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S06.E15: Secrets Revealed, Part 1

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P.S. Mark Consuelos' impression of Joe Giudice is the funniest thing on tv tonight!



Every single time he ended a line with "or whatever", I lost it. Too funny!

Edited by Gigi43
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I agree, but that scene was 100% scripted. Why else would Teresa have a dictionary in her bag, unless she knew that request was coming. Plus, Teresa's not that quick on her feet. She had good argument after good argument. That's not her. She was prepared.

I think it was 50% scripted. Kathy didn't seem to know Dina was coming, and I don't think Teresa knew Kathy wanted to talk about the cookbook blurb. The dictionary was totally set up and Teresa was going to pick a word Kathy said, just to pull out the dictionary. Those two should just stop pretending to like each other, be civil at family events, and call it a day.

Jacqueline's on fire tonight on twitter

Jac needs banned from Twitter. She doesn't look like she's defending herself, she looks insane. Dina's a trouble-stirring mess, but seriously, I couldn't deal with Jac as a SIL either.

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WireWrap - I don't mean to ignite the "did Teresa grow up sheltered?" debate again, but it was just said on WWHL that Teresa had a curfew until she was married!! I kid you not!

P.S. Mark Consuelos' impression of Joe Giudice is the funniest thing on tv tonight!

Not to burst your bubble but so did I! Even when I was home from college! LOL It was frustrating to say the least but my parents were strict as were most of my friends parents. LOL

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I think it was 50% scripted. Kathy didn't seem to know Dina was coming, and I don't think Teresa knew Kathy wanted to talk about the cookbook blurb. The dictionary was totally set up and Teresa was going to pick a word Kathy said, just to pull out the dictionary. Those two should just stop pretending to like each other, be civil at family events, and call it a day.

Jac needs banned from Twitter. She doesn't look like she's defending herself, she looks insane. Dina's a trouble-stirring mess, but seriously, I couldn't deal with Jac as a SIL either.


Listen to Teresa, she says that FIRST Kathy asked for a "blurb" and THEN she gives her a dictionary as a gift! This was staged big time  and I suspect the timeline is also way off.

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The Rachet Twins were just way too big for their britches tonight. I guess nobody cares if they feud with Amber, and with the sentencing, they were suddenly angry again at tried to turn on Teresa. Nobody currs. I totally agree with Dina that they Never. Shut. Up. and have voices like nails on a chalkboard.

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This episode solidified my opinion that The Twins are worse than Amber and my least favorite newbies. Obnoxious, annoying, trying waayyy too hard. They're late and then try to start a fight when the others get tired of waiting? They should have said, "I'm sorry we were running late. If it happens again would you please let us know you're leaving and we'll meet you later." The funny part was all the time they spent on their hair with brushes and blow dryers and their hair looked all limp and skanky anyway, lol. Seems like they are jealous of Melissa's looks. One twin makes a comment to Mel at the reunion about her new nose looking great, outing the nose job that Mel denies, then they bring up the stripper rumor. Why now? That was 2 seasons ago. I do think there's a good possibility Mel was a stripper and the bad stiff dancing was fake (didn't she do a sexy dance class with Kathy once and she did well?) but bringing it up was petty bitchy jealousy. I'm not a Mel fan but compared to  The Twins she's a saint. Also LOL'ed at the twin saying Dina needs to show off her breasts more since she paid for them. Maybe Dina has more class than you (Twin) do and realizes women of "a certain age" need to keep 'em covered rather than slathering them with glitter grease and hanging them out.


Agree that the Kathy/Tre scene was scripted. IRL Kathy would never ask Tre to write a blurb for her book. Kathy wouldn't want Tre associated with her ventures in any way. Aside from the criminal factor, Kathy wouldn't want Tre to take any credit and say "Kathy's book was a success because I endorsed it." Also, by asking Tre to do a blurb Katy would be admitting Tre is the "star" and Kathy needs her help to be a success.


Surprised there was a canolli scene without Kathy in it.


The poll on WWHL was "Who is the sexiest NJHW?" I'm not a Mel fan and I'm neutral on Dina - take her or leave her - but I was surprised Dina won. I think Dina's very pretty (hard to believe her and hag Caro are sisters) but IMO Mel is the prettiest/sexiest. Perhaps another rigged poll since Dina was the guest on WWHL? Seemed like Andy was really pushing for a Joe and the girls spinoff, IMO. He showed the clips of Joe and the kids, added a laugh track and said "I think that's just as funny as any other comedy on TV." Marl Consuelous (Andy's ass kssing friend IRL) pipped in that "It's funnier!"

Edited by happykitteh
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Listen to Teresa, she says that FIRST Kathy asked for a "blurb" and THEN she gives her a dictionary as a gift! This was staged big time  and I suspect the timeline is also way off.


You're right wirewrap! If they hadn't seen each other in 9 months how did Tre get the dictionary? Kathy said she needed to ask Tre a favor, meaning she hadn't yet asked about the blurb. Tre says they hadn't seen/talked to  each other for 9 months so the Christmas gift exchange had not happened yet.Tre could not possibly have gotten the dictionary yet if we are to believe this timeline. And Andy expects us to beleive none of this is scripted, SMH.

Edited by happykitteh
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I don't think Jac is crazy, just fed up.  I remember when Jac wrote about encouraging Chris to reach out to Dina.  If anyone is crazy it's Dina with her feud with her sister and how they don't talk but eventually they will someday but she is there for her if she needs her but Dina won't talk about it.  I guess that's being 'zen'.  Dina also never reached out to Chris when Nicholas was diagnosed.  I think Dina is full of it.


The sexist housewife poll was interesting.  Dina got 33%.  Mel got 30.  Very often, the housewife who is the guest wins those kinds of polls because more of their fans tune in to see the show.  Not much of a victory.  Mel is hot.  Dina, not so much.


The twins were really annoying and Amber thinks she's on a stage and has to exaggerate her 'reactions'. 


I loved Kathy's mimicking Tre's past responses about 'it was a joke.'  Tre doesn't get over anything when the joke's on her.  She'll hold a grudge against Kathy to her grave.  It must be killing Tre that Kathy's building her dream house while Tre is selling hers and going to 'camp'.

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You're right wirewrap! If they hadn't seen each other in 9 months how did Tre get the dictionary? Kathy said she needed to ask Tre a favor, meaning she hadn't yet asked about the blurb. Tre says they hadn't seen/talked to  each other for 9 months so the Christmas gift exchange had not happened yet.Tre could not possibly have gotten the dictionary yet if we are to believe this timeline. And Andy expects us to beleive none of this is scripted, SMH.

Teresa also forgot that the dictionary was a "grab bag gift", something any of them could receive. There were NO names on the bags, they did not  buy for any specific person. Although, it IS very likely that the producers checked out what was in each bag and made sure the dictionary was where they TOLD Teresa to sit.

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When did the AC trip happen? Was it before the hair pulling fight? Dina alluded to Jim taking it in the ass with a strap on during the first responders party hair pulling fight. If Amber spilled the dirt on her and Jim's sex life in AC and that's how Dina found out that would make the trip beofre the first responders party in the timeline. I though the party was supposedly very early in the cast's relationships and before AC? I'm soooo disappointed Andy didn't show the footage of Amber talking about Jim and the strap on. The way Jim yammers on about suing people fo every slight and given that he CANNOT sue Bravo for airing anything said on camera I though Andy would have a "Bring It" moment and air it as a FU to Jim, esp since Jim publicly claims the show is fake and scripted - the thing that sets Andy off.

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I don't think Jac is crazy, just fed up.


My question is why was Jac watching WWHL in the first place? Doesn't she have enough going on in her life between Nic and their financial mess to not want to aggravate herself by watching Dina on WWHL? It seems to me like she was spoiling for a fight, probably glued to the TV waiting for Dina to say something that she could use as an excuse to set her off on one of her psycho Twitter rants. I know if I was estranged and fighting with a relative the LAST thing I would do is tune into a TV show they were on. I wouldn't want the aggravation. How long before Ashley, Attention Whore Jr., joins tonight's Twitter fight?

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My question is why was Jac watching WWHL in the first place? Doesn't she have enough going on in her life between Nic and their financial mess to not want to aggravate herself by watching Dina on WWHL? It seems to me like she was spoiling for a fight, probably glued to the TV waiting for Dina to say something that she could use as an excuse to set her off on one of her psycho Twitter rants. I know if I was estranged and fighting with a relative the LAST thing I would do is tune into a TV show they were on. I wouldn't want the aggravation. How long before Ashley, Attention Whore Jr., joins tonight's Twitter fight?


It seemed to amp up when Dina tweeted "she wished someone's DR would inject cyanide instead of Botox into someone", that was definitely aimed directly at Jac. How can someone wish death to the mother of her nephews, and a painful death at that!?! There are people in my extended family that I can NOT stand but I would NEVER, EVER wish harm on them let alone death! I keep saying this, Dina is just like Teresa, her way or the highway and in her mind anything SHE says is fine but God forbid, someone ever say/do the same to her.

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The twins must be going after Melissa because they think she's their ticket into another season, if there is one.  Teresa will be going to space camp.  Dina is done.  Kathy and Jacqueloonie are fringe characters who bring nothing to the table on their own.  Amber and Jim are toxic and likely one and done.  That leaves the Gorgas. 

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My question is why was Jac watching WWHL in the first place? Doesn't she have enough going on in her life between Nic and their financial mess to not want to aggravate herself by watching Dina on WWHL? It seems to me like she was spoiling for a fight, probably glued to the TV waiting for Dina to say something that she could use as an excuse to set her off on one of her psycho Twitter rants. I know if I was estranged and fighting with a relative the LAST thing I would do is tune into a TV show they were on. I wouldn't want the aggravation. How long before Ashley, Attention Whore Jr., joins tonight's Twitter fight?


I don't think it a bit unusual that Jac watched the show.  I watched it and I can't stand Dina.  If you're on the same reality show with someone, even if you're not related, there's nothing unusual about watching that person on an interview show.  If it's family and your name may come up, of course you're probably going to want to watch.  And I have no doubt that the other 'housewives' and friends watched it as well.  And I have no doubt that friends and the media are going to ask her about it either. 

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I have to ask this, is it possible that they cut the AC footage because of restrictions on Teresa? Is it possible that she was not supposed to go gambling while under indictment. They had restrictions in place, so could AC have been 1 of them even though it is in State? Now that their sentencing is over it would be a moot point so Bravo is airing some of it.  I really doubt they would fear a lawsuit from Tiny but they may have been trying to protect Teresa. Just a thought.

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It looked like the dictionary at the gift exchange was a paperback and the one at the meeting with Kathy & Dina had a hardcover.

Teresa mentioned that Rosie put the gift bag in front of her (Teresa) - did they show that part on the flashback?

I think that TH of Kathy ("It was a joke.  Ha ha!) was recycled from a different season.

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I don't think it a bit unusual that Jac watched the show.  I watched it and I can't stand Dina.  If you're on the same reality show with someone, even if you're not related, there's nothing unusual about watching that person on an interview show.  If it's family and your name may come up, of course you're probably going to want to watch.  And I have no doubt that the other 'housewives' and friends watched it as well.  And I have no doubt that friends and the media are going to ask her about it either. 


Jac would KNOW that Andy would ask Dina about the family! Andy asks each of them the same question every time 1 of them is on WWHL. He asked Caroline when she was on a few weeks ago.

It looked like the dictionary at the gift exchange was a paperback and the one at the meeting with Kathy & Dina had a hardcover.

Teresa mentioned that Rosie put the gift bag in front of her (Teresa) - did they show that part on the flashback?

I think that TH of Kathy ("It was a joke.  Ha ha!) was recycled from a different season.

Kathy also said that Teresa did NOT take the paperback with her that night. I am still convinced it, the gift exchange, was producer generated and I suspect the producers even bought the gifts. They were all similarly bagged/wrapped if my memory is working correctly this late at night. LOL

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I think Teresa was trying to say (we all know how clear she is when she is making a point :snort:) that up until the Christmas exchange she hadn't seen or spoken to Kathy in 9 months.  I also didn't read too much into Teresa saying she was asked about the blurb then given the dictionary.  I used my secret Teresa decoder hairspray (temporarily freezes brain cells) & heard "You want me to write you a blurb after giving me a dictionary as a gift?"


I honestly hate everyone on this show, so I really have no dog in any of these fights, but I do think Teresa, more often than not, reads way too much into everything Kathy says or does.

Edited by Lucygirl2
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Jacqueloon gets obsessed with certain things and then goes apeshit and cannot ignore them or move on.  That's part of the problem.   I'm sure she has google alerts set for everything to do with the Giudices and Dina and the show.  She probably reads every tabloid obsessively and pours over gossip sites, looking for the latest info.  She's a middle-aged woman with two young kids, one of which has disabilities, and she's in one-sided twitter wars with people who won't give her the time of day.  She really needs to get some help.


Her daughter seems to have inherited the gene.

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I think Teresa was trying to say (we all know how clear she is when she is making a point :snort:) that up until the Christmas exchange she hadn't seen or spoken to Kathy in 9 months.  I also didn't read too much into Teresa saying she was asked about the blurb then given the dictionary.  I used my secret Teresa decoder hairspray (temporarily freezes brain cells) & heard "You want me to write you a blurb after giving me a dictionary as a gift?"


I honestly hate everyone on this show, so I really have no dog in any of these fights, but I do think Teresa, more often than not, reads way too much into everything Kathy says or does.


If they have NOT seen each other for 9 months, after the gift exchange, that means that scene was shot this past September (last month) AFTER Kathy's book was already published! She would NOT ask Teresa to write a blurb when the book is already printed and being sold. It does NOT make any sense anyway you slice it IMO. LOL I really believe that whole scene was scripted, staged and added in to up the drama. In other words, it was all fake! The producers at their worst ! LOL

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Three things I got out of this episode ~ 


1.  Tre won't have to worry about her hair spread out on the pillow in prison.  She can roll around all she wants.  But I wouldn't put my butt up in the air like that.  Just sayin. 


2.  Ambuh is AMAZON and she has a masters in some blah blah blah.  No wonder there are rumors of her knocking boots with a trainer.  We've seen Tiny Jim.


3.  Tre says Milania calls her 25 times a day when she is away.  Milania will have to write down everything she wants to say in that short one a day phone call when Tre goes to camp.  TALK FAST!

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Tre stated she hadn't seen Kathy in 9 months at the time of the gift exchange, not after the gift exchange. Which would make sense because when they all sat down that night they all commented about how they hadn't seen each other in so long and how nice it was to be together again. I took it as that's why Tre was offended by the gift. They hadn't been together to "joke" with each other in that way.

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Tre stated she hadn't seen Kathy in 9 months at the time of the gift exchange, not after the gift exchange. Which would make sense because when they all sat down that night they all commented about how they hadn't seen each other in so long and how nice it was to be together again. I took it as that's why Tre was offended by the gift. They hadn't been together to "joke" with each other in that way.


hottesthw, This makes the most sense.

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Tre stated she hadn't seen Kathy in 9 months at the time of the gift exchange, not after the gift exchange. Which would make sense because when they all sat down that night they all commented about how they hadn't seen each other in so long and how nice it was to be together again. I took it as that's why Tre was offended by the gift. They hadn't been together to "joke" with each other in that way.

She said that Kathy asked for the blurb FIRST, then they had the gift exchange and had NOT seen each other in 9 months. Did  Kathy ask for the blurb first as Teresa said or after the gift exchange? Kathy's book was almost complete when they filmed the season finale LAST season, not this season.

When was LAST seasons reunion filmed, does anyone remember? Was it 9 moths before the gift exchange? That would mean the season 5  reunion had to have been filmed in March of 2013 to make the gift exchange around or near Christmas 2013.

Edited by WireWrap
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Wow those twins are insufferable.Melissa is growing on me this season. I like how she shuts down a lot of the stupid tantrums the new cast throws with a simple "This is annoying me now" or "I didn't leave my kids to do this" or when she just shouted  "No! We do not talk about mothers!" to Jim. She and Dina had the exact same look on their face at the blackjack table: wishing they weren't contractually obligated to hang out with the 2 squawking idiots.

Amber looks super tall but as she and Dina walked away to play slots they both looked about the same height with super high heels.

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And I took "hadn't seen" Kathy to mean the two of them hadn't actually sat down and talked in nine months.  Whatever Teresa meant, it looked like Kathy agreed, so who knows...


Teresa said, "We haven't seen each other in 9 months, then immediately added "or talked" so I took that to mean they had no contact of any kind. I think Kathy agreed because that's how production scripted it. I rewatched the scene and noticed that when Teresa first starts to talk about the blurb it does look like she's trying to remember what she's supposed to say, kinda like "Oh yeah" , then says her line. If you watch closely you can catch the both of them trying to surpress a smile that comes as a little smirk when nothing humorous is being said, like they both know how ridiculous the whole shoot is.There were parts of the exchange that seemed like their true emotions coming out, them gettting a little hot with each other, but for the most part this seemed a fake, scripted shot-at-the-last-minute-as-filler-to-add-drama thing to me. A poster upthread was surprised Tre could spell Kathy in her TH - that's because, IMO, that was one of the cue card THs a few of the HWs have talked about. I don't think Kathy came up with her TH on her own either, the "It's a joke, haha" one. That was production harkening back to what Tre said once.

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I'm really confused why this was a secrets revealed episode and not another episode that they could have stuck in earlier on. This wasn't a random mix of scenes - most of it was the AC trip and Joe taking care of the girls while Teresa was gone.  I don't get it.  If they thought the footage was interesting enough to air, why didn't they just air it as part of the story.

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I'm really confused why this was a secrets revealed episode and not another episode that they could have stuck in earlier on. This wasn't a random mix of scenes - most of it was the AC trip and Joe taking care of the girls while Teresa was gone.  I don't get it.  If they thought the footage was interesting enough to air, why didn't they just air it as part of the story.

Good point.  My guess they were stretching until the Juicy's sentencing.  So they cut most of this crap out for a 'never before seen'.  Dragggggg it ouuuuuuut so we can see all the responses from the ho wives.  Fake crying and all.   I'm still confused about the timelines.

Edited by Lablover27
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"No such thing as really interesting twins."  George Carlin.  (RIP)  I find it hard to believe with a camera crew in the suite, that even the twins would be clueless about Amber's departure.  My guess is the departure of Amber was production inspired.  The twins sure don't waste an opportunity to snark at the others.  Like many others here-I think Dina needs to look in the mirror before condemning visitors to Atlantic City.  With her black roots and extensions, $60,000.00 boob job I find her a perfect fit. Almost a poster child for the seaside community.


I think it was pissy of Teresa not to give her cousin a blurb.  I hope she was able to secure some from Caroline or Jacqueline.  The shots with the kids-I am as tired as Gia of Milania commandeering the scenes.  For Andy to have the snippet on again-it wasn't that interesting.  Teresa needs to teach her daughters (and not because she is going to prison) no more than three calls a day.  It is annoying to be out with someone and have constant phone calls from their children-pointless ones at that.


Why is it so difficult for Dina to meet with Chris?  Dina acts like this is some sort of difficult peace conference.  Call your brother meet at mom's.  Pick a time when Jacqueline is getting her Botox.  Introduce Nicholas to Dina-the patron saint of sick children-charity begins at home.  Dina has no business deciding who can or cannot be on the show.  Time for the Laurita clan to patch it up-if they want to continue their dominance on the RHONJ-I have watched Caroline's show and it is a dud.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Back it up, beep beep. Someone had a BOTTLE stuck in their bottom?? A glass bottle?? In their BOTTOM?!?!?!!?

I think the housewife in question (ahem, Amber), was fellating a beer bottle. The ass play, I think, refers to said housewife pegging her teeny, tiny, husband. None of which surprised me. That's exactly how I picture things going down at Casa Marchese.

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This is why I can't with Andy. He gets up in arms about anything non-PC related to homosexuality with these shows, yet HE is referring to Joe "babysitting Milania" while Teresa is in AC.

I agree with Gigi above, this was a First Look of Bravo's new show featuring Juicy and the girls. WHEN will these people get their financial comeuppance? I feel like Bravo's money is allowing them to stay in that house and drive their luxury cars and it's pissing me off. Now that they're convicted and going to prison Bravo needs to cut ties.

This franchise is dead.

How do you spell bitch? K-A-T-H-Y

She puts the "dick" in dictionary.

I hope whoever came up with those lines at Bravo got a bonus.

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I laughed about Amber bemoaning never being away from her kids for more than an hour, then a hot minute later she is getting her drunk on and partying in AC. She seems like quite the party girl. Not saying that in a bad way. WTF is she doing with Tiny Jim?  It just struck me a frustrated wife who was given a little bit of freedom so she went all out. And that didn't even include a beer bottle. 

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I think Teresa was trying to say (we all know how clear she is when she is making a point :snort:) that up until the Christmas exchange she hadn't seen or spoken to Kathy in 9 months.  I also didn't read too much into Teresa saying she was asked about the blurb then given the dictionary.  I used my secret Teresa decoder hairspray (temporarily freezes brain cells) & heard "You want me to write you a blurb after giving me a dictionary as a gift?"


I honestly hate everyone on this show, so I really have no dog in any of these fights, but I do think Teresa, more often than not, reads way too much into everything Kathy says or does.

OR, maybe she knows the real Kathy. The passive aggressive Kathy not the Real Housewives Kathy. They all suck.

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I think the housewife in question (ahem, Amber), was fellating a beer bottle. The ass play, I think, refers to said housewife pegging her teeny, tiny, husband. None of which surprised me. That's exactly how I picture things going down at Casa Marchese.

Thank you... I guess, for clearing this up  ;)

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The whole '9 months thing' makes no sense.  At the time of the gift exchange (Christmastime 2013),  Kathy and Tre had not seen each other for about three months because the Season 5 reunion aired October 6th which means it was filmed in September, 2013.




FYI - Kathy's cookbook's publishing date is September 2014.  It's a beautiful cookbook.  Yep, I bought it.  And there is no blurb from Tre.

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. I'm sure the locals are lovely people, but the people who go to A/C...


yeah?  I go often.. your point is?

Hey, the hardest Tre's worked in years was lugging that hardcover dictionary around!

Good practice for the chain gang.



Guys, you HAVE to stop this.  I come here in the morning to read while I have my morning tea,  How can I drink it while it's shooting thru my nose?

Edited by One More Time
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When did the AC trip happen? Was it before the hair pulling fight? Dina alluded to Jim taking it in the ass with a strap on during the first responders party hair pulling fight. If Amber spilled the dirt on her and Jim's sex life in AC and that's how Dina found out that would make the trip beofre the first responders party in the timeline. I though the party was supposedly very early in the cast's relationships and before AC? I'm soooo disappointed Andy didn't show the footage of Amber talking about Jim and the strap on. The way Jim yammers on about suing people fo every slight and given that he CANNOT sue Bravo for airing anything said on camera I though Andy would have a "Bring It" moment and air it as a FU to Jim, esp since Jim publicly claims the show is fake and scripted - the thing that sets Andy off.


If I remember, the trip to Atlantic City took place before the First Responder's Party, and after the first party/fall festival/whatever at Jim and Amber's house, so I think the tension between Amber and the twins was starting to build at that time. 

I think we now also know why Amber doesn't get out too much - I think whenever she goes out, she thinks she is back in college, and every night out is a night to get wasted and stupid drunk.  In my opinion, Jim knows this about her and tries to keep her under his little thumb and under his control.  Well, except maybe in the bedroom, if the rumors are true!!  And, did anyone else get a weird vibe when she was doing the whole "Alana, the Russian hooker girl" thing??  Methinks that costume she wore to the First Responders' Party was just a re-do of some weird dominatrix thing that's hanging in the back of her closet...

That "Alana" thing also reminded me of poor, sad Quinn from RHOC, when she was pretending to be "Roxy - the Vegas hooker with a heart of gold"....

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Teresa needs to move on past her anger with her own relatives.  There will come a time she may need them.  Enough of the grudges move on.  Teresa and Dina need to understand in life we don't always get to pick who we want to work with.  Her brother and cousin flip houses and could only do so because of what they learned from Joe.  it is as if the concept of house flipping is so difficult to comprehend.  Dina hijacked the Laurita sisters' Project Ladybug and now she is pissy with some of her sibs over that move.  Dina resents Jacqueline returning-who would begrudge the mother of her own nephew earning big Bravo bucks?  dina and Teresa are cut from the same cloth-they not only want their share they don't want anyone else to share in the paydays.


Sorry even with last night's episode it was just further proof to me Dina and Teresa really aren't stars.

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The shrieking from the twins sets my teeth on edge. How can anyone be around them for more than a minute?  It seems like they think they are competing with Amber for a spot on the show, so they go after whenever they get a chance.  At the same time, she is dumb enough to take the bait.  Even Teresa is smart enough to not engage with them and their petty complaints.  


As for Tre and Kathy, who cares?  Write a book; don't write a book.  Write a blurb; don't write a blurb.  Big freakin' deal.  Tre is a moron and you surreptitiously called her stupid.  Tre will never let that go.  Kathy s passive aggressive to the extreme.  They are both jerks, so who cares?  Dina did  good job of existing in that scene.  Hmm, did someone call her boring?  

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I think they didn't show us the AC trip before because Amber and the twins all came out of it appearing totally insufferable. Just as I'm amazed that Tiny made Joe Gorga seem reasonable, those loons make Melissa seem reasonable. Stop messing with my head, show!

I thought it was funny they showed the twins getting ready together and Dina and Teresa getting ready together, but not Amber and Melissa. I think that would have been way more amusing!

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Teresa needs to move on past her anger with her own relatives.  There will come a time she may need them.


Ain't that the truth. Now is the time for Tre to be making nice with everyone. She keeps saying that she expects  JoGui to step up and care for his kids, but who knows if he will?  If he doesn't, she needs to have a plan B and sometimes you can't pick and choose, so why leave people off your list. She also has indicated that  Joe's family will help, but you can't always count on people. She is being stubborn and pissy when in fact, she should be welcoming all the support she can muster. Kathy is a nice woman, so are Rosie and Melissa. I'm sure if Tre was more gracious, she could easily get back in their good graces before camp. 

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Kathy made a claim the dictionary could apply to all of them, but she didn't actually point out it was a grab bag and she bought it not knowing who would get it, did she? If the grab bag was a real thing, that's the best answer because it explains it all. Seems like Kathy forgot that piece of storyline during the meal with Teresa and Dina. That book was meant for Tre for the story. I don't expect these people to be able to keep track of these things, they can barely keep track of their ages it seems, but doesn't Bravo pay people to be on top of things like this? Whoever was in charge of this Teresa/Kathy thing should not be getting a bonus this year given all the plot holes. 


I know Ter-essa made the "clink clink" comment about Teresa in that TH, but supposedly those TH are hours of filming and the HW drink during them, and everything was fresh for Ter-essa. But when it came to the day of the verdict for Tre and Joe, she was not with her sister filming, which I'd like to know if that was part of her "being done" so she wasn't about to spend another day of her life being All.About.Teresa or not, but If so, that's awesome. That is how you deal with people like Teresa and Jaqueline, you don't have a damn to give their way. They will hang themselves given enough time and feeding into what they thrive on is time consuming and makes you look bad for engaging in such; it's not worth the time, they are not worth the time. That is what Dina should have continued to do with Jaq. I mean, Dina has a right to say what she wants I guess, but it's a terrible idea because that's clearly what Jaq wants and Dina's going to have to deal with this for God knows how long. I saw a few minutes of last weeks (or the week before) Manzo with Caroline and Lauren on about not liking Albie's "girlfriend", on TV like it is in any world a smart thing to be doing that they have a right to be doing. The difference is that (other than that having to be staged) is that Albie doesn't live his life on Twitter, and will probably surrender to their horribleness  before dragging out a feud... and he is also mentally stable. Even if I were to take time out of my life to watch someone I don't like on TV to see if my name came up, I would never lower myself to let it be known I was doing so! Jaq apparently saw nothing wrong with an adult mother of 3 sitting in front of a TV at 9 o'clock on a Sunday night (how old is CJ now? I wonder if he was getting ready for bed or putting his stuff together for school while Mom's on Twitter) just waiting to be able to go on Twitter to ramble about it. How undignified and loser-ish. 

Edited by Gigi43
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Ain't that the truth. Now is the time for Tre to be making nice with everyone. She keeps saying that she expects  JoGui to step up and care for his kids, but who knows if he will?  If he doesn't, she needs to have a plan B and sometimes you can't pick and choose, so why leave people off your list. She also has indicated that  Joe's family will help, but you can't always count on people. She is being stubborn and pissy when in fact, she should be welcoming all the support she can muster. Kathy is a nice woman, so are Rosie and Melissa. I'm sure if Tre was more gracious, she could easily get back in their good graces before camp. 


I think that even with Teresa and Kathy at odds, Kathy would step in to help without hesitation. Kathy is all about the kids and is mature enough to put the Giudice girls needs ahead of any petty BS between her and their mother. I can NOT say the same for Teresa though, she would never, EVER step up for anyone else's children that she was fighting with. Did Teresa reach out to Kathy when Victoria had another tumor in her brain removed earlier this year? I doubt it! I believe that Rosie and Melissa would also step up and be there for the girls IF allowed. There is the problem though, I highly doubt that Teresa will allow Kathy, Melissa or Rosie to help no matter how much/often they offer.

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Kathy made a claim the dictionary could apply to all of them, but she didn't actually point out it was a grab bag and she bought it not knowing who would get it, did she? If the grab bag was a real thing, that's the best answer because it explains it all. Seems like Kathy forgot that piece of storyline during the meal with Teresa and Dina. That book was meant for Tre for the story. I don't expect these people to be able to keep track of these things, they can barely keep track of their ages it seems, but doesn't Bravo pay people to be on top of things like this? Whoever was in charge of this Teresa/Kathy thing should not be getting a bonus this year given all the plot holes. 


I know Ter-essa made the "clink clink" comment about Teresa in that TH, but supposedly those TH are hours of filming and the HW drink during them, and everything was fresh for Ter-essa. But when it came to the day of the verdict for Tre and Joe, she was not with her sister filming, which I'd like to know if that was part of her "being done" so she wasn't about to spend another day of her life being All.About.Teresa or not, but If so, that's awesome. That is how you deal with people like Teresa and Jaqueline, you don't have a damn to give their way. They will hang themselves given enough time and feeding into what they thrive on is time consuming and makes you look bad for engaging in such; it's not worth the time, they are not worth the time. That is what Dina should have continued to do with Jaq. I mean, Dina has a right to say what she wants I guess, but it's a terrible idea because that's clearly what Jaq wants and Dina's going to have to deal with this for God knows how long. I saw a few minutes of last weeks (or the week before) Manzo with Caroline and Lauren on about not liking Albie's "girlfriend", on TV like it is in any world a smart thing to be doing that they have a right to be doing. The difference is that (other than that having to be staged) is that Albie doesn't live his life on Twitter, and will probably surrender to their horribleness  before dragging out a feud... and he is also mentally stable. Even if I were to take time out of my life to watch someone I don't like on TV to see if my name came up, I would never lower myself to let it be known I was doing so! Jaq apparently saw nothing wrong with an adult mother of 3 sitting in front of a TV at 9 o'clock on a Sunday night (how old is CJ now? I wonder if he was getting ready for bed or putting his stuff together for school while Mom's on Twitter) just waiting to be able to go on Twitter to ramble about it. How undignified and loser-ish. 

Jac already knew Dina talked about her on the reunion so I am not surprised that she would watch WWHL last night. She also knows that Andy would ask about the Laurita sibling fight because he has asked her and Caroline each and ever time they were on WWHL and at the last 3 reunions. CJ is still in elementary school and most likely was in bed when WWHL aired and if not, he has a father to help put him in bed as well. As crazy as Jac has been on twitter, I have never seen her tweet that she wishes DEATH on anyone like Dina did her! Wishing a slow painful death on the mother of your 2 young nephews and the wife of your brother is sick IMO, really sick!

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The poll on WWHL was "Who is the sexiest NJHW?" I'm not a Mel fan and I'm neutral on Dina - take her or leave her - but I was surprised Dina won. I think Dina's very pretty (hard to believe her and hag Caro are sisters) but IMO Mel is the prettiest/sexiest. Perhaps another rigged poll since Dina was the guest on WWHL?


There is a very strong resemblance between all the Laurita siblings--especially the sisters. I'm surprised you don't see it. Caroline may not be a prize beauty but if Dina refrains from having work done she could easily look like Caroline in another 15 years.


Teresa's behavior towards Kathy in the restaurant was childish and petulant. She claims she "goes with the flow" now but I saw nothing but a bitter woman who harbors intense bitterness and resent. She really has no right to be so butt hurt about a prank Kathy probably did not even conceive, in all honesty. Besides, Tre's proficiency with the English language is tenuous as best.


Don't know what was going on with Teresa's hair in this episode either. It swear I saw two hairlines--her preternaturally ever advancing "natural" one and then the designer wig's atop it.

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I got the impression that the dictionary was part of a general family grab bag/gift swap, where no one was assigned a particular person, but that Rosie purposely set it down in front of Theresa, thereby ensuring that Theresa would get it.


I also thought this was the timeline -- although I only watched once and wasn't giving it 100% of my attention:

1.  family grab bag/gift swap -- which probably happened sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2013

2.  "9" months go by (I would imagine Theresa rounded up and -- quite honestly -- I don't think any of the RHoNJ are mental giants, so I could easily see them counting the number of months wrong), during which time Kathy and Theresa do not talk and Theresa is apparently stewing over the supposed slight

3.  sometime in August, they get together and Kathy asks Theresa for the blurb


This is how I thought it was presented and is the only timeline that makes sense to me, although, I don't know how late in the process the book jacket (with blurbs) is printed and I saw that Kathy's book was released pretty early in September (Sept. 2nd?).

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