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S03.E06: Nobody Said It Was Going To Be Easy


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I didn't feel that the scene between Deacon and Rayna was condescending, but I didn't get the vibe that it was sweet either. 



Juliette fired Zoey from a tour...that she was going to cancel the next day, anyway.  Whatevskis.


I think that Zoey was portrayed as a level headed woman who tries not to play games.  Right before she and Gunnar first hooked up, she asked who that song was written about and when he started hemming and hawing, she got up to leave because he was acting like a weirdo.  And she told him why.  When she felt a little insecure about Scarlett, she asked him if she was a rebound and they had a mature conversation.  But this season, Gunnar has been acting like a sketch monster, and she's treating him as such.  Every time she appears when she's not expected, he's turning around with the guiltiest look on his face.


Juliette firing Zoey at the door of ZOEY'S hotel room and then putting her out of HER room was still the best thing on the episode for me. How you get fired on your day off? LOL


Zoey may have at one time been levelheaded, but she's also been admittedly insecure. She is not going to take this newfound kid news well. She may make an attempt, but if they move into Gunnar's house, that relationship will be over.


As far as Scarlett and the MN problem, I don't think she should have invited him in; I don't think he should have been there at all. The entire premise is horribly stereotypical.


I'm liking Pam more and more as a distraction/muse for Deacon. I liked their song last night, although it was obvious that Luke did not like the attention Deacon was getting. 


It's going to be a long two weeks for me as I can't wait to see Luke go full asshole. I'm hoping he lives up to all my expectations. Also, the DWTS show was in two months from tonight's episode, so I'll be looking to see Juliette's more pronounced bump. 

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I also don't agree that Teddy comes out on top  here. He left his young daughter so he could spend the evening with an escort and is even calling her again.

He comes out on top because he's the only one there and trying. While all the rest are about themselves, touring, being stars. Rayna didn't need to add all those tour dates, she's not working because she needs to provide for the kids. She's not out of town for all this time for the kids, it's for herself. Teddy's at least there, being a full time parent with Maddie being a brat 24/7 and considering him the bad evil guy because he actually tries to parent and discipline her while Deacon is the glorified good dad in her eyes.

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I really wish that Maddie had gotten more of a punishment. If I had pulled that stunt, my parents would have grounded me for life. Not only did she abandon her sister but she invited a bunch of people she didn't know to her house to drink and break things. IDIOT.

But they explained this!  They don't want to send Maddie the message that she can't be trusted.  HAHAHAHAHAHA

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Just read on the NashvilleWrites twitter that the scene between Rayna and Deacon last night was supposed to be sweet and that those of us who are members of TeamDeacon should "Take It!" First of all, writers shouldn't be twitter yelling at the fans, and second, it seems like there are bigger issues when so many people didn't get the "sweet" vibe from that scene.


This is 100% true! You have failed in your job as a writer if you have to explain your story or your characters' motivations to anyone. I realize that TV shows (especially network ones) are notoriously badly written and acted, and that's one reason that for so long there was a stigma attached to movie actors who did TV, and that it's only the recent boom in cable shows that's changed this idea, and yes, I'm a snob when it comes to storytelling and writing, but damn. Post season one, this show is especially bad. They pay no attention to detail, timing/setting are often ambiguous, the characters' behavior swings wildly among various unrelated personality traits, the acting is often stilted, there's never a moment to let any action or character choice settle, there are very few consequences, and the cliches abound. Nashville is basically a writing teacher's dream example of what NOT to do, and as someone who works in publishing and with writers all day long, I have to say...it kind of appalls me that these writers have jobs and make a shit ton of money to put out this nonsense. Then again, I still watch it, so who's the real dumbass here? Then again, when The Newsroom comes back next weekend, I may be so horrified by the discrepancy in quality that I'll feel too dirty to go back to Nashville. We shall see...


But they explained this!  They don't want to send Maddie the message that she can't be trusted.  HAHAHAHAHAHA


And don't forget, it will also be a hard road for her to earn back the trust of the mother who lied to her ALL HER LIFE and has never owned up to that or apologized for it. Makes perfect sense, yeah?

Edited by madam magpie
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While Teddy may come out better for being the parent who's there, his leaving his kids at the last minute knowing full well that Maddie had plans with Colt is a problem to me. He pretty much lied to everyone saying he had a last minute appointment - never mentioning the part where he was on what seemed like a date. Couldn't he have asked to reschedule for a night we he didn't have the girls or a time when Maddie wouldn't have to drag her 10-year-old sister out with her older friends?


Why did Luke stay at the house once it was established that Colt was with his Mom? Shouldn't he have been with his own kid? He could have come back to Rayna's later once all the punishments had been meted out.

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I think the thing that bothered me most about the episode is that Micah was so excited to spend the night with an adult male stranger?


That was the weirdest thing!  I couldn't believe that a kid would be remotely interested in his mother's old "friend" nor that he'd want to spend time alone with him and sleep over at his house!  Either his home life totally sucks, or he's guessed that Gunnar is supposed to be his dad.  Although I think that's a lie, too, and it's really Gunnar's brother who was the dad.

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And don't forget, it will also be a hard road for her to earn back the trust of the mother who lied to her ALL HER LIFE and has never owned up to that or apologized for it. Makes perfect sense, yeah?


I totally laughed at that last night. WHO needs to be earning back trust Rayna??? Maddie's a kid, you're a grown woman. 

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I totally laughed at that last night. WHO needs to be earning back trust Rayna??? Maddie's a kid, you're a grown woman.


My jaw dropped open when the singing homeless man cleaned the gutters, but it hit the floor when Rayna had the balls to say that. I mean...like...WHAT?? The lying-est liar who ever lied and remains the queen of the lying liars club is actually lecturing someone about how it's hard to earn back trust?? And the subject of her lecture is the person to whom she lied about said person's ENTIRE family history while never owning it, apologizing for it, or acting like there was anything wrong with it at all? And Maddie didn't just laugh in her face? Let's all say it with Daphne, "You suck, Rayna!"

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i swear Layla is mentally ill, that or the writers have no clue about consistency.

The writers are mental ill and they have no clue about consistency.  Layla just drains the superficial pleasure of watching prime time soap full of pretty pretty people.



So is it safe to assume that the nanny is going to be an attractive female? And that either Teddy or Luke will get involved with her?

I've seen the Lifetime movies - nanny's are always young and attractive.  And the Dad always ends up in bed with the nanny or marrying her.  If Luke lasts past Thanksgiving, he'll be bedding her.


Juliette wispy, hopeful  little almost smile when Avery showed up at the hospital killed me.

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I have a feeling that Layla's storyline will go the route of a cliffhanger of Layla entering a room w/a gun in her hand and drunk and swaggering (can't forget the swaggering, like a person who has drank all her life swirling a glass less than 1/4 full) looking for Will.  Of course said room will include all the main characters and in the aftermath Layla and Jeff, possibly Will also, will be dead; Juliette will be shot as well, losing the baby, and let's throw in Zoey shot dead for posterity.  It's a classic tv trope.


I hate that also the writers had tweet the meaning of the flippant way that Rayna said that Deacon.  Here is a thought writers, when you do a read through of the script with the actors, makes sure they know what to convey when saying your words.  I'm guessing Connie didn't know how to convey those words so she went w/what she thought was best, imo it was like Rayna was being civil but also kind of pissed b/c she still considers the parents of Maddie to be herself and Teddy, and soon to be Luke.  


I also thought it was strange that Luke didn't go home to check on his son who helped throw said party, he instead decided to stay and bang his fiancee.  If I had to guess I think it shows that he isn't as great a dad as he lets on.  He just buys the kids what they want to get in their good graces and move on, that's why they are spoiled.


So is the next episode a time jump by two months?  If it actually is the Rayna at DWtS, she said in this episode they had two months to get a unreleased track ready to go.


The part of Juliette firing Zoey, even though the tour was cancelled was what made it brilliant.  Juliette could have just let it go since she knew of her limitations meaning no more tour, but she decided to still attack w/her fangs, it was awesome.

Edited by CMH1981
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Rayna's thanks to Deacon did come across to me as genuine, as did her smile; that said, it came at a weird point in the scene. She had just come downstairs with Serious Mom Face, quickly smiled at Deacon, and went back to Serious Mom Face to talk to Teddy. Maybe that made it seem more flippant to some.


What was more of a needle scratch for me was Maddie calling Deacon "Dad." I know she's tried it out a few times but IMO she needs a different name for each of her fathers, and Teddy is "Dad."


I don't think Rayna's a sucky mom for finding a temporary childcare solution while she continues to work. Teddy is mayor and she did acknowledge that he wasn't to blame for the situation. Maddie's punishment might seem light to some, but apparently the humiliation of having a nanny will keep her in line for the foreseeable future. Too bad Colt didn't seem that into the kiss. Or actually not too bad, I don't really care for that kid. Weird casting, no charisma.


  • Teddy and the Hooker: Insulting. I refuse to watch that garbage storyline.
  • Pam & Deacon: I skipped a Deacon song because I'm sick of her line! Did she ask him if he remembered how to have fun again?
  • Gunnar/Kiley/Micah/Zoe: Could not care less. Unnecessarily convoluted. And I'm sure Zoe will be assed out, because Scarlett was understanding about Micah but Zoe will be less so initially.
  • Scarlett and her Magical Negro. Honestly. How tone-deaf can a writer's room be? I'm disappointed.


It seems like until now Rayna has had a pretty well-controlled version of fame. She did come across as pretty naive about how the engagement to Luke would blow up her profile. I don't blame her for being worried that her work is being overlooked because of it, but that barn door is wide open now. The insta-besties thing with Sadie is a little weird, but that's what happens when there's no Tandy.


The only thing I'm enjoying about Luke is watching him on simmer and waiting for him to blow up. I liked the Sara Evans duet. Ironically she has been on Dancing with the Stars, and quit because of marriage/divorce scandals. But while she was on I wanted to like her, but she didn't seem to be able to understand that she wasn't a good dancer. Got a little defensive. But she looked great.

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Isn't DwtS for has-beens and C-list celebs? Why would Rayna want to be on there when her whole shtick this season has been "I have to be #1!!!" I realize this is ABC and cross-promoting, blah blah, but still, it doesn't make sense.

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I think the thing that bothered me most about the episode is that Micah was so excited to spend the night with an adult male stranger?

I watched the episode about an hour ago, and this was the first thing I planned to post about. Well, I was going to write how little sense it made for Micah to want to spend the night with Gunnar and for Gunnar to start teaching him to play drums the next day, after meeting each other once (twice?). Micah's excitement about seeing Gunnar (and the glum/serious way he looked at Zoey at the end) was so off, I blame it on bad direction and bad writing.


I didn't think Rayna was being sarcastic or condescending to Deacon when she said it was nice of him to come. I did think the line sounded off, but it was Deacon's reaction to what she said that made me ultimately decide it was meant to be a sweet moment. Again, bad directing and bad writing.


To be fair, Zoe had every right to be pissed off about finding Gunnar hugging Kiley when she came home. Gunnar always acts guilty and goofy when Zoe finds him with Scarlett or Kiley. Deep down, Zoe knows Gunnar doesn't love her and that is why she's so insecure about him. His behavior adds fuel to the fire. And like many women, Zoe chooses to believe him when he says he loves her and wants her to move in with him, etc. So while she knows, she won't/can't take the chance of dumping him only to find out he really did love her but just didn't know how to be a serious boyfriend. He needs to just admit the truth to her. The other problem is the show, which started with Gunnar crushing desperately on Scarlett and later asking her to marry him. I can't work out if I'm supposed to believe Gunnar is using Zoe, or if he genuinely likes her but doesn't know how to be in a relationship.


Pam is growing on me. But not as Deacon's love interest. She strikes me as someone who should have been cast much earlier in the show's run (season 1 or 2) as Rayna's good friend turned confidant or bestie. She's a bit rough, but no-nonsense, and I think she works on the road. She is kind of what I expected Rayna to be (but with more refinement/elegance). I think the show missed an opportunity with her. She's not one I want to see hating on Rayna, but having drinks with her. As far as her place in Deacon's life, I doubt she'll be with him past this season. I'd like to see her stay on as an artist on Rayna's label and a friend to the cast. Imagine Rayna, Tandy and Pam as the older gal pals getting to know Juliette and Sadie?


Unfortunately, Deacon is doing the opposite of growing on me. I find him unpleasant these days. I like his brief moments with Maddie. I even liked his moment with Luke. When he grabbed Luke's arm and said he was going home, too, I had this fleeting image of these men growing to be weird, unsure friends. (I really enjoyed that argument between Rayna's men in the kitchen. There's something there, but I don't think the writers will ever dig it up and turn it into something.) 


Now, what can be said about Scarlett and her homeless muse? It is (as has already been said) a jaw-dropping decision on the part of the writers. Jester, I'm a black 40-something woman with friends of all colors and religions who are still struggling to be actors. I have asked over the 20-plus years of struggling in the film and writing business whether an actor should take a disparaging role to pay the bills and I have told myself that I shouldn't be offended by certain things because [insert actor's name] agreed to do it, so... I don't exaggerate when I say that I struggle with it, and I don't have a good answer. But Madam Magpie touches on something that I came to terms with a couple of years ago and it is that just because an actor agreed to do it, doesn't mean it's right. Doing a bit of digging has always shown me that an actor who does a role that offends me, has usually done or said something I found to be naive, stupid, ignorant, silly, etc., etc., and I can't depend on them to turn down a role that stereotypes or offends. In Mykelti Williamson's case, he stalked his ex-wife and stabbed her boyfriend in the 90s. He was acquitted and said he lost everything. I'm sure he's a very different person now, but he simply isn't the actor I can look to for good judgment when it comes to the roles he chooses. He has to pay his bills and I'm sure no one is knocking down his door to offer him roles. Someone on the show should have suggested the character be a janitor or something else blue-collarish in the studio. This whole story line is a big mess, just like most of the show.

Edited by slade3
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What was more of a needle scratch for me was Maddie calling Deacon "Dad." I know she's tried it out a few times but IMO she needs a different name for each of her fathers, and Teddy is "Dad."


Good point, but I wonder where she could go with that that would still convey the intimacy of the relationship she and Deacon have built. "Deacon" isn't going to cut it anymore, maybe "Pop." I feel for her though, everything's been turned on its head and she doesn't know which end is up.



I don't think Rayna's a sucky mom for finding a temporary childcare solution while she continues to work. Teddy is mayor and she did acknowledge that he wasn't to blame for the situation.


She said that, but then when they were with Maddie in her room she told Maddie that the party wouldn't have happened if she'd been there. Making it seem to Teddy (and to me) that she WAS blaming him for it.



I skipped a Deacon song because I'm sick of her line! Did she ask him if he remembered how to have fun again?


Oh no! It was a great song and set off a wonderful jam session with the rest of the musicians in the crew. Luke was ticked as can be. You should watch it once, at least, Pam just sang back up.



The insta-besties thing with Sadie is a little weird, but that's what happens when there's no Tandy.


Did anybody else notice how quickly Sadie shut her laptop when Rayna came to sit down beside her? This was after Bucky had come in and they were rehashing the social media comments about "Ruke's" noms coming in part because of their engagement. I only shut my computer that fast when I don't want anyone else to see what I'm doing.

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I didn't think Rayna was being sarcastic or condescending to Deacon when she said it was nice of him to come. I did think the line sounded off, but it was Deacon's reaction to what she said that made me ultimately decide it was meant to be a sweet moment. Again, bad directing and bad writing.


I guess that's what it comes down to. If the line had been just a bit different, or if she'd put her hand on his elbow or bicep when she said it, it might have come off differently for me. I wasn't really even sure of Deacon's reaction, he just seemed wide-eyed to me and I couldn't read it. Usually Chip does a great job at conveying emotion, but this one confused me. I swear I've watched this scene 10 times and I still don't get it.

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Rayna complained about her father all those years what kind of a man he was in business so I'm going to be the one to say it. "Rayna Jaymes Wyatt is becoming more like her father dealings in business matters. Lying to get on Dancing withThe Stars without her so call fiance that's a dirty trick Lamar style." I did think Rayna's comment to Deacon "Nice of you to come" was condescending what should have followed after her little comment was "Are you coming" when they went up to talk to Maddie. She wants Deacon to be a good parent to Maddie but only when she and Teddy allow him to be. It's about time Deacon got a lawyer and asks for partial custody that would put a twist into Rayna/Teddy's parenting. Why is Callie writing Rayna so we the viewers hate (harsh word) dislike her main character because when Rayna goes over the cliff there will be no coming back to a likable Rayna Jaymes.


I have always wanted Deacon/Rayna to be the end game but for me now seeing what kind of a person Rayna is turning into, I would love for Deacon to find a nice woman (not Pam) to love and respect and that woman who has been totally in love with Deacon for many years. Rayna not working for me anymore (I can't believe I said that either).


Luke simmering I can't wait to see it and I'll be recording it and will be watching it over and over again. Pre-nup can't wait to hear what Luke put in that one and what Rayna has to say about it. And no Deacon would never ask for one and Rayna knowing Deacon she would never ask him to sign one either.


You can say anything about Juliette but that girl has something that no matter what happens in her life she always lands on her feet. You get mad at her but you always wind up rooting for Juliette Barnes and you always want to have her back. Great performance by Hayden always.

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Gunnar's ex has been in Nashville for a month maybe and she's moving to Tulsa for her online boyfriend.  Good Lord.

I love how the show makes an effort to show Rayna talking to the girls about adding in tour dates but then casually drops in a line letting us know she never actually talked to Teddy about it before she did it.  Great job, Rayna!

I'm sort of over Deacon and Rayna at this point.  How nice of the two of them to drop back in long enough to criticize Teddy before they head back out for whoever knows how long.  While it's true that Deacon doesn't want to be there now that has everything to do with Rayna turning him down.  He had no problem with that touring schedule when he came on initially so he can stop acting like someone held a gun to his head and forced him to sign the contract against his will.

I wish this show would stop acting like Rayna hasn't been in the music business for 20 some odd years.  Last week it was the ear piercing, Rayna has been on tour enough that it can't be the first time she has missed something and in reality she and Teddy would have already decided how they were going to handle things like that.  This week she's shocked that being part of a super couple would help her career and baffled by people campaigining for awards.  Even if she's never done it herself the concept isn't new, we watched Juliette do it in season 1.

The writers have had no idea what to do with Teddy since the divorce and it shows.  His character flips wildly depending on whatever spot they need him to fill in a particular storyline.  I hope Eric Close is at least being paid well.

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Isn't DwtS for has-beens and C-list celebs? Why would Rayna want to be on there when her whole shtick this season has been "I have to be #1!!!" I realize this is ABC and cross-promoting, blah blah, but still, it doesn't make sense.

Admittedly, I'm not big on the Dancing With The Stars craze, but while the celebs who are actually dancing tend to be C-listers, I do think they get big name talented to do actual performances and stuff, so I don't think it's all that far-fetched.  I do think it's mainly for ABC cross-promoting: had this been on NBC, she would probably be trying to get on The Voice (hell, they probably would have made Layla a Voice runner-up or something.)

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I've seen the Lifetime movies - nanny's are always young and attractive.  And the Dad always ends up in bed with the nanny or marrying her.  If Luke lasts past Thanksgiving, he'll be bedding her.


What an awkward Thanksgiving that'll be. Luke and Teddy and the nanny who they probably both want to/are sleeping with. Maddie will insist upon inviting Deacon and his man-pain and she'll have to create a buffer somehow between her and Colt with poor Daphne.

Edited by Iboatedhere
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One of the things I did like about this show is how Deacon was the one to alert Will to the fact that Layla was very close to making a giant drunk ass of herself. If anybody knows what an nascent alcoholic meltdown looks like, it's Deacon Claybourne. 

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Someone on the show should have suggested the character be a janitor or something else blue-collarish in the studio.

Like maybe Connie Britton...who has a black son...and maybe would like her TV show to say something a little more progressive than this crap?? Even better, how about the show includes a black man in a position of power who's not a jerk or stupid or poor and just acts like a normal person? I never liked Coleman because he was kind of an ass about Rayna and that was back in season one before she'd turned into the person she is now, but damn. At least he wasn't singing songs that sound like spirituals and cleaning gutters.

I guess that's what it comes down to. If the line had been just a bit different, or if she'd put her hand on his elbow or bicep when she said it, it might have come off differently for me. I wasn't really even sure of Deacon's reaction, he just seemed wide-eyed to me and I couldn't read it. Usually Chip does a great job at conveying emotion, but this one confused me. I swear I've watched this scene 10 times and I still don't get it.

That entire scene was a hot mess. Clearly no one thought it through, like most scenes on this show, and it was way too rushed. If there's awkwardness because Maddie has so many dads and no one knows who gets to yell at her, let's see that. If Rayna's actually happy Deacon is there and can use this as an opportunity for them to be on the same page about Maddie, let's see that. If Luke gives a crap about his own kid, let's see that. If Deacon wants to give Maddie a good talking to about not being a destructive drunk or hanging out with them, let's see that. Etc.

Also, I'm an only child so what do I know, but my cousin and I grew up in the same house and were always like siblings and remain pretty close today, and there is NO WAY either of us would have called the cops on the other one. She's the little one and would have just hidden in her room until everything blew over. Daphne calling the police instead of even trying to reach her mother (whom I know sucks) or Deacon (doesn't she know him too?) or her aunt Tandy (even if she's in California) or Luke (since she's all Team Luke anyway) rang completely false to me.

What was more of a needle scratch for me was Maddie calling Deacon "Dad." I know she's tried it out a few times but IMO she needs a different name for each of her fathers, and Teddy is "Dad."

I too cringe every time Maddie calls Deacon "Dad." I just don't buy it and it always seems forced. #1) She has a dad. But #2) It's just not that easy to fall into. It seems perfectly reasonable to me that she'd just continue to call him Deacon. That's how she has always known him and that's who he is to her. I think she'd refer to him as her dad to other people, but not to him directly. I don't think that diminishes their relationship at all, but it does make it clear that he's different from Teddy, which he is by virtue of their relationship even if Deacon and Maddie adore one another. It also bothers me, though, that Maddie refers to Rayna as "my mom" when she talks to Teddy or Deacon. It's a minor nitpick, but again, it always feels false. I have lots of friends with kids and when they refer to their parents to me, they just say "Mom" or "Dad" like a proper name. It's like no one on this writing staff ever listens to how children speak. Then again, they probably don't listen to how anyone speaks. When Rayna and Luke talk to each other, they always sound like they're delivering sales pitches.

Edited by madam magpie
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THIS. And it would have killed her to use a real plate and silverware, maybe offer him a shower while his clothes were washing after he'd done the gutters?

I don't know, having a strange man naked inside your house, even if he seems like a nice guy, is not really the smartest choice for a female. There are homeless shelters where he can have access to a shower, inviting him in seems to be too dangerous to me. We have no idea why he's living the way he is, he could be a real crazy who is just good at hiding it.

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I don't know the scene bothered me a bit as well, but I'm a 40 year old white man, so I had to step back and think "if the established African American actor PLAYING the part didn't have any problem with the scene, maybe I should check myself. He would have a much better perspective than I do.".

We have no idea what the actor thought of that scene, although if I had to guess, I bet he'd much prefer to be one of the many actors on this show playing a country music star singing on the stage of the Grand Old Opry than a homeless man cleaning Scarlett's gutters. But this show only offered him this particular role, so he took it. And, as another poster said, even if this actor was ok with it, that doesn't make the writing any less offensive.

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What an awkward Thanksgiving that'll be. Luke and Teddy and the nanny who they probably both want to/are sleeping with. Maddie will insist upon inviting Deacon and his man-pain and she'll have to create a buffer somehow between her and Colt with poor Daphne.

OMG, "man-pain"! So, so appropriate.


Oh, gosh, yes to Connie Britton being the one to point out to the writers how wrong this Scarlett story line is. I mentioned janitor because the man should probably be blue-collar/working class/struggling, so Scarlett is drawn to his voice and curious why he isn't a successful singer. Seriously, though, they should have scrapped this entire idea.


Though I liked the scene with Deacon, Teddy and Luke at Rayna's house, i agree it was rushed. I would have liked a little more time to digest that these three men love/d Rayna and love her girls, and there's a lot of baggage they have to deal with. In this way, I think Luke works because he's so different. Teddy is a good father, Deacon has the potential to be a good father and Luke is a bad father. The dynamics could be off-the-charts dramatic.

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What was more of a needle scratch for me was Maddie calling Deacon "Dad." I know she's tried it out a few times but IMO she needs a different name for each of her fathers, and Teddy is "Dad."

To offer a flip side on this: growing up, I called both my father and step-father "Dad." There wasn't any confusion over it, although I suppose there could've been, if the two were ever in the same room together but that almost NEVER happened.

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I never liked Coleman because he was kind of an ass about Rayna and that was back in season one before she'd turned into the person she is now, but damn. At least he wasn't singing songs that sound like spirituals and cleaning gutters.

I suspect he might've ended up there if they hadn't decided to trade him for Zoe the minister's daughter who grew up singing in church but really wants to sing pop. No cliche there, right?

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I suspect he might've ended up there if they hadn't decided to trade him for Zoe the minister's daughter who grew up singing in church but really wants to sing pop. No cliche there, right?



Someone needs to just type up a list of stereotypes regarding people of color and hand it to the writing staff and say, "Don't do any of these, got it?"


Wrt Rayna's comment to Deacon, too bad the writers had to explain it to us. Rather than seeing it as a big emotive moment, I'm just going to take it as Rayna looking at Deacon and really seeing him--this time, for the good. Guessing this is where the tide starts to turn toward Deacon again. Wonder if he will really see her too, and realize what an asshole she's become.


And last but not least, Will Chase must be a really good actor because he has done a really good job making me hate Luke without really being able to give a lot of solid reasons for it.

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Did anybody else notice how quickly Sadie shut her laptop when Rayna came to sit down beside her? This was after Bucky had come in and they were rehashing the social media comments about "Ruke's" noms coming in part because of their engagement. I only shut my computer that fast when I don't want anyone else to see what I'm doing.


I noticed this too.  Sadie is totally sending gossip to websites like TMZ and whatnot about Rayna and Luke and their discord.  This is why they shipped off Tandy, so Rayna will have somebody new to turn to and trust, who will end up stabbing her in the back.  I think it will come up eventually that she sent that picture of Rayna in the wedding dress to some websites.  I can't tell if she is trying to sabotage Rayna to dethrone her as a country star by making her look like celebrity trash or if she is obsessed with her and thinks this is the way into Rayna's good graces by being there for her.  I do think that Juliette will be the one who notices what a mess Sadie is and brings it to Rayna's attention or decides to take down Sadie herself.  I really do wish the writers would explore the friendship b/t Rayna and Juliette more.  They have so much in common, and Juliette always turns to Rayna when she needs help with issues that are too large for her to figure out on her own, in other words she sees her as a mother figure.

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Don't feel bad that trope popped in my head last week & was confirmed  (to me anyway) this week.


Rayna, is on to damn much. I hate Ruke, her singing & hypocrisy.


Gunner is simple minded. They have made Zoe pathetic & I hate the damn weave & hair color.


They are making Avery stupid. I don't know if they think it's drama or what. It's not


Can Julietter every catch a break?

Gunner is simple minded but I don't think Zooey is wearing a weave. She does need to do something with that hair, though. it's so 80s.

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Of course the laugh is going to be on us, HA ha, because Mykelti's character is actually a totes famous blues singer who's fallen on hard times! Not a mentally ill homeless man singing spirituals for supper! We're so dumb and reactionary, god. Audiences are so lame.


"Kidding" aside - any one of the issues that the Terry character has wouldn't have made me raise an eyebrow, it's the combination which totally fucks up the optics. He could be homeless. He could be mentally ill. He could be a singer. But the fact that it's an AA man who is apparently all three does not look good, particularly when the show is set in the south. I mean I know it's a fictional drama but it doesn't happen in a vaccuum, Nashville is a real place. I'm not saying they need to make a big deal about him being AA - god forbid, actually, I prefer that he's just a man, a human being -- but you can't lay out all those stereotypes and expect people not to react to them, unfavorably in this case. And as for Williams' choosing to take a part like this - meh. Actors have mortgages, too. Not many people can afford to take the high road when it comes to making a living or supporting their family. And besides we've got the Scarlett-instigated transformation to look forward to (*eyes roll on the floor and out the door to Nashville.)



In this episode particularly I had to laugh at how they're shooting HP  - in the tightest closeup known to man, so that her entire face fills my screen. Even just last week we could see her neck, FFS.


I have to wonder - has Callie Khouri left the building? This show is getting downright BAD in places.

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Maybe I'm just not PC enough, but I really don't have a problem with the Scarlett/homeless guy storyline.  I don't see what is so offensive about cleaning gutters.  Is that a race specific job that I am unaware of?  Some have suggested he could be a janitor.  How is that better?


There's nothing inherently offensive about cleaning gutters or being a janitor or singing spirituals or singing blues songs or being from Memphis or being black or being a white person who helps out a black person or being homeless. However, when you put all those traits together, you get a stereotype of a down-and-out Southern black man. Others have mentioned the TV trope of the Magical Negro. Personally, I'm not so much into the notion of TV tropes because, to me, they feel like a hipster way of saying "cliche," but whatever we call it, the stereotype of the black man who can't keep a job but has a good heart and just needs a little white help isn't a good one. Also, slave spirituals were songs that field slaves often sang while picking cotton or tobacco, etc. on antebellum Southern plantations. Those songs evolved into gospel music which in turn evolved into blues (and rock and roll, but that's another story). So the image of a poor black man working outside for the white lady while humming something that sounds like a slave spiritual is not something that you really want to evoke in your 21st-century TV show...unless, of course, your show is about slaves or sharecroppers or maybe a satire or something like that. Then add to all that some annoying subjective cliches (annoying to someone like me who absolutely loves the Memphis Delta Blues and its history and thinks the city gets short shrift in the musical department when compared to Nashville) like the singing homeless black man comes from Memphis, a predominantly poor black city, but ends up in Nashville where the good white folk help him out, and it's just like...bleck.


None of those things individually are negative or derogatory, and certainly there are poor black men who hum blues songs and do manual labor, but when you put it all together on a TV show that already drowns in stereotypes, it's glaring. Plus, sociological studies have shown that we believe people are what we see they are. So the more successful black men acting like regular, normal people that we see on TV and in movies will likely have an affect on how we as a culture perceive black men in regular life over time. So when someone like Connie Britton who is politically vocal and fairly famously has a black son doesn't argue (we assume...or doesn't argue hard enough) against including a negative racial stereotype on a show on which she's credited as an executive producer, people will notice.


None of this makes anyone racist or not PC (or PC) or a bad person or any of that. It's an observation that this show continues to drown in stereotypes, sometimes really glaring and offensive ones, and it's another "palm-to-forehead" moment for those of us who can't figure out what the hell Connie Britton is thinking being on this show.

Edited by madam magpie
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You're right, politichick, it's not weave.  I've seen her up close and personal and stood next to her in a small group hang-out and I was eyeing her hair the entire time.

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I think that Zoey was portrayed as a level headed woman who tries not to play games.  Right before she and Gunnar first hooked up, she asked who that song was written about and when he started hemming and hawing, she got up to leave because he was acting like a weirdo.  And she told him why.  When she felt a little insecure about Scarlett, she asked him if she was a rebound and they had a mature conversation.  But this season, Gunnar has been acting like a sketch monster, and she's treating him as such.  Every time she appears when she's not expected, he's turning around with the guiltiest look on his face.

This is the thing I've been thinking about. Zoey and Juliette are/have experienced similar things with their boyfriends (and in fact with the same woman, Scarlet). But where I think Zoey tries to handle it as straight-forwardly as possible, Juliette chose to act out. And weirdly I think Zoey has far more leg to stand on in terms of being wary of Gunnar's interactions with other women. As you say, he always manages to look incredibly guilty and he has been the king of mixed messages. But other then having jealous moments where she's keeping a closer eye on him, Zoey has generally just confronted him. When she thought he was spending too much time with Scarlet, she did jump to some conclusions, but she didn't do more then that.


Contrast that with Juliette. Scarlet had a mental breakdown and was locked in a mental ward. Avery got her help and then stayed by her bedside during the worst, first day or two. Think about that, he helped a woman he still considers to be a friend when she had a mental breakdown. And how did Juliette respond to his spending time taking care of Scarlet? She slept with Jeff. Now I like Juliette, but she is not a saint. And when she gets upset she acts out, often sexually, and almost always destructively (both to herself and to those she loves). She did so when she was having problems with her mother and she did so when she felt like Avery was comforting another woman. 


I think of the two women, Zoey has far more reason to question and doubt, and yet she gets criticized (both by the writing and viewers) for doing so. Juliette slept with another man, thought she might be having his child, and still she's somehow made the tragic figure. The writers have helped this mightily by making Avery such a jerk for most of this season. 


And that's what frustrates me about the writing. A character does something bad, terrible, stupid, etc. and instead of fully delving into that behavior through the writing, instead they go the propping route and have someone else act worse. A small example just last week was Juliette texting Avery the news about the baby. She texted him. But instead of getting the flak for that, instead she gets to act hurt and wounded when Avery naturally seeks her out to ask what the hell. He's pounding on her bus door and is angry and Glen has to go out and send him away. And Juliette gets a sympathy chat with Derek Hough. 


I enjoy the show but the writing sometimes makes me bonkers. It could be so much better if they weren't always going for the easy out in every case.

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In this episode particularly I had to laugh at how they're shooting HP  - in the tightest closeup known to man, so that her entire face fills my screen. Even just last week we could see her neck, FFS.


When is she due to give birth? Because at this rate we'll soon be at the point where the only part of her on screen is her earlobe.

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Maybe I'm just not PC enough, but I really don't have a problem with the Scarlett/homeless guy storyline.  I don't see what is so offensive about cleaning gutters.  Is that a race specific job that I am unaware of?  Some have suggested he could be a janitor.  How is that better? Personally speaking, given the choice between cleaning a gutter and mopping a floor, I'll take the gutter any day of the week.  Scarlett offered to provide a meal and do his laundry with no strings attached.  He was the one who insisted on working in exchange.  She came up with a job for him.  I don't really see the problem.  His approach seemed perfectly honorable to me.  As for the song, didn't they say it was a blues song? I'm not getting where all the spiritual comparisons are coming from.  

Yes, I think being a janitor is better than being homeless. (I used janitor in a different context than the cleaning gutters issue.)


ETA: Well-written Madam Magpie. Speaking of the show drowning in stereotypes, I feel as if Will Chase is playing Luke as way over-the-top country. I'm not saying some country singers don't speak/act the way he does, but I'm waiting for him to stick some hay in his mouth and start chewing. I get the feeling he watched a lot of country music singers when he got the role and went overboard, His background is in theater.


And please correct me if I'm wrong, but Deacon seems to say "ain't" a lot more than I remember he did in season 1. If anyone has seen the movies Crash or Double Happiness (Sandra Oh's first movie) there are scenes when the directors say "Can you be more Chinese?" and "You need to be blacker." I feel as if the producers on this show are telling the actors "Be more country! You know, more country!"

Edited by slade3
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Couldn't [Teddy] have asked to reschedule for a night we he didn't have the girls or a time when Maddie wouldn't have to drag her 10-year-old sister out with her older friends?

Or hire a babysitter!


Isn't DwtS for has-beens and C-list celebs? Why would Rayna want to be on there when her whole shtick this season has been "I have to be #1!!!" I realize this is ABC and cross-promoting, blah blah, but still, it doesn't make sense.

Rayna will be on for one night to sing, not dancing in the competition. Taylor Swift and Kelly Clarkson have done the same.


Did anybody else notice how quickly Sadie shut her laptop when Rayna came to sit down beside her? This was after Bucky had come in and they were rehashing the social media comments about "Ruke's" noms coming in part because of their engagement. I only shut my computer that fast when I don't want anyone else to see what I'm doing.

Rayna had said that Sadie was looking at Twitter all morning and that it was not good, so we're supposed to think Sadie was saving Rayna from seeing the worst ones. That said, I still don't trust her.

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When is she due to give birth? Because at this rate we'll soon be at the point where the only part of her on screen is her earlobe.

I hope they show her full-on next time, since I think it's supposed to be two months from this episode. (Rayna said she had a new song to debut on Dancing with the Stars and then said they'd have two months to write it.)

Edited by dcalley
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The obvious solution is for Deacon to get released from the tour he doesn't even want to be on so he can spend some time with Maddie.

Exactly what I was thinking at the time.  It would have been perfect for Rayna to tell her stupid fiancé to quit punishing Deacon and release him from the tour so Maddie would have two adults (assuming Teddy is an adult) seeing to her well-being.  But then logical is never where these shows go.




I do wonder how much backlash she is going to get from the press and her conservative fans for having a baby out of wedlock/having premarital sex

Can't imagine why.  This is standard procedure for most people in the entertainment business and has been for years.  Even conservative fans are used to it.


Took me into the third season but I am officially over Rayna.  She's coming off like a self-centered, petulant diva these days and it's not fun to watch.  As many have said before me, Deacon is too good for her.  Looking forward to seeing the blow-up with Luke because I still don't think he's what he seems.


I'm willing to not overthink the Scarlett/Homeless Guy storyline and just see where it goes.  


Teddy is an idiot.  Which is sad because I've always been a fan of Eric Close.


In conclusion, I am REALLY over Will and Layla.  Really.

Edited by limecoke
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Rayna had said that Sadie was looking at Twitter all morning and that it was not good, so we're supposed to think Sadie was saving Rayna from seeing the worst ones. That said, I still don't trust her.


Some of this may be my adoration for Laura Benanti but I don't get the nefarious vibe so many other are picking up. If Sadie is really shady then the show is being pretty subtle about it and one thing Nashville isn't is subtle. I do agree that she's a replacement for Tandy but I think that's basically it. It's bad enough that Rayna is in this sorry romance with Luke. I'd hate it if she couldn't even have a friend without getting betrayed.

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Some of this may be my adoration for Laura Benanti but I don't get the nefarious vibe so many other are picking up. If Sadie is really shady then the show is being pretty subtle about it and one thing Nashville isn't is subtle.

Maybe something we can all agree on is that Rayna shouldn't trust Sadie behind the wheel.

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Juliette wispy, hopeful  little almost smile when Avery showed up at the hospital killed me.

Totally reminded me of Charlie Brown whenever he sees the little red-haired girl - getting her hopes up despite knowing better. That look broke my heart.

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Some of this may be my adoration for Laura Benanti but I don't get the nefarious vibe so many other are picking up. If Sadie is really shady then the show is being pretty subtle about it and one thing Nashville isn't is subtle. I do agree that she's a replacement for Tandy but I think that's basically it. It's bad enough that Rayna is in this sorry romance with Luke. I'd hate it if she couldn't even have a friend without getting betrayed.


Plus, as far as I can tell, Laura Benanti just doesn't have a history of playing villains. She's a delightful, fun, gal-pal type. I will be stunned if Sadie turns out to be a baddie...not necessarily upset, but stunned.

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Gunnar, don't get so attached to the kid and lawyer up.  He looks nothing like you.


So much this!!! I don't know if they're trying to make it really obvious he's not Gunnar's (but he doesn't look like Jason, either), or if it's the TV issue of not bothering to notice facial features whatsoever in casting (oh, look, they all have brown hair, of course they look related!). I know parents/ children don't always look anything alike, but this is just so glaringly off...

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What was more of a needle scratch for me was Maddie calling Deacon "Dad." I know she's tried it out a few times but IMO she needs a different name for each of her fathers, and Teddy is "Dad."

To offer a flip side on this: growing up, I called both my father and step-father "Dad." There wasn't any confusion over it, although I suppose there could've been, if the two were ever in the same room together but that almost NEVER happened.

My friend called both her dad and her stepdad "dad," even when they were in the same room, which was fairly often because they all lived in the same town and were very civil after her parents remarried. It was never confusing though. I don't think it's any more confusing than calling both of my grandmothers "grandma" (although I do know people who have different names for each grandparent for that every reason). When Maddie discusses Deacon and Teddy with other people, so far she is still referring to Teddy as "dad" and Deacon as Deacon (I think she might have called him "my other dad" when she was talking to Colt at the party but I can't remember).
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Oh, where to begin?


Regarding Partygate:  Teddy is allowed to have a social life, he shouldn't be expected to get a male chastity belt and lock himself in the house until the kids are 18 and moved out.  All the other parental types in this family (Rayna, Luke, Deacon) have their relationships and careers because someone else is at home doing the heavy lifting raising the kids day in and day out.  Teddy is no less entitled to have a life and find love than they are.  The most reasonable thing Rayna did this episode was acknowledging all of this saying flat out that this was not Teddy's fault.  I don't think she implied anything less when she said this never would have happened if she'd been around (as someone upthread said).  I took it to mean that if Rayna had been around, Teddy would have had some back up and someone to call to watch the kids so he could go out.


Sword fight in the kitchen had me rolling my eyes so hard.  How long have we had to put up with Deacon and Teddy whipping them out and measuring and now we have another contender?  Jeez, give me a break, that got old in season 1.  My jaw hit the floor when Luke demanded of Teddy "and just where were you?".  Um, excuse me but where does he get off?  A) Maddie ain't your kid, B) that ain't your house and C) where Teddy was ain't your business, don't you have a son involved here that you should be talking to?  Oh right, his kid is with the ex, and she'll take care of all the parenting type stuff so he can hang around and make sure all the other men know that Rayna is HIS, dammit!  Kinda surprised he didn't pee on her.  Luke's whole attitude and his hanging out at that house just annoyed the crap outta me. 


Something else that annoyed me was Avery's snit that Juliette had "moved on" when he saw her co-star come in with flowers.  I mean, first off how many randoms has he hooked up with since they broke up?  And how does "I wish I'd never met you, leave me alone" not translate to "you shouldn't hold out much hope for reconciliation so you may want to look elsewhere."?  I do like that he's decided to stop being angry and stop giving her shit.  I hope they move from civil to rediscovering love.  I would expect that Avery was aware of the press conference, it was held after he and Juliette talked.


I do like seeing Juliette having her groove back with firing Zoe, that's classic Juliette.  I did have to wonder how she figured firing his friend would endear her to Avery.  But still, it's good to have her back on her feet and with her spirit back.


I'm geting kind of tired of Rayna's surprise over the media.  Um, you decided to leverage Ruke to get more exposure for your album and label then are shocked, SHOCKED, when people comment that said Ruke exposure led to award nominations.  She sounds like she became the Queen of Country while riding on a turnip truck and just fell off. 


Just edited to add:


Regarding Teddy and Natasha - I hope (likely in vain) that Teddy was calling Natasha to find out what Jeff's game was, rather than for another hook up.  After all, your ex wife's business rival and arch nemisis doesn't just buy you a hooker out of the goodness of his heart.  But that would mean Teddy is more politically savvy than he's been written to be so far.

Edited by Absurda
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My mother used to sing to herself when she did chores around our house, so seeing the character do that while he worked was kinda sweet and realistic to me. What was disturbing to me was that Scarlett brought a strange man that she knows nothing about, to her home, where she resides alone, without a second thought about her own safety. How long has she known this man, a few days?


As someone else mentioned above, I would like to see a more positive depiction of people of color on this show (and frankly, most others that I watch,too). It seems that Zoey was a replacement for Coleman, and Mykelti (I don't know the character's name) will be a replacement for her. Revolving door of Black folks.


I didn't see Rayna's comment to Deacon as condescending or snide; she seemed sincere enough to me, but the whole scene was too rushed to really get "warm" out of it. I agree, a touch on the shoulder would have gone a long way there.


Are we to assume that Rayna didn't even tell Teddy that she was going on this extended tour? Teddy isn't the night manager at McDonald's; he has some pretty heavy responsibilities of his own (skinny-dipping with call girls notwithstanding). You'd think that she would have sat down with the man that she is co-parenting with to coordinate schedules.


I'd like to see more Deacon/Maddie heart-to-heart conversations. Maybe if that trip to his cabin actually happens, we can see the bond between them develop. Right now, we just get to see the angst: his moodiness and Maddie being a brat. Neither character is that one-dimensional; the writers can do much better than this.


Luke does seem like Will Chase read "Playing a Country Star for Dummies". He is way over the top. Also, can Colt loose that damn hat for one scene?! He is a cliche, too.


Chaley Rose's hair is typical of many black woman with natural (not chemically straightened) hair. It's a loose version of a 'fro.


BTW, I had an unauthorized party at my parents house when they were out of town, too. The secret is crowd control and putting away all of the precious items beforehand.

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My jaw hit the floor when Luke demanded of Teddy "and just where were you?".  Um, excuse me but where does he get off?  A) Maddie ain't your kid, B) that ain't your house and C) where Teddy was ain't your business, don't you have a son involved here that you should be talking to?



That wasn't Luke, that was Deacon.


Exactly what I was thinking at the time.  It would have been perfect for Rayna to tell her stupid fiancé to quit punishing Deacon and release him from the tour so Maddie would have two adults (assuming Teddy is an adult) seeing to her well-being.  But then logical is never where these shows go.


I'm not entirely convinced Luke's keeping him there as punishment.  Sure, it's a side effect and one I'm sure Luke's enjoying but at the end of the day Deacon signed a contract and he is being promoted as an opener for the tour.  Not only would it be a pain to find a replacement halfway through it costs money to reprint promotional materials and such not to mention Deacon dropping out puts his entire band out of work since I'm sure whoever replaced him would want to use thier own people.  Sucks for Deacon but at the end of the day, it is business and a business he more than willingly signed up for before Rayna rejected his proposal. 

We're at the point where I can honestly see Luke being the one to call off the wedding and I wouldn't even blame him.   He's not season 1 Rayna or Deacon,  he likes music but he doesn't necessarily see the need to write for himself, he likes the money, he likes the fame and he's willing to play the game so he can continue having a career that gives him the opportunity to do things like fly his kid on a private jet wearing $1500 headphones.  If it means having his face on a bottle of bbq sauce or giving People an exclusive on his wedding he's fine with it.  But the main thing is he has never pretended to be anything other than that guy, it's not like Rayna didn't know that about him.  She, on the other hand, will sit around wringing her hands about Twitter and paparrazi and insisting that she doesn't want the publicity that comes from being a well known couple but the second she gets the opportunity to play the game for herself she's all over it.  It's not that Luke's approach to the industry is better than hers, it's the fact that she spends so much time coming this close to outright judging him for it and then turns into a giant hypocrite the second she has the opportunity.  But, of course, Rayna can do no wrong so I'm sure the writers will be more than happy to explain to me why it's different when she does it.

One more thing and I know this is nitpicky but it bothered me when they did it with Juliette and it still bothers me now.  Audrey Peeples is tiny and given what we know about Layla I doubt she would have much tolerance for alcohol.  If Layla had been drinking what appeared to be whiskey all damn day she would have been making friends with the toilet or passed out somewhere long before Luke's after party.

Edited by rachel1496
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I think that Rayna is being smart at not letting her career become Mrs. Luke Wheeler. Women in the music business have to fight harder than men in many cases (Taylor Swift being an exception). She is walking a line between wanting to still be successful, promote her own record label and still be Luke's fiancee.(And I am only talking about her career here-I still believe women can work and be devoted parents and that her girls adore her). Luke is showing he is not too willing to let her continue to be successful on her own terms and I believe Rayna is going to figure it out. I don't know what they are doing with Sadie. She seems on the level but they had that shot of her quickly closing her laptop.


FWIW, I imagine many stars of all genres celebrate nominations with a mimosa or a glass of champagne, I don't think this means Rayna has any sort of drinking problem. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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