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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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I'll admit I FF thru anything Abigail & Ollie had to say - I'm assuming it wasn't that interesting?


Is it ever with those two?



Jack is getting the same treatment that Eve is getting: boiled down to the worst things they've ever done to prop a weak, bland couple. Both characters did horrible things but both were, once upon a time, three dimensional characters. Now they exist to prop Jennifer/Daniel and JJ/Paige.


Yes, they really need to move Eve in a new direction.  KdP is too good to be turned into a shrieking, obsessive person with no discernible motives for what she's doing.  Especially when it's all in service to that boring shrew Jennifer and her overly tan boyfriend.  I liked Paige quite a bit at first because she didn't fall for other people's manipulations, but if she's just going to be co-opted into the holier-than-thou Horton clan then I'm not interested.


Good, if Abby is "paying for it all", I'm glad.  Freak doesn't seem to get that life is not a game of teeter-totter -- consequences are not always doled out "evenly" or "fairly", and she doesn't get to dictate how others feel about her or what the consequences are for other people. 


I think this is exactly her problem.  She doesn't like that she can't control what other people think of her (if they think about her for more than a half-second anyway).  Cracked veneer and all that.  People see her for the no-good cheater that she is, and her going around assaulting people is another big clue into her ugly personality. 

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People see her for the no-good cheater that she is, and her going around assaulting people is another big clue into her ugly personality.



Kitty Redstone, that is it exactly!  I think Abby has convinced herself that Sami has something to do with her inability to get hired anywhere, as if Sami has gotten her blacklisted.  It doesn't occur to her that companies might not want to hire a PR person who has recently been embroiled in a scandal or it simply could be no one she's interviewed with likes her.  And there is always the option that a company wants someone with more experience and not an entitled twenty-two year old.


And there is a deeply unpleasant core to Abby's personality that is hard to get passed.  When she was going on today about how no man has ever treated her as well as Ben does, I just about rolled my eyes out of my head.  I don't recall Chad's being horrible to her and with EJ, she was just the side piece, so I'm not too sure who all of these awful men are.  And why does she think Ben's job is so beneath her?  There are plenty of people who work as bartenders/servers and they take pride in their jobs--it's honest work so I'm not too sure why Abby has so much contempt for it.


Ben's kind of unpleasant as well--for all he knows, Chad's being sincere when he offered his apology, and Ben's still looking down his nose at him?


Good for JJ for telling Paige that the ordeal Kayla experienced was private, and she has no business bringing it up to his aunt.


Clyde and his henchman are wonderfully evil aren't they?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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it doesn't matter to me whether Jack's story is played out with any relevance to Abigail, but I wonder if she'd recognize that what Jack did when he learned about being cheated on was a lot worse than Sami's reaction! Well, she's pretty stupid, so, no she probably wouldn't recognize this.



Since Jack's rape was not about Abby, she's unlikely to put that together.  Whatever is happening to her is much much worse than anything that has ever happened to any other person.  


Remember when you were in your early 20's and your same age boyfriend brought you to an expensive hotel in the middle of the day and ordered room service?  Yeah, me neither.

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Oh Sami...Sami Sami Sami....your husband makes light of your brother's rape at his sister's hand and rationalizes it...and you still stay on his lap?



As stomach-turning as that is, at least it is consistent with her character.  Sami always chooses the worst fate for herself.


Him being a slimy monster and then getting happily tickled by his kids?  What are these writers thinking?


And why does Mr Hick get to off him?  Stefano, Sami, Eric, Kate, Susan or Edmund would be SO much more interesting!  GAH!

Edited by DisneyBoy
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The hotel room Ben got looks exactly like Chad's old apartment he had before EJ blackmailed him to move back into the Dimera mansion. All they did was move the bed location. I thought at first when Abby walked in, she recognized it as Chad's apartment.


Sami commenting on how wrong it is that Kristen's not going to jail for what she did to Eric. LOL Pot, kettle. Did Sami go to jail for what she did to Austin? Too bad EJ's got no backbone to point that out. 


Is JJ scrared he'll be like his dad? He jumped out of his skin with the suggestion they go upstairs. 


This whole build up of EJ's departure is so over the top that it's obvious already he's not going to be dead. Susan's going to grab him, or Stefano. 

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Alison Sweeney's tweet, "There were a lot of things Sami and EJ should have talked and fought about, but it didn't happen," makes more and more sense.  I guess the writers really didn't care how Sami and EJ left Salem.  It looks like it maybe a they were there one day and gone the next kind of exit.

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Did Sami go to jail for what she did to Austin? Too bad EJ's got no backbone to point that out.


And then she could point out how he didn't go to prison for raping her a gun point or replacing her husband with an impostor who raped her repeatedly. 


Not sure why Ben wasted money on on a hotel when he could have just taken The Mistress to the nearest supply closet, shower, dumpster. park bench, or crack house. 


Clyde needs to stop wasting time and put multiple bullets in all of EJ's organs. 

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Haven't watched today's show yet, but had a good laugh yesterday when "Ben" took the little slut to a hotel ...she should just set up residence there.  She probably won't enjoy her "interlude" because in order for her to be really turned on she needs to do it with someone else's man.

Edited by blanchowens
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You guys, I just can't with Abby's grossly overprocessed, skanky (can hair be skanky?! Hers is!), weirdly multi-colored hair. I'm convinced the show's hairstylists hate her as much as many of the viewers do. I rarely even notice characters' hair, so when I do, chances are it's glaringly awful. 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Paige - you eavesdropped on a VERY private conversation and you ran over to tell JJ his aunt was raped? WTF? Naturally JJ makes excuses for Paige, it's what Hortons do.


When Slappy rambled on about how "different" the hotel set up was, I literally busted out laughing. Yep, it sex on an actual bed. That's different right there. Slappy was clearly confused - she said the hotel was "ours" like you don't have to return the room key in the morning. 


eta:  Janedigby - DOOL is weird about making the distinction between "good" and "bad" characters.  Good characters never have their pasts used against them like bad characters do.  And if a good character's misdeeds are brought up, it's usually by one of the bad characters, so it's immediately dismissed.  Jack, Eve, Sami, Nicole, and Theresa are only ever judged by what they do wrong. 


(I'd add EJ to the above list. Not that he does much right but occasionally, well, once in a great while.)


This show would be a lot easier to watch if I had a short term memory problem. I can't even keep track of all the crimes the good folks of Salem have committed. It's insane. All of them, every single one, should be in prison. It can make discussion of the show boring because there's so much to dredge up and rehash when it comes to any characters sins. Believe me, it still irks me that Salem's own Dudley Doright Rafe Hernandez concealed Gabi's role in Melanie's kidnapping and hasn't even had his vacation time docked. Then there was the nuttiness of pretending to be Nicole's baby daddy. But it's a different writing regime so I only expect that to come up if Melanie needs propping or Nicole gets miraculously knocked up again.


I guess EJ & Sami are going to live a blissfully uncomplicated life in Salem, right? Those anvils were just there for show, right?

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You guys, I just can't with Abby's grossly overprocessed, skanky (can hair be skanky?! Hers is!), weirdly multi-colored hair. I'm convinced the show's hairstylists hate her as much as many of the viewers do. I rarely even notice characters' hair, so when I do, chances are it's glaringly awful. 


I'm a little disturbed at how the hairstylists on this show managed to screw up her hair (which I didn't think was possible because her hair used to be pretty glossy looking and full. Maybe the hair color was nice when she first started on the show too). The one compliment I used to give her was regarding her hair. But, now, even that's not good anymore.

Edited by bantering
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How can Ben and Abigail have so many  long conversations, yet it feels like nothing happens in their relationship???

Even a hotel sex set-up seems to go nowhere....


Poor Ben. We're probably going to get  sex flashbacks to EJ tomorrow to make it seem as though movement is happening in Ben and Abigail's relationship.

Edited by bantering
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I'm a little disturbed at how the hairstylists on this show managed to screw up her hair (which I didn't think was possible because her hair used to be pretty glossy looking and full. Maybe the hair color was nice when she first started on the show too). The one compliment I used to give her was regarding her hair. But, now, even that's not good anymore.


KM's hair looks like she's trying out for the "before" portion of a commercial for a product designed to fix over treated hair. I don't know what the hairstylists have done to her hair but it must count as criminal assault. 

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How can Ben and Abigail have so many  long conversations, yet it feels like nothing happens in their relationship???

Even a hotel sex set-up seems to go nowhere....


What do you expect? Abby is awful and Ben is useless. Not a good combination. I really really hope she yells out EJ's name during sex. I want to see if Ben will be pathetic enough to keep going.

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I really like the actor who plays JJ. Too bad he isn't in a better storyline.

I think it was the way his hair was combed, but he looked quite a lot like Matt Ashford in a couple of shots today.

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JJ is at least somewhat better in this role now than he was when he started, but there's no humor or joy in his storyline (or ANY of the others as well!) so he's become one-note to me.


I'm going to make a suggestion/request and I'm hoping you don't all jump on me for saying it but....could we take it easy on the Abigail bashing?  It's not that I don't agree with 99% of the negativity, but the "her hair looks awful"/"has she lost weight - it looks bad"/"what a cheap skank" daily commentary is pretty unpleasant and a bit too nasty.


We all hate her :)  We all agree she's self-righteous and a phoney and hasn't been well-written and that the actress gave some rather odd interviews in recent months.  Why don't we all just avoid discussing her until something changes for the better?  Because it's getting depressing reading all the comments about her.  Let's not remind ourselves of how loathsome she is.


...so was that it for Susan?  I hope she reappears.  I got to watch her showdown with Kristin thanks to a fan who posts clips to YT and it was very nice but WAY TOO SHORT.  Kristin barely asks how Susan escaped the Harem when the subject is switched and Susan's shown the door.  No fair!  I hope ED gets to play her in a few more scenes.  I had this hope that Susan would make good on her promise to stick around, and maybe turn to Kate for help extricating EJ from Stefano's world or something fun.


Plus, it reduces her conversation with Marlena to one of those super phoney patronizing "oh yes, let's TOTALLY get together soon, kiss kiss!" chats that people have when they really don't want to spend any time with you.  For that brief moment, Marlena actually seemed to have a friend and be happy and sincere and likeable.  Wanted it to continue, and Mar and Susan to get to catch either other up on their lives.


Oh well.

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but the "her hair looks awful"


I think this particular criticism is a criticism directed towards the hairstylists rather than the actress herself. I doubt the actress is doing that to her hair since her hair was nice when she first started on the show. I think the criticism of her hair is no different than wondering what's up with Nicole's page-boy hair-do or Sami's grey elephant pants wedding dress.


I think the criticism of Abigail will probably only ease up when she's not interacting with the more interesting characters like Chad, Sami, and EJ. If the show were to stick her with Rafe, we'd probably fast-forward right through her and not notice why we dislike her. Maybe the show should get on that....

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So, I think there was a little spark between Jordan and Chad today.  I really like NuChad, and CS could do so much more than they've given her (and I'm not even blaming GG here, because I think he could and has done more than they've given him as well). 


Days actually has many talented cast members.  I wish the writing and characterizations were better to showcase that talent.

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I wish - oh how I wish! - we could not discuss Abigail until things get better.  But, in the absence of a runaway woodchipper chomping down on her, that isn't possible.  It wouldbe as hard as never mentioning Sneasel's lack of loyalty, or Rafe's lack of brain cells.  Can't be done.


I DID manage to get a hold of several stills from deleted scenes between Ollie and Abigail, right before the best darn three minutes of their lives.  Apparently Chad had managed to mix one of Stefano's magic elixors into their food - a magic elixor that - initiated by sex, lets the person see the soul of the one they intend to mate with.  


Ollie, right before IT happened, looked up into his beloved eyes and saw this....





And imagine Abigail's surprise when she looked into Ollie's eyes and saw this....




It's true.  The Eyes ARE the mirror to the soul.


Tonight, we celebrate my love for you.....

Edited by boes
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DisneyBoy  -- I usually agree with and like, no love, your posts.  But man, I don't know about this not talking about Abby thing.  I don't give a shit about what she looks like, but if her personality is going to continue to be a pock on my TV screen, like it has been, then I'm going to bitch and bash and bemoan her mere presence.  It's how I have my fun.  ; ) 


But, in the spirit of compromise, and my own irritation, I will be talking about Paige more often now.  She's turning into a Holy Horton anyway, so let's keep it in the family. 


So, where the fuck does Paige get off, not only listening to a dr. and her patient discuss confidential medical information, but then running over to her bf because she "had to tell him"?   Kayla doesn't need you to be "proud of her", but I'm sure she appreciates your gossipy little ass running around making her trauma all about you and your feelings just the same.  I don't like her. 


JJ so needs to get away from all of these nosey shrews in his life. 



Loving Kate and Chad and Clyde.  Triangle!!!  Make it happen, show. 

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DisneyBoy  -- I usually agree with and like, no love, your posts.  But man, I don't know about this not talking about Abby thing.  I don't give a shit about what she looks like, but if her personality is going to continue to be a pock on my TV screen, like it has been, then I'm going to bitch and bash and bemoan her mere presence.  It's how I have my fun.  ; ) 




So, where the fuck does Paige get off, not only listening to a dr. and her patient discuss confidential medical information, but then running over to her bf because she "had to tell him"?   Kayla doesn't need you to be "proud of her", but I'm sure she appreciates your gossipy little ass running around making her trauma all about you and your feelings just the same.  I don't like her.  



Loving Kate and Chad and Clyde.  Triangle!!!  Make it happen, show. 


Yep, avoiding discussing Abigail, who is on virtually every day would be not only impossible but a bit dishonest IMO, since she's virtually the show's front runner these days.  We'd be left with nothing but those other black holes of suckage, Jenn and Dirty Dan.   I do promise to continue to mock and scorn Jenn and Dan  and every other self-righteous mess as well, just as I already do.  But unless they do us all a favor and throw Abigail down a well, she's on target too.  It's just so much fun!  And with DOOL, we do need to make our own fun.


Paige, Paige, Paige......she's certainly fallen fast and hard, hasn't she?  I liked the character quite a bit when she first came on, but slowly, inexorably, she's been turning into a Jenn wannabe, and that's not a pretty metamorphosis. going from a butterfly to a worm.  I really love JJ and IMO we've also gotten to see this guy grow quickly from a raw young actor into one with ability, and he continues to get better.  He's not a loud actor at all.  He knows how to convey thought and feeling through gesture and eye contact in ways that some of the older cast members - I'm talking to YOU, Mr. Christian - could learn from.  

I'd love to see the character break away from the people who continue to try and mold him into what they want him to be.  His mother, his sister, and now Paige seem to think JJ is some THING they can redesign at will and I wish he'd tell them to fluck off.  Unlike Abigail, I don't think Jenn loves him unconditionally, and seeing him constantly begging for her approval is just sad.  Abigail does the same thing but she's so self-involved she only bothers him if she has no one else to beat up on.

And now Paige is doing the same thing.  

The best of the lot and he's being abused by a bunch of self-righteous, self-satisfied asses.   Break away, JJ!


And there is no excuse for what Paige did, evesdropping on Kayla.  She could have, should have, walked away immediately.  That's a strong mark against her IMO.  And then being clueless enough to think it was okay for her to talk to Kayla about it.  JJ stopped it because of his dad's involvement, but if Paige had any sense she would never have wanted to do that anyway.


I agree about Clyde and Kate and Rafe.  Rafe's brain is like a sensor light.  It lays dormant until something trips it on.  Of course, it doesn't stay on long.  But he DOES have pretty eyelashes.

Edited by boes
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Meh.  Eavesdropping is a soap standard.  Not holding that against Paige.  I'm chalking that up to a writer's contrivance, and nothing more.

Yeah - they aren't actually real people, although for dramatic effect we're supposed to react to them as if they are.   So I don't do "meh" with  a character whose whole being is supposed to be based on a higher moral code.   


Without the contrast, the story line has no moral center.  MEH indeed.

Edited by boes
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The whole convo with Paige & JJ was weird - not sure why she thought the need to rush over & tell JJ a private convo she overheard about his aunt - it just feels like the only reason they had her overhear that is so she can get all mad & judgemental when she finds out that JJ knew about it & knew it was his dad who did it - one more black mark against JJ (when that has nothing to do with him & happened way before he was born) - I just really wish that Jack was actually around to defend himself - there has to be a way that they can bring him back from the dead.


I did see a spark with Chad & Jordan - they need to continue putting those two together & it was nice seeing Chad & Sonny share scenes without Will - I hope they do more of that.     Chad & Kate scheming together also needs to continue.


I FF thru Abby & Ben but do have one question - what's up with the wardrobe people putting her in such frumpy clothes?    Her outfits to go on job interviews are horrendous.


I really hope this isn't the last we've seen of Susan

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I find it really difficult to muster up any strong feelings about Abby. I suppose the past decade of having Sami foist upon me nonstop has numbed me to seeing annoying, badly acted characters hog up airtime. The good news about Abby is that she's easily FF material when I find her too tiresome. I couldn't do that with Sami because she was central to the plot/meat of the show so often.

That said, every time I see an interview of AS, I feel bad about all of my Sami hate and my criticisms of her acting. She seems like such a nice person. Then I watch the show and realize I'm right to think those things. (Granted, the past few months, AS has acted better than she ever has on the show, but it's still a case of too little, too late. I wish she'd upped her game years ago.)

Edited by shesajar
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I wish - oh how I wish! - we could not discuss Abigail until things get better.  But, in the absence of a runaway woodchipper chomping down on her, that isn't possible.  It would be as hard as never mentioning Sneasel's lack of loyalty, or Rafe's lack of brain cells.  Can't be done.


This plus SwordQueen's comments cover it for me on the Abby front. As long as the show has her front and center while telling me she's "awesome" I'll be snarking on her lame butt. (I like the runaway woodchipper concept, btw.)


Is nuChad's portrayer some sort of shape shifter? He's reminded me of everyone from Daniel Craig to Alfred E. Neuman at various points (in the same episode) and here I find even more comparisons, all valid. Impressive considering all he's done is wander around the vicinity of HTS for the past two weeks.

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s nuChad's portrayer some sort of shape shifter? He's reminded me of everyone from Daniel Craig to Alfred E. Neuman at various points (in the same episode) and here I find even more comparisons, all valid. Impressive considering all he's done is wander around the vicinity of HTS for the past two weeks.

Yeah, he looks like everyone!


The weird thing is I hate Nicolas Cage, and like Nu-Chad's face. He has some kind of attractiveness I can't quite articulate, and I want to watch him, but that means watching everything else on this show too. Like EJ he'll probably get dumber as time goes on. EJ had a similar entrance to Nu-Chad (attractive, fun, charming, mysterious, and not seeming himbo-ish), but then....time and stupid writing did a number on him. 

Edited by bantering
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You guys crack me up about NuChad, because it's so true!  He reminds me of so many other actors, and always looks a little different depending on the scene.  He's like Two-Face, 'cept he's got like three or four faces goin on. 


I know eavesdropping is nothing new on soaps.  However, this shit is just one more example of how rape is used as a plot point and I get all Hulk!Smash when they do that.  Plus, it had absolutely nothing to do with anything and certainly was none of Paige's business.  It's not even like, good gossip.  It's just petty and weird. 


"Hey boyfriend, I just had to run over here to tell you that your aunt was raped.  Oh, I mean before, not now.  She was talking about it -- oh, not to me, to this other rape victim she was counseling -- I was just listening at the door.  But, anyway, did you know that she was raped?  I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but no one else was eavesdropping with me, so here I am.  To tell you your aunt was raped.  Just thought you should know, for reasons.  RAPE."      

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I find it really difficult to muster up any strong feelings about Abby. I suppose the past decade of having Sami foist upon me nonstop has numbed me to seeing annoying, badly acted characters hog up airtime.

I agree. It's hard to stop talking about a character that is so front-and-center, but I must admit that the ongoing conversations about Sami has made me immune to the Abby Talk.  For me, the worst time was when the conversation centered around BOTH Abigail and Sami and which character was more awful and more justified in their Crazy Behavior. They both suck and if I knew them in real life, I would cross the street to avoid them both. 


That being said, I think AS is the more likeable of the actors. KM completely turned me off with her bizzaro It's-All-About-Me-Even-When-It's-Not interviews and that's the primary reason I can't stand her.  I would love for Abigail to be recast.

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This plus SwordQueen's comments cover it for me on the Abby front. As long as the show has her front and center while telling me she's "awesome" I'll be snarking on her lame butt. (I like the runaway woodchipper concept, btw.)


Exactly.  It's like EJ said yesterday, the more I'm told that a character is wonderful/beautiful/intelligent/the best person EVER, the more flaws I find.  If Abby is as wonderful as the writers say she is, then stop with the propping and let her shine on her own.


That being said, I think AS is the more likeable of the actors. KM completely turned me off with her bizzaro It's-All-About-Me-Even-When-It's-Not interviews and that's the primary reason I can't stand her.  I would love for Abigail to be recast.


I agree with this as well.  AS has a natural charisma and likeability that she brings to the role of Sami that makes her "real"--plus AS's interviews are usually funny and they show how well she understands the character and the flaws in the storylines.  KM does not have that finesse and she comes across as very cold--at least to me.  If the show wants Abby to be the young heroine, then they need to hire an actress who can portray more then smug entitlement.

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I think the main difference for me, wrt Sami and Abby is that the show spent years building up and demonstrating *why* Sami is the way that she is.  She's so tweaked from the things that happened in her early life, and it shows in her desperate, self-destructive actions and attempts to control her life and everything/everyone In it.  Also, no one thought Sami was a "good girl" for doing those things and she was rarely victorious for long, if at all.   


They have not done the same with Abby, and in fact, have been pretty vague (imo) about her motivations.  They don't have her attracted to and going after older, attached men for any real discernible reasons  -- like it being some kind of daddy complex or an addictive compulsion, for example.  She just seems like a shitty person.  And unlike Sami, Abby does have everyone around her coddling her and telling her how righteous and good she is, despite the nature of her actions. 


So where I have had understanding for Sami, and have seen how even she, herself, knows that she does wrong and hurts people, but she's so impulsive she can't really stop herself -- I don't have the same understanding for Abby, who, from the writing and from KM's portrayal, doesn't seem like she is even aware of how her actions affect other people, or that she even cares about that at all. 


Again, I grew up with Sami (I think I was about 12 when AS came on the show), so my feelings about her run much deeper and I think AS, while not the best actor, has given the character depth and nuance over the years.  It's only recently, like maybe starting with Safe, that Sami was portrayed as being some kind of heroine, which isn't who she is at all.  Abby, as a character, is just a mess, imo, and not a very entertaining one. So, if they continue to prop her and try to portray her as some ingénue heroine, especially with KM in the role, I'm only going to get more and more irritated with her. 


I dunno, clearly, I've thought about this too much!  lol 

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I thought it was okay for KM to interpret what Abigail's thoughts were or how she perceived her own acting in the role (even if I disagreed with how her acting was coming off. She has a right to her own opinion). But I do think she erred in interpreting what EJ's point of view was. I didn't get the latter. Maybe actors do that regularly in their interviews, but the interpretation of EJ's point of view was so off it was weird! (i.e he wants to be with Abigail while he's practicing his wedding ceremony to Sami, but knows it's wrong....or something to that effect she said. I do think the directors gave ambiguous direction to JS for that split second he held Abigail after she fell, but I don't think there was enough there to accurately gauge that the character was trying to control his impulses from wanting Abigail).

Edited by bantering
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Aw thanks Queen.  Didn't realize my ramblings were so welcomed!


I relent on the subject of Abby - we DO need to find our own pleasures on DOOL. Especially if she gets thrust into the spotlight.  I don't know Melanie but do you think she could prove a more enjoyable leading lady?


Whoever it was that compared Theresa to Rachel Cory on (the wonderful) Another World is right on the money.

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Aw thanks Queen.  Didn't realize my ramblings were so welcomed!


I relent on the subject of Abby - we DO need to find our own pleasures on DOOL. Especially if she gets thrust into the spotlight.  I don't know Melanie but do you think she could prove a more enjoyable leading lady?


Whoever it was that compared Theresa to Rachel Cory on (the wonderful) Another World is right on the money.


No problem!  : )  


Heh.  Well, I liked Melanie, but um, well, she might be as, or even more, polarizing than Abby!  So, hold on to your hat, it's going to be a bumpy ride, for sure.  I rarely, if ever, read interviews or spoilers, so I have no idea what her angle/storyline will be.  But I hope she doesn't get stuck with only her dad, NuChad and Abby -- I would love to see her with Theresa and back in Brady's orbit.  They had a cute sibling vibe going there for awhile. 


I have to admit I am kind of excited about it, since we need more characters in that age range (and a bit older).  I just need Chelsea to come back, now. 



Sidenote:  Every time someone mentions AW, I get all choked up.  I missed most of the last year of the show due to school and scheduling issues, so I almost didn't get to see its final month on air.  Still hate that it was cancelled. 

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If (I'm totally spacing on her name) the woman who plays Melanie can tone down all that grinning and giggling this round, I'm willing to give the character a chance. The first time she scrunches up her face, though, and I'm out.

So the show is wrapping up Sami and EJ's story at a pretty good clip, why can't they do the same for all of them? I realized yesterday just how far some plots have come lately, yet, when we get a Nicole scene, she's still spinning her gears with Eric. Theresa's still wringing her hands over John waking up. I'm fans of both of them, but I can see why people would find them so infuriating now. Still, I put the blame the writers for being repetitive douches who can apparently only further a story one teeny, tiny, painful step at a time. Does a person have to leave the show to move their stories forward?


Clyde needs to lose that accent. That straight out of Appalachia thing's not working for me. If I want that, I'll go visit my mother's family.

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I thought it was okay for KM to interpret what Abigail's thoughts were or how she perceived her own acting in the role (even if I disagreed with how her acting was coming off. She has a right to her own opinion). But I do think she erred in interpreting what EJ's point of view was. I didn't get the latter. Maybe actors do that regularly in their interviews, but the interpretation of EJ's point of view was so off it was weird! 


Of course actors are going to have their own opinions about their work/character interpretations, but it seemed like KM kept changing her interpretation in every interview:  Abby has Stockholm Syndrome, Abby's really in love with EJ, Abby's helpless under EJ's spell/she's not responsible for her actions.  To me, it began to feel as though KM was giving answers that she though the interviewer wanted to hear and/or what her fans wanted to hear, and that feels kind of disingenuous.  But I guess all actors do that to an extent--they want to keep working and not tick off their bosses, but KM's just feels calculated.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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but KM's just feels calculated.

Calculated is the perfect word to use to describe KM.  It irritated me also that KM was the only one doing interviews for a while (which felt very much like overkill) and commented on everything happening as something in Abigail's orbit. I can't remember what it was now, but there was some story going on in which she was explaining Abigail's view of the matter and SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE STORYLINE! It's not so much Abigail that irritates the hell out of me, but KM who needs to dial it back a LOT.


I am okay with Melanie coming back because at this point, any competition for KM's airtime is fine by me and it's obvious the oldtimers aren't gonna get it unless their names are Miracle Dan and St Jennifer. And for crissakes, writers, I second the motion that you need to wrap up this never-ending, pointless storyline of Eric and Nicole.  No one cares anymore. It's downright painful now.

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So, where the fuck does Paige get off, not only listening to a dr. and her patient discuss confidential medical information, but then running over to her bf because she "had to tell him"?   Kayla doesn't need you to be "proud of her", but I'm sure she appreciates your gossipy little ass running around making her trauma all about you and your feelings just the same.  I don't like her. 


Love Paige, but I agree with you -- and that's the writers' fault. It was such a clumsy way to introduce the "JJ is dangerous" storyline. Eeergh. 

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Is this really the best we can do for a storyline for JJ? Or Eve for that matter? Eve is a character with a rich history. KdP is a solid actress. CM is a solid actor. I'd rather see them having sex in a storage closet than this crap straight outta loonytown. Will no one point out that Eve married Jack knowing he raped Kayla and had a thing for hookers for a while? The show missed the opportunity to have Jack's past be the reason for Slappy being afraid to say goodbye to her good buddy Ms Hymen. It played the "JJ finds out" story last year.


Is every new cast member going to have to learn about Jack's past one eavesdropping session at a time? "Hi, welcome to Salem. Everyone hangs out in Horton Town Square so if you want to avoid anyone give HTS a wide berth. You should know that this guy who's dead - who's died several times, in fact, so he's totally dead - raped his wife 25 years ago. Oh, and the lattes at TBD are fantastic. Enjoy your stay!"

Edited by JaneDigby
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Nicole is one to talk about someone being incapable of being alone. 


Eve should have just stuck to talking crap about Abby instead of bringing up Jack or JJ. 


I wonder if Ben was smart enough to wear a condom or of The Mistress finally learned how to use birth control. Probably not. 

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Calculated is the perfect word to use to describe KM. It irritated me also that KM was the only one doing interviews for a while (which felt very much like overkill) and commented on everything happening as something in Abigail's orbit. I can't remember what it was now, but there was some story going on in which she was explaining Abigail's view of the matter and SHE WASN'T EVEN IN THE STORYLINE! It's not so much Abigail that irritates the hell out of me, but KM who needs to dial it back a LOT.

She did that during the Coven drowning Nick in the stream storyline and the Gabi reconciling with back from the dead Nick story. It's really frustrating to me her constantly commenting on or giving interviews on every story to the press and her serious misinterpretion of plots and characters. I've read each soap mag like SOD weekly since I was in 6th grade. I really enjoy when there's some insight or juicy info from the principle actors involved in the story or the head writer. She totally, JMHO, wasted my time. The last one that had me fling my SOD away in frustration was when KM said Sami was Abby's best friend so the affair was difficult for her...since when were they best friends and with friends like Abby...!

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Today was another one of those weird days where I felt Eric had more romantic chemistry with his twin than with Nicole.


Ben and Abigail do non-stop talking, even when they're making love, and yet....nothing happens. Good luck to you Chad, dealing with these two.

Edited by bantering
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I wonder if Ben was smart enough to wear a condom or of The Mistress finally learned how to use birth control. Probably not. 


That box of hair couldn't give birth to a belch.

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What mastermind on this show looks at Greg Vaughan and thinks, "Let's have his character mope for, say, six months straight. It'll be a nice companion piece to having Brady mope for 12 straight months." Dear Hog in Heaven make it stop. GV is gorgeous and can act. Why waste this on conversations with statues and, well, being mopey. There must be some way to have Eric hook up with Theresa. Or Eve. Or Anne at this point. Freaking ANYONE. 


I'm glad the show had a scene between EJ and Nicole that acknowledged their past. Too bad the scene itself was a bit lame. I love Nicole but girlfriend can pull her elbows in once in a while. Oh, and EJ, relationship advice isn't really your thing. Just saying.


Am I the only one who hoped that Ben or Abby would offer oral so that at least one of them would have to shut up?

Edited by JaneDigby
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Casey Moss was so good today.  And I really feel sorry for JJ, the poor kid is having to deal with the worry that he is his Dad reborn and is a potential rapist.


God, show, please tone down the "Abigail is soooo beautiful" crap?

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