once vindicated but still realizing she's lost BOllie to Clydsicle (or he's in too deep at that point) she leaves town like we know she is going to.  But at least there'll be a payoff to the SL. 


Vic uses the word bitch very freely and I don't like it if only because he has a better vocabulary.  Still, his zingers are spot-on so I can overlook it.  Somewhat.  The only male equivalent is the D word which isn't really used in nice company. Or maybe the P word since the equivalent of a woman speaking her mind would be calling a man weak woman with no D.  Bonus:  It's insulting to both genders. A few months back when this subject came up I wrote I'd never called another female a B or a S or a W, etc.  I'll use the B word as a verb however which brings up a fond memory wherein I was joking with a good male cowker friend and said aww kwitcherbitchin.  I was promptly written up for swearing and that was my first step out the door of that particular hellhole. 


Wow, so the whole Ted thing was a waste of time?  And more men verbally abusing Nicole?  Judgy and Suddenly Southern in the same room?  I'm not sure I even want to catch up on the last two days but maybe I will once the Snoozerbowl, I mean the Hyperbole, gets underway.  There's always the new Downton Abbey to look forward to tonight!

  • Love 3

So I watched Friday's ep. It wasn't easy.

Random thoughts that probably raised my blood pressure more than they should've.


Daniel, if you'd step down off your high & mighty horse, maybe let Nicole have a few words, she could have told you that YOU were the one her drug her away from her work, so when would she have had time to freakin' verify anything?? You threw your little hissy til she said OK. She told you she had  work to do but NOOOOooooo, you demanded she do what you wanted when you wanted it. And seriously, how do you get off telling her what she feels for Eric? You know this how pray tell? But she never gets to call you on all your tons of hypocritical crap.


And Eve, girl, please, for the love of all that's holy, just back off JJ. I love KDP but this character is killing that....

Same with Greg Vaughn...love the actor, but Eric...the judgement runs strong in this one....as does the hypocracy.


Please please get Judgy Jen out of the Tron dress.


Theresa...dang, I still love her....

  • Love 7

I'm not a Nicole fan either but I will easily side with her over Maleficent a.k.a. Shrewena. I use to pick ErYuck's side over Nicole during the time she burned the documents but ErYuck has just become unbearable lately, I can't side with him. If he has this much hatred for someone then he needs to speak to someone because it makes no sense to have this much hatred over shredded documents and losing his vocation over a woman that drugged and raped him. Is it a Brady trait to be more friendly to your rapists?


The word bitch is heavily used on Days and always towards the females when some male characters can be called that too (Sneasel, Sparkles, Dumbass Brady, Dingy Hippie, & ErYuck) hopefully Sonny call Sneasel & Sparkles, a bunch of toenail biting sparkly bitches.

  • Love 4

I'm not a Nicole fan either but I will easily side with her over Maleficent a.k.a. Shrewena. I use to pick ErYuck's side over Nicole during the time she burned the documents but ErYuck has just become unbearable lately, I can't side with him. If he has this much hatred for someone then he needs to speak to someone because it makes no sense to have this much hatred over shredded documents and losing his vocation over a woman that drugged and raped him. Is it a Brady trait to be more friendly to your rapists?


The word bitch is heavily used on Days and always towards the females when some male characters can be called that too (Sneasel, Sparkles, Dumbass Brady, Dingy Hippie, & ErYuck) hopefully Sonny call Sneasel & Sparkles, a bunch of toenail biting sparkly bitches.


I love Nicole, but if it comes down to her vs Serena (and I don't think it will), I will probably be #TeamSerena since I am predisposed to love her.

  • Love 3

Plastic mannequin is humping that nasty wildebeest Abifail so he has no room to judge Jordan for dating Chad.


Not sure why JJ went to that woodland creature sister of his for advice about Lima Bean. Asking a mistress for advice on your love life is a bad idea. I'm glad Theresa was allowed to remind Abifail of her mistress ways. 


Shut up Sparkle and leave Sonny alone.

  • Love 5

How much of a discount does Days get on leather jackets? I swear just about everyone has one.


GO THERESA!!! Tell them damn Horton/Deverauxs off. Loved when Theresa told that Jar Jar how she dipped EJ's wick, that was classic and Jar Jar had no comeback for all of Theresa's insults, because she knew they were true. Jar Jar never has any comebacks when she's called out on her shit. I'm sure Theresa can easily take her down in a fight, it'll be like Mike Tyson sparring with Betty White.


One of the plus sides of this episode was that Jar Jar didn't get a lot of screen time today, but the truth hurts doesn't it Jar Jar. The only reason she's upset is that Grimace knows how to grind on Chad's pole better than her. EJ thinks the same thing, Sami is better in bed. Jar Jar must be a lousy lay LMAO.


At least Theresa can say that JJ is hot, even though she can't stand him. Writers are just working extra overtime to try and make JJ and Lima Bean the new super couple when it just doesn't work and it's generally panned as barely anyone is behind this couple. Suddenly Southern needs to stop touching JJ because both the actor's face just reads discomfort and like they just don't like it and don't wanna do it.


No, no, no BOllie, your responsible for your own actions, Chad provoked you  no doubt but you could have responded with words (even though we know words with 2 syllables or more just completely stumps him). All of a sudden Rafe is a good guy? Since when? BOllie has no answer to that. Grimace can't take back Chad but it's ok for BOllie to clear things with Mr. Rapey. GTFO. Those in glass houses, those in glass houses is all I'm going to say in that regards.


I'm for one glad that the case isn't going to get dropped. BOllie needs to learn a serious lesson on his anger and needs anger management. Chad couldn't talk his way out of dropping the charges and he should know full well that Yawn has no say in whether or not a case is going to get dropped, it's up to the prosecutor not a cop.


WTF is Sneasel doing on the cover of the magazine? Do they want magazine sells to drop?? The world isn't ready to be exposed to a Sneasel, scientist don't even know what it is yet. Even though Sneasel is breaking the story, it doesn't warrant him being on the cover, you think Sparkles would be on the cover as the main attraction for the next issue of the magazine, not the writer of the story, there should have been a comic bubble next to him that said, "I fucked Sparkles" or "Is this face human?"


Sparkles, stop coming on to Sonny, your sparkly charm just doesn't work and Sonny is looking like he's getting beyond tired of it. See Sneasel that's how you resist someone coming onto you, you say you're with someone else. Sonny never budges or give Sparkles hope that there's going to be anything between them beyond friendship. One of the reasons why Sonny kicks ass as a character, he's loyal to a fault.


They make it seem like Derrick is going to be up to something, cause they showed a close up of the TBD folder and Derrick looking at it for a brief second. Who knows.


I'm a little confused here, if the doors are locked and nobody can get in that door, why did Aiden feel the need to drag out an ax and whatever the other thing was. That's just stupidity.

  • Love 4

This show.  Why are the so-called bad girls the only ones ever held accountable for their actions?  No one made Ben throw the first punch.  He chose to do it.  Since Clyde is going to go after Sonny, can't Victor do everyone a favor and get rid of Ben? Holy shit I hate this character so much. 


Poor JJ.  CM desperately needs a new story.  He is being wasted.


I'm really liking Hope and Aiden.

  • Love 4

Man, but Miss Abigail heard some hard truths today didn't she?  First, she was very rightly called out that she was a hypocritical ho' with absolute no moral authority (who didn't love Theresa's "Better answer the phone, that might be a married man with 15 minutes to spare."  Oh SNAP!!  Second, she now knows that Ben and Chad weren't fighting over her, but Jordan.  And Jordan and Theresa looked lovely today while Abby looked strange in that weird green/yellow shapeless top--I'm sorry guys, I just don't think KM is that attractive. 


Paul certainly doesn't give up does he?  I kind of love that even though he had sex with Will, he still wants Sonny.  In your face, Sneasel :)


The Hope and Aiden storyline is damn intriguing.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 12

I have a feeling that Derrick will tell Sonny about Sparkle and Sneasel. I think he may do that to cause trouble, both Sparkle and Sonny rejected him. He might be feeling a bit bitter about that...I feel so bad for Sonny, he loves Will so much, this is going to gut him and I hope that he makes him pay for his betrayal...He deserves better than Sparkle and Sneasel. He needs a man that is going to put him first and be utterly devoted to him. If I was writing the show, I would bring a hot new guy just for him..Both Sneasel and Sparkle need to see Sonny happy and at peace with someone else..I still maintain that Chandler's Will would never have betrayed Sonny this way.  He loved Sonny too much to do that. His Will would never have written an expose about Sami either.  The show just needed something shocking to get attention, when they came up with this affair...The writers lack any type of talent to write a complex relationship between two men. There are so many ways that they could have have gone to give Will and Sonny stories without trashing them and their history.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

Abigail really doesn't know how to do a self-aware face, does she? When Teresa pointed out why JJ isn't good for Paige, something seemed to pass over his face like he knew what she was saying had some degree of merit to it. But Abigail looked completely affronted that anyone would point out that she's into attached men (and after she slung the b-word at Teresa first. Geez, did you think she was going to be pleasant and get a cup of coffee for you after that?). 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 8


Abigail really doesn't know how to do a self-aware face, does she? When Teresa pointed out why JJ isn't good for Paige, something seemed to pass over his face like he knew what she was saying had some degree of merit to it. But Abigail looked completely affronted that anyone would point out that she's into attached men (and after she slung the b-word at Teresa first. Geez, did you think she was going to be pleasant and get a cup of coffee for you after that?).


Abifail has a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others, a diminished moral sense or conscience and a history of impulsive and aggressive behavior. She also lacks a normal range of emotional responsiveness and often deceives or manipulates others. She sounds like a sociopath.

  • Love 8

Couldn't get into today's show. It feels like Paige and Theresa and Eve and JJ keep having the same convo over and over. Kill me. Hope and Aiden bore me too and I could care less about Grimace and NuChad.

At least Theresa was allowed to burn Slappy with a zinger.

I guess today is the day Derrick puts two and two together and makes four. I'm thinking he will make a trip to TBD to tell Sonny about Sneasel and Sparkle with photographic evidence perhaps? I wonder if Sonny will find out before or after the event in the promo. It might divert Derrick because he won't be able to track Sonny down for a bit.

Sonny is still so steadfast he is truly showing Sneasel how it's done. I have to wonder if they are still showing all these flashbacks because they want us to think Sonny is in denial? I guess we'll know what's what if Sonny goes back to Paul after he finds out about Will and Sparkle.

The keep having Jawn and WilSon interact. Is this because he's Paul's dad? Maybe it's because he works for the SPD and other stuff is going down this week.

Why is Sneasel the only one still in Friday's clothes if everyone is is wearing something different and it is a new day? Or is that a different shirt under that Mr Rogers cardigan?

Anyway, I wonder if BOllie is going to be a suspect since he is Clyde's son and he is violent?

Edited by 271days
  • Love 2

Sonny talks to Paul on the phone.  Paul gets a call from Will so Sonny hangs up.  Paul and Will are still talking, and there was no break in their conversation, and Sonny walks into their apartment.  Just how far IS Club TBD from their apartment?


I am upset that we are not going to get to see any flashbacks about Will and Sonny's courtship because they would be with Chandler.


So what's going to happen with Derrick?  He saw the Club TBD stuff that Sonny brought in, is Sonny going to know what happened just before ...?


Why didn't we get an actual scene with Paul telling his family about not being able to pitch again, instead of having yet again another JJ/Paige/Eve scene?

Edited by Rick Kitchen

Aiden's secret is that Chase shot and killed his mother -right? Chase doesn't remember doing it so Aiden is trying to protect him??

I kind of couldn't believe it when Eve told Paige - "He's not going to take you back. He's done with you." - Those sound more like the words of a rival- not a mother LOL. Eve is a pitiful mess!

Paige is so misguided in wanting JJ back. Why? They weren't together long. He lies to her repeatedly and cheats on her AFTER she gave up Stanford for him. Maybe I'm missing something about JJ because women of all ages want him desperately. Theresa thinks he has a magic penis. Eve can't get enough of JJ. I guess he's supposed to have megawatt sexual magnetism but I just see a cute young boy. He and Eve have chemistry but he's not exactly a young Marlon Brando or anything.

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What any woman on this show sees in any man on this show is a mystery.  Some of them are pretty to look at, but personality wise they range from being abusive to to stupid to live, or both.


Go Theresa!!!  Why can't I have a Sami, Kate, Theresa, Nicole, Ciara show?  I should have gotten one for Christmas.  I was really good last year.

  • Love 5

Abigail really doesn't know how to do a self-aware face, does she? When Teresa pointed out why JJ isn't good for Paige, something seemed to pass over his face like he knew what she was saying had some degree of merit to it. But Abigail looked completely affronted that anyone would point out that she's into attached men (and after she slung the b-word at Teresa first. Geez, did you think she was going to be pleasant and get a cup of coffee for you after that?). 


I think a lot of this has to do with lack of acring ability on KM's side.  When Theresa was talking about the chick who slept with JJ, KDP's face spoke volumes to her guilt and how horribly uncomfortable she was with the topic of conversation.  KM couldn't pull that off if she tried.

  • Love 6

So, at the end of Show today, when Abigail slouched into Ollie's Malibu Dream Dump and overheard Chad remind Ollie that he'd said to him that his sister was better in bed than his girlfriend, was Abigail angry because Chad dissed her mating skills, or mad because he compared her to Jordan, or mad because they boys weren't slugging it out over her?  Or was she just mad because Gepetto hasn't made her a real boy yet?  Honestly, rubbing up against all that plastic must be giving her a burn rash.  And Ollie really should stop with the "like a Dimera" when he's been in town for all of 10 minutes and knows nothing about the family.


Theresa was all that today and more.  Her Abigail burn was a thing of beauty - I'm a sucker for anyone who can make that troll doll stare silently with her slightly crossed eyes, with just a hint of drool at the left corner of her mouth.  When she hopped away saying that if she didn't leave she just might KILL Theresa, I got a decent picture of what a rabid kangaroo might look like.  

While I like JJ, I did enjoy Theresa putting a burn on him too, telling how horrified his mother would be to know what sexual deviants her two kids are.  Theresa, of course, is wrong about that - Jenn has had sex or something resembling it with Dan, so she's quite familiar with sex outside your own species.  


Sparkle does absolutely nothing for me other than give me a slight yearning for a breath mint.  His bedroom eyes might as well be ringed with neon for all the subtlety he lacks.  Poor Sonny.  On one hand he's got Agnes Gooch whining at home about his JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY, and then he goes to see Sparkle and is hit with a bad Mae West imitation.  Pickings are mighty slim in Ye Olde Salem Towne.  


Nice to see that neither advancing years, bad hair dye, a sprung hip or a pair of impressive man moobs will stop Jawn from making his appointed frowns.  Chad - who for some reason is now the Big Bad, something he wasn't before he came back to town as a new man - had to put up with Jawn at his most condescending, most affected, most Pull My Finger and it smells like roses when Chad asked him to drop the case.   I'm really not happy about having him back in Salem and onscreen so much.  He never had much talent, but what little was there has disappeared, leaving little more than a walking cloud of attitude and bad acting tics.  


Think Paige is obsessive, much?  You'd think she and JJ share a home and 5 kids and are just shy of celebrating their 25th annversary the way she carries on.  I get being upset but I don't sympathize with her bulldozer approach to getting him back.   As you've all said, these two haven't been through anything much together other than dropping a few boxes when he was helping Paige move in.  Otherwise, it's been her sourpuss and disappointment, and JJ trying to make it up to her.  Guy needs to see a therapist who will ask him point blank why he wants to date an exact replica of his mother.  


I bet that we get Round Three tomorrow of Eve and JJ playing Guess My Weight.

Edited by boes
  • Love 9

I think JJ was basically saying that EJ is the one Sami should be mad at and not Abifail. EJ "manipulated" Abifail into opening her legs and begging to be his mistress. Apparently rabies infected wildebeests have no free will.


It was weird how all of the Abifail cheerleaders would rather think she was "forced" into sex instead of just accepting that she's trash. It was also weird how none of them tried to get her to report EJ to the cops since he "forced" her into sex. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 4

JJ laid into Sami for cheating? Why don't I remember that? Why would JJ care about Elvis and Sami's habits, disgusting as they were?


That was after Sami exposed Abigail for sleeping with EJ.  As I remember, he grabbed Sami - a Deveraux family trait - and screamed at her about everything he could think of.

Not his most attractive day.

  • Love 5

It seems like all the people who had something to say about EJ/Abby/Sami are getting a taste of cheating themselves.

The question is: Who is worse/more scandalous?

Willass for cheating with his husband's ex lover or JJ for sleeping with Lima Bean's mama?

I always thought it would be so gross for Will and Sonny to have shared the same bed partner, but at least Paul is age-appropriate.

How is JJ going to explain Suddenly Southern's allure to Judgy? She actually looks old enough to be his soap grandmother. Plus, the fact that Jen's kids like older partners has to be picked up by someone.

Edited by 271days
  • Love 2

The one thing that I'm digging about the JJ/Eve/Paige broohaha is that Theresa is getting involved -- characters get pigeon-holed into one storyline on this show and integrating Theresa, who's got other stuff going on, into this mess is expanding things. Or perhaps I'm giving the writers too much credit.

  • Love 6

That was after Sami exposed Abigail for sleeping with EJ.  As I remember, he grabbed Sami - a Deveraux family trait - and screamed at her about everything he could think of.

Not his most attractive day.


I completely forgot about that -- somehow I thought JJ had an opinion on Sami's cheating. I think it's finally happened, people: this show has officially made me dumber. Good Lord! ::slinks away in shame::

  • Love 1

I just know somehow the stupid writers will have Brady get custody of Theresa's baby, and Theresa will get blamed for not remembering what Kristen did to her.


JJ would be another one of the idiot Salemites who got up in Sami's face, and for some stupid reason was surprised that Sami told him how it was.  Not that JJ wanted to hear it of course.  It lead to AS/Sami's great line of, "Thanks for throwing me in the kiddie pool EJ."


The number of people that were showing up at the Dimera House of Horrors to pick a fight with Sami, and then were amazed that they got their asses handed to them by Samantha Gene Brady, the woman who has shot (Allan, Bart, EJ, Lucas (by accident), Silvio, Fake Rafe, Bernardi, Stefano's hitmen, Mareno's hitmen - I feel like I'm missing some) was just ridiculous.


Sneasel has journalistic integrity?  Since when?


Poor Sonny.  Like so many other people in Salem his choices for relationship partners suck.  In a contest between his Loser Husband and Loser Ex-boyfriend, I pick option number three - new guy in Salem for Sonny who the writers don't know anything about so they can't ruin him.

  • Love 5

The one thing that I'm digging about the JJ/Eve/Paige broohaha is that Theresa is getting involved -- characters get pigeon-holed into one storyline on this show and integrating Theresa, who's got other stuff going on, into this mess is expanding things. Or perhaps I'm giving the writers too much credit.


I like her relationship to Paige. This indicates that there's a little more to Teresa than meets the eye, and that she cares for her family members as much JJ and Abigail care about theirs. 


I don't like Abigail (duh, obviously), but it's hilarious to me that Will will most likely have to deal with her looking at him kind of funny when all of this  comes out. Whose side will Abigail take? (let the dramatic music play!) Will probably slept with Paul simply because he was genuinely attracted to him, but because he threw his mother under the bus for his article, he'll probably have to explain to everybody that he didn't sleep with Paul to get the scoop about his sexuality, and most likely nobody will believe him. I doubt Abigail will, since she was also a casualty of the article, despite Will claiming that he was trying to defend her (I think that's what he was trying to do, but noting that  she was the mistress is enough to make most people  wonder why she should be defended and shielded from criticism). 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 1

TigerLynx: It lead to AS/Sami's great line of, "Thanks for throwing me in the kiddie pool EJ."

Ah, that was a GREAT line!


Bantering, interesting thoughts about how Abigail will handle this news. It's a good question because we haven't seen any evidence that Abigail is emotionally intelligent enough to slice and dice her reaction based on her experience. I may even look forward to this!

  • Love 3

Go Anne, telling Grimace she and her family belong on Jerry Springer and girl never lied on that. They walked right off the set of Springer.


Oh Jar Jar, we know what's up, she defended Chad when he came back and how dare he not defend her vagina that is filled with rainbows and unicorns and possibly has a pot of gold at the end of it. You see she can't stay mad for long periods of times, she doesn't want to put too much attention on that face. When Jar Jars get mad the face gets so damn fugly that it's used as an anti-theft device. She can't stay mad at a DiMera man for too long, so she opts to try and cry for a millisecond and gives up on that cause her acting range ranges from a blank face to making ugly faces.


I know Sparkles didn't say Sneasel is hot. He loses major, major points on top of the ones he already lost by being a dumbass and clearly needs his eyes checked. I don't know how many times Sonny has to say, HE'S NOT INTERESTED!! I opt for Sonny to kick him in the nuts in order for him to get it but knowing Sparkles he might think that's a come on and a sign that Sonny loves him.


Sneasel really, you touch the rose Sonny gave you and think of Paul and that stupid article. He's so trashy and I'm still waiting for this damn guilt we're suppose to be seeing.


Derrick is a little shit stirrer isn't he? I like it, unless he hurts Sonny then I won't like him, he can be a male version of Anne lol.


Do people in Salem not have a good sense of direction? They're always bumping into each other. Honestly, I never seen so many people bump into each other, Hope & Aiden, Lima Bean & Cole, Shrewena & Nicole, Theresa & Toothy. I mean aren't there other ways for characters to meet or run into each other besides the oh my god I can't see, I nearly knocked your stuff out your hands and most of the time they always have a drink in their hand or a pile of papers.


Damn Suddenly Southern this is just beyond obsessive and goes into a whole new territory with how involved she is with her daughter's personal life. Girl get a job or learn how to crochet or something. Suddenly Southern is so stupid.


Theresa is right, when she puts the Hortons/Deverauxs on blast it's a marvelous and beautiful thing. She's right JJ does act selfish and when she said to his friends I said yes, because of how he treats Rory. He treats Rory like straight up shit.


I have to really question Hope's detective skills. She's known Aiden for a while and see for the most part he's calm/collected and judgmental so for her to return to look for her passport and see that he's all jittery and rushing her out of the cabin. If she doesn't have good detective skills then she needs to use her cop voice.

Days still can't go one day without a flashback. SMDH.

  • Love 3

Sonny is far too gracious with Sparkle. Sonny has made it VERY clear multiple times that he's happily married and Sparkle still keeps talking about how he loves him and wishes he could have another chance. Is he hard of hearing? Sonny doesn't want your creepy pathetic desperate ass so STFU. He needs to go. 

  • Love 3

Abifail has a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others, a diminished moral sense or conscience and a history of impulsive and aggressive behavior. She also lacks a normal range of emotional responsiveness and often deceives or manipulates others. She sounds like a sociopath.


I meant to highlight this earlier, LP, because it is a thing of beauty.  Perfect description of the troll.

  • Love 4

Why did Sneasel go back to the hotel room where Sparkle is? He is so stupid, why would he go back there? Derrick is going to tell Sonny about Sneasel and Sparkle out of spite. Sonny was already on the defensive because he saw him looking at Will's picture. He is very protective of his loser husband. I want Will to suffer for this. Tomorrow is going to be hard to watch Sonny in pain. Sonny is too loyal for his own good. Sneasel does not deserve him. Neither does Sparkle, he had his chance with him and he blew it...Will is not match for Sparkle and I have a feeling that Sparkle will fight dirty to reclaim Sonny... Will's betrayal of Sonny has leveled the playing field, once Sparkle realizes this, Will is in big trouble..For too long, he took Sonny for granted...Now he will lose him for good and will have to earn him back..I hope Sonny sends him packing for good...

  • Love 6

Where is that cab driver going to sleep, in his cab?  And what's the big deal about Aiden taking a shovel and axe out of storage?  He's selling the place, he could just toss it off as looking through stuff to see what he needs to get rid of.


So I guess Cole is the one who's going to find out about JJ and Eve.  That's gonna be interesting.  Why did Paige give him the password, anyway?  And JJ, that's a really dumb password.

  • Love 2

Theresa was spot on with JJ today.

Lima Bean is pathetic, but she doesn't realize how close to the truth she is.

Abifail is already making excuses for Chad. I bet she ends up in bed with him before long.

Sparkle annoys me as usual, but Sonny was sweet with him.

I never thought Sonny of all people would be the first person in the triangle to figure things out. Why did Derrick go to TBD: was it a) to get more info on Sparkle (and by extension, Sonny) ?

b) to let Sonny know that Paul is seeing someone else on the side (out of the goodness or his heart or to stir up trouble?)

c) because he knows Sonny is married to Will (and he's dropping the bomb on purpose)?

d) Derrick was curious about Sonny and this is all accidental?

Sonny keeps on sharing these emotional moments with Paul. I appreciate that he has managed to hold back thus far, but I always feel like he is THIS CLOSE to giving in. I think he is going to run straight to Sparkle when all this goes down and for me it will feel like Sneasel gave him the excuse he was looking for.

For all the declarations and roses last week, it still feels like Will and Sonny are disconnected. Sonny is trying, but instead of really talking about their issues, they both just glossed over them and they are still keeping secrets. They hardly show them with Arianna these days too. I guess she's just going to be trotted out when one of them realises that they could lose her.

I've said it before and I'll say it again-if Will and Sonny could express half the emotion and consideration they do to Paul to EACH OTHER they would be better off. Will is just terrible for cheating, but today I got irritated with Sonny getting teary-eyed over Paul again. I know one tends to view first loves with rose-tinted glasses, but I'm wondering if he will even have tears to shed over Sneasel.

As for Sparkle, he will be capitalising on his second chance very soon.

Edited by 271days
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Abigail overhearing Chad tell Ben that Jordan, Ben's sister, is better in bed than Abigail, Ben's girlfriend, was all kinds of hilarious, weird, and confusing at the same time. Well,  I suppose Abigail can take comfort in knowing that Chad didn't find being with Jordan blinding.

Edited by bantering
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I've said it before and I'll say it again-if Will and Sonny could express half the emotion and consideration they do to Paul to EACH OTHER they would be better off.


Not a doubt in my mind.


I don't know, I think Sonny looks at Sparkle like he's a chicken-fried steak but he can't have a bite because he's on a diet.


I'm imagining three thought bubbles:


Sonny: Mmmm. Chicken-fried Fishbulb!

Sparkle: I love me some me.

Sneasel: Purple! Monkey! Dishwasher!


Sneasel has journalistic integrity?  Since when?


Oh, for ages now. Since at least this afternoon when he sat down at the keyboard!


Yes, Abigail, if by "you've always been" you mean "since you came back to town shorter," then, yes, Chad's the jackass he's always been. Good for you!


I think Freddie Smith did a nice job with the scenes where Paul told Sonny he regretted not knowing what he had. Sonny didn't seem conflicted, exactly, but it was clear that his feelings for Paul were genuine. It seems almost strange to see someone having a truly emotional response in this wonky triangle. It might almost have been a compelling story if two thirds of the actors involved weren't so useless.

Edited by Sandman
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I imagine Will sitting at the computer, munching on Oreos, and procrastinating on various gossip sites. I'll be shocked if he gets this article done. He'll probably be saved from having to do actual work and writing when Sonny finds out he slept with Paul.

Edited by bantering
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