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First Looks: The Locked One

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Some thoughts on the First Look for the  upcoming episode:  


Kim:  First of all, yes, she is sick. Possibly evil and full of hatred. Some of her bahavior could be the effects of her illness itself. Whatever the reason, She should NOT be on this show. She should be under treatment away from cameras.  Having said that, sobriety/addiction/alcoholism is such a private personal issue, no one has the right to discuss it unless asked to. 


Lisa Rinna:  Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately. She wants to be asked back next season to ensure her income.  She, on her own, has no storyline per say. Her husband wants no part of the show. There is only so much they can show about her daughters. She can't have charity functions every week. What  does Lisar have to contribute to the show?  For the last few episodes I am seeing Lisar worming her way into  Kim and Kyle's storylines. That is her only relevancy at this point. She needs to make herself relevant in SOME way by becoming at least a part of the Kim/Kyle story. 


Why has  Lisar made it HER business to "help" Kim as she claims? Yes,  as her friend/coworker she has empathy for Kim, having seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. Yes, understandable she might want to give Kim some insight and help her out. But Lisar  has gone aboveboard being a buttinski.  Yes, she can/should try to help if she wants to,  but once SOMEONE TELLS YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN WORDS to mind your own business, She should leave Kim alone. 


To my knowledge Kim herself has NEVER sought Lisar's help or advice. This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? If KIm herself wants to discuss her illness, that's her prerogative. But  This is a personal/medical issue. Where is Kim's right to privacy? Why does Lisar  think she can discuss Kim's addiction  whenever she wants?  MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Lisar. 


I understand why Kim would be sick of her addiction being the topic of conversation as often as it is.  I would be too. Ladies, you are in Amsterdam, for heaven's sakes. Talk about the sites, points of interest, history, people,weather, culture..........  You ladies are in a nice restaurant having drinks and dinner.......  Why bring these depressing and controversial topics at the dinner table? If  it was me(thank Goodness it isn't), I would be FURIOUS  if my friends/coworkers decided to make my addiction topic of their conversation.


7 women at the table, some of them intelligent ....... not one of them thought to say...."hey, nothing good is going to come out of this line of conversation"? 


Notice how quickly Lisar coiled and struck back when the topic turned to her and her husband? She didn't  like it one bit! Enough to make her almost grab Kim's throat,  smash glasses, throw drinks ...... Hey, Lisar, don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? Hypocrite.


I agree with all of this.


I think Lipsa felt that Kim was an easy mark.  She could act like a saint, all "caring" about Kim's substance issues, meanwhile sticking up for her good friend Kyle that she feels was raked over the coals for her nastiness in past seasons.  Also, kept the focus off of Lipsa, and put it on someone else.


The thing about the Richards sisters though?  When attacked, they attack BACK.   Kim TOLD Lisa to stop making her addiction issues the storyline.  Lipsa's done it all season long, hell, when this was filmed?  Kim only knew a smidgeon of how much Lipsa has talked about her!   Well, guess what?  Two can play at that game baby.   She already asked Lipsa to STOP.  That didn't work.  Then she froze her out and showed that she was angry on the plane, this time TELLING her to STOP. 


Lipsa then brings it up AGAIN, while cameras are rolling, in the guise of an "apology."  Yeah, not buying that little ploy, and neither did Kim.  She turned the tables, she flipped the script, and put her prosecutor/judge/jury on the witness stand. 


Kim wasn't the one who physically went for the throat.  Kim didn't throw a glass.  Kim did try to get them to stop talking about her medical issues on camera.  When it began again?  She flipped the script.  None of this crap was "helpful" to Kim.  Not one damn thing Lipsa has gossiped about all season has been helpful to Kim.  It's hurtful, it's for Bravo story, and it's disgusting.


I agree that Kyle's probably the one who told Kim whatever the secret is, and that's why she looked so horrified.  Kyle's her close friend, so she would know.  As far as "leave Harry alone!"  In what universe is anyone left alone on this show?  Lipsa, the avid fan of this show for years, knows that the husbands ARE part of the storylines.  She's seen what happened with Kelsey, Mauricio, Ken, Paul, and good God, with Russell!  So get the fuck out of here with that "leave my husband alone!" drama, because yeah, that never happens.


  • Love 8

You know what?  Brandi has brought up Kim's sobriety almost as much as Lisa. The difference is that Lisa actually said something directly to Kim, while Brandi plays runtelldat without bringing up her own role in talking about it. We have seen Brandi discuss Kim's sobriety several times with her friend Jennifer, as well as with Lisar (basically to deflect Lisa's concerns about her behavior) .  Brandi planted the seed, and now I think she's a bit freaked out because she didn't realize how nasty Kim could be.  Well, too bad so sad.  


I just can't blame Lisa for talking about it. She had to sit in a car for an hour with Kim acting like a maniac.  Who wouldn't talk about it?  If Kim doesn't want the cast talking about her sobriety, then maybe she shouldn't show up on camera high as a fucking kite.  Even when Kim is sober, she is a nasty human being, so I have zero sympathy for her at this point.

I agree with this up until Lisar said, "I get it" about talking about Kim's sobriety. At that point she acknowledged Kim's wishes and she should have shut up about it at least on camera with Kim or anyone else. If she must explain herself do it in a talking head making her feelings and history known in that format and then have it be for her a closed (on camera) subject.

  • Love 5

I have to say having watched the first look I lean to being on Kim's side if sides are to be taken in the restaurant fight.  


Rinna has been talking to EVERYONE about Kim's addiction behind her back. And she asks her if she is "okay" too often.  She watches her. 
Rinna's excuse/defense is that addiction has touched her life.  She feels entitled to get in Kim's face because of her history. 
Eileen gets on this train, as well. 
Neither Rinna or Eileen have been friends with Kim before this show.

Kim, understandably, brings up Rinna's home life and wants to talk about it.  She says she is concerned.  This cracks me up!  Of course she isn't, she is just giving her some of her own medicine.  Bravo Kim.  Go for it.

Rinna becomes enraged that Kim would have the nerve to talk about her life and problems.

And we have the same old Kyle/Kim drama.  Yawn. 

Rinna, this is to you.  If you don't want people in your business stay out of theirs.  You cannot have it both ways.  And it is childish and crude yell and break things, especially in a restaurant. 

Kim said to Rinna, "have a piece of bread, maybe that will help."  ROFL!!  We know Rinna probably eats very little and zero carbs. 


Yolanda and Lisa V are the only ones who remain poised and staying out of the fray.  

  • Love 9

If Kim had graciously accepted Lisa's apology, they could have moved on and had a nice dinner, but that would have required Kim to act maturely which Kim is incapable of since she has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

You know, I have read several comments through the years that Kyle wanted Kim on the show and said that she wouldn't do the show without her. After watching the last few episodes, I think the opposite may be true. I remember thinking during the first few episodes of season 1 that Kyle was being unnecessarily dismissive of Kim and even rude to her and made it more difficult for Kim to fit into the group. Now I think I understand. Kim is toxic above and beyond her addictions. The whole experience of the show would have been so much better for Kyle without Kim. I don't think Kyle was happy to have Kim on the show which is why she was so impatient with her from the beginning. After seeing this first look, and the last few episodes, I don't blame her. Kim needs to leave and take Brandi (the other toxic hw) with her. I agree with ottergirl that Brandi didn't think about the consequences of making herself Kim's only support system and now is not happy about it.

Edited for typo

Edited by EVS
  • Love 13

I have to say having watched the first look I lean to being on Kim's side if sides are to be taken in the restaurant fight.  


Rinna has been talking to EVERYONE about Kim's addiction behind her back. And she asks her if she is "okay" too often.  She watches her. 

Rinna's excuse/defense is that addiction has touched her life.  She feels entitled to get in Kim's face because of her history. 

Eileen gets on this train, as well. 

Neither Rinna or Eileen have been friends with Kim before this show.

Kim, understandably, brings up Rinna's home life and wants to talk about it.  She says she is concerned.  This cracks me up!  Of course she isn't, she is just giving her some of her own medicine.  Bravo Kim.  Go for it.

Rinna becomes enraged that Kim would have the nerve to talk about her life and problems.

And we have the same old Kyle/Kim drama.  Yawn. 

Rinna, this is to you.  If you don't want people in your business stay out of theirs.  You cannot have it both ways.  And it is childish and crude yell and break things, especially in a restaurant. 

Kim said to Rinna, "have a piece of bread, maybe that will help."  ROFL!!  We know Rinna probably eats very little and zero carbs. 


Yolanda and Lisa V are the only ones who remain poised and staying out of the fray.  

How has anything in Lisar home life impacted Kim?  Lisar on the other hand has had the limo ride from hell with Kim something which Kim has yet to apologize for making Lisar uncomfortable.  Kim not only had not apologized to Eileen but lied about apologizing.  There is nothing Eileen said that deserved Kim's wrath.


No one was insulting Kim and her sobriety -Yolanda brought up the subject because she had been told by Brandi EVERYONE was talking about Bella being an alcoholic.  So maybe Kim should have not gotten so nasty.  All Kim proved herself to be is a far from sober, struggling recovery addict that is absolutely vicious and uncaring-she even went after her sister again-who has had little or nothing to do with the conversations Kim has been having with Lisar.

  • Love 20

I agree with all of this.


I think Lipsa felt that Kim was an easy mark.  She could act like a saint, all "caring" about Kim's substance issues, meanwhile sticking up for her good friend Kyle that she feels was raked over the coals for her nastiness in past seasons.  Also, kept the focus off of Lipsa, and put it on someone else.


The thing about the Richards sisters though?  When attacked, they attack BACK.   Kim TOLD Lisa to stop making her addiction issues the storyline.  Lipsa's done it all season long, hell, when this was filmed?  Kim only knew a smidgeon of how much Lipsa has talked about her!   Well, guess what?  Two can play at that game baby.   She already asked Lipsa to STOP.  That didn't work.  Then she froze her out and showed that she was angry on the plane, this time TELLING her to STOP. 


Lipsa then brings it up AGAIN, while cameras are rolling, in the guise of an "apology."  Yeah, not buying that little ploy, and neither did Kim.  She turned the tables, she flipped the script, and put her prosecutor/judge/jury on the witness stand. 


Kim wasn't the one who physically went for the throat.  Kim didn't throw a glass.  Kim did try to get them to stop talking about her medical issues on camera.  When it began again?  She flipped the script.  None of this crap was "helpful" to Kim.  Not one damn thing Lipsa has gossiped about all season has been helpful to Kim.  It's hurtful, it's for Bravo story, and it's disgusting.


I agree that Kyle's probably the one who told Kim whatever the secret is, and that's why she looked so horrified.  Kyle's her close friend, so she would know.  As far as "leave Harry alone!"  In what universe is anyone left alone on this show?  Lipsa, the avid fan of this show for years, knows that the husbands ARE part of the storylines.  She's seen what happened with Kelsey, Mauricio, Ken, Paul, and good God, with Russell!  So get the fuck out of here with that "leave my husband alone!" drama, because yeah, that never happens.


There is a reason Kyle has 12 girlfriends at her birthday luncheons and her sisters weren't included in the group.  Kyle knows better than to divulge any confidence to bitter Kim.  Kyle's fear has been Kim will confide Kim and her children's secrets in Brandi and then once they have a falling out Brandi will use those secrets as a weapon against Kim and Kim won't be able to take it.


Just as Kim would not want her adult children being made part of the argument Kim had no business bringing up Harry -someone she has never met and has zero issues with. This isn't Mauricio or Ken this is someone she doesn't know.  Brandi's good about collecting random gossip and throwing it in someone's face.  Lisar isn't arguing with Kim about her sobriety and how hard she works at it.  Lisar is using, in my opinion, a poor method of reasoning with Kim by divulging her losses of loved ones due to alcoholism and drug abuse.  She is trying to convince Kim she is coming from a good place and it isn't working. Kim may have a valid point is she wishes to discuss, in a rational manner, Harry and his abstaining from alcohol, but Kim was anything but rationale.

  • Love 10

If Kim had graciously accepted Lisa's apology, they could have moved on and had a nice dinner, but that would have required Kim to act maturely which Kim is incapable of since she has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old.

You know, I have read several comments through the years that Kyle wanted Kim on the show and said that she wouldn't do the show without her. After watching the last few episodes, I think the opposite may be true. I remember thinking during the first few episodes of season 1 that Kyle was being unnecessarily dismissive of Kim and even rude to her and made it more difficult for Kim to fit into the group. Now I think I understand. Kim is toxic above and beyond her addictions. The whole experience of the show would have been so much better for Kyle without Kim. I don't think Kyle was happy to have Kim on the show which is why she was no impatient with her from the beginning. After seeing this first look, and the last few episodes, I don't blame her. Kim needs to leave and take Brandi (the other toxic hw) with her. I agree with ottergirl that Brandi didn't think about the consequences of making herself Kim's only support system and now is not happy about it.

It was Kyle that brought Kim on the show. Both sisters say this and both said Kyle did it to help Kim make some friends (cough get her out of bed cough).


That Brandi is so desperate to distance herself from the burden, otherwise known as Kim, I have to wonder if it is Brandi now dropping Kim instead of the other way around. On twitter she said that Kim is not talking to her, makes me wonder if it is really Brandi not talking to Kim now that she is done using her. hmmmmm

  • Love 7

I'm seriously wishing my life away by wanting it to be Tuesday so I can see more of this fiasco.

Kim and Brandi - There's not much more to be said about them.

Eileen - I applauded for Eileen when she looked straight at Kim and said "Oh no......you didn't" (apologize).

Way to go girl!

Lisa V and Yolanda - It will be interesting to see what they have to say.

Kyle - Obviously she came back after fleeing while dramatically tossing her hair but she really needs to grow up. Everything isn't all about you Kyle. Instead of exiting stage left....she should have stepped up and made an effort to stop the situation between her sister and her friend from devolving. That's what I would have done and I'd like to believe that most grown ups would have done the same.

LisaR - Her reaction (performance) was and always be a memorable HW image. I honestly believe that she's upped her drama quotient sufficiently to secure herself a spot on next season's RHOBH. I also think she borrowed a page from another housewife who made her bones in a similar fashion.

Am I the only one who who sees the similarity in these two events?



Edited by AnnA
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It was Kyle that brought Kim on the show. Both sisters say this and both said Kyle did it to help Kim make some friends (cough get her out of bed cough).

I've read that here and at twop but never read any of the interviews where they said that. I probably should have googled before posting. I never would have guessed that from season 1, but I'm guessing Kyle regrets that now.

Edited to fix quote box.

Edited by EVS
  • Love 3

Saw this on another board, not sure if it's true. 


Again, you show up on one of these shows?  It's not just you, it is most certainly your husband, since the show is called HOUSEWIVES.  For the most part, kids are left alone, but not adults, and certainly not when you are showing your home life and "great marriage." 


Maybe Harry's (and Lipsa's!) secret has nothing to do with alcohol. 


At any rate, when you go after one castmate's secrets?  Expect them to go after yours.  RH 101.  Or Life 101. 

Kim's drug use is not a secret, she has put it on display every season since the show started! Kim can not now try to pull the privacy card now because someone calls her out on her awful behavior. It was Kim that started this whole "addiction" storyline because she got high!

I've read that here and at twop but never read any of the interviews where they said that. I probably should have googled before posting. I never would have guessed that from season 1, but I'm guessing Kyle regrets that now.

Edited to fix quote box.

Here is the video of all the original BH HWS on WW show. Kim talks about it, 7:12 mark.  

  • Love 3

Saw this on another board, not sure if it's true.

Again, you show up on one of these shows? It's not just you, it is most certainly your husband, since the show is called HOUSEWIVES. For the most part, kids are left alone, but not adults, and certainly not when you are showing your home life and "great marriage."

Maybe Harry's (and Lipsa's!) secret has nothing to do with alcohol.

At any rate, when you go after one castmate's secrets? Expect them to go after yours. RH 101. Or Life 101.

Kim has gotten what she wanted. People are speculating about LisaR's marriage. There might not be any truth in any of it, but it's being discussed. unlike Kim's relapse which was on clear display and acknowledged by Kim. Well she didn't call it a relapse but she did say she took a pill that didn't agree with her(wtf?).

Lisa was apologizing. If Kim could have been an adult it all would have been fine.

That was a great idea Brandi floated out there- for the group to do the intervention.

An intervention is something that is done by close friends and family who are insisting on the alcoholic/drug addict get help or they will no long be able to have them in their lives. How would this work in this group?

Edited by imjagain
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Lisa Rinna:  Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately


I just saw her on an episode of CSI on CBS.  I wouldn't worry all that much about how much work Lisa Rinna gets or doesn't get.  We've also seen her fill in on one of those daytime entertainment chat shows.  She seems to be quite adept at hustling for, and getting work.


If anything, after this experience, I would be concerned that she would opt not to return unless bat-shit crazy Kim Richards did not.  She and Eileen are breaths of fresh air.  Mileage varies, of course.

  • Love 18

Kim has gotten what she wanted. People are speculating about LisaR's marriage. There might no truth in any of it, but it's being discussed. unlike Kim's relapse which was on clear display and acknowledged by Kim. Well she didn't call it a relapse but she did say she took a pill that didn't agree with her(wtf?).

Lisa was apologizing.

Kim has taken a page from her BF Brandi. This is 1 of Brandi's tactics, throw out a general accusation and step back and let viewers find her some ammo. Much like the "doing meth in the bathroom all night" comment she lobed at Kim season 2. 

  • Love 7
Obviously she came back after fleeing while dramatically tossing her hair but she really needs to grow up.  Everything isn't all about you Kyle.  Instead of exiting stage left....she should have stepped and try to stop the situation between her sister and her friend from devolving.  That's what I would have done and I'd like to believe that most grown ups would have done the same.



If it's not all about Kyle would should she be expected to keep this situation from devolving? Nobody could have controlled those two--especially Kim who made it clear she wanted to fight or at least insult with no responses. And then didn't Kim turn on Kyle and make it all about her being a terrible person and not a real sister like Kathy blah blah blah? No grown up has ever shown the ability to get people on these shows to do anything--least of all angry Kim who was ready to fight with Kyle before she even got there.


I think Kim just keeps getting more and more angry with Kyle because Kyle's been fighting back at her somewhat in the past few eps. Whenever she says anything nice to Kyle she always seems to come back after that angrier than ever and ready to destroy her.

  • Love 5

I'm seriously wishing my life away by wanting it to be Tuesday so I can see more of this fiasco.


Kim and Brandi - There's not much more to be said about them.


Eileen -  I applauded for Eileen when she looked straight at Kim and said "Oh no......you didn't" (apologize).  

Way to go girl!


Lisa V and Yolanda - It will be interesting to see what they have to say.  


Kyle - Obviously she came back after fleeing while dramatically tossing her hair but she really needs to grow up.  Everything isn't all about you Kyle.  Instead of exiting stage left....she should have stepped and try to stop the situation between her sister and her friend from devolving.  That's what I would have done and I'd like to believe that most grown ups would have done the same.  


LisaR -  Her reaction (performance) was and always be a memorable HW image.  I honestly believe that she's upped her drama quotient sufficiently to secure herself a spot on next season's RHOBH.  I also think she borrowed a page from another housewife who made her bones in a similar fashion.


Am I the only one who who sees the similarity in these two events?





Anna, Kyle can't be the peace broker between these women and Kim as Kim elected to devalue Kyle's importance in her life very publicly and in front of the group.  This is the only reason I thought the fleeing the scene was good-if Kim stomps off it leaves the others in the unenviable position of comforting each other and if Kyle is a part of the group it appears she is consorting with the enemies.  We all saw what happened Poker Night when Kyle went to Kim's aid.  Just no way Kyle is going to end up getting pushed aside again. Kyle doesn't need anymore of Kim's wrath on camera because it makes for a tough reconciliation. By not being there she doesn't have to pick a side or be around what is most likely going to be some very harsh words about Kim.  Since we haven't seen the aftermath my sentiments may be all wet but presently I support anyone who flees this mess-I half expected to see Yolanda beat feet out of there.

  • Love 4

I really don't think it's that complicated. 


Lipsa talked about Kim all season.


Kim (ONCE) talked about Lipsa, at least Kim did it to her face, and not behind her back.


Lisar had to deal with Kim in the hour long limo ride, where Kim was acting manic.  Kim didn't even remember it.


Lisa talked to some of the cast members about it, then politely asked Kim about talking to someone.


Kim "talked" to Lisa by rolling her eyes and saying "blah blah blah". At this point, Kim was angry with Lisa.  Brandi then fed into that anger by implying that Lisa was talking about her sobriety to everyone, yet omitted that fact that she too, was talking about Kim's sobriety.


Lisa apologized several times.


Kim, once again, went off the rails while "talking" to Lisa about her problems, while the only thing Lisa did was apologize AGAIN. 


Thus, leading to this:




Maybe Harry wants to follow in Bruce Jenner's footsteps, and Lipsa and Kim Kardashian are such great friends, not just because of OJ, but because they share THAT particular secret?

If so?  Wow Kim.  Way to change the subject!


Because...what?  I don't even know where this came from, but congratulations Kim.  

Edited by CatMomma
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How has anything in Lisar home life impacted Kim?  Lisar on the other hand has had the limo ride from hell with Kim something which Kim has yet to apologize for making Lisar uncomfortable.


Lisar was uncomfortable, okay..  There are many ways an adult can deal/finesse and uncomfortable situation.  I have been in many through my life but never felt the need to do more than weather the storm and realize it was not about me, it was about them.   I don't see a limo ride as impacting on Lisars life enough to talk endlessly behind Kim's back.  


Another thing.  These women are always demanding an apology.  They are never sincere when required.  

  • Love 4

Anna, Kyle can't be the peace broker between these women.

You have a point. However, I didn't mean to imply that Kyle could or should have attempted to take on the role of peacemaker. I doubt anyone could fill those shoes under the present circumstances. I think that Kyle's fleeing was mostly for the sake of drama. It reinforces her "poor me" martyr image. She could have intervened like Adrienne did in the limo scene when Kyle and Kim nearly came to blows. I don't think it's too much to expect from her to stand up - put her arms up and say "Enough! - this isn't the time or place for this to happen - we're in public in a foreign country." I don't consider myself to be extraordinarily brave but I am not a coward either. Kyle's fleeing was either a dramatic move or a cowardly one and probably both.

Edited by AnnA
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Lisar was uncomfortable, okay..  There are many ways an adult can deal/finesse and uncomfortable situation.  I have been in many through my life but never felt the need to do more than weather the storm and realize it was not about me, it was about them.   I don't see a limo ride as impacting on Lisars life enough to talk endlessly behind Kim's back.  


Another thing.  These women are always demanding an apology.  They are never sincere when required.  

Well it did have an impact on Lisar's life and where is it written you just placate the situation and never mention it again.  Kim was verbally abusive and scary mean.  Lisar has not talked endlessly behind Kim's back.  Lisar brought up Brandi's behavior to Brandi's face and Brandi began the discussion.  Lisar has been upfront with Kim and Kim has been very dismissive.  I have not heard Lisar demand an apology or explanation from Kim-Kim seems to think either of those things are beneath her.  So who is the one drunk dialing at 2 am looking for friends-that would be Kim. 

  • Love 15

Lisar was uncomfortable, okay..  There are many ways an adult can deal/finesse and uncomfortable situation.  I have been in many through my life but never felt the need to do more than weather the storm and realize it was not about me, it was about them.   I don't see a limo ride as impacting on Lisars life enough to talk endlessly behind Kim's back.  


Another thing.  These women are always demanding an apology.  They are never sincere when required.  


Right? I've only seen one HW genuinely apologize and not demand an apology in return.  


Lisar to Kim. Never mind that Kim was an absolute terror toward Lisa.  


Lisa apologized to Kim for questioning her sobriety and never asked for an apology from Kim.  

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 14

Well it did have an impact on Lisar's life and where is it written you just placate the situation and never mention it again.  Kim was verbally abusive and scary mean.  Lisar has not talked endlessly behind Kim's back.  Lisar brought up Brandi's behavior to Brandi's face and Brandi began the discussion.  Lisar has been upfront with Kim and Kim has been very dismissive.  I have not heard Lisar demand an apology or explanation from Kim-Kim seems to think either of those things are beneath her.  So who is the one drunk dialing at 2 am looking for friends-that would be Kim. 



I mean, in general, the women are hooked on apologies. 


We are seeing things differently and that is okay.  I am defending Kim in this one situation.  I am not that fond of any of them, really!  

  • Love 2

You have a point. However, I didn't mean to imply that Kyle could or should have attempted to take on the role of peacemaker. I doubt anyone could fill those shoes under the present circumstances. I think that Kyle's fleeing was mostly for the sake of drama. It reinforces her "poor me" martyr image. She could have intervened like Adrienne did in the limo scene when Kyle and Kim nearly came to blows. I don't think it's too much to expect from her to stand up - put her arms up and say "Enough! - this isn't the time or place for this to happen - we're in public in a foreign country." I don't consider myself to be extraordinarily brave but I am not a coward either. Kyle's fleeing was either a dramatic move or a cowardly one and probably both.

Add Taylor to the list of yelling "enough".  I just don't see Kyle as a martyr-what I think Kim and Brandi have managed to put before the viewing public is Kyle is the bad non-supportive sister and Kathy is the golden sister.  I say let Kathy take over the care and feeding of Kim.


I do find it interesting that Bravo sends Kyle on the PR tours for these episodes.  Maybe because Eileen is connected with too many other shows?  I see a little Lisar but they tend to use Kyle as the go to.  I would think Kim would be twitching for the chance to get her story out there. 

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Too late.  Bravo has given her 750 thousand reasons why that is bound to be impossible.  I've said it before, but I hope Eileen doesn't come back.  She seems too normal (although eccentric) to be subjected to this nonsense.

Funny thing is, I never really cared for Eileen on DOOL(Kristen) or Y&R (Ashley - although I did like Ashley marginally better than Kristen)- but I REALLY like her on RHOBH! Go figure.  I did like LisaR on DOOL and like her even more on  RHOBH....and I hope they are both back for next season as they are the only possible reason I can see for tuning in again - kim bitchards (next to the equally nasty/mean/arrogant/eternal martyr Kyle )is the ABSOLUTE BEST reason to NEVER watch the show again, but I (stupidly optimistic that I am in this case) am very hopeful that after the shamefest/crapfest kim has created and brandi had perpetuated will have the VERY happy result of both their butts OFF my tv screen! I had not thought to watch this show at all this season, but somehow found myself sucked in (LisaR and Eileen come to mind as the primary reasons why) but kim has been nothing but a totally obnoxious, horrible buzzkill...worse yet, I see no indication whatever that kim even gives two shits about anything but her own gratification and (quite laughably) sees herself as the reason people actually tune in to this fiasco. 

Edited by becauseIsaidso
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Add Taylor to the list of yelling "enough". I just don't see Kyle as a martyr-what I think Kim and Brandi have managed to put before the viewing public is Kyle is the bad non-supportive sister and Kathy is the golden sister. I say let Kathy take over the care and feeding of Kim.

I do find it interesting that Bravo sends Kyle on the PR tours for these episodes. Maybe because Eileen is connected with too many other shows? I see a little Lisar but they tend to use Kyle as the go to. I would think Kim would be twitching for the chance to get her story out there.

This is probably not the answer you expect from me because I'm obviously not a fan of Kyle's but I don't believe or see her as the "bad non-supportive sister" at all. I think she has been supportive of Kim for many years, both emotionally and financially. That said, I do see her as overly dramatic and making an effort to use these situations to push her own agenda. In her scene with LisaV at the gay mixer she screamed in her froggy voice that "It's not about you Lisa. This is about me." All LisaV said was that she warned her about Brandi. Kyle responded with "I warned you first." Seriously? Since Kyle knew that, she should have known making a fuss about Kim bringing Brandi to the mixer wasn't a wise move. She could have headed that one off too. Well, Kyle Richards, I don't care for your hysterics. Everything isn't all about you. Edited by AnnA
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I think Brandi started this season with a plan:  to recruit Kim to her side, and together to take down Kyle.  People have spoken about Brandi's deep rooted hatred (I think jealousy) of Kyle, and I do think that Brandi started the season intending to make Kyle her target, and used Kim to do it.  But now, she has found herself in a mess she can't get out of.  I think she realized sometime after poker night that Kim's problems were much, much worse than Brandi had realized; and that once she had publicly proclaimed herself Kim's only ally, and openly separated Kim from Kyle, she then found herself "stuck" with Kim, and it was much, much, MUCH different than her previous alliances with Adrienne or Lisa or Yolanda, who are intact people with intact lives, who were never emotionally dependent on Brandi, who never "needed" her in any real way.  She found herself having appointed herself the caretaker of Kim, someone who is completely broken, and not only that, she found that she herself had removed the only other support system that Kim had, Kyle, and had done so with great pride and vehemence - so now Brandi's stuck with her.  And what I have seen for the last several episodes is Brandi trying to figure out how to get herself out of this mess - she flat out said to Jennifer Gimenez, twice, that she was in over her head and didn't know what to do; that she wasn't "the right person" to be there for Kim. 


And if this sounds familiar, it's because it so closely resembles what Lisa V. went through with Brandi - lavish having someone on your side and then realize, "Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?" One good turn deserves another...


On another note, Kyle has to seriously stop with her Pavlovian crying whenever Kim turns on her. I am sure it is an unconscious mechanism on her part, but if just feels so fake and phony. The second Kim says any adverse word to her - and Kyle knows how Kim rolls at this point - Kyle starts in with the deep crying jags and froggy voice and exasperated head-in-hands posture. It's enough, already. Cut the codependent cord, Kyle!

  • Love 9

I agree that Lisa was feeling her way and trying to do something positive. She was humble and apologized but Baby Jane was not having it. She just kept going and nothing was going to stop her. 


You know what she is like. So does Kyle. That's why she ran for the hills. Nobody puts Baby Jane in a corner.



Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 12


On another note, Kyle has to seriously stop with her Pavlovian crying whenever Kim turns on her. I am sure it is an unconscious mechanism on her part, but if just feels so fake and phony. The second Kim says any adverse word to her - and Kyle knows how Kim rolls at this point - Kyle starts in with the deep crying jags and froggy voice and exasperated head-in-hands posture. It's enough, already. Cut the codependent cord, Kyle!

YES - I love your post!

Thank you!

We should add the finger pointing thing the Bichards sisters do repeatedly. Didn't anyone ever explain "personal space" to them? It's bad enough that they constantly point a finger (or two) but they do it intrusively all the time.

  • Love 7


Kim, understandably, brings up Rinna's home life and wants to talk about it.  She says she is concerned.


Kim brought questions about her sobriety to the show in front of the camera. Lisa R has never mentioned nor talked about her home life. Lisa's home life hasn't ruined a party. Now had Lisa shown up to Eileen's messed up and then explained it was because of something at home? Sure then have at it.



Kim did try to get them to stop talking about her medical issues on camera.


Her what now? Medical issues? Is that we're calling it now? Kim brought up her various issues over and over this season (I was in 100% pain...my knees...my pneumonia ...). If she brings it up herself, why should the others not discuss?



Maybe Harry wants to follow in Bruce Jenner's footsteps, and Lipsa and Kim Kardashian are such great friends, not just because of OJ, but because they share THAT particular secret?


If so?  Wow Kim.  Way to change the subject!


I don't even understand where this kind of speculation comes from. Needless to say, IF it were true then Kim is even more of a monster for bringing it up in such an insensitive manner.

  • Love 13

Wow.   Shit's gonna go down.

Edited by zulualpha
  • Love 7

And if this sounds familiar, it's because it so closely resembles what Lisa V. went through with Brandi - lavish having someone on your side and then realize, "Oh shit, what have I gotten myself into?" One good turn deserves another...


On another note, Kyle has to seriously stop with her Pavlovian crying whenever Kim turns on her. I am sure it is an unconscious mechanism on her part, but if just feels so fake and phony. The second Kim says any adverse word to her - and Kyle knows how Kim rolls at this point - Kyle starts in with the deep crying jags and froggy voice and exasperated head-in-hands posture. It's enough, already. Cut the codependent cord, Kyle!

Wouldn't it be great if next year there was no Kim Richards on the show?  I know the role of Kyle is pretty much now that she has to get into with someone, either it is by design or someone wanting screen time knows fighting with Kyle guarantees more screen time. The last two seasons both Carlton and Brandi's seemed without provocation.  Brandi's gripe has had an odor to it.  Who intentionally gets into a fight with their new BFF's sister, the star of the show?   I just have had enough of Kim at this point there is no apology or gesture Kim can make that would make me ever believe she is giving up a grudge or could play nice.  I am ready for Kyle to put away her boxing gloves and would LOVE never to hear the croaking, crying voice again.  Well, it is okay when one of her kids goes to college or gets married.

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 ZooeysMom -- Oh my heavens -- Unbelievable!  I am just stunned, really.  Thanks for the heads-up which will serve, I'm sure, as a vaccine of sorts before the pandemic of crazy hits on Tuesday night.  What a nasty nasty nasty person that woman is. I really can hardly believe it. 


That said, Yo would've been smart not to get started with a revisiting of B's debacle,  Oy vey.  Go, E.D.

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 2

 ZooeysMom -- Oh my heavens -- Unbelievable!  I am just stunned, really.  Thanks for the heads-up which will serve, I'm sure, as a vaccine of sorts before the pandemic of crazy hits on Tuesday night.  What a nasty nasty nasty person that woman is. I really can hardly believe it. 


That said, Yo would've been smart not to get started with a revisiting of B's debacle,  Oy vey.  Go, E.D.

Zulualpha and Copacabana in case you haven't checked it out there is quite the discussion going on over on First Looks.  Last night was an interesting night to be on line-about 8:15 the posting started and then hourly the posting increased as the First Look made its way through the time zones.

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Lisa Rinna:  

For someone who claims to have dealt with and gone through addiction issues with family members, she isn't too bright, is she?  After the limo ride, when she presumably felt justified in bringing up Kim's addiction every chance she got, she has handled the Kim scenario all wrong. She wasn't even a friend of Kim's apparently, only Kyle's.  If it were me,  in the aftermath of the limo situation  I would have stayed AS FAR AWAY from Kim as I could. Bring it up with Kyle in private, if you must, express your concern, ask if Kyle needs any help, and go from there. What sane person knowingly inserts themselves in their friends' family's addiction issues? Even after they know the interference is not welcome? 

Did someone appoint Lisar an expert at handing addiction behaviors? The entire situation is laughable. Knowing Kim's propensity for volatile behavior(justified or not), I would have  kept Kim at a 10 mile distance. Work with her if your contract requires, minimum interaction, but don't force your well-intended(or not) "HELP"on the afflicted. Constantly goading them, bringing up their problems at the drop of a hat, only alienates the addicted more and makes them paranoid. 


Lisar had NO reason to continue her meddling. The ONLY reason for her to do so was to have a storyline front and center. And to assure her return to the show next season. Looks like she may have accomplished that Goal. Lisar,  Get OUT of Kim's business. She has told you she doesn't appreciate your meddling.

  • Love 12

Zulualpha and Copacabana in case you haven't checked it out there is quite the discussion going on over on First Looks.  Last night was an interesting night to be on line-about 8:15 the posting started and then hourly the posting increased as the First Look made its way through the time zones.

What is first looks Zoeysmom? Another board?

On rewatch Kim is even more disgusting.  Lisa fucking apologized. Just fucking say, "Game night was an outlier, if it scared you, I'll apologize, but i'm ok."

That moment is key. Yolanda brings the topic up (I'm sure with prodding from the producers), LisaR tears up and reveals more backstory, explains to Kim why the topic is so personal to her and again apologizes, and all Kim had to do was say ok, or just nod - anything. But her narcissism and victim persona gets in the way. From her perspective, LisaR was talking about her private business, and even though she's on a reality show, that was not ok, and everyone needs to know that. Kim needs to be validated. She was victimized, it needs to be said from the rooftops, and nothing short of LisaR getting tarred and feathered for her crime will be good enough.

  • Love 11

Well, I guess I should thank you for posting the links. It's not your fault I opened them...

First thoughts, I loved seeing Amsterdam. I was only there for a week before heading to Wassenaar.

I cannot believe these women act like this in public. Talk about "Ugly Americans". They are so entitled. They feel the can say anything, display any emotion, brand anything as a weapon wherever they are. There are social expectations, ya know. Gawd, this was horrible!

  • Love 8

Zulualpha and Copacabana in case you haven't checked it out there is quite the discussion going on over on First Looks.  Last night was an interesting night to be on line-about 8:15 the posting started and then hourly the posting increased as the First Look made its way through the time zones.


Thank you.  Knew as soon as I hit quick reply I should've gone to first looks.  Oh my goodness. 

  • Love 1

That moment is key. Yolanda brings the topic up (I'm sure with prodding from the producers), LisaR tears up and reveals more backstory, explains to Kim why the topic is so personal to her and again apologizes, and all Kim had to do was say ok, or just nod - anything. But her narcissism and victim persona gets in the way. From her perspective, LisaR was talking about her private business, and even though she's on a reality show, that was not ok, and everyone needs to know that. Kim needs to be validated. She was victimized, it needs to be said from the rooftops, and nothing short of LisaR getting tarred and feathered for her crime will be good enough.


That's my take on it, too.  It's just stunning to watch -- I mean, seriously, Kim -- WTF?  


You know, I could be shooting up in my hotel room in Amsterdam as a member of this cast, trolling for hotel boys to come do me in stairwells, drinking up a storm, hanging off balconies. and putting out joints in my cups of hot chocolate for the world to see, I would STILL be tempted to go to Bravo management and say, HEY, boys and girls, I do NOT want to work with this psychopath anymore.  Ever.  


Kim's hatred and overflowing anger, self-pity, lack of respect and scorn for her colleagues and her sister scream of the person who knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that she has been lying to herself and can't stand the thought of being brought down to earth.  LisaR should've been able to keep her cool, no doubt, but I can see just totally losing it on this witch's smug and delusional ass.  Simply NO excuse, really. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 10

Well, I guess I should thank you, Zoeysmom, for posting the links on the other thread. It's not your fault I opened them...

First thoughts, I loved seeing Amsterdam. I was only there for a week before heading to Wassenaar.

I cannot believe these women act like this in public. Talk about "Ugly Americans". They are so entitled. They feel the can say anything, display any emotion, brand anything as a weapon wherever they are. There are social expectations, ya know. Gawd, this was horrible!

  • Love 6

LOVED Eileen pointing out that Kim has YET to apologize for acting like such a revolting ass at her house and for telling her not to point her finger at her.  Go, Eileen!  


Someone needs to send the Teen Queen a copy of "You'll Never Eat  Lunch in this Town Again."  Stat.


I dunno -- The amount of pure venomous hatred Kim displayed in that scene tells me that she's lost beyond repair.  It was like watching her skin fall off to reveal all the envy,  animosity, poisonous lack of regard for the very people who have to put up with her in all kinds of Kim weather.  Zero self-awareness, zero self-respect and self-esteem, zero sense of occasion.


In my world, this is just really sick behavior.  This silly woman had had ample opportunity by that point to come up with a yarn for herself, dumb ass that she is, that would have made any further LisaR talking about her come back to bite LisaR's ass -- Instead, she just keeps doubling down and then, stunningly, expecting the majority of the other gals to take her side.  


Whoever gossiped about the Hamlins to Kim -- Brandi?, producers?, Hollywood scuttlebutt? -- was either delighted or horrified by her total lack of class and discretion. 


In what world of crazy, does this woman think anyone in the industry will hire her as an actress under these circumstances?  Not only is she uninsurable but she's going to go there if you call her out on her all too obvious for many years running addiction to substances that could very well kill her. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 9


Respectfully, I don't see her as stuck up, but rather in shock as to the level of meanness and tackiness this group of women can show!


Really?? Eileen is supposed to be shocked to see their behavior? Hasn't she seen a single one of the previous episodes before accepting 750,000 to be ON the show? What a Hypocrite.


She just cracks me up. Surely, one would expect even a semi-intelligent person to watch a few episodes of the show to gauge what they could be getting into, before deciding to be on it. But once you are on it, don't behave like you are "above" the shenanigans. No one forced you to take the job. Eileen appears to be a snob, giving the "I am above all this" vibe, looking down at the pigsty while standing in it, not wanting to get dirty. 


LOL Eileen. Why do you think Bravo is  paying you big bucks? Not to be the ivy on the background wall of the show. You are expected to bring the drama, which brings viewer eyeballs, which brings in $$. 


No one on any of these Housewives shows  is innocent. They all feed each other to the sharks routinely. Someone as savvy and experienced like Eileen couldn't possibly be that ignorant about this show. 


These women need to find something other than Kim to talk about. I LOL'd at the scene in the Amsterdam Hotel lobby where Eileen, Lisar and Lisav  were chatting and what was their topic of conversation?  Kim !!

Edited by jjbjjbh
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