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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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looks like the coven, since they no longer can go after Phaedra because she gave Kenya what she asked for and cannot go after Porsha because Porsha just shuts them down so next episode it is attack Nene day!  They just could not bask in the serene trip to Manila, they had to go and rehash the negativity with Nene.  She left the group session to avoid confrontation so why keep bringing the session up.  Everyone keeps calling Nene a bully but what they do to Nene next week is bullying, plain and simple.

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Thank you AgingGoth. I thought is was just me. It definitely looked like Claudia and Cynthia were trying to goad NeNe into a fight at whatever the event was (serving meals at a homeless shelter?). NeNe was clearly trying to stay calm and ignore the digs Cynthia and Claudia were making about the counseling session, but Claudia actually following NeNe all over the kitchen, getting in her personal space....smh! It looked to me like she was just itching for NeNe to blow her cool. I hope NeNe doesn't fall for it.

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Why did they waste so much time on Cynthia? I didn't realize how old Noelle has become!

Did anyone else mistake Reilly for Kandi when she first appeared? I am scared to ask what "remote control panties are".

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Why did they waste so much time on Cynthia? I didn't realize how old Noelle has become!

Noelle really is blossoming, but her hair was awful.  It's as if Cynthia passed on her last weave/wig to her.  I liked that her dresses were very age appropriate and cute.  Whatever happened to her boyfriend?  They showed him in the flashback, but didn't mention him at all.  It seemed like she wasn't going to homecoming with him.  


It's so sad to see how awesome Cynthia looked in those flashbacks compared to now.  Her current hair is not so bad (maybe a bit too blonde), but she had such a great style and look in the past.  


Did anyone else mistake Reilly for Kandi when she first appeared? I am scared to ask what "remote control panties are".


Lol!  Panties with a vibrator in the crotch that is controlled by a remote you give to your loved one.  I wish Kandi had chosen the black dress;  the leopard print one was a bit too much.  I chuckled at Riley asking if they could add a button to cover the cleavage.

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Whatever happened to her boyfriend? They showed him in the flashback, but didn't mention him at all. It seemed like she wasn't going to homecoming with him.

I'd guess he's history. I think that flashback is a year or two ago, which is eons in teen years. Noelle is beautiful, which is no surprise since her parents are, but I agree the two-tone hair isn't flattering (on anyone, IMO; it just looks like you're growing out a dye job).

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Lawdy help us!!  Kandi will have still another spinoff other than "Meet the Tuckers"  it is a three-episode series called Kandi's Ski Trip.  I will be watching NEITHER!!


Here is the link for the mini series



Also I just have to say that it looks like next season with more of what we got this season as from the previews of the reunion, team petty just threw out all the kumbaya moments from Manila and rehashed every one of their feuds with Porsha, Phaedra and Nene.  It is like they just want to keep the nasty going so that can be their storyline.  Claudia has a lot to say being she is the newest person on the show.   They just keep on arguing and arguing about the same old crap.


I probably will not watch next season if it is the same ole same ole.  I will just come here and see what happened and read the blogs

Edited by Aging Goth
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Phaedra says to Cynthia in the next episode, "you in my Aquafina sitting on cap n crunch..." What in the hell does that mean?

I was wondering the same.  I even went to urbandictionary to see if I could make sense of both words separately, but nah.  Aquafina was defined as wet vagina, so is this the 2015 way of saying you're all up in my business? Cynthia and Phaedra sounded so high school and stupid during that exchange.

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OK, LOL... Phaedra says that Cynthia is all up in her personal business.... while Cynthia's sleeping with and being used by an old man. She should have said Papa Smurf or Uncle Ben and I'd have gotten it right away.

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Nah, that aint it either. Phaedra meant Cynthia was worrying about her business/vagina because Cynthia's is Capn Crunch dry due to her fibroids.


AKA, so worried about my sex, cuz you aren't having any.



and can we talk about those 24 counts against Peter that Cynthia didn't deny?

Edited by Watermelon
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Claudia posted this just now about tomorrow's show:

They switched me over to the other couch for part 2 of the RHOA reunion but really I can sit anywhere and with anyone and feel A-OK! Tune in tomorrow at 8pm on Bravo for Part 2!

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Also, since it's come up in other shows in the past, unless there is a news article from a reputable news source (such as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution) that will back up a court case, we don't allow linking to court documents. There could be other people named Peter Thomas out there, so we don't want to be mistakenly linking someone from this show to someone who has nothing to do with it.


Thanks in advance.

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Just saw first looks about next week's reunion show and the part where Nene breaks down and it is powerful!  She is really hurting.  It was the very first time I ever saw compassion from Kenya so it had to be deep.  Probably because they have that in common.  However, Kandi's reaction is a very good (albiet bad) reflection of just how messed up SHE is.  http://realitywives.net/blogs/real-housewives-of-atlanta-season-7-reunion-part-3-preview/

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Yeah that looked pretty painful.  I don't fault Kandi for her reaction at all though.  The other women either currently have decent relationships with Nene or did have at one time.  Nene and Kandi never got along (at Nene's behest).  It might read and look cold and un/in/noncompassionate (I don't how to make this word lol) but that was real.  Kandi annoys me for a gang of reasons but one thing I can't say about her is that she's fake about her feelings.  If that makes her look shitty, I'm ok with that too.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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I think all of these women are in and have experienced significant pain in their lives.  Kandi is often brought to tears but there is no big fanfare about it.  Kenya mentioned how her mother recently spoke to her for the first time and she was floored even though it was no more than "hello Kenya"   That's got to hurt, a lot.  But the show kept moving right along.


 I would probably feel differently about Kandis reaction if I was not exposed to how unfeeling and callous Nene is to the pain, sensitivities and struggles of others.

Edited by SpringTulips
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Andy said in his book that he took the Atlanta cast to task for refusing to answer any questions on what I believe was the season 2 reunion where they just kept saying "next question, next question" back when that was a new thing. IIRC he referred to it as them "apparently having taken a vow of silence". He said it was a total failure as a TV show, but praised Kandi, who cried about AJ, for being emotionally honest.

Nene is the opposite of Kandi. Every year she comes with a cop out. This year it's you're right, I'm wrong. Last year it was beginning every sentence with I'm sorry. Very cowardly, IMO.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I don't get how that's cowardly though. If she knows that whatever she says will go in one ear and out the other and the other person will continue arguing, why even spark it up? It makes total sense to me. That's how I roll. I'm really not into arguing for the sake of being right. I state my point, agree to disagree and move on.

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The other people aren't in it to keep arguing with her though.  What they all want but will never get from Nene is her acknowledgment of {fill in the blank}.   It's true the "you're right, I'm wrong" thing makes it impossible to keep going back and forth but it is not the same thing as taking responsibility for her words and/or actions.  Especially because she's not even sincere, it's just the thing she's saying to shut down the argument.   In my head this is the verbal equivalent of pleading no contest in court.  It's not an admission of guilt, it's simply not fighting with the assertion that you're innocent.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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Meh, if you listen but never acknowledge a good point, then are you really listening?


When Kenya blah blahed all that "WHO WOULD DO THAT TO A CHARITY?!" and right couch rightfully said, "you showed up to a charity event with visible booty pads." she acted like she did no such thing.


None of them admit their faults.

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That whole shaking crying scene in the promo looked to me like first time Nene was able to act herself out of wet paper bag.  She's a genuine phony, IMHO.  My reaction to her histrionics : "Bloop".

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The other people aren't in it to keep arguing with her though.  What they all want but will never get from Nene is her acknowledgment of {fill in the blank}.   It's true the "you're right, I'm wrong" thing makes it impossible to keep going back and forth but it is not the same thing as taking responsibility for her words and/or actions.  Especially because she's not even sincere, it's just the thing she's saying to shut down the argument.   In my head this is the verbal equivalent of pleading no contest in court.  It's not an admission of guilt, it's simply not fighting with the assertion that you're innocent.

Exactly. She's just shutting down the argument to keep herself safe from the Come At Nene Day that's constantly playing out in her own mind. She reminds me in a much louder and less calculated way of Lisa Vanderpump in that she cannot take what she dishes out. Oddly enough, I think she did very sincerely apologize once...to Claudia, who didn't accept it.

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So glad most people can see through Nene's staged breakdown. I'm not saying the tears weren't real, I just know that it had nothing to do with her abandonment issues. If the issues were that deep, it would have come out before now. Instead, she's upset because she knows her image continues to take a hit (many called her out after the Dr. Jeff episode). I just hate that Dr. Jeff felt the need to cow tow to her as if he really did fear for his license. What Nene needs is a dose of Iyanla or Dr. Phil.

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Watching the Kandi's Ski Trip ep 2 First Look. The way Don Juan and Carmon treat Todd's assistant Matthew is disgusting. Also, the way Matthew approaches this trip compared to them is interesting - he's working, planning itineraries, etc. Carmon and Don Juan are sitting on their asses drinking.

Edited by Empress1
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Watching the Kandi's Ski Trip ep 2 First Look. The was Don Juan and Carmon treat Todd's assistant Matthew is disgusting. Also, the way Matthew approaches this trip compared to them is interesting - he's working, planning itineraries, etc. Carmon and Don Juan are sitting on their asses drinking.

They have really outlasted their usefullness. You can hear the resentments in their voices. Time to go. Matthew seems cool, a little too type A for me. But I could let him work and not worry. They wre mean to him and it all had racial undertones. I did not like it.

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Matthew is earning his dime. Kandi needs to wake up and realize she's paying people to sit around and do nothing for her. Todd's success may eclipse hers before long.

No hate, but after what Todd endured with the wedding and her family, I would love to see him be ome really successful. And, not only are Carmen and Don Juan just getting a check, they are being paid to undermine her relationship with Todd. I was once on Carmen's side, but now...wonder if Don Juan is her bad influence?

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It was so rude of Carmon and Don Juan to not offer  Matthew a drink when they were meeting to plant the itinerary.  Glad that Matthew called them out, rather nicely on it.  It was shitty for them to want to see him fail, just because he was doing/caring about his job.  Fuckers.  I was laughing at the bacon debacle, especially since I suspect that Matthew looked at the recommend serving size and assumed he'd gotten enough.  How was he to know, that 2 slices/person wasn't going to cut it!

Also loved that Todd correctly assumed that Kandi's family acts the way they do because there are no men in the family.

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No one else caught that first look last night???  Man, it was crazy.  I don't know how people deal with someone like Mama Joyce.  Just mean spirited and stubborn as all get out.  Her and Carmon's entire confrontation had me laughing because MJ sounded like a lunatic.  Nothing she said made sense, except for the fact she heard from someone who heard from someone else, that someone's husband suspected that Carmon and Todd did something.  And someone how that means it's definitive proof and she knows it's the absolute truth until Carmon/Todd provide proof of otherwise.  I'm just curious to know what kind of proof, exactly, is she looking for?  She kept going on and on about Carmon and Kandi's hair and something about that event that one time; it was a ball of confusion.  It's very obvious her issue is with men, any men, in general.  I thought it was interesting when Carmon said Mama Joyce took her problems with Todd and transferred them to her.  While I think that's true, I also believe MJ never liked Carmon and was just waiting on the right "word from the street" to force a crack between Carmon and Kandi's relationship, and she thought throwing Todd in the mix would kill two birds with one stone.  Unfortunately, that backfired and continues to do so!

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That was insane. And I did not need to hear Joyce repeat "put it in her hole" a bunch of times.

Joyce HATES men. Hates them. She is the angriest, most bitter woman I have ever seen.

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Forgot to mention Joyce's use of the word "Uff-ing" instead of "the other word" she was too polite <insert eye roll> to say, for only minutes later for her to start yelling at Carmon, "Fuck you! Get Out! Fuck you!" when Carmon asked her to stop lying.  She is a piece of work.  I have to give props to Kandi for not turning out to be mean spirited and vile like her mom, despite growing up with that as a role model.  In the words of Dwight, how dreadful!

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Well, if Kandi keeps defending her mother no matter what, as she's done with Todd in the past....she will become Joyce eventually. WHY does Joyce want to be on TV and portray an asshole?

I agree she hates men. I bet she's never had a fulfilling relationship (sexually and emotionally) in her life.

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Well, if Kandi keeps defending her mother no matter what, as she's done with Todd in the past....she will become Joyce eventually. WHY does Joyce want to be on TV and portray an asshole?

I agree she hates men. I bet she's never had a fulfilling relationship (sexually and emotionally) in her life.

Course not; if she ever came, she'd bite his head off afterward, old praying mantis that she is!

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Well, if Kandi keeps defending her mother no matter what, as she's done with Todd in the past....she will become Joyce eventually. WHY does Joyce want to be on TV and portray an asshole?

I agree she hates men. I bet she's never had a fulfilling relationship (sexually and emotionally) in her life.

I think even though Kandi defends her mother, she recognizes what her mother is, and tries hard not to be her mother or do the things she's seen Joyce do. I bet she's caught herself on many an occasion, and said, jeez that sounded just like my mom, and horrified herself. I've done that myself, and my mom isn't an 8th as awful as Mama Joyce.
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